How do we love people who have betrayed us? | Alex Seeley

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a friend I want to take you now to Jesus who is our greatest example who was man in the flesh and lived this earth and probably knew betrayal better than anybody and here he's saying I didn't entrust myself to men because I knew that on one breath they would be crying out Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna is the Lord but then a few weeks later or a few days later they're gonna be shouting crucify crucify crucify him and I want us to see this guy's because this is so gonna liberate you I tell you it's gonna liberate you because we sometimes compartmentalize Jesus and we put him over here and go well you were the son of God and you were had self supernatural power but the Bible says that he was tempted in every single thing so he was tempted to want revenge tempted to want to react tempted to want to steal away but he chose what was right we heard last week that anointing we're all anointed and seen our anointing increases the more we're obedient something happens as a disciple that when we choose to move in the opposite spirit it is spiritual warfare against the enemy and humanity so when you understand that when you eat the bait of a fence and hurt and you react in the flesh you've now partnered with the enemy and God goes oh that's not my disciple that's the disciple of man because man wants to react man wants to revenge man wants to retaliate but Jesus only ever loved forget Judas Judas is in his inner circle and here's his one of his best friends as 12 of these men that he has poured out into he has loved he has taught he has served he has spent time with he has revealed his glory he's done all the things three years he is a walked he has talked he has loved he has shared he is given of himself it comes to the Last Supper and they're all sitting there and he says one of you is gonna be me this blows my mind because all the disciples look at each other it says in the Gospels and they go who which one what you see if I knew that someone in my inner circle was going to sell me out and had me have me executed as an innocent woman I would kind of have a distance to them and I wouldn't be as engaging and the group would know there's something up between me and that person right we all know it most of our communication is body language it's nonverbal you can't fake that but you see no one even knew that there was a betrayer amongst them because Jesus never changed his posture in that arena here Judas is he recognizes I think Jesus was trying to give him a way out he goes through with the betrayal and here's Jesus now he's in the Garden of Gethsemane and his friends let him down and they don't stay awake and they don't pray with him and he's like huh God he's in his darkest hour he's about to have the guards come with Judas Judas is about to betray him and sell him out and hand him over to the authorities something so profound something so profound and he says to this his Judas comes and he kisses him Mathieu 2650 if you want the reference and he's in the garden and Judas is about to come to him and he kisses his face it's kind of almost a slap in the face really because that kiss represented the ultimate betrayal we ever felt that when somebody has betrayed you but then left it pretended to be nice and you know exactly what they've just said about you or we could go and they come kiss you you're like really that's worse most of us get a little indignant in our heart or we push them away a little bit or do something and he says these words he says do what you came for friend do what you came for friend he didn't have to say that he could have just said do what you came for even in the most beautiful voice see I think personally what took Judas out was Christ's love for Judas knowing exactly what Judas was doing to him when you measure our love with Jesus love Judas was his enemy right in that place he'd been a very close friend for three years and right now he's his enemy he says do what you must your friend I'm stealing I'm gonna still call you friend even though this is not really what friends do if something just wrecks me on the inside when I read that because I go this is the love he's talking about it's the love that says if my trust was in you Judas to do the right thing right now I'd be shattered but my trust is in the Father and therefore my love for you is supernatural and even though right now this is the hardest day that I'm gonna have to walk through I choose to love you and I still choose to call you friend I think that's why Judas hung himself I think the remorse in Judas has hurt because if Jesus had gone here there you go you're betrayed err you sellout it would have affirmed Judas to go yeah I am but it was the love that overwhelmed Judas not only does Judas do that hardest day of Jesus's life now Peter denies Jesus three times I've just had my good friend send me to the authority and I'm about to be executed and now here I am being a tortured and and and interrogated and they're asking him if they know Jesus and she and Peter's like now I never seen him before in my life don't know him no no I don't know you talk about I don't know him him Jesus oh that guy that god that's been walking around saying he's the Messiah yeah I don't know him and yet Jesus goes to the cross betrayed by the closest betrayed by mankind who I'm sure he healed and loved and spoke to and gave of his life and now they're speaking crucifying he's hanging on a cross naked bearing the shame that we are deserving of and he's there hanging and he looks upon humanity and instead of going angels take me now they are so ungrateful they're not even going to turn to me what the heck am i doing right now just get me out of here which he had every powder do he says Father would you forgive them for they don't know what they're doing you see his trust wasn't in the hope that they would respond to him while he was even hanging on a tree his trust wasn't in them because he understood their heart but his trust was in the Father and he said it's going to be the love it's going to be the love that brings them back so Father forgive them for they know no they do and this is the love that he's asking us to have because when our love is in that space when we're so enveloped by the father when someone now betrays us or lets us down it may sting a little but see I've push it my heart to not close up and move away anymore because I had my trust in the wrong source I was so wanting this and my expectation wasn't being met so therefore my heart was wounded and Jesus is going sweetheart it's gonna take you out if you don't put your trust in the right source I actually
Channel: Mighty Pursuit
Views: 2,503
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: L4T4uwEdU70
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Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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