Bust: My Family's Debt (Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] it had those of evidence involved those on paper involved it's a tie thing involved was it words involved no so nothing money ready I felt trapped in my flat sometimes really because he didn't want to open the windows fear of bailiffs getting in he do want to answer the door certainly wasn't looking at the mail scary French TV TV so oh nothing for vote they'll set a date for possession after that date and you will then receive a notice of eviction I've just slapped them down it's the parents place to make sure they're all safe and have a roof over their head and I've just gone to work and I've tried my best yes I have but it's just not been good enough [Music] for the last year we followed three families who like so many others were struggling with money as the government poured billions in to save the bankers people who were already hard up found there was little practical help on offer for them Tracy and Melvin bought their council house in Darby in 2004 at the time a mortgage was less than the rent but since then interest rates have almost doubled when we first took you out who is about three hundred pound it's now four hundred and something pound when you're trying to work out a budget you you work it out now and then something goes up petrol goes up now foods going up mortgage rates will go up everything goes up at the same time after Joe Gordon yeah when it comes a point where you think I can't just juggle anymore how did you go with [Music] at one point we didn't have to look what we brought the shuffle but now we have to really sharp don't we we don't just go willy-nilly to the blows yeah you can cut down on your food when you look at it feed the family for a fiver yeah I did that the other way too sweet are you got some folks this is probably about eleven twelve pound but it's only a simple meal intact just a basement they just kept put in the limit salt so then when we did feel that we hadn't got quite enough money we've got plenty of money to spend on the credit cards and we didn't we didn't think it through did we and so we would go off to shops and think cool or do a shop on the credit card this week cuz you know we're gonna feed them just gets out of control so easy when you're a bit short and somebody finds your pants ale you can top yellow not that's why it was fully top top you lo not yeah it was all about getting it into one run so it metal on pavement to minimize the interest they were paying on their credit cards the couple were advised to take out a loan secured against the house to pay off all their cards these are the original ones when we first look at along with 65 M 19,000 on that ones with 10,000 and then somehow it got to our isn't a total of 44,000 we're struggling along to live a house to a family and then you think we'll the poor little mites are suffering now because when you're not happy they're not happy children can see that straight through that currently laughing yeah with the witness in this arguing you know you start taking it out on each other I can't deal with your why don't you just as well yeah that's enough you could never I really other - [ __ ] saying you've got each other you don't matter does it at least if there's two of us against the world and then you go no longer by yourself it will speaker andis Tracy manages a restaurant and Melvin is a car mechanic by trade but when little Jack fell ill Melvin had to stop work to look after him like a heart is money beaten all the time I come off gotta stab my little chap give him one I fell down stairs without Melvin's income and with the credit card consolidation loans secured against the house the family is now in real danger of losing their home we feel like you letting the kids down for a start you feel sometimes you feel like criminal because you've got in so much debt you feel like people are judging you you could just get it out your head for a few hours you don't switch off I just like churning in my stomach and butterflies and rust don't feel hungry just can't be bothered today they just feed everybody else some days you can't wait to get to sleep but now that you ain't got no worries sometimes we don't want to wake up in the morning [Music] at 6 o'clock on Thursday the 7th of February good morning sleepless nights worrying about money problems something more and more of us are experiencing according to Citizens Advice experts now debt is our number one problem 1.7 million debt problems were handled by CA B's last year Maria is a social worker in London but she's currently on maternity leave after the birth of her second daughter angel Maria's come to see a be because she's finding it hard to cover the expenses that come with a new baby I'm not on income support I'm on a maternity allowance that doesn't allow you to apply for any other benefit of ours that's checked enough for you but he fell into a little hole lots of holes did but I'm gonna dig myself out [Music] Maria had been living with angels father for several years before they both agreed to have a baby but once Maria was pregnant the relationship broke down having lost her partner's income and now managing only on maternity pay until she goes back to work Maria's deaths have started to spiral there's student loan there's a loan from the bank and also bought car and that was a HP agreement the car a moment is taking half of our income which is ridiculous but I would tell anybody doing anything like that get it sorted get rid of it so the car has to go but it's something that I'm yet to tell my oldest daughter because I don't know what she's going to be like when I tell her was I am hiding it from her but for me I'd like to see as keeping the adult stresses as the adult stresses and letting her be free to be benign a role that she is so how come you got so much to do lunch left you're hungry didn't feel hungry you gave particularly a big breakfast I think you did those are homes up here like for sale that big one in the corner yeah I've got my hand back on once Maria fell behind with repayments on the various debts she had previously easily been able to afford her creditors started to put on the pressure and that's when things became very stressful having to duelin creditors and the phone calls and I'm just quite a typical person here not wanting to open the mail not want to answer the phone little bit of sugar on these strawberries right no I think I'll do it actually see your phone's going first thing in the morning even before you've gone to school and I'm trying to hive a lot this from my 8 year old because she doesn't deserve to have that thrust upon her I didn't think it was fair it was my mess not our mess let's see that even though the hundred pounds is a very good offer but to give you 10 pounds back 10 pounds more back no thank you but despite Maria's attempts to protect her daughter Kamiya knew that something was worrying her mum your sense can feel that your mom or your dad is really worried you know you just wonder how you gonna find a solution especially if you've spoken to all the agencies and they can't help [Music] it's quite lonely quite Franny with her creditors becoming increasingly impatient Maria needs to find a solution soon [Music] if you thought your gas bill had already gone up a lot then steal yourself for this industry experts reckon guess bills will go up by another forty three percent over the next year an electricity by 21 percent on average that works out at three hundred and sixty pounds extra per home on the other side of London from Maria lives Michael for most of his life he's been a professional chef working in top hotels like the Dorchester and the Savoy at 64 he's now retired due to ill health and needs a carer Maggie to look after him for several hours a day but he's proud that throughout his working life he was never in debt I don't think anybody had such a thing as pretty you could afford if someone was ten quid and you ran in one pound seven and six a week it took your five ways to get there if a bottle of moon was formed and you had threatens look you have to wait till tomorrow eggs on top of your bed make this little room here is my little world oh we bring the microwave and the cooker and that silly little oven will it quite well close we don't spend any money things changed for Michael seven years ago when out of the blue he suffered a heart attack I went to the doctors with a bad cough and while I was in the doctors I comforted I went over like a ton of bricks I ain't been right since I don't like going doc because every time I got there that she said that send yourself swell when I got the hospital they find something else wrong strokes and then you got the odds hacked and then yet full relief something or other I ended up on all these machines of puffing and panting for me just stop for a bit to severe in 2003 Michael was offered a loan to make some improvements to his Housing Association flat but in common with around a million other pensioners in the UK he's fallen behind with repayments and is now struggling with his debts we know that your contract repayment has not been made the total amount not outstanding is 419 pound we will consider cases of financial difficulties sympathetically and pushy and we do all we can to help you overcome any problems in the post kiona a case worker from black friars advice centre has come to work out Michael's monthly budget an essential step to getting a handle on his finances your housekeeping that's gonna be 215 pounds because you've got special days you've got special dietary needs the most two-twenty I've got from there is the costs of Michael's care makes all the difference at first his carers were supplied by the local authority but because sometimes he would be sent to different carers every day Michael was advised to switch to claiming disability living allowance and employ his favorite carer Maggie directly Maggie's wages added up to 554 pound a month and when we actually got the payment through it was 414 turns that I have to pay the rest of it [Music] [Music] [Music] last year the average household debt in the UK rose to over sixty thousand pounds the highest it's ever been in Derby Tracy and Melvin's mortgage and other loans total around one hundred and thirty five thousand the struggle to cover repayments is taking its toll on Tracy and she's taken sickly from her job managing a restaurant they eat can be very daunting going in and telling you doctor you don't know what's wrong with you you just can't stop crying and then when you start to tell him what's been going off the last seven or eight months they just look at yourself to say Shirley don't you realize you've been through so much because the loans were secured against the house Tracy and Melvin have now received letters from the finance company threatening to take them to court they're up to date with payments on their main mortgage so they're going to a local advice center Derbyshire housing aid to find out exactly where they stand on the first mortgage oh stop it oh yeah yeah we've we've not missed a payment we'll obviously out with you they're showing that you've done them some people just think well I'm gonna lose my house I'll stop paying and that nanny did didn't wear every nearly we nearly thought last pong do eventually what it comes down to if you have got enough finances to meet it are dirtier than unfortunately you're gonna lose this segment if the house repossess is its old and then the mortgage is cleared and the depth the loans appear or is it they just take over the house and take what babe on this well they were obliged to sell the property for the best price at Lakeland gap if there is any equity left in the property after everybody's out there but then actually return to you is on point I think it's I think it's it's sad in tempo we got omitting mama we can't carry out mm-hmm always why do you want to go you want to fire to keep my household shall we just what could go back on the bins you know it's like agency were you just go down you have to go down at six o'clock every morning he keeps saying if you start work but we still have money taking office anyway if you start work or not we won't be any better off if we keep that house we're just gonna struggle and struggle a store forever don't wait I think a specimen was just let it go I'm gonna do what we can both it's gonna be a bit of a rough ride but yeah [Music] in London career is not in danger of repossession because she doesn't own a flat but she's been advised to consider the equally radical step of bankruptcy she's going to talk over her options with her mother who went through her own financial difficulties when Maria was a child I still have those memories of you know the electric and gas having to be cut off and put back on again and all that sort of stuff it was very difficult times with him seventies for a new migrant family who'd brought their own home and had five children to deal with as well it was just tough they've done a really good job my father was never out work I'm um held down two jobs often [Music] [Music] bankruptcies just a really big step to make it's just it's it is like a dirty word isn't it and it's also something not somebody like me would do it seems so drastic it is rustic it's rustic yeah yeah but you know what mum I don't want to be frightened in my home or the prospect of you know my oldest one getting wind of our situations I think at a moment she hasn't I don't know I mean okay but I'm still not comfortable yeah yeah not comfortable at all yeah I mean you'll be going from month to month you know survive into the next payday backwards which is terrible it's no different to your mum and dad which is not what you expected right no I mean containment folder Lord we pray that you'll bless us as we would Jesus you hear of companies that are gone bankrupt people that are squandered mm money hmm but it should be good for us isn't it yeah it is it is for me this Gail doesn't come into my Bobby does it I'd been not more trouble if I didn't do it oh yeah because they're gonna have company softly for years hmm so difficult hmm but you trust me it's gonna be all right yeah you trust me yeah I know you you know knowing about it you know how that portrait isn't even you you know am you know I don't want to it's seven o'clock on Thursday the 15th of May the nice decade is over says Bank chief Britain faces two years of economic pain and could sink into recession Michaels carer Maggie has returned to France so he's now employing an old friend of his Dennis but his outgoings haven't changed and like over half of those struggling with debt he finds he just can't afford adequate food or heating you see last week that kills me I think we're up to about 700 quid in debt now I've had to disconnect me breathing machines can't afford to run them you turn them on it's like turning a emotional eater on sometimes I said there look at all them tablets of thee the shortcuts here no I'm just getting to the point where I'm sick to death of not being able to eat proper meal from sick to death of not being able to buy a birthday card for somebody and I've been really sick to death how about me to find the cheapest wherever it is possible to buy Michael's debt advisor Fiona has suggested that he should consider going bankrupt but in order to file for bankruptcy he first has to find the court fees his social worker has called him to talk through the options I'm not going in any sheltered accommodation it cost me thousands to do this up you lot didn't pay for this I did the patio me garden I know your kids are going through job no no no no I'll go bankrupt sell with it I'm certainly not moving out meows Shh they must be bloody joking I'm gonna stick me in an old folks home in one room they sit in the same chair every day until somebody dies and they move around one Oh in Derby things are coming to a head tomorrow Tracy and Melvin have to go to court over the loan they took out to pay off their credit cards although they've always paid their main mortgage on time and in full with repossession threatened and Tracy now getting only statutory sick bake she's wondering whether she could skip this month's payments we're going to get hot probably repossessed tomorrow we might as well stop the mortgage before the taking Mount with because we're going to need it if we're trying to put a deposit together and things like that aren't we you think tomorrow's too late just ask for sister weekend it won't come out one day will it you know I think if court case has got closer and closer it gets more and more stressful at least after tomorrow I'll know where we're going and what we're doing that's why my me loving her arguing I was thinking ah this any cook if this could have happened to her probably lose my house and my husband going in one week I'll let you see that door all that that's why I [Music] I feel guilty in here and done anything bad idea so similar situation when the place to follow you in the car winter we haven't done anything already keep looking around [Music] Eli that's the day for possession after that day as I said the lender can apply for a bailiffs whirring now if you found someone to sell to up to that day then what you can do when you receive the notice of eviction is applied to suspense a lien you sell in it instead of granting repossession straight away the judges told Tracy and Melvin they should try to sell the house themselves to repay the loans but she's given them just six weeks to find a buyer [Music] mr. Hill just tell me you were a bird you could fly away [Music] yes yes she'll go to the office Maria has decided bankruptcy is her only option she officially starts the process today right question one what is the petition is that any property or possessions are brought I'd love some on the other side of London Michael has his death advisor Fiona to help him fill in his bankruptcy petition are you or in the last five years have you been involved in the management of the company in the last year have you been involved in proceedings for divorce no just as motor-vehicle - I just put yes I knew that the interest rate of 39.9% was ridiculous you don't look at or I didn't look at the full picture in terms of 39.9% over X amount of years means you're buying this little sheep car twice don't look at it in those terms any property or sums do to you under a will no any property of any value paintings furniture jewelry yes whole this law I'm not putting that down something nice to look at it's leaving Finelli them they're all limited editions I've been out some documents listen these are really important documents he's not to write on them isn't it can we let some of that one of me hello I've got a loan out with the Halifax they've sold you on us when she said she didn't say it's gone to a debt collection agency said it's been sold on so how if that's already so over there it's right if that's really been paid [Music] what account in the last two years then I closed down a war it's a forty five thousand over Sonata bunny it's a lot of money so how do you record [Music] this is my third attempt at completing the form I think you'd have to be really good to do it all in one go hope anymore [Music] ask price plunge is worth since 1990 the average price is about 15,000 pounds since October since a was gonna be easy though we put ours up and someone come along and just buy everybody unless you do it you you don't know doing anything to it I'm not on about of all of it I'm just saying the tidy up a bit yeah yes no you don't think it yourself no just lucky eh you never know looks got to train you at some point end it there's no harm in trying mister no just get it on the market and no point doing it all up though is they not all up just make it like a facelift sort of thing when I was supposed to do that can't even afford to fix my bike or yeah but you going on about that back what is the point of fixing that bad oh yeah oh yeah of course to get where to go where the bins all right so some gonna be going down the bins are we only we're doing stuff our way all right I think you need to get your priorities right mouth I really do think you need to get it right and you're on the back getting a job right you've said that about how long and how many jobs have you tried for none because you keep saying I can't get one [Music] after days of form-filling Maria is going back to the CA be her adviser a DA will check over her petition before she files for bankruptcy I mean the incredible guilt that this fault bring us up when you actually have to write an all your debt creditors if I'm the figure at the end there's quite a lot into truth for one debt that particularly concerns a do is Maria's cancel tax so what's the situation with that anyway really I now pay my mother back at a rate of 30 pounds a month and so I get to work obviously once I go to work and earn more different money I'll be paying her more but I pay her back it was nearly 700 pounds this is a secured creditor of their lovely lips it goes on as well we do hold lists off your creditor your creditor listen record could have easily pointed that out anyway because then if you just said that before when we ordered the form because that wasn't that was a nightmare that was this wasn't an absolute yeah it's a difficult process furious I thought that main that makes it difficult for me it's kind of Oh careful darling it's kind of the guilt that I carry for being in this situation so logically you know I know how I arrived here but it still feels that kind of thought somehow and all this digging up all this stuff kind of confirms that who's that punishment [Music] to go to the hike or to file for bankruptcy I need to have a minimum of four hundred pounds in my pocket and how does the oh my god I don't know what this burro charges for it doesn't does it not with 370 quid needed for bankruptcy fees yet to be found [Music] it's six o'clock on Tuesday the first of July good morning house prices continue to fall in fact there's more evidence of a really significant correction occurring in the housing market the latest figures show the annual drop would be 16% we're looking at 95 I should imagine realistically I think [Music] ninety-five thousand pounds would have been just enough to clear the debt secured against the property but with only six weeks to make a sale in a falling market tracy and melvin have been advised to offer the house for just 82,000 even if they do sell it at that price they too will probably have to go bankrupt to clear the rest of their debts they might be they're gonna see how much it cost to put it where they want it it's strange having somebody else and in the house making plans about your house and you stood there some of the things they were saying we were going to do anyway slap the doors we were going to change the doors anyway that's the hard part people walking in and making comments I mean I know it's not a palace but it is my home or the decoration in here's been well no I don't like the color I think you've got to take whatever else they offer us we haven't got a choice brat of where we go in and it might be that they offer as a house now that 14 year old Brett is unhappy at the prospect of leaving the family home I'm just trying to keep us all together breath well sometimes it's very hard and sometimes yeah I do work long hours because I've tried to get home for us like when we move house we'll all be better off financially and now we'll be able to do your things and sort you out I just need you to be patient but a couple of months that's all even though the couple none on sometimes you know but you are clever and you can do anything and you can achieve what you want to do you don't want to end up like me do you the government's going to try it says to reduce them perform repossessions event Cooper does chief secretary to the Treasury George is now good morning good morning and what can you do to ease the repossession problem today Michael files for bankruptcy he has to do this in person at the Royal Courts of Justice so he's leaving his flat for the first time this year I'll say I'm such a no-good bugger that I'll probably get to the core and drop dead so they don't games together check back as well [Music] then you know what watch the trouble you sp [Music] listen I'm not too far from home if you need me I can come back school and pick you up all right sweetheart but mama needs your help this morning I need you to go off and have a really good day because nothing Bad's happening here [Music] it's pretty bit sort of sad really in a way that everything's had to come to this but there's no other Avenue to take you know it's really big stuff as far as I'm concerned this is really something I never thought I'd have to do it still feels a bit scary actually for a joyride before you pay me [Music] Tracy and Melvin are also going to court they've accepted an offer of 75,000 for their house so they're asking the judge to postpone repossession and that the sale go through we're standstill but unless Tracy can prove she's on statutory sick bay this process will incur court fees that the family simply can't afford about to sign a form to say that I'll take another way slipping maze we've got got July's well that's alright but it doesn't matter they need it movin so it's alright you say you know they're not having a the courts are asking for it my in a minute we'll get sausage rolls come on sweetheart well quick can we get it and it's a quicker when we get saw this done the quicker we can get what we want I know I said that get your sausage roll and I'll get you something in the minute yeah you me just got to be good this morning sweetheart I know it's boring I'd rather be anywhere you want phone Gavin check that we've got the right stuff got no credit by the way Jack the way I said all right the way I said Alex please let mommy feel the following no excuse will be up to me Melbourne which ADIZ to work today what is your slap Talat off you go to your room now [Music] dark answer back all you have to do is do as you're told please read pages 9 and 10 of the booklet for more information on how to complete this section yeah so I think goes over here yeah so let me find where I read it the four men sitting at the kitchen table can you not wipe the tables down after yeah and rinse the dishcloth sat gross annual income how can we do that when you're on income on your own water it don't make sense why I was getting frustrated well because I'm not very good at forms in the first place I'm almost full remission based on gross annually yeah none of these go to section 4 which is what I did look any other income bah blah blah blah blah blah blah goes to section 6 now we all got to fill that in because you've just given that I didn't yeah and then that's just doing in a bit I'm just going to walk out and you can just [ __ ] do it all on your own so or like a [ __ ] [ __ ] tell me I know one person is declared bankrupt in the UK every five minutes it's all done no more keys no more forms no more CA be that I'll make our back for them for something else that [ __ ] done it's done it's complete absolutely done but I've got my certificate you want to see my sticker I am now a bankruptcy logic feel like I can breathe again literally literally literally take a deep breath I feel I could really do that Michael is also celebrating his new status as a bankrupt Dean I can't buy any of you drinks thank Christ in 18 months come on get another one now for another to be [Music] the official measure of inflation has risen to its highest level since it was formulated more than ten years ago forcing the Bank of England to write a letter of explanation to the Chancellor [Music] [Applause] we collect in a car this lady is voluntary surrender to the finance company we're doing it all day every day seven days a week a lot of people can't make their payments at the moment well that's the failed one all developing well this is the air is felled by current hasn't gotten him out to basically oh yeah yeah yeah I forgot about I pick up though [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning yes now she's bankrupt all Maria's finances are controlled by a so called official receiver today he's calling her for the first time and wants to know more about money she gave to her mother and sister repaying a loan for her council tax my mum think that was 2000 pounds okay they will pay last year though really from my family members well that makes me feel really quite ill you bought some money over a period of time from someone and then you pay them back on somebody else's are you can't have that we've got to have that back off here yeah how are they gonna pay that mother's a pensioner no that's hit me really hard actually that frightened me a little sick I never thought for a second it will draw in my mother and my sister and I didn't I don't think that's all Michael is also finding that bankruptcy is not the simple solution he was hoping for I have no idea what the hell's going on I've still got a bunch of bills I'm still being threatened I'm still getting more charges the bankruptcy doesn't seem to have happened at all all the people that I old wanna see before that we're bankrupt with our so claiming him I've sent you some letters with the longer bills in but I don't who's dealing with me I've never heard from you when I'm going that's him I don't know but I don't know what's going on they're taking 84 panda month and I never agreed that and after and after how many other state now as that was when we started off the Felton laid before it's all gone all the problems have gone the bloody happened worst of all is a bill from the Inland Revenue relating to the time when Michael was employing Maggie as his carer they say I haven't paid 5,000 pound towards make his tax weights a load of cobblers have you asked me because I've never known the tax take a year to tell you know the only trouble is we never claimed you here the bankruptcy we didn't go in so we may have to do another bankruptcy just with the taxman now census only the other day I've ordered some flowers for me garden 20 I'll quit you could have paid a bill without I said yeah and I could see any with the windows black soap no electric no gas freeze to death and this one I've got me flowers out there I can see him look at him still sit out yeah not quite the same almost two months have passed since Tracy and Melvin's last court hearing the sale still hasn't gone through and the local authority is not found them a council house so the family is living day by day yes what's gonna be coming for so long I've got a 70 pound left in my bank 20 pound in me wallet now not bad well it's not known where we gonna be or where we gonna go and once remove what all of this just suddenly go can never see the end to it can you and guess money out this morning then it kept me card I thought would be in somewhere by now and that way we couldn't privately run that was that we are trapped are you on doing that I'm not living in limba [ __ ] getting a job back and he getting a job and don't you know we're gonna be next week what you mean messed up what you mean though we're gonna be him about how we've become homeless because we can't afford to live here back then when Melvin lost his job so ha no no we have to pay a mortgage but couldn't afford to pay the mortgage so we were on behind on it so now we haven't got anywhere today because we can't live here coz taking the house back office because we didn't pay enough money to them no we've got fan somewhere to put it all can you see why me a Melvin or a bit on the edge oh why your behavior doesn't know well why your behavior doesn't help because we're on the edge about where we're all going to be living [Music] Maria's official receiver did pursue a mother and sister for money he believed should have been included in her bankruptcy but after four months of investigation he's accepted that they need not make any repayments now to show them what I get what my monthly income was just felt really intrusive and really I felt so guilty yeah I feel so guilty I just thought how we're going to get out of this one well up to the last minute I thought it was the wrong thing yeah I just thought deep down it's not for us I thought it was like magic I thought once you've filed I thought he did all go away but then the bills come in for months and months and months and months and months and months and months all of those were your responsibilities but I do feel there is there is a level of guilt it's not guilt that I think about every day or every month awesome now things have calmed down my Goethe Stowe was unable to help you oh you don't feel good about do you you didn't need 30 grand to do it you helped a great deal man you got nothing to feel guilty for no [Music] it's December and Tracy and Melvin still haven't found anywhere else to live seven months on from their first court appearance in May the constant uncertainty has taken its toll on Tracy I've taught the tablets that dr. gatha me but it don't take the thoughts out you had just melted that and that's the hard part trying to keep happy and I'm not a spray face on it for the rest of them and then inside you're thinking this is a complete maths I've let them down and I went to tell the children no all the time they don't understand it's because we haven't got the money to do it they seemed to take it personally that's another hard thing explaining toothed children they have actually noticed now January the 13th but that is final we can't appeal against that anymore so we just need to get a house really which is hard Peter told me two years ago I would be a homeless person but I never believed you they make it so easy for you to get into debt like the banks give you a loan they telling you can default do you think well if they say I can I can afford it just rubbing around all the interesting link together if it got some proper advice earlier on it probably won't got this bad but we just didn't know what to do and then then circumstances you just you don't even talk to your friends or family about honey you just at first it's very embarrassing but as time goes on you think oh we're not the only ones are we so but there is a stigma to it in but I think that sticker might be going a little bit now because sooner or later there's gonna be lots and lots of people [Music] it's gotta be tough babe it's one step at a time at the moment it's not one day at a time anymore I've left that one behind but I will I'll get back there I will get back there it slowly but surely now nothing is you know nothing's forever this is my learning curve and I'm on it I understand you it respect to will just keep on keeping on but just one step at a time [Music] tell you credit counts all of them and just chopping it out because your biggest problem is you get so far behind you think I'll just tell you that one month my credit and you pay him and once you start about you you mad it you just need to get help before it gets into a mess like we did I swallow your pride has cost us at Helena [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 855,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family living in poverty, Real Stories, poverty uk, poverty documentary uk, poverty full documentary full documentary poverty poverty in britain documentary, documentary child poverty, poor kids full documentary, bust poverty documentary, investigative documentary, Real Stories documentary, Full length documentary, documentary movies - topic, full documentary, documentaries, documentary, Real Stories channe, poverty, breadline
Id: EMPLLx_tfq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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