How Do I Pay for and Pump Gas

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today on how do I we're going to pay for and pump gas and I'm down here like this because I guess the Lighting's not so great okay here's something cool that I learned uh you may already know this but if not you see the little gas station uh emoji what's it called gas pump oh okay do you see the little gas pump icon and a little arrow to the right of it and it's pointing sorry okay to the left of it and it's pointing to the left if that tells you that your gas tank is on the left side the first thing you're going to do sometimes I wonder how we're related you got to make sure that your car is turned off because it can explode I guess if there's fumes or something so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're going and it's not going to be the same in all gas stations but usually when you put your card in it'll say remove the car rapidly yeah that's where you put the car in and then you can say yes or no okay you got to protect your PIN okay so a lot of car washes are a lot of gas stations asking you do you want a car wash today we don't so we're just gonna say no okay now it says remove nozzle or push button below to select your fuel grade and there's different grades of fuel I can't tell you anything about choosing your fuel grade that's that's beyond my scope of knowledge all I know is do not put diesel in this car okay okay so I've removed the nozzle and now I'm going to select regular and see how it's lit up that means it's good to go okay so we're gonna open the tank and then remove the gas cap all right so you're going to lift up on the handle and then do you see this little metal thing right here you're just going to press it down and it's going to clip in so that you don't have to you don't have to stand there all right so while you're waiting for your gas to pop it's a good time to like check your makeup or you can watch some cat videos cats mom okay yeah this is how much money it's costing you these are the total number of gallons so that if you only have like 20 bucks or whatever you've got to watch these numbers and make sure you shut it off it's like not really good okay that was just because the tank was full okay this thing a little too little Clippy just the little Clippy just comes and done and that way it stops pumping gas because that means your tickets full you want to always make sure that you hold the nozzle away from you when you're carrying it across because a lot of times they'll be drips of gas and it's really terrible when you're going on a trip and you dripped gas on your feet or your shoes right do you want a receipt yes we want to receipt and then here's where the receipt comes out and you're good how's that you don't look cool I don't know I can't see your leg so you're good okay so I look okay yeah is it better with my hand forward is it better or should I just have like hands in the pockets I can't I can only see your upper torso so it doesn't matter okay so I can say you know how on like on Dateline when they're talking they kind of stand they hold their hands like this I've never seen an episode of Dateline oh you have it okay I swear that's how they hold their hands so okay so that is how you pay for and pump gas
Channel: How Do I
Views: 235,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, how do I pay for and pump gas, how do I pay for gas, how do I pump gas, how to pay for gas, how to pump gas, how to pay for fuel, how to pump fuel, pumping gas, paying for gas, pumping fuel, paying for fuel, how to put gas in your car, how to put gas in your vehicle, learn how to pay for gas, learn how to pump gas, fueling your vehicle, paying for fuel for your vehicle, gas station
Id: 5vNjGqvufVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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