How a Fuel Truck Delivers to a TruckStop

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okay it's recording so my voice might sound a little different because it was a got down to about 18 degrees last night and I had my daughter not a door if I'm a window open in my room so it was a bit cold this morning but I had a couple people asked for a delivery video I don't know how well it's gonna pick up but because of how high this camera sits on my head ah I'll have any tilts or anything but [Music] [Music] all right so for a start all right so this is my truck or my trailer at this customer I'm delivering regular and premium now you can see I have petrol dolls on each one of my loading heads will discharge valves or tubes whatever you want called I have them set to empty just because I know those are you know I have all the same product but I change this one to premium just make sure I remember I got premium in there for this store they have two two gas tanks they got regular and premium now when you're at a gas station you know you'll notice that you got you can choose regular regular mid grade or premium all mid grade is because if you look at their tanks they all I got is a premium tank which is the red top and a regular tank which is the white top all mid grade is is a it's a blend of regular and premium together it's not exactly its own kind of fuel but anyway when I get to a stop I got to open up all these valves which are my belly valves and then the trailer on how well you can see it but in the trailer there's a valve out there at the very bottom of the tank that controls whether you know any fuel is going to flow out or not this is a master valve that opens up my vapor and everything else to allow my trailer to breathe and I'll show you one in a minute when I right hook up vapor recovery for gasoline and then each one of these numbers is each compartment in my trailer now some gas trailers I mean you can have as many compartments as far as I know you can have as many compartments as you need all I've ever seen is up to I think six compartments on one trailer but it was a lot longer all of ours are five compartments or four and each one of these compartments are separated with a bulkhead inside the trailer and so I've got my front compartment which can hold 3,000 gallons and 1454 my second compartment 1050 a thousand and then 2,600 this trailer will hold if I you know top it all off it'll hold around 90 to 90 300 gallons because I can actually those compartment sizes are a little bit bigger than what we put on the loading heads just because we try to go 50 gallons under what the maximum is just to make sure we don't overfill our trailer all right this right here is called vapor recovery it's usually only it normally it's only found with gasoline and every now and then you'll find it with diesel too just depending on I guess any like state or local regulations but for gasoline the vapor when you're dropping fuel into these tanks you know it's going to push you got air inside the tanks on top of the fuel that you know it has to go somewhere and so to keep it a closed system and keep the EPA happy they have vapor recovery which while you're dropping fuel it's pushing vapor out of the tanks pushing paper out of the tanks and then I come about to connect the hose and it's going to go up into back into my trailer keeps it all on a closed system that way you don't have gasoline vapors just escaping out into the atmosphere all right then I have these fittings that go on to the tubes I'm gonna stick these tanks real quick now I already know my fuel is going to fit that I brought because I got a printout from inside that tells you how much fuel they can hold how much they have in the ground and stick I don't know if it's picking up on the camera or not they're at 24 inches which is also what it says on the on my printout and this one should be around 70 74 inches I believe yeah 71 inches I've got 7,500 gallons of regular gasoline I'm dropping and with only a thousand and five gallons we're really just a thousand about a thousand gallons of a premium I've got regular and premium on the trailer I try to get the premium going first just to make sure I'm dropping the right product into the right hole all right all right open up the valve you can see the fuel flowing through the sight glasses the site glass is awesome also help for you to see when that compartment empties out I delivered diesel here just a minute ago that's why I got these caps in my hoses keep the diesel from spilling out into my hose tray and then it gets all over your hoses because diesel diesel does not evaporate like gas does and well it just doesn't evaporate as fast anytime before you pull the line or open up the line you trace your hose back make sure it's connected make sure it's going to the right place yeah that's it I got a thousand gallons of premium flowing into the premium tank I pulled a handle on this one I only got 2,900 regular in my front tank me and it's going around into the regular tank and right now it's pretty much the SID wait once it empties out where's the premium should it be out pretty soon you'll see it in the sight glass on the trailer 1000 gallons as long as the vapor is working all right and you don't have any obstructions in the hose or your belly valves open all the way you know things like that and you shouldn't have any problems and it should should drop a thousand gallons in probably about two minutes maybe even less so usually usually the fuel there goes the fuel on my trailer empties out usually around 500 to 600 gallons a minute and then with that vapor recovery with the air being pushed out of the tanks or the vapors being puts out of the tanks in the ground and back into your trailer it almost acts like a vacuum almost like it's putting pressure on your trailer to get that fuel out even faster all right we're done with the premium now I can disconnect I walk the hose down which is just pull it up make sure I get all the fuel out of the line close the valve disconnect the hose all right take my fitting off put it back in the trailer close up this put my cap back on change into empty still got a regular going all right stick it is about twenty nine and a half I rounded up to thirty we got about thirty inches of premium in there now was at 24 [Music] that's a 30 premiums done and when the regular is done I'll just switch compartments it's regular take a little bit longer just because you know twenty nine hundred gallons compared to a thousand gallons definitely going to take a little bit longer to MD ow [Music] oh it's still about fifty degrees out here Jacksonville Florida about fifty degrees winds blowing so it feels like probably out down in the 40s right now this is mostly my job is the hardest part about my job in my opinion is just you know try not to be bored while sitting around away for fuel to either load or unload [Music] yeah I still got a said I had 26 in the back that 40 I still got 46 hundred gallons to go there's really not a whole lot else to go over I guess that's just what we do for one of our customers and prizes in the video here I don't know you know what else to really talk about [Music] I mean I'm sure I could probably come up with something but yeah I think I'll end it here I mean it's pretty much just sit and waiting for the rest of my compartments to sit there and go go through all of them and let them in be out you can see this one's starting to go this one you see over here start an MVA yeah but uh that's about it I guess for delivering whew
Channel: DrtyDiesel
Views: 1,425,491
Rating: 4.6750684 out of 5
Keywords: fuel, gas, truck, peterbilt, tanker, deliver, kenworth, hauler, premium, regular
Id: F0hCl1wP-vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2017
Reddit Comments

I'm surprised cam locks are sufficient. Isn't a ground cable required?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/foodnetwork35 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for the explanation. I wasn't 100% on how it was done at the gas station. I work at a petroleum tank farm where we load diesel/gas, condensate crude, butane. Ship out oil 6800m3/h Etc.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Sarcastic-smile 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

If the fumes are pumped back into the tank, where do the fumes go when he gets back to the depot? Do they burn it off at some point?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MrStashes 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

That seemed a lot more physical than expected.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

I would mess all of that up so easily.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TangoMikeFoxtrot 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

it'd be a get time to smoke a cig! haha

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/scoot23ro 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

Man this video would have come in handy for the guy who dumped a whole tank of diesel in the gasoline tank at our neighborhood Walmart that later affected 50+ vehicles.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Da816275 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'd like to point out that Midgrade does in fact have its own special type of fuel to it. However a lot of stations don't carry it, actual Midgrade is denoted by a blue cap.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TKInstinct 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

Trailer max volume - 35 204 Liters / 9300 gallons

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/aaren86 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies
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