How Do I Avoid Gold Diggers? I'm Worth Millions.

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Saw this about a year ago. No gold digger was mentioned. Nothing to do with toxic femininity only great advice. Shit post

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/twigsinpeanutsbutter 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
brian is with us in Sioux Falls South Dakota hey Brian how are you I'm doing great Dave how's your day better than I deserve what's up so I have a question that's listened for 12 years your guidance has actually enabled me to ask I am 26 years old recently invented a new electrical wall plate for hiding graduate sensor wires and I'm about to retire congratulations big dog well done man that's awesome so so you invented this thing and you've sold it for a bazillion dollars so I actually sold it with a 40,000 mile road trip listening to your show all the way across the country for a year just going door-to-door and it's now nationwide distributors and it is taking off running itself okay and so well nothing runs itself so you built a company or you've sold the item to a company or how's it being run so I am still dying at part-time basically coordinating voices between my distributors and my suppliers but my workload has drastically dropped below the 40-hour week mark Wow good for you okay and that's and so I I have no buy of no okay so what's your question we've done very very well obviously oh it's all day because of you ends everything's in cash flowed you know we're just as a design here and gettable ill for 20 you know two thousand dollars for a lawyer for months I was able to cash flow and just did that until I got ready to launch but what that financial guidance has allowed me to do is I'm still single how do I approach any eligible girl I meet and what do I tell her about my income hmm well I it's interesting because you don't want to be a target is what you're saying for the wrong exactly you don't need a gold-digger we used to call them in the old days Wow well my son is 25 and he kind of has the same problem because he's my son right he didn't have any money because I'm not dead but someday he's gonna be in really good shape you know so you know and he and I have talked about this a time or two but it's not ever really been a problem I think the healthier you are personally as an emotionally and spiritually the more normal you are in terms of I don't mean normal in a bad way but I mean you're just a regular person but if you're whole you're not needy emotionally you've not got some kind of weird ego thing going on which I don't hear and talking to you you just sound like a guy who came up with a great I didn't worked his butt off to me that's what it sounds like and so just be that guy and you know do you have any family in your life yep that one brother and my parents still around okay cool I would use them as a filter with young ladies that your that you're seeing and just to have other people look over your shoulder in case you've got a blind spot for one and they see things and give them permission to speak to you about it and go you know if you think somebody's after me for the wrong reasons speak up okay and go ahead and just say that out loud daniel has two sisters and I can promise you they're filters you can't pass the sister mafia your big time you know so that happens you know and but I think the more hole you are spiritually the more hole you are emotionally mental health wise the more you're going to just naturally repel those kinds of people I meet for instance guys who go through a midlife crisis and you know you know marry the supposed trophy wife right the second wife that's after money kind of thing and most the time it's those guys just aren't very sure themselves as men and so they attract they you know they need they need arm-candy to feel good about themselves and you're not just don't be that guy you know you're looking for someone you're looking for somebody's beautiful on the inside yes and by the way it's a plus if they are on the outside but I mean it's they're beautiful on the inside and and you're just gonna take your time and then of course where you're meeting people matters because you know we're do quality people hang out and that's where you need to be hanging out but as far as when to disclose the net worth I think you do that or your income or those kinds of things the fact that you've become wealthy later rather than sooner but certainly you don't want to spring it on someone but you know after you're engaged that would be weird you wouldn't want to do it but but you know you don't go out the first date and start spouting off about it you're going to attract the wrong kind of people and I would be pretty secretive about it not we're not in a weird way but I just wouldn't live a real flashy lifestyle that that you know Daniel drives a pickup with about a hundred thousand miles on it he doesn't he didn't have to but he grabbed me once dry probably but he does very well on his own that's my son as an example so you know you can just do whatever and that way you're not putting off signals that that that that there's wealth here but then yeah the more serious you get the more you begin to unpack it and I would just begin with some other money conversations and make sure those go well and that the relationship continues before I got into that so yeah it's certainly not a first date thing and it's certainly long before engagement but somewhere along though you long there you just start talking about work ethic and saving and how they feel about wealth and how they feel about that kind of stuff and so now let me ask you this is is this over ten million dollars so this has a market potential about 43 million a year that we're currently extracting only about 1% of so you're making about Fulani garage doors in the world so you're making four or five hundred thousand a year already yes net yes okay and that's what that has just started yep so we are I'm very much in the baby stages where I'm used to my 80k a year into sorry I told my friends around me if you've seen me change yell at me and be very honest because I don't want to change from the young conservative Midwestern Christian that I started with I don't want to become a different person just because I now can be yeah well you need to be a different person but you don't necessarily need to show at all yeah you need to be you need to be capable of managing more and that's gonna be different you know it's a different thing making 400 than it is making a 80 so I well here's the thing I do not recommend prenups in normal situations but this is not a normal situation and so because you're probably going to have a multi-million dollar net worth before you're married is what it sends to me like and then and so you probably do want a prenup in those cases are you at least need to consider it and it's not because she's weird or you're weird it's because when there's that much money around weird can just show up in the form of her mother or her aunt or something like that you know and then the influences start moving and it it it negates their influence when there's a pre-done agreement now again I don't believe in prenups in normal situations but where there's extreme situations I do recommend them hey guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out these other great clips from the show you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 749,802
Rating: 4.9050598 out of 5
Keywords: How Do I Avoid Gold Diggers? I'm Worth Millions., avoiding gold diggers, gold digger, gold, diggers, avoid, the dave ramsey show, ramsey, advice, dave ramsey debt free scream, dating, relationships, dave ramsey live stream, gold digger exposed, show, golddigger, debt free scream, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey show, worth, millions, money, gold digger pranks
Id: 9tpZ2fUs3C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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