How do birds communicate | how birds communicate with each other | how birds communicate with humans

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[Music] how do birds communicate we all know how miss Mirai Singh some species of birds are and not just they are pretty but also they have very melodic sounds as well the birds form the family passerine are very famous for it so when they speak and sing such beautiful notes we often think how do birds communicate birds do not only sing there are several phenomena associated with it which we need to explore to understand the communication among birds birds use different sounds songs and different sound patterns for delivering their messages they also utilize the power of sound to alarm the Predators to notify their fellow birds about danger and to attract the opposite gender as well these songbirds seem to clarify their Dominion in a territory they also used the technique to attract females male birds are singers while females don't sing frequently most of the song consists of sound patterns and their repetition takes place over the course most birds usually have only one song in their memories some birds may have more than one song some species like starlings used to copy the songs of birds of other species and so they are capable of singing several kinds of songs birds usually have different call notes for different kinds of threats for example the call note for an air predator eagle or hawk can be different from the call note for a land predator cat or dog etc they also use these call notes to identify and find their mates in a flying flock small-sized birds can have cute call notes like chirp chirp and peep-peep etc on the other hand more giant birds like Crow Eagle and Hawk the call notes are very vocal in the form of a big call click or screeching sounds can be their behavioral communication communication among birds is not confined to vocals only it is very complicated and convoluted modern science tells us that birds also communicate with their behaviors now what is the mode of conveying how do birds communicates with their behaviors you may have observed some videos over the Internet of dancing birds they are not just enjoying and having fun but in fact they are attempting to attract females some birds are actors as well there is a species called kildeer which acts as being injured to get rid of its predator some species of birds are also very forceful they can act very violent when some other bird tries to get into their territory or interfere in their nest they even attack the species which are much larger than them can different bird species talk with each other how do birds communicate is a general question and it often comes to our mind you may be aware of the term bird earring it is a practice to identify birds with their sounds with a lot of training one can learn to identify a species not only by its appearance but from their specific sounds as well anyone can master the technique of bird earring by understanding why and how birds communicate for example pigeons usually cools to grab the attention of their mate however whenever they feel a threat they use a harsh grunt to express their emotion but what do other birds think of that sound what does a crow understand by the tools of a pigeon an ornithologist McGrath tells us about communication among birds she said that it is widely observed that birds of different species respond to each other two alarm calls as all the birds are prone to predators hence they respond to the alarm calls of other birds as well to protect themselves don't forget like and subscribe my channel and click on Bell button for more videos [Music]
Channel: The Zoological World
Views: 864
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how birds communicate, Can Different Bird Species 'Talk' with Each Other, Do Birds Talk When They Squawk?, Birds Communicate In Many Ways, How Birds Learn to Sing, how birds communicate with each other, how birds communicate with humans, how do birds communicate while flying, how birds communicate sound, how birds communicate?, How birds communicate?, How birds communicate, How Birds communicate?, How Birds communicate, How Birds Communicate?, How Birds Communicate, birds, bird
Id: siWv9_hHKJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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