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hello good okay can you say Apple is it [Music] [Music] hey hey hey what's your name why is your name C burper No hey hey hey hey hey hey hey buttburn what's your name yesterday what's your name again hey no hey what's your name what's your name why is it what's your name don't buy no that is mean that is me see that's your name that's you okay oh thank you very much does a pretty cool sound she can make the sound of a car alarm Peter thank you oh yeah what do you say GU girls what's the dog do and can you call the dog call the dog call the dog call the dog call the dog good girls now kiss kiss kiss go girls [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no no pick a bigger baby no no I'm not playing pick a pig a pig poop no no nobody could pick a bigger boo nopes time to go night-night No but they will tell them okay fine peekaboo No
Channel: New on the tube
Views: 254,381
Rating: 4.9383392 out of 5
Keywords: humans, video, compilation, pets, fan of pets, funny, funniest, best parrots, hilarious parrots, most funny parrots, best talking parrots, funniest parrots, best parrots in the world video, best animal, most funny animal, parrots talking, parrots singing, talking parrots, singing parrots, parrot, parrots, new on the tube, talking birds, best talking birds, hyacinth Macaw, try not to laugh, parrot videos
Id: JunPGa6qlJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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