How did Touma Beat Accelerator? | Toaru Explained

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what's up guys aeon here back with another video and today we are going to talk about how did camijo turmer defeat accelerator for the very first time during the sisters arc since i've already done a video about how he was able to win when they clashed in world war iii i thought it'd be good to do a video about the first time they fought in the sisters arc so this video is mainly for fans of the anime who are curious at how the hell toma a level zero esper was able to defeat the strongest level 5 in academy city accelerator on paper despite the power of imagine breaker turmoil would have no chance surely the only possible answer to him beating accelerator is clear and obvious plot armor but despite common misconceptions what if i told you there are actually plausible reasons that turmoil defeated accelerator during sisters arc but i must note that terma did not defeat accelerator easily he nearly lost consciousness and his body was on the breaking point from his injuries the index anime failed to show this despite the light novel saying that turmoil was heavily injured while in the anime it looked like he had a few scratches and that's about it but luckily railgun s did fix this which showed a more half dead toma after accelerator flung him around by manipulating the wind around them also guys i noticed that you guys want to see a keane related video so let's make a deal i'll do two videos part one being a character analysis about the true number one espa and part two explaining his dark matter ability so if we get to three thousand three hundred subs i will make part one of the kakine video which will be the character analysis and at three thousand five hundred subs i'll make part two which will be the ability video explained how does that sound so please subscribe to the channel if you want to see these videos now back to the video the first reason why accelerator lost was because of his personality accelerator believed he could not be defeated and that his power to manipulate vectors was invincible so he underestimated turmer and was willing to play with his food before deciding to go in for the kill accelerator was amused by thomas personality due to the fact he was willing to try to stop accelerator from killing misika emoto so that's why accelerator was prompted to try and scare toma to make him run away but that never happened when he was hit by toma he was in disbelief that he could be punched assuming that he must have turned off his reflection by accident as there is no other way that he would have been hit otherwise but soon after subsequent hits accelerator realized tomo must have a special ability in his right hand that allows him to bypass the reflection accelerator began to panic and became desperate and clumsy to try and hit toma this certainly played to determine strengths who remained composed and focused during the fight despite his injuries this is impressive considering one touch from accelerator would result in certain dephatometer as accelerator would simply reverse his blood flow using his ability accelerator also began to doubt himself and his power psychologically termer was in a far superior position during the fight the second and most important reason was the experience of both fighters accelerator never had to work hard to defeat his enemies as most people who tried to fight accelerator would automatically be crushed by hitting themselves by hitting accelerators vector shield so he didn't really have much competition accelerator could literally just stand still and use little effort to defeat hundreds or even thousands of opponents or enemies potentially turmer was the exact opposite of this as he always had to work hard to defeat his opponents and he was experienced in street fighting against multiple opponents but would lose if there were three or more fogs against him as it would be too much for any kid like him to handle even if turmer is not a superhuman who can defeat hundreds of opponents like accelerator turmer had experience in street fighting against multiple opponents even if he didn't win all the time but it was still better than nothing and it also gave toma experience in fighting and using his head to gain an advantage in a fight certainly the fights up until this point in the story against style magnus the aureolus dummy which only appeared in the light novel and aureolus izzard all required toma to be thinking tactically combined with his physical strengths to gain victory while turmer lost his memories in old testament 1 he did not lose his muscle memory the part of his brain that links kinetic movement and actions to the brain so turmeric's body did not lose the experience of fighting street thugs in academy city prior to old testament 1. due to accelerator having no experience in fighting the way that normal people fight and turmer having that experience it played in determiner's advantage while accelerator can manipulate the vectors around him to travel at supersonic speeds accelerator did not know how to utilize this ability to fit his fighting style at this point in the timeline in fact it can be argued that accelerator didn't even have a fighting style at all to begin with since he was just used to standing still and not trying to move about and out maneuver his opponent to win he could just stand there and his ability would do all the work for him so accelerator was unable to use his speed to gain an upper hand against turmer i mean he did use it but just not very well as he was just charging forward without any thinking really because he was so angry during the fight and that mentality definitely played a part in why he lost his panicking mind made accelerator unable to make good decisions in the fight accelerator's movements were slow and clumsy at close range as if accelerator used a fast attack open close and it missed it would leave him open to being hit but at the same time the slow and off-balance strikes of accelerator were easy for turmer to avoid and counter-attack as accelerator had never been hit before due to his reflection accelerator went into a state of shock from experiencing physical pain likely for the first time since he was experimented on when he was a very young boy turmer on the other hand was used to taking hits and enduring physical pain combined with his determination and resolve to protect music and makoto and the sisters accelerator had never faced anyone with termer's resolve before which was why accelerator was so shocked to see toma stand up again and again no matter how many times he was knocked down accelerator was used to fighting opponents who were weak-minded and afraid of him which was why he said that he knew what it took to break a man and yet toma had surpassed that accelerator was notably scrawny and lacked actual fitness since he didn't need to be physically fit to defeat anyone as he could just rely on his power to win especially when he could just amplify his strength and speed so he didn't really need to hit the gym toma's hits were also very damaging to accelerator especially the strikes to the face termer was able to ko style in one punch and that dude was like twice the size of tomah so it's honestly impressive that accelerated lasted so long after being punched in the face multiple times termer also could not have won without the actions of the misaker sisters and misoka makoto who worked together to throw off accelerators calculations for creating plasma by controlling the wind turbines across academy city accelerators trump card had been nullified by the sisters he thought were useless and would never defeat him and ironically they played a vital role in defeating him as psychologically accelerator could not accept what was happening before his eyes his rage boiled over when he saw turmer standing up once again and became desperate to finish him off for good after he was unable to use the plasma to destroy whoever was in his sight accelerator charged forward at terma like an angry madman while toma remained focused despite how weak his body was at that point since accelerator was so angry and just screaming it made his actions and attack very easy to predict for turmer to counter attack and deal the finishing blow i hope this video was insightful for those of you who are curious about how terma defeated accelerator without any [ __ ] involved anyway thanks for watching and stay tuned for more toe aru videos see you until next time bye bye
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 16,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: To Aru, Toaru Majutsu no Index, A Certain Magical Index, A Certain scientific Railgun, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Fight, VS, Battle, Strongest, Characters, Accelerator vs Touma, Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, Sisters Arc, Misaka Mikoto, Misaka Imouto, Railgun S, Season, Index IV, Reaction, Ability, Abilities, Level 5, Esper, Imagine Breaker, dragon, Dragons, Review, Analysis, Discussion, Vector, Vectors, Black Wings, Last Order, Misaka Clones, Plot Armour, Power, Powers, Light Novel, Anime, Manga, Crazy
Id: AXesq7-X2HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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