How Did MINAS ITHIL Become MINAS MORGUL? | Middle-Earth Lore

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hello and welcome to the broken sword today we are looking at the city known as minis morgul or minis ethel [Music] minas morgul was once a great city of gondor called minas ethel but it was eventually taken over during the wars with sauron by the forces of evil but when did this happen or even when was minis ethel even built well let us have a look at the history of this city today okay to start off we must go back into the second age of middle earth back to the times of the great numenor or at least to the endings of the times of numenor as it was after the downfall of this island when the first hiking of the dunadine elendil came to middle earth once on these lands he would come to found two kingdoms one called arnold in the north and then also gondor in the south allendyl would have two sons anarion and isildor anarion would establish the city of minnesota in the fiefdom of anorian and isildor would establish the city of minus ethyl in the fiefdom of ethylene and it was here in minas ethel that one of the palantir that would have been brought by elendil would be housed and this stone would then be named the ethel stone these stones would be used so that the lords may keep in contact with one another in the north and the south basically like the middle earth version of a phone but far cooler minnesota in its time would fall twice and the first was in the second age the battle that is known as the fall of minus ethel took place in the year 3429 the second age saron had brought his forces out of mordor to wage war as after saron had managed to survive the downfall of numeral he had wished for revenge against those others who had survived it too saron had built up as much strength as he could and took a great force to drive a sealed out of his city once they managed to take the city they would burn the white tree as a sign of disrespect now the white tree had come from a fruit that he sealed or had stolen from the original white tree called nimroth that grew in our menolos within numenol isildo had suffered many wounds when taken on this mission to get the fruit but when the first leaf had opened his wounds magically healed so really it was a tree worth saving now when minis ethel fell his seal door managed to escape with his wife his sons and again he managed to save a sapling from the new white tree to take with him as well they managed to flee to the north and reach allendel or while his brother anarion was fighting back at oscillate to keep saron at bay this attack was what sparked off the war of the last alliance and after that war concluded in the year 3441 which also meant the end of the second age menace ethel was restored and now stood as a watchtower now the time of middle-earth would move on into the third age and the witch king of angmar and his armies would be defeated at the battle of fornost which took place within the angmar war here he came up against kiran the lord of the havens from linden gloffindl lord of the golden flower from rivendale and ayanur who at this time was the prince of gondor this almighty team up would be too much and so from this the witch king would flee and its house of the next goings on in appendix a of the lord of the rings it was thus in the reign of king aeonil as later became clear that the witch king escaping from the north came to mordor and there gathered the other ringways of whom he was the chief but it was not until 2000 that they issued for mordor by the pass of kiritangal and lay siege to minis ethel this they took in 2002 and captured the palantir of the tower they were not expelled while the third age lasted and mina's ethel became a place of fear and was renamed minas morgul many of the people that still remained in ethilian deserted it we can see why this victory for sauron was a very important one he managed to gain the ethel of stone his own palantir to be able to keep watch on other goings on in middle earth it was after all this stone that meant he could influence the likes of the wizard saruman and the steward of gondor denethor in later years it was from this victory and occupation that sauron now managed to send his foul creatures into the city and this changed it it became a foul and evil place and its new name minas morgul means tower of dark sorcery in the tongue of those in gondor so because of this many gondorians fled from ethelion in general not being able to remain close to this now tainted land now although the witch king resided here that does not mean he was done there would be figures added to its bridges carven with cunning informs human and bastille causing darkness to enter the minds of those that came close it was these figures that almost drew frodo to the gates when he sam and gollum came close to it but anyway the witch king would continue to turn this land of rotten and dement it however he always wished for payback for his loss in the battle of fornost so after biding his time for a few years the witch king would then twice challenge the now king of gondor king aene iona had held the crown only seven years when the lord of morgul repeated his challenge taunting the king that to the faint heart of his youth he had now added the weakness of age then mardel could no longer restrain him and he rode with a small escort of knights to the gate of minas mogul none of that riding were ever heard of again it was believed in gondor that the faithless enemy had trapped the king and that he had died in torment in minas morgul but since there were no witnesses of his death mardel the good steward ruled gondor in his name for many years over the next few hundred years there is not much of note this period after all was called the watchful peace in the histories as at this time the powers of the enemy were sitting and hiding in silence building their strength the ruler of minis mogul at this time was the only other nazgul that we really know anything about and that is the one known as kamal the easterling it was during this time that the lords of morgul had started to breed in secret the urukai with these new horrific creatures described as black orcs of great strength it would be from here that a new attack on gondol would come out being in the year 2475 so now 425 years after ayano had rode through its gates this attack was when they managed to ruin australia breaking its stone bridges and taking control of much of ethilian and an interesting point here is that this attack happened in the last years of denethor the first as stuart who had a son called boromir just as father and son would be named over 500 years later at the times of the war the ring but not to be confused with them talking of witch this city would then remain quiet again until the time of the war of the ring was now in its thrones but the evil would never lessen in fact we get a good description of the city from the perspective of frodo and sam in the chapter of the stairs of kirithungal in the lord of the rings a long tilted valley a deep gulf of shadow ran back far into the mountains upon the further side some way within the valley's arms high on a rocky seat upon the black knees of the fl duath stood the walls and tower of minas morgul all was dark about it earth and sky but it was lit with light not the imprisoned moonlight whaling through the marble walls of minnesota long ago tower of the moon fair and radiant in the hollow of the hills paler indeed then the moon ailing in some slow eclipse was the light of it now wavering and blowing like a noisome exhalation of decay and corpse light a light that illuminated nothing in the walls and tower windows showed like countless black holes looking inwards into emptiness but the topmost course of the tower revolved slowly first one way and then another a huge ghostly head leering into the night you can tell from this description just how gruesome this place now was but anyway now it was time for sauron to launch his attack and so the rest of the host of minus mogul was sent to siege minas tirith as it had just been used as a base to grow an army at this point this was also the host that frodo sam and gollum witnessed during their climb of the straight stair followed by the winding stair most of us know though that this host would be wiped out at the battle of the pelano fields meaning there was now no one within the city to defend it with this battle won aragorn and gandalf led an army to the black gate as a distraction tactic to help frodo and sap and on their way they rode to the entrance of the mogul vale they could feel the lifeless evil that came from it despite no more servants of the enemy remaining here and so they made the decision to stop it from being accessible to anyone yet the air of the valley was heavy with fear and enmity then they broke the evil bridge and set red flames in the noisome fields and departed after their victory was achieved and the war was over king elisa made faramir the prince of ethilian avagon would ask pharamia to remain living within sight of ministerith and not attempt to retake minas morgul as aragorn says to him mina's ethel immortal veil shall be utterly destroyed and though it may in time to come be made clean no man may dwell there for many long years so although in time there may have been a wish for the city to be restored to the days when it was the great menace ethel it is never known if the evil that once tainted it had finally faded or if it was simply just left to crumble until the land took it back so there we have it the story of minisethil howard became minas morgul and was then left empty from its corruption it is a city that had managed to be so glorious in its days as a city of gondor having marble walls that caused the city to shine a white large meadows upon its banks just generally a beautiful city probably the closest to that of something of numenor within middle earth then it turned into one of the most fearful and evil places when sarwan got his hands on it the witch king tainted it so no longer would it shine white no longer would it have luscious banks of flowers now it would just be sick poisonous air floating around evil rotting walls a truly gruesome place although i will be very interested to see if we get to see any sign of the early glorious minis ethel form in the rings of power show even if it most likely won't happen until the later seasons either way it has been fun looking at a specific city for today's video so i hope you all enjoyed this video for today but now it is time for my question for you all which is when king aeona rode to meet the witch king he was never seen again or confirmed dead or alive at any point but what do you think his fate was a long and slow tortured life instead of death or was he maybe even stabbed with a mogul blade and turned into a wraith slave or something else entirely there are many fan theories about this and i'd love to hear all of your thoughts and opinions on what you think in the comment section below and now firstly to finish off i'd like to quickly mention our other channels that will all be linked in the description below if you'd like to check them out and of course now to shout out our patrons firstly we have our divine power tier members of kevin abram and matt you're all awesome and a big thanks to our fire demon team members of nasheed denver steel and gregory and as well i cannot forget the wizard staff tier members of john andrew bill evil chameleon jennifer and finrod feligan as well every single one of you is a true legend of the broherum finally if you have managed to reach the very end of this video with me today and you have enjoyed what you've seen then please hit that subscribe button and the bell icon too as well as dropping a like on the video as these things can massively help the channel grow so thank you once again if you have managed to reach the very end of this video with me and i will see you next time on the broken sword [Music]
Channel: The Broken Sword
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Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of the Ages, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, where is Minas Ithil, are Minas Ithil and Minas Morgul the same, what happens to Minas Morgul, anarion and Isildur, Minas Ithil siege, Minas Ithil lore, Minas Ithil history, Minas Morgul history, Minas Morgul lore, Minas Ithil ithildin door, Minas Ithil becomes Minas Morgul, is Minas Ithil shadow of war canon, the fall of Minas Ithil, Minas Ithil falls, Minas Morgul fall, lotr
Id: 1QcFXY5TJes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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