Being Inspired! A Day at FuelTech revs me up!

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hey guys so we're in atlanta and i'm gonna take a look this morning and see why i don't have heat all right well there's an obvious reason i don't have any hoses going to the heater core i'm not sure where they have a spot to pull some from [Music] oh it looks like there's a plug in the water pump there's plug right there so i may have to check that out and see if i can't get some hoses on there because we're definitely gonna need heat there's uh snow out in colorado already so i was wondering coming in last night it was cold so [Music] so we're going to fix that and continue this journey oh man coming in you guys might with the trailer the trailer might be easier to park like somewhere open [Music] hey man it's cute just got here gorgeous yeah this is perfect good this is awesome man yeah all right we're gonna go on a little ride real quick look at the turbos you have the best view there is this is amazing right there yeah i saw your post yesterday man i guess you may be crossing through here yeah we're crossing through and we were just going to keep pushing and then it was like well dang that's a that just sounds like fun so this is awesome still going you know these cars they all have the clutches very limited yeah yeah so right now if you try to go more than four or five pounds it would just slip the clutch so oh really we're just playing four pounds really good just like all of us nothing really yeah it's special this is great we're trying to get the the clutches there's a few companies actually working on that already yeah and then hopefully we get one of the first prototypes this is awesome i love the turbos is right there what size are they 62.6 to choose 62. 35 900. let me show you something you see these marks yeah it's probably trouble people running ls experts they do a lot of ls too we're cheating here because it's downhill but it gives the impression [Music] yeah that's great let's go to try this thing so how was the wing oh it yeah that was just awesome winning backwards too you're like what man that was amazing that was so much of a great idea yeah it was so much fun too such a great race everybody battled so hard too yeah it was fun yeah now i know that's cool it's cool to see different kind of uh entertainment or racing related right this is awesome beautiful car this is my first year right oh yeah okay and you see we have the board injection on the fuel tank and so it's running methanol on the porch injection and gasoline on the di so that we don't have to we're not trying to hack into the stock computer we're just running around to to have the stock computer have yet but actually supplying the fuel making everything fine yeah it was crazy too because i just heard about this car the other day you know yeah i i personally think this car is going to be a very popular platform for the next years once if you can get at sticker price it's uh 58 000 dollars starting yeah and it really what else can you buy and we've probably if we can slap turbos on and once it's the the the tuning is heavily i mean and everybody is going to to be crazy about these cars yeah they're going to be wild about it i love the rear view mirrors too yeah that's so cool yeah and you still have the fuel tank here on the so we have like rpm map sensor or two left at your right we have turbo speed so you can see the turbos how how they actually that is cool we have egts here so we have our each cylinder gt so i know it's everything fine i didn't mess it up with the engine we can monitor then and and all the same features like controlling whatever that is awesome man this is incredible [Music] sounds amazing yeah that's awesome and the pipe working everything under there looks so good too it looks so mirror and perfect i don't know if you can really see it right through here though oh yeah it's all it's perfectly the same what a ride let's check the rest yeah let's check out the rest yeah this looks so good the glass fine but actually this is all ventilated here you see yeah and they all have this then already designed it to be an engine bay look at that what do you think that dog rod that's crazy dog would drive this we fabricated everything in house we literally crushed it we dropped the engine rods inside uh with that lt1 fits in no balancing required and yeah and then we fabricated the turbo that's the south stock excel we just cut here 1999 and return to the house to the south the way it was and change the intake manifold to add port injection so awesome so we actually have the the instead of the plastic one that that actually has injectors and here we have the fuel so we don't have actually you don't have to mess with the stock fuel cell that's great methanol so we may so we don't have intercooler as well since it's kind of low boost we added methanol which take care of their temperature especially for this kind of bullet right it's fine it was even easier because this air motif just fits in like it was made for it yeah aeromotive has been making some rad pumps yeah there's a system on it yeah this pump is like five gallon per minute and it's very quiet you cannot even hear from the car that's wicked good very cool anderson you're crushing it cool i'm like a good ride in the morning right right cool i can't wait let's do the rest the day's gonna be oh that's no camino yeah there you go that's cool yeah so far it's cruising this is the dino huh yeah it's the dino i've seen lots of videos we've been been busy especially now people i mean you cannot race a lot of people come here as a racing right sometimes because you sometimes you have almost the same fun or even more really a lot of people they bring family friends and they they they enjoy this as a yeah it's the same as a racing yeah yeah yeah we always like to like bet on the numbers and all of that stuff it's awesome yeah we had the other okay yeah that's louise you know hey how's it going man good to see you again yeah oh you have some that that truck is is cool all into pieces right now oh yeah yeah we test we test a bunch of stuff on these things um it's a stroker ls with a whipple blower oh so it has something like 7 800 to the wheel that'll tow you around it looks good too yeah it's a cool truck it's a cool truck does burn out like nothing [Laughter] yeah so we'll that's what we'll go to nashville like tonight or whatever but this is perfect when you're going to greet your parkinson's no second chance for a first impression that's true yes spoiled man let's see how the how the the 2jz is you know that that's prolight racing on the other side oh it is yeah oh really yeah proline right there yeah wild man [Laughter] party in the back let's go the world the strongest in the worst [Music] [Music] [Music] oh whoa [Music] [Music] wow it's crazy going to lunch with the guy the owner of fueltech they all fit inside yeah super safe right yeah many hot by they're rodders a twin turbo c8 probably the first ones ever [Music] yeah little rowdy oh yeah is that a good rip or what their fuels look good too even though a different elevation oh yeah i got the laptop laptop right here [Music] i'm actually in the process of building two supercars uh one gas and one electric and they're complete ground up so you can actually see here this is actually the electric version so what we're running is a chevy volt battery with the tesla's uh setup right now and it'll actually be controlled by the fuel tech uh 30 uh 30 kilowatts of power um but it won't last that long normally you know they're talking about range this is all about fun horsepower right so if we get 60 miles out of this we're we're doing something wrong you know we gotta go we gotta we gotta push it faster i'm i'm on a budget here right absolutely so uh you know what that car is what is it you tell me you so they put these really big um pieces of old metal on here that causes that it causes that windshield to make it look like it's a lot more round the this glass is actually the same as a lamborghini adventure door and i know that because i actually bought a lender give me aventador glass originally for my project and it broke and it was called these glasses and so i can't do that again so i went to safe flight and i kept getting different glass from state life and overlaying them on a lamborghini aventador glass and so the deal is it's the same length as the aventador glass the same width across the top as we have been pure glass and it's narrower across the bottom and i actually can show you the renderings of the body so this has been scanned in that's where all those little polka dots are so i do 3d scanning and then we can actually graft the body design over these panels so we know what this you know these are like hard points right we can't we really don't want to like reinvent like door jambs and [Music] seals all that stuff's a pain in the butt plus this dash is actually a pretty good starting point yes um you know so i've always thought that too uh so it's so obviously the back was not going to be any good um that's actually a c7 corvette deck lid so that's the glass that i'll be using so i'm going to steal this glass and they use the honda glass and this will be running a ford uh a ford illuminator xs with a lamborghini gallardo transmission that's been re-geared that is awesome uh and that's got a ford gt supercharger on it so put that on anderson's dyno we should at least get 800 out of this thing all day long if not more uh so because we do own carbon fiber work here too so we we do our own molds that's actually an mr2 deck lid anthony makes the mr2 deck lids out of carbon fiber we need one for an mr2 he makes them we have uh so we have an 8 second mr2 yeah this this deck lid um is uh it i think he'll be here shortly um you know the original decklid is like 18 pounds i think his deck lids are three and he's actually so we actually have an mr2 over here that's going gonna be uh tesla powered mr2 oh man so we've uh again we stand we scan the engine bay and we are making a cradle for the uh tesla motor to fit into the engine bay three-quarter view of it so this the car probably won't be super super fast it's a downforce monster though so this is actually a reverse wing and the back's got a reverse wing so um so this actually intake over here actually goes down back it's yeah thanks for having us oh yeah yeah this is awesome crazy appreciate it this was super cool a little different yeah you guys got a lot more followers i got a very very small youtube my wife says i talk like what is your youtube chat right now excess motor works access motor works very cool this is a treat for sure thanks oh yeah great work great job thank you thank you man all right thank you so much very cool [Music] you know because like they they right now they are similar to you guys right they share data between so many cars so they they have them okay let's do we got a really special dyno video for you guys today we're going to be dining in this billet block 2jz with an 88 millimeter turbo and uh we're just going to see how much power it can make so go again yeah that's it it's a night just one it's a big big shower head yeah yeah to do night progressive mattresses it's a big shower head so you're running through all the inputs outputs right yes like this is actually pretty cool like uh this guy here home iron fabrications he helped us out he sends what he wire pre-organized so we know what it is but no matter what right like uh we need to triple check that the setup on the ecu matches what he wired on this thing right so we're making sure okay this makes sense this goes there is is activated what kind of switch we need to do you know before we even crank it up and start to do stuff so just run through and check them all out test everything yes both ways right so outputs and inputs and the fuel tech it allows you to kind of do that without it running yes so like we pretty much can do not just not running but like any input can be anything and any output can be anything really cool yeah and i would love for everyone to do that yeah this is homer fabrication wiring guy now yeah look at this very cool cool yeah hey we appreciate that thank you buddy yeah so much stuff we deal with here you got to test it well yes and uh one thing that's really cool that we have we can simulate rooms um for example you go into like a simulation mode the unit understand that you're gonna about to simulate a run without a car running and it makes the trains break or two-step you know yeah backwards as soon as you turn the simulation on two-step is on without pressing the button as soon as you press and hold i know you're simulating the run so everything related to the run will run that's awesome so like for example i have a uh controller curve you can hear trying to do that thing like you have a nitrous you're going to see like the nitrous clicking in and off if it tries to shift shift shift shift so okay my shifter works yeah my boost controller works and all keeps a recording of that you think some racers wrote this stuff then you nerd out and play with it yes yes no this is different think of the next thing yes that's cool very cool i'm not sure can i guess like 95 10 grams limiter at 95 and then we shift it like a nine or this right now which number you're holding [Laughter] i promise you i won't do it don't worry you can hold it no problem number one hey i have power on and stuff yeah okay uh number one yep are you sure you don't want to hold it just make sure you're strong number two yep oh yeah you've been hit by one of these yet yeah you remember [Laughter] all right all right work on trying to pull it right now that sounds good sounds like it's probably got one spot you could probably yeah it's like a dead spot i don't know if it was like if you were tiny went through that and kept steady and the booster just okay let's let's see how it is and then we do a leaf you know do like a one-two shift on low boost and see how it behaves that was climbing still 23 pounds and the f-24 was climbed yeah so spring is no less than like 10. and now it was actually taking a little bit of fuel early and it still put a little there yeah oh it needs more on boost yeah at 23 pounds and 5 000 rpm it needs more gait needs more oh yeah all right it's time for some action [Music] [Music] uh 369 horsepower even though it's 28 pounds of boost and 9 000 rpm so like they were three wheeling in there basically yeah let go so it only captured the 369 horsepower but they're gonna work on it and do it again almost like the dyno was flipping that's exactly what it did [Music] listen to that [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] that was all right sounded pretty good ah gordo 1523 at 6 300 rpm that's not bad i was close with the first gear ratio i said 170 or 180 something okay cool i said two two yeah okay we're going somewhere now yeah it was still climbing but like i'm not going to keep the weight like the alternative things it's that 9 500 yeah he has 95 well like the fast guys like that it felt good it was was trucking what kind of boost i think it made 40. it has to be a little bit more than that it made like 30 something the first time yeah i think it made it look a little bit more 40 43 four 44 pretty good power that's pretty good for 44 yeah that was awesome it sounds so cool huh sounds so good okay i think we got a good shake down so you're coming back on monday so you can keep working yeah i'll be here okay intense let me tell you they are just ripping out here all right that was sick 44 pounds of boost crazy dang it sign me up it's epic steep eddie yeah i had no boost right yeah 40 something so like ice and i just pull up better and stuff like that i'm going to say progressively i'm sure the more boost you crank though the spicier we're going to build a cnc all right guys we're going to go ahead and get out of fuel tech and uh head down the road i'm going to head to nashville go see tom and keep this trek going it's been just an epic trip so far so much fun riding in the c8 that thing was wicked and then seeing this stuff i'm sold all right let's roll so it's super stoked out to be able to spend that time at fuel tech and uh just hang out with some of the greats tuning there luis is amazing steve petty just i mean the guy's a legend he's a huge tuner and it was just an honor to be there hang out with them and anderson was so inviting and just really took care of us you know it was uh pretty awesome humbling just a rad experience you know those guys are doing it think of the horsepower they're working on every day and the stuff they're building and pushing and uh finding the trying to find the limits of stuff you know they're uh i think these guys are are working at the highest level in fuel injection and drag racing and pushing boundaries and limits further than anyone ever thought possible they're creative they understand what needs done and it's just an honor to be in those guys presents you know you know when you rub elbows and uh hang out with certain people you grow to that you know and everybody elevates each other and makes each other better and i think that's a super important part of this life that we live is being elevated and pushing ourselves back when i used to freestyle and do trick shows they would say you know 45 minutes for 45 minutes be better than yourself and that's all we can do every day just try that much harder you know i was bouncing ideas off anderson you know and and when he's coming back with the answers i'd love to hear you know the ideas are all real ways we can do it you know working together to grow things that's that's huge man you know it's like you see a knee and feel a need and just keep pushing i love it we're uh far something really great the guys at fuel tech stepping up and being part of our family it's just an epic thing so i don't know just driving down the road you get random thoughts and i thought i'd share with you guys there may be more i may be rambling but i want to share that with you guys so let's roll [Music] well i've made it to toms what a ride got a bad little trek right there to get here so pretty awesome i got alex bowman riding with me he's riding shotgun and uh we're kicking it so tonight we're gonna step back and tomorrow we're gonna have a nice thanksgiving with tom and his family i've got shane and gordo and brett and amanda with me so they're all gonna kick it too but i appreciate you guys watching give us like subscribe and i'll see you guys tomorrow thanks a bunch and i'd like to say i'm thankful and grateful for you all and stoked you guys are all part of the channel all right [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 135,695
Rating: 4.9773116 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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