How Diana's Charity Work Changed The Royal Family Forever | Everlasting | Real Royalty

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[Music] diana princess of wales was the people's princess she was one of the most profound and beautiful people the world will ever know her loving kindness gave hope to the homeless care to land mine victims and a loving touch to aids patients she was an inspiration to her children she never once allowed her unfaltering love for us to go unspoken or undemonstrated she was quite simply the best mother in the world the evening is all about our mother the main purpose is to celebrate and to have fun and to remember her in a fun way she had a vision of a new style of monarchy that reached out and embraced people i feel that she's still here today with us even although she's no longer here with us in in body she'll always remain a part of our hearts her unprecedented royal popularity and charity work still influences the world today problems that it has with aids it's obviously associated with all the countries that she's been to as well when she was around so it's just a chance to sort of carry on what she left behind really her legacy lives on through the millions of hearts she touched all around the world she was such a peoples person at the end of the day and when she died we we lost such an icon um and i think everybody felt as if they lost somebody that day we can't imagine that she's forgotten the people always tell sometimes she's forgotten she's not [Music] forgotten princess diana's charity work in many ways is her lasting legacy she also lives on through her two sons who have continued in her footsteps giving substantial time to diana's charities and to their own diana's positive influence on her children can still be seen today from a very early age his royal highness prince william of wales traveled around the world with his parents firstly to australia where there was a great deal of interest about the possible future king from the students at the school of the air does prince william have a favorite toy um jamie he loves his koala bear he's got in 1985 william attended mrs minor's nursery school where his royal wave was just in its infancy ten years later he enrolled at eaton college one of england's most prestigious secondary schools he was a serious student with excellent grades and also excelled in sports his mother diana encouraged william to live as normal a life as possible such as a trip to niagara falls complete with a souvenir baseball cap and family trips to the snow fields emotionally affected by the media's influence on his parents divorce and his mother's tragic death william has publicly stated his dislike for the press and seems uncomfortable with the growing attention he receives from love struck adolescent girls william gives the impression of being a well-mannered responsible and mature young man who shows a strong sense of duty and loyalty to the royal family fully aware of the role he is to play in the future as the king of england upon his graduation from eaton william took a break from his studies to visit south america and africa he then attended scotland's saint andrews university where he received a degree in geography in 2005. [Music] following in the footsteps of his younger brother prince harry william joined the royal military academy at sandhurst as a military cadet and received his commission as a second lieutenant in 2008 he was appointed to be a royal knight companion of the most noble order of the garter he then began training to be a search and rescue pilot with the royal air force he was based with his brother harry and spoke candidly about their life on the base it's it's been um i've moved off from the school because uh now being a party period rf pilot i've now moved on to the griffin um and it's uh it's good fun you know i've got more of a crew atmosphere so i've got guys in the back and it's really flying along you get these random voices coming around you're not you can't even see and uh sort of respond yeah it's like usually hanging off a skid yeah just random voices but no it's good fun it's um it's quite a long way to go yet before i'm finished but um i'm looking forward to you know a few challenges ahead and flying along with his military career william supports numerous charities he has taken over from his mother as patron of center point the uk's leading homeless charity he even slept out in the streets overnight to bring attention to the homeless issue my brother and i were lucky enough to grow up supported by the love and nurturing of our family they saw to our education our health our well-being and every other need his personal commitment to the cause was appreciated on the streets of london his mum would be proud of him having played his hand as a dj he enjoyed the moves of these asylum seekers and bonded with them like few royals could might not be the queen's english but his casual manner has won him a lot of fans like his mother's common touch prince william became president of the royal marsden hospital another position previously held by diana he is patron of mountain rescue england and wales and is keen to highlight the courageous work of the volunteers in 2009 prince william and prince harry became joint patrons of the henry vance trobnzi memorial fund as i said a few words concerning why harry and i wanted to get so involved with the charity harry and i were delighted when alex uh claire tom and charlie asked if we would consider being patrons of henry's charity it was the easiest decision i've had to make having lost someone so close in similar circumstances harry and i understand how important it is to keep their memory alive there is no final way than that which alex and claire have chosen this is the first charity of which we are both patrons and it couldn't be a better one as henry was such a very close friend of ours and because we believed so strongly in the need to alleviate poverty and assist development in african countries such as uganda the prince has been a hit abroad as well even in australia where there is community support for the republican movement in sydney he was warmly received by monarchists and screaming girls william even demonstrated his talent with a machine gun in a live firing exercise showing that there is more to this prince than just good looks and a charming manner he scored 103 millimeters which is well and truly a pass mark in the infantry in the parrots we can get anything under 150 so he shot pretty well on his tour down under he took the time to visit families whose homes and lives were devastated by bushfires even with the eyes of fast bowler bret lee on him he held his nerve and swung the bat with conviction at government house in melbourne he joked of prince harry's affection for the country there's that other guy with the ginger hair who just never ever stops banging on about you and i haven't lived because i haven't been to australia blah blah blah his trip to australia was a wonderful success reviving interest in the monarchy just as his mother did on her tours around the world due to his royal standing williams personal life has been the subject of great media attention he has been romantically linked to kate middleton the paparazzi are hot on her heels like history repeating itself the world wants to know who may be the next princess of wales prince harry is third in line to the english throne and since birth he's grown up in the media spotlight diana once described prince harry as a very artistic and sporty boy diana ensured that harry enjoyed a normal childhood despite his family's privileged position in british society to this end prince harry attended mrs miner's nursery school in london's notting hill neighborhood photographers were on hand as his parents dropped harry off for his first day big brother william was there to give him a hand [Music] at an early age he may have discovered his future career harry developed an interest in all things military despite his parents increasingly strained marriage he became known for his happy-go-lucky disposition as a child [Music] in 1989 prince harry enrolled at the wetherby school where his older brother william was already a student he then followed his brother to the ludd grove school a boarding school in berkshire in 1992 after his parents separation princess harry and william spent their school holidays divided between their parents harry spent time at highgrove with his father as well as going on official trips and vacations abroad [Music] with his mother he engaged in a variety of activities from going on tropical holidays to visiting aids clinics and homeless shelters after his mother's death harry grew to be a typically rebellious teenager on more than one occasion he has attracted the attention of the tabloid press for drug use reckless behavior at sporting events and scuffles with the paparazzi in january 2005 photographs were beamed around the world of harry's attendance at a friend's party wearing a nazi uniform this outraged royal commentators this one is a big one he should have realized that wearing a nazi uniform as a member of the royal family is just not a starter harry later made a public apology for his poor choice of costume he also got caught going to a strip club and the prince's reputation for hard drinking and frequent clubbing was again at the center of public attention you know why shouldn't they experience the things that we experience just because he's got a name tag on him you know that's basically he's a young man trying to enjoy life basically isn't he just because he's been born into royalty you know he's still just allowed me after all he has not had a happy relationship with the media i suppose that is the media in general there's there's truth in those lives and unfortunately i can't get the truth across because i don't have my own column in the paper which i'm thinking about again after completing his a levels prince harry took a gap year during which he visited australia argentina and africa where he made a documentary about the plight of orphans in lesotho but when it comes to kids i just i love kids and it's something about african kids that are just even more special so underprivileged yet you know anything you give them any little present whatever it is um they will be so appreciative about it they all think it's christmas prince harry entered the royal military academy in sandhurst in 2005. he successfully completed a 44-week training course as an officer cadet before being commissioned in 2006 as a second lieutenant in the household cavalry the question will arise of you really seeing some military action and being on the front line how do you feel about that um i wouldn't have joined the army unless i thought i was going to um simple as that um if if they said no you can't go front line then i wouldn't i wouldn't drag my sorry ass through sanhuist and i wouldn't i wouldn't be where i am now because the last thing i want to do is have my soldiers sent away to iraq or whatever like that and for me to be held back home twiddling my thumbs thinking well what about david what about derek you know the main concern about prince harry going out to iraq is that he will become a target for insurgents including al qaeda their intelligence on the ground is is quite good and they will be aware where his unit is deployed whatever the press uh in britain and elsewhere says or does not say and one suspect that because of his symbolic value they will attempt uh to target this unit well it's a double-edged sword i i think he should serve but i think he has to show the people of his country that he's there to serve them i think he should go if he's if he's in the army then he should do what other people in the army do no special arrangements for a prince prince harry completed more than two months service with the british army in helmand province afghanistan as a forward air controller for nato forces when the news was leaked of his presence on the war front he was subsequently called home in 2009 he began a two and a half year training course to become a fully operational army air corps helicopter pilot it is i've always had a love for helicopters um i've always wanted to be a pilot mainly of helicopters more than fixed-wing even though i'm slightly under the impression that fixed-wing is probably easier than helicopters especially these things aren't designed to fly but um i'm really enjoying it and you know as everyone knows it is my easiest way of getting back onto the front line um and maybe safer maybe not safer i don't know um but there's a bit of pressure from from certain places which i'm sure you're aware of of the reasons why i'm allowed to go back and if i do go back then apparently i can't do the same job as i had so i'm looking somewhat different and more of a challenge to try and become a helicopter because it made pretty clear to you after the last time in afghanistan that it would be your first and last time that it was too risky for you to go back as a soldier more the fact that i think the media has said that they would never keep their mouths shut um if i went into the same job so i'd have to do something different if i wanted to go yes but you are hopeful confident and passionate that you do get back by this means that you get back to the front line massively so unless they stop trying helicopters out in afghanistan soon which hopefully they won't do but you know as i said i love flying helicopters i'm loving flying helicopters at the moment i just hope that i can be better than better than the best you know that's what i always strive to be to be you know spot on but you know as i said to get out to afghanistan again would be fantastic and my best chance is to be a helicopter is to do it from a helicopter um you're off the ground yet so you got off the ground all right thank you [Music] during this period prince harry co-founded the charity center bali with prince cesa of lesotho in memory of their mothers princess and i both lost our mothers when we were very young we set up center bali in their memory and because my mother loved this city it makes this occasion all the more poignant for me this charity supports orphans and vulnerable children in lesotho harry is also a skilled polo player and an avid rugby fan he has been romantically linked in the past to zimbabwean girlfriend chelsea davey with rumors swirling in the media of an impending wedding he is keen to keep his private life private it does irritate me because obviously i get to see how upset she gets and i know the real her but that's something that we deal with on our own time and unfortunately i can't turn around to the press i can't turn around people say listen she's not like that she's like this well how how is she how would you describe her um that is my private life and i don't really i'd love to i would love to talk to you about i'd love to tell everyone how amazing she is but you know it's that is my private life and once i start talking about that then i've left myself open and if anyone asks me in the future then they say well how are you told them but what are you telling us throughout his life harry's relationship with his big brother has held him in good stead it's amazing how close we've become you know i mean ever since our mother died obviously we were close um but he is the one person on this earth who i can actually really you know we can talk about anything and we understand each other and we give each other support and everything is fine almost a decade after their mother's death william and harry teamed up to organize a memorial for diana next year is the 10th anniversary of the loss of your mother how are you planning to mark this um next year we hope to commemorate and celebrate um our mother's life as it's been 10 years since she died with the memorial service on august 31st in london and then a concert uh a tribute concert celebrating her life in july the first on her birthday harry who will be attending the church service the service is going to include both sides of the family on the other side on our father's side um everyone getting together it should be a good occasion and lots of loud hymns i vote in my country or all the good ones and um it should be a very sort of simple and nice service the service was held at the guards chapel in the wellington barracks 500 guests including 30 members of the british royal family attended along with political leaders past and present pop stars including sir elton john were also in attendance prince william and harry escorted their father and her majesty queen elizabeth into the chapel [Music] william led the readings i bow my knees before the father from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name i pray that according to the riches of his glory he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his spirit and that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith as you are being rooted and grounded in love when she was alive we completely took for granted her unrivaled love of life laughter fun and folly she was our guardian friend and protector she never once allowed her unfaltering love for us to go unspoken or undemonstrated she will always be remembered for her amazing public work but behind the media glare to us just two loving children she was quite simply the best mother in the world well we both wanted to to put our um our stamp on it we wanted to represent exactly what our mother would have wanted um how she was and all that sort of things so therefore the church service alone isn't enough we wanted to have this big concert with you know full of energy full of um sort of fun and happiness which i knew she would have wanted and on her birthday as well it's got to be the best birthday presents ever had and with that we can by the two of us um organizing it um we wanted to have the uh the fact that the evening is all about our mother uh the main purpose is to celebrate and to have fun and to remember her in a fun way we're really lucky that we've got the wembley stadium and the arena and along with the whole other partners um who are helping um along in the whole event um it should run really smoothly and they've given up so much of their time to help and of course having wembley itself is brilliant we decided that it's gonna be called um concert for dinah because obviously the evening is going to be purely about her it's to remember her and to commemorate her life and celebrate her we're raising money for center point in centre bali and patron attends point and harry's patient of centralia and they're both charities that continue on for my mother's legacy money raised would also go to the diana memorial fund and the main charities she supported the idea is we wanted to get um artists that our mother really loved um and then um artists that both harry and i enjoy um it's gonna be different and it's it's gonna be interesting if it works it'd be brilliant if it doesn't then we're in the country the final billing of the artists and acts that donated their time included sir elton john andrew lloyd webber brian ferry nelly furtado duran duran kanye west p diddy roger hodgson from supertramp the english national ballet tom jones joss stone and many more it really is you know from what we had in our heads the idea to now actually seeing it in reality is suddenly bringing it to life and you know i don't know how excited i'm very excited the concept of the concert was well received by the english public and sold out in just 17 minutes absolutely so she appreciated music and i'm sure she had you know something she would have appreciated yeah i think definitely if that's what they want to do you know it's for their mum so why not there's lots of money for charities so yeah it's good yeah i think it's nice for the boys to remember their mum more than 60 000 people joined princess william and harry at wembley stadium around 15 million people in the uk watched the concert for diana on television and it was broadcast to 140 countries around the world the concert for diana was a huge success it was just yeah everything was fantastic absolutely fantastic i love the concert i like the idea that they celebrated her birthday and her life you know i love prince william chris harry the whole the whole experience is quite an amazing thing you know celebrating a life that was pretty special to the world and i feel a part of that so that's why i'm here there was plenty of love at the backstage after party as well it's quite an honor really to be asked to do something for you know the princess of england and for their mother who was one of the most beautiful people in the world i think and is definitely seen that way by the world not just by england you know this is everybody all over the world sees princess diana that's probably the best princess we'll ever have in the most beautiful energy like she's kind of seen as an angel it was really nice i met tom prince william and prince harry today and they were really really lovely really tall and and very uh sincere and and harry said he was most looking forward to my performance which was really flattering i think they both have my cd um and i saw the clip of them singing along afterwards that was really really cool so i'm happy i've had a fun time here tom jones reflected on meeting diana she was lovely she was she was easy to talk to um i did a kurdish concert you know for the cured refugees you know for the relief in wembley wembley arena and she was there and we had a good chat backstage she was actually walking behind me when i was coming off the stage and i didn't know that she was that close to me and i said i'm bloody boiling you know hot i wasn't looking around because i thought my son was behind me she said yes i bet you are you you i basically want to put your head in a bucket of ice though i said oh i'm sorry i didn't know i didn't know it was you but then she was laughing and so we went in the dressing room and you know we had a good shot and she told me how much you enjoyed the show no doubt princess diana would have been proud of her two boys raising a great deal of funds and attention to the charities she cared about so dearly [Music] throughout diana's life she used her high profile to help over 100 charities all around the world in 1995 diana received the international humanitarian of the year award from the united cerebral palsy fund this award recognized her work with children the princess was most publicly noted for her charity work and stance against landmines photos of diana walking through a minefield wearing a ballistic helmet and flak jacket brought a great deal of publicity to the issue her most inspiring work was when she became the first high profile person to knowingly touch people with the hiv virus hiv does not make people dangerous to know so you can shake their hands and give them a hug heaven knows they need it drug and alcohol abuse was another of her main concerns and she often spoke her mind about the subject as far as prevention is concerned parents and teachers are in the front line as a parent myself i'm only too aware of the responsibility this implies in the last year of her life she focused her attention onto six charities center point soho the leprosy mission here again she made the point of touching the children with the condition the international red cross the national aids trust the great ormond street hospital this hospital provides training for children's specialists royal marston nhs trust dedicated to cancer treatment and research [Music] the diana princess of wales memorial fund was established after her death its mission is to continue her humanitarian work in the united kingdom and overseas it received donations from people shortly after her death yeah i've come to my donations the public donations totaled about 20 million pounds and were warmly received by the beneficiaries i think it um is very welcome it's very important because um many members of the public here at home and indeed overseas want to give something to the causes that the princess of wales was associated with in addition to the public contributions a further 80 million pounds was generated through commercial activities including a large donation from sir elton john thanks to his recording of candle in the wind that he sang at her funeral i'm astonished i mean this is you know but part of it i mean this this is the interim payment there is probably much more to come um you know the single sold so quickly um that we're able to hand over the check now part of it anyway usually when you make a record you don't get the royalties for about a year and a half because you know the accounts have to but this one sold so quickly so i'm astonished i'm extremely pleased with the memorial fund still pursuing her humanitarian work the everlasting legacy of diana lives on and her loving influence on the world still remains to truly appreciate the everlasting legacy of diana the princess of wales one must consider the incredible life that she lived [Music] diana was the first british citizen to marry an heir to the throne in 300 years she was essentially plucked from obscurity to become the future queen of england at only 19 years of age diana was thrust into the spotlight held up as a public icon living every childhood fantasy but in reality she was chastised by the media and stifled by the conservative royal family throughout her life diana's kindness towards others always prevailed since she was a child diana's radiant smile her intuition and natural grace with other people and her love of children shone through as a result she used her newfound fame to highlight many charity causes close to her heart and devoted her time to raising her two children princess william and harry in 1961 diana was born into the aristocratic spencer family her family had ties with the windsors and as a young girl she enjoyed the company of prince charles's brothers andrew and edward at only six years of age diana endured the divorce of her parents and later when her father remarried she found that she did not take well to her stepmother diana was sent to riddlesworth hall boarding school at eight years old but she struggled with her schoolwork and homesickness she later moved to west heath in kent where she excelled in sports particularly in the swimming pool and was actively involved in charity work although diana struggled academically failing all of her o levels she was able to joke about it ten years later when she revisited west heath [Music] my years at westy was certainly very happy once indeed i made many friends who i often see and in spite of what miss raj and my other teachers may have thought at the time i did actually learn something so you would never have known by my o level results although exams homework and arithmetic may not have been diana's strong point at the age of 16 she attended finishing school in switzerland which perhaps helped with her excellent public speaking skills although diana had by now inherited the title of lady diana spencer she was essentially a very ordinary young woman she moved into a flat with friends in london and worked as a nanny and kindergarten teacher this seemingly ordinary life however was all about to change in 1980 at 18 years of age diana joined the royal family for a weekend hunt at sandringham invited by mutual friends diana's flatmates joked that perhaps she would become the queen of england but diana modestly brushed them off a string of requests from charles followed over the next six months the monarchy reportedly also considered princess astras of luxembourg as a suitable match for charles even though she was catholic but the tabloids pursued diana as the main romantic interest of charles her flat was under constant surveillance by the paparazzi and she was followed wherever she went although the shy 19 year old was suddenly thrust into the media spotlight she still cared for all those who came into contact with her even worrying about nosy paparazzi bumping into lamp posts how will you coping with all the press attention well as you can you can see you can tell you're bearing up with it quite well though because it must be quite a strain with all of us well it is naturally you you can't remove it all right though it seems to be doing very well i'm still around is there any possibility of any announcement of your marriage in the near future can you tell me can you tell me if there's any possibility i'm not going to say anything please prince charles did give us a hint himself he said we wouldn't have to wait too long in february 1981 the wait was over buckingham palace announced that prince charles and lady diana were engaged diana who was not yet 20 years old was infatuated by her new fiance she stated that as long as he was by her side she could do anything yesterday you were a nanny looking after children um now you're about to uh marry the prince of wales and and one day you would fall i more likely could be queen it's a tremendous change for someone i may say of 19 to make all of a sudden the transition it is but i've had a small run out to it all the last six months and next british charles and i can't go wrong he's there with me upon collecting diana from her shared flat in london her new bodyguard had told diana to enjoy these last precious moments of freedom as she would never have this peace again diana did not know then how right he was diana was sent to balmoral where she was groomed for the royal court her natural intuition with people quickly won her huge popularity with the crowds and she especially enjoyed engaging with children on july 29 1981 the wedding of the century had finally arrived people took to the streets in celebration as this day had been declared a public holiday although lady diana's father earl spencer was recovering from a stroke he could no more miss his daughter's wedding than any of the millions of people tuned into television sets around the world the spencers have through the centuries fought for their king and country today diana is vying to help her country for the rest of her life lady diana's mother mrs shan's kid had flown from her home in australia to attend the ceremony at buckingham palace the queen and prince philip set off in the procession bound for saint paul's cathedral [Music] while prince charles was accompanied by his brother andrew lady diana at 20 years old emerged from clarence house ready to become the future queen of england diana's silk wedding dress has since become an iconic moment in fashion history set against the drama of saint paul's cathedral and the british monarchy diana's ivory silk dress was suitably breathtaking perfectly befitting a princess designed by david and elizabeth emmanuel it featured a 25-foot train 10 000 small pearls elegant lace and sequin detail and those iconic puffed sleeves however the designers hadn't considered the glass carriage diana would travel in and when she arrived at st paul's cathedral her 9 000 pound dress was crumpled the royal couple honeymooned on a yacht from gibraltar but perhaps as a taste of what was to come the princess wasn't entirely satisfied engaged on official duties and bound to a husband who had brought his fishing gear and books along to his honeymoon the princess's fairy tale wedding did not necessarily translate into a fairy tale honeymoon madam how are you enjoying married life highly recommended in cardiff princess diana was given the freedom of the city her speech to the gathered dignitaries endeared her to the public and gave the monarchy confidence in their chosen princess [Applause] i am extremely grateful to you lord mayor and her city council and the city of cardiff for granting me the freedom of the city i realize it is a very great honour and i am most grateful i would like to try to express my thanksgiving well also er my blessings paralleled a gumry hoffum [Applause] this tour and particularly this evening in cardiff were the first big public tests for the princess she passed with flying colours she endeared herself to the people by speaking their language and her youthful naturalness and humility contrasted greatly with the normal measured manner of other royals on the 21st of june 1982 diana fulfilled one of her most important princess duties she gave birth to prince william arthur phillip louis however diana later stated that she had had a difficult pregnancy and afterwards suffered postnatal depression although she later attributed it to simply needing rest the princess spoke of waking up in the mornings and not wanting to get out of bed in public however the royal couple still appeared happy they soon conceived a second child and on the 15th of september 1984 prince henry charles albert david arrived a week earlier than expected diana had endured a nine-hour labour during which she refused to take drugs and sucked on an ice cube to prevent dehydration during the delivery as diana regained her svelte figure and returned to her duties it became apparent that the media was no longer shouting for charles's attention they wanted diana her smile her glamorous outfits and her charisma i haven't yet worked out a method of splitting my wife charles jokes hit a rift between the pair charles and the monarchy had grown critical of diana of her choices in clothing and her decisions to support various charities and how to properly raise her sons the one thing diana could control was her body and she turned to bulimia nervosa during a tour of canada she fainted in public adding to the list of things that a future queen simply must not do diana's charity work endeared her to the public but to the royal family diana was going over the top with her work and raising issues such as aids and homelessness that the typically aloof windsors would prefer not to discuss she remained patron of turning point and helped to boost the morale of soldiers serving in northern ireland she also lent her support to the wives and girlfriends of soldiers serving in the gulf war and kuwait diana's fun frivolous nature was also frowned upon by the royal family but endeared her to the public at prince harry's weatherby school sports day she cast aside the traditional role of aloof princess to take part in the mother's race when the cameras caught her larking with the duchess of york on the ski slopes prince charles was clearly unimpressed he had been educated in keeping the mystique of monarchy intact this did not come naturally to diana after months apart the couple reunited when they visited welsh flood victims but after a few hours charles returned to scotland leaving diana alone once more there was great speculation that the marriage was on thin ice prince charles was absent for diana's 30th birthday celebrations in 1991 and royal watchers grew more concerned about the marriage soon after the princess's father died after a long battle with illness and andrew morton published a book that claimed there were problems within the marriage and that the princess had tried to commit suicide the once vibrant princess began to publicly show the effects of her private turmoil by now it was glaringly apparent that diana with all her vigor enthusiasm and kindness was a bad match for the repressed royal family her sad demeanor was prevalent throughout the couple's tour of korea late in 1992 it's thought that it was then that the couple decided to separate back home at an eating disorder conference she publicly spoke of her own battle with bulimia ladies and gentlemen i have it on very good authority that the quests for perfection are society demands can leave the individual gasping for breath at every turn this pressure inevitably extends into the way we look eating disorders whether it be anorexia or bulimia show how an individual can turn the nourishment of the body into a painful attack on themselves and they have at their core a far deeper problem than mere vanity after making her problem with bulimia public the press continued to pry into her private life finally the princess took the dramatic step of publicly asking to be left to live a more private life in the process removing herself from that which she loved her charity work i was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become nor the extent to which it would affect both my public duties and my personal life in a manner that's been hard to bear my first priority will continue to be our children william and harry who deserve as much love and care and attention as i am able to give as well as an appreciation of the tradition into which they were born in a sad ironic twist of fate it was diana's very attempt to escape the press which ultimately led to her death diana had embarked on a holiday with dodiel fayed whom her brother would later claim was responsible for finally bringing happiness to the isolated princess the paparazzi stalked the glamorous couple until that fatal night in august 1997 when diana's driver desperately attempted to escape swarming stalking photographers at 3 57 a.m on august 31 1997 at la hospital in paris lady diana francis spencer the princess of wales was pronounced dead diana's driver along with dodea fayette had died at the scene of the accident her bodyguard survived in a critical condition words could not express the shock and grief felt by the world people who had only ever seen pictures of diana in a magazine watched her on television or read about her in books and newspapers felt as though they had lost a true friend over one million bunches of flowers were laid at kensington palace six million people lined the streets to pay their respects to her funeral casket 2.5 billion people watch the procession on television but for all those people who had never even met diana there were two boys who had lost someone who meant more to them than we could ever imagine [Music] diana's sons princess william and harry aged only 15 and 12 trailed behind their mother's coffin in a eulogy given by diana's brother charles spencer asked the crowd to pledge that they would protect william and harry from a similar fate and that they would continue to raise the boys in the imaginative free and joyful way diana had begun diana's body was finally laid to rest not in any royal grounds but at her family's country estate perhaps where she had always belonged although diana had been laid to rest the questions surrounding her death could not the public and the media had their own speculations as to what really happened in the pont dal alma road tunnel muhammad al-fayed claimed there had been a murder plot against diana and his son i believe that my son and christian have been murdered by the royal family an inquest lasting over 90 days with 270 witnesses and at a cost of 10 million pounds found that diana died due to gross negligence of driver henry paul who had been found with blood alcohol levels equivalent to drinking eight whiskeys and traces of drugs in his bloodstream her death was also attributed to the stalking paparazzi after the judgment prime minister gordon brown echoing sentiments of the royal family demanded that speculation must finally be laid to rest i think it's time to draw a line i think the princes william and harry have spoken for the whole country when they say this is time to bring this to an end with that there was an official end to the diana inquest but there was no end to the legacy of charity goodwill and hope that she left the world nobody could more truthfully convey the magnitude of what diana meant to the world than her brother charles in his eulogy to a sister taken too soon from the world he said all over the world she was the symbol of selfless humanity someone with a natural nobility who was classless and who proved that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic we will all feel cheated always that you were taken from us so young and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came at all
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 38,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history
Id: yj0YRlvFUE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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