How dangerous is Marseille, France?

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I don't always know what I'm looking for when I travel I get to a city check into a hotel or Airbnb or if I'm lucky something that's neither next step I look for something to eat preferably cheap preferably local coffee depending on the time I need to know exactly how challenging getting a decent espresso is going to be but I do very little research beforehand not for some clean slate unbiased philosophical reason but because I'm just too busy I'd ask CNN for help but their travel people are still searching for Italy with Stanley Tucci hint it's right there it isn't really until this moment when I open the sometimes hours of footage watch every single frame and ask myself what's this video about eventually by the time you see my name get scribbled on the screen I have an idea this time all I know is that this is the Old Port of Mao say one of the oldest in Europe France's second largest city and what some call the most dangerous city in Europe oh I got it let's find out how dangerous mouse say really is [Music] foreign it is hot not just hotter than it was in Paris but a lot more humidity as well so uh walking is just going to be nice and slow and leisurely um for as long as possible um stepped in God dang it this is the Glamorous part of travel vlogging that you don't often get to see okay so while I'm taking care of that let's put Mouse says crime into perspective according to my extensive research which involved Googling crime rates by City then clicking on the very first link mouse say actually has the second highest crime rate in Europe the first goes to Bradford England okay I think we're ready how many other vloggers use their precious watch time minutes to scrape their foot on the side of a curb to get rid of gum it's actually a Saturday I think actually Monday is a holiday like most Saturdays wake up at a leisurely time sleep in a little bit don't really know much about this city don't really know what the food Vibe is or what the situation is here with coffee brunch these types of things but we're about to find out so we're going to brunch [Music] it just had a coffee here at Deep Coffee Roasters which fantastic by the way probably one of the better coffees I've had in all of France today was supposed to be a beach day we were supposed to be headed to the beach club for one o'clock it's 12 30 now but there's sort of this like menacing threat of thunderstorms in the area all day so I don't know if that's gonna happen so one that's great because half the country seems to be on fire with forest fire so any rain in the region good job um and two I need to change my reservation at the beach club so here goes me trying to speak French that didn't go so well last time but after a few weeks I was feeling much better about my francaise uh foreign if you speak French let me know if my grammar was good it's probably terrible but let me know in the comments if that was even remotely close I seem to under get the task accomplished but uh you know they probably are used to Broken French after the rain cleared there were only two things on the agenda get something to eat and find a place to watch Olympic Marseille the local football club play so uh Marseille is proving to be a perfect example of why all of France is not Paris it doesn't have the refined beauty of Paris definitely has much more of a middle eastern influence North African influence and uh that's definitely like the vibe that you get out here in some of these streets in Marseille which I'm here for and it's also a game night Mase is playing the rest tonight in the French league uh one thing I'll say about like I catch myself doing it I think I just did it is using words like gritty or refined when it comes to Paris as opposed to the grittiness of Marseille and I feel like sometimes those words can become synonymous with some like subtle racial signaling like because there's less white people here it's prettier what I'm trying to get across here is there is a North African Arabic Middle Eastern influence here it's noticeable and uh I'm sure and history and history explains why with the uh rule of the Ottoman Empire and uh obviously the proximity to North Africa just across the Mediterranean Sea I think like whatever you want to call it gritty rough around the edges a little bit dirty whatever it is I think it's just important to remember that that's probably where you're gonna find the most flavorable food ultimately it's just like I'm just worried that like don't interpret me saying things like gritty as a code for dangerous and maybe you want that but I don't feel as though I'm in any danger whatsoever you know just what it is French France had a lot of colonies in North Africa this part of the world was once ruled by the Ottoman Empire hence there's going to be a lot of influence from that part of the world in this part [Music] [Applause] [Music] with clear skies and another scorching hot day forecast there was no better place to be than for a beach day [Music] foreign [Music] like that got us gotta sit up so uh I'm at the um Beach Club um at I think Prado GE Del Prado or Prado Beach um in Marseille and uh ah God I just love the Mediterranean turquoise water warm the beaches are never really as Sandy as you would like them to be at least in a lot of places that I've been to so far but it's good it's a beautiful hot day and we're doing the private beach it's just it's definitely more expensive to you know have us have a seat at a private beach but you get a chair you get a you get an umbrella you can order food you really don't have to bring anything and seeing as how we don't live here and don't have stuff if you can spare the Euros it's definitely the way to go this being France there is a how should I put this there's nipples behave accordingly I don't know I don't know what to tell you but uh but they'd be out here so yeah just so you know [Music] maybe when people talk about the dangers of this city what they're talking about is the dangerous amount of sugar intake be sure to monitor your blood sugar levels accordingly there was a guy here the other day who was selling candied peanuts trying to find him again because they were so good I think I think is that him I think I found him bonjour these little things right here so good they're still hot I think that concludes this day in Marseille headed back to the hotel now sleep is labor time do it again tomorrow [Music] my time in Marseille was almost over but I had heard about this neighborhood with tons of street art called Le panier so before I left I decided to take a stroll through [Music] I don't know if I'd mentioned it yet but today's a holiday in France I think actually Monday is a holiday it's a holiday holiday the holiday known as the Assumption of Mary which means it being a very religious holiday there's a apparently A procession that goes through this neighborhood so uh I'm gonna try to catch it it sounds like I'm getting closer [Music] the Assumption of Mary the belief that Mary Mother of Jesus couldn't have died so in 1950 Pope Pius XII just assumed that Mary's Assumption into heaven was a thing the Declaration made August 15th a national holiday here in France in Mao say the occasion is marked with a procession around La penier [Music] I struggle with these videos sometimes because I'm not really able to like give you tips and give you places to go what type of guy uh I like to sort of just have you experience this city in this time with me yeah Marseille is a great city with a lot of vibe some of the friendliest people that I've ever met in France have been here in Boston everybody is very welcoming wanting to know where you're from helping you know communicating with you as best they can English is not as strong generally in Marseille as it is in Paris but I think I think you could probably get by and everybody's just willing to sort of help you out and be sure you get what you need and you go where do you need to go [Music] foreign [Music] is not dangerous at all no more or less dangerous than anywhere else you've been to so if you're considering coming to Mao say and you happen upon a headline like this just consider it what the French call mouth [Music]
Channel: Will Ramirez
Views: 12,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marseille, olympique de marseille, marseille france, marseille travel guide, why is marseille so dangerous, marseille crime, travel, things to do in marseille, things to do in marseille france, marseille 2023, france travel 2023, marseille travel 2023, travel marseille 2023, travel marseille france, south of france, best cities in france, marseille city, vieux port marseille, best beaches near marseille, prado beach marseille, plage de prado, travel guide, travel video
Id: GfxGPDkJiYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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