How Conan the Barbarian Became King - Hyborian Age Lore DOCUMENTARY

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In our last video, we witnessed Conan  of Cimmeria’s first taste of leadership   in the service of Khorala, beating back the  hordes of the undead sorcerer Thugra Khotan.   The decade to follow would see him  grow further into the role of a leader,   inspiring loyalty and terror  across the breadth of the world.   He had fought against his former master and  rival Yezdigerd of Turan, leading the Kozaki Free   Companions of the steppes as their Hetman. He had  raided far-off Vendhya ahead of Afghuli tribesmen,   forged brigands into an army to overthrow the  usurper queen of Khauran, and entered into legend   as the fearsome pirate lord known as Amra, the  lion of the Black Coast. But his greatest test   and his greatest conquest lay ahead of him,  in the mightiest kingdom of the Hyborian Age:   Aquilonia, an old and proud empire laid low  by the tyranny of its mad king Numedides.   Now we don’t recommend trying to achieve  all these feats yourself, and instead use   a shortcut to receiving a high title, by using  the sponsor of the video Established Titles. They sell small plots of land in Scotland, which  are sought after because of a historic Scottish   custom where landowners are referred to as  Lairds, or Lords and Ladies in English. But   to protect these lands, a tree is planted with  every order, and Established Titles supports   charities like One Tree Planted and Trees for  the Future, so it’s a fun and novel way to   preserve the natural woodlands of Scotland,  while helping global reforestation efforts. You’ll get at least one square foot of land  in Scotland, with a unique plot number and   a certificate to prove it. 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In recent years, the perversions of King  Numedides of Aquilonia had grown ever darker,   his cruelty and thirst for soft flesh giving  way to baths of blood and the dark rituals of   the sorcerer Thulandra Thuu, who promised  immortality to the Aquilonian monarch.   Though far from the first magic-user to  make a puppet of a king in the Hyborian Age,   Thuu had a far more pragmatic mindset  than the likes of Makkalet’s Kharam-Akkad,   his mastery of the arcane arts not dulling his  courtly talents as a politician and schemer.   Conan and Numedides had history already, and  had not always been foes. Though in his youth   Conan had first blooded himself in battle against  Aquilonians, part of the wild horde that overran   Fort Venarium on Aquilonia’s frontier with  Cimmeria, in more recent years he had served   in Numedides’ army, rising to become a renowned  general for his victories fighting the Picts   at the Thunder River and at Velitrium. His rise  would come with an even more sudden fall, however,   when the paranoid Numedides, fearful of the mighty  outlander’s popularity, turned on his general   and forced Conan to flee into exile to avoid  execution, departing Aquilonia to the wildernesses   of the Picts he had so recently warred against. However, Conan’s exile would not be a long one.   In the depths of the Pictish Wilderness, he made  two surprising discoveries, first: the hidden   treasure cave of the famed pirate Tranicos, whose  buried wealth dwarfed the treasuries of kingdoms,   and second, a remote wooden fortress built by  another exile, the Zingaran Count Korzetta.   Tensions grew higher with the arrival of two rival  pirate captains, Strombanni and Black Zarono.   Though Korzetta had in truth come to the  wilderness fleeing the wrath of the wizard   Thoth-Amon, whom he had once cheated out of  payment for a dark bargain, both pirates were   convinced the Count had come seeking the treasure  of Tranicos. However, attacks from Picts and the   reveal of Conan’s knowledge of the treasure’s  location eventually drove the four into an uneasy   rogues’ alliance. After schemes and betrayals from  all parties, the enterprise nearly came to naught   with the fall of Korzetta’s fortress to Picts  and the deaths of Korzetta and both captains,   but fortune smiled on Conan in the form of Count  Trocero of Poitain, a friend and ally of Conan’s,   who had followed the divinations of the Mitran  priest Dexithius to find the exiled barbarian   general and recruit him for a rebellion to  overthrow Numedides. With the treasure of   Tranicos to bankroll their insurrection, Conan  and his unexpected rescuers left the Pictish   Wilderness by war galley to Messantia, capital  of Argos, there to plot the toppling of a despot.  Messantia would provide a staging ground for the  raising of Conan and Trocero’s mercenary army.   King Milo of Argos was an old friend of  Count Trocero’s, and no friend of Numedides.   During the reign of the mad  tyrant’s uncle and predecessor,   large swathes of land along the Alimane River  had been seized from Argos by Aquilonia,   and the grudges ran deep between Argos and  its more powerful, domineering neighbor.   Selling the vast wealth of Tranicos, Conan and  Trocero soon raised over ten thousand warriors,   camping and drilling outside Messantia as  ever more Aquilonian deserters, exiles and   fortune-seekers flocked to the returned general’s  banner. But among the thousands of eager and loyal   soldiers, two newcomers had come to Conan’s camp  with treachery in their hearts. The first was   Quesado, a Zingaran spy in the employ of Thulandra  Thuu, who played the role of a drunken layabout   sellsword in order to infiltrate Conan’s camp. The  second was Alcina, Thuu’s apprentice and catspaw,   who posed as a Messantian dancing girl and became  Conan’s mistress after he overheard Quesado   telling tales of her beauty. When Conan’s forces  finally left Messantia on the road to Tarantia,   it was with these two unseen enemies in their  midst, informing the foe of their movements.  Standing between Conan’s army and Aquilonia  was the border legion under General Procas,   an experienced and skilled commander but one long  out of favor in court and a target of Thulandra’s   machinations. Based on the Aquilonian side of  the Alimane River in Trocero’s native Poitain,   they could control the three safe fords and  make any crossing difficult despite Conan   having the larger army. The rebels had one major  advantage: Poitain was one of the provinces most   hostile to King Numedides, and partisans in the  province were preparing to raise it in revolt,   promising to send a bloodied arrow to Conan  as a signal when the revolt was ready.   However, for such an uprising to have any  meaning, Conan’s army would first have to make the   dangerous crossing of the Alimane. Conan’s advance  was a hurried one - pressured by the growing   displeasure of King Milo at the large foreign army  at his borders, and hoping to march on Tarantia   before harvest season brought potential recruits  back to their fields, Conan would have no choice   but to attempt to force a crossing, splitting his  army into three and preparing to march as soon   as the signal arrived from Trocero’s partisans  arrived. In the central, largest river crossing,   a small force under Trocero’s right-hand man  Prospero would camp and threaten to cross,   with extra tents and horses to feign a much larger  number. With the Aquilonians hopefully taking this   for the main army and focusing their defense in  the center, Trocero and Conan would cross at the   Eastern and Western crossings with the bulk of the  army, falling on Procas in a pincer movement. But   as sound as the plan was, it would be undone by  Alcina’s spying. Overhearing Conan and Trocero’s   plan as she feigned sleep in the general’s  tent, the plan - and the awaited signal - were   transmitted by magic to Thulandra Thuu, and  from Thuu on to Procas. The following day,   a bloodied arrow was indeed delivered to Conan’s  camp, but as a ruse by Procas, luring Conan into   his trap before their allies could muster. The resulting battle would be nothing short   of a disaster for the rebels under Conan. Despite  marching their units in and out of the tree cover   to suggest a larger army and blowing horns  enough for a force ten times their size,   Prospero’s diversionary force found the central  crossing all but deserted. But on the flanks,   Procas’ preparedness and the poor scouting of the  inexperienced rebel horsemen led both Conan and   Trocero to lead their forces into ambushes. As  the rebels waded through the almost chest-high   water of the Alimane, archers and crossbowmen  sprung from the foliage on the North bank,   peppering them with deadly missile fire and  causing panic to break out. The foremost rebels,   who managed to cross the river before the trap  was sprung, were cut down by Procas’ cavalry,   who continued their charge to cut bloody trails  in the disorganized mass of rebels in the river.   Unable to maintain the discipline of his  panicked troops, Conan soon fled with what   survivors he could muster, with a downpour of  heavy rain come evening hiding both him and the   similarly defeated Trocero from the Aquilonian  cavalry hunting survivors across the river.   While the death toll was significant, the blow  to morale the disaster inflicted was far worse,   with most of the survivors simply deserting  into the forest in hopes of reaching safety,   the remainder of the scattered host slowly  regrouping after the disaster into a force barely   stronger than fifteen hundred, which withdrew back  through the Saxula Pass to the Plain of Pallos.  Conan’s misfortune would only grow in the  aftermath. Informed of the battle’s outcome   by Alcina, Thulandraa Thuu decided to rid himself  of both Conan and his rival Procas, now that the   commander was no longer needed to keep the rebels  at bay. On her master’s orders, Alcina poisoned   Conan with the deadly powder of the purple lotus,  leaving him for dead and departing the rebel camp.   Thuu, meanwhile, had Numedides send a letter to  Procas ordering him to cross the river and wipe   out the remaining rebels in Argos. Surviving the  poison thanks to his legendary strength but left   weakened and bed-ridden, Conan’s cause might  have seemed doomed, but in a stroke of irony,   his salvation would come from one of the  same traitors responsible for his ruin.   For his work spying on the rebel army, Quesado  had been promoted to the diplomatic corps as   ambassador to Argos, but though a skilled spy,  he made a poor diplomat, gravely insulting King   Milo by attempting to threaten him into helping  Aquilonia round up and destroy the rebel remnants.   Instead, Milo sent a strong force of horsemen  North to the Alimane with orders to drive off   any Aquilonian incursion. Their arrival just as  the rebel and Aquilonian army were about to meet   for their final clash suddenly turned a last stand  into a tense stalemate, and put Procas in a deadly   bind. Though his border legion outnumbered the  rebels even with the arrival of Milo’s cavalry,   to attack now would mean a war with Argos that  Aquilonia could little afford in its current   state of turmoil. However, to retreat would  mean disobeying a direct order from his king,   inviting accusations of cowardice. Either way, his  enemies in court would spring at the chance to see   him disgraced or executed, leading Procas to delay  the attack his army had been prepared to deliver.  A few hours later, a second force appeared to tip  the scales - the intact rearguard from Trocero’s   force, which had escaped the disaster under  the leadership of Baron Groder and numbered   another fifteen hundred to double Conan’s  army. Now outnumbered, Procas signaled his   army to withdraw, hoping the sudden imbalance  in numbers would forestall Numedides’ anger.   Seeing his foe retreating, Conan hoped to pursue  them through the pass, dealing what damage he   could while they filed through the passes and  across the river. Unfortunately, the Argossean   horsemen under Prince Cassio were under orders to  fight for the Aquilonians only if they attempted   to push further into Argos, and would not take  the offensive against them with the rebels,   despite Cassio’s sympathy for Conan’s cause. But  here, Conan’s experience in Turan would serve   him well. Remembering the mounted archers that  formed the core of that Eastern kingdom’s army,   Conan asked Cassio to lend him five hundred  horses, after all, the king’s order bound only   the soldiers, not their mounts. What horses the  rebel army had left were underfed and exhausted,   but with five hundred strong Argossean mounts,  Conan could mount his Bossonian archers to harry   the retreating Aquilonians. Though his men were  unable to fire from horseback, they waged an   effective guerrilla offensive over the following  days, riding in small groups into longbow range   of the enemy, dismounting to fire, and vanishing  like smoke in the face of resistance. On his way   back through Saxula Pass, Procas’ army was further  damaged by an avalanche of boulders prepared by   Conan’s scouts. Despite his skill as a soldier,  the Aquilonian general lacked Conan’s mastery   of irregular warfare, won through years of tribal  warfare and piracy - and while the attrition meant   little to the Border Legion’s overall numbers,  it caused a rapid deterioration of their morale.   Finally crossing back over the Alimane after three  days of harassment, volleys from two hundred of   Conan’s archers gave the Aquilonians a taste  of what the rebels had suffered at their hands,   and Procas himself was left wounded and  unable to travel by an arrow in his leg.   Beaten and humiliated, the Border Legion  made camp on the Alimane’s North Bank,   to turn back any attempts at a second crossing. Despite the losses inflicted by Conan’s   hit-and-run attacks, the numbers were still  more favorable for the Border Legion than they   had been in the rebel’s first crossing, and the  liberation of Aquilonia might well have ended   here in stalemate if not for the misplaced  plotting of Thulandra Thuu. With Quesado and   Alcina now both gone from the rebel camp, neither  they nor the wizard they served was aware Conan   had survived the poisoning. Thinking the rebel  army to be leaderless and no longer a threat,   Thuu decided it was now safe to eliminate his  rival Procas, sending Alcina as his assassin.   Claiming to bear a message from the mage, she  secured a private meeting in the general’s tent,   only to mortally injure him with a poisoned  dagger. The old warrior would sell his life dearly   in his last moments, though, with the amulet used  to communicate with her master being torn free in   the struggle and left behind in Alcina’s hurry  to flee the camp. In the morning, the discovery   of Procas’ death, declared a suicide by his  replacement Count Ascalante, an inexperienced   and power-hungry noble under Thulandra Thuu’s  sway, caused the Border Legion’s already flagging   morale to plummet, with the unlikeliness  of the suicide claim spurring distrust and   suspicion towards their new leadership. Thus,  while made up of some of the most experienced   soldiers in Aquilonia, the Border Legion would  be little prepared for what would come next.  As mentioned previously, Poitain had been  on the brink of revolt when Conan’s army of   liberation had first arrived, but the disaster at  the Alimane and the rebel withdrawal to the plains   of Argos had left the population too afraid of  Numedides’ harsh reprisals to turn on the crown.   But now, with Conan again camped across the  river, Procas dead and the Border Legion   licking its wounds, Trocero’s propagandists  set the planning of months into motion.   Just a few nights after Procas’ death, the city  of Culario erupted in a well-planned rebellion,   Poitainians killing guards at their posts,  looting the armory and hanging the Aquilonian   governor and tax collector. Following this, the  victorious rebels made their way swiftly South,   reaching the Alimane before word of the successful  insurrection. With fog shrouding the early morning   darkness and the loss of Procas’ skilled  leadership, the Aquilonians caught off guard   by the surprise attack from friendly territory.  With Conan’s army taking advantage of the fog and   the distraction to launch their own attack, and  Ascalante deserting at the first sign of defeat,   the skilled and experienced Border Legion  rapidly lost its discipline and disintegrated,   some fighting in a confusing darkened melee while  far more threw down their weapons in surrender.  Conan’s campaign at the Alimane, despite  its disastrous beginnings, would end as a   triumph - in the aftermath of the victory, the  barbarian warrior’s renown and popularity as a   former general and war hero allowed him to sway  many from the Border Legion to join his cause,   including Ascalante’s former second-in-command,  the self-serving but skilled Baron Gromel - and   on his arrival in Culario, new recruits  and allies flocked to his lion standard,   with the Northern Barons pledging their  allegiance and men of Poitain volunteering   to join his ranks in numbers greater than could  be armed or equipped. Though this was only the   first step on his long road to Tarantia, it would  surprisingly be the last major battle won through   conventional force of arms, despite the larger  Aquilonian armies still standing in his path.   At the Brocellian Forest, both armies would trust  in sorcery to win the day. Conan would see victory   here, his keen senses allowing him to save his  army from Thulandra Thuu’s magical landslide trap,   while the satyrs of the forest - promised peace  and friendship by Conan, who had saved some of   their number being hunted for Thuu’s rituals -  would use their pipes to cast madness over the   encamped Aquilonians. And following this magical  victory, it would be Conan’s sword-arm alone that   won him Tarantia and its Ruby Throne. Though  twenty-five thousand Aquilonians under Count   Ulric stood poised to drive the rebels from the  capital, turncoats among the Black Dragons - the   elite royal guard of Aquilonia, who in recent  years had seen and suffered through the madness   of Numedides more closely than any - smuggled  Conan, the priest Dexithius, and some of his   loyal men within the near-unguarded palace itself.  Here, protected from the unprepared Thuu’s magic   by Dexithius, the wanderer from Cimmeria slew  the newly self-proclaimed deity Numedides and   drove Thulandra Thuu to flight, being proclaimed  King Conan and ending the civil war before the   two armies could meet in pitched battle. In the years to follow, Conan would prove   himself one of the greatest monarchs of  the Hyborian Age - but rulership would   bring many new challenges for the barbarian  swordsman, and more battles still lay ahead. Thanks again to our sponsor, Established  Titles. Buy a small plot of land in Scotland   and become a lady or a lord, or give this  title as an amazing and easy gift. In return,   Established Titles plants a tree to protect  the pristine forests of our planet. Take   advantage of their Black Friday sale  and use our discount code wizards,   at,  to get a further ten percent off. Our series on the Hyborian world of Conan will  continue, so make sure you are subscribed and   have pressed the bell button to see them.  Please, consider liking, commenting,   and sharing - it helps immensely. Our videos  would be impossible without our kind patrons   and youtube channel members, whose ranks you  can join via the links in the description to   know our schedule, get early access to our  videos, access our discord, and much more.   This is the Wizards and Warriors channel,  and we will catch you on the next one.
Channel: Wizards and Warriors
Views: 94,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aquilonia, king, how, alimane, Shamla pass, yasmela, natohk, stygia, Khoraja, conan, makkalet, turan, mercenary, barbarian, aragorn, gandalf, faramir, gondor, Helm's deep, battles, isen, arnor, rohan, Kings and Generals, Cold War, Lord of the Rings, Isildur, Sauron, humans, men, battle, documentary, middle earth, Middle-Earth, animated, fantasy, sci-fi, wizards, warriors, history, lore, sauron, orks, rings, elder scrolls, warhammer, star wars, game of thrones, witcher, wheel of time, house of the dragon, war of the ring
Id: C9Ah9IPyRK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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