How can Product Managers incorporate AI into their work?

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[Music] first thing I wanted to share on this topic of AI is something I had tweeted to my super followers actually so uh I'll just let you read this tweet uh that I'd shared with my subscribers because I think it is first really important to recognize this right so there's a lot going on with AI and we see AI everywhere and I see a lot of this kind of sometimes reluctance and almost fear of trying to engage with what's going on with AI and I just wanted to call out that oftentimes this reluctance is rooted in in our fear of missing out on a big wave or fear of having to learn something new or just fear that we will become obsolete right so sometimes it's easier for us to just ignore what's going on and like create a rational reason around it which is like oh it's hype and you know I just want to do my job I don't want to bother with all this AI stuff right now but what I want to share at least my perspective on AI honors which is uh and again this is something like I shared many many many months ago well before chat GPT and other things launched is that I firmly believe that AI is this next big wave in technology and I I just want to call out that like in our lifetimes we'll only see a few big waves in our career and I do strongly believe that AI is it right and before this was mobile and mobile wasn't that big but sort of In the 2008-2009 period is when we saw mobile and before that was the world wide web right like we don't see many of these In Our Lifetime and in some ways we are lucky to kind of like be in the middle of this right now I think if you kind of just recognize this truth and if you're feeling reluctance and fear instead of ignoring that fear like just like accept the fear because that's the only way you will take the next step right so if you're then ready to take the next step right like what is to be done so first I'll split it into a few categories so category one is uh I would highly recommend that you use AI products and you can use them for your work for your product manager job right that sort of stuff is like obvious uh and I know many people are doing it but uh I'll perhaps share some non-obvious things you can use chat GPT for first one is when you are having a difficult conversation now as product people we often have difficult conversations with people and what I find is that like most of the anxiety and most of the problems that occur from you know difficult conversations is basically a messaging problem so if we can message much much better we can be a lot more effective and influential you can actually use something like chat GPT today to tweak your message right say you want to have a conversation with somebody about uh you know them not kind of uh being as engaged on certain tasks and uh you know missing deadlines or whatever the case might be you can literally go to chat GPT describe the situation and then it will provide a response to you and most people stop at that response and say okay I'll tweak it but what many people don't realize is that you can further ask chat GPT to refine the response for you you can say well is there a different word for this thing that you used or could you reframe this to make this a little softer or give me four or five different options for how I might say it and again I'll just share a quick example I did this for a tweet what I'm showing you here is uh I had this kind of tweet that I wanted to write and it was a little difficult because I wasn't sure how to express uh you know certain competitor basically I went through this whole process of like uh you know hey chat gbt what is a good way to say that a company's past its peak right then it gave me something and then I said but how about this is there any better way to frame that and you know and then it said you know I said okay now this is my current version how is this and then I asked it for three or four variants right like uh and on and on again the point is not like I I'm just showing this as an example for a tweet but the point is you can do this for anything right any kind of communication so I would highly recommend that you do you do that now I'm not just recommending that you do these things for just the sake of your job although that is already a very good reason to do it the second category I want you to pay attention to is as you use these products you will get ideas for how to incorporate and how to make your current product better and there are probably a couple of a couple of variants here one variant is that uh you work on a product that is likely to get completely disrupted with AI right and there are plenty of examples of such products many kind of SAS products fall in that category for instance like if you're doing anything any contact center SAS thing right uh well a lot of your users are actually going to disappear overnight right and that impacts all sorts of things including your per seat pricing and it basically impacts everything so there are entire categories that are going to get disrupted right so so that's one reason why you need to understand what the potential of these tools is and the only way you'll understand the potential of these tools is by using it the second is where maybe your product is not going to get disrupted but you ought to be thinking about what sort of features will create differentiation in your product where you're kind of using generative AI or other kind of new approaches right so that's the second category I wanted to call out third category is and I know this is something PMS are often like wondering about will my job get obsolete here's my belief about that question my belief is that uh what is going to happen is that teams are going to get significantly smaller so that's number one a result of teams getting significantly smaller for the same amount of work is that there is less coordination overhead and impact of that of less coordination overhead is that now the project management aspect of product management is going to be less important it's still going to be a key part of it but it's just going to be less important than it is right now right simply because the steams are smaller so that's number one number two you are going to be in a situation where the main part of the PM role is going to become even more important while these other commodity things are are basically going to be much easier to do basically you will not be spending three hours writing some complex you know five table join SQL and marveling at the beauty of the sequel you wrote and sharing it with your colleagues so they can appreciate the sequel you wrote right like that is just not going to be as vital for your job what is going to be vital is your judgment your judgment Your Instinct and creativity is in a world where everybody has access to these AI tools what is going to happen is the differentiation is going to be created by what you do with all of this right and that still boils down to creativity and it boils down to Insight and boils down to empathy for the customer so as you're thinking about how you should think about your skills and how to adapt to this future I would say it is very very vital that you understand how to grow your empathy how to grow your your ability to sort of like have better judgment so clear thinking and how to improve your creativity because those parts of the job I'd firmly believe are the ones that will help you create better products than your competitor who has access to the very same AI tools so my main recommendation here would be as you think of the long term please invest in upskilling in those areas because that's going to ensure that you have very high job security and that you're still able to make a massive impact in the products you work on thank you [Music]
Channel: Shreyas Doshi
Views: 6,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7epTQbwoqGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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