How Can Mordecai Be So DUMB But Yet So SMART?

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armada welcome to another episode of this mordecai margaret tj arc i really need to come up with a catchier name for this arc where basically i go over this entire series long arc and analyze it episode by episode currently we are on the last season one margaret centric episode and also the last episode in season one mordecai in the rigby's if you haven't seen the first two episodes in this video series the first one being caffeinated concert tickets and the second one being these unicorns have got to go i recommend you check them out by going to this playlist in the description or to pin comment also plug in my reddit [Music] so before i get into this i really do want to hammer the point home that i am going to be plugging my reddit a little bit and it's actually for a very simple reason so right now my biggest and most active community outside of youtube is discord and i've come to terms with the fact that my discord is going to be rather casual for me it's where i hang out with a lot of my fans you guys and also where i hang out with a lot of my friends and it's kind of turned into more of a casual non-animation thing for me there however i would still like a hub for talking about animation making sure that i catch up on the news make sure i catch up on any cool things that the community is up to and i figured since my reddit is sort of a clean slate right now i actually went through and purged everything that was there except for all the essentials i figured that reddit's probably a better place for that it allows for people who may not necessarily want to be on vcs or want to make a post themselves or even collect and organize posts to that people and this is a problem that we've had in discord for a long time where people would someone would talk about something at like 3 p.m at one time and then like at another time they would bring it back up as if no one was talking about it and i really do feel like reddit would be a better place to just be more organized and to just build this hub of people who love animation it'll be a lot more geared towards animation air i'm going to be posting a lot of my videos there and i'm also going to have a requests mega thread there so that's gonna be pretty awesome so again go to my reddit it's in the description below it's in the pin comment go check it out so to get everyone up to speed margaret is still just the coffee girl there is nothing interesting about her and there aren't that many unique factors about her literally you can slap paint on a cardboard box and give it a wig feathers and lipstick and you would essentially have the same character all she is at this point is the girl that mordecai is into mordecai is shown to sacrifice sleep and tap on his survival energy reserves just to be at a concert for this girl as well as fight his best friend legitimately a few times because some unicorns were pranking him and rigby didn't stand by his side it's not looking good for our blue jay out there but it surely is entertaining we start this episode with them getting fake banned t-shirts which mordecai says he can't recall agreeing to yes i want to be in a band with you all right but we gotta have a cool band name what do you think of cool dudes face punch red and subtract helicopter crash what about mustache cash stash that's it that's it order the shirts order the shirts oh yeah t-shirts now i'm not gonna say that i'm an expert or enthusiast on soda in fact those days of drinking it daily regularly or long gone for me if it isn't bamboo tea i'm a water guy in fact some would say on my discord since i brought up earlier then i should be team hydrate by that logic but i am a neutral party because on any given day soda still slaps and i would take it over water especially if i'm out but that being said it's crazy that he doesn't remember given that it's you know soda not the other beverage that people do thumb things on that causes them to forget because they've had a lot of it although to be fair they never said it was soda so for all i know they could have been channeling their inner soul and cold steve austin also i just love how mordecai's mouth is animated when he says the band's original name mustache cash dash can't believe i got that all in one take it just seemed so smugly bro that you know he was proud of that name at that time too bad i didn't pick it they and by they mean rigby picked the name of this episode mordecai and the rigbies although skeptical at first rigby insists on mordecai wearing the shirt and donning the status of this fake band however things go left very quickly whoa rad shirts you guys are a band no no we're not in a band so what it's some sort of fake band no it's a real band but it's just not a big deal you know your band should play the open mic tomorrow night yeah for sure totally awesome i can't wait to see you guys play so there are two people in school there's a people who when they had papers they would put them in a folder or a binder or something like that and then put in their book bag and then there were people when they had papers they would put them in their notebook or directly in their bag or even in their pocket now i'm not going to canotically confirm or deny that i went to school but if i did go to school i was a part of the second group and with this alleged experience i can maybe tell you that those papers i just shoved allegedly into my book bag were not the cleanest or the straightest papers you've ever seen some would say that those papers got beaten and folded up more than the undercard of your average mma belt so my question is where did margaret keep this paper screw this job that you have you can make some serious money selling whatever clothing you have that keeps the papers as straight as they are here but about the episode mordecai was put in a tough spot to either commit to the silly idea or explain the silly idea itself and basically exposed that the entire band is fake and that they kind of did it off of a beverage binge induced dumb idea and given that mordecai had all of about like five seconds to be able to process which choice to make there i think it'd be unfair to put the weight on that decision solely on mordecai the way that rigby did but nonetheless it's a fun way to open the episode itself given that you pack all of this into the first few minutes of this episode so that we can feel the pressure that mordecai feels wanting to not mess up his shot with this girl who seems to be decently interested in him so far they decide that all they need is one good song and they practice their two-man ensemble in preparation ready shreddy one two three four stop stop wanting to improve their skills they reach out to multi-platinum superstar pops who is on his harpsichord who gives them the educational material that he used to become the mega rapper superstar that he is today he also informs everyone that he's going to the open mic night so now they can't back out i do find pops exceptionally charming here giving his brief appearance it's not that he does extra or says much but what he says in this concise period of time just felt so unconditionally optimistic and old-timey that he's definitely made his mark on the show at the end of season 1 for sure now as you know regular show is anything but what makes it work is that it has a supernatural blend that casually mixes in with the slice of life nature of the show so how do they incorporate those fantasy elements here what is the clever or crafty way that they incorporate that into this episode apparently a simple push dude this isn't working i can't understand anything dude we got to keep going do you want to look like an idiot at the open mic so as a cartoon reviewer i am prone to fixating on tiny things just to get some comedy or analysis out of it but i find it amazing that there are a few times within the series where mordecai just pushes someone and it causes a major chain of events like mordecai's push should be up there if like thanos is snap where such a common activity that anyone can do is magnified to a ridiculous level for this person because when you think about it that tiny push caused time travel while the soda was the middle factor here just the sheer fact that these records from the past produced a product from the future to get to the present is such a ridiculous warp that i theorize that it has to do with mordecai's legendary push not only that but he gets upset at rigby when he was the one who committed to the open mic night like excuse the rig bone for being under pressure because of the decision you made however this is important to the whole arc because of a few crucial scenes they'd end up meeting a future versions of themselves and they say two things of note the first one being you don't know it yet but this is the moment where we teach you how to rock dude this is perfect wait wait we suck and if you're us doesn't that mean you suck too didn't you just hear us play yeah we're super successful musicians in the future whoa whoa whoa not so fast buddy i've played enough town of salem and mafia to know when someone is beating around the bush and in fact around the time of recording this i'm actually starting up a new game of mafia so if you like games like uh town of salem or if you like the emergency meeting part of among us i definitely recommend joining my discord for that but i've played enough games that involve social deduction to deduce something here like i thought you guys were successful musicians but the way you dance around that question you would make beyonce blush present rigby wanted to know if you guys were good not if you guys were successful and i would throw up like an image of a successful musician who really isn't that good but i'm pretty sure you guys in the comments below have better suggestions and whatever i can put up on the screen anywho dodging around that question while disingenuous makes for an amazing clue as to what happens later which helps with re-watchability however i won't spoil it directly just yet let's get on to the other thing of note present rigby asks future rigby if they get a shark tattoo and i find it hilarious and i'm writing this as of now because if future me was me today in 2021 and present me was me five years ago i would have the same fixation that rigby has except his armpit shark tattoo was my ps2 it's actually one of the very few things i bought with my youtube money adsense in these five years that didn't just go back into what i do until recently mordecai also has a question to ask his future self oh hey in the future do i get to go out with margaret i wouldn't want to ruin the surprise oh now obviously it's highly unlikely that the writers knew but i wonder if he was with steph in this timeline however it isn't a regular show episode without the montage here we see mordecai and rigby act as if they weren't just playing a guitar before yes it was poor but they didn't break it anywho besides that little dissonance the montage is standard nothing truly special or anything over the top or memorable about it other than it plays the instrumental of the song that they would go on to play at the open mic night skeptical of these future dudes who seem to consistently say that they're going to do well and fine present-day mordecai notes that there wasn't a single lesson that revolved around actually playing these instruments scales who needs them chords you already have one that plugs into the amp music theory debunked all you need is the looks the moves and the lyrics down so as you may or may not know this is similar to the story of millie vanilli and i'm not a music channel however if i was i would have an hour long video about this in particular because i've been super interested in this topic but essentially they were a pop band that were exposed for not only being the ones that didn't sing their songs on stage but also not even the people responsible for singing the songs that people purchased that they got a grammy for however regular show takes a slightly different spin on it anxious and feeling guilty for not being able to play a single song under their so-called band mordecai yells at rigby for taking the box of t-shirts that they ordered and offering to give it out to the crowd but then margaret does that exact same thing and you already know where this is going hey can i have one of those oh yeah here's a small how do i look amazing i can hand these out for you guys it's amazing what lady pex does to a blue jay they get one final interaction with their future selves before they go on stage and are shocked almost offended that they would offer pics after not teaching them anything music related however their future selves just tell them relax just go out there you'll be fine just stick to what you practice we get muscle man being incredible shirt off before the finale he's just in the zone wants to hear music and just like in caffeinated concert tickets he's just amazing here like muscle man might be the best character in season one off his one-liners alone afraid of the unknown they decide to take the risk of looking like frauds and play [Music] holy crap [Music] it's here where we get to see monica's true colors they'd start playing party tonight a song that was great animated well and i can see why you'd want to nominate this specific episode for an emmy it's to the point it offers a lot of tiny but cool ideas both story wise and animation wise and the concert just feels great it's a feel-good moment although undeserved that mostly fits the mood well you get to see them all happy benson is in disbelief and everything goes to plan or does it mordecai drops his pick and immediately confused as to why he drops the pick the music stops playing i guess he wasn't thinking too much about it when he grabbed the mic earlier and the music was playing however both the music and the vocals are being played on a boombox just off stage to make it appear that the duo are playing that's why you had to learn everything but the music to sell that they are great musicians as they did have the moves and vocals down pat and were in sync and they did look cool however mordecai doesn't wanna quote win or have a good night this way so he goes and he turns off the boombox we thought we could just order some t-shirts and pass ourselves off as a band but it turns out playing music is really hard to do we just got caught up in the dream man and just for a little while it was real but that's over and lip syncing's not cool so we're breaking up the band now let's regroup here so in the first episode of this arc series we saw monacai deny himself sleep cheat his way through energy through coffee and break a contract he signed albeit sleep deprived all for margaret and in the second episode he literally gets cologne because of his shallow perception of how attraction works and beats his friend up for not supporting him but now he's giving us the pbs after school special about having deep-rooted opinions on lip syncing i mean i'm not going to defend lip syncing i know the pros and cons of it but i'm also not going to do the other two things i guess it's a little weird when you think about how unpolished mordecai's character was in his first season you know trying to figure everything out both out of story and in story and if you look at the silver lining it took this to get to where he would go on to be in the next few seasons so i can appreciate it but it is weird they rip up the t-shirts which apparently were the fabric of time itself because their future selves cosmically fade away and explode as an afterthought which everyone cheers for i guess because explosions are cool however as unpolished as mordecai is this next scene is a reason why i want to continue doing this arc mordecai mordechai margaret margaret mordecai margaret that was pretty cool what you said up there thanks margaret oh hey have you met my new boyfriend angel come on baby we don't want to be late for our dinner reservations you did all that sacrificing the wealth the fame potential happiness a great night and all you get are just a few nice words with margaret in the sight of another dude a human dude mind you taking her on a date arm around her good job mordecai luckily you didn't give up however you do witness every single guy take margaret on a date and by the way not shaming margaret she could just be dating to find out who she wants but at the same time while she figures out all of that through all the dating she's doing mordecai is for sure certain that she's the one he wants her but at the same time not certain about anything else in the history of time ever in the show like it's very rare and that's what makes this arc so interesting to me because when it comes to love it's like he's a different character who is incredibly wishy-washy on everything except for the fact that he knows that he wants it and right now he feels like it's margaret but even that gets shaky later on and i feel like it's also important to say because of this arc i don't hate mordechai as a character and a lot of episodes within this arc are actually really good including this one because this is about the arc this isn't about the characters this isn't about the episode it's not about the season and just because i'm going on with the joke of calling mordecai simp does not mean that i personally hate the character or that me calling him a simp denotes the quality of his character or my enjoyment of the show as many people who try to make comedic youtube videos go it's just a joke it's literally just a youtube title there is some truth in it but that truth isn't enough to negate my watching experience a regular show in fact i have season 1 on dvd i clearly love it anywho rigby comments that you probably should just kept lip syncing and got that date with margaret you know she probably could have understood later or you could have broken up the band in private but too late for that now and that was mordecai and the rigby's great episode great episode uh better than the last two in my opinion at least it handled the topic of margaret well so for next time and i don't know when it's coming out but for next time technically the next mordecai and margaret centric episode is its time but i already covered that so feel free to look at that because i'm not going to make a second video on that episode so we're going to skip over that to do me a solid which is the only other episode of season 2 that directly deals with the arc so we're really pushing through these however the day after this goes up i plan to put a special poll that may shift where this arc goes and i really do hope that you guys vote in it i'm gonna be putting out a lot of community posts so again look out for those um i hope to spam your home fees with all my videos in my quest for world domination until then thank you so much for your time take care elf out [Music] you
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 195,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mordecai and the rigbys, regular show, cartoon network, mordecai, regular show mordecai and the rigbys, mordecai and margaret, mordecai regular show, regular show episodes, rigby regular show, mordecai and rigby, regular show ending, margaret regular show, mordecai simp compilation, mordecai simp, mordecai simp comp, mordecai simp meme, regular show episode, regular show cartoon, regular show video, regular show season, mordecai and the rigbys party tonight
Id: cAwvr3aN9ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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