How C# and Java Are Actually Twins

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today we're looking at c-sharp and Java two of the most popular programming languages out there and I want to answer the question of how similar they are really I'll be doing that by comparing C sharp and Java to help you get a better understanding of their similarities and their differences we'll start by taking a quick look at the history of both these languages and in their primary purposes and then dive into the syntax the features and the libraries that make these languages similar by the end of this video you'll have a clear picture of how C sharp and Java relates to each other and if learning one of these can help you learn the other more easily C sharp and Java were both developed in the late 90s and early 2000s Java was created by some Microsystems and is now owned by Oracle it's aims to provide a platform independent language for web and software development c-sharp was developed by Microsoft and it was designed as part of initiative to create an easy to use object-oriented language for the Microsoft platform c-sharp was actually initially referred to as Microsoft Java and that highlights some of the similarities between these two languages right from the start so let's have a look at some of the core similarities between c-sharp and Java both c-sharp and Java share a c style syntax which makes their code structure appear quite similar so this includes the use of curly braces or curly brackets as I call them to Define blocks of code and then you've also got semicolons to terminate statements similar keywords here for declaring variables and loops and conditionals for example declare an available in both languages looks like this so you've got int and then x equals five the word int is different between social and Java but it's not hugely different it's just the name of the type then the variable then equal sign additionally control flow statements so statements like if and else like we've got here these are very similar between C sharp and Java C sharp and Java are both strongly object-oriented languages and that means that they support the four key object-oriented principles so that's inheritance polymorphism encapsulation and abstraction both these languages have classes they have objects they have interfaces and they have abstract classes so that allows developers to create complex systems with reusable code in C sharp and Java you can Define classes with methods and properties and Fields and you can inherit base classes and you can Implement interfaces to define a contract for a class this shared approach to object-oriented programming makes it relatively simple for developers to apply their objects oriented Knowledge from one language into the other both c-sharp and Java are handled by garbage collectors the garbage collectors automatically manage memory allocation and deallocation so that frees up developers like you from the burden of manual memory management now the use of garbage collection helps to reduce memory leaks and it makes the code more efficient and less prone to errors so the specific garbage collection algorithms used in c-sharp and Java are a little bit different but the overall Concepts and the benefits of having that automatic memory management do remain consistent between the two both C sharp and Java come equipped with extensive standard libraries that offer a wide range of functionality from data structures and algorithms to file i o and networking and multi-threading although the specific classes and methods and namespacing and packages and things may differ between these two languages the overall Concepts and the general use are strikingly similar for example both languages provide collections like lists and dictionaries which is called a map in Java and queues understanding the standard libraries of one language make it a lot easier for a developer to grasp the libraries in the other language so that really speeds up the learning process so if you understand lists in Java you'll definitely be able to understand them in C sharp and vice versa exception handling in c-sharp and Java follows a similar pattern they both use try catch finally blocks to gracefully handle errors and exceptions this approach allows developers to create robust and thought tolerant applications by catching and handling exceptions at one time the Syntax for exception handing is nearly identical in both languages and that makes it easier for developers to apply your error handling skills across these two Frameworks or languages so by exploring these similarities in great detail it becomes clear that c-sharp and Java do actually share many fundamental concepts and structures this Common Ground allows developers experienced in one language to more easily learn and adapt to the other language I for example was an Android developer for a long time and then I very quickly moved back into c-sharp without too much headache between the two it is essential to recognize that each language also has unique features and capabilities and you do need to study those separately to gain a complete understanding of the respective power and versatility but despite the similarities there are also some key differences between c-sharp and Java so to answer the burning question RC sharp and Java similar kind of yes they share many of the similarities in terms of syntax in terms of object-oriented Concepts memory management similar libraries and similar exception handling if you're already proficient in one then you'll find it much easier to learn the other however keep in mind that there are still differences between these two languages and you'll need to explore those differences further so I hope they found this comparison of C sharp and Java helpful if you did don't forget to leave this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel for more videos on software development and other career tips and things like that if you've got any questions or suggestions please leave them in the comment section below and until next time my name is James Charlesworth and this is the train to code YouTube channel [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Train To Code
Views: 2,133
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Keywords: csharp, dotnet, c# vs java, java vs c#, csharp vs java, java vs c# comparison, java and c# syntax differences
Id: gW6m36xR-2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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