Comparing C# to Java - I Code in Both. Learn about the Differences and Similarities.

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Are you trying to decide between C# and Java?  Are you proficient in one and would like to   know how it compares to the other one? Are  you trying to decide which one to learn? Hi, it's Chuck here with another  language comparison video! Yeah,   that's right i'm going to go there. Judging from  some of the comments on my last comparison video   some viewers apparently feel like i insulted their  spouse! Now, i've been designing and implementing   applications for nearly four decades and i  like curly-brace languages in particular C++,   Java and C# and i really enjoy coding in all of  them. This comparison is simply to help you make   an informed decision. First, there's a basic  difference in philosophy. Java architect James   Gosling insisted on inventing a simple language  when it came to java back in the mid-early 90s.   Capabilities would be built into class libraries  and tools. Java has roughly 50 keywords or   so - relatively small language compared to most  other languages. C#, on the other hand has over a   hundred keywords and contextual keywords and many  more syntactical features. A driving force behind   c sharp philosophically is to minimize code size  and eliminate tedious or boilerplate code. So,   you kind of think of it like C# is like a  luxury vehicle with every bell and whistle   no need for any aftermarket or add-ons because  everything is already on it java on the other   hand is kind of like a stripped-down jeep or  volkswagen beetle with thousands literally   thousands of third-party add-ons and you can  configure whatever you want now gosling and oracle   parted ways back in 2010 and since then oracle has  added some new bells and whistles to java and kind   of standardized some of the third-party items so  that configuration and building applications is a   little bit more straightforward and simpler  but it's still a smaller simpler language   with an enormous ecosystem of third-party  tools at the same time microsoft with the   introduction core has opened up  to encourage more third-party componentry   now let's start with what they have in common they  both compile to an intermediate code and execute   within a runtime they both have run anywhere  capability they're both strongly typed they're   both object oriented languages with a single base  class called object and they're limited to single   inheritance both have value type primitives and  primarily reference based as far as the rest of   your variables are concerned they both support  generics they both support functional programming   and include lots of metadata in the binaries to  support dynamic applications in fact this class   will compile in either language properties in java  are supported through a programming convention   of centering getter functions on the other hand  c-sharp has a specific syntax for properties so we   could re-code that class for c-sharp specifically  creating designated properties now a lot of cases   in properties in our code the properties are  trivial simply exposing some backing field   in that case c sharp provides us even a more  concise syntax called auto properties now another   subtle but significant difference is that java  primitives are not objects if you need to treat   a primitive as an object you have to use a wrapper  class to make that primitive appear as a reference   type as an object type for instance like in a  generic parameter in c sharp the primitives are   simply aliases for net types and all net types  are derived from objects c sharp supports the   definition of both value types and reference  types using either struct or class and both   are first class citizens and both can be used as  generic parameters c sharp primitives can also   be declared as nullable using language syntax the  question mark now we can do the same thing in java   using the class optional or the generic optional  so you see what i mean c sharp provides a syntax   for a feature while java accomplishes the feature  via some class now speaking of type specifiers   java has three class enum and interface c  sharp has several it has class interface   and enum and it also has struct record  delegate and an implicit dynamic type   basically a tuple now java supports the concepts  of record and tuple but again it's done via   classes value and reference type semantics in java  is fixed in other words the primitives are value   types classes are reference types and there's no  changing that in c-sharp you can choose whether a   value type is passed by reference or passed by  value and in c-sharp you can define using struct   value types and using class reference types now  i think one of the most significant differences   is that c sharp supports operator overloading  this means that the programmer can use standard   comparison operators to compare any object type  that defines those operators this is a common   pitfall for java developers because the equality  operator double equal is syntactically legal which   compares the references not the values java  developers are reminded to call the dot equals   or dot compare methods both languages support  functional programming and lambda expressions java   basically repurposed the single abstract method  interface and called that a functional interface   while c sharp has a type definition called a  delegate to define a function signature to use   in functional callbacks or functional definitions  java also supports events event triggering   and subscription but again just like the  properties it does that through naming conventions   c sharp has a dedicated keyword and a dedicated  syntax for eventing now there is also a difference   in exception handling java initially promoted the  concept of checked exceptions making a programmer   to declare the exception types that might  emit from the method however in c sharp there   is no mechanism for that you couldn't do it if you  wanted to the trend in c plus and actually even   in java is to move away from checked exceptions in  most situations some java frameworks like spring   for instance catch the checked exceptions and  rethrow unchecked exceptions checked exceptions   sounded like a good idea at the time but ended  up really making code more brittle now there are   subtle differences in how things work under the  hood and we don't want to get too specific here   because every version the runtimes change and so  we don't want to get into that too deep java's   garbage collection initially was optimized for  desktop applications and therefore was lazy there   was no need to clean up memory allocations if the  application wasn't going to live very long anyway utilized what's called a generational  garbage collection scheme that's more well suited   for server-based applications oracle did introduce  generational garbage collection for java starting   in version 8. all right now generics are also  handled differently java compiles generics using   object as the template parameter and enforces the  type safety in the application code at compile   time so in reality there's only one instance  of any generic class c sharp generates a new   type for each generic variant now this only  really matters if your code is using reflection   to determine a type at run time now another big  difference between java and c sharp is something   called language integrated query or link this  is a feature in c sharp that allows us to create   queries against any kind of data set a  collection an in-memory collection or   any database driver honestly can be used  it's accomplished through some features in c-sharp   called extension methods java does not have  extension methods now i hate to bring this up   because there are so many variables that it's  really hard to measure with any certainty   i promise you any programmer can get the answer  they want to get but here we go anyway i just ran   a very simple unscientific cpu intensive  loop to calculate pi the c-sharp version   ran in about 400 milliseconds and the java  version took just under twice as long about   750 milliseconds or so now don't read too much  into that and don't get excited java programmers   we used to have a saying back in the late 90s you  know java developers would ask about performance   and i'd say why why all of a sudden you become  concerned about performance you're using java   aren't you it's fast enough and the same thing's  true with c sharp it's fast enough if you really   want blazing speed go code and c plus plus most  applications aren't all that performance critical   in determining performance though if  you are really trying to measure that   you have to consider a lot of other factors like  network and database speed both platforms handle   threading and multi-core architecture and all that  kind of stuff really well from little things like   implicit variable types with the var keyword  to bigger things like functional programming   the programmer experience is really pretty similar  if the java developer can step into an existing   technology stack then they can start right out  of the box just like the net developer there   are some scenarios that favor one over the other  let's say that i need to build something that's   going to really easily deploy and run anywhere  i would choose java the net core platform was   also run anywhere but it's not quite as easy to  do if i need to develop a phone application for   the iphone or for android i would choose c sharp  on xamarin or maui it's also a better choice for   game development like under unity otherwise  it really doesn't make that much difference   choose based on your existing developer  resources all right i'm sure i ruffled some   feathers why don't you give it to me in the  comments section make sure you hit the like   button make sure that you tell your friends  about this video and subscribe to our channel   that's how we can bring you more great  content going forward i'm chuck mccalla thanks
Channel: Coding With Chuck
Views: 120,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: C#, C Sharp, C++, .Net, Dot Net, Web Security, Software Engineering, Software Developer, c# vs java speed, java vs c#, c# vs java, c# vs java differences, c# vs java 2021, java vs c# 2021, c# or java, java vs c# syntax, java vs .net, c# vs java which is easier, java vs javascript vs python vs c#, c# vs java vs python, c# vs javascript, c# tutorial, c# programming, dot net framework, c# vs java 2023
Id: tHzY_Wur6kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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