How Badly Will the Best Selling Tent On Amazon Leak? Coleman Sundome 2 Tent - Test Night

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my friends it is time for part three of the coleman sundome tent series so far we've done a preview a before you buy which is the setup video now it is time for the test night episode will this tent leak cast your votes down below right now folks this is going to be interesting talking about whether or not this tent will leak and casting your votes i have a poll up here on youtube and so far 5 000 people have entered it and the question was will the coleman sundome tent 2 leak 72 of that 5 000 believe that it will 28 believe it won't who is right we will find out in this episode foreign as a reminder everyone this is the 65 coleman sundome two-person tent and this is the best-selling tent on amazon at the time of filming today with this episode this is a waterproof test and if it makes it past the waterproof test i will sleep in it so we can test out condensation ventilation and moisture control the ultimate question is folks is this a good budget-friendly tent the simple answer is i don't know my experiences with coleman in general have been good and that's the key word good quality good waterproofness but not great that's the key with their products they generally tend to be good right in the middle that doesn't mean that their tents won't leak but generally it's not too bad the rating that i give coleman of good is basically what many of you all have given it as well it's very interesting reading the comments in the poll that i put up everyone says hey i like coleman but the quality of their tents of their products is good so the question is is this tent any good i don't know i don't know we will find out here shortly talking about the weather for a second there are storms that are surrounding us right now i was lucky to get this set up before it started raining now we wait we wait supposedly this afternoon strong storms are coming in so hopefully we will get a good rain event to really test out this tent why don't you go ahead pause the video make your predictions and when it starts raining we will find out together just how well this tent performs or how good all right everybody as you all can see it is raining the coleman tent is it leaking i don't know i don't know so far it's been raining for about 15 minutes it's been coming down pretty good hopefully it will rain for a few hours maybe all night long that would be awesome that way this tent can go through a real good [Applause] test [Applause] over the course of multiple days showers thunderstorms heavy rain now we get to find out did this tent leak well everyone this tent has not leaked i predicted that it would i was wrong this tent has not leaked it is in great condition there's no water inside of it and i am impressed a good amount of rain has fallen at least one inch and this tent has handled it very well my biggest concern for this tent was the seams they're not seam taped but whatever coleman is doing their patented process it does work because no water has ingressed through those seams at all this tent went through a lot of rain with no issues and because this tents made it through all of these rain events i will camp in it tonight we will test it for condensation moisture control and ventilation evening has come and it is time to test out this tent for ventilation and condensation honestly this is the last place that i expected to be i thought for certain this tent was going to leak i really did i would have bet i would have bet more money than this tent cost on the fact that i thought it would leak but it didn't this tent has gone through a very good rain event with no issues no issues at all so am i impressed yes does that mean that i have full confidence in coal mints no no i don't i have enough experience with coleman tents to know that while this tent didn't leak there are many others that do i've personally used many coleman tents that week and in fact the first part of the coleman sundome series has gone live and the comments have been interesting while there are those who have purchased this tent who have used it who have never had any leaking that number is much smaller than those who have purchased this tent and have had leaking for every individual who has had no issues there are three who have in fact i was talking to one guy this evening he said that he purchased 10 of these tents for their eagle scout group or whatever and every single one of those tents leaked that really does take us back to the point that i made earlier about coleman tents the quality of their products is good right not terrible not great and if you go out and you purchase one of their tents you need to know that there may be some slight leaking you may have to do some waterproofing to the tent to make it more acceptable for rainy wet weather conditions that is a big piece of advice that i can give you if you are considering a coleman tent be prepared to do just a little bit of work to make it more waterproof with that being said this tent should perform well when it comes to condensation looking at the front door though i wish the company would do full mesh i really do i really hate these little quarter panel mesh vents there's no reason for that i much rather have the option to seal this up or to open it completely and still have that mesh protection but unfortunately we do not have that functionality here with this tent that's enough for now i'm going to bed wish me luck i will see you all in the morning let's see how well this tent performs when it comes to ventilation condensation and so on good morning everybody good morning it is a very warm muggy morning inside of the coleman sundome tent last night was pretty good all in all condensation so far with this tent has not been an issue but airflow is a problem airflow inside of this tent is very limited because there's so little mesh the main mesh is at the top of this tent not at the bottom so getting airflow to like cool you down while you're sleeping it's almost impossible unless it's really breezy outside and that's a shame because it's really not that warm it's probably 59 degrees outside right now about 7 30 in the morning and it's warm in here like it's almost to the point of being uncomfortably warm so i would consider that before purchasing this tent for warm muggy environments if you have to set this up if it's going to be in the sun or something like that it is going to be super hot inside of this and that issue is only compounded by the door because the whole thing is not mesh there's no real way to really open this up and get excellent airflow everything inside of this is mostly fabric instead of mesh in other words this tent will perform better you'll be more comfortable in cooler conditions rather than warm ones because of this material it's interesting this is one of those situations where you can actually feel the temperature difference it is warmer down here than it is up here even though heat rises you have all of this mesh up top so that heat can dissipate but down below it really has no place to go there's no air coming in with the exception of this vent down here so keep that in mind when you're setting up this tent make sure that you you detect where the breeze is coming from and have that vent facing that direction so you can get as much air flow as possible i will have to do more testing i'm just one person inside of this tent but if there was someone else and it was muggy enough condensation would likely be an issue if it was really really stormy and you had to zip up these top vents condensation might be an issue as it is right now everything's dry ventilation not so good condensation not an issue with my testing this is a very interesting product and it will be interesting to see what my ultimate review of this is i think for the money so far this is not a bad tent it's not everything about this tent and with most coleman products the quality is good the value is good nothing is ever great right and this really shows off that point my experiences with this tent have been good i've heard from viewers not so good it always balances out it's always right in the middle and folks that's where we will leave this episode make sure to comment down below share your thoughts did you all expect this tent to leak again i did i was wrong when i'm wrong i say so so i'm actually glad to see that it didn't leak because it seems like i've been on a streak with leaky tints here with the outdoor good review i let the products speak for themselves if they're good they're good if they're bad they're bad that's how it goes i can't wait to read the comments everybody take care strength and honor i will see you all in the next upload bye for now [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 298,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coleman tent, coleman tent review, budget friendly tent, best budget tent, best cheap tent, best selling tent on amazon, amazon, Sundome tent, sundome tent review, sun dome tent review, coleman sundome, coleman sundome tent, colemen sun dome tent, coleman, colement, colement tent, colemen tent review, colemen sundome tent review, car camping tent, overlanding tent
Id: ug80UoQX5xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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