How "BAD" Can It Be? - Breaking Bad Episode 1 Reaction

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hello no it's not Game of Thrones okay right this is a a new show it's breaking bad I don't like it already it's why cuz it's not game with cuz it's it's hard okay it's really hard when for like 2 and a half years you watch the same thing day in and day out or week it's not the same and then like when you you go to start a new anything I feel like it's kind of be sweet yeah I mean I I recently finished my book series I was reading and just started Game of Thrones and that was hard enough for me going from like a Sci-Fi setting to Medieval setting so yeah I mean it's strange going from get Hello by the way hi medieval to whatever I like I literally I don't know anything about breaking bad which is quite scar for me because there was many other shows that I was like I would love to watch that but I feel like the difference is what I I would like to watch versus what the audience wants to watch are very different and it's a shame it's a damn shame because people would stop listen listen right thank you so much two points no like my point is God Dam it my point is that there's a lot of stuff and we said this already that there's a ton of stuff that you guys would like us to react to but the issue is that if not enough people are going to watch it then we're not going to feel like we want to put it out there kind of thing so there's a lot of stuff that I would love to react to that I know for a fact that nobody would want to watch yeah I think people people get confused via like oh you only do this for the money know where's the money dollar dollar bills I think it's like if it gets low views that means that people don't want to watch it which means that we might as well spend our time doing stuff that people do want to watch I mean we tried the traitors and that was great and I thought that reaction video was reaction like the whole Fu Dave moment he spent like 25 minutes editing that and only about 20 people saw it so shame on you shame but listen I'm not not excited for Breaking Bad I'm not not not okay yeah double negatives Tri me up yeah you're I got I got that one it's just the fact of like there was a lot of comments from people who were like that again you know I actually I like to make people happy we done some research so the thing that you always have to remember anytime you ask questions on the Internet is the people that are like oh yeah Breaking Bad will not leave a comment but the people that are like oh not breaking bad they will leave a comment so when you've got what seems like I mean I think there was like 2 and 1 12,000 votes on that thing and about half of them were for Breaking Bad so you've got let's say 1,200 people voted for Breaking Bad and they're happy that Breaking Bad were reacting to Breaking Bad but if 100 people left comment saying oh not breaking bad you'd be like oh maybe not cuz 100 comments is a lot yeah because when people actually talk it's a lot louder than just like the number for the polls so here just so you know anytime that you're happy with something leave a comment on the video saying that you're happy about it because we YouTubers are fickle beings we will see a negative comment and think that everything is awful and wful yeah but if you see a good comment and there's more good comments than anything else then you're like yes done a good one and also another thing I want to say about the poll people thank you so much for voting is that just because Vikings didn't win doesn't mean we're not going to react to it the reason being is I want to watch it so badly okay and if I would have had my way and if I could have rigged the pole then you know I think I would have but it's because of time like I I literally do not have time to do two series on this channel along with all the anime stuff I do final fantasy's coming out the end of the month and well that is that unfortunately Final Fantasy 7 will take up at least three four months for me because I need to do everything okay so I we don't have time but when we do have time I will definitely react to Vikings it's your fault you should have made it win the poll shouldn't you I think Vikings like should have rigged the poll if we don't do it before the end of Breaking Bad it'll definitely be in the next poll anyway probably week what probably week yeah what next week maybe next week maybe so anyways we're here with Breaking Bad welcome if you are new to our Channel we have another 5 minutes of of the intro to go get used to it don't skip it we will call you out we know when you skip okay filthy skiper they've already skipped they've already skipped you w know them so still watching us and you're one of the loyal few just call out the FY Skippers actually leave in the comments that you're not a filthy Skipper I want to point them out I if you ever see someone that's like reaction starts at this time abuse them on their com abuse them in the comments I hate just be like you are a filthy Skipper you're disgusting okay it's like it's like what we say is not important except you're on our video and it's a reaction I don't get it I understand like get it see if you're skipping and we spoke about this in Hot D I think see if you're skipping people's like cringy anime intros that they do that are like 3 minutes long I could I could get that I can understand that you're like all right okay skip but uh yeah me I'm talking de you I'm talking to you specifically yeah I'm making a conscious effort to not be like right Breaking Bad won the poll let's go cuz that's who who are those people you know the crazy thing YouTube actually encourages you to not have intros YouTube actively encourages you to be like hey guys and welcome back to X and then just start the show CU people drop off yeah because of the drop off like if you look in the analytics there's like it shows you where people watch the show and you can see a stiff drop off from the start of the video and then it goes goes down and then comes back up when the actual show starts so you can actively see the filthy Skipper this is the skipper dip I can find your like location and everything Che it's not the FBI but if I was that would be quite scary anyways we're here with breaking bed I don't know anything about breaking bad I didn't want to look anything up because spoilers I've seen you know memes mes about breaking bad I feel like you can't escape the memes I yeah I know there's a guy that says a lot that's okay I know there's a bald guy with a hat and there's something to do with pizza oh I like pizza and that's about it I know I know there's like an RV what's up there's a cactus within the first like one second of the to check for the the sound right if you want to watch this unedited with us head on over to suzy. or head on over to the patreon the link is in the description as always and if you are new or if you're just watching and you haven't done it yet subscribe to the channel we are on the road to 25k half a million isn't that crazy yeah one day we'll get there we want to get the plaque for Susie that be second if we get 100 I have a plaque what is your plaque it's over there oh yeah it's oh that's the old plaque but I don't have a new plaque so yeah it'd be nice I thought I was going to get it on the gameplay Channel but then I got spoly so it would be lovely to hit 100K and we're going to work as hard as we can so that we can watch Vikings all right let's do this let's do this I don't know what to expect but I got my p and I got my pad I'm ready say Hogwart no it says hog hogyoku hogyoku okay hogyoku yummy means god W he's naked or he's oh he combusted or maybe he just disappeared maybe he was taken by aliens okay this is this how I start most weekends they got dead people in the back of their Jesus this is me driving it's fast and furious moav drift I am not a good driver it's not even just a meme anymore he why would you have the gas mask on inside um no you can't see oh that ain't moving well if they put it in reverse it would um but why did I was going to say if you need glasses you ain't going to see a thing is that malol The Middle's dad I don't know I haven't seen enough yet this is so realistic with like the body and everything oh I think it is Malcolm In The Middle's dead ain't no Chris Pratt on TV for this show yeah thank God I've never been more confused about what this night out was this is like a hangover is that like he he tucked it in his shirt into his pants I'm so triggered don't want the gun getting dirty from your bum crack but it was on the floor of [ __ ] okay you don't want your butt crack getting dirty from the [Music] gun oh he snorted h Skyler you are the love of my life is that what your niece is called Skyler that is actually oh is it there are going to be some things things that you'll come to learn about me in the next few days I just want you to know that no no matter how it may look I only had you in my heart don't worry about it if they haven't found you by now they ain't going to find you seems like pretty big desert I hope you hit the stop recording but cuz that could be [Applause] awkward that was like a weird turn there Jesus I actually thought he was going to take a dump on the ground the outfit is doing it for me hard to be a bad your ti isn't it and then it'll be 12 years earlier and I'll be like no but I already know how it ends that's brought me in andum so for the record I didn't do math in school is that needed for this maybe for some quantities of things or I don't know 3 weeks earlier well unless you're going to be doing some math I don't know why you would need it to watch a show cuz it had number num next to the Breakin bed that's cuz it was Atomic symbols oh that's all right don't worry about it I am intelligent oh well we'd still be in bed watching gdq at that time [Music] yeah I don't like the way they're doing the some of the letters on the the names on the front it's really figuring me and I don't know why that's funny cuz my brain just converts it into the actual elements weit got the Nobel Prize what the heck he's 50 that looks V I was actually going to say that bacon veggie bacon oh what's even the point hey hey happy birthday well thank you you're late that must be young young water I have an easy fix for that you wake up early and then you get to be the first person in the shower I don't think that bacon things how about buy a new hot water heater how's that idea yeah do that one cuz I see how long you take in the shower oh man I would forever have a cold shower what the hell is this hey veggie bacon we're watching our cholesterol I guess not me I I want real bacon not not this fake crap too bad eat it I mean there's better stuff nowadays when did this come out I don't you know how do it feel to be on how does it feel to be a smartass good probett good yeah eat you veggie bacon so where's the sister then what you mean Skyler Skyler's a mom oh that's the mom is it Oh I thought you had a sister I don't know why Skyler to me is a young person's name and they never grow old I was going to say people get older you know chemistry it is the study of what chemicals anyone no what do you think is Ben stuff chemicals chemicals no oh well technically chemistry is the study of matter but I prefer to see it as the study of change look at his three bottles they're like green blue and red see when I was in school I just could not concentrate at all rgbs molecules changed their bonds elements they combine and change into compounds they're going to make he's a wizard Su that's all of life right they're going to make what they're going to make out on the back row it's that's ridiculous solution this solution just over and over and over it is growth isn't that his son that's getting in there where her it is fascinating really you'd be raging if you were given that speech I there some idiot is just talking through it Chad is there something wrong with your table I know I got from his side profile he looked different of course he called char oh God I'm going to get angry at him only to be like that's what I was like in school a douche bag a complete douchebag ionic barns chapter 6 you know what I couldn't do it I couldn't be a teacher cuz I hate kids okay I absolutely hate them disrespectful horible smelly things three makes 10 and 10 makes 20 here's your receipt well she's working in a school and a car was wash guy's got to make money for his family I suppose make money car washes nowadays his son seems like he probably needs a lot of medication as well said she quit what you'd have to pay for I don't no we talked about this I'm short-handed Walter what am I to do find someone else Walter you going to pay me overtime what am I to do get your eyebrows done what they they're crazy reminds me of my dad to be honest like my dad doing absolutely every job and any job make those tires shine huh oh my god well you oh my God now you little bit 40 H why is that even a big deal oh my God your teacher also has like a second job so got clean cards yeah weirdo well you know what K like nowadays there too busy suffering from anxiety because they need validation on the internet am I [Music] wrong that's why she was trying to make sure that you got back in time so very late really I'm serious skyx I mean you're flat is a washboard oh you look awesome she's not showing at all is she oh she's pregnant Carmen this is my sister Marie uhoh why is the sister so kind of about her being pregnant 22 what I mean unless you're talking what plus p+ loads you forget the 9 mil all right America I know you're going to bring a gun baby you got to bring enough gun 40 Cal uh this is awesome right here nice isn't it yeah come on take it oh by by [ __ ] [ __ ] come on guns don't kill people rappers do actually call them guns in the UK call them over shoo he's too nice I'd be like can we not have guns in my house please no well you got a brain the size of Wisconsin but we're not going to hold that against you I don't know what that means we love you man we love you everybody the wall Nostrovia noia noia I'm pretty sure that was his drink but anyway really strange for Americans to be using a Russian cheers clearly an ongoing operation which was well organized how much money is that it's about 700 Grand it's a pretty good haul as I say it's a good day for the citizen he's like how do I get 700 Grand and how long did it take them to make that well I just say the word and I'll take you on a ride along you know you watch just knock down a meth lab get a little excitement in your life someday why are you such an just cuz he's a teacher like o cuz he's just he's a nice Manny what he does not come across as a nice man who the teacher no the guy the brother mean Walter is a nice face I picked up at the super swap I said his brother-in-law was being oh and I says he's a nice Manny it didn't make any sense cuz know why me his nice guys finished last okay he's a policeman so he's like yeah yeah po Cowboys all right oh Jesus what's up what's up you tell your birthday boy it's your birthday mate Rob one out oh hey so what's up for Saturday wow so yeah downstairs he needed me until what time noon oneish probably two more like this is like the weirdest Let's Get Down intro to it ever I was thinking of driving up to Los Alamos they've got what is going on let's give a thr to showed me this happens very differently yeah very very differently well Game of Thrones doesn't te care about the kids though does it so she's got a plan the weekend I mean the detail really is just supposed to be amazing it's just that I really need you to paint at some point I mean the sooner that back bedroom gets finished Jesus Lord honey like this isn't how you get them to do stuff you actually just give them the fun time and then you ask them afterwards what is going on down there well you making it very fun what's going on down there it fell off because you're that annoying to be careful about the baby well don't worry about the baby this is just for you we are just doing you tonight while I'm on the laptop just I know unless you're going to bring up a very popular website that sounds like cornhub like get rid there you go that's it that's it I just don't understand what's going on here I feel very uncomfortable right couples are supposed to act no it's not let's be honest keep it going this is so [ __ ] weird can we just like can we just go she just got the cors tickets okay well at least someone did I was cringing so hard I wonder [Applause] why you keeping your pants w why should he give him a heart attack oh God ever seen a woman that hot that you die Jesus oh no he's in an ambulance in America how much is that going to cost him got be $6.2 million please just some bug going around first my wife had it then my son and now me it's it's just like a chest cold could be some l blood sugar as well could just be Co you know 10 years ago it's just I don't have the greatest Insurance take a couple of deep breaths for me it's so crazy to me that's like see if I phoned 999 and said I need an ambulance now they'd come out and I wouldn't even think about how much it would cost oh no it's was crazy on it Mr White are you a smoker no who's a chemist though why do you ask like the amount of people in the states that just live with illness blows my mind I know it's crazy it's like I don't know I I don't care I'll have go into it it's absolutely ridiculous like it's in the UK it's like your right do you know what I mean to be able to keep yourself healthy and if something goes wrong you can go to the hospital you know oh P noodle you understood what I've just said to you yes lung cancer inoperable I'm sorry I just need to make sure you fully understand you want me to say it again that I'm dying or it's just you've got mustard on your fact you get mustard there how do you get actually I've seen you eating it's an art really so you give him tragic news and then you w give him the bill as he's on his way home or well I'll check with the bank and maybe the post office if they lost it or something yeah let me look into that okay thank what bill is that that's not been paid see if you say Insurance there's going to be cracky chops coming for you did you use the Master Card last month uh 1588 at Staples oh we we needed printer paper well the mastercard's the one we don't use okay I mean what's 15 quid don't dollars oh you I don't know it's um it's fine well the radio told me that if you hide behind fine I hope that you're doing okay that's what it says so he's not telling his wife that he's got cancer I mean she's got a baby on the way he's probably terrified [Music] too it's horrible is it I think it's horrible getting a diagnosis like that and then Walter come on man I'm short-handed I need you outside to do some I'm sorry sir but I outside to do some WIP down it reminds me of the guy from Grand Theft it should just go right across it'd be even funnier come on man you buged them yay you and your eyebrows yes you [Music] eyebrows that's what you get that's what you get man if you don't shave them off that's what you get yeah you your eyebrows see I'm allowed that I was all lighted I was allowed to comment on them and then he commented on them so it's fine I don't know how you could go through something like that and not share it with your partner I tell you you everything even the stuff I shouldn't probably all of the stuff I shouldn't well I don't keep secrets I can't keep a secret people don't tell me secrets cuz I can't keep them and sometimes you do a job that's really interesting yeah and you either say do you want to come and see it and then if they don't see it what you do is take a photo of it and then you send it to them when they least expect it heck it's Walt hey oh listen I didn't like you today anytime someone talks about pictures of jobbies I just think about my best mate who had a Tinder date who sent him a picture of her jobby afterwards offer like Ride Along oh he's asking to go for a ride along with his douchebag brother-in-law oh I wonder why if I can get some info I can be a dealer maybe I can sneak some cash a Wheeler dealing so what tells you it's a meth star snitch says uh some dude goes by capping cook lives up to his name in there dash of chili powder he's sitting in the back like this and a dash of chili powder and Captain Cook I got you 20 bucks it says he's a [ __ ] all right you're on a [ __ ] you can't say that what's a [ __ ] is that not a racist term for a Mexican oh cuz they eat beans or something no Americans are strange man that's racist to people that eat beans no somebody you could call a British person a [ __ ] and it be racist cuz we do be liking beans on toast I like beans on toast is the [Music] best this is quite dangerous that is sick though imagine rolling up like that with your homies to get a KFC KFC rolling up the KFC my homies be like meth labs are nasty on a good day you mix that wrong and you got the mustard gas fos fine gas I think yeah exactly kill you that's where the respirator oh that's what he was wearing three weeks from now there was a lot of nasty stuff in the back of his camper van though this is the stuff you're inject is okay all you meth heads are watching this video this is what you're injected you'd think they'd be a bit more organized with their stuff though they just throw everywhere so what he do is he's scraping the red phosphor off of the matches yeah boy he's got his headphones up here his ears are in a really weird place oh that was a really nice house for the we had a meth lab near us you remember driver's license says emo coama Asian pay up hey hey hey first name amelo that's at least half a [ __ ] let you off for a 10 I don't think that counts mate you people still got JLo Hank do you think I might get to go inside see the actual lab it's so funny cuz he's like I mean I have nothing to lose so I'll just start pocketing stuff that's in there well I mean you can I don't know if he'll be stealing stuff or just taking down notes just get your notepad out I'll walk around with my notepad listen man this is how entrepreneurs start businesses okay you see what the competition is do you see if you can improve on it be the hero like go get him you're dead mate you're just oh oh oh ah he's all right he's fine oh baby God guys are so mesmerized aren't they oh sorry I what did you say I was looking at T you're mesmerized by The Taste uh-oh what a to do a shot off your boobies Oh Captain Cook see if your your drug dealing Alias is Captain Cook you don't have the C as your regie exactly makes no sense oh my God this outfit oh man it's like the early 2000s except this is what 2013 I don't know when did this come out this guy's living in the p asked I got my tire iron I always want to date a guy that dressed like that though when I was younger obviously how'd you find me you're still in our filing system would you still love his mom look no one's looking for you why are you here cuz I want to sell drugs honestly I never expected you to amount to much but methamphetamine I didn't picture that you know what screw you buddy cuz my teacher told me the same thing that I wouldn't amount to much and I did Captain Cook that's not you no I like the Disney Captain Cook like I said no one is looking for you I don't know what you think you're doing here C white that's a play on it okay you ain't welcome back cter so step off no speeches short speech just a you lost your partner today what's his name amilio amilio is going to prison so oh he just be like can I be your new partner it seems like you need a new partner but you know the business and I know the chemistry I love it I'm thinking maybe you and I could partner up that is so freaking random like imagine like your teacher comes to you from when you were in school and being like yeah can I like sell drugs for you you'd be like I don't know man if my teacher was a Nobel Prize winner you you and uh and me that's right Dam W either that or I turn you in well but of a all there what the hell is this damn if I know I described it as Moses fart somebody bought it yes some guy in Minneapolis $14 plus shipping yes this rate 60 years you'll be rich why are you so negative can you not have kids well I just wonder if she's angry that her sister's pregnant may I just thought a novel would be easier to sell yeah well maybe so you ever want me to read anything I could critique it for you oh no no you don't like I mean I just I'm not at that stage where I it's so funny that some people really don't get on with their siblings but it's like cuz they're around they put up with how they get treated you know turning 50 is a big deal I mean I'm sure as hell not looking forward to 40 you're going to be a complete bastard case she's lying right I hope so that she's under 40 yeah has a sex Mar Jesus oh it's definit a sex [ __ ] the sex is at least a one out of 10 there's I'm sorry there's no way in hell she is below 40 my question is how did they have two children well they must have had the sex at some point you would be able to keep it hard enough long hard enough long enough well that woman what do you mean are you saying she's ugly what should would be grinding on you while doing her taxes or some [ __ ] so yeah just just second just getting my my calculator out here hello all right yeah yeah all I'll do that tomorrow all right all right booking a dentist appointment just going to sit there no I'm going to sit here and drink a beer oh man they're trousers it just brings me back to all the boys in high school got your usual paraphernalia Griffin beakers your Erin Meer flask but it's a chical flask actually you wouldn't apply heat to a volumetric flask that's what a boiling flask is for did you learn nothing from my chemistry class no prob not and let me tell you something else this ain't chemistry okay this is Art cooking is Art and the I cook is the bomb so don't be telling me you cook is oh and you put chili in it we will produce a chemically pure and stable product that performs as advertised no adulterant no baby formula no chili p no no chili pea is my signature chili pea it's so funny how like fed up he's obviously being that he's going like head into this you know but he probably feels like he doesn't have that much time like he needs to that well you can dress up like a [ __ ] if you want not me have you seen how you look anyway mate stuff doesn't stay more than a day what is thought we were going to cook here no we're not going to cook here okay this is my house I don't where I eat but then where do you go to the toilet after your dinner yeah what if we rented one of those self storage places you know the little orange garages worked out of there no they're on to that they got dogs that sniff around and RV that's what you want ah so that's so they ended up with an RV you know I know a dude who wants to sell his he just goes camping with it but a mobile meth lab that'd be the bomb I mean drive way out in the boonies be all evasive oh like he's asking him we go on a date I know it's so nice get some really nice RVs yeah he comes across as like quite a negative character but you can understand that he's just been given this really terrible news Walter and he's like I need to do this now yeah I think that the thing like he's obviously going to have huge debts from uh medical expenses and that doesn't even have that much money to begin with yeah you you are not how I remember you from class I mean like not at all I got to go thought you were never in the class anyway tell me why you're doing this seriously why do you do it money Bingle some straight like you giant stick up his ass all of a sudden age what 60 he's just going to break bad oh it's weird and also I'm 50 not 60 I mean if you've if if you've gone crazy or depressed I'm I'm just saying that that's something I need to know about I'm sure he's depressed I am awake what like well I'd hope so was this a dream he's been taking mushrooms by the RV we start tomorrow got it would be so strange though wouldn't it like your teacher from school suddenly is like into whatever you're doing yeah do you want me or your dad dad oh sucks that's so hard is as well like even as a pent to have to do that those Tri far too big for him though are they too tight cuz you don't want to get them if they're too tight they about long they're they're pretty short are you sure you don't want to get the like a different kind like a I just this this wouldn't happen and if this does happen I know nothing about Society where there'd be people laughing at himy like this just wouldn't happen well that's the thing I can't I can't ever see this happening over here I definitely couldn't see it happening in Glasgow cuz someone would just punch them in the face well like the dad would punch them in the face but I don't know about I don't know about the US I don't like cuz obviously there's quite a distinctive cultural differences I have no IDE I'm like where's he gone and what's he going to do why don't you just yeah he's not walked off because he's a shame no I think I pinched a loaf in my brand new Big Boy pant oh okay he he comes uh-oh oh what are you doing what's wrong Chief having a little trouble walking I'll mess you up man well you'll have one shot you better make it good what are you waiting for your girlfriends you better go you better [Laughter] go come on I son he's like yeah dead let's get out of here not so bad now you punk psycho oh no oh no boo you hurt my feelings oh no the crazy old man oh you're walking a bit funny there haha you're walking funny loser this is what we're talking about man like see if you're a bully this is what you deserve I this is where the comments are like no that's terrible that he attacked that poor defenseless young man that's terrible that he thought it was funny to attack a disabled person yes but words are just words you know he he escalated to violence nobody thinks that got some big cow house way out that way like two miles but I don't see nobody cow house where they live the cows out whatever man yeah let's cook here how could you even come down there when your crotch is down by your knees I sound like a mother take those jeans and get some that actually fit you well this is it six times happening wait was this out from the start what are you doing he doesn't want to smell when he gets home does he he can't go home smelling like a meth lab uh yeah you can I do yeah but you've got nobody living with you wow those uh you're keeping those on right they are hideous see if you ever come home with white boxer shorts that look like something out of Jackass they un box what are they what do they call them briefs briefs why you got a camera it seems a bit counterintuitive yeah why would you film your own drugs did you shut up and help me oh yeah oh yeah work it baby work it why you putting this on PornHub are you he's actually keeping this foot himself cuz he's into it wonder if there was ever anyone watching this like I can learn a thing or two from this I bet yeah five where there was plenty of people seeing if they could figure it out as if they would show you the the actual full recipe for creating crystal meth that being said I bet you could easily find it oh yeah there's everything on Google you're an idiot it's kind of mental considering like where did he learn how to do all of this there's a difference between chemistry and creating this stuff surely not really I think so so that's why everyone wanted to study chemistry then you got Jesus you got crystals in here 2 in 3 in long this is Pure Glass you're a goddamn artist doesn't seem happy about it though does he man I got to got to try this no no no we only sell it we don't use it well then how do you know if it's good listen you've been watching way too much Miami Vice that ain't happening don't get high in your own Supply cut in profit margins but maybe just once though no wait you need to know if it's good you can try Okay cook more tomorrow listen I'm already high on life I don't need anything like this I know just the guy to talk to Doggy hey yo Chris how you doing my man is all a Deadpool you got a new dog right on man what's his name see if he says it's finny I'll be raging now me personally I would train him to go straight for the uh nut sa shut your mouth and show me your money I ain't buying say I'm selling oh and it doesn't have chili powder in it good dog though he sat down yeah and he's wearing red you could have attacked him go ahead try it hey pooie how you doing you're wearing bread what are you doing how you doing how you doing so what back in business oh yeah I'm back with the Vengeance really broke me up about ailio and dude is like my brother you okay you talk to him yeah yeah I talk to him so when the feds came you were out sticking it in some neighbor lady yepo he thinks maybe you dimed on him whoa whoa whoa hey hey that is [ __ ] that is crazy a know I should kick his punk stream and thinking that why would he do that and then come to try and sell stuff to you you tell him for me all right oh would you tell him yourself Yo oh God he's like proper like what up this is where I get my gangsta roots from where did you get this oh great now they're going to want in on it didn't cook it they're going to take him to the RV and then they're just going to see an old man in his pants and they'll be like there's no way I'm surprised he doesn't have like a cooking outfit that he keeps there he does look he's wearing it for God's sakes man that's the vehicle you're pimping up in and it's a Mercedes shut up oh a Mercedes is it they had the start on the front you some kind of n not naked douche lord got mouth tell your wait is on how about you come work for me I don't know you out here all by yourself huh well no you've got my partner in your C actually hey I know you he was there when I got busted he's with the da no you Ro that snit he's not he was doing a ride along with a run oh my God the two bodies at the start of the show I say we C them both but I'm just a naked man I'm just a man you really cook up that batch yeah you an artist so he's been told like three times today wait wait a minute if you kill me you won't get anymore what do you say you want to cook like me you let us both live and I will teach you huh but this doesn't seem good I seen a lot of vom poopies and all sorts of nasty stuff like I don't know how this is going to go he didn't stitch on you he was genuinely just just Humpty Dumpty in probably deserved that though I bet he's done something to deserve that that is huge inside there it's like as white as our living room put the cigarette out like they actually checked please have a little bit of respect for the art I know gosh don't make me get all gangster up in here cuz he don't like it no they not oh for God's sakes foreshadowing oh what an ideot at least put it out in the sink or something oh to about foreshadowing I seen how he made it earlier so I know move at got all day you got a gun to him obviously he's going to take his time okay I know you're just freaking him out like are you taking notes cuz I guarantee you won't remember what he's doing how can you learn when you're staring at a deer I love that he's got like everything nice and clearly labeled keep it closed guy keep it closed yeah whoopsies I going say at least some of it would come out in the the gun H the speed H oh my god well you just killed two men well started mean to go on he was saying when he was with the on the ride along where he met Jesse he um they were talking about if it goes wrong like if something goes wrong with a cook oh my God you're just spreading it Fest fire 101 oh a Jesus Christ oh my God this suspension I love those oh my God I was going to say he could have at least taken them out but then where would he have put them he's destroying all of his his beautiful glassware that you got though why are you driving so fast like you're not it doesn't make any sense like slow down well I need to get away from it don't he okay but you know yeah he turned into a badass pretty quickly didn't he a badass with no pants for someone who wouldn't even touch a gun don't cry you've taken two off of planet Earth yeah I think he's thinking of suicide by cop though oh damns oh well don't try it again you failed the first time so just go home that was a sign from God yeah if you're dying you might as well just go along with it there a fight engine why would would the police be there like it doesn't make any sense but also dude you're standing there with a gun in your pants your pants I know they won't even stop this way this way keep it going I mean someone would stop like you you crashed your RV well I don't think a fire engines would stop though you might want to grab that videotape his ey is going to be screwed oh oh near peeled himself what Happ drink driving fine gas one good whiff and oh oh ah ah tasty oh it got me well it be nice if you can make money from this and then get cured makes it all worth it clean this up he's killed two man we got to clean this up what are you going to do with the bodies and how are you getting the RV back well like you said just reverse it well it's true it's true that's not how you launder money what oh dryer sheet talk about living Separate Lives I don't know what's been going on with you lately but nothing fine whatever it is lying like this I fine you do not like it when you don't don't talk to me worst that you can do is shut me out a I'd say the same thing to you too although I I don't let you shut me out anyway no I just follow you everywhere where are you going what you doing he's like I'll show you how to have a good time yeah the laptop is nowhere to be found what I mean he literally tried to kill himself today so I think he's earned a handang Panky oh Jesus I literally thought the Game of Thrones was worse what is that you does it feel like me baby he didn't even preheat the oven or anything just his food's not going to come out right just r on but I don't know what I feel right now feel so bad having no music yeah um that was uh different bit different little bit different to any show that I think I've ever ever watched in my life I actually thought that the intro bit was going to be like the end of the story like that it was going to like lead up I thought it was going to be the end of the season yeah I thought it was going to like lead up to that moment but I'm quite happy that it's done now cuz I I hate it when do that cuz then you're like okay so I'm thinking about this and thinking about that and yeah yeah I don't know what I expected but uh was that all right that is Breaking Bad ladies and gents what you think about it if you get were given a cancer diagnosis would you go to cooking Crystal if it meant that I could make lots of money and you could have a good rest of your life then yeah I would I do all I would murder a man I would steal his yellow Mercedes and then I'd crush it with my bare hands okay yeah I'll do it I'll do all for you so yeah I can understand why he's uh problem though that was who they were going to sell the meth to no who do they sell the meth to I mean there's plenty of other people you can sell meth to it's not as if we're in short supply of people that want to do drugs definitely not in Scotland well jeez so yeah that was good I enjoyed that first episode obviously with it being the first episode it's was going to be a bit slower while it introduced you to the world and everything that's going on but I think it done the introduction but pretty quickly yeah like hey he's a chemistry teacher he won a Nobel Prize I think now he's cooking math yeah he's like the best of the best and uh now he's doing math getting drugs cooked and then in the correct way without any adulterant but the question is will the RV be okay well you haven't named it yet I know but I don't want to in case in case it's not in episode 2 maybe dead I was just going to call it Harvey Harvey Harvey the rvey Harvey the rvey there we go oh well listen we are Savage people if you are new to our Channel I reckon there's a lot of people watching that being like Oh my God they're so judgmental a at the end of the day like it's a TV show like we're not and I hate that I have to say this but you do where it's like I'm not actively attacking un individual ever in a show what' you mean by this I just felt like we were quite Savage what about who especially the eyebrow guy the eyebrow guy listen wal was Savage about his eyebrows his eyebrows were ridic ridiculous and I can't believe there's people out there there was a kid recently that was like I want to get rid of my Mona brow and her mom was like no it's beautiful Michael Jack and then she was getting bullied for it so she went and done it behind her mom's back and her mom was like I can't believe the society made her get rid of her monor brow and it's like it's cuz it's not normal she like she's unfortunate and she wanted it changed and she changed changed it and that's fine yeah I don't like oh what was this there was something that I read about like two years ago about some something very similar and it was like don't use your kid as a martyr to be the change that you hope in the world like if that kid's getting bullied for something and you're not you're not going to change society by letting your kid continue to be bullied like it sucks but you know help your kids not be bullied safe from Ste help your kids not be bullied and then when it came to the the bully that was uh being horrible about his disabled son if I had a kid right and let's not talk about Allison and the eye and all that but if I had a kid and someone okay and somebody was like taking the piss out of my disabled son holy crap see the baseball bat that I keep in my back pocket that you never see until it comes out I would smack you with it and I'd continue to smack you with it until you became disabled and then you you had to understand what suffering was yeah by the way it's 2: in the morning and not hard I'm not a hard not but I mean to be honest I can defend myself you know that yeah sure anyway Breaking Bad might be um a bit of a different series on our Channel and that's okay if you know here and you've enjoyed it hit the thumbs up and And subscribe and we'll see you in the next episode bye-bye we are like the non nonsense reactors what do you mean we just don't give it do we about what about anything about VI's time apparently how always say they want a podcast I'm just helping them out see you next time uh what day is it it's currently Tuesday so we'll see you guys on Friday for episode two of breaking bed if you really want to see Vikings man you just got oh I guess I think it's it's Thursday shut up what do you mean cuz I know what I'm talking about you mean that this is going live on a Tuesday yeah yeah yeah but what what if someone's watching it on Wednesday know you're like oh here's weding day today do we need to do a different cut for like hey it's Thursday today enough vac what were we saying about vac hi everyone see you l
Channel: Suzy & Steejo
Views: 33,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: loJWbrKd0Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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