Time For A New Heir! | HOUSE OF THE DRAGON [1x1] (REACTION)

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hello everybody my name is Cody and this is my beautiful wife bridet and welcome back or for the first time to House of the Dragon I know you guys have been waiting some of you have been waiting for a very long time if you've been following along with us on our Game of Thrones Journey yep we finally have had a few weeks to get over that start the book as you can see we like to keep a map of characters and uh the graveyard the graveyard got real real full over the seasons for those who didn't get to see the final Map update Brand's King down there we got all your your people that lived going their own separate ways ARA up there heading off to wherever the Queen of the North we got the north the nor the true north gang up there um unas we're here for House of the Dragon this is hundreds at least 100 100 something years before Game of Thrones baboom we got a new bat baby it's blank though I don't know any of the characters yet obviously uh besides the one I think think they hired one of the people from here to be Supergirl in the new James gun Superman movie so that's fun uh but I'm sure this will fill up it's a Game of Thrones related type of show so I presume we'll need graveyard space over there it is it is the same the same world so presumably everything will work out fine I always hope that maybe we'll keep it more to King's Landing but that's not likely uh we'll see we'll see where this place goes takes place like I said I think it's 170ish years before Game of Thrones when the targaryens are like just killing it they got dragons I believe of all shapes and sizes um and I'm excited sometimes we'll talk too much if you don't know us sorry around find out we're excited we're dumb be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel thank you everybody on the patreon for your support we have extended and uncensored versions of our reactions which do tend to come in handy with these kinds of crazy ass shows with lots of seual things and bloody things um and we'll probably as well have full length watch alongs if you want to watch sink up with your own copy watch the whole episodes with us that's there and it's fun so anything else I try not to ramble too much I'll cut it down it's fine all right let's get into it no the health of the Old King jeris was failing Jaris house tararan stood at the height of its strength with 10 adult dragons under its yoke killing it no power in the world could stand against it where are we but tragedy had claimed both his sons over a thousand Lords made the journey to harrenhal oh oh oh princess Reise Targaryen The King's eldest descendant Ries Prince viseris Targaryen The King's eldest male descendant didn't like viseris and Game of Thrones a woman would not inherit the Iron Throne shocker who could have seen it coming the only thing that could tear down the house of the Dragon was itself mhm doing some infighting oh snap is now the ninth year 172 years before the death of the Mad King okay all right cool perfect like we'll just we'll simply if y it for [Music] you it's already a good start wow that was loud oh damn man last time a dragon came near here he burns it down the damn music always gets me man God I have PTSD right now what are you saying the imagery of this Dragon over this city specifically I just have PTSD for the end of Game of Thrones his little legs flop hi he said who are we oh okay wow welcome back princess I trust your rape was pleasant Cyrax is growing quickly you seem be as large as Caris Caris oh look at the Saddle that's hilarious I don't know why practical makes sense Danny didn't even need one they didn't have any schematics for those lying around for like 400 300 years 172 years not much progress in their society no you're getting they had better [ __ ] look at this nice oh they have better [ __ ] you guys just need one Thomas Edison things are going to change for this world or you know whoever Thomas Edison stole from ah this the red keep this is where she had the map painted at the end the the castle it's the castle it's King's Landing Castle red keep all of it I don't know God who has to keep that Lit dragons oh you know what you right Renea Renea not reneer pregnant you will lie in this bed soon enough rera what is that a threat I'd rather the Serv was a knight and ride to battle in glory yeah now take a bath you stink of dragon what's that picture in the background what are they doing what do dragons smell like the growing Alliance among the free cities has taken to styling itself they have masked on Bloodstone and are presently ridding the stepstones of its pirate infestation Pirates you're late King's Cup Bearer must not be late the cup Bearer just getting that Arya herin Hol treatment do you think Damon is distracted by his present task Amon the watch I would urge that you not allow this triarchy much latitude in the stepstones Your Grace the crown has heard your report Lord coris and takes it under advisement I they I don't think they're taking you serious shall we discuss the A's tournament Your Grace ooh I would be delighted ah now we're talking the fun [ __ ] the cost of the tournament is not negligible perhaps we might delay until the child is in hand before the games are over my son will be B we have no way of predicting the sex of the child yeah I was going to say how are you going to figure that out there's a boy in the Queen's belly I know it I could just feel it and my air will soon put all of this damnable hand ringing to rest himself your unborn baby does my father know his head no get good who who got be good Gods you're not I don't think you're allowed to sit on the throne more a lot more swords dud missed his court date oh I brought you something thanks how are we related that's her uncle okay it's valan Ste but a necklace for him turn around h you put it on is that the guy from saltburn the weird one what I think it is no it is the one you said look like pug yeah K I don't I don't trust Uncle me either uncle's giving me bad vibes when Princess neria arrived in Dawn who did she take to husband a man that's pretty vague I hope for my father that he gets a son you want him to have a son I want to fly with you on Dragon B see the great w is across the narrow scene each only cake where are you going home the hour has grown late you're being so unserious princess n Maria took Lord mors Martel of dawn to husband and burned her own Fleet of sunpar to show her people that they were finished running that niria was a wolf if the scepter sees this book the scepter re yeah scepter suck is it healing ah what is that can you say yet what it is oh no we've sent inquiries to the C though oh whatever it is it needs to be kept quiet and covered in [ __ ] antibiotics guys got Band-Aids it's a WB that refuses to heal Grandmaster diabetes this dude's going to die isn't he what a luxurious bath after this miserable pregnancy I wouldn't be surprised if I hatched an actual Dragon oh man that'd be crazy wild has already declared that she's t a sister she even named her V here there's too many there's too many VES around here has there been any word from your dear brother he's here I'm sure he will reemerge for the Tony he's he's on the throne actually to celebrate the firstborn son that we presently do not have the almost son this child is a boy Emma yeah I'm certain of it why are you so certain did you see it in a vision the dream a dream a dream was a vision our son was born wearing G's iron Crown oh well that's going to hurt her and I placed our son upon the Iron Throne not even K he fell off over he was impaled it was an unsafe place for baby I have a feeling something's happening going to happen to both of them both both of them this is the last time uh having a child for him she still pass and two pregnancies ended well before their term [ __ ] and I'm sorry if I have failed you in that I am this is awkward I don't like him he scares me I told you bad vibes when I took command of the watch you were stray mongrels you're a pack of hounds oh no hone for the hunt a God now I got ramsy Vibes brother's city has fallen into squala what are you doing beginning tonight King's Landing will learn to fear the color gold uh-oh bro what are you going to do we're supposed to be having like a party and [ __ ] you're going to ruin it just going to rans sack King's Landing right now a God damn it yeah isn't my brother a shitty King punch I don't I don't think the message is going to get across oh no man this is not nice who your butt no you're dick a a a you you [Music] um what he got guard I think they are the guards Bridget your brother made a public show of it yeah um the prince cannot be allowed to act with this kind of unchecked impunity I think he was just saying that these are criminals and we're going to make them we're going to send a message to the criminals and stuff you are to explain your doings with the city watch what the you new go what that Nobles from every corner of the realm are right now descending upon King's Landing for my brother's turny do you want the mugged murdered it's like we had to clean up we're having guests over our city should be safe for all its people he's so calm now I don't know about you I I went into that thinking he was about to try to overthrow them that's what I thought he was just yeah he's the king's or the city watch and okay if only the prince would show the same Devotion to his lady wife as he does his work your grace you've not been seen in the veil or at runstone for quite some time I think my bronze [ __ ] is happier for my absence lady Jesus in The Veil men are said to sheep instead of women I can assure you the Sheep are prettier God Dam dude hates the veil your own lady wife passed recently fight words perhaps you aren't ready to move on just yet you know how my brother makes sport of provoking you levelheaded you're the hand any further performances like last night's will be answered yo two wheelbarrows full of dead bodies chopped up and it's like don't do it again huh King's laning has been in Decline since that guy's going to be a problem oh jeez are we're going to the brothel victory victory that's so fake I think he's distracted I want to refund what trouble is you my prince leave me alone he under his blanket off could even arrange one with oh yeah you targaryens like to keep it in house if you know what I'm saying turnning turny going forward Queen Emma has begun her labors oh [ __ ] isn't that's not her right over there no yeah screw the games we're going to watch that happen mind oh [ __ ] oh give me another one I don't know F cool yeah sure I don't get it painful for both of you no just the worst Victory thank you thank you very much I would humbly ask for the favor of the queen Who Never Was ah the one they wouldn't let yeah good fortune you cousin you could have barathan tongue for that tongues will not change the successor let them wear you say barathan Baratheon yeah I heard that lady Elanor is hiding the scolling belly beneath her dress oh uhoh God damn I'm starting to like jousting God that had to suck I'm told sir Christen his common born son of Lord dond Darian Stewart that he's just unhorsed both of the barathan lights [Applause] oh what what what about to do a battle royale just Prince of the City will now choose his first opponent is this du going to have to go through all these dudes who was that oh the brother uhoh your helmet's pretty dope so it's your horse's helmet the horse oh [ __ ] I didn't realize the horse was so decked out you I'm going to murder you real quick sir G high tower of Oldtown oh of the king oh oh [ __ ] no he's going to try to him up Bridget five drag on oh we betting we five on Damon please that dude's a psychopath okay bro we're watching a dude literally going in to commit murder like you can see he's like I'm going to I'm going to kill oh maybe not I think he's going to get angry oh we got to come back for round two still oh that's the horse oh come on that was that an illegal move always the horses up and I hate that his horse needed a helmet oh baby is that clean is that clean play I don't know the jousting rules I feel like we should rule against that though oh it's okay yeah that's all they cared about the HS is good red flag on the field nicely done uncle was it I don't having your favor would all assur oh put your flowers on my pole sounds gross sorry so sorry is that her dad I oh I would hope not that would mean that he just up her brother why is he looking at her like you know I don't know I don't know the relations fully yet oh oh oh the laboring I forgot the laboring oh oh God I don't think it's going well all attempts to turn the bab fail oh no Bridget she's going to die we've given her as much milk of the puppy as we can cut her open or something doped up I don't think they know how to C-section oh I have chills this is terrifying it's so sad this is by candl light it's not like she has an epidural these dudes birthing nothing you ever have a dude charge at you with a giant stick and hit you in the chest why did he have a oh oh no we got a hotthead what is oh no are you murdering him and the day grows ugly I wonder if this is how we should celebrate the birth of our future king with murder I don't think so guys it's a Marvel at Warden break out of First Blood I'm surprised you guys are watching this happen and not oh my God you're just letting it happen yeah exactly oh God close the kid's eyes Jesus oh save girl save oh no I don't oh no you MOS get in there try just if you would oh God pull it to make an impossible choice baby your mama to sacrifice one or to lose them both there is a chance that we can save oh Jesus that's a different this thing called a C section you can save the child we must either act now oh don't do that don't what save me you know he's dead I love it we're like we're just going to play through after all of that oh man that dude doesn't have any favors on his stick damn was kind of rude I'm not getting your next stick if you do that to me hi they're going to bring the Babe out now yeah I don't want to I don't know if I want to see this it's all right think they would let her make the decision but no no no no that's not doesn't make sense anymore trying a new technique at least put her to sleep or something they they they just don't got [ __ ] don't be scared dude D you're grinding the rail get up dude went for a combo give me a sword I have to now murder him to death you win ah dude that's not cool like I hate these rules Shield oh [ __ ] oh he's quick he's quick one all right you win oh my God this is a lot oh my God watch it be a girl and he just like oh [ __ ] oh my God yeah okay I see it oh my God you know not one of them washed their hands before uhoh what was it oh dude you celebrated too early Happ oh dagger little dagger no shot is this dude going to die episode [Applause] one don't don't turn around and see if he has anger issues we're about to find out that was so much for the pilot I feel like I'm so mad yeah I was hoping to ask for the princess's favor present thine tip sir where's your stick oh all right your daughter congratulations your grace your son you have a son he did he got a son was it worth it ba baon Bane uh-oh uh-oh it's the baby unwell you think this is the first episode you guys are hurting my feelings what what was she is she going to be burned that's a py right that's what they call it this fake ass for you looking all sad I don't believe him he didn't I don't think [Music] so dra you you say the word sorry that kind of was his voice I feel like oh s here excuse me excuse me rough day how's your back wound hopefully it's going to K him I jesus I it is going to I consider the matter urgent what what matter that of your succession couldn't have waited till tomorrow morning by precedent and by law shall we say his name Damon if Damon were to remain The uncontested Heir it could dest how come the girl can't do it once again they don't have electricity women's rights is not on the agenda I named Aon master of law but you said he was a tyrant putting Damon in command of the city watch was your solution and then he beat the [ __ ] out of him truth is Damon should be far away from this cor I think I agree some further tragedy on you either by Design or accident what do you thinking my brother would murder me no I think you're going to die you might die this episode still dude Damon has ambition yes but not for the throne yes he does some patience he's so oh oh he have no idea who else would have a claim the king's firstborn child Renea he's like we we just went through this 9 years ago perhaps we shouldn't break 100 Years of it by naming a girl air is that a stark is it there are others who would have a claim such as your wife Lord callus Reise was the only child of jer's eldest son the reason you're King cuz you beat her if we cannot agree on an air then how can we exp and son are dead ah I will not sit here and suffer crows that come to Feast on their corpses well I hope you feel guilty I feel like it was a bad time to call this meeting what are those ball things I don't know they put they keep dropping into the table yeah what you doing s Raven to all town why what she just lost her mom that's her dad I found myself thinking of your own mother today how is his grace very low I thought you might go to him why offer him Comfort what do you mean in his Chambers Bridget Bridget give him an air what to say you might wear one of your mother's dresses motherucker he said baby he's sending him to the king that just lost hising wife yeah he's it's an opening give him an air let's get us in on this Throne action yeah right anything to get his brother to not do it what's his name Daman Damon Damon Daman the devil the lady Alison TI Tower your hi this is Ew I don't like it it's very kind thank you working on my Miniatures it's not a miniature it is pretty large it's a large miniature when my mother died all I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me I'm very sorry your grace well that's sweet this went better than I expected so far he's really sad what the [ __ ] maybe we were just thinking the bad stuff you know so bored right what the [ __ ] last night Prince Damon bought out one of the pleasure houses on the street of silk hey baller move King and Council have long red my position as next in line for the throne he toasted Prince Balon to the King's son styling him the heir for a day well I mean was he wrong though did you say it did you say air for a day you will address me as your grace or I will have my King's Guard cut out your tongue oh we're getting kingy with you the heir for a day he brought out his big sword maybe I didn't even have fun at the party all right we must all mourn in our own way your grace but instead of being by my side or nearas M you chose to celebrate your own rise meanwhile he was defending you I have only ever defended you he did you've only ever tried to send me away to the veil to the city watch anywhere but by your side you're literally Overkill with the jobs we give you have you asked me to be your hand why would I do that because I'm your brother if I see uto hi tower for what he is an unwavering and loyal Hand uto high tower is a more honorable man than you could ever be I don't know if I believe that but we'll see you're weak viseris and that Council of leeches knows it they all pray on you for their own end it's not wrong I have decided to name a new air I'm your air it's going to be her not anymore it's going to be his daughter you are to return to runstone and your lady wife at once uh-oh by order of your king homeboy said go home I don't know if he can stand up he looks like that that sword's more of a Cane your grace M okay oh well this is [Music] awkward dude this this chair suck could have like he's going to get he's going to die from like poisoning from these old swords tus they don't know what it is yet oh God the big one just meditating he's like this doesn't even hurt going to name her the air but it's so obvious this dude's going to die sometime soon and then it's going to be a contentious between her and the uncle the last living creature to have seen old valyria before the Doom he a big boy the super volcano I'm assuming when you look at the dragons what do you see Bey you haven't spoken a word to me since mother's funeral this is important day the idea that we control the dragons is an illusion H if we don't mind our own histories it will do the same to us Targaryen must understand this to be king or queen ah dropping hints I have wasted the Earth and you were born a wanting for a son this is good sucks how we got here but good for her yeah Damon is your n he he kind of Damon was not made to wear the crown but I believe that you were call it don't do this to me again the Iron Throne is the most danger dous seat in the realm yeah promised to be faithful to King viseris and his named Heir the princess Rea man he didn't seem as happy about it oh that's a nice one you chill he's like she's cool she's going to be she's going to be flying with us today I barathan there's something else that I need to tell you my your uncle's crazy they tell us that Egon looked across the blackw from Dragon Stone saw rich land ripe for the capture what it was a dream oh megon forsaw the end of the world of men is to begin with a terrible winter yeah gusting out of the distant North oh well Star Lord of Winterfell that's a stark that's a stark when this great winter comes riro all of Westeros must stand against it no not not really turns out a king or queen strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark Egon called his dream The Song of Ice and Fire this secret it's been passed from King to where since egon's time now you must promise to carry it I the Sarah targaryan God that's a he's mean and Big Skinny he does feel skinny long neck tararia princess of Dragonstone end of the end of the show she began you know air and all was well dude spoiled Game of Thrones for 180 years in advance but what ah the music I know we got the Game of Thrones music for AE oh he's taking his brothel Lady it's like a more verion Game of Thrones Game of Thrones oh my god well I want to watch more cuz that's pretty dope that was [ __ ] awesome that was a lot that was so much for a single episode it like it it almost could have just ended there though you could have called that just a short a short film on like a little bit okay that's what happened cool now we need to fight all right you're upset with King over the choice but again I do want to reiterate the choices were they'll both die or I can maybe save the baby they could have did something else no well I'm just saying those were the choices he was definitely with a heavy heart he was very upset by the I it sucks but I'm not villainizing himely he's seems to be kind of a good guy overall he's trying to be loyal to his brother but also keep him in check he really did care about his wife maybe we did misread it but I do think the hand guy really does want his daughter to try to move in there even though they kind of had a sweet moment cuz they could kind of relate and yeah um Damon here is also quite cuz he hasn't done anything bad per se overall right well I mean he was very aggressive as the police officer trying to basically trying to be Sheriff of the you know the city watch and he said all right they were like all right you're fired go home that was too much so he's definitely violent tendencies but I mean I don't know he's weird he he clearly does like the throne and wants to be the heir but he's also just was super unhappy both pre and post being certainly the heir like even at the the party he wasn't so it's weird the king said it's the most dangerous chair in the world and he me that actually physically he's gotten so many cuts and I think that's going to get infected and kill him I'm guessing episode four maybe nine at the latest I don't think they're going to sha Bean us here I got to get these names refigured out when I edit too as well and lots to add to the [ __ ] board we already got a graveyard Edition Fu God damn it that was sad that was yeah really well done that was so that's a a really well done episode beautiful like I'm I'm instantly in it with these stories the way they went back and forth but from the jousting the jousting itself was cool and violent so much violence by the way uh but the back and forth with the insane birthing situation yeah ah I don't like it I don't know I just don't trust the Damon character obviously but like I feel like he hasn't really given us a reason to yet so it's like I can clearly see people rooting for him easily already so we'll see it's going to be it's murky it's murky Waters it's going to be hard for her [ __ ] no one likes females obviously it's clearly heading in that direction though the dad's going to die and then we're going to fight over uh who actually even if they just swore their loyalty to her that's going to keep her in it that's going to keep her in this fight cuz if they didn't choose an air she would have been sideswiped immediately now that she has that in place as you're the air by declaration uh when the dad clearly I'm it's got to be that that wound yeah if that takes him out she has some footing but it's going to get messy also were they were at herin Hall in the beginning oh yeah Damon lots of V's V viser viser their names are the same um we got rhaegar reras RH rhinoceros riny I don't know I'll hopefully get them all cleared up for the board so I can spell them properly wow good good good I'm ready I'm ready to watch episode two yeah me too anything else no like the video subscribe the channel and we'll be back for more till next time [Music] bye [Music]
Views: 48,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridgeco, gaming, react, couple reacts, reaction, house of the dragon, first time watching, game of thrones, season 2, episode 1
Id: 0pEgErKXcFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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