Reaction to Ricky Gervais on Religion

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another episode I'm your host T I'm Tasha and welcome to TNT reactions So today we're back checking out some more of Ricky D and which this one I believe it is titled let me see and this video is titled Ricky jves and Steven go head-to-head on religion all right let's go ahead and bring this display up and let's jump right into it we're here with Ricky J um we were talking we were talking before we were talking about this tweet before about that you uh you like this tweet that uh was talking about how you're going to go to hell that it should get a nigh Hood do you do you have any interest in a nigh Hood because a lot of a lot of uh British performers end up like getting a Knighthood for service to the community or drama or something like was that any interest to you we it doesn't it's not like it was in the olden days if if it meant I could go down the street on a horse with a sword killing people then yes oh but it's nothing it doesn't it's nothing you can't Edge and stuff like that you got like give me a big sword and a horse then I'll take it you know what I mean talking about hell uh before uh about this tweet about you going to hell um and I know that you're uh an atheist correct yeah okay people have been debating oh uh that's to jump for you in Hell by the way would you want to debate the existence of God okay so uh Rick ja is why is there something instead of nothing I that's that's that makes no sense at all that's not the two choices no but the choices I'm giving I'm the host well I you want to concede the debate why is there something that nothing hold on what do you mean out of nothing what you why is there something instead of why is there nothing why why does the universe exist at all why is there something but surely the Bigg question is not why but how what why is it irrelevant okay fine how how is there something because you think of God as the prime mover how is there anything I don't I don't this is this is a ridic is prime is there is there a demi urge that started everything well outside science and nature I don't believe so cuz the thing is this is the thing right so I I'm an agnostic atheist technically a agnos agnostics um mean it means no one knows whether there's a God so everyone's technically agnostic we don't know true so an agnostic atheist is someone who doesn't know there's a God or not as no one does so you're not convicted of your atheism well I am no I am because atheism is only rejecting the claim that there is a God athe M isn't a belief system athe so this this is atheism in a nutshell you say um uh there's a God I say can you prove that you say no I say I don't believe you then so um you believe in one God I assume uh in three persons but go ahead okay so you believe okay so but there there are about 3,000 to choose from that have been you know people believe done some reading yeah okay so so basically you believe in you you you deny one less God than I don't you don't believe in 2,999 Gods and I don't believe in just one more do you do you uh do you ever have a feeling of great gratitude for existence I of course do you have I know I know I know the chances are billions to one that I am on this planet as me and never will be again and I know I can't convince you that there there is a God nor do I really want to convince you there's a God but I can only explain my experience which is that I have a strong desire to direct that gratitude toward something or someone course of course and that thing is that thing is God we're Mor we don't we want to we want to make sense of Nature and Science and and it's too unfathomable that the that everything in the universe was once crunched into some smaller than that but you don't know that the science ISS you're just believing Stephen Hawking and that's a matter of faith in his abilities you don't know it yourself you're accepting that cuz someone told you yeah well oh but science science is constantly proved all the time you see if we take something like any fiction in any holy book in any other fiction and destroyed it okay in a thousand years times that wouldn't come back just as it was took every science book right and every fact and destroyed them all in a thousand years they'd all be back cuz all the same tests would be the same results that's really good so we don't I don't need I don't need I don't need faith in science I don't need Faith to know that probably if I jump out of a window every other time someone jump They smash to the ground because of this thing called gravity I don't yeah Satan would be raping you a this is why I'm he's trying to break the tension that's can you take please yeah he was trying to break the tension smashed to the ground because of this thing called gravity I don't then yeah Satan would be raping you this is why I'm a good boy [Laughter] uh please come back and debate something wow he conceded he couldn't say nothing he couldn't say nothing he couldn't rebuttal back against anything that he said at first it felt like it the tension was getting kind of thick it was very thick and Stephen was getting offended a little bit you could tell he was taking it personally but Ricky really he handled this perfectly so well without offending the other person he was remaining respectful um and it it really made me like Ricky even more like he is a funny guy but when he needs to get serious he can but without being disrespectful right especially from especially from the video that we watched yesterday where he was completely Savage for 10 minutes roasting everybody yeah that was comedy though this was a serious conversation this was a serious conversation but the way Stephen started off he started off kind of uh and so Ricky had he he had we already know that he has the wit and the mind to completely rip him apart MH but like you said he was very respectful he was very gentle and he gave his point of view I don't think he was gentle I don't think he needed to I think he was being gentle I think he was just laying out the facts respectfully yeah and I think he was trying not to offend him or anybody else who feels or thinks like Stephen as well Stephen he's he's a religious god um he believes in one God but I've never heard of someone laying it the facts like that so there's 3,000 Gods um you only believe in one and I believe in one less right and for people who are are very religious and they get offended when you say you don't believe in God because what you're saying is you don't believe in their God right but it's okay for them to say I don't believe in other people's Gods but you shouldn't get offended about that because because I'm I'm Christian or I'm Jewish because mine is the one true godre um so wow Perfection Perfection and just backing it up up with science and wow wow mind is blown uh this is my favorite one from Ricky So Far right so guys leave your thoughts Down Below in the comment section we'd love to hear your thoughts about this uh this video here and of course if you have any other suggestions for any other Ricky D J's videos we should check out let us know in the comment section yes as always like share and subscribe and we'll see youall next time take care peace
Channel: TNT Reactions
Views: 101,404
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Keywords: TNT Reactions, comedy reactions, funny videos, couple reacts
Id: 5HlnqSXYKTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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