How Bad are Smash 64's Low Tiers?

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smash 64's low tiers are an interesting group of characters in games like Melee and brawl low tiers can actually be quite bad look no further than games like Melee Bowser raw ganadors 64's low tier got to be just as bad right well actually there's a little bit more Nuance here they still have a niche in competitive play and actually have usage in The Meta some of them have actually a lot of Promise some people feel that the low tiers in 64 are underrated just despite some of them looking like they're pretty bad and because smash 64's cast is a lot smaller and Tighter Niche it means that the low tier characters are not that bad the characters we're going to be going over in this video is samis Donkey Kong NES link Luigi for some of these low tiers it's not going to be the last time being a low tier character samis is actually really close from not being a low tier she has some of the highest raw damage output in the whole game while having a solid amount of range she definitely checks a lot of boxes for things that characters who are low tiers at 64 don't have she's really heavy while being a floaty character like future versions of Samus these come with their own positives and negatives like being able to easily Escape out of combos because of her floatiness samus's major flaw is her speed she's rather slow and her Mobility especially off stage is pretty terrible her neutral is sort of lacking especially in this game cuz she doesn't have as many approaching options like her missiles and side B is absent in Smash 64 this isn't the Samus of future Smash games where she's a lot faster another weakness is she has a large amount of end lag on most of her attacks while she definitely has plenty of ko power it comes at a cost because her approach options are mediocre this means she can struggle to clutch out a lot of situations because of her slow speed and relying on predictions despite these flaws she's actually not a bad character especially in the Japanese Japanese version she's slightly better being ranked at seventh due to people having a bit more higher results with her in Japan she does have a lot of things going for her being a low tier she's hard to combo while her air speed is definitely pretty bad at times she might have difficulties finding openings but she still has plenty of strong attacks which you can't really say that for every character here she has plenty of attacks that are actually kind of strong and that does give her some niche in The Meta she's not that bad Donkey Kong 64 the only big boy character no Bowser no DDD it's just him Donkey Kong's placement is actually slightly different from the Japanese and American versions of Smash 64 being at Ninth in the ntsc version while being the worst character in the Japanese version of the game DK in the ntsc version was buffed compared to the Japanese version having a safer recovery stronger down air and back air and you can also chalk it up to him being more commonly used in the west I I thought it should be noted as a three Place difference is actually a big difference in a tight-knit smaller roster it's actually a very large difference competitively his giant punch funnily enough does 36% fully charge like jeez and because he's so heavy he's actually not easy to KO but that obviously comes at a cost that obviously has its own issue as he's the largest character in the game and combine that with his heavyweight it makes him super easy to combo especially with smash 6 for's well-known higher amounts of hit done means yeah it's not good to be this type of character DK also has the iconic limited up special and you can argue even more limited in this game spinning Kong actually is not a bad tool for finishing off opponents off stage along with moves like his back air you can't bring up Donkey Kong without also bringing up his iconic Cargo in Smash 64 DK's grab game has a bit more utility as he has an infinite in this game Yes you heard me right Donkey Kong has an infinite throw trap you guys like grab release Jank well Buckle in for those wondering about the infinite throw trap it essentially was a Proto version of what techniques like grab release Jank would be in Brawl 64s grab releas is pretty long as characters can take advantage of this like Donkey Kong and simply grab them without throwing them and then keep doing this over and over voila there's your infinite you will slowly build percent for each throw inputed and fun fact in future crash games you can't do this at all as they clearly patched it out as you can't regrab them out of a McCargo anymore tangent over but I want a nerd over some really cool DK Tech all in all Donkey Kong is actually not that bad he actually has some matchups where he beats certain characters really hard so despite being a low tier I wouldn't sleep on him nessa's evolution in Smash 64 has to be easily one of the most dense and crazy Evolutions that's because NES was actually perceived to be a top tier character and some of you are probably thinking how wait what he's a top tier and now he's here what what what yes if you go to smash 64's very first tier list Nest was a top three character which is kind of insane Above All Else he was better than Fox Captain Falcon puff Yoshi which is yeah what happened here obviously the meadow was really underdeveloped at the time and people didn't understand the counterplay against NES NES in 64 is actually kind of good his Aerials are super fast-paced in this game a lot of them wouldn't be this strong even in future Smash games like his down air that meteors he has quick up air strings if you combine this with his powerful finishers like back air forward Smash and PK Thunder 2 slew of Advanced Techniques like double jump cancel and double jump Landing so on so forth more specifically he has an extremely strong tool set because his Aerials are pretty beefy in this game it's like peanut butter meeting chocolate double jum cancelling and his really strong Aerials they worked well with each other it is easily one of ness's quickest ways of racking up damage is double jump cancel up air all these things combined helped him become such a dominant Force out of the gate being able to zero to death opponents as someone who actually plays a lot of Ness this version of the character has some promise elements of 64 NES have heavily inspired games like project Dem NES things would change rapidly for the character in 2009 he would drop to being a mid-tier at eighth place and then after every single tier list after that NES would slowly drop to being a low tier at 10th place as right now yeah he dropped to this people simply figured out ness's flaws and you see you have a recovery like this it's going to be easy to as all you got to do is just jump on ness's PK Thunder and yeah if you link PK Thunder 2 you definitely have a strong move but it's for sure flawed when Ness is trying to do the tool and gee I wonder if this is somehow going to be one of the reasons why it becomes a low tier okay we all know ness's range is also terrible this is sort of a consistent curse of the character of course he has projectiles like PK Fire but they have significant amounts of lag they can be easily punished and outside of that ness's approach options are mainly his stubby limbs his movement speed is mediocre the top tiers are really going to take advantage of his flaws it hurts a little bit how the character is not really use that much in the West in the Japanese version NES is actually a much better version of the character and the ntsc version NES was significantly nerfed she ranked at fifth place and you could say this version of NES is definitely not a low tier his KO power is stronger his moves deal more damage and the Japanese version having a higher amount of SEI makes his combos even more deadly if you want to add an extra layer of sadness NES would get even further nerfed in melee but I don't want to be reminded of that the Nerfs were definitely too much in future Smash games as it took a while for nest to truly become viable in the future well this isn't the only time link would be a low tier ironically he shares a lot of the same flaws as the brawl version of the character which I've talked about in other videos I will give him this he's extremely technical there is actually a true skill sealing to the character top level 64 link players can do a variety of tech extended Boomerang Boomerang ledge boost bomb gifting invisible bomb bomb recovery a lot of bomb stuff I know you can obviously tell he has off ledg Spin Attack the black cat setup and known that's not a Spider-Man character okay nice try though the point is link is actually really technical in this game but it doesn't help the disadvantage state that he has his recovery is very bad when he simply has to rely on his recovery and he doesn't have a bomb to help him it definitely is one of the worst recoveries in the whole series a handful of links moves and combo game are actually a lot weaker especially compared to the Japanese version of the character where similar to NES he was actually better in that game in fact this version of the character is actually has a much stronger combo game his recovery was better but then link would be severely nerfed in the ntsc version as Spin Attack gains much less height in the air because Link's gravity was slightly higher in the ntsc version and in the Japanese version his moves dealt more damage in knockback like down air for example which has a much larger hitbox you could honestly make a whole video of all the different versions of Link cuz there was so many of them he changed so often even the Australian version of the character where he was being ping pong Buffs and Nerfs each version of Smash 64 even in the pal version and Australian version he's just getting buffed Nerf buff Nerf buff Nerf buff Nerf sometimes retracting some changes and then bringing them back they'd even give him more Nerfs as they would make his air speed significantly worse which is just yeah wow Link in general has a risky recovery he's easy to combo because he's a heavy fast baller although he isn't that bad as he does have consistent combo tools like his up tilt and he's great at playing defensively with his boomerang and bombs it's just his disadvantage state is clearly holding him back up special is really not helping him that much as I feel they could have made link a lot better of a character if he had a stronger recovery tool the lowest character on the tier list is Luigi while Luigi is a mixed bag he does have some things working for him his up special morning specifically is a strong recovery tool with the ability to KO even a mash down special can help benefit his recovery so on paper doesn't look that bad up special is probably his beefiest attack in his whole kit his Fireball is a tool that can stuff approaches and allow him to Zone and his smash attacks are not bad KO tools down air is similar to Mario's down air as it does an absurd amount of damage being 24% which easily can lead into Luigi's Aerials Luigi can sometimes string more more aerial combos easier than Mario because he has the higher jump but this isn't always the case the higher jump is a blessing and a curse as it makes it possible for him to do combos that on Paper Mario can't do his ability to short hop is harder as it affects his ability to do certain combos that in turn are going to be easier for Mario in a lot of people's opinion Luigi is outclass by Mario who is the higher ranks character on the tier lless Mario has more attacks that do more damage and most of his moves are faster than Luigi although Luigi does have the faster forward smash the differences are pretty small to the untrained eye but they are distinct enough to make Luigi where he is on the tier list Luigi's ability to punish is actually quite decent however despite this we're talking about a smash game where most characters have amazing punish games his Mobility inaction is extremely slow with terrible air speed in combination with that Luigi when he's off stage is known for having a very punishable and risky recovery and his air speed is definitely not helping with this his range in general is definitely mediocre plenty of his strongest moves are extremely difficult to land sorry up special many people do think that Luigi is actually underrated part of one of the reasons why he's the worst character as of right now is he's actually rarely played and plenty people think he could be developed further if more people just gave the character a chance but one of the main reasons he's the lowest tiered character is how uncommon he truly is in competitive play some people don't don't think any of the low tiers are actually that bad they definitely aren't as terrible as other Smash characters have been in the series so despite me you know maybe dunking on them here and there they actually can compete in tournament it's just more difficult to do so anything is possible in Smash 64's meta some consider this to be one of the most tight-knit Smash games probably up there with smash ultimate thank you guys for watching the video if you guys want early videos there's a patreon Down Below stream my newest album Sapphire by Zack onest check out this video on braws low tiar thank you have a good one seriously thank you so much take care
Views: 112,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project, Super, Smash, Bros, Wolf, Ness, Fox, Falco, Captain, Falcon, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Link, Zelda, Wavedash, Snake, Lucas, Dr.Mario, Wario, Yoshi, Pikachu, Squirtle, Marth, Ike, Ivysaur, Charizard, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, Samus, Kirby, Sonic, Project Plus, Breakdown, Honest Content, Video, Games, Brawl, Melee, Ultimate, smash 64, 64, low tiers, retrospective, Trash, Fighting Game Trash, Garbage, How Bad are?, Low, Fighting Game, Super Smash Bros, Bad Fighters, Bad Characters, Low Tier
Id: XYPKQrcc3Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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