How Asians Fight For the Bill

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that was great my my new favorite dim sum place in tongue I haven't had Kong the skirt in yes hello gentlemen was everything good no rush on this okay oh oh no no let me laugh you got last time no no I brought you here okay let me pay you can't pay twice in a row that's against the rules okay wow that was fast time on Bill in point four seconds from the resting position I can't even keep up with the speed well that was amazing speed I didn't even see him take out his wallet he hardly prepared this whole time oh look Sunset cash only what the hell how I missed that he got me all the technicality here's my Rolex keep the change that's real I thought he got that for 5.99 on wish I thought he could only afford to pay for kidneys what the smell is pimping his house for some Beijing cup so are we explaining the bill well sir you see there was actually a too slow better luck next time that was good I'll give it to you you win [Laughter] the soccer box the table's already been paid for but that guy's a great suit oh sorry guys uh I think this this gentleman here has already paid the bill so I'm just gonna go ahead and cancel this judge what he did it half an hour ago oh that's why he went to the bathroom you still you lose maybe one day you'll be fast enough okay what can I say you made me do this Max tell tell Sharon to refund the whole bill all together okay okay sure think boss thank you boss what does he mean [Music] he owns the restaurants oh good luck I had the pleasure of serving you Beijing Kong a favorite band and our best seller [Music] for you my friend your next shipment to Beijing Kong for free [Music] you're the CEO of Beijing Kong oh I try to be Loki about it so you're the man to miss the legend okay then you must know my company Beijing farming company you might supplier yes my friend I am your farmer hey everyone we're on set here in the place I'd never imagined I'd be so this year I've taken the vast majority of my YouTube earnings and put it into a TV series that is a Sci-Fi comedy Joe normal I want you guys to know this is you guys making my dream come true since I was 12 I'd imagined being at places like these and now we have our own show how crazy is that and perhaps in the best business decision ever I am not charging for this at all this is going to be released completely free because it's you guys it's you guys that made everything possible I haven't changed I'm still the same reject wasn't talented enough to book auditions I'm still the same failure but you guys believed in me and that has changed my world hopefully I can make something you guys will enjoy it's gonna be on my channel look forward to it from 12 year old me thank you and from current me thank you cheers I'll see you there
Channel: Steven He
Views: 3,256,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steven He, Comedy, Sketches, Funny, laugh, tntl, skit, Asian, Chinese, Irish, emotional damage, failure management, restaurant, bill, pay, paying, meal, dinner, lunch, food, gather, culture, fight for the bill, cheque, parody
Id: zoHztpjPFEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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