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Two years have passed since I started YouTube. Your kind comments and support are a big help to me. Thank you very much :) I have read all the Q&A questions. I hope today's story will be enough to answer your questions. I turned 34 this year. I am 35 in Korean age. :) Before starting a YouTube channel, I worked in airline company for 7 years. When you hear the word 'airline', many people think of flight attendants. But I'm not tall enough to do the job. I worked on codeshare agreements with other foreign airlines. Since I majored in foreign languages ​​in college, I found the company work to be quite interesting. Perhaps the memories of the company have been beautified over time... haha I was going to draw an airplane, but it looks like some kind of mackerel. :D I first met my husband at work. I was tired of meaningless blind dates at the time, so I hadn't thought of marriage. But in an unexpected situation, a relationship came naturally :) Now we've been married for 8 years... Now, when we go out, we are more accustomed to holding Hami's hand and walking than holding each other's hands. I had a child and took a leave of absence from work. I was not good at driving at the time, so I couldn't go far with my child. I spent most of my time at home. Now... I regret why I was alone at home back then ;; Stir-fry butter, green onion, onion, and potato, then add enough milk to submerge and bring to a boil. Warm potato soup for a winter morning Potatoes have a cleaner taste by soaking them in water beforehand to remove starch. Add the cheese, salt, and whipped cream you have at home and boil it to a thick consistency :) After little HAMI fell asleep, I watched my favorite YouTube videos. It felt like the only time I had to meet the world. While looking for parenting information on YouTube, I accidentally saw a video of haegreendal. Her words seemed to read my mind. I clicked 'subscribe' for the first time. While watching Nyangsoop's video, I realized that there are people who live in dreams. But I only watch YouTube, I never thought of doing it myself. It was because I had never learned how to shoot, nor had I ever run any other social media. Then the child went to kindergarten, and I had some free time. I wanted to use that time meaningfully. So I started recording my daily life with my iPhone. I thought my life was an ordinary life with nothing to show people, However, there are certainly moments that are happy enough, even if not great. At first, I shot with an iPhone and edited it with a mobile editing app. I was able to easily record many parts of my daily life without heavy equipment. Then, the cell phone capacity ran out, and my husband bought me a camera. (Was that an investment for my husband who dreams of early retirement? haha) My first cameras were SONY A6400 and SEL16-55G lenses. At first, I thought that if I had a good camera, I could make pretty videos right away. But soon... I realized that it was my big mistake. There was no one to ask about the shoot. It's like buying a high-end oven, but it feels like you can only heat frozen pizza... I had no choice but to keep taking videos with the camera and learning through trial and error. Some videos were full of blue, some days were full of yellow... I saw other people's videos with the same camera, and it took me two years to figure this out. I have been using Sony A7S3 camera and SEL24-105G lens since last year. I shoot with one camera, and move the tripod to shoot scenes from different angles. I've been shooting with two cameras for a while, but It was difficult to match the colors, and editing took a long time. So now I am using only one camera. I still have a lot to learn about cameras. Cherry tomato plum syrup that I make often The more expensive and better the shooting equipment, the better the performance can be. However, it may not be suitable for taking pictures alone because it is so big and heavy. I once bought a tripod that was the best. But because of the weight, my shoulder hurt so much, so I sold it as a used product. I've learned that it's also important to choose equipment that you can use well. I'm using Davinci Resolve editing program All the videos are like my treasure :) For editing, I even bought books recommended by video majors. Just like filming, continuing the editing experience was the most helpful. Since I'm filming a daily vlog, I don't go into detail about the shooting plan. Before filming, I think about where to clean and what kind of food to cook. As a result, the video concept and subtitles are also completed during the editing process. A simple lunch made with cabbage in a hotcake mix Half of the cabbage flies out! These scenes are often edited Sometimes I make unexpected mistakes while cooking or cleaning. In particular, cooking is irreversible, so I get nervous when filming. Once turned over successfully! Now, apply tonkatsu sauce and sprinkle with mayonnaise to finish. Oooops! For now... Continue... ok, this one goes to my husband... haha One more chance left I'll sucess this time! I'm nervous to sprinkle with mayonnaise, so I sprinkle with katsuobushi first. Come on, let's do it! totally ruined After this second chance is blown away, many thoughts come to my mind. Should I include this dish in the video or leave it out? I'm fine with showing you my failures. It's also part of the cooking process. But if there are a lot of failed cooking scenes, I worry that I will lose your trust in my cooking. When food is made tasteless, I sometimes re-shoot. haha But the combination of hotcakes, cabbage and mayonnaise is always delicious! Sometimes it is difficult to put what I want to say into one line of subtitles. There are many days when I stay up all night. Because I often watch k-dramas while editing. haha The MBTI test I took in college was INFJ, and it seems to fit my personality pretty well... When working hours are long, I feel sorry for my family. The reason I took a leave of absence was because I wanted to spend more time with HAMI. When I was working on the computer with my daughter next to me, I feel sorry for her because I couldn't concentrate even when she was next to me. Leaving behind the work that I had built up little by little over the years since my college days There were many difficult moments while raising children, doing household chores, and filming videos. But when starting a new job, everyone is a beginner, I thought from the beginning that no one is good at it Tonight's menu is Korean-style Soy Sauce Chicken Stew Add the chicken, soaked in milk in advance to remove the odor 7T soy sauce, 3T cooking wine, 4T sugar, 1T starch syrup, 1T minced garlic, 0.5T minced ginger At first, add half of the seasoning sauce. Drain the chicken oil and cook until potatoes and carrots are cooked. If you use brown sugar, the color will be darker. But even if you use white sugar like me, the taste is the same When the vegetables are cooked, pour in the rest of the seasoning. Add onion, water-soaked vermicelli, and green onion and cook until done :) Stewed chicken is delicious when it is slightly spicy, Add Vietnamese dried red pepper or red Cheongyang pepper and you are done :) The color is softer than the steamed chicken you buy, but the taste is better! :D HAMI : It melts in my mouth :) I'm glad HAMI is eating well too. My daughter is now five years old, but I'm still bad at parenting. I couldn't tell my daughter wise words like a parenting expert. I know that Hami is at the age to be sleep alone, but i'm still sleeping with her. (Sometimes I fall asleep first..) Sometimes I feel that my child is more mentally mature than I am! (But you wore your pants upside down...) Working from home, the line between work and life has become blurred. My husband helps me a lot, but on busy days, it feels like I'm working all the time except for sleeping hours. So I can't afford to think about my second child yet. If HAMI had a younger brother, would she be able to depend on each other and get along? But now, I want to focus on my work and raising Hami well. For now, I have established simple principles for time management. First, when Hami comes home, I stop working until my husband comes home from work. Second, read a children's book to Hami before she going to bed, and stay with her until she sleeps. Third, exercise for 1 hour twice a week. Usually it takes 2-3 days for filming, 2 days for editing, 1 day for planning/shopping/comment/mail confirmation.. the week goes by fast If you do something, not just YouTube, there are times when you get tired from time to time. I remember what my co-worker said a long time ago. "Wherever you are, whatever you do, you have to find a way to be happy.” Each person will have a different way of overcoming difficult moments. The important thing is to know for myself what prescription I need in a difficult moment. Friendship, sense of accomplishment, food, exercise, love, books, movies ... What is your prescription :) There are foods that become delicious when water parsley enters. The answer is Kimchi fried rice :) Leftover vegetables after cooking chicken are used for fried rice for children :) I will make kimchi fried rice first. Fry green onion in butter, then add ripe kimchi and fry until translucent a spoonful of sugar and a little bit of perilla oil When the kimchi is cooked, add the onion Add cold rice The secret here is soy sauce to wrap around the edges of the frying pan. Then add water parsley and perilla leaves Cooking and YouTube are honest in a way Food made with good ingredients by someone who has cooked a lot is really delicious. YouTube is similar. And if you like to cook, your dishes will become more and more delicious. If you like it, will you eventually become good at it? Perhaps the 'secret' is simpler than we think. I often ask myself 'How long can I run a YouTube channel?' And after the YouTube channel is over, I imagine what I'll be doing. I vaguely want to learn something, but I don't know what to do yet. If time allows, I would like to invite you on the journey to find the next job with me. I want to continue the donation activities that I have been doing since I had 100,000 subscribers. All of this was possible because of you watching my videos. "Wherever you are, whatever you do, find a way to be happy" I wish you happiness wherever you are and whatever you do. 🙏
Channel: 하미마미 Hamimommy
Views: 4,222,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 백만유튜버, 주부브이로그, 일상브이로그, Q&A, 유튜버카메라, 다빈치리졸브
Id: S0NhkyT2Qw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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