How Aimbot ACTUALLY Works

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by now everyone knows what Aimbot is and unfortunately you probably know exactly what it feels like to be on the receiving end of it but have you ever wondered how they actually work all right folks before we hop into it I wanted to remind you all that we now have a face it clan here at the score Esports you can join for free play with friends climb the leaderboards and maybe even get a match in with Demitri so if that sounds interesting to you check the link in the description below the cheating problem in online gaming only seems to be getting worse on top of hackers seemingly multiplying by the minute in Shooters the cheats they're using are not only getting more complex but outrageous now more dedicated scriptors will use things like anti- aim you still see speed hacks every once in a while and radar exploits are near unavoidable in battle Royals but aside from those and many more I don't have time to mention are the two ogs Aimbot and walls Walling refers to cheats that let you see players through walls and for obvious reasons knowing exactly where your enemies are at all times is well that's basically half the game now Aimbot takes care of the other half locking a player's Crosshair onto enemy heads so usually all you have to do is Click F you're throwing man all same same go throw guys but with the apparent increase in AIM bers in CS2 at least ones I've been wondering more and more how the cheats actually work call it morbid curiosity so I once again reached out to my pal C at the antiche police department and he set me up with Kat Burak and Baldo three chaps with extensive knowledge on this stuff in almost all online games everything that's in a server needs to be stored in the game's memory and therefore your computer this includes the location of every player at any given time an Aimbot script reads those coordinates it then subtracts it from your own players location to get a directional Vector in that 3D space the script T overrides your view angle or Crosshair placement and boom head shot last year content creator Cass did an extensive view into the trigonometry side of how all of that works so if you're a nerd go check his video out anyway these are typically referred to as injected aimbots and what they do is directly access the game's dll file and modify it these have become extremely common on the market and usually when you pay for one of these Services you're getting access to a whole host of different sheets on top of just aim he's smoked no we get on the head on the now as I'm sure you've already picked up on Aimbot isn't always just an on or off type situation anymore as these cheats get more advanced so does the customization cheaters can now edit things like the percentage of shots that will hit the head and even Implement an fov slider meaning how close your Crosshair should be to a player before the Aimbot kicks in and locks on the purpose of these options is to better hide the fact that you're cheating as I've said before it's very common to come across blatant aimbots these days that will just have all their sliders on full blast but for those who want to hide the fact that they're cheating they can just slightly adjust their settings so it's less obvious to be even less conspicuous you can use trackers that work like aim assist on consoles gently guiding your crosshairs to enemies that come on your screen there's even something called a trigger bot that works the opposite you do the aiming and it pulls the trigger at the most opportune placements these are some of the most common cheats amongst closeted cheaters since it requires some of the most amount of effort to actually pull off therefore easier to hide now when it comes to valerant and other games that use enemy outlines things get even more interesting instead of using enemy locations like most other aimbots I mentioned these games can also use pixel analysis or pixel Bots which instead scan for the colored pixels in an enemy outline to get the least amount of false positives like so you don't flick onto a wall or a tree or something you would use purple outlines on the enemy and then it will detect those purple pixels result s and it will see the position where they are on the screen and it will send Mouse inputs to your main PC to flick to the enemy head so yeah in a nutshell those are pretty much how aimbots work the next question is how did the devs fight against it well unfortunately it's a battle on two fronts because as the group explained to me there's actually two distinct ways you can cheat the first and most common is internal software your aim wears and never loses programs that you download directly onto your computer and run while you're playing these cheats are almost always cheaper and easier to use but with the downside being that they are easier to detect another problem is that to get access to these better internal cheats that are harder to detect you actually need to get an invite and although I don't think it needs to be said trusting and associating with the people that will give you one it's probably not in your best interest the thing with game sense itself with an invite sometimes they'll do giveaways majority of time you have to be very careful who you get the invites from most of the time I recommend people to just get them from a friend because cuz half of the time when you get it from a friend you're not going to get your account completely banned or absolutely like scammed in the first place because there are some people who will charge hundreds of dollars for these invites and there are also some people who won't charge that much but will still scam you either way when it comes down to it so it's a really shady part of the community which is why a lot of people don't recommend to use the cheat whatsoever now the alternative to these internal programs are cheats that use a dmma or direct memory access a dmma is an external device that connects directly to your pcie port and as the name suggests you can access A Game's memory and modify it without actually having to touch your PC's main processor which is how cheats are normally detected pair this with custom firmware and it will even better disguise what the dma and cheats are doing on your computer even tricking some kernel access anti-che systems but when it comes to a game like valerant with actual working anti-che you would probably want to be even safer and to do this you would need a second PC so instead of having everything run on just one computer you download the cheats onto your second setup and stream it back to the main PC that has the dma if you want you can even get what's called a fuser which puts the cheat overlay back onto your main PC that's running the game so you don't have to look at two monitors obviously the catch here is that it can get pretty expensive even just going the single PC dma route is more because you would need the device itself and the cheats but to get that added protection you would need a whole ass other computer custom firmware a fuser added Mouse Hardware the point is it can be a lot you first you need to buy a dma that cost like $11 128 and then you need to get the a second PC then you need to get the cheats and a lot of those cheats are private I think most of them are private for valerant because they don't want these cheats to get out there to get in the wrong hands and then they can get detected so they try to stay as priate as possible and the total cost would be around $1,000 to have like a uh safe cheating setup for that reason although much harder to detect dmas just aren't that common and are only used amongst those who cheat like it's their fing day job so although it is still an issue the main job for a game like CS2 is getting rid of these internal cheats there are hundreds if not thousands of these types of programs out there that can range from $100 to five bucks to completely free if you know the right people and when a cheat gets exposed another one is probably just going to pop up and take its place hell even sheets that do get detected will go away for a bit and come back even stronger it truly is an uphill battle for all developers and although kernal access is a good first step it's not all that can be done but I'm hoping that maybe just maybe a company that made a billion dollars off us last year in cases can do something anything please all right we good um you want to do OT um um come on hit me Matt hit me so a uh
Channel: theScore esports
Views: 98,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esports, gaming, theScoreesports, thescore, aimbots, aimbots explained, cs2 aimbots, valorant aimbots, cheater, cheaters, cheater caught, cheaters caught, cs2 cheater, cs2 cheaters, cs2 cheater caught, valorant cheater, valorant cheaters, cs2 cheats, cs2 cheating problem, cs2 cheaters caught, cs2 cheaters banned, cs2 cheating live, cs2 cheater detected, cs2 cheating gameplay, cs2 aim botz, cs2 aim botz map, cs2 aimbot map, cs2 aimbot cheat, cs2 aimbot crosshair, cs2 aimbot hack
Id: 8phqROisZ4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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