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okay so knowing how to aim with the Vandal is an absolute GameChanger inv valorent it's the go-to choice for most players because of its guaranteed one hit headshot potential now unlike the Phantom which isn't always a one-hot kill at those long ranges the Vandal provides consistent lethal damage literally across the board if you're tired of hearing nice try after spraying a full clip without Landing a kill then it's time to embrace the Vandal and it's satisfying head shots mastering this weapon is is honestly crucial if you want to out aim those cracked dualists you see on the leaderboards Precision is key and the Vandal rewards it now that all goes without saying many players struggle with three common mistakes that stop them from unlocking the gun's true potential and today we're going to uncover what those mistakes are how they affect your performance and most importantly how to fix them to start hitting those clutch shots first it's important that you understand the difference between between the two guns though unlike the Phantom the Vandal isn't about that spray and play Life while the Phantom does boast a faster fire rate a tighter bullet spread better first shot accuracy and the advantage of no bullet tracers to keep you hidden when spamming through smokes It suffers from damage drop off at range now on the other hand the Vandal doesn't lose damage at range meaning you can get those signature one hit head shot no matter how far away the enemy really is however this Precision comes at a price there's no denying that the vandals bullet spread is worse and its first shot accuracy leaves less room for error now what this means is that it's a lot more punishing so if you don't know what you're doing you're likely going to have a hard time using it every shot counts and missing even one could spell disaster now despite these drawbacks though many players favor the Vandal precisely because of its lethal consistency in no damage drop off if you're hdden heads consistently this is the weapon that's going to elevate you above the average player turning the tide of literally any match with its ability to deliver those clutch kills the first big mistake most players make with the Vandal is spraying way too many bullets hoping that eventually one will just connect for a kill but the Vandal really isn't built for that it excels in controlled burst typically around three shots or precise one Taps within the Sweet Spot of 10 to 30 m you're going to aim for controlled burst to strike the perfect balance between speed and accuracy now Beyond 30 m focus on tapping as The Recoil becomes tougher to manage making single shots way more effective if your target is within 10 m spraying can be viable since they're up close but it honestly just needs some practice you can't just hold down the trigger and pray that it hits you have to be ready to control those first few shots because because they're your best chance of Landing a kill each bullet after that first one makes your gun less accurate so mastering those initial burst is crucial miss the first seven shots and you're probably not Landing the next 10 either so with practice you're going to develop muscle memory for the perfect burst control but a great exercise you can do to practice this is loading into the range and using the movable Target on the right try to control 7 to 10 bullets in around the same area and once you can consistent L do that move the target back continue to move the target back and you'll get a feel for what ranges Mak sense to spray and which ranges it's nearly impossible to another cool routine you can do is by utilizing the flying Bots outside these Bots all die in just a few bullets so you can practice spray transfers on these targets try to transfer between two Targets and get used to how it feels spray transfers can be very important in situations where you don't have time to stop shooting to Maxim your burst and tap firing with the Vandal though it's also important that you stay mobile since often times you're only firing off one to two bullets anyway this works perfectly with counter strafing since during the downtime between shots you can keep on the move and hard to hit standing still or moving in a predictable pattern just makes you a Sitting Duck so you essentially always want to be moving and making it really tough for enemies to predict keep in mind though movement is one of the most important things in valerant that se separates the good players from the bad players and one of the reasons Smurfs can trash on Lower ELO players so easily actually isn't even really their aim it's just that new players are really easy targets they walk like Bots Peak all the angles horribly and constantly just Crouch everywhere they go that's why we went ahead and put together a 25-minute aiming course that covers everything you need to know about getting the movement of a God inv valorent we break down every technique Pro players use to make themselves imp possible to hit and it's taught with real game examples from some of the best in the game you're going to be tap dancing on your enemies in no time and we're actually so confident in that we offer a rank Improvement guarantee that's right if you don't rank up and tap dance on those enemies we're going to offer you your money back no questions asked I say go ahead and buy those tap Dan shoes now we do this because our service works and if it doesn't work you shouldn't pay check it out using the link in the description below for a discount and other than that let's get into the second mistake the second mistake many players make with the Vandal is relying too heavily on ads or just not even using it at all the Vandal has worse first shot accuracy than the Phantom so while it offers stronger damage at range its Precision really isn't always guaranteed that's where ADS can help top players often ads when taking extremely longrange duel usually Beyond 30 m even if your Crosshair is perfectly lined up with the enemy's head there's still a chance you'll miss now with ads that chance decreases giving you more control and better accuracy for those far off head shots however ads should be pretty much reserved for these long range fights only the only exception to this being if you're desperately in need of a one bullet kill using it up close will slow your fire rate and movement speed which hinders the hit-and Run style the Vandal is best at staying mobile and hard to hit is honestly essential so you only want to ads when you're setting up for those long range tap Fires for everything else keep the Vandal ready for controlled burst or one Taps without ads to maintain speed and Mobility like let's say let's say I'm holding an angle like this where they can only peek from one angle I think adsing is good or like if I'm going to peek this one angle like this I can peek with the ads I think it's actually pretty good but I think if I'm like in an angle like this right at to hold two things I can't ads is ADS good uh I think so it helps me I don't know I don't know if it's good for everybody like for me I like it because it helps me like personally like you know like one the game plan guys um is it is it is it better like unscoped I mean maybe for like some people I I don't know for me though like it just helps me focus on my Crosshair and like for me I don't I don't use like a lot of bullets like I'm not like a I Don't Spray like a whole bunch you know no so where my plus I just hit my shots the final mistake we're going to dive into involves smokes the downfall of literally every Vandal player picture this you're faced with a smoke but you think the enemy is just on the other side your first instinct is to spray hoping to just snag that free kill on the defenseless opponent but then something unexpected happens you're the one who gets shot through the smoke now you're left scratching your head you're just wondering how they managed to land those shots so easily well here's the deal with shooting through smokes the Vandal isn't exactly subtle with its bullet tracers and every shot reveals your position to anyone paying attention making you a prime target for an instant Counterattack even with Classics people can kill you in just a few bullets so you need to be more strategic with it players tend to hide at the edges of smokes where they can easily swing out and spot you so just spraying into the middle is a recipe for disaster instead smart Vandal players know that bursts are the way to go fire a few shots at head level around the edge is then maybe a quick burst through the center and not only you going to be picking up more kills but you'll also be significantly safer don't linger in one spot for too long take those pop shots and reposition quickly so you're not an easy target and remember avoid spraying like a madman and giving away your location because once they know where you are it's game over all right though guys before we wrap this up let's tell you a little bit more about skill cap so we offer a five division rankup guarantee and we think that's a pretty crazy thing to offer it's kind of like a gym membership guaranteeing you that you're going to get ripped your local gym probably go bust if they offered you that but not us because we've offered this for years because our service really does work it works so well in fact that we're able to produce by far the largest catalog of Premium valerant guides on the internet we had new courses every month with over a, guides curated into over 50 courses no one can compare we also have a direct line of communication with subscribers in our Discord so that you can get connected immediately to some of the best players in the game who will respond to every question you ask sign up today for as little as $6.99 a month if you're serious about improving your game so that's going to be all for this one today everyone thank you so much for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides
Views: 146,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant tips, Skillcapped valorant, Valorant Skillcapped, Skillcapped, Skill Capped, Gameleap Valorant, Pro Guides Valorant, Proguides, Proguides Valorant, Valorant Ascended, Dragonmar, Sero, Vandal, Vandal valorant, Vandal guide, phantom vs vandal, phantom, phantom valorant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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