How Acorn Easy Fabric Treatment Works

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hey everybody I'm in a corn booth and I know that you love Bernie and Shelly and you love all the wonderful things that they bring to the plate to make your quilting experience so much better and yes we have something new to talk about so hi you guys loved your show thank you loved your show and it's because you solve our problems we solved my problem yeah so tell me about this new product it's not new but I didn't really understand it how did it even come about well I was in my studio quilting one day and Bernie comes and stands in front of my table and he says what would you think if I was to create the best fabric treatment ever and I looked at him and I said impress me and I used the word create lightly because actually I had failed at another formula is working on something completely different okay this light came on I realized wow this is gonna really work well to treat fabrics okay well let's take a look at what it is let's show everybody so they can grasp it and then I want to have I want to have your demo that you're wowing everybody about it market okay so this is what we're talking about and it's called easy press fabric treatments right okay no you're familiar with our pressing pin yeah and this now is exactly also what's in the pressing pin so we're using this in both situations one to press those it seems so nice to that yeah and now we're also using this to treat our fabric and maybe I can explain what I mean by that yeah because I really haven't had that concept before treating my family I mean do you wash it or you don't wash it and you cut it right absolutely but wait there's more you guys are gonna love yes okay okay so I'm going to take three samples I'm gonna show you three samples of fabric here now these are not washed Shelly is a fabric washer I wash and dry my lab I don't want any surprises when I put a red fabric in my quilt and wash the quilt I want to know that robe red dye is going to stay in the fabric and not and I choose to live dangerously so we will not be we will not be cellmates oh okay so here's here's three samples and all right this first sample is just off the bolt this these are not washed none of these are washed so you can feel it's just nothing special about that as you can see right yeah exactly okay so I have two more samples all right this one we've treated lightly with our product a little is ring nice nice nice nice yeah okay this formula actually strengthens these fibers gives us some stain resistance especially with oils the fabric stretch is less whoa whoa whoa whoa what do you mean stain resistant well surely hover yeah I'll tell you a story about that so this quilt here I had at a show and this is my red berry quilt and it was scooting over yeah okay and what happened is I learned that I needed to cover my quilt with vinyl because somebody had come by and they liked chocolate that happened to me at this market Oh puts a smile on your face right now oh I was I was happy yeah yeah so I went to the restroom and I got a paper towel damn and with a lot of hope in my heart I rubbed on the spot where the chocolate was and lo and behold it came out I can't believe it and that is when the discovery occurred okay okay we're treating the fabrics okay okay so right there number one awesome okay cutting becomes more accurate because your fabric doesn't stretch okay another great feature of this now I'll give you another sample this one is more heavily treated and you can see it frays even less okay I don't know people could hear this but you do it's yeah awesome right multiple applications or as many applications as you want to get the desired body okay in the fabric so for those that don't wash as you said living dangerously fabric shrink of different rates yes they do different fabrics in your quilt you've never washed your fabrics now you wash your quilt this piece shrinks up like this this is just a little bit okay unwashed fabrics treated are free stroke oh my goodness oh my goodness I like you know I worry about the running not the shrinking and I need to think about that yeah okay so how do you use this stuff we apply this in a continuous mist bottle grab this here okay so that's what this whole that's about okay yeah so I'll tell you it would you like me to do that yeah that'd be great one thing you may notice you may or may not notice this fabric Shelley covers her woolly Mass which are wonderful with a piece of fabric a light colored fabric so it stays fresh I like that and also because I've been quilting nearly 30 years I'm so used to my ironing cert my pressing surface having cotton on it uh-huh and so my fingers and my fabric for me it just works better if there's a little layer of cotton on there because I'm used to okay so this what why I was going there was that this man has been through countless shows they tell his classes sure and it's not dark brown even though we've got overspray and overspray and overspray does that make sense yes and I was going to change this mat before this because we've used it so much yeah you look fresh but it's not caramelized okay so here's our mr. great so here's our mr. so it's just a light mist aha I'm gonna let it I want this in the fibers so I'm not gonna put the iron on it and boil it off I want it right in the fibers as a matter of fact I might even choose to turn it upside down so we're going to give this a little extra body this end of it and now I just I just dry it Wow right in the fiber you can see that Ernie's just setting the iron on the fabric because it's damn a hot product and so he doesn't want to move the iron on the surface because it'll stretch the fibers so you're the quilting turn where I won't smush it so I'll let this cool down and I'll let you feel I will now have even more body in it there we go cuz we don't want to burn you so that lace Mose yes you've done it again Bernie Shelly you I love working with my fabrics like this they well they behave they behave and it makes cutting so much more accurate for me because my my fabrics not fraying and it just makes everything easier for me so I want to recap something here you said this is what's in the the pin that you use can I can I refill the pan with this stops okay so I can buy it by itself yep or I can if I want one of these continuous misters I can buy it like this is look we don't actually sell them mister by itself but we saw this we call the right I'll be back right right right right okay I can't wait to see what's next you can't bring it on YouTube oh we might have some interesting stuff for next year nice nice you
Views: 9,613
Rating: 4.9705882 out of 5
Keywords: quilting tutorial, acorn products, Shelley Tobisch, Bernie Tobisch, Ales Anderson, The Quilt Show, Fabric Preparation, Fabric Treatment, Combi Kit, Quilting Fabric
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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