Hand Appliqué Turning Technique With Stabilizer (Ep. 109)

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the turning technique I'm going to show you is going to be turning the fabric over the stabilizer and I teach this technique for beginners I find that most beginners can't learn the applique stitch while turning the fabric which is traditionally called needle turn applique so with this technique you're going to turn the edge first so that when you start doing the stitch you'll be able to perfect the stitch without having to worry about the smoothness of the curves and the points so here's just a couple of samples that I've used for this technique this is one of my very original ones with the flowers and the butterflies you'll notice that it is softer now I've washed it a few times so it's softened up but this is a good beginner design because the valleys are not too steep and the points are just not too curvy this is going to be an easy one to do the tulip design a little bit more complicated only because the points are point here the point here the point the harder it is to actually get the point nice but these shapes are actually very easy to do and this is one that we were actually working on for machine appliqué I turned all of these edges over the stabilizer and I've positioned them one thing I really like with this technique after you get all your pieces parts all glued down all your leaf pieces and your flower pieces and your butterfly pieces you can glue them all down onto your backing and if you don't like them because we use Roxanne's glue they can just pop right up and I could actually just take a little bit of water and get those that extra to come off and then I can position it or change the colors I want so whereas with needle turn applique you're kind of building on you can't really see what it looks like until it's done with this before you do one stitch you can be sure that your design is what you want so the first thing you're going to do is take the design pattern so this is a pattern that actually was on four sheets I match up my edges and tape it together that's what the scotch tape was for now I'm going to take my permanent marking pen and my tearaway stabilizer and I'm going to trace the designs that I need so I'm going to start by tracing this flower quite simple not too complicated I can actually simplify it and not make those valleys as deep and make them a little bit shallower and that's going to make it easier to turn them then I like to use my sharp scissors that are not serrated so this is a knife edge scissor to cut these out and the most important thing is cutting out smoothly if you cut a like bauble in your piece a strange little point in your stabilizer you are going to see it when you turn the edge there's no way to avoid it so be sure that you actually cut those curves as smoothly as possible now this is a fun little tip for cutting out a lot of pieces all at once so let's say I have a design with a lot of leaves that are all the same size I can trace one of those leaves and since they're all the same size I don't have to trace it ten times I can take my stabilizer fold it oh I don't know eight nine ten times staple it so that it doesn't move and with a good pair of nice of knife edge scissors I can cut that out very smoothly and I would recommend you bring your seat your staple remover so you don't mess up your manicure and pull those staples out so now I have a lot of leaf pieces I could make a leaf out of every one of these after your pattern is put together and you've traced all of your designs all of your parts on your stabilizers you're ready to prepare your background so this is my background piece when we did the Machine applique I don't you might remember that if you had a dark background piece you could use the trans doodle to transfer your design onto your background when it's a lighter piece like this you probably can see through it but in truth if you're doing flowers and butterflies who is to say where that flower belongs or where that butterfly is fluttering you can put them wherever you want on your design but you do need to be sure that you keep the design inside the size of the block so the design I'm doing is going to be a 16 inch block I took my background fabric I did not do any spray sizing I need that background to be very flexible so don't spray size your background when you're doing hand applique instead take and trace on your piece oh I'm sorry back up my finish size is 16 inches I cut my background piece 2 inches larger so this is an 18 inch piece of fabric and I'm going to draw the 16 inch line all the way around my block so that when I'm putting my flowers where I want to put him in my butterfly start a fluttering I can put them anywhere I want inside that 16 inch square now I'm going to take my background piece I'm going to fold it in half once then twice and then fold the ends in to make a triangle and press it after you've pressed it you're going to have some creases to help you the registration marks and that's going to help you position your design if it's a symmetrical design you'll be a to follow those creases to keep everything in line I have all of my pieces cut out now and it's time to pick the fabric that I'm going to use for my appliquéd design I do want to show you the idea of using a fabric that has a fabulous design in it and fussy cutting those pieces so for this design I needed a leaf here's my leaf look at this fabulous fabric and that leaf I'm going to position it so I'm going to cut out that leaf so I'm going to come around to the back side of the fabric I'm going to use my glue big glue stick and put a bauble blob of glue on there and since I'm impatient I'm going to take my iron to make it stick down faster this is where I like to use a pair of serrated edge scissors so they have little teeth on the blade and it's going to help cut out that single layer of fabric so I'm going to cut it out a quarter of an inch larger than the stabilizer template there we go now I'm going to work on my craft sheet so this is that non-stick craft sheet now I'm going to use my pen style glue stick for points like this leaf you want to start on the two ends first so I'm going to put some glue on the end then I'm going to fold it over and press it down come to the other end put on some glue fold it over and press it down you got to be really patient the wet rag that I talked about earlier is because you're going to get glue all over your hands so keep the wet rag handy so that you can wipe off the glue now I'm going to put the glue on the edge of the stabilizer so because it's this pink glue you can see it going down and you need to put on a really nice amount you want the fabric to literally be slippery on the glue so I've slathered down a lot of glue and I'm going to use my all and I'm going to start the turning technique out one end tip it down then I go to the other end tip it down and hold it now I'm going to start to take bites of the fabric with my awl so I grab the fabric pull it in put my finger over top grab the fabric pull it in finger over the top now this is a nice gentle curve so you can get around it pretty quick there now if I find that there's something not quite right maybe one of the pieces I pulled in a little far there might be a little crease on the outside edge the fabric is actually movable on that glue so I can slide the fabric around from the back side until it's the nice smooth edge I want again patience just glue it there we go now we're going to take the next side again slather on some glue and turn the edge so start with one point bring it down hold it next point bring it down hold it with the glue off your fingers and then take bites of the fabric with the awl hold it down bring your fingertip over it and hold it down be patient be sure all the edges are nice and smooth like you want them and bring your iron to it look at that leaf that is so cool so here is a flower with the flower I actually have inside valleys that's where I'll use my small pair of scissors to clip right into that valley same ideal with the glue going to slather it on the edge bring one side of the valley over then the other side of the valley over then take the bites with your all the tighter the curve if it's a tighter curve like this little flower is you're going to have a heart attack harder time getting around that edge keeping it smooth so remember you can take your awl and actually position it back to the place where you want it once you're sure it's there glue it or iron it down then here's another shape this shape has actually got an inside curve when there's an inside curve you have to clip that inside curve so that it can actually fold over onto the on piece of fabric and release it so let me show you I'm going to start with my tip fold that over to just to the tip now slather some glue on that inside curve and this is really easy you just take your thumb and fold it over you don't even have to use your awl to press it down and that's going to make a really smooth inside curve and with this outside curve this is the sharpest outside curve we've done lots of glue the stud the the steeper the curve the curvier the curve I guess the literally littler the bytes need to be so you'll just take a little bite bring it in a little bite bring it in slowly work yourself around that curve till you get just the right shape you want after all your pieces are done with the stabilizer it's time to put them on to your applique background so to do that I'm going to use my Roxanne's glue I'm going to take my dots of glue and just put a dot every inch or so and position it wherever I want it so here's a nice flower that I did earlier here's a bias edge I use the some leftover bias stems from a previous project just put them down as the two stems and I'll have my flower and I'll create my entire design so again remember with this technique because you're turning the edges first you can lay the whole design down be sure you like the placement be sure you like the color before you actually glue it down and then you can change your mind you can always pull up the Roxanne's glue until you start stitching thanks for watching our video be sure you subscribe to our Channel we wouldn't want you to miss a single one leave a comment we would love to hear from you
Channel: OnPoint-TV and Quilting with Nancy
Views: 47,274
Rating: 4.9350348 out of 5
Keywords: turning technique, hand appliqué, Roxanne's Glue, awl, fabric glue, stablizer, quilting, quilt making, fabric, Roxann Glue Baste-It
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2016
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