$323,000/ Year - Two Remote 6-Figure Jobs At The Same Time

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I've seen this before on YouTube. Great watch!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/napalm_p 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2022 🗫︎ replies
is the mustache too much autofocus don't fail me now so yes i had two full-time remote six-figure positions at the same time they didn't know about each other and it completely changed my life i went from having less than five thousand dollars to the bank to a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio a house in tennessee that made over 135 thousand dollars last year three houses in west virginia an amazing house in joshua tree that got written up in dwell magazine six more new builds on the way currently in joshua tree my dream homes are being built a new car my pilot's license my own airplane my life is unrecognizable to how it was a couple years ago and this all happened in the span of less than three years and i'm going to tell you the story of how it happened my tips what i learned along the way and at the end maybe you'll decide if there's something you want to do not only did this change my life but it also changed the way i look at money and investing and all sorts of stuff it's remarkable not just what changed in my life but what changed in my brain along the way but first let me give you some context in 2017 i've been living in the bay area for about six years i was a software engineer and i can tell you everything about the show silicon valley is completely true they nailed it side note mike judge who wrote silicon valley and office base was a former silicon valley engineer in the 80s so it comes from experience but yeah i was writing code i was your typical software engineer i've been to every major company apple google oculus ring doorbell nest almost everything you can imagine and i was miserable i was beyond miserable it's like that scene from office space where he's at the hypnotist what about today is today the worst day of your life yeah that was my life wow that's messed up it was really nobody's fault but mine it's the way i'm wired i knew that i was meant for something different on my free time we were doing trips to napa snowboarding a lot tahoe i was doing stand-up just as an outlet i need to do something and yeah i was horrible at it this is what i see on tv so i'm i'm not a um right it takes a while that video is from like my eighth time on stage side note the dunning-kruger effect is important in places like comedy but it helps you get through those crappy times if i'd kept going i'm sure i would have gotten a lot better but here we are but yeah i was heartbroken i just gotten out of a horrible relationship i was a horrible employee i was taking lunch for two hours i was coming in late i was leaving early it just so happened i worked next to an airport and so every day i would walk over the airport and just stand on the fence the san jose airport and watch jets take off just hoping for something else i will look out for the sunny california weather every day and think i got to be doing something else so my boss came up to my desk one day and said hey i gotta talk to you and i said i gotta talk to you and i walked into his office i sat down and i said i quit it's not that i'm lazy it's that i just don't care and in the spur of the moment i said i'm going to los angeles now i'm not a big fan of the bay area i'm not a big fan of los angeles it's got some great stuff at least new york is honest that it's going to be grungy yeah but i went down there and i started a new life i started doing improv i kept doing bad comedy and one day the job that i'd quit from called me and said hey we want you to work remotely would you like to come back well this was 2017. so remote work wasn't yet updating that was widespread like it is today it's hard to believe how much the world has changed in the last couple years but i said yeah they gave me a pay raise and i went back to work remote so i just spent the next year or so working remotely and i did a lot of things i went to europe i went to oktoberfest a few times i had no office to go to this was great and after a while i noticed like a lot of us out during covet that i wasn't putting in that many hours my work was efficient i was working a couple hours a day max and i thought how can i even make this more efficient i ended up going online to the website fiverr and finding engineers to help me do my work and even though i was working a couple hours a day i was able to outsource most of that and all of a sudden work almost no hours a day i took a lot of trips and life got even better and this is the first tip if you're gonna do this is you really need to get things in order you need to make sure that everything is locked in and you can't be doing this if you're working eight hours a day really whatever your job is you need to make sure if you're gonna do this that things are organized and if you're lucky enough to have a job that doesn't force you to work eight hours a day you can work on your own schedule then this becomes a lot easier to do so all of a sudden in my own head i was presented with a question which is what am i gonna do with this extra time i could have just had leisure time but going back to when i was an engineer in the bay area i knew that i wanted to do something else and so i thought i need to get ahead in life i was making six figures and i still was having trouble getting ahead so all of a sudden i think i just i had an idea yeah i just had an idea what if i got another remote job at the same time now nowadays this is pretty normal there's subreddits for this there's articles that have been written there's posts all over the internet you probably come across them but at the time it wasn't something that a lot of people knew about in most people's reaction when i said i had this idea was are you crazy yeah i am a little crazy i think it's fine but i knew that if i was able to do this i would be able to save an entire six-figure salary and i could put that all in the bank and if i was able to hold this job for a while i'd be able to do all kinds of stuff with that money invest build houses get into real estate whatever i wanted to do i have other side projects that i wanted to do and this would kind of open me up to do that so it was worth a shot so i dust off my resume i churched it up really good my resume is kind of my don quixote but i knew that if i could get to a job i could perform so i eventually went on linkedin and the key to linkedin was i was able to use something called easy apply and at first i started applying to a lot of jobs i was getting no replies but i noticed that there were a lot of applicants in those jobs and this is another tip i have which is if you're going to be doing this you want to be looking for jobs that don't have a lot of applicants it's going to get you farther faster so what i did i went on linkedin and i started looking for jobs now this is one of the tips that i would have to say is there's a certain type of job that you're looking for if you're gonna have multiple remote jobs and if you're doing this you probably are looking for something that has less of a workload we're looking for something that has less of a workload one thing to note is that i kind of changed my job meaning i actively changed my responsibilities from doing basic software engineering to more of a sales engineering role more of an account management role this was super key because account management is something that can be done more on your time yes you have meetings with clients but you can set those meetings and as you're managing things managing sales you can do that on your own time and things like that are a little more abstract than writing code and having specific deliverables so one of the things that i did was i looked for sales engineering roles or account management roles now you might not be an engineer but account management i believe is the key sales is the key and remote is obviously the key so i went on linkedin and i would search remote account management remote sales engineer in my case and just started looking for these positions i started looking for jobs that have under 10 applicants on linkedin you can filter by certain things like easy apply which allows you to apply within a couple minutes to a job your resume is already stored on there and in addition you can do things like under 10 applicants so i was getting in early to a job that might have a lot of applicants or i was getting to a job that not a lot of people were applying to which may seem like a bad thing but for what we're doing it's not and once i did that i started getting a lot of replies and also what you'll notice is doing this is also a good exercise because rehearsing or practicing anything it's going to get you a lot of reps and you're going to get better at interviewing you almost might want to do this even if you're not looking for two jobs if you're looking for a single job or whatever it's just apply to a ton of jobs especially ones with low applicants because you're gonna be talking to recruiters you're gonna get better at it so i started talking to recruiters and i finally got a fish on the hook i got an interview set up i flew up sat in front of the ceo the director of technology i knew nothing about what i was talking about but a week before i went on linkedin and looked at the competitors i messaged a bunch of people that worked in similar positions and asked hey i'd love to talk to you i'm trying to get into this industry and i'd love to get your thoughts and any tips you have on interviewing if you're looking for a job i would just suggest doing that anyway and again you have to know what your goal is my goal here was to save money so that i could get out of the rat race but my goal here was not to have a super prestigious position i wanted something that was going to bring me money i could complete the tasks and go on my merry way that'll only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired so voila they offered me the position i had to fly up there once a week which is crazy but i said i can figure this out i can do it and i started they actually offered me way more my starting salary was 180 000 which was a lot more than i was making at my other company and actually had a moment where i said hey maybe i just need one job and i should quit the other job the other job wasn't going very well anyway and actually pulled out my phone at one point and started to text my boss that i might be moving on him and i were friends and right before i sent that text message i actually got distracted i put my phone away did whatever i was doing and i didn't do that so i walked into this new position the first day i would suggest not working for a company that only has 10 or 20 employees this one had about 90 and it worked out well i walked in i shook hands with some people they gave me an office i sat down and called started coming in for my other job i literally had to go outside and take calls from the other job it was insane i didn't know what i was doing but in the corporate world which is ridiculous anyways a lot of times none of us do that's the thing about a lot of these companies company like intel where their technology is made by a couple of very very intelligent very educated very well paid people and they bring in a lot of money from that so there's a lot of bureaucracy and if you're doing this you might want to find yourself positions that are in that muck of bureaucracy and you might find your way out of it someday so i sat down and i figured what am i supposed to do i started taking meetings with everybody else to try to get to know people and see what was going on the first guy walks in he's about 40 years old you could tell he's grizzled life's beat him down he sits down he shuts the door he looks at me and i'm this green not knowing what i'm doing here person he looks at me in the eye and before i could get any words out he says you need to leave this company this is the worst place i've ever worked in my life wow normally that would be a bad thing but in my case cool i just have to get through this i ended up hearing the same thing from other people i talked to apparently the president of the company who i interviewed with was an alcoholic he was a gambling addict he owed money to a lot of people that work there he came to work hungover all the time there were a lot of other things wrong with him yeah and i was working directly below this guy so over the next couple months i just hung in there i would fly home i'd work on the other job and life got insane and this is something to note if you're gonna do this even if you have everything locked in like i said in the beginning there's gonna be times that are gonna be crazy i was taking meetings with one company while at the office with the other company i was in the hallway on the phone and then i would run back in people probably thought i had a lot of ibs or something i don't know i don't care there was a day when i literally had a meeting in the morning in san jose i flew from lax to san jose airport at like 6 a.m i had a meeting went to a steakhouse lunch took an early flight on southwest back to lax grab my bag ran across the terminals caught an air cannon of flight that night to go up to vancouver and have a dinner meeting with some delicious oysters that night i hung out that weekend with some friends that i know up there i came home sunday night life was crazy i ended up going to my cousin's wedding in thailand because this was remote and taking a meeting at five in the morning in bangkok so things kind of went on like that and over time my bank account started to grow i went from having five grand to 10 grand to 20 grand to 40 grand and all of a sudden before i knew it i had six figures in the bank and yeah my hair was falling out luckily it's still there why am i itchy i didn't know how long i could do this i was still doing comedy and improv i would have to take calls with india between shows ugh it actually gives me anxiety just thinking about it and after time went on i realized i couldn't do this anymore i had saved money and it just so happened to be that one of the guys that i was doing improv with was building a house in joshua tree and he was on a path that i really wanted to be on and i said hey i got some cash i'm just curious what you think i should do with it looking for advice he said well why don't we build a house in joshua tree and two weeks later i bought land cash in the village in joshua tree and we started our first build i learned a ton of stuff it changed my life find somebody else that's doing the same thing that you want contact them they'll want to work with you if you can bring something to the table then they'll work with you that's how you find investors so we started building and i realized oh wow all this work i've done the past year was starting to come to fruition i was building something that was going to give me passive income and allow me to get out of the rat race and i didn't need this second job anymore so i made the decision okay i'm gonna go ahead and quit and i ended up flying up to the bay area to the office i met the ceo again this company was not the greatest run company i think the guy was golfing i finally got a hold of him and he said hey i gotta talk to you he pulled me into his office he said hey we ran out of funding we lost like 14 million dollars from korea that we had and some series b funding i hate to say this but we're gonna have to let you go i said that's a bummer and he said i feel bad i'm gonna give you three months severance great i had three months extra pay i got fired from the job and then took that money and used it into the project i was doing i still kept the first job and that's how i did it it was really hard it was one of the hardest things i've done besides learning to fly and after that things were moving we finished that house it got written up in dwell magazine got written up in all kinds of places we were making more money than we thought we would make with it we ended up selling that house because we got a great offer we parlayed that into all kinds of other stuff one thing i forgot to mention is we got land in virginia and we're building a tiny home village there my life is unrecognizable to how it was before and i have all of this knowledge on how to do this anybody can do this anybody can get a second job anybody can find a way to hustle and make extra money the best way to do it is probably get a salary position like i did that's remote and stack some cash and then you can start the housing market's gone crazy but there's still opportunities out there and i have that information part of this channel is going to be me giving that information to you because i love doing that i love teaching people this stuff i like optimizing my life for freedom and ironically you do that by working hard by having not much freedom for a while and that's what you got to do so if anybody's out there is thinking whether or not they want to do this i would say go for it but know that you're risking everything i could have gotten fired at any point i really could have in fact i was on a date with a girl while i was doing this she worked in hr and when she asked me what i do i started kind of unfolding this whole story to her and she had a panic attack so much so that she ended the date and said you should be in jail i thought that was an overreaction kind of funny but when you're miserable at your job when you're in that office space kind of situation you know you gotta find something and you gotta fight and that's what i did look a lot of us know out there with kovid with the way things have changed the last couple years that we can all do this and that's going to lead you to different places to do whatever it is you want to do i am here to teach you how to build wealth and that first step that first pillar is stacking as much money as you can to do that because you need to make that leap so if you have any questions about how to do this just ask them in the comments and i will answer every one of them if anybody actually watches this video and if you want to hear other people have done this i have a podcast called how to quit your day job where i interview people who have created a product or some sort of following whatever it is monetized it and gotten out of the rat race and quit their nine-to-five job which is what this is all about so subscribe to my new channel if you want to learn how to do this and make love to that like button and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Johnny Martinez
Views: 589,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JiaNNmdehN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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