Household Tools | English Vocabulary

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hi guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to another vocabulary lesson in today's video I am going to teach you the names for rather common household tools some of you um might be aware that the word tool can also mean idiot so just so we're clear when I say household tool in this video I'm not talking about that annoying cousin who won't go away and just hangs around your house like a bad smell I'm talking about uh these things to start with we have a spanner which is also known as a wrench in the US this particular spanner is an adjustable spanner because you can use it on different sizes object normally it's used to tighten or fasten um nuts and bolts but you can also use it in emergency situations to hold on to things uh such as this this is another type of spanner but this one is called a ring spanner just like the ring on your finger H would that work no maybe not so you use the this to fasten and tighten nuts on the end of bolts uh this is perhaps not the right size but I think you get the idea so what I'm taking off there is a nut normally they're hexagonal in shape this is a washer a washer that's seen better days and on the right we have a bolt this is a regular spanner but like the ring spanner it comes in all different shapes and sizes how exciting this is a pair of pliers which you can use to hold on to things and twist things like your brother's nose for example and it can also be used in emergency situations if you've ever bought furniture at Ikea then you probably have a couple of these these are Allen keys and you use them to tighten nuts and screws speaking of screws here is a screwdriver this is a flath headed screwdriver for those very common screws that just have an indented line in the top or a slot uh I don't think this one is the right size I clearly wasn't supposed to be a builder it's always nice when you know you haven't missed your vocation this one here is a Phillips head screwdriver used with Phillips head screws that sounds oddly like uh sexual position this is an electric drill I can feel the vibrations already you use this to put holes into things but for body piercing I do recommend you go to a professional piercer these are drill bits if you want to change the size of your holes and if you are very young um unless you are Amish you probably haven't seen one of these this is a hand drill so just like the electric drill but you use your hand instead of electricity this is a Tomahawk but I know it looks very similar to an axe you can use it just like an axe for cutting off fingers or cutting down your neighbor's tree this is a chisel seeing as they've been around for thousands of years I probably don't need to explain what you use it for normally you do use it with one of these a hammer but I better not do that on on my mother's dining room table and here we have a mallet a bit like a hammer but you use it for big serious stuff like uh tent pegs or your ex-boyfriend's presence here we have a saw this is a wood saw as you can imagine it's used for cutting wood if you want to cut metal you need a hacksaw which you often see in movies um hidden in the birthday cakes of prisoners wanting to escape this is a scraper used to remove wallpaper or or paint and here we have a tape measure this tape measure has a small spirit level on the top here a spirit level is used to check if a surface is horizontal this is a bigger spirit level and it's called a spirit level because this liquid is normally a type of alcohol don't you like the sound of that that's it for today guys if you enjoyed the video please don't forget to click on the thumbs up and if you have any questions or requests for other videos please don't hesitate to write them in the h no not the info box in in the comments down below I have also put some links in the info box I have Facebook I have Twitter I think that's it see you next time
Channel: English with Max
Views: 27,808
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Keywords: tools english, tools in english, household tools english, household tools in english, tools english vocabulary, household tools english vocabulary, english vocabulary tools, english vocabulary household tools, house vocabulary english, english vocabulary, advanced english vocabulary, advanced english, english tools, english words tools, tools, household tools, english with max, learn english, english lesson, english language, english teacher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2015
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