40+ Words for the Bathroom! | English Vocabulary

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Hi guys. Welcome back to English with Max. Today we are going to learn some bathroom vocabulary. This isn't actually my bathroom. This is my parents' bathroom. It's the main bathroom in my parents' house. My bathroom is a little smaller, so I thought this one would be a bit more interesting. Okay, so we'll start with the mirror. That's me in the mirror... obviously. And below we have the bathroom sink. So this space here is the sink and this is the tap. That's for the cold water. That's for the hot water. That is hand soap, okay? So we call this hand soap because it's specifically for our hands (when we wash our hands). I think that's pretty logical. Okay, here we have some tissues. In American English they're normally called Kleenex, because Kleenex is a very popular brand of tissue. There we have a fake plant. My mum used to have lots of real plants, but she got a bit tired of maintaining them, so now we have some quite realistic-looking fake plants. Okay, over here we have a brush. This is a nail brush. These are... Well, I call them Q-tips, but there are a few different words for these. Here we have some toothpaste. I'm sure you know what that is for. Toothpaste. Here we have a toothbrush. It's a regular toothbrush. And here we have an electric toothbrush. Some people like to joke about these and they'll say that these can be used for more than one thing because they vibrate. I'm not passing any judgment, but in case you're wondering mine is just used to clean my teeth. This is moisturiser for the face. This is also moisturiser, but this is tinted moisturiser. It's also called BB cream, okay? Now it's called tinted moisturiser because it has some colour in it. It makes you look like you have a bit of a tan. This is also moisturiser. (clears throat) Excuse me. It's also moisturiser, but it's for the hands and the body. It's probably very similar to this, but well... I guess they figure they can make more money if they put a different word on the label. Here we have a night light. This is quite clever because even though it's plugged in and the power is turned on, it detects that there is light, so it is off. But when it's dark, it comes back on. In Australia we normally have switches next to power or on power outlets. So right at the power point. It's just an extra safety feature. So that means there'll be no power and with that the power is on. What else? Here we have a towel. This is called a hand towel because... da da da da! We use it to dry our hands. And be careful of the pronunciation. We don't usually say hanD Towel. We link it and we say hand towel. Hand towel. Down there we have a bin. There's nothing in it at the moment because I just emptied it, but yeah, that's a bin. Ah yes! And down here we have a hairdryer. Hairdryer. That down there is a bath mat, okay? And on the floor these are tiles. Tiles. There're also some tiles on the wall, for example, these. These are tiles. Okay and there we have the toilet. Next to the toilet is the toilet brush, and that is a toilet roll holder. Okay? It holds toilet rolls. It holds toilet paper. Okay. Toilet paper. Very useful stuff. Here we have a bath. So you could call this a bath or you could call it a bathtub. So bath or bathtub. That's a soap holder, so normally there's soap in there... This is a plug. This is what we put in here if you... if we want to have a bath. This is a hose... So a bit different to the hose... to the types of hoses that we have in gardens, but we would also call this a hose. Maybe a shower hose or a bath hose. Okay... This is a regular towel. So this is... You could just call it a towel or if you want to be specific, you could call it a bath towel. Here we have the shower... This shower is... Well, it's particularly big. I think it's a little bit excessive (we don't really need showers this big), but... I don't know, I didn't design the house and neither did my parents. This is a walk-in shower because you walk into it and it's flat - you can walk around. Some showers are, like, in bathtubs. We wouldn't call those walk-in showers. These are doors. More specifically they are glass sliding doors 'cos they slide. It's now apparently illegal to make shower doors with this type of material. In other words, glass with small pieces of wire because if you fall, it's... it can cause more damage. Um, yeah. But this house was built in the 1980s so we still have that. Okay, what else? Okay, hot water, cold water. We call this the shower head. Shower head. Here we have a rack... This here (this brown stuff) is rust, because obviously if you have metal that is exposed to water very frequently, often it will rust. "To rust" and the noun is "rust". And the adjective is "rusty". Here we have some soap in the soap holder. This is a face washer. So we wouldn't call this a face towel, we would call this a washer or a face washer. I'm sure you know these words. This is shampoo and this is conditioner. Be careful of the pronunciation. It's not con-ditioner. It's conditioner. The first vowel is a schwa. Conditioner. Conditioner. And that is some face wash. And that is another bath mat. Oh yes, and I forgot about this. This is a shower cap. Something you can put over your hair if you don't want it to get wet when you're having a bath or a shower. That's it, guys. I hope you found this useful. If you would like me to do more videos of things around the house, just let me know in the comments. See you next time, guys!
Channel: English with Max
Views: 20,736
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Keywords: bathroom vocabulary, bathroom vocabulary english, english vocabulary, english vocabulary words, everyday english vocabulary, fluent english, bathroom words, english bathroom words, english bathroom vocabulary, learn english, speak fluent english, speak english fluently, improve english, improve english vocabulary, english, bathroom, vocabulary, household vocabulary, house vocabulary words, house vocabulary, english household vocabulary, english household, english with max
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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