HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Episode 7 "Driftmark" - SPOILER REVIEW | Game of Thrones | HBOMax

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[Music] [Music] thank you hello everyone and Welcome to our spoiler of y'all you sir spoiler review for episode 7 of House of the Dragon already one of us has taken shots at the show and the lighting on the show I'm not going to say who it is but I think you can figure it out uh we are here to do a spoiler review for this episode drift Park of House of the Dragon uh gonna jump into it get into all the Intrigue political drama uh in the uh and the shade that was thrown all over uh this episode for sure we are the uh we are the geek buddies I'm just gonna say that this wasn't difficult enough now he throws me off as soon as we start I don't know what you guys are I don't know what you guys are talking about I mean this is I think this is a creative choice on my part to uh to light myself this way for Geek buddies this week let me adjust my screen to Vivid [Laughter] um I have the outlaw John broker Rider Bruce and host here on the geek buddies Mike I am Michael Vogel I am a writer and producer of animated TV shows and movies and a big fan of lighting oh [ __ ] and this is Shannon McClung I'm an animation writer and a television actor where I saw this week's episode fine I don't know what's going on with my TV that I saw everything perfectly yeah including there were a lot of there were some complaints uh for people who had issues uh watching the episode and certain scenes rather in the episode that were a little dark but I I didn't have a problem I like when things are a little bit darker it's why I have an lgo LED because I love blacks uh the black colors on the TV and how it makes everything look a bit more richer but clearly I love it you two think that this is some kind of like Mass like just because I have an OLED too yeah and clearly it's clearly not a few people with their TV settings wrong like everybody in the world was like I can't see I'm thrilled YouTube wait a minute you're saying we're overstating but you just said everybody in the world who's the one over stating here I am saying that when a significant enough like look I thought at first okay well my TV settings must be off but then I was like well every I just watched rings of power there was an entire nighttime battle Yeah that looked great like I was like I no this isn't a my TV thing this is a this episode thing like I've been watching you're like I love night time I love the inky the inky darkness of evening like here's some kind of poet the lighting was bad in the episode no it's a great episode I would not say that their lighting was bad but I but you know uh agree to disagree and certainly there's been different opinions I would I would agree you know you're probably right it's not like Miguel sapochnick had some other episode of TV that he directed that also got slammed for being too dark this is clearly an isolated incident well I don't think okay yeah I mean you're taking shots here you're taking shots they're always too much time on this we want to get into everything but they went on episode seven uh drift Mark here um and we want to give a big shout out to carbon Health who continues to power and sponsors here on the geek Buddies thank you carbon Health you can clearly see there their name up there on the screen if you want to go and get have any of your Healthcare questions concerned or needs addressed by them go to they've got 100 plus locations all over the country 80 plus locations in California alone virtual care in-person care uh and they even have an app you can download so you can find the nearest uh um carbon Health Center there maybe you need some urgent care you can go and download that app have a doc in your Pock so go over to right now all right get those eyes checked get those eyes checked at Carbon Health y'all all right episode 7 drift Mark Mike overall thoughts because I'm gonna do my best to uh you know break things down quickly so we can talk about it because a lot of drama happened but Mike overall thoughts on episode seven I mean like of lighting issues aside lighting issues aside a lot of [ __ ] went down in this episode it was uh thrilling like I like I said on Twitter uh weddings might be dangerous in Westeros but funerals are [ __ ] wild like it was Bonkers um I mean I thought that this episode was great and that it just it paid off so much like everything that's been going on with raniera and Allison I mean just bubbled over the surface the raniera Damon stuff kind of came to a head everything with the kids came to a head like there was just so much happening in this episode um with all the pieces you know we talk about it all the time like with all the pieces moving all the places that they've gone and then with the 10-year jump and seeing where everybody was this episode was just like pure over the top soap opera dramatic payoff like it was just one thing after another thing after another thing it was holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay no I'm not as upset as I thought I was that was a sweet ending like that was that was the Arc of the episode yeah fair enough uh Shannon episode seven the thoughts on driftmark uh you know really really enjoyed it um yeah as as Vogel said this was this was an episode of payoff and I love characters um making big decisions that fall within the realm of their character like sometimes when you get into these larger than life situations to get to the next point to get to the next event you have to you have to sometimes have characters make decisions that um don't line up with uh their history and thus far everything everything is super supported I really love the moments we got with uh uh Corliss and renise um just I mean I had no idea that the kids were gonna throw down like they do um Targaryen kids are [ __ ] it just so much fun to watch just very very enjoyable yeah I like this episode a lot I think they call this a bottle episode for you two writers I think you can school me on that it felt like a ball episode but it felt like one of those Spike bottles of alcohol Because by the end you're like what the hell is going on what have I just drank for God's sakes why is everything blurry and I can't see certain scenes so I enjoyed the hell out of this episode though from top to bottom loved the acting here love to the writing here there was so much being said when people weren't speaking it was incredible I mean I loved that and then the changes the um we got some new dragons involved in this as well we got to see um uh amund connecting with the draft with that oh with vegar the older Dragon so that scene was so encapsed captivating the seat shot the special effects of that was incredible and then by the end of course we have that marriage which really signifies so many things and a nice twist that isn't in the books so clearly they are they know how to read the room and make certain decisions that they think will keep them from a shitstorm of social media fire for a week for sure and made a very interesting decision once again this is a spoiler review so if you haven't watched the episode Now's the Time to turn back we're going to dive into all of it right now all right right now for the bat we uh every character is here for the burial of Elena we are at the island of driftmark the seat of the House of valerium Lord cordless is there lady rainis is there Damon is there giggling his butt off for some reason uh we also have Reina and Bayla who are Elena's kids I'm not going to call them Damon's kids even though they are Damon's kids he can give two shits about those children then we have as I said we have Renaissance her Uncle Raymond is there her brother Leonor is there uh Elena's wife rhaenyra and their kids Jason Luke the king viserys the queen Allison they're they're kids yeah their kids yeah right Amon and Helena are there the kids for Allison Otto Hightower who is all of a sudden hand of the king I guess we're missing a scene maybe there's a deleted scene where uh Otto showed up there sir Kristen coal is there as well sir Coral is there a coral and the lurking around every corner a pinned to the wall sir Laris strong is there as well sneaky little [ __ ] vaman that gives the eulogy and Valerian he mentions how Valerian blood is and will never be thin and certainly there are looks being exchanged as vaman is taking this uh eulogy to take certain veiled shots at people who are in attendance which causes Damon to giggle uh Rainier goes to speak to her son Jake to offer sympathy to Reina and Bala as they are cousins Allison and Kristen look on like a couple of mean rich kids in high school Jace wants to offer sympathy to the strongs instead because he knows that his dad is actually Harwin strong but goes over anyway to try to clumsily and awkwardly offer some sympathy we see Allison's daughter Helena composing some incantation over spider she says hand turns Loom spool of green spool of black dragons of Flesh weaving dragons of threat for those of you know the civil war is coming one side is green one side is black aegon is criticizing Elena but we find out that aegon has actually been betrothed to his own sister uh Helena and Ayman says he would gladly be betrothed to her if only to keep their Targaryen blood pure all right so amond is a white supremacist you gotta love it aegan runs off to get more drink from the serving woman with a simple wench drink Laris is there watching Allison as I said he is now the new Lord of harrenhal which we find out one of Elena's daughters holds Jason's hand as he tries to awkwardly offer sympathy Corliss is speaking the lucerus and to Luke I'll call him Luke and tells him that his seat and a high tide Castle will be his one day but Luke says he doesn't want it because if he is it means that everyone is dead is that foreshadowing I don't know raynus ignores rhaenyra when they have a weird moment in the room and walks to her granddaughters instead to hug them and I imagine she's ignoring her because she knows uh Rainier is not sleeping with her own son Rainier and Damon exchanged some looks throughout the whole ceremony here in his nightfalls we see Lenor in the water in an almost trance of grief swishing or moving back and forth rather looking at the waters the water swishes around him cordless goes to Carl to tell him uh uh to get leanor out of the water the saris uh talks to Damon and wants him to come back to King's Landing what the [ __ ] is wrong with viserys apparently you can try to assault his daughter sexually and he still wants you to come back and be part of the Kingdom Damon refuses the offer walks off not but not without but not before he has an exchange with auto comparing Auto to a leech wanting another meal viserys walks by Allison and calls her Emma which or Emma rather which we haven't heard in quite some time so clearly he's getting older and forgetting things Kristen is assigned the night the Night's Watch aegon we see later is smacked by Otto who sends him to bed as Carl brings back leaner sends him to bed Eamonn is watching all of this as he hears a dragon roar um Michael I go to you first A lot happened at this funeral and a lot happened at the uh after funeral Lord Almighty what do you think about all this I mean all I can think you know the holidays are coming up and I know that a lot of people are going home for Thanksgiving dinners and those tend to be uh you know supercharged depending on your political beliefs and your family's political beliefs and I was like well this this funeral trumps everybody's Thanksgiving dinners nobody's gonna have a Thanksgiving dinner that's close to what's going on here um you know it's like I was saying at the top it it was great because you're right it was almost comical the way that nobody was saying every anything but it was just eyes were darting like had you just scored that differently it would have been very hilarious it was like um but because we've been along for this ride and we know the subtext of every single glance yeah it was thrilling you know like Rainier is checking out Damon from across the way Damon's looking over here uh you know all the kids are dealing with their stuff and uh I just kind of felt like they nailed every moment kind of to Shannon's Point everyone body was acting in character here everybody was doing what you would expect them to do so it kind of set the stage for where we were going to go it was you know when you compare this opening scene to the scene that we get later in the episode after everything goes down where everything bubbles over the surface this is just the tension scene this is just let's define where everybody's tension level is um a couple things that stood out to me I just think look renira's renera's kids are good dudes they just seem like good dudes like they're not they're not the toughest um they're not as shitty as their uncles is that right their uncles the other yeah I think so yeah um but yeah they're not as shitty as those Targaryen kids um but uh they're just nice you know they're they're dealing with the truth of who they are but just the way that with a Jace who goes over and holds uh holds the girl's hand like you know they're just they're just good guys and and in a show where everyone is shown at their worst at times uh especially in House of the Dragon where everyone's uh issues are on display like they just seem like you're you're kind of just rooting for these kids uh you know I know we're getting a Time jump in the next episode coming up where we see them as older and I'm really curious to see where they go um I'm curious to see where viserys goes I mean is this skeleton with hair on it like what's the next shot I'm really worried about the man I mean he's gonna start intro in each episode of tales of the crypt it's good he's ready he's ready to rock the Curious Case of viserys button that's what it looks like to me but yeah go ahead you know but you are and you know again and just viserys is just so ineffectual and you kind of just see how his inability to want to get in front of these issues his inability to to your point his inability to put his foot down with his brother his inability to sort of deal with the truth that everybody can see about his grandchildren is what's going to lead to all these issues when he finally one day decides to leave this earth which he probably should have done a good time like three episodes ago um Otto coming back in you know that you guys you guys have more issues with some of the jumps that they're making in House of the dragon that I do like I I kind of feel like yeah it was uh viserys seems like a pretty loyal guy he got in a big fight with Otto but just as he went over to Damon and was like hey I know that I kind of had my foot on your throat and threatened to kill you if you ever came back but why don't you come back this seems like the guy that when his hand is gone is gonna be like Otto was a pretty good hand I don't really he's not the guy that buys the new couch he goes and sits on his old comfortable couch so that doesn't strike me as two out of character that that was that tracked for me um and and I just love that you know in a I was reading I think it was the ringer or some article was saying this that you know a lot of times what TV shows do is they they shoot they they use the big event at the end of an episode like you have everybody talking about oh we've got to go to this wedding funeral dance celebration and you see what everybody's issues are and then when you get to the event that's when the issues come out and here you just went right in on that funeral and just forced every major character that we've seen in the show up to this point into one space together and it was a powder keg yeah yeah absolutely Shannon what stood out to you as Michael said absolutely a powder kick or at least you're seeing the gas being laid on the ground leading to the explosion the fireworks dump you can certainly see it in this scene because I mean this is great everybody gets brought back in and remember it's been a few years since some of these people have seen each other including uh Damon and Rainier so a lot of old [ __ ] needs to come out here and get talked about um what did you think about all of this I mean some think that the show does really really well is introducing a character and making us feel one way and then within an episode or two it's a complete 180 and it's the same thing that they did with Game of Thrones I mean granted like you know with the books that you know we started off Jamie Lannister was the most horrendous being we could ever we could ever fathom it existing and then in a couple of seasons like Jamie's a hero um Eamon Targaryen even in this even in the beginning of this part of this episode like the way he's introduced is this is the guy that this is the kid that didn't get a dragon he just seems kind of sad so as an audience we're kind of on it we kind of feel bad for him like ah that poor kid that sucks oh yeah and then you see the way that aegon is talking about how he has to marry his sister which you know is pretty freaking weird um but Eamon being like no I would do it because that's what we're supposed to do that's that's our duty and it's like oh he's a good guy and then when we get to the next part it's like oh no your piece [ __ ] yeah um love the moment between uh Corliss and uh uh Luke yeah the where like Corliss even though he's not a fool like he understands that these that these kids are not his blood but you you sense a genuine affection that he has and they're able to do that in a very short amount of time where he's telling him like look this is going to be yours and Luke's saying I don't want it he's like that means everybody's dead and so even though Corliss could be um a thorn in the king's side like watching his interactions with his family it's like okay I I actually sense that this guy this guy's real like like this is this is a this is a good man who is in sort of a uh extraordinary extraordinary circumstance might have some words to say to you about that but yeah yeah sure sure but but I think that's what Steve Tucson the the actor who plays it he does such a great job because at what point is it like he he's acting out of love where he's acting out of self-interest right he does such a good job because at this point like as an audience we're kind of being told what it is but it's very hard to suss that out because it's like I believe everything that this guy is saying um I love the art eyes darting around everyone kind of like are we going to talk about this we're going to talk about that freaking Laris hanging out with it even sir Kristen who at this point the audience like yeah you're a bad guy even he's just like hey that creepy [ __ ] has been staring at you this whole time like it's just it's just wonderful um game piece placement yes where it's like we've got everybody here let's see what happens yeah Kristen calls saying I know I stare at Rainier a lot but he's really staring at you Allison it's a little uncomfortable you should take a look at this yeah I think you make an excellent point Shannon gameplay uh uh sorry uh chest placement of all the role you're seeing where everybody's going to be because we're about to start moving the chess pieces and it's going to be a hell of a game for sure uh even Otto says now you're learning how to play the game later on in the episode really putting a a kind of a button on it for sure all right let's move on we'll actually take a quick break and move on to the next section of uh the show before Michael has to warn me I'll be right back [Music] I'm trying to get better Michael I appreciate all right let's move on to the next thing next section so Shannon was just now fawning all over cordless is taking a pass by his wife rainis who was talking to him and saying about Helena wanted to come home and she's kind of blaming him because the pentosi Masters didn't do a good enough job with her that they could have saved her but you didn't let her come home and he's saying the gods are to blame and she says well maybe it's your pride and she calls him out they caught us wanted the crown and wants their heirs to have a stake at the lineage of sitting on the Iron Throne he he tries to defend himself saying well you were wronged and you I'm fighting for you and she's like nah don't be ridiculous I let that [ __ ] go a generation ago you're the one still holding on to it for your pride he counters that he is seeking Legacy uh and we realize that they they are just not built the same and then she says to him I want driftmark to go to Baila and buy password near his children because she knows they're not their blood but um but uh Corona's counters saying uh that history does not remember blood it remembers names so he refuses which I imagine will cause some division between them renira and Damon are now walking we cut to Rainier and Damon walking on the beach by the way they're walking on the same Beach that she walked with later I think in episode three but they are walking in the opposite direction symbolism Rainier shamelessly says that her marriage is a farce but she at least makes an effort to maintain appearances and I wrote what you're having children with another man where it's obvious by all appearances that you are not maintaining appearances anyway she's almost complaining that she was named air says that to her and laner tried to conceive but they never made a baby she she says it it felt good with hormone strong to be desired and she regrets letting Harwin go to the riverlands she talks of the Heron's curse which Damon kind of scoffs at and she and she doesn't think that Allison is capable of cold murder clearly going to the school of Michael Vogel and Shannon McClung Damon disagrees Rainier complains that he abandoned her this is so weird and that her life turned to [ __ ] without him and he says everything my life turned out and this leads them having this slow moment and then boom they start making out and later they're having sex on the dunes like pina colada we have to we moved to aegon who is watching vegar sleep is he gonna bond with this dragon is he not gonna bomb with the dragon and uh and then eventually after a couple of uh uh exchanges and him speaking in Valerian he climbs on top of vegar and then vegar takes off Eamon is holding on for dear life if you've seen top gun Maverick you've seen this scene as he learns how to ride vegar he is absolutely it's not here great special effects and a great music cue to end and then aemond comes in cocky after his ride is met by the kids Luke Jace Reyna and Bala who have been woken up here by him riding on vegar Reyna's mad because she thinks the dragon should have gone to her and then a fight breaks out between them all and and it leads up to amon's eye being taken out or since he cut up uh and it's broken up and they all are brought before the king so let's stop there Shane and I go to you a lot in this section here with a lot of interesting exchanges here between uh Raines and cordless her calling him out and his ambition then we're seeing uh Damon and um and rhaenyra finally consummate the will they or won't they situation and another consummation vegar and amen so what's your thoughts on all these uh these scenes here in the section of the show well back to the gentleman that I was fawning over Corliss um I love the scene I love the scene it's a great scene because again uh you know renise has a point that like I let this go a generation ago why can't you and like he again he start like he wouldn't like if if she had gotten the crown I don't believe he would have been the king like he would have been the king consort King crossover yes so even though she's like you know you want the throne he you know he's thinking of Legacy he's thinking he's thinking of his kids of his of his line so I even though like yes he he's doing he's doing things for the wrong reasons like he it's not from a it's not from a self I don't know it's like it's not for myself I think we're trying to defend him and you can't find the words he's he's trying he he's doing what he thinks is the right thing there you go um and uh and that includes like renise especially looking at how viserys has reigned and how ineffectual he's been renise probably would have been better at this job so across the board things would have been better so but I do like how she came back at him that she's just like you know this this has cost one of our this has cost our children now because of your because of your ambition and you know and these kids those kids those are those are not your blood and the whole it's not history doesn't remember blood it remembers names so it was ju again just a really really great scene um you know the whole Damon raniera Romance I I imagine that's yeah that's that's not meant to make the audience come comforted yeah um so that scene I was just kind of like she she's really dug him all this year man I do not get the targaryens uh uh you know wanting marrying within the family like that just does not that just that that doesn't that didn't uh check all the boxes for me so but I mean it's it's it's making great drama and then for a moment the way it was shot because again I saw everything perfectly clear at first I thought Eamonn was watching them and I was like yeah oh boy here we go um but then that bonding moment with the dragon because it didn't occur to me like oh wait you shouldn't be doing this you know this is this should go to one of um uh Elena's daughters but like that moment of oh is he is he going to be able to do this it reminded me how to train your How to Train Your Dragon uh with Toothless and Hiccup right at the beginning um but a much more uh extreme version um but watching the whole flight scene like that was very very well done it's like ah good for you kid you got you got your dragon and then the [ __ ] just hits the fan like you know you see someone that like uh fate starts to go their way for just a second and then they reveal who they truly are which is a gigantic piece of [ __ ] and granted like the fact that he the the whole pig incident he's blaming that on his nephews yeah honest his nephews he's he full-on is blaming his nephews and not his older brother and then just watching these kids throw down I mean I really thought who is is Bala bala's the oldest daughter right okay I really like the moment that she cold cocked him I was like oh my gosh here we go and you see like I don't think that the that the uh raniera's kids it's not that they're weak this he's he's an older kid yeah you know he's trained longer but you see the strongs like they don't give up yeah and so you know the only reason that fight stopped was because of the knights because of Sir Harold coming in like you know when push came to shove a strong kid will take your eyeball um so I I think when everyone is sort of uh has is matured and is physically on the same level my sense and again I don't know the books my sense is that that the strong kids are going to be uh a difficult to handle yeah but again I chess pieces awesome a lot of fun yeah and a great illusion they're him holding up I think it was uh Luke he was holding up and had the stone in his hand essentially looking like he was going to bash him just like Damon bashed his first wife so clearly in the Targaryen blood stonings are in play always in a fight so or in an issue you can resolve things in that certain way Mike so much in these scenes the stuff that you could see uh what did you think about these three scenes here in this section of the show here what stood out to you what really kind of grabbed your eye or did you catch you well not a lot grabbed my eye but I do have a lot of thoughts um no I mean look here's here's the thing about Corliss uh where I I don't fully agree with Shannon I think I think I'm on like just the opposite side of the coin from Shannon like yeah Corliss I don't think he's a bad guy but I think he is not a 100 percent uh authentic with his motivations like does he think he loves those kids yeah is he gonna treat them right yeah he knows they're not his kids right but like he says nobody remembers blood they remember the name and all he really cares about is Rising his house up in power and he couches it really nicely oh I'm doing it for you wife because you were wronged oh I love these children I don't care what anybody says they're mine none of that is genuine and rainy totally calls him out accurately on it she was like look she was the one that was like you putting Lenor in this position puts him in danger you are putting our children in danger you are putting our children in dangerous positions to try and Elevate the house and then as far as she knows by the end of this episode she's lost two of her kids she's lost her she's lost her two kids so and it's all because Corliss you know he's gonna pretend that those are his grandkids all day long if those kids get on the throne so he wants to give one of them his house and he wants the other one to be on the throne he's trying to spread it all out and I don't think that it's he really loves them so he's turning a blind eye I think he really wants that Legacy so he will turn a blind eye I think that's what's really going on I think Renee's calls him out on it um I agree with you like he's really likable like you want to like him like he does a better job than most of probably even convincing himself that he's doing things for the right reasons but I think the reason that he's doing it is all pretty clear um once we left that things started to get very very dark and I turned off all the lights in my house and sat in the dark to watch what was happening next and by squinting and listening very carefully I picked up on most of it um you know I listen I don't know what to tell you glad you two are the two guys in America that could see what was happening maybe it's because both of these things were on the holy Union so you had to watch them you didn't he wanted maybe that's maybe that maybe that's what it was uh you know as far as raniera go you're like I I'm slightly more sympathetic to renera I think than you are as far as like her and Lane are like they tried to they tried to have a baby like clearly brother's a gold star gay and was not feeling it for runira like he was not it was not in the cards for him so they tried and so now you've got this woman who has a husband she knows exactly what her husband is about she is accepting of that and he's not gonna have sex with her and she's expected to produce heirs like what do we expect her to do like sit and be a nun and never have a baby like not gonna make her happy and not gonna make the kingdom happy like as the queen she needs to have an heir and I think it's important like they're not creating a relationship with renira and Lenor that is contentious they're not creating a relationship that is uh she resents him like they were very open from the get-go so I think it puts her in a bit more of a sympathetic position um as far as Herman Damon goes I mean like look she's clearly had it bad for him from day one um and putting aside the creepiness of it um those two have always had a bomb that nobody else had from the very first time that he walked into the throne when she walked in and found him in the throne room sitting on the iron throne and they're both speaking to each other in high Valerian like they had a way of communicating with each other they saw each other in a way that like nobody else in the family did and so as creepy as the targaryens are all going to marry each other Vibe if it is like they've done a good job of going like these two c eye to eye like these two are on the same page and both are I don't mean this in a moral way but I mean just from a world of Westeros power way they are both better versions of themselves when they are a team good point they work well together like I'm not that's not I'm not saying they are good people when they're together really really yeah they work really really well like when you look at the relationship Allison and viserys is not a relationship that anybody's going after Damon and Lena it's like he said like they got along well enough it wasn't a bad Arrangement um Lenor and raniera CI to eye good communication not what you would call an epic romance and Damon and raniera together you're like this works it's creepy and weird but it works uh yeah I agree with Shannon How to Train Your Dragon Vibes all day long um with Eamon and again at this point you're kind of rooting for him he was a little bit of the underdog the whole sequence was great I do love look Game of Thrones is all about the drama and the backstabbing and all of the soap opera stuff that we're getting right now with House of the Dragon but it's also about big [ __ ] dragons and I think they really really delivered it was also a thrill because you two don't know this but the second that vegar opened his mouth and spit fire everyone else in America was like oh thank [ __ ] I can see again like it was like as soon as they took off and there was a moon in the sky it was like okay I that's a dragon cool like there was like oh thank Christ that dragon can spit fire because now I can see what's going on um so thank you thank you vegar for that uh and then yeah like kid on kid violence who knew we wanted it but we got it and it was really really something to see well especially because like you do like to Shannon's Point um like that's [ __ ] up like going after like like look if if those girls had gone up and tried to bond with vegard he wasn't having it cool vegar is open territory but he did kind of sneak off and do that on the day of Lena's funeral like that's a hell of a thing to do so the fact that the girls were so upset was great and then this is that moment where Eamon as a character can either go I really apologize but it's happened and I can't take it back or he could be like hey maybe you should get a [ __ ] pig which is what he did so he did not handle that great and yes I actually agree with you Shannon I just think that Rainier's kids I think their disposition is sweeter like they have a more emotional side that yeah Allison's kids clearly do not have um and also sir Kristen did not train them as well like that was right very clear so I do agree with you that when we see them in a few years which is what we're going to see next week I imagine they're going to be way more ready to go Toe to Toe with their uncles um it'll be interesting to see but yeah that that [ __ ] knife swipe when that when his eye started dripping I was like oh [ __ ] shit's about to go down this is about to get real I don't think I was even prepared for how real it got but I was like shit's about to go down and Helena tried to warn him in the last episode you'll lose an eye to get your dragon she's this is she's like literally Nostradamus sitting around and they all think she's crazy and she's predicting everything that's gonna happen uh which is great um yeah loved everything here the cordless I mean it's great to see two actors get a chance to kind of really dig into a scene and certainly uh uh cordless and Raines going at it was so fun this is why you cast two actors like this eve best and Steve DeSantis so they can go and have some fun with this dialogue and play the levels of the emotional when she's like speak plain husband no one else is here we know what the [ __ ] is going on with these kids you know it's all of that is here and I love that they're playing all the levels as they're going back and forth and she calls him out and she calls out his pride as it would happen because she he does respect her as his wife as an equal right he may have his ambition but the way she speaks to him lets you see that they are equal in their marriage which is great yeah and then he just walks off because she did call him out he's probably grumbling somewhere about it because she was right and he's probably mad about it because she was right sure that's happened more than once in that relationship for sure so it was great to see that uh yeah but the the vegar thing is is I think it's a microcosm of the world the people who play by the rules more often than not are going to get [ __ ] over by the people who don't and the both the of the girls didn't want a bomb with vegar out of respect for their mother out of respect for the funeral and they got caught sleeping literally while Amon went in there and bonded with vegar so it sucks but in the world of Game of Thrones you play by the rules you die pretty quickly you don't usually stick around for too long and then later and then the other scene with the kids I mean that's some great fight choreography because that's how kids would fight and so it's it was so believable as opposed to looking like a slap Happy thing it was very clear who the status and the girls were getting as good as they as they got they weren't afraid to have a kid hitting a girl like this is these are kids kids don't care about gender when they're fighting at that age they're just fighting and so you saw it it was so believable to see that and when they were all ganging up on him I was like oh [ __ ] what are we getting and then when we fought back and then the eye I mean that was a desperation but you're right Mike you're bringing a point the strongs don't quit and Shannon I think you said that as well the strongs don't quit and I think that was a great little um precursor or foreshadowing of how they're going to be as we do this time Jump in all the situations to come so you respect that for sure all right well it's funny real just sorry just it just made me think of something like what you were talking about like this is how kids fight yeah kids and Eamonn I think has grown out of that and I think that's what makes him even shittier is he's the oldest one and he's the one that should know better and he was the one that escalated things right but also but also I think and one way that kids don't fight I think there's one I think you're right I mean I think they did a great job and it felt very real and it felt very like yes this is this is what kids this age would do except that as soon as whichever one of the kids grabbed the rock yeah and then pulling the knife after that but like like it was like it escalated for like these aren't kids who were in like uh we're fighting on the playground but we're not real like we're fighting because we're all upset but we're like these kids were like I will kill you yeah like there was the day death was in the room oh yes like it was happening yeah because they're being because they're being raised in this world if they were raised in our world they maybe wouldn't grab a rock or a knife but in that world it's all in play it's all in play all right let's take a quick break we'll jump into the last sections of the show right after this [Music] all right about speed through this as quick as possible because I know we have some heart out there all right uh what did I leave off at okay so we now everybody's brought before the king it was like one of the worst worst Evan family get-togethers everybody has bought before the patriarch to defend their side Allison Defender Allison defends Amon saying he was attacked and ganged up on by all these kids Corliss and rainy show up to protect the two uh Elena's girls then rhaenyra shows up after her twist with Damon all of a sudden and runs in to protect her boys the kids revealed her kids revealed that they were called bastards by Eamonn Allison tries desperately to kick keep the king from asking him on where he heard such a slander yeah he finally breaks down and says it was aegon and then the King grills aegon and aegon says dude everyone can everyone [ __ ] knows guys look at those kids everyone knows uh then the king demands that they all apologize to each other because this infighting needs to stop by the way it's so funny the kids fighting is a microcosm of the adults doing the exact same thing but in a higher level but they're doing the exact same goddamn thing um Allison asks for one of the eyes of rhaenyra's sons as a payment for eamon's eye the king refuses so she goes over his head to ask Kristen who says he will do it the king stops her and says that anyone who questions the birth of the children of Rainier's children will have their tongue taken at Allison flips out grabs the king's knife and it's the knife that's going to be used multiple times through Game of Thrones the series uh and comes at Rainier as kids and they fight uh rhaenyra and Allison essentially fight holding each other there and they unleash some uh barbs on each other that have been years in the making years in the coming at each other getting it all out and then eventually Allison slashes Rainier essentially drawing first blood in a civil war and then aemon steps in a little late son and says not to mourn him he lost an eye but he got a dragon in the end uh hey did I did I tell you guys I got a dragon you're like read the room dude I gotta drag it uh then we cut to later Allison and Otto are speaking uh she is saying that she disgraced herself but Ottawa will have none of it he lauds her actions he gives her advice on how to win the king back you know why because he knows viserys is a softy and if you just wait him out he'll eventually forgive you and he loads eamon's actions saying that little Rebel got us uh vegar on our side and it's like getting a good draft pick in the first round essentially is what he's saying as we're leading to this Civil War that is coming uh Rainier is getting stitched up Lenor shows up here says he should have been there feels guilt over his sister feels guilt over not protecting the kids he does say he loved the kids he loves the kids but he has failed her uh and he says maybe he didn't love them enough he says he hates the gods for making him as he is uh but she says she doesn't he is an honest man with a good heart brings up their Arrangement Carl says he's like she tell he tells her that Carl is leaving the flight at the stepstones Lenor recommits himself to her talk about not reading the room Mike just as she has opened the door to Damon being her uh lover and as we'll see eventually her husband Allison and viserys are in the carriage heading back to King's Landing she tries to apologize he'll hear none of it Corliss and Rainier are now look on from different places in the castle as the kingship sails away with the dragons flying behind Three Dragons leave with it two we haven't met uh Sunfire the golden that's aegon's dragon and dream fire Helena's dragon is there so I'm sure those are going to come into play so now we have eight [ __ ] dragons people put it on the list uh Laris comes to talk to her as Damon comes to talk to rhaenyra and Rainier talks about the power of fire everything Targaryen is owed to it has come at the cost the C offers an escape while fire is a prison Laris comes to Allison's side who you two think is so innocent it would have never done that he offers to take an eye to balance the scales she says no at this time but says his devotion is not going to notice says the day will come once you require such a friend with a skill and discretion Ray Nera says she needs Damon uh and uh and as as aegon needed his sister's nice illusion because she wants him to marry her so her claim will be even stronger he says we cannot marry until Lenor is Elena is dead we cut the demon talking to call all and essentially flying in with money and gold to kill Leonard with Witnesses so he can be a man of power in the narrow sea we see Damon I think kill a page we see Carl supposedly start a battle with and and to kill Lenor uh and then we see the guard with the page runoff uh later's page runoff to go get the guards the guards come in with Corliss and rainis and they see a burn charred body who they think is Leonard and then we see Damon and Rainier married and some in some Targaryen ritual with a lot of blood the kids looking on and then we see a bald-headed figure running down the beach in a hood jumps into a boat with Carl and it is lanar and they are rowing off to have a beautiful life somewhere in the narrow sea Vogel whoa so much please break it down what's your thoughts God I mean listen I like kit you you thought you thought kid fighting was great and then this scene happened I was clutching my pearls every two seconds for this entire scene it was it was thrilling it was thrilling to watch all of this bubble over like it it's great what Game of Thrones does so well is there's so much uh or what I should say what house of the Dragon has been doing really well is there's so much being said without things being said everybody is not saying things Otto Hightower doesn't want to say I saw renera and Damon in the whorehouse Allison is like even implies that those aren't leonor's kids and viserys is like I'll have none of it like no like you know like every single one of the characters is like oh I they'll they'll do little barbs but they won't just come out and say it so then when you have a scene where it is just all out in the open um you know when Rainier's kids are like they called us bastards and viserys was like who said this and they're like he did it and then he was like he did it and so yeah when aegon was like yo grandpa everybody knows I was like like there was just there was no getting away from it and then visera still tried to get away from it he was like nobody's gonna say this we're all putting this behind us that's it and like that's he wanted this to be done and he like and for the first time Allison was like that is not enough like my son lost an eye we cannot this with this will not stand and the fact that it's viserys's son like viserys's son yeah got his eye sliced and he was like yeah let's go to bed it's been a day like he didn't even want to touch it he was an and look I know that Johnny you're not the biggest Allison fan and she's not a good person but her son her son was permanently maimed I think she's got like her husband and her husband chooses his daughter over his wife and his son true very true like like you know it is it is clear to me why she lost her [ __ ] in this scene oh absolutely like she absolutely it was completely it's it was a crazy move but it was absolutely justified in that moment because raniera you know to your point walks in after sleeping with her uncle gets mad at everybody for calling her bastard children bastards and then when Dad is like all right let's speak no more of it she's like thank you Father let's all go to bed and Allison's like did everybody take [ __ ] crazy pills um now I do think I sir Kristen doesn't says that doesn't say he'll do it sir Kristen says like even sir Kristen the the line I believe he says is she was like you're sworn to me and he's like I'm sworn to protect you like he doesn't say I'm gonna do it like he he makes it really clear he's like he looks he he reads the room but you might be wrong he he says he says I'm sworn to protect you basically he says I will I will go I will throw myself on a sword to keep you alive but I'm not gonna go slice somebody's eye out for you that's supposed to be a child I'm good I'm good um and again I think that is also why she ends up like pulling that knife and then when those two are just locked with each other and you know she's just like you're you're so entitled and she's not wrong and then Rainier is like well now everybody sees you for who you are you know wrapped in all of your honor and this and that like everybody saw he was trying to stab a kid so you crazy [ __ ] like it was it was just absolutely thrilling like it was hard for me to even focus on anything after that scene because it was all so great um couple things really quickly on the rest of the scene so Allison again I think reading the scene with her in Auto and then the scene with her and what's his name uh creepy dude lyrics um I think to me this is also the proof that like she really didn't know what Laris was going to do in the last episode I don't think she was devious then and I think what she does here this is the moment where she breaks and her dad is like didn't know you had it in you but I'm glad it's there now and she all of a sudden goes oh I I thought I was gonna get yelled at I thought I was like this is she's been yelled at her entire life by her dad yeah now the first time that she thinks she went too far her dad was like there it is there it is and then the very next scene lyrics comes up to her ends on to your point now she goes you know last week she was like I can't believe you did that I never wanted that that's not what I wanted now she goes I might need a favor at some point in my life I'm gonna come back to you for that favor and like you're like all right cool I see I see where this is going um that radera renira and Damon talking I was like after this lovely scene with renira and Lenor where it was like kind of really sweet and he was like I'm gonna try my best and she was like you're a good dude and then she was like Hey I want you and he was like well landlord's got to die and she was like I know and I was like these [ __ ] targaryens this is the [ __ ] and then and then they had me Hook Line and Sinker like given who raniera and Damon are I fully believed I was like well let's watch these two turn these two gay men against each other kill this poor gay guy this is some [ __ ] this is some sh I am so mad about this I don't know I'm I'm these two I can't get on board and then I was like oh you know what like sure Damon did Kill An innocent person because they needed a body so they're not like good people right but I was like that was you know what I'm glad that Lenor got his little happy ending and to your point about the books John I have as I've said I've not read the books but I did read enough to know the way that these books were written are they're written as histories they're written yes as from the perspective of the maesters and some of the body storytelling but so yes in the books it does say that Lenor died but given what we saw here yeah that is also what the books would have said so technically this doesn't like go against what's in the books because the books are no no because the books are purposely definitive that he dies they're not definitive how no they're not what my point is if you were writing a history of Westeros yeah yeah you would write that like that he definitively died you're right was that what would be in the book so what they're doing with this show I mean I was reading up a lot of it because you just keep spoiling stuff every week when you talk I'm gonna stop doing that ahead of it but um but no like so even like um raniera's children absolutely not being leonors like the way the books are written it's maybe implied but it's not 100 certain so because the books are written as official histories within the world of Westeros it does give you that wiggle room and what they did with Lenor is some pretty significant wiggle room but I thought it was nice as somebody I was reading some article that they were like Game of Thrones is the only show that can give you a plot twist that's happy and it's surprising because so few happy things happen but I will take it their history does not jiggle jiggle it wiggle Wiggles Shannon thoughts on these last thoughts on these last scenes here man I know you got the heart out so please what's your thoughts on these last scenes I mean you know uh vocal Vogel covered a lot of it but I mean in terms of performance I loved Matt Smith in this whole scene now he's just sitting back just enjoying the show like he's just leaning being like all right what do I have to do okay at the end I'm gonna come in here again and to talk about Steve Toussaint when uh raniera and Allison have had their uh confrontational moments when you literally see the two sides of the board yes how it's you know it's they're they're worse comes at sides um Steve toussaints look even though it's very clear what side he's on his look about what has just gone down and his Cavs was like yeah y'all gotta go this this this this this uh event is officially over it's time to go home um loved the shitty when they talk when they ask where uh Lenor is and he's like uh the series yes yes the boy's father should be here and Allison says oh he's probably out entertaining young Squires and the the chuckle that sir Kristen has that that sir Harold then looks at him like you see that Death Stare which Grand McTavish is a wonderful actor I wish we would see more of him like he's got he's got the he had some great stuff in the first episode but he's really been set dressing at this point like I really want I really want to see that moment where those two are probably going to go up against each other uh because they're gonna go with who they're probably actually no he would be with viserys no yeah I think Damon never mind I think Damon is going to go up against Kristen because remember Damon stops Kristen when Kristin tries to intervene in that scene so I think that's going to be the battle but you know we'll see um and I also just want to talk about the lack of expediency that the pages at driftmark have when when Carl and Lenor start this fight and he's like I'll go get the guards they had enough time to drag this body out that had been stashed that's true throw it in the fire long enough for his features to be completely burned off and then make their escape uh yeah they're right up there with Lena's handmaidens last week who were like all helping her have that be baby and then somehow she managed to get up and walk out of the room with nobody noticing she slipped out just because we have salt in our blood does not make us fast apparently um no I mean I really I really like the ending that Lenore had that he and Carl he and Carl are going to go off and have some have some adventures together uh on the other side of the narrow sea um the targaryens slicing themselves up as they marry within the family it's like yeah yeah I mean you know you obviously breath Robert Grier having did not turn out to be a good King but he was probably right like this family should probably go agreed now I loved I love the final scenes thought they were great as Michael said like it was great to see them all in the room together going at each other and all the secrets being Spilled Out All the tea like we said before this is a soap opera and every soap opera has that moment every character shows up and all the tea gets spilled kind of like almost a reset and then boom we go forward now with these new story lines these new divisions these new teams being laid out and seeing where we're going to go and how comfortable these teams are and how cohesive these sides are as we build to the Civil War that is going to be happening the dance of dragons and I'm looking forward to it for sure I don't have much more to add other than that really enjoyed it great performances love the pacing of this it the the overall feeling that we'll get your overall thoughts real quick as well um the overall feeling I have is that I wish they had taken there I do wish this wasn't until the third season that being said I'm glad we got the episodes my favorite episode I think of the season so far so I'm glad we got it but if they had had confidence in the show that people would receive the show well and they were going to have multiple seasons of it um I think they could have taken their time building this all out but in the end we got what we got and I really liked this episode uh final thoughts Mike um listen I love this show so much when I can see it it's great uh and look and I and I no I I mean I I agree with you that I think this show this episode was just so much payoff for what we've been building and there is a certain level of just like uh adrenaline rush to see all of this stuff just being thrown out on the table I disagree with you a little bit that I kind of love the pace like I love when a show is moving at such a rapid Pace that I can barely keep up with it that I am just left almost breathless because things are happening so fast as opposed to sort of telegraphing things and seeing where things are going but having to wait to get there and look I love the pace of Game of Thrones so I'm not I mean I'm sure have they slowed this down a little bit uh it still would have been super enjoyable but all of these giant time jumps and like seeing where things go and like the setup and the payoff like I'm very much enjoying it so I'm I'm loving the pace fair enough Shannon final thoughts I mean I'm in between because I do like I do like the big moments that we're getting I miss some of the moments that we're not getting like I would really like to have seen that conversation with viserys and Otto when you know when Otto becomes the hand again there's there's so many little things that I'm like ah that would have been a great moment that could have been a great scene that could have been a great storyline but again like I don't know if this is what the books do but I mean this is the path they're going on and thus far there's nothing in this that uh that that is upsetting me I mean again these these would have been nice to have um the only thing from a production standpoint that for me is a little bit of a ding is the lack of aging on certain characters it's been over a decade and Otto looks exactly the same whereas you know we've had kids grow up we've had act we've had cast changes like you got to put some gray in that guy you got to put more gray in that guy's hair like odds it is an odd choice to go we are going to so extremely age certain characters and other characters were doing literally nothing even the old even the older girl like Sarah Harwood looks the same as he did in the first episode we saw him in so it's just kind of mind-blowing on who they're choosing to age and not yeah all right well there you go thank you all so much for watching this uh spoiler review for episode 7 driftmark here on the first season of House of the Dragon Shannon what do we have to tell him yeah I'd like to follow us on social media on Twitter it's at geek underscore buddies on Instagram at the underscore geek underscore buddies if you'd like to follow me on social media on Twitter it's at Shannon underscore McClung on Instagram and Shannon the geekbuddy if you would like to follow Mr Vogel it is at MK2 and if you would like to follow Mr Rocha it is at the Roca sets uh Mikey uh Hey if you like looking at all of our smiling faces we'd like to keep the lights on 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in-person care and they want to set up plans for you specifically so you can be in the best shape of your life because you never know when you're gonna have to throw down and throw a rock or have a knife or whatever you never know what's happened to these family gatherings so you want to be in the best shape possible in case anything does so go to and get checked out today all right y'all take care of yourselves be well we'll talk to you next time with another brand new spoiler review here from the geek funnies [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: John Rocha
Views: 5,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house of the dragon, house of the dragon review, house of the dragon episode 7 breakdown, house of the dragon episode 7, house of the dragon episode 7 explained, house of the dragon explained, house of the dragon breakdown, house of the dragon episode 7 review, house of the dragon ending explained, house of the dragon episode 7 reaction, house of the dragon episode 7 ending explained, john rocha, michael vogel, shannon mcclung, the geek buddies, the outlaw nation, reel rejects
Id: RorhgAZSV5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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