House of Hope Worship Service

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[Music] good morning house of hope atlanta family listen we want to welcome you and encourage you that life with god is better every way every day hallelujah here we go [Music] [Applause] that surpasses your own understanding hey [Music] [Music] is that your testimony [Music] welcome welcome welcome to the house of hope atlanta worship experience where we came to celebrate a true and a living god go ahead and wake somebody up tag somebody call somebody because they don't want to miss this it's one thing about me i don't need anybody to pump and prime me i don't need anybody to simon says me because all i need to do is think of the goodness of jesus and everything that he's done for me and my soul will cry out hallelujah see we can't do church as usual we got to do something different because the god i serve has been faithful he's been kind he's been merciful and if you know like i know see you can't tell and i got to tell it what he's done for me and if he's done anything for you you ought to give him what is dude let us go to the throne of grace father god we just lift up hands we asking that you give us a clean heart so our worship will be received god thank you for waking us up this morning thank you for starting us on our way thank you for giving us use and activity of our limbs we don't take it for granted now holy spirit do what you do come do your job saturate this please holy spirit come do your job saturate this place do not let us leave here the same holy spirit we are calling on you to come into this house because this will be an house of prayer and we forgive or give you the glory the honor and the praise and we say it is so a scripture reading today comes from proverbs 3 1-3 and it says my son do not forget my teachings but let your heart keep my commandments for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you do not let kindness and truth leave you bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart i need some paper bible save saints to know that it's something on the inside will begin to work on the outside and that will bring about a change in your life it's worship time somebody tell somebody write it on the tablet of your heart hallelujah yes lord come on put your hands together come on [Music] [Music] i am the is you are the branches he who abides in me will forever be fruit full and i am the way the truth and the light no one gets to the father except that he comes [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign is [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] my favorite part [Music] oh [Music] in the lord oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] i [Music] in my heart [Music] i know the plans that i make for you [Music] and i am [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] the one who will say [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna hide his word in our hearts you can keep going it says are my highest words in my heart can i give you some things to hide in your heart this week jeremiah 29 and 11 says well i know the plans i have for you declares the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected ear they said hide his word in your heart i can do all things through christ who strengthens me he said hide the word in your heart no matter what comes your way if god is for us i said if god is for us i said if god is for us i feel jesus i said if god is for you put it in the comments really quickly i'm hiding it in my heart i'm hiding it in my heart i shall live and not die i'm hiding it in my heart they that sow in tears shall weep enjoy i will hide his word in my heart i don't know about you but i feel like for making georgia today to say this you got to get in your word get in your word cause then that you'll find strength in the word you'll find healing in the word you'll find peace in the word and can i tell you it's not just the bible but jesus is the word and jesus will come where you are when you need him if you believe him shout out hallelujah i feel jesus in this room i don't care what text messages i get i'm a hotter than my heart i don't care what my covenant test says i might hide it in my heart i don't care what my job says this week but on my heart his word in my heart that means it's going to travel with you this week that means it won't leave you it's just binding let me move on welcome to the house of hope atlanta we are so excited that you've decided to worship with us virtually today and i don't know if you can feel the energy through the screen right now but the lord the word of god is sitting right there with you today and you can hide him in your heart hallelujah hallelujah if this is your first time we want to say hello to you so go in the comments right now and say something to us say hey how you doing we just want to say hello to you if this is not your first time worshiping with us we want you to share with five people how many people praise team five people i need you to share with five people today youtube facebook instagram the website wherever you're watching from tell your mama tell your friends tell your family that the house of hope atlanta has hope for you today on this third sunday of september now when you take i want you to take a picture with your family with your friends you're watching with today and i want you to post it on social media and tag us and say hope graham everybody say hope grab we hope you enjoy this worship experience today because i believe god has something special for you without further ado will you help me family viewing family welcome our senior pastor dr e dewey smith jr this is the day the lord has made and we're here to rejoice and be glad and we greet you in the name of jesus listen we're going to hide the word in our hearts i'm telling you what a word what what a word through song i pray that you're encouraged today listen we've made it uh to the midway point of september and god is blessing us and we have a lot of hope-filled things in store for you and so at this time we're gonna go check out our hope happenings to see what our media ministry is cooking for us relative to our engagements and our appointments and all of our services and the ministry opportunities here so let's go to hope happiness i'll be right back in a second i'm so sorry corey excuse me sorry go ahead uh crystal you better not be coughing anything on me look i'm fully vaccinated and i get tested on a regular but thank you for caring about my health um now if you all care about a way to connect learn and encounter god while in a community of your peers then life university is the place for you fall session started last sunday but it's not too late to join just text the word life you to the number on the screen and to all the young adults out there between the ages of 21 and 39 you do not want to miss out on the young adult small groups every thursday for more information just follow the union atl on all social media platforms [Music] for our new members you can complete your new membership requirements in just one day sign up for the virtual spiritual boot camp on saturday october 9th to register text the word membership to the number on your screen crystal do you need a cough drop or a a loss and just something no it was just a little something in my throat okay well you need you need something but speaking of needs if you need prayer you can text the word prayer if you want to be saved text the word salvation and if you would like to become a member of the house of hope text the word connect to the number on the screen i'm fine okay this little cough is nothing because guess what i'm a survivor man okay and you can show your support to all of the survivors and thrivers out there in the month of october help us log one million steps by joining our group hoha moves on and every time you walk use the hashtag hoha the walk will kick off on october 2nd and i did not forget about our kids and youth now make sure you join the sunday and wednesday zoom calls there's a session for k through 5th and one for 6 6-12 for more information go to hope youth now on all social media platforms well we're going to get you all back to the worship experience but until next time remember that life with god is better in every way every day be blessed crystal i i really want you to do something about this cough situation because even if you don't have nothing people going to think you got something and these days you can't really cough sneeze you can't do nothing you can't you can't cast gas on nobody because they think you got the delta the delta variant gas or something praise the lord praise the lord i want to thank our media ministry for always keeping us abreast and entertained and engaged they have done a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious of a job for the past 18 months you know i miss some of you so much some of your faces i haven't seen since march the 8th of 2020 and it has been a quite process a process to say the least but through it all god has kept us and god is keeping us and i want you to know that the same god who's kept us these past 18 months will keep us right now i mean y'all believe that god is a keeper and so i'm thankful to you you you and you so please make sure that you avail yourselves to all of the innumerable ministry opportunities that are coming from this ministry even though our doors are not yet open for public worship please know we've been ministering in every way in a multifaceted way and i don't want you to miss out on those opportunities whether it be for the youth the children whether it be outreach opportunities we're here to serve you so please keep that in your minds and if you are in need of assistance a life transition or crisis we've had a lot of death resealing hospitalizations recently and if you need uh your church family we want to serve you our congregational care team and i are here to serve you and so it's very very simple if you don't know the church number just get your phone and text the word care uh to the number six seven eight two one thirteen fifty one just that word care c-a-r-e and we'll make sure we're here to serve you also if you just wanna call the church office the number is four four two four three nine three three six again four oh four two four three nine three three six and our church office is open for regular office hours should you need some assistance of the one of our staff members so we're here to serve you and uh while we're on this point uh we're certainly praying and uh having our thoughts and our prayers those members who are on the sick list uh those names are scrolling now uh please keep them all in your prayers our first lady emerita mrs ira colin sheppard who's at home please keep her and her caregivers in your prayers as they're still taking care of her uh we've had a lot of death around here recently and uh let's keep our members in prayer i mean deacon leon wright passed away or the jimmy scott passed away janice phillips passed away we had a host of deaths around here and so just please keep all our church members and families in prayer who've had to face death i still believe that earth has no sorrow that heaven can heal and i believe that god can even get us through these traumatic incidents of death so let's please keep all those members in your prayers i'm excited that we're doing incredible ministry even during times like these uh i'm excited about our new season of hope tv that starts in a few weeks a lot of new programming that is coming out and for those of you who didn't know it you can catch out catch my devotionals on tuesdays and thursdays it's called morning due every tuesday and thursday at 9 30 a.m you can check it live or you can go back and watch it a lot of people don't realize that our services on youtube or facebook uh you can go back and watch they're archived and so if you miss it at 9 30 and you can't watch it to noon you just go to youtube or facebook and you can rewatch it so just because you don't catch it live uh it's archived there you can catch so it's almost on demand everywhere except the website so if you miss it go back and check it out every tuesday thursday morning dues at 9 30 a.m eastern standard time bible study every noon on wednesday and 7 p.m and then of course on friday mornings at 10 i do something called a deeper dive which is a really pretty good devotional systematic study of theology and so you have several opportunities throughout the week we have other programs that you name it for our children uh to coronavirus conversations mental health cookings exercise six days a week so we have a pretty well-rounded network that offers programming uh for your enlightenment and for your spiritual edification and so please check it out comedy shows you name it uh we have it here every day there's programming for you so even though we're not in uh the doors yet publicly in mass we still have some ministry initiatives going on for you please avail yourselves to it and take advantage of those innumerable opportunities about five six seven shows every day that you can get for spiritual enrichment and spiritual edification not just on sundays so even though we're not here in public worship we're coming into your homes or to your space your space special sacred place uh every day uh of a week so we have more opportunities to touch you and engage you now uh it's just virtual it's a different way but it's still ministry nonetheless you have opportunities to hide his word in your heart uh through the virtual and digital platforms so please make sure that you engage those platforms please ma'am please sir and so while our media ministry my at our award-winning uh media ministry is providing those hope tv moments for you and our productions and our live services on sunday mornings uh we're also uh making uh herculean progress on our mission 2020. uh some of you have been around here a while know that in 2013 we started a seven year campaign called mission 2020 it was to completely overhaul our entire campus that 60 acres seven buildings by the end of the year 2020. of course covet kind of interrupted that but we're in it we're still in it and god is making it god is blessing us uh to finish this this process and we need your help uh as you can see i'm gonna keep telling you every week uh the roofs on the three large buildings have been replaced brand new every roof is brand new uh the flat roofs on the cathedral all brand new atrium all the whole fs the hf shepard multiplex which is the atrium and the smith center all that's brand new roofing uh new chile unit on this smith center uh it's freezing over there now we had we were filmed over there a few weeks ago and they were begging me to turn it down now i'm not going to turn down you're going to take all this code every bit of it and they had to take it and uh and we even have ac in the in the atrium all new ac units and uh 300 ton chile unit uh on the cathedral as you see it there uh we're in the process of adding four more 30 ton units at the cathedral as well so uh we we're about halfway there once we get november with the cathedral all i'm trying to tell you the cathedral is gonna have all new ac units when y'all get back for worship all those problematic units that we've had with god is gonna help us replace every one of them and that's because of his favor and because of your faithfulness so i want to thank y'all for being faithful in the pandemic for everything you've contributed whether it was a dollar five dollars 20 cent 200 000 whatever you contributed to help us we don't take it lightly because because of that we've been able to make significant progress on your screens you see that uh our theater is now being used they're shooting uh something now with for major network they're shooting uh because you you helped us get it back up which helps to generate some income for us so your help and getting that done helps us to do what god has called us to do which is impact the world provide scholarships take care of our widows and children and the orphans your help is making this come to fruition our counseling center is operative um our tap of this house is still doing ministry all that is happening because of good people like you so thank you for your support please ma'am please sir lastly i want you to join me tomorrow at 6 30 am for prayer uh we're gonna be praying every week this this month for our students and our teachers in schools i've been very concerned about it a few weeks ago one of our uh leaders had told me about their son uh three years old his whole class end up with kovic and three years and it just really it jolted me uh so it's happening so we want to be praying for our schools our school systems our administrators our teachers our paraprofessionals uh those who work in the custodial departments those who work in food service uh those who drive the buses whatever capacity so meet me tomorrow at 6 30 on hope tv on facebook youtube we have a prayer and you can tune in and pray with us tomorrow i want you to pray with us tomorrow at 6 30 a.m we're gonna do this every monday uh this monday and next monday uh for september and uh we'll see what the lord says about october but i just felt grieved i felt real burdened uh for our teachers many of them will already immuno compromise and have to deal with bad kids already and wearing masks i don't know how they do it they've been called and uh so let's pray for them because i don't know many of us couldn't do it and many of you parents don't want to keep your own kids so you know the teachers don't want to keep them and so uh it's been rough anyway but covert has made it rougher so let's keep them lifted uh i just my heart i just last couple weeks i've just been broken about that i'm just uncomfortable um what's happening in school systems let's make sure we pray every week we'll start the week off with prayer praying for our school system uh so tomorrow morning nine at 6 30 a.m meet me uh facebook youtube the website uh on my page the church page just log on and you it's gonna be a virtual a prayer and uh so you can watch it live and see my face in the morning 6 30 for prayer all right with that being said we're getting ready to worship god through giving and i want to thank everybody for your contributions i don't take it lightly that that you've been supporting the church and because of that we've still been able to do many we're doing more ministry now really than we were doing before the pandemic and so god is still sustaining us and that's because of wonderful people like you so let's have a word of prayer god i thank you that you're going to make all grace abound toward us that we have all sufficiency in all things that we could abound under every good work and now as we come to sow seed into your kingdom lord receive these our gifts lord i thank you that this is good ground and thank you that because of your people's seed we're able to have meat in this house and provide ministry for those near and abroad now receive these gifts sanctify every gift and give or let no one lack let no one have a need after giving these gifts but multiply them and use them in your service bless those who want to give god but don't have any job or any resources will you open the wonders of opportunity so they can take care of their needs provide for their families and they make a contribution for kingdom building we love and we bless you now and count it down in joy in jesus name amen listen we're getting ready to give hopefully you saw some of the photographs uh about the uh mission 2020 campaign that's been going we're still feeding people on a weekly basis as well so we're still doing ministry here and we need your support to help us to finish and continue that vein so four ways you can give first of all text to give uh you can text the code h-o-h-a-t that's house for atlanta tithes number 678201 1351 or you can text h-o-h-a-o that's house of hope atlanta offering to 678-201-1351 you also can give to our mission 2020 which is now gf that's god first that's h-o-h-a-g-f so i need every member to give something five tens give something to gf weekly to help us to do what we're doing that's text to give secondly if you want to give through cash app this dollar sign hoh atl give and help us to make this thing happen continue to give third if you want to give today i'll do the website as a website just give father prompts and governor says accordingly then lastly if you want to give through po box our po boxes po box 499 decatur georgia three zero zero three six again po box three six one four nine nine decatur georgia three zero zero three six all right we're gonna get continuing worship let's keep hiding the word in our hearts i got a word while we're going and giving go ahead and get your elements of communion together we're going to have what they call the theology a moment of transubstantiation whether you have whether you have bread or crackers or juice or whatever you have in your home prepare to get that together now after i preach we're going to take communion together it's the third sunday so i'm going to give you a heads up so go to your kitchens and get some things together so we can take communion together at the conclusion of this service i love you hope you've been blessed by the worship i praise him he's going to come back and bless us further and i'll be back with the word of god and our communion together so may god bless you let's worship our great god together i love you let's continue worship [Music] praise the lord everybody come on we've sang about hiding the word of god in our hearts how many know that the word was born in flesh and walked among us and that is how we can hide it in our heart because now he's christ in us the hope of you hallelujah come on wherever you are just open up your mouths feel wherever you are with the glory of an almighty god he's good he's sovereign he's jesus and that's why we give him glory that's why we honor his name because his name causes demons to tremble and healing to be wrought in our bodies and we thank him we honor him and we reverence him hallelujah song says this bread of life sent down from glory many things you were on earth [Music] glory [Music] many things [Music] god with us [Music] gentile repeaters [Music] god [Music] you is born in a manger [Music] yes [Music] [Music] the is [Music] we say hey [Music] jesus that's what we call you jesus [Music] hey [Music] jesus [Music] hey we give you glory we honor you man there's no name like it say say you are somebody give him glory come on wherever you are lift up your worship lift up their praise to the father hallelujah he came down 42 generations to save our souls and we give him glory we give him honor that we give him praise say you are we give you glory we love you lord we appreciate you lord [Music] that's what we call you [Music] you are the living world [Applause] [Music] come on just type that name in the comments oh my god y'all some about that name y'all my lord my lord my lord somebody type in i thank god for jesus hallelujah jesus jesus oh god thank god for jesus thank god for jesus i thank god for jesus i thank god for jesus oh thank god for jesus hallelujah by my mind preacher said holy spirit come do your job and he's he's here right now i hope he's moving where you are right now hello you thank god for jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus jesus hallelujah jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] there's just something about that name your master [Music] like the phrase was after the rain oh you're jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] in all heaven and earth proclaim [Music] king kingdom [Music] shalom there's a way [Music] but there's something oh glory [Music] jesus [Music] everybody hallelujah [Music] darius told us who he is who is it his master called him savior call him jesus he like the fragrance after the rain come on come on lift your voice and help me say it y'all haven't called him jesus have you called him jesus he'll be called jesus [Music] come on [Music] one more time i gotta get into this word y'all help me say jesus jesus come on somebody say jesus jesus come on and call him there's something come on i found that name [Music] everybody come on who is he doing he's a master call him say this [Music] call him jesus [Music] like the breakfast [Music] call of duty [Music] will [Music] shall all pass away kings and [Music] but there's kingdoms that's shiny [Music] okay [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now he's a living word he is the living word he is a living word he's a brand of heaven sit down for glory yeah names you're born put on a tree you ought to call it jesus [Music] yeah y'all y'all [Music] i need somebody with an apostolic background to get on the altar [Music] about the pages [Music] [Applause] the more i call them feel [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh jesus [Music] lord jesus somebody call on jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus the more i call him the better i feel that name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] she hey open up your muffins harlem [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody grab your hands [Music] thank yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] players [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] all right all right [Music] he's all right [Music] so [Music] he's alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what you know [Music] he's all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you know about [Music] [Music] he's all [Music] [Music] he's all right he's all right he's all right [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] he's all right [Music] [Music] somebody's watching me going through something you've been going through some of the past couple days i just heard the lord say open up your mouth and call him call him i don't care if you're in there by yourself call that name so i'm gonna shift right now just call in your home i don't care if your kids looking at you i want you to call watchy [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] wow the book of daniel on your screens i'm gonna give you this i'm gonna we're gonna take communion i'm gonna get i gotta share this the book of daniel chapter 10 y'all stay help y'all stay with me y'all stay with me in the book of daniel chapter 10 daniel had been praying he was in a moment of fasting he'd been praying and in verse 2 of daniel 10 it's on the screen he said i was in mourning for three straight weeks he said i ate no pleasant bread and didn't have any flesh and food nothing came to my body in my mind i didn't anoint myself for three weeks i was looking for god to give me an answer he says and i heard nothing from god he said but i looked i lift my eyes up three weeks i've been praying to god but i heard nothing from him he said three weeks later i looked and i saw somebody whose body was like barrel his face was like lightening eyes like lamps of fire as i was trying to figure out who it was verse eight and it's on the screen it says that i i was left alone you ever been praying to god and yet you feel so all alone daniel says i felt alone i was alone and i had a vision and i had no strength you have you have been praying and felt alone and and felt so weak you ever cried until you had the more power to cry that's what daniel says i was going through that had no strength and i i couldn't have any strength and i heard a voice talking to me but i didn't understand it then he said to me in verse number 10 the hand touched me and it's wonderful that when you're in your lowest point that god has sent a hand that can touch you somebody say lay your hands on me jesus and says somebody came and touched me a voice touched me and it put on my knees in the palm of my hands and it says daniel i want you to understand me he said god sent me i'm gabriel he says don't be afraid verse 12. don't be afraid dang it don't be afraid from the first day you pray this is verse 12. it's on the screen the first day you prayed and set your heart to god god heard you even though you ain't heard from god don't mean god just because god is silent doesn't mean god hasn't heard you some of y'all been praying you wonder why you ain't heard nothing yet listen maybe you haven't heard anything but god has heard you he says he heard you he heard you and he sent me uh because of your prayer your prayers mattered and god sent me i'm gabriel and god sent me he said but daniel verse 13 but one of satan's lieutenants prince of persia he was stood me he he kept me daniel while you were praying a battle was going on it was a war going on dan in the heavenly places and and and and one of satan's chief lieutenant stopped me from bringing you your answer he says but daniel but what happened uh god sent michael the warfare angel to come and do combat with the enemy on your behalf and release me to bring you your answer i want to talk those y'all been faster than praying and wondering when god don't speak listen just because you haven't heard it doesn't mean god didn't hear it i'm telling you set your face to god god promised he's going to do like hezekiah he's going to add more years more time he's going to restore some stuff in your life i don't want you to get be weary just because god hadn't answered yet god heard your prayer but there's something above your war going on and god is going to send michael to come and fight on your behalf and everything you need god's going to grant it to you this month that the answer you've been praying for is on the way if you call that name jesus god's going to dispatch emissaries from heaven to come and touch you and give you the peace that you need somebody shot jesus and you don't understand why you're restless because while you're sleeping a war is going on a battle that's in the heavenly realm spiritual wickedness in high places trying to take your mind trying to take your emotion but child of god had a word for you you shall live and not die and declare the works of the lord god has not left you by yourself oh you can do this you can make it through this you can make it you can make it through the alone times you can make it through the quiet times because god has heard your prayers somebody say he's heard my prayer oh hallelujah somebody said he's a prayer hearing and i pray answering god somebody say call it call him he's on he's gonna he's gonna be on time just because it's delayed does that mean it's denied your answer is on the way somebody decree right there my answer is around the corner somebody shout right there my answer is around the corner come on y'all i said open your mouth and shop my answer is around the corner come on shot my deliverance [Music] oh shout right now [Music] i know somebody shout there's a lot of rain coming somebody shot lettering father thank you that while we're worshiping our praise is our weapon for the weapons of our warfare not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down and strongholds and as we release worship to you today i pray that you're going to do for somebody who's in this place who's watching what you did for daniel that the answer is coming today not tomorrow or not next week the clarity is coming today oh god sent michael to engage in combat on behalf of your children those who've been in fasting and praying waiting for clarity some have been fast in the past two or three weeks fasting for their spouse to come fasting for direction fasting for a closer walk with you god speak on in the name of jesus i speak healing and deliverance favor and increase breakthrough in promotion with nothing lacking nothing broken and nothing missing now restore everything that the locals have eaten the palmer worm and the cankerworm have taken away we decree it and declare we receive it and believe it and count it done now enjoy somebody shout amen amen now clap your hands and give the god the glory hallelujah hallelujah listen if you need prayer uh those you start fasting with us uh on september the seventh hallelujah some of you will fast in your own personal time weeks prior uh god god has been dealing with me on this whole issue of prayer for about six weeks now and i really believe that that that that clarity is coming for those who've been frustrated and you thought that god hasn't heard you oh god he heard you from the first day but your faith is being built up so beloved uh listen count it all joy when you fall to the divers testics knowing this to the trying of your faith is working patience god is doing something on your behalf if you need further prayer i want you to get your phone and text the word prayer to the number 678-201-1351 text that word prayer 678-201-1351 we want to pray with you right now if in your virtual communities facebook youtube type the word prayer somebody shout hallelujah from the first day he's heard your prayer you send that if you text prayer to 6 7 82 1 13 51 our prayer team and i will be praying for you today lifting your name so that the blessings are on daniel in this text will be your blessings even on today if you want to connect with this ministry just like god sent gable and michael to connect with daniel so then you could get what god wanted him to be god sends local assemblies to help you get where you need to be we love to be your church whether it's in person or whether it's virtual whether in atlanta or alaska decade or dubai ghana or georgia stone mountain or sudan you can be connected with this ministry right now just get your phone and text the word connect connect to 67821-1351 you we can serve you serve with your ministry now thirdly if you want to be saved and know that one of these old days that man jesus who we sang about who's the living word it's going to take us from earth to glory he came from heaven and earth to show us the way from the earth to the cross our debt he paid from the cross to the grave from the grave to the sky he's going to come there's only one name where my men and women boys and girls may be saved and you can be saved you're not sure that heaven is your home get your phone and text the word salvation to 67821-1351 lastly if you wanted to give and you missed the first offering but god ministered to you through this worship experience do this little homily about daniel you want to sow a seed to confirm what you just heard by faith to express god i hear you this is my seed faith offering i want to sow into what i just heard that's you i want you to give you can give my text to give information is on the screen you can give by cash app information is on the screen you can give to the website the information is on the screen also the po box if you want to give that you can give that right now don't hesitate don't procrastinate do it right now uh we have daniel who prayed and god heard him descend uh the angel michael to fight so gabriel could bring him his answer but john the revelator tells us we also were in battle that we can overcome the enemy by uh the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimonies so not only do we have a michael who can fight for us and jesus who redeemed us we also have the blood of jesus that helps us to overcome any warfare that we're facing while you're watching right now i want you to go ahead and get your elements of communion what symbolizes the lord's table for you if you don't have the elements that we have that's fine it's the essence the power is not in these elements but what they represent jesus said before he lived i want you to take bread and uh every now and then pass around to eat in remembrance of me on the last night of his life he got bread from the table after supper and broke with him gave it to his disciples and said this is my body which is given and broken for you uh for the remember for for the salvation of the world i want you to get now it represents the body of our lord i want you to get in your hands right now get it in your hands the blood that jesus shed for me way back on calvary andre crouch wrote that when he was 15 years old and i'm telling that blood still works today it's your weapon i want you to get that bread i want you to break it father bless this assemble your body which was given in broken verse on the cross of calvary we take now in remembrance of jesus our savior our redeeming our lord i want you to eat it all represent the body of our lord jesus go take it eat now he then took the cup which represented forgiveness of sins scriptures teach us there'll be no shedding of blood there's no remission of sin isaiah said all we like sheep have gone astray we've turned everyone to his own way but god laid upon him the iniquity of us all but he was wounded for our transgression bruised by iniquities the testing of our peace was upon him and with his stripes were healed he took the cup represented his blood that was gonna be shared for your sins and mine he gave it to the disciples once you drink you all of it it represents the blood of our lord after they have partaken of the lord's body and his blood they went out to the mount of olives [Music] and there they sang a hymn we're going to sing this old hymn of the church the blood that jesus shed for me way back on calvary listen here's a good news about it it reaches to the highest mountain y'all help me say that right now it reaches y'all help me say why you're at home hallelujah [Music] that gives me strength my we're gonna say one more time y'all help me said i know it reads it it reaches come on yes it does i know to the lord that gives me strength he will never [Music] i'm so glad it will never [Music] [Music] i know [Music] he can steal [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he don't ever [Music] it'll save your mind it'll heal your body it'll fix your deliverance [Music] [Music] you'll never lose [Music] [Music] is [Applause] and now unto him who is able to keep you from falling to present you faultless before his presence with his glory with exceeding great joy to the only wise god our savior be glory majesty dominion and power stay with jesus keep calling that name keep hiding that word in your heart and no weapon formed against you should be able to prosper you've already got the victory in jesus name amen amen i love y'all have a great week you got the victory i love you have a great week you already got the victory you've been encouraged it's going to be all right i love you have a great week have a great week have a great week have a great week [Music] [Applause] [Music] my favorite part is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] in the lord [Music] [Music] i will be [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 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Channel: The House of Hope
Views: 7,739
Rating: 4.8674035 out of 5
Keywords: e dewey smith, darius paulk, worship celebration, alfred street baptist church, td jakes, house of hope, hohatl, house of hope atlanta, gtrbc, greater travelers rest, e dewey smith singing, e dewey smith preaching, gospel music, shouting music
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 22sec (4882 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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