Hotkeys, Tips and Tricks - Total War: Warhammer Gameplay

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hello and welcome everyone are here and today I've got my hot key kind of tips as well as a few performance tweaks video so I'll be going through the various hot keys that I've been using and showing off in my various Let's Plays and battles because a lot of you guys have been asking me how I do the group attack formation you know how I move away units in the same formation how I draw a path my units I'll show you all over that some of you guys may well know this and that's fine so feel free or should say if I miss any hotkeys that aren't covered in this video feel free to leave them down below if there's enough of them kind of thrown down over I've missed hopefully I haven't though then I'll make another video kind of a follow up but if you guys have your own kind of tips and tricks I guess for the game and any kind of good hotkey combination so you find useful feel free to share them down below and use this kind of as a platform to help each other out so yeah I'm gonna go through the ones that are that I commonly use we're going to do that in a battle but first of all if you actually go into the kind of main menu for Warhammer options and then go to controls you can see the majority of the ones that we're going to be using today and if you go to the Advanced section you'll actually see kind of written short little kind of sentences or guides of how to use these units and what they actually do which the ones that we're going to be going through today obviously have a fair bit of configuration over your controls what having you can remap these as well across you know campaign battle Universal and the advanced just details or the various kind of advanced moves which is what we're going to take a look at now okay so we're now on the map map and it's just a custom battle I put together between dwarves vs. Empire should also say SiC around the end of the video I'll be going through some performance setting tweaks that may help you out if you're looking to get a few more frames in your game so I'm going to go through the kind of the basic Hapkido and again if you have any more that you don't see me use in this video then feel free to comment them down below so start with the basics and then we'll go on to kind of few more kind of advanced things I do so grouping units and we'll do talk about group formations locked group formations group attacks manual fire modes moving your army all together in formation rotating that for me then we'll actually kind of fight the battle a little bit and just show how some of those things work so first of all I've got these four units of regular miners these guys are blasting charge the more interesting them at the moment for you to the miners I want to group them together so I'm gonna select the miner unit on the left by just clicking his icon and I want to select up to this guy I'm gonna press down shift and left-click on him it will select the miners in between now with these guys selected I can decide their width and how I want these guys kind of formed up I like them about that width and I now want to group them so that I can easily kind of come back to these guys and select them in the heat of battle and control all my miners together so I can do this in a number of ways the easiest way is with them selected just press G that will instantly group them in the first available number from one through to ten for their group and of course we don't have any groups at the moment so group one is available if I try and make a second group with these guys they will instantly become a group two so as I said there's a various ways you can do actually group units you can just select them all and press G and pressing G again when once they're grouped will disband the group as well you can press control one through to zero which will go to ten so one two three four five six you guys know how numbers work so yeah if you don't want a certain selection of units to be your group one or you want them as a particular number a particular key on your keyboard hotkey that you can come back to and grab them in battle so if I deselect them and then press six they're all selected nice and easily you can do it with that so that's control and then numbers one through 2-0 on the keyboard there is another kind of group mode I should say within this group mode that we have at the moment you can still decide the width of the unit and you know you can still spread them out or close them in however you want to however group attack is something I constantly get asked how do I get my units to when I selected them all in a group to attack forward rather than in on one unit so these guys here if I were to if this organ gun was an enemy organ gun and if I double right clicked on them right now on the organ gun that is they would all converge in on that organ gun but they'd ignore units that were potentially on the flanks of the organ gun which is not ideal so I want these guys to actually attack forward at all the units that may come into their part and then kind of lock onto them and engage to do that you need your unit in a locked group formation which you can see via the padlock symbol here at the moment these guys are not in a lot coupe formation if I left click on it it will glow red these guys are now locked in that group so they will attack forward if given an attack order on a single unit but it also means you can't adjust their formation their width they will stay in the formation you've chosen right now if you do want to adjust it you can either left click the padlock icon or press ctrl-g that also toggles group lock on and off but yet if you toggle it off you can then adjust the formation control G again and they will now stay in that formation they are now locked in that formation another way of going straight into a locked group if you don't need to adjust the number is ctrl G once they're not in a group at all you'll instantly go into Group one or the next available number locked so you can't adjust the formation there but they are now ready to attack forward of course you can do control two and then control G and that will go into a custom number group of your choosing so that's how to basically group your units up lock group and non lock group and we'll show the benefits of that locked group formation in a moment when we get into the battle now the other thing that I guess get asked a lot is how do you move all your troops forward in formation you know can you rotate that can you you know tweak other bits and pieces about that as well yes you can so let me just group these guys up put them in a an unlocked group formation I'm gonna set up my formation for my guys here ready for this battle Kazu spot the quarrel is and the quarrel is with great weapons over there cut the miners and the longer is going to group them together just pressing G at this point and I want them all in the Numerical ascending order fame can stay over here and the organ guns can yeah they can stay there as well so I've got my formation but then I've actually decided I don't want to deploy at the front of the battlefield I want to deploy at the back of my deployment zone so I'm going to select all my troops by left-clicking and dragging a box over all of them or pressing ctrl a on my keyboard and then I'm going to press and hold down alt and then while my mouse cursor is hovering over one of the units doesn't matter which one but one of them press and hold down left click at this point you can see the cursor changes to a directional cursor up down left and right on it you can now let go of alt now with left-click held down I can move the whole formation around and place them anywhere I want to within the deployment zone I now let go of left-click so in order to move them again all information I need to press and hold down alt again left click and hold down over one of my units the cursor will change I can now let go of alt and I can move them around now while I'm moving them around in this mode and I haven't let go of left-click if I want to actually rotate the whole formation as one I can hold down control you'll see the cursor changes from the directional up down left and right to a side-to-side rotational button which we can just spin like so so I can now move the whole formation to face off to the right now let go of both left-click and control so again in order to move them again I need to press and hold down alt left click let go of alt press and hold down control and just move my mouse left and right spin the whole formation around so I want these guides here now press and hold down alt left click and hold down let go of alt and I want them at the front so that is how you move all your units information how you group them how you lock group them we're now going to demonstrate how that works I'm also going to briefly show how you do manual fire mode on your artillery so let's hit start battle so the battle has now started and we can see all of our units deployed they're ready to go we're going to move up towards the empire forces which have deployed up on a hill they seem to be adjusting their formation over there let me go through a few more kind of various bits and pieces that you may not have used or know all the features for while we press towards them and then we'll be testing out that group attack and showing how that works so again select all my units with a left-click and drag over all of them or control a to select all units I should also mention that if you press control and I will select all your infantry units control B will select water Tillery control M will select all missile and control C will select all cavalry but seeing as we're doors we have no cavalry therefore none are selected so control a or left click and drag round all your units press and hold down alt left click let go of alt and we're going to move these guys over here and using the WASD Keys just to move the camera around and I want these guys to rotate a little bit so I'm going to press and hold down control and swing them round a smidge let go of control let go of left click they're going to run over there I'm actually gonna press R with all of them selected that will get them to walk for now now if you press it and hold down spacebar during battle you will see where all your units are moving to and this yellow formation outlines where they're going to be moving to you can use any point in the battle very useful just to see what's going on useful in multiplayer as well if you're doing kind of TV 2 and stuff you can see where your allies moving their troops to as well you can get an idea of what they're doing if you're not on a voice comm system or something like that you can also toggle on and off what various and things are shown when you hold down spacebar or what things are shown when it's not selected so you can make them so the unit snap bars aren't shown at all when you press down space bar they will be shown and because it's shown on space bar or we can make it so they don't get shown at all even when you press down space bar but if you want them always to be shown because you know in battle that is quite useful to see just hit the toggle always show and there we go they're back up there again so you can padlock any of these to make them show at any point and not just when you hold down spacebar to get that extra level of detail but if you do like seeing kind of those extra detail bits firing arcs and what-have-you just when you hold a button then you don't want to see them all the time when you select unit press and hold down spacebar and you can adjust it over there you can also see there's the notice about cinematic mode so if you press K that removes all of the HUD and if you want to take screenshots without having to hide your mouse cursor in the top corner or something like that press and hold down your middle mouse button and your mouse will now disappear you can still use the where's the keys to move around you don't see let go of your mouse zoom in a little bit over here press and hold down the mouse it's also how if you can get a quite nice cinematic pan because you can hide that mouse cursor while slowly tilting the mouse and moving it over units which is rather useful so yeah if you want to get screenshots press and hold down your middle mouse button I know there are some screenshots software that will actually it doesn't record the cursor it hides the cursor for you anyway but if it doesn't press the hold down middle mouse button there is another cinematic mode so regular cinematic mode is just by pressing K if you want the black bar cinematic mode press down alt hold it down and then press K and you get these black bars I personally don't like black bars another fan I like seeing the full field I don't think this adds to anything I think it takes away in fact but for those that like black bars that cinematic feel there you go so alt K go to that and I think that we kind of need to know about various bits and pieces there to get my own gun and tell that to turn off fire at will because we go through the manual firing mode that these organ guns and all artillery has so you can manually control your artillery that's been in total games for quite a while now so we're just going to hit fast forward while everyone gets into formation and we can see the impalas are actually attacking so I'm going to run all my troops into formation now and while they're doing that we're going to select the organ gun and I'm going to press insert which will put me into first person mode on these guys and if you press insert on other units you're going to first person mode there as well and then press and hold right press the right mouse button you're going to hold it down actually and you'll zoom in on units and then left click to fire and I hope I don't hit my own unit in the back miss them a little bit there I'm more shot one more shot come on boom and then just press escape to come off the unit there very briefly can you press pause now because we want to group lock our troops and tell them to attack forward I should say we can do that insert mode on the units here as you can see and you can just do page up and down to shift along the formation again this is useful for kind of cinematics and things like that but also if you want to get right down to the nitty-gritty of combat with your dwarfs or your humans or your green skins or your Kaos warriors or your vampire counts whatever you want to do so we're going to select my miners they're already in their group one and I'm going to press down control and hit G that will lock their formation you can now see the red glow around the padlock telling you or indicating that it is now locked do the same for the dwarf warriors and we're now going to show something else off as well this is really useful it's the kind of updated Waypoint system that's been in I think since Attila so these great act infantry the miners here the blasting charges we're probably is going to tell them to do a single attack on this unit of spearmen and blow them up with the blast charge that's really fun but with these long bits I want them to flank round and rather than have to kind of keep on controlling this unit and moving it round I would rather just and give it a kind of Waypoint movement path for it to go so to do that hold down shift right click and hold down on the unit you want to move once it's selected of course I should say so yeah selecting the unit you want to move press and hold down left shift press and hold down right click and then holding that with those buttons just draw the path you want them to move and then I go and they will move round that path so we can do this and back and they'll move in that path but yeah for this we want to move them around here but it's really useful setting up flanking charges with cavalry this with infantry yeah very useful indeed so you can now see pressing down spacebar that's the path that the long builds with great weapons are going to go on so now with these guys in group attack mode in fact I'm gonna leave these guys off group attack because I want to show the difference between the two modes and we're going to go into slow-mo so with these guys this is a regular attack the group is not locked they will all go on to that one unit which is not ideal these guys though are in locked group mode I'm going to turn tap that unit spearmen back there you can now see that their attack paths are all forward through towards that spear unit but they will engage units that are in their path and that is why it is really useful because these guys now are all kind of lumping on that one unit they've missed all of these guys which would have been really good to have them on so that is kind of that that benefit these guys are following their waypoint path and they're going to move on round they're gonna go for these crossbows here this unit as you can see because it was attacking forward the first year that it locked on was actually this unit crossbow at the back it's now been intercepted by the spearmen but it will now engage these guys are moving on round we can also give an attack order with the Waypoint so left left shift press that down right click and drag onto the unit to the attack command and let go and it will now follow that Waypoint move to attack the crossbowmen if it can one last thing I want to show is if you select a unit you're facing forward but suddenly you're about to be flanked by some cavalry which could will happen with the dwarves select the you want and just press J you'll see the formation instantly flips them around and they'll do a 180 to now face potentially where the flank is coming from press it again and they'll turn back around same can be done with Cora lose all your units flip them round as you want to so yeah very quickly in the heat of battle if you see a CAV chance coming toward you towards your units hit J and they will flip on round and I think for now that is all the various hotkeys that I can think of that I want to show you guys with your guys in group formation if you do want to give individual ones and attack order afterwards you can do that and they will go and and follow you can remember that Waypoint move really useful you can set units to come back into the battle or give them full-on attack orders by dragging them over to the attack cursor there and J is actually a command I only just recently learned about but that is super useful so that's kind of the various hotkeys for battle I might do one for campaign let me know if you'd like to see one but all I can really think of hotkey wise for campaign right now is that if you want to merge unit control a will select all the units in an army that you've got selected on the campaign and then control em thematically merge all of them if you all know emerge them individually then you need to select the unit separately pressing and holding down shift to select multiple units they take the same type and then hovering your mouse just above the units and there'll be a merge command that will show up there I'm gonna try one more shot nope one one more shot ah come on I was so close all we did get through some of the mo and because of that one one more shot yes that's in boom and that's really satisfying that's just by pressing insert on your artillery so we're now going to go to the graphics options and in fact we can do it we don't need to jump on out we can just show you through here so I'm not going to kind of go through and test them all out here I'm just going to kind of highlight a few settings that you can tweak that may well give you a performance boost in fact one I recently found out that was apparently porthole quality if you change that from 3d to 2d which is this porthole here if you change duty you will potentially get between 5 to 10 FPS increase how much chance to try that one out myself so let's actually very briefly see here we can now see it's a locked porthole quality we're looking at the battle map battlefield right now it's going between 66 FPS 69 see if we turn it back on if it makes any difference testing time with Lockhart this will go red on red it may be that we have to refresh the battle as well but in fact we can see already kind of same kind of seeing it is obviously moving about a bit more but yeah we're getting 60 to 63 whereas before we were getting 66 69 so there is a performance hit there to a degree obviously this aren't the ideal testing settings units are moving around but yeah give that a go if you want a slight little boost change it from 3d to 2d so the big things anti-aliasing if you can turn it off and if you do want to use it I find ml AAA doesn't look too bad obviously those with super beefy system can go for 2 times 4 times 8 times but that will really eat up a fair bit of FPS so you can tweak that if you do find you have a very powerful system or you have a system and you keep setting settings to ultra and stuff but it looks like things are being downgraded you need to check unlimited video memory because that will improve the quality of your unit or keep the texture quality at things like ultra rather than scaling it down should your PC be you know unable to cope with it so you may want to check at as well I don't bother with vsync personally many cuz I've got a g-sync monitor SSAO I would probably have that off if you want to save some frames that does help well that does each up a fair bit of FPS now and then you can obviously turn down things like unit detail when you're zoomed in but the thing I always go on about if you've watched one of my videos about kind of performance and things before I always say to put shadow detail on medium because I don't see a huge amount of difference between our medium and we're even extreme to be honest but I do see a fair bit of difference in FPS so tweak that to medium I'd say you can also put it off if you want but I find that units look really odd without any kind of shadows to them so I prefer having it on medium there is no low option low I assume is off in this game that's what it's equal to obviously all the settings if you tweak them enough you know they will yield some kind of FPS increase but I would say anti-aliasing shadow detail things like SSAO texture quality as well potentially and that porthole quality do seem to make the biggest differences terrain detail may well affect things I'm going to do kind of a full benchmark through everything again once official Nvidia drivers are out and there's also things better low profiles again once DirectX 12 the patch for that I think according to an article it's meant to be out some point this month in June so we'll wait and see when that hit and weather makes much difference for those of us with DirectX 12 enabled cards but for those of us Trek takes 11 everyone at the moment and playing the game hopefully there'll be some drivers for NVIDIA users soon which may help with some of us have been suffering from a bit of stutter now and then in large battles I believe AMD got their drivers on release so and I've heard good things like AMD is actually running really well they would see a did have a partnership with AMD announced so I think they're using some of their tech in there so that looks like empty cars are performing slightly better at the moment but of course we should hopefully see over you know the coming weeks and months patches from CA as well so potentially we might see some further optimization and performance improve there anyway but wraps up this video apologies if I forgot any hotkeys do let me know if I have missed some I know there are a few other little controls and commands but these are kind of the main ones I know you guys have been asking about so let me know if you have any you'd like to share put them down in the comment section and I'll be sure to share them with you guys in another video if there is enough of them sometime soon yeah hope you found this one useful guys or let me know your favorite hotkeys and what-have-you and if this has been helpful as well and I will catch you all again soon so until next time don't forget to comment rate and subscribe follow me on facebook on twitter tape runs on the legion check out the affiliates and sponsors xmg Green Man gaming and overclockers UK till the next one ciao for now
Channel: lionheartx10
Views: 160,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Karl Franz, Sons of Sigmar, Empire Warhammer Fantasty, The Empire Warhammer, Total War: Warhammer Bretonnia, Vampire Counts, Total War: Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy (Interest), Total War: WARHAMMER Campaign Map, Campaign Map, Old world, Warhammer Chaos, Total War Warhammer Chaos, Chaos Warriors, Total War: Warhammer Dwarfs, Total War: Warhammer Gameplay, Total War: Warhammer Gameplay Demo, Total War, Warhammer, Warhammer: Total War, PC, Strategy, gameplay, Empire, Greenskins, Dwarfs
Id: oTO_rtbloSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2016
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