Dark Elves for Dummies

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and today we've got a saving a disaster campaign playing as a cult of pleasure where he's getting dog piled by both nagareth and tyranok they're both allied so they've been ganging up on him now the thing to note about this is that it's actually on easy difficulty so i thought that this video here could be a good opportunity to sort of do a basics guide for cult of pleasure sort of like i did with the skaven a little while back and be like a dummies guide for the cult of pleasure now that doesn't mean that you guys playing on lower difficulties are dummies what i'm saying is that this guide even a dummy could follow it and hopefully do a bit better so let's start going through all the things that are going wrong and let's rectify them one at a time right if we have a look here we've got titan peaks pretty much locked down that's great you've got this sorted out here i wouldn't worry too much about public order honestly you should expect a few revolts as marathi and sort of embrace them it's a good way to get if get a few extra levels up uh what we're probably going to want is extra growth and income from slaves um if we have a look at this mess of lustry you've got the fallen gates now you're at war with the lizardmen but i'd say at this point here we should probably not focus too much on them right now we got to get rid of the high off armies in our area then we should come down here and deal with this now i'm not going to go and do all that for you but that's just things to note when playing as a cult of pleasure i usually actually take out the lizardmen first just because they usually declare warner's at a really inconvenient time and it's a very rich province all right so first thing we're going to deal with is this here now recruiting in general living it outside of the city is a huge noob mistake now that's that's fine you know just learn from this mistake it's not a big deal because what this does is it gives them the opportunity to attack your general and draw out your garrison now when you're playing against nagareth that gives them a chance to ambush a general so if you want to recruit those units i'd recommend do it here now i'm not going to recruit those units because i don't think we need them i think we've got enough with mathy now even though you're playing an easy difficulty i see you going full shades no problem with that at all uh the only thing i think that's missing from this army are some reaper bolt throwers which i think you were trying to get because i noticed that you lost your admiral that's usually where i recruit them from as well um yeah anyway probably not gonna need this it's just that your admiral will come back in a few turns and you have to get it from somewhere so i'm assuming you got it from the admiral but i'm not i'm not certain all right now next thing to keep in mind is the positioning of where you put marathi so you've already moved marathi that's not great because what you've done here for you've got to be aware of alliances right so he's allied with tyrannoc now and also be aware of the order of the turns so major factions that is to say playable factions always go before non-playable factions so a lithonous turn will come before tirinok meaning that if nagarith attacks us here not only does he have a chance to ambush us but he at um tiranok will come at his support and individually their armies are no match for marathi but together they're definitely a match so what we're gonna do here is just stand a little bit out of the way and hope that that low experience stops them from attacking well at the brothers if he does attack now um tara knocks not going to be able to assist because tyrande can't move in time to go and assist him now what now this is another thing to keep in mind is that the ai very rarely will move within your zone of control like to the edge there in the hope that their ally will make the attack so don't give them the opportunity to do that so he'll probably it'll probably besiege the soda which is why i cancelled that um but we'll see how we go now another thing is that circa bell keck here it's pretty obvious that she's outmatched so my worry is that she's gonna try and make a run for the for something like iron spike which isn't quite walled up yet so i kind of want to cancel this and we want to start building the walls but are we going to get to the walls in time so one thing that we could do is rather than build walls we built a contingency plan to try to catch this [ __ ] so we recruit oh you've already recruited a lord i can't do anything about that then yeah because what i was going to do is recruit a lord an iron spike that way if it goes she goes over to here we can catch her if she goes over to here we can catch her and raithy could just come in as reinforcements maybe what i'll do actually because if we if she goes to the moonshot it's okay i'll make a little bit of a risk and actually go into force much because i feel like i can beat them even if i'm on force march here but we gotta block her off okay gonna block her off okay look if we're standing here and even if she does come down this way um we should be able to catch her on the next turn so it all just depends on what um elite does there i don't think of luther now strong enough even even if we're in force much here to beat us he just doesn't have a very strong army um also you're playing a large unit scale don't like that play on ultra um so maybe what sir the bell cake will do now is just run away maybe not sure not sure we'll see but wherever she goes if she goes out this way we should be able to catch her i hope did you you put extra gotta get root marcher it's so important i'm glad that you got sulfate that's also really good but yeah you gotta get root matcha all right let's move on to the next thing because i really don't have a lot of options here i'm not gonna spend any more money just because i'm not sure what's gonna happen actually i'll build those walls there and uh we'll see how we go with that yeah moving on so he besieged that that's fine and now let's see what she gets up to oh wow you got a lot of enemies but that's to be expected when playing his call to pleasure i didn't see what they were doing can't go and check i have no idea what they did i guess we'll find out in a moment she ran away good uh but this one didn't yes yeah so yeah this is the problem here is that when you're caught in a situation where you just can't be everywhere at once now the defenses at the ancient city of quintex should be able to handle illiterate shouldn't be a problem but yeah we're in constant defensive mode here we're just going to get these walls built up which is why i didn't want to waste too much money so what we should try to do i'd love to go into ambush dance but i don't want to waste all the growth you've already put into these settlements phoenix so we kind of have to sit there so yeah we're playing and basically just putting out fires everywhere because they're looking at everywhere that you're weak to try to take advantage of you what they'll probably do after that is go down to the fallen gates they won't be able to reach it though but the lizardmen here probably will and they'll go first um actually no they won't not if they're only at rank one they probably won't be able to reach so we'll recruit a lord here it's only on easy difficulty so it's okay and let's get a fire discipline okay the purpose of this is to basically let this one know that there's no hope if it comes down this way she'll be able to launch the attack and marathi will be able to keep up with her but yeah i can't block her off at the moment uh let me look at this oh actually if we use her to block army that's just my bad luck you know that happens that happens you know that's just that's just typical of me let me just see if we can sally out here we could sally out but honestly waiting for him to finish his attack isn't too bad yeah just let him do that because if we defeat him we'll just go recruit another army because i won't be able to pursue so just leave him there and in the meantime just think of what we could do because there's there's stuff that needs to grow maybe cancel that and we'll build up iron spike and let's move on yeah basically we got to get this stuff here under control you just got enemies coming at you at all your weak spots you got to turn it around from being on the defense to being on the attack i'm most amazing this is on easy difficulty i swear the ai in terms of their intelligence is exactly the same on on easy as it is on legendary or just comes down to cheats like they do the exact same maneuvers they just go for your weakest settlement and yeah it's just a matter of how many cheats they've got because like the fact that that on easy difficulty taranak has two like armies that's kind of [ __ ] but whatever i'll give this one legendary i'd be like oh yeah it's fine this isn't easy there's no way we're gonna get out of these wars everybody hates marathi so much so yeah just let luthernal sit there geomantic web is failing all right so we have two options here we could take out this army or we could take out this one to they've moved into position there can't do both there's no way we would win against this but here's the thing we don't need the fallen gates it's not important for you so losing that is not a big deal but getting rid of this army here i think would because losing any territory out here is way more valuable uh so we'll i can't just instantly disband you right let's get rid of this one here first it should be pretty easy to do that yeah order us off no problem take that out i have need of slaves coop we almost gained a level up i need that campaign movement range now i reckon ironheim is poorly defended when does your oh you got a new black arc over here okay uh let's let's get that and we can use that to goof him around a little bit it doesn't matter if he gets killed oh well wounded all right now we could bring marathi back to here yes that's what we'll do we'll bring marathi back to here and you go and stand over here in ambush dance all right i'll tell you what i'm doing we're going to let them capture the fallen gates then this army here will besiege a settlement and marathi will be able to force much down here as reinforcements and that's how we get her now if i don't go into ambush dance here she'll see that we can do that even on easy difficulty the aio is aware of these techniques and they won't occupy it they'll sack it or they'll raise it we want them to occupy it because i want to kill their army now if you have a look at the situation here in terms of diplomacy yeah we can't get a peace treaty uh but you can get a trade agreement with certainly will nagarang suppose now if you're wondering why not sally out against lithuania that's probably like a big question here here's the thing like i said we can't pursue him he has no chance of actually winning there now his army is not that great if we beat that army he'll just go back and recover it really doesn't do any damage to him but while his army is there it's not over here it's not here it's not here it's not here we've essentially got it locked down and it's only costing us one lord right to just it's a little bit of money just to keep him to keep him busy he's paying more than we're paying to maintain this situation the only downside here is that we uh i suppose none of their trade agreements are active yeah um but none of these are also getting constructed but that's okay it really is and we'll grab a bit of this because we'll get the growth coming in here soon to get that to tier three get these walled up and then you'll be a lot more safe um we really do need the reaper both throwers because taking out hexabot will be really good for us but anyway first thing we want to do you do it with one enemy at time focus on terror knock kill off all their armies hopefully won't have to deal with them for like three turns then again it's on easy difficulty so probably more like seven turns uh before they do the exact same [ __ ] against us again all right and that would be good to get but we don't have any money i don't have enough money their geomantic web is failing chances of us actually blocking here are pretty slow uh pretty low sorry but we'll try it again all right cool all right now because that succeeded i'm gonna get a little bit closer she's got less chance of getting away from us now so you'll have to try to occupy that sorceress yep you leveled up your your hero there just fine okay and let's move on so yeah using minor settlements like that as bait can actually be really handy it doesn't really matter that much about this army here i think so what they want to come in to support each other that's fine we'll kill them both then that doesn't matter turn goodbye all right i didn't look like terence did anything and that's fine we should be okay to still attack them all right now we can launch the attack on that one there such delight oh she might actually be in reinforcement range just normally but yeah they're gonna help each other out that's okay all shall be mine yep okay cool how about that a situation where the ai actually coordinate with each other all right how are we going to go about this um now if we deny reinforcements all we're doing is denying our reinforcements we're not denying their reinforce because there's two different factions here so controlling large army is definitely the right way to go it's good that you've got sula fit i don't foresee any real problems here it would have been great if marathi was there at the start of the battle oh okay fallen gates uh choke point battle that means we're not going to come in at awkward angles and they might take a defensive position which would be good and the great thing about this one as well we win here nagareth wipe down so you just go and hide over here just for now just so i don't move forward at all all right so far so good not moving [Music] forward all right looking good so far just uh just waiting for them to come in and we'll get organized all right i reckon flamestorm would actually be better for us here than then pit of shades but they are starting to move in a little bit yeah they can outrange us all right let's just try to keep them from moving so yeah flamestorm would be the way to go here because we don't have a ton of winds of magic could use pit of shades but i think flamestorm is just way more powerful [Music] forward well that's just going to get obliterated by our shades don't need to waste any magic on that but now that we've done some damage to them they'll probably start moving forward but still for them to lose a silver helm like that that's a huge waste [Applause] okay we've got yeah it's only 10 wins of magic that's the same price as a bit of shades anyway so that's good problem here is they're just not really blobbed up that the much here yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna cast i'll cast there and marathi is regenerating that's good right good and it looks like we deleted two of their units there nice just wait for our magic to regen they don't have to waste their ammo we could have gone to a skirmish with them and beaten them but this will ensure that we don't take that much damage in the battle just waiting waiting for them to show up because this is where we really want to pop down the flame storms once they've run out of ammo maybe they'll back off a bit or actually this isn't better they'll be aggressive because this is where we're truly going to do a lot of damage to them [Music] doesn't do that much damage to sinkhole disease but we need magic right now loads of it [Music] massive amounts of disruption slowed them down and as they're coming in our shades of ripping the shreds i'd pretty much claim victory at this point honestly wasn't the greatest spell cast ever though but it was enough i'd get another flame storm that'd be great [Music] few more seconds how about you just get in there just keep them pinned down no i didn't cast okay that one's taking enough damage now move back and the shades can handle the rest of this on their own taking a bit of damage there just fall back a bit yeah we're completely out of magic now but we're guaranteed to win take some damage there that's i'm okay of surprised the army lost hasn't been applied probably because we have to get the army lost penalty twice on them oh this one's he's taking some damage with back okay so we've done it on terra knock october we just need to get it on niagara's that shouldn't take long okay move back this looks like it's just the shadow warriors left where she got no choice but to get in close not in good formation there but there we go there's the arm losses cool all right so that gets rid of well it doesn't completely get rid of tearing up but it gets rid of nagarith there so that's good now we've got a few turns before they'll actually rebuild that so we could either press the attack on nagarith or press the attack on hexawattle now we don't have artillery which would make it difficult to get in there so it's probably not a good idea slavery becomes you i am marathi spreading terror okay that's good supreme sorceress of grant so yeah using fallen gates as a bit of a bait there worked out pretty well now we're in a lot less pressure and now this one here can be disbanded let's all tremble all right when does that other one come back one turn okay cool it'd be interesting to see if it's got access to the artillery because we could build it from scratch in these regions but it would take a little while i'd like it if it's already available going ashore yeah because there's no way we'll take hexa vital with this the towers they're really powerful and we've recovered all of our shades okay and levels up coming in we shall see there we go arcane conduit and for marathi you need to get root marcher so let me just see how you've leveled this all this up so far so far so good not seeing any problems here yeah that's all fine soul stealer would be good but yeah you got to get that extra campaign moving range because marathi is just constantly putting out fires 10 extra movements so useful just absolutely need it all right so the lizard men might go and retake fallen gates whatever don't worry about that that's not important but right now both the lutheran and tiranok are in a weakened state we can't get peace treaties with any of them but i could possibly take ironheim there's only two two units there sorry 12 units um and it's not a difficult settlement to besiege but i gotta get there just let just let that play its part and let's move on [Music] so it seems that hexavital has its own problems at the moment it would be good to get a peace treaty with them just because it's we're fighting too many walls on all these different fronts but i don't think it's a good idea to raise another army just yet plus if this was on legendary difficulty you definitely wouldn't be able to afford it you can afford it on easy difficulty because you reduce the upkeep costs a bit with it so just leave them bait oh such the potions that's really good do it yeah that's really good oh to only be at this point it turned 70. uh okay and then you got an overseer let's put that in there should have done it last time that's okay and what have you got inside i'm terrified mask of v she already regen so she doesn't really need that a would be traitor amongst us now we know that they haven't recovered yet it's not enough time for them to do that and looks like they're going to recruit an army from over here so we've we've got the opportunity to rush over there take out their capital it's only tier three as well bit of a pain could go to terror or not but i don't think that's a good idea because that would draw the ire of all the other heils you end up with it even more wars how long do they intend to start us out we've got four terms before we we have to sally out and if we have to it shouldn't be a problem all right let's get this one over here and let's see how it's been doubled up not quite it's not too far off it's only a few turns away because you just need one turn for the growth there and then yeah it's really not that far off okay we'll build these up hang on get this one out of fear put this one in that way it's safe ish and this one just uh stay there just whatever don't worry about it too much don't worry about lizardmen too much right now they seem to be busy with their own [ __ ] okay and the quickest way over to arenheim would probably actually be by sea our revenge could also be the safest way so that's the way we'll go we'll go through this way meet up with the black ox make our way over this way gotta get that root marcher dude gotta put those points in that okay just let this revolt it'll probably just be some sort of generic revolt maybe just get rid of this as well we've got a lot of money saved up now of the black court how'd you end up getting these shades he must have already built a shade building and then he got sacked or something let it um whether down the track or something not sure keep your demands short yeah i think the best way for you to go would be to conquer up through this way take out a luthernak completely because he's a real pain you probably end up having to go to war with the heralds of ariel but if you can meet up with nagaran you might be able to get a confederation with him at some point it's not fair and great and then move on ah this is why i don't i like well it's what'd you get military like yeah you kind of have to see is where the ones are gonna have to deal with that it's coming yeah this alliance is getting less and less uh appealing by the minute but you know you made your bed you have to sleep in it okay we don't have to wait around to attack irenheim we should go for it right away they're starting to recruit tier four still just tier three it's not going to be that valuable to us but this is where they're getting these units from we need to put a stop to that so what we'll do here is actually use the um we use the black ark to attack the settlement because they actually they don't need siege attacker but it's important they stick together there okay iron spike getting balled up that's good yeah gotta get that income increased this could fall at any moment just don't worry about well it's gonna revolt as if i just leave it be there shouldn't have been any slaves going there and yeah what you want to do is have all of your slaves go into one region oh sorry one province when it's fully uh fully filled with slaves then move on to the next one so quintex is a good one to begin with to put in slaves and we'll upgrade soldier tour next time we've got plenty of money left in reserve all right what do we got over here i only ever do that as a last resort but this wouldn't be too bad either and you've got this k-9 assassin sitting here but it's actually working as a really good scout for us that's a really good weapon but we're a little bit busy right now so do that eventually and we got three turns until that wears out but like i said i know we can beat that queen and let's move on there we go he was eventually gonna do it couldn't sit around there doing it forever and that tied him up for a really long time now if we had sallied out and beaten him like he would have recovered his army or he would have attacked iron spike before it was ready now we've got this opportunity to he's we've developed up our cities a little bit more he's wasted so much time at very little cost to us sometimes it's better to sit there and wait you don't have to be super aggressive yeah i'm pretty sure we're gonna be fine now in terms of defensive sieges it's usually better to not hold the walls but we are playing an easy difficulty but still i should show you techniques that work on really any difficulty bouncer power is not in our favor but that shouldn't really matter too much what we want to probably do is just spread some units on the walls just temporarily spread them out and the way to do this just click on there right click and then just click and drag so i've still got the right mouse button down really easy and this way all the towers are active and we don't want them to be shooting at the towers because it doesn't it's not going to do enough damage to them to destroy them so you're better off aiming for the unit standing behind the towers if you can yeah we should definitely be fighting them here and here fighting up on the walls actually gives no advantage shooting at us already that's fine okay start making our way down off the walls so the towers just do a little bit of damage you can't rely on them to destroy the entire army unless you're playing a skaven [Music] now problem here is that they do outrageous a little bit trapped here that's okay that's okay but they also don't have that much ammo so a lot of shots of theirs being wasted what's going on over here don't worry about sending in the harpies this [ __ ] without question to destruction the merciless okay it's a little bit of a mess at the moment but it'll be all right all right they shouldn't get the black out of negron because it's probably the highest balance of power unit we've got so try to get it to protection all right get them over there now that should do okay [Music] general he's not super accurate with that i think we're gonna be fine they're still trying really hard to snipe the black guard of nagarant which makes sense like i said it's our highest bounty power unit looks like we're going to win advance i find it's a lot easier to hold these positions here as opposed to holding the walls this is not the easiest settlement type to defend either corsair send archers after how the them is doing not particularly well even on easy difficulty they still can't manage to beat basic archers come to me all right actually send these back over this way let the uh the blackheart of course their handboos deal with these ranges these shadow walkers but yeah we're definitely gonna win there it is now it'd be important for us to do as much damage to them as possible since we can't really pursue them we don't want them being able to attack any of our other poorly defended settlements they're not quite warmed up yet but a lot of them are going to get away not enough to make a difference though they've got to go all the way back to ironheim and they're about to lose ironheim so we might have to jump back to the underway to get to hag hall which would be our next target after this now very good running them down houses waste time slavery becomes okay good so that established or re-established our trade routes now finishing off of lutheran probably the best way to handle that would be just get a bunch of regimented right now and just just go for it but we only want to recruit the minimum number needed which should only be about three because these are pretty badly damaged but elithina will get a bunch of extra bounce of power because he's the he's a legendary lord it's also an easy difficulty but i don't think that'll make much difference so just grab crap that's cheap now if we attack that and it's not good enough then we could still withdraw and try again yeah that's not good enough what do you think all right i can only try like one more time so i'll have to actually put enough troops in here that we can actually win the battle then lois fury yeah see shadow walkers are really good in order resolve okay this guy here the ravages of raqqa they're really good with them alone i could probably shattered realm do it enchantress scream for me i'll have to fight it manually but i i think i can win that because yeah i mean we could have hired more regiment of renown but that would have been more expensive and since we're not going to keep them it just it's a cheaper way of winning it assuming we can't win this if i lose it doesn't really matter because as long as we weaken them that's the main thing we give them enough that they can't launch any further attacks but if we win also good so i just want to hide somebody to begin with and just focus on using the chariots and try to waste as much of their ammo while also dishing out as much damage as possible i should probably slow things down a little bit no not that much gonna bring her out so i could use some fireballs i've got 30 wins of magic we should try to use it going okay taking a little bit more damage than i would have liked feels like it's on slow motion still because yeah it's okay we're losing a little bit of bounce of power there we got to be a bit more careful i think it'll only take like one or two fireballs to kill this enough but that's probably what we need to do i think that's what's doing all the damage to us yeah that's what's doing it to us [Music] okay need to get the harpies up in here god damn he's accurate sometimes oh wait did we freaking miss stupid sorceress not very good okay that didn't miss oh that did miss me all right get over here gotta be keep using those fireballs all right look they're gonna get disbanded just chuck them in there anyway just to pass a little bit more time [Music] i gotta get those fireballs in on him but now he's out of range we should have used up most of their ammo by now i think i used to use the harpies good i think he's only got one more of those [Music] yeah biggest ones these damn shadow walkers they say don't have that much ammo left [Applause] okay once again try and move over there kill elena most of the bouncer powers probably tied up with him if we get rid of him i think it will get a sharp increase [Music] looks like it's going to take a few shots it must have a lot of magic resistances on me it's going to take quite a few i think funny thing here is that the harpies actually probably did the best work for us now we're starting to win because they ran out of ammo doesn't matter if any particular unit gets wiped out i'm going to spend it all right after this what's he shooting at now i can't really see where they're shooting because of the bloody terrain i saw that one coming so yeah still gonna take like three or four more fireballs to get him i feel like they're partially missing oh he's got a talisman of preservation on that right all right well there's the army losses so it's okay we just need to get the win but it was looking a little bit dicey there to begin with it's all right perfect it doesn't matter because they'd all get disbanded we just needed enough to get rid of him ah here there screams travelling supreme sorceress of grant should be fine okay cool all cleared out and then we'll take iron home so we do that by firstly landing marathi for glory besieging the city all right she's going to see her in the army anyway revenge away so we didn't even need to dread lord of the admiral but he should come in and assist anyway so you can get some experience as well bewitching fury and we definitely shouldn't want to resolve that so i think this is a cornered settlement yeah best place to attack is here it should be fine and if we order resolve that we just risk taking unnecessary casualties and then over the intern he'll the black ark will be able to build the building needed to get the reaper bolt throwers and i think what we should be doing is pushing up towards hag hall just finish off a little just get rid of one enemy completely don't worry about hexwell even if they end up taking some of our territory in our home province focus on your number of enemies first got too many enemies don't worry about individual regions as long as you're holding on to quintex that's the most important thing okay now in this situation here pit of shades would be best because we can't cast flamestorm up on the walls too easily and i probably didn't cost that very well carnage awaits moving out follow the wins and then just shoot the crap out of them this one here can stay here and tank the towers for a little bit that's not gonna do much so this you've got a heel potion and rathy just heals naturally same thing with this one so go stand there [Applause] so far so good i think yeah bouncer powers easily in our favor right get back she said enough i just cast spells from here until the army losses comes into play [Music] it shouldn't take long they've already lost half their army now just need to lose another half if we could just get rid of this unit here then the towers won't be active anymore all right i gotta get rid of the the artillery it seems it's not just not quite enough what we've done my command i move there we go so i find it weird that iron home is only at rank three now that could only could be because it's on easy difficulty and they're not getting huge amounts of cheats in growth but i feel like at some point in the campaign he might have actually captured iron home and then lost it [Music] decent amount of money gained from looting it yeah let's do it it's gonna revolt anyway just because of lack of chaos corruption and don't put any slaves here and just focus on public order so public order over here isn't great might actually need to go back to this at some point but it's all working out okay and this guy going to level up that's good give him give him that you want to you want to go down the blue line first because you can reduce the upkeep cost so much from black arcs and he needs make sure he gets into the port i don't think you'll be able to get there i don't see anyone coming right now but use this guy here as the decoy yes bride yeah it would be good to get greater arcane conduit now in terms of which one of these to go down i usually go down insidious don't really need it right now but endless scheming provides campaign movement plus five percent all characters that's really useful but you'll be really useful greater arcane court conduit so we could get some more sorceresses as well that could be useful right get soul stealer uh knowledgeable is all right i usually get fire wizards though you just have the knowledgeable beast wizard just sitting around there doing nothing or even better still use it as an agent to go and uh block enemy armies i might actually do that let's oh we don't have any money yeah i could cancel that they'd give us enough money because what if it's not look i don't know if it's going to be there next turn i guess we'll just have to make that gamble but then again it's not gonna keep up with this so i'll just build that next turn the mother and oh actually you know what let's see if we can get a loan from sony i boys that actually might cut it and it did good sir no i wouldn't bother using um knowledgeable or just um just any sort of beast wizard but we attach it into the army specifically because we want this one to be blocking enemy armies and also now you've got extra five wins as magic another thing about um cult of pleasure is that you have reduced where is it upkeep costs for heroes so the upkeep cost of that is only a hundred which is really good now be a little bit more when you're playing on something other than easy but that's still really cheap i just have to build there another turn it's not a urgent it's going to revolt anyway basically come up to a bleak hold fortress occupy that and actually i think what we'll do is have the admiral sort out the revolt so when he finishes that next construction he'll be able to recruit some some better units a would-be traitor amongst us just keep him there okay so this gave him coming in that's totally fine let them come now you could abandon it but then we take other public order problems it's not going to create a faction that we need to fight so it's not a big deal and then they'll just ruin toilet at some point geez i got a lot of zombies for being on easy difficulty and that's pretty normal but we've got nagarath on the run you really need to press that attack and just get rid of them before they get confederated or whatnot so you just never have to deal with the lethal again so we'd attach this one here i can feel that power get to there you go we've got a few turns before it revolts and now he can recruit yeah he can recruit dark shards with shields which will be enough to help defend against the walls and the upkeep cost on those would be absolutely nothing 42 gold that's so cheap damn we could afford two armies of that because it'd be about the same with this one as well wouldn't it yeah well it'd be cheaper if he had the building but still so cheap and you use the black arks to patrol the waters here no one's going to get there with with two black arks full of dark shards not not easy difficulty and also you can get from here i need more than one well i guess to send that off on our way anyway scout ahead phoenix queen and usually go with two reaper bolt throwers you know because on easy difficulty you might be off just getting growth oh no no get to get that gotta get the cows corruption up and start recruiting these units into his army so that he can protect the the waters out here good and i'd say at that point there we're good and done because yeah with this army here and the fact that nagarath has no forces you should be able to go finish him off and i would highly recommend doing that go over there take hag hall take as many of these settlements over here as possible and then come back over here and then basically protect the waters a marathi campaign is just a constant case of just always putting out fires constantly you have to just be on your toes constantly moving you don't really get any time to rest at least not for a long time but things are in a much better shape now anyway that's the end of this one guys hope you learned something hope you enjoyed it and i'll see you next time later [ __ ]
Channel: LegendofTotalWar
Views: 163,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total war, warhammer 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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