Hotel Security Tips

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all right this video is all about hotel security i'm going to give you tips and tricks to maximize your personal security when staying at any hotel i'm going to walk you through the process from checking in all the way to enhancing the physical security of the room you're staying at so stay tuned welcome back carlos here with raise 11 tactical on this channel we create content full visual tips techniques and our drills just like this one to help you build and or expand your tactical knowledge base so if you're new here consider subscribing all right so if you're like me you take your personal security and that of your family very serious you even go as far as enhancing your home security defenses to maximize your personal security if you haven't seen that video check it out but on occasions we're required to travel to a hotel for whatever reason could be a business trip could be for pleasure absolutely nothing wrong with that however there are a few simple things we can do while staying at these hotels to maximize our security i'm gonna break this video down into three major components number one will be the pre-trip and upon arrival and what to do then i'll talk about how to actually enhance the physical security of the room you're staying at and then lastly i'll provide some tips to set tamper traps to know if somebody is coming into your room while you're away so let's get to it all right so the first part is going to be the pre-trip or the pre-trip scout what to do before you even get to the property so the first thing i suggest is go online and do some research figure out if it's a high crime area low crime area and read some of the reviews about the property what are people saying is the property safe are vehicles getting broken into all that information is going to help you build a picture of that property and adjacent area to maximize your security once that's all set i would also recommend putting in the notes before you book a second story floor my opinion that's the best floor to stay on because you have easy access in the case of an emergency uh you can simply break a window and escape rather quickly and somebody trying to access your room from the exterior is gonna have a difficult time so second story floor is what i recommend once you're all set you book your room and then you are good to go once you arrive to the actual property upon arrival the first thing i suggest is you do a quick drive around the property take a look at the vehicles in the parking lot take a look at what's behind the hotel if it's accessible and that'll also kind of give you the lay of the land you'll see how that property is situated in relation to the adjacent streets so on so forth and it gives you that one last opportunity to kind of scout it out before you actually check in if everything's good to go then we transition to the check-in process this is the key moment here when you're actually checking in just speak to the clerk there's no need for you to yell your last name so the guy at the lobby bar also knows your last name because that information and simply observing what room you walked into can be easily socially engineered later in order to uh get a duplicate card for your room the other tip i would recommend when checking in is if you're military or law enforcement and have a lot of bad you know tactical bags or pelican cases or you got a lot of camera equipment uh for example leave all that stuff in your vehicle simply check in and then once you're done you come back down you bring that stuff in through a side door that way you're not announcing to the whole you know lobby area who you are and that you may have some stuff that's worth taking so that's kind of pre-trip scouting of the property and the check-in process let's transition to the actual room to see what we can do there okay so you made it to your room couple things i do pretty much the second i get there first is i grab the do not disturb sign and place it on the outside of the door while this is just a buffer and there's no guarantee by me placing this on the door that'll keep the hotel cleaning staff or whomever out of my room but it does provide that extra layer and it provides uncertainty now they're not 100 sure if i'm in the room or not so step number one step number two is i do a quick scan of the room and just see if there's anything that feels out of place if everything is good to go then my focus is on the door right that's gonna be the major threat vulnerability when it comes to hotel room security if you've picked that second floor room or higher it's highly unlikely that somebody's gonna try to target your room from the exterior they're gonna target the door to the room so let's transition to the door i'm going to explain some of the features of the door and give you guys some tips and tricks that we can do to maximize our security while inside the room all right so let's talk about the door right most hotel doors are going to come with three major components number one to the main locking mechanism and a deadbolt so engage that uh number two they're gonna come with a secondary door catch they come in different fashions but engage that this is going to address the fact that most of the hotel staff if not all have a card key to your room so this kind of defeats that and then lastly they're going to come with an automatic door closure right let's focus it on the deadbolt and i'm going to give you guys some tips that we can do to kind of enhance this okay so step number one is we need to address the locking mechanism or the dead bolt while i definitely recommend that we engage the deadbolt due to fire safety codes this provides a very unique vulnerability if this door handle is activated from within the room it must disengage the deadbolt and open the door so as such this is very different than the deadbolts at your house the problem with this is now with a very simple tool somebody could reach in from the bottom of the door position that tool over your door handle and activate it from the outside thus disengaging the deadbolt and opening the door so in order to address this vulnerability there's a simple tip that we can do simply grab a small washcloth from within the room roll it up as such and insert it into the door handle area what this does now it prevents that tool from being positioned onto the door handle area thus addressing that vulnerability there okay so we've addressed kind of the vulnerability there now the next step is we need to reinforce or fortify the door uh two simple tips for that number one is we can actually purchase a door stop from amazon uh and place them into the bottom of the door there they actually do a decent job but you have to travel with it the other option is we can actually address the automatic closure there all you need to do is you grab your belt and you simply put it in a loop and you put it around the actual door stop there as you tighten that around the door stop what it does is it provides a mechanical closure of the door thus preventing it from being open right so those are two simple tips that you can do to kind of fortify that door while you're in the room okay so last thing we need to do is we need to provide some kind of early warning system if that door is open while we're asleep we need to be made aware of it and rather quickly so of course get creative with this because there's a couple tips that we can do uh first thing we can do is we can grab the ironing board that's prior to the room and if that door is open it will tip over thus alerting us another option is that metal rack that comes with the room simply prop it up against the door again if the door is open it will alert us and lastly we can grab some of the cups and or mugs that are provided with the room and you simply make a small pyramid right in front of the door with the same concept if the door is open it will tip over and alert us so that's kind of how you address that early warning system okay so let's talk about a couple things we can do if we have to leave your room first and foremost i do not recommend you leave any valuables inside the room take that stuff with you right but i also understand that it's not always practical so a couple things we can do uh first and foremost if the room has a hotel safe use it right not the best solution but much better than leaving it out on the table another option would be to take your stuff and put it back in your luggage and lock your luggage again not 100 uh the best option but better than leaving it out on the table the next thing i would recommend is leave the tv on at a medium volume right on some kind of news channel that way if somebody has to butt their ear up against the door uh and hear voices from within it provides that illusion that somebody may be in the room uh the last thing we need to do is set what are called tampered traps these are simple little things that we do to the room to notify us if the room was tampered with or stuff was tampered with a prime example of that would be the uh do not disturb sign i simply wedge it up against the door jam and the door as i leave and if i come back and that's been dislodged i know that my door was either open or attempted to be opened right another example would be the locking mechanism on my luggage right i can set a very specific code if that code is different again i have a good idea somebody tampered with my stuff so get creative with these and set those tamper traps that way you know if your stuff was messed with while you were gone alright so that's my hotel security safety tips if you found this information valuable please leave me a comment down below as always consider subscribing to catch my latest videos with that stay safe and train hard
Channel: Range 11 Tactical
Views: 27,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hotel Security Tips, Hotel Safety, travel safety, hotel security advice, tips for hotel security, prevent hotel attacks, hotel locks, do not disturb, hotel situational awareness, range11tactical, range 11 tactical, hotel alarm systems, DIY hotel safety tips, locks, hotel security hacks, law enforcement tips, prevent crimes, prepper, special operations, personal security, tactical tips, hotel scouting, overseas travel, travel, range 11
Id: Cw4UxvlXEhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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