Amazon Hotel Safety Gadgets For Women | Stay Safe When You Travel

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this video was sponsored by minky Blue work and  travel organized I know traveling as a solo female   can be a little scary especially when you're  staying in hotel rooms or airbnbs all by yourself   so that's why I have an arsenal of gadgets  to help keep me safe when I'm traveling alone   everything you see in this video can be purchased  off of Amazon I'm Gonna Leave links down in the   description for every item here and I'll also  leave a link to my Amazon store in my Amazon   store you'll find everything I use when I travel  from outfits that I love to wear to gadgets I   can't live without share this video with anyone  you think may need some of these safety devices   on their upcoming trips so let's get into the  video I'm going to show you everything you need   to stay safe in a hotel on your next adventure  okay these next few have to do with your hotel   door either keeping people out or an alarm to  let you know if somebody's coming in now some   of these you have to actually attach to the door  so I'm going to bring you in a little bit closer   so you can see how to use these items okay so  this first one is a little bit more technical   to you so it may not be the one for you but this  one is basically kind of a jam to keep people from   being able to actually open your door I'm going  to show you how to install it so this first one   is something that you're actually going to insert  into this metal plate I don't know the name for   that if you know the name for this like plate and  this thing tell me in the comments because I don't   know what it's called so the first thing you're  gonna do is look at the size of the metal plate   that you have for your door there are two sizes  here one that's a little bit larger and one that's   a little bit smaller I can look at this and tell  that this smaller one is probably going to be the   one that fits better and you want to go with that  one once you figure out which size is which you're   going to want to move this chain to the back area  that way you'll be able to actually close the door   you want to make sure that this metal piece the  the big design on the front not the back this   is the back this is the front you want to make  sure that the front is facing towards the door   so when I shut the door the door is going to be  facing you on this side so I want it on this side   of the door Jammer and then I'm going to insert  this little piece right here into this lock area so using this all together you're going to put  the plate in first and then you're going to shut   the door at this point is when you're going to  insert the Jammer into its little holder from here   ideally no one should be able to open the door  from the outside by the way don't look back here   this is just like crap that we get back from our  travels and then we throw them over here and this   is what our house really looks like I do like the  idea of this I like that it has different options   for different size door jambs I don't think this  is going to be my favorite go-to just because of   the technicality but I do like this as an idea or  at least maybe as a backup to put on the door on   top of something else now an alternative to that  one would be this type of a door jamb to me this   one seems a lot easier to use and it also has this  little thing that fits inside of this metal plate   kind of like the last one but it applies a little  bit differently and I think a little bit easier so   let me show you how to use this one this one is  made to use on any size door plate so you don't   have to worry about sizing there but you do want  to make sure that you unscrew this wing nut quite   a bit so that you can push this back and shut  the door lower but you're gonna apply this into   the plate and then you're going to shut the door  before you lock it down once the door is shut you   want to have this little device to be horizontal  instead of vertical and push it up against the   door frame then you want to lock this wing nut  as tight as you can lock it now you may notice   that there is a little bit of a gap between this  little thing I don't know what to call it a wing   um the door jamb itself and your actual door  because my door frame sticks out a little bit   so in that respect you can turn this little screw  and get it up against the door where it belongs to   make this a little bit more secure so this is what  it should look like when you're done and ideally   again nobody should be able to open this door  once you've got this locked in place and I think   it secures it a little bit better than the other  one as you can see that other one somebody could   potentially move the door a little bit and get  some momentum but with this one it ain't budging   so personally I prefer this little guy over this  one just for ease of use but I really think that's   just a personal preference and you need to kind  of think about your own travel style and your   preferences on which one you'd like best I  guarantee you this next device might save   your life from a silent killer that you never  saw coming but first I want to talk about the   sponsor of today's video and the maker of  this beautiful coral travel bag minky blue   now if you've been watching my channel for any  amount of time you'll know I've spoken about   minky blue for almost two years and it's because  I love the quality and detail they put into their   travel bags I'm currently traveling through Costa  Rica with my favorite travel bag by minky Blue the   nashae backpack in this beautiful and perfect for  summer Coral pink colorway when I travel for work   I carry a ton of gear and these bags have all the  compartments I need to stay organized whether I'm   replying to emails at the airport or looking  for sloths in the jungles of Costa Rica this   bag has me covered and looking stylish outside  you have gorgeous vegan leather and gold-plated   Hardware with protective feet inside you'll find  a beautiful blue twill inner lining with a padded   protective sleeve for your 15-inch laptop you've  also got several inner Pockets to stay organized   two expandable side pockets and the best part  the inner pan panel converts the bag into upper   and lower compartments or take it down and have  one larger compartment this gives me the option   to travel my way so that's why I've teamed up with  minky blue to sponsor this video because I want to   be able to offer a special discount code just for  go travel with Stacy viewers when you click the   link in the description of this video you'll be  taken to the minky blue website enter promo code   go travel Stacy to get 10 off your purchase minky  blue is a female owned company so they especially   care about keeping us females safe when we  travel so I'm going to be giving away one of   these beautiful travel bags to one lucky winner  stay tuned to the end of the video and I'll tell   you how to enter thank you so much to minky Blue  for helping me continue my travel Adventures now   let's get back to the video sadly all too often  I hear about a silent killer that kills Travelers   every year whether they say in hotels or places  like airbnbs and that is carbon monoxide carbon   monoxide is odorless it's tasteless you won't know  that it's around you you won't know that you're   breathing it in and sadly many people fall asleep  and die due to carbon monoxide poisoning so that's   where the carbon monoxide detector comes in most  hotels and technically all airbnbs should have   things for safety like smoke detectors and carbon  monoxide detectors but sadly too often we hear   these stories about Travelers going and staying in  hotels or staying in you know other places maybe   you rented a home and losing their lives because  the carbon monoxide detector batteries hadn't been   changed or the smoke alarms that were supposed  to be in the facility actually weren't there one   of the things I love about this carbon monoxide  detector is that it is so teeny tiny it's very   portable and you can even fit it in your pocket  it does have several features so that it's easily   readable first There's an actual LCD screen so  it'll let you know how many parts per million   are in the air around you hopefully it always says  zero but it does come with an information packet   to kind of let you know if you do get a reading  what it means it also has a test button here so   that you can frequently test it and make sure  that it's passing its own quality control tests   and it will run through a test a series of alarms  you know what it sounds like if it goes off the LCD screen will change colors when something's  going on so if it lights up yellow that means   something is faulty and if it lights up red it  means you need to get out of the building that   you're in and call whatever emergency services  are in your area keep it next to your bedside   or at least in the room that you're going to  be sleeping in that way if the alarm goes off   you'll be able to hear it wake up and get out of  the building editing Stacy here I just wanted to   pop on real quick and tell you the symptoms  for carbon monoxide poisoning that way you'll   be aware and you'll know if maybe this could be  happening to you in the future and hopefully save   your life since carbon monoxide kills somewhere  between four and five hundred people per year in   the United States I feel like this is a very  helpful thing to know and hopefully protect   you and your loved ones on a future trip carbon  monoxide usually results from anything that has   a fuel source like a fireplace a stove your  car a barbecue pit a portable generator a   water heater a furnace maybe your dryer or  maybe even a blocked vent on your chimney   the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning are things  like nausea vomiting together with shortness of   breath and a headache and I would honestly add  in confusion as well if you start having any of   these symptoms especially if they're all together  you need to get yourself out of whatever building   you're in and make sure you call some sort of  emergency authorities to assess the situation   figure out what is going on now men are two times  more likely to be affected by CO2 poisoning but   as we've seen in the headlines this can kill  anyone it doesn't matter your age it doesn't   matter your gender please share this information  with any of your loved ones whether they're going   on a trip or not this is just helpful information  to know in the future so this next item might not   necessarily be considered safety but I've been  using these motion activated Little Night Lights   in our house for the last three years and so when  we went on our my well my very first cruise this   past January you need to watch those videos by the  way I'm still putting them out so you're not too   late to the party but it was very interesting on  what I expected on my very first cruise and what I   actually got and you just need to go watch those  videos but when we went on that cruise I found   myself getting up in the middle of the night as  I do to go to the bathroom and not really having   any night lights or lights around the room to see  where I'm going and on top of that I had to flip   on the big light in the bathroom which wakes me  up and then I can't go back to sleep or wakes my   husband Jeff up he can always go back to sleep  but that's another story for another day but   anyway so after that cruise I was like you know  what I would really like and and there and in my   hotels is a nightlight so I went back on Amazon  I got another set of these and like I said these   are motion activated so they're going to stay off  during the daytime or when there's a lot of light   in the room which is great because you don't  have to worry about the batteries running down   um babies I love that you're playing but could  you stop because you're really you're loud okay   I love you no stop stop stop I love that you're  playing go out there and play once you go out   there and play go go go go go go go go go go go go  go play out there okay they're out there out there   where was I oh yeah so the batteries that you put  in this are going to last you a while but these   are motion activated so they're only going to turn  on when it's night or when it's really dark in   the room when it senses motion if they're going to  turn on for about 15 seconds and then they'll turn   themselves back off so you don't have to worry  about them staying on or anything like that but   anyways they attach to the wall or wherever by  these stickms but what I did for the Costa Rica   trip that my mom and I just got back from I just  they sit up on their own well well not in my hand   on a flat surface so they just kind of sit up on  their own so I sat one on the floor that I knew   I would need like on the way to the bathroom and  then I set another one on the bathroom counter or   again on the floor whatever you want to do maybe  not on the floor in the bathroom that's kind of   gross but on the counter and that way when I got  up in the middle of the night I didn't have to   flip all the lights on I really love these things  and I think again for safety maybe it's just   safety to not stub your toe in the middle of the  night but also when I'm in a hotel or an Airbnb or   someplace that I'm not familiar it's just really  nice to have a little kind of NightLight an adult   night light to make me feel a little bit safer now  these next two are actual wedges sort of this one   I'll tell you about it in a second now let me talk  about these actual wedges we used these in our   hotel rooms on our Costa Rica trip just to give  us a little peace of mind honestly we didn't feel   unsafe in any of them but I also was just trying  to test these out and take them for a joyride   but these are rubberized wedges and they're very  easy to use you just stuff them under the door if   you have a hotel room door that maybe has a gap  between the door and the floor you can take two   of these and put them together and the set comes  with this little like plastic connector thing to   keep them together but you shove this whole thing  underneath the door if you've got a gap that way   you can kind of bridge that Gap and make it more  secure but they work really well if you jam this   thing under the door with your foot I mean really  get it stuck in there I like these because they're   very easy to use they don't take up a lot of space  I like the option of being able to put two wedges   together if I've got a gap between the door and  the floor to make them a little bit more secure   and the rubberized texture keeps it from moving if  someone tries to open the door hopefully to keep   them out but if anything to give you a little bit  more time to get up to get awake and kind of get   your bearings on what the next plan is okay now  I know that this next one is shaped like a wedge   but it's not actually a wedge for your door let me  show you why okay so yes this is a wedge but it's   actually a door alarm so the way you use this is  you put it up next to the door but don't push it   in because that's how the alarm sounds you put it  in front of your door it does have a rep it does   have a rubberized bottom to keep it from sliding  put it right here and that way when someone tries   to open this door it will ideally push this  button down and sound an alarm in your room   now yes of course because I've put it under here  it will also help hopefully keep that person out   of my room again for just a moment it's not going  to keep them from opening it all together but it   will keep it wedged just a little bit like  once I've got this in here I can't open my   door more than maybe three or four inches but  of course if somebody puts their weight behind   it or comes running they're going to get the door  open so I would use this probably as a backup in   conjunction to maybe one of the door jambs that  we've talked about or those orange rubber wedges   have I got news for you I am now hosting group  trips in the first place that we're going is a   magical land of Fire and Ice Iceland February 4th  through the 10th 2024 we will be adventuring out   into Iceland we're going to see 14 different types  of Landscapes there including geysers waterfalls   black sand beaches maybe a volcano glaciers  and natural Hot Springs like the Blue Lagoon   if Iceland has ever been on your  bucket list I encourage you to   click the link down in the description  and sign up to come on the trip with me   speaking of alarms this is one that I just  recently found because I've been trying to   figure out how to keep my cruise cabin door safe  because unlike a hotel room door or a door in your   house that normally opens up into the room Cruise  cabin doors open out into the hallway and so that   leaves me not being able to use things like wedges  or that wedge alarm for somebody opening my door   because I can't put these wedges and stuff  out into the hallway it just isn't working   anyways I've been trying to figure out how to  protect myself so I want to make sure that if   someone opens my cabin door I'll know about  it so this is where the portable door alarm   comes in at where you put this part connected  to the door frame or the door either way and   then you put this little part connected to the  other part the door frame or the door whichever   one you want to do and then that way whenever  someone opens the door these two come apart and   an alarm sounds okay now I want you to hear the  alarm on this one because it'll bust an eardrum sadly you cannot adjust the volume on  this but I think that's kind of the   point it needs to be loud needs to wake you  up hey someone's coming in your room they're   not supposed to one cool thing about this  though is that it also works like a door   chime maybe you don't want it to alarm maybe  you just want a little ding dong something   pleasant to let you know that someone  opened the door it will sound like this you're coming into a grocery store but that's  okay we just need something to let us know hey   someone's opening the door you need to check that  out and see what's going on a fun feature about   this one as well it comes with a test button  so that you'll know if your batteries need   to be replaced so all you do is press this black  test button and if the green light comes on your   batteries are good now this did come with some  like 3M little stickms to put on the back but   what I may do since a lot of walls and doors in  a cruise cabin are made from metal I think I will   attach a couple of magnets back here that way I  don't damage the door frame or anything like that   and that way I can just magnetically stick this  up to the door and the door frame and protect   myself there likewise I think if you wanted to use  some of those um 3M command strip things that you   can pull and they don't make any damage to walls  like if you were going to use this in your hotel   room or something I think those would be a really  good option too just buy a package of those and   take those with you on your trip that way in  each location you can take them off and then   reapply them for the next hotel but yeah this one  I am super excited about I think this is going to   come in very handy whether I'm saying in a cruise  cabin or I'm staying in my next Hotel okay this   next one is for a sliding glass door like a hotel  balcony or a cruise cabin balcony and I don't have   one of those here in my home to be able to put  this attached to it and show you but I wanted to   tell you about this one because this is a new  one that I've also bought since going on are   Costa Rica trip in a couple of our hotels there we  had a balcony with a sliding glass door and sadly   the sliding glass door didn't lock or we couldn't  figure out how to lock it and nobody else in our   party in their rooms could figure out how to lock  it either so we all just assumed they didn't lock   which again I didn't feel unsafe in the hotel but  it just would make me feel better if my sliding   glass door locked you know what I mean like it  you got to know what I mean I feel like you know   where I'm coming from so the only thing that we  could do at the time was try to stuff something   behind the glass door to keep it from moving  but sadly my rubberized Stoppers wouldn't fit   um so the only other thing that we did was just  put all of our crap our suitcase and everything   we brought our backpacks in front of the sliding  glass door and just hope that if somebody tried to   get in they had to trip over all of our junk and  it would wake us up and we could fight him off I   don't know um but that's where this little Gadget  comes in because this is actually a lock for your   sliding glass door so if you had a sliding glass  door and there's a rail that it slides along you   are going to attach this to the rail itself not  the door so let's pretend this very cute picture   of Calder is your rail where I'm just going to  use this so that I can attach this device and   I feel like you'll get where I'm coming from so  the first thing you're going to do is unscrew or   loosen up these two screws here that way you  make some space and you can put it on top of   the rail from there they also give you a couple  of different uh little wrenches here they've got   one like this and then they've got one that just  goes on the side that way if you don't have the   space to put this one in here to tighten it it's  one kind of like not an allen wrench but it's one   of those that you just go to the side next thing  you do is tighten both of these up real tight as   tight as you can and from there ideally when the  door is tried to be open it will hit this block   that is directly behind it and not be able to move  I find that this is extremely secure and I have   had some people just as a precaution because it  comes in a set of four they'll screw one in and   then they'll screw a backup one in right behind  it I don't think you need that I think that's   Overkill but I think they if someone if you if you  place this like if this is your door and you place   this directly behind the door no one's going  to be able to move that puppy just make sure   that your screws are tied as tight as you can  so I mean let's be honest I don't think or God   I hope that no one is trapezing on other people's  balconies to get into other people's balconies but   um I think more likely in a regular hotel with  a sliding glass door or an Airbnb these little   things will come in so handy I didn't even know  that these things existed before the Costa Rica   trip but they will be traveling with me from  now on these last two things I have spoken   about before but one of them is the she's birdie  personal alarm now normally this is something that   I will keep on my person I keep it on my backpack  or whatever that way if I'm out touristing a city   and maybe someone gets up in my space and won't  leave me alone I can pull this alarm or pull the   pin out of the alarm it makes a very loud noise  and the light flashes especially if it's dark you   might be able to like attract some attention with  this big flashing light and this alarm sound but   this is a personal alarm that I also keep very  near me in my hotel or wherever I'm at I usually   will keep it like at the bedside or somewhere  that I can get to it very fast and pull the pin   and get an alarm going let me show you what this  thing sounds like because again it's very loud I bet my neighbors were wondering why all these  alarms are going off in my house these come in   a lot of really cute colors there's also another  she's birdie it's a new version that has I think   um some sort of monitoring system on it I  think you can press a button or something   and it will notify somebody that you know  you need help but if you want me to get one   of those and review it because I think it comes  with a subscription service let me know down in   the comments and I would be more than happy  to get it and test it out for you I digress   she's birdie is always there for me and my  friends when we travel they come in a lot of   beautiful colors and I really like this device  along with that this is kind of a bonus for you   it doesn't have to do necessarily with Hotel  safety but it does have to do with safety when   traveling anywhere whether you're traveling abroad  or maybe you're just going out to the bar to have   a cocktail with friends this thing is called  the night cap and the night cap normally I'm   gonna pull this out normally the night cap just  looks like this part looks like a scrunchie every   one of us girls have scrunchies for our hairs and  actually I have used it as a scrunchie so it works   well there too but inside the scrunchie is this  little thing and this goes on top of your cup or   your beer or whatever you're drinking that night  to keep people from being able to put things in   your drink that you don't want to be there I love  this because it's easy to carry it looks just like   a hair tie or something I actually have used it as  a scrunchie before so you know it's kill two birds   with one stone but I love this because people  don't know what it is you can wear it on your   wrist so I don't have to actually like carry it or  anything I like that the night cap itself actually   folds up in here and I realized when I was in my  20s probably I would feel really dumb carrying   this around on top of my drink I would look like  I'm paranoid whatever but I can tell you now at   almost 40 I'm pretty sure I've been roofied in the  past once at a local bar in my own Hometown I'm   not sure who did it or exactly what happened but  I don't know I think when you get older you just   kind of realize it's better to be safe than sorry  because bad things happen to really good people   so don't feel stupid using this keep yourself  protected it's really cheap it's easy to carry   and it comes in a lot of fun colors I carry this  bag all around my adventures in Costa Rica and   despite being rained on practically every single  day it still looks amazing and I want to give one   of these beautiful nashe backpacks away to a  lucky viewer I'm using Google forms for this   giveaway because giveaways in the past I've had  a really hard time actually being able to contact   the winner and I want to make sure that if you  win you get this beautiful bag I have an entry   link in my video description and in the pinned  comment click that link enter your name and email   in the form and then come back to the video and  leave a comment to let me know that you entered   there are six videos in this Costa Rica Series  so that is six chances for you to enter to win in   be sure you're subscribed to the channel so you  don't miss the winner announcement on June 25th next up in my Adventures of Costa Rica will  be going kayaking and snorkeling going down   the longest zip line in Costa Rica and a  national park to see monkeys and sloths   you don't want to miss that so click into  this video and I'll see you over there   what are y'all doing y'all  trying to get in the video we'll get in the video then Aura get  in the video say hi say hi I love you
Channel: Go Travel With Staci
Views: 21,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo travel women, amazon safety gadgets, amazon travel must haves 2023, amazon must haves, hotel safety tips, hotel safety lock, hotel safety hacks, hotel safety and security, female safety gadgets, female safety tips, solo travel tips for beginners, solo female travel, travel hacks 2023, solo female travel tips, solo female travel safety tips, amazon travel must haves, amazon travel essentials, costa rica safety tips, costa rica travel tips 2023, travel hacks
Id: GFvB_XjGofs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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