Hot vs Cold Challenge! Cheerleader Girl on Fire vs Icy girl to Trick Daniel who is Among Us!

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hot versus cool cheerleaders are you ready okay matt are you sure this is a good idea i can't hold a handstand my mouth is on fire you guys this already hurts can you count already you're a cheerleader you got it robby rob you're up next fingers crossed for two seconds okay robbie rob spin it now it's your chance get to the back room okay come on robbie rubble 25 oh five seconds five seconds is not that fast go robbie rob zoe called and said that the entire house is bugged except for the downstairs bathroom but i think i can turn off daniel's camera so that way he can't see us you have to pull it as hard as you can for five seconds are you ready yeah the goal is just really yank on it as hard as you can you're a cheerleader you got this five four three two one all right matt you're next damn pam i hope this works if you can't see us it'll be a huge advantage for us because they'll only be able to hear us no extreme temperatures and sense motion let's crush it [Applause] let's see if i can get this to work damn smash a thumbs up if you think this is gonna work three minutes this is one of the longest times on here are you ready matt are you flexible i'm not at all well you got to get your uniform on right the aerodynamics of the cut that will it'll help okay robbie rob do you have the timer set yeah three minutes i'm gonna be the best one ever at this now oh no oh i did it cameras are off dino can't see anything i need to get back i hope the last two split challenge has distracted daniel enough this is the worst challenge ever come on now fam it's rebecca zamolo and right now we are hiding in the downstairs bathroom because that's the only place that daniel cannot see us yeah robbie rob said that there was gonna be an rhs cheerleading audition tomorrow but that was a lot yeah bbi found out that daniel was using the audition to get us to a location so that he could trap us but obviously we would never fall for that well you did buy us these cheerleading outfits yeah because i like cheerleading i thought we could do a hot versus gold cheerleading challenge you specifically said we need to sneak into that cheerleading audition i no i didn't maddy well you text me go in undercover as cheerleaders to the rhs edition make sure you're stretched fine maybe i thought it would be a good idea to go to the audition as cheerleaders but obviously now thinking about it i knew it was a trick you guys we can't stay in here too long or dino's gonna get suspicious so here's what we need to do first we need to find the device that daniel has been using to hack into our motherboard damn fam a ton of you commented that he hid it in the cupboard in the dining room second we need to deactivate it using extreme temperatures zoe's not sure if that's hot or cold so we'll need to try both and finally after all of that we need to create a diversion to get an rhs spy here to come and check on us so we can trap him and figure out where the button is for mr x's mask so now we are going to go check and see if where you guys thought daniel hit the device is great but before that we have a challenge for you guys a challenge for you guys okay make sure you are subscribed with notifications on turn on four three two one if you did it in that time comment below hot versus cold cheerleading squad let's get ready to go wait a second remember they can't see us but they can hear us tell if it's hot or cold and sense motion when we find it what's the code word for the device uh let's use domino's pizza so xanthan if we find it we will be using the word domino's pizza for the device that daniel has been using to hack into the motherboard guys we should do the routine over this way over here this is great oh we're here okay while we're doing this move i'd really like to find some pizza i think i left my domino's pizza in here there's no domino's pizza in here all right that's okay i didn't want domino's pizza anyway go tea let me check for domino's here i think i found domino's pizza you guys really hot or is it cold i'm not really sure we should go to the kitchen okay so we have the domino's pizza and it's extreme temperature hot versus cold so let's put it in the freezer i got it i got it it's kind of heavy it's not heavy i can hold it i got this i'm fine do you think it's going to work i'm trying i'm testing i'm testing it doesn't have to be in there how long does a pizza from domino's taste the working mat doesn't seem like anything's happening so it's not working with extreme cold right now oh let me try something that's pizza pasta i have the best idea i'm gonna put the domino's pizza in the oven yeah try the oven try the oven okay same fam i have a surprise in here for rebecca it was her birthday yesterday we need to celebrate today but i have to say this for later domino's pizza never goes in the oven really dangerous this could have been bad stream hot and cold but definitely not in an oven and it looks like not in the freezer either zamfam what do you think we have to do to do you activate this device so daniel i mean you know who can't use it so the freezer and the oven obviously did not work out so we need to try other extreme temperatures we're gonna try hot fire and i'm gonna try freezing cold ice ice right here you guys comment below do you think that fire is going to deactivate this device i mean this domino's pizza i don't think this is working i don't hear anything yeah zoe said it would make a sound if it deactivates here let me try this freezing eyes xanthan do you think this is going to work hot versus cold i think cold would deactivate it more let's clamp do you hear anything i don't know wait extreme temperatures what if it's both of them at the same time oh like hot and cold damn do you think that this is going to work both of them at the same time are you ready three two one no sound i don't know what to do okay i'll take that ice back gonna put it back in the freezer okay i got this i've seen people do the hot versus cold challenge and they've done hot water versus ice cold water you guys are the team red cheerleader so why don't you guys get the hot water you didn't know that earlier no no no okay and we're team blue so we'll get the freezing ice water and hopefully this works i got the guys i got the guests i got no i just need a little bit of ice a little bit yeah i'm cleaning it up hold on here's some burning hot water this is a cool like rebecca's ice girl and you're like the girl on fire because you're so hot okay let's go okay so let's take our cold water and our hot water clamp it on using our domino's pizza and see if it deactivates and fans it has to work it's not working so zoe said that we'd hear something we haven't heard anything yet zamfam comment below what you think we need to do so robbie rob why don't you drink the hot water while i drink the cold water three two one is it working i don't hear anything this is really cool anything no this is not working we need to deactivate the device that daniel is using to hack in to the motherboard but we have to use extreme temperatures comment below how you think that is supposed to work wait a second inside of fingers now 100 you're like a red hot because you're sweet and you're hot what'd you say i was saying that it's working no you said something about her being hot she's like phoenix because when you look at her she's like her whole body is flaming hot because i'm a cheerleader our team i'm cheering her on go phoenix we've been using different items and attaching it to the device but what if it's our body temperature what if it's a hot versus cold food challenge and we have to be the ones eating the food comment below if you think that is going to work i almost forgot damn damn i have been hiding this this is the prank i'm gonna put this sign robbie robb is my best friend on matt's back and robbie rob is going to see it and i want to see how he reacts mal will have no idea and robbie rob will have no idea that i did this and for this specific reason this is why we're never going to be best friends robbie ross i have an idea you guys what if this is a hot versus cold food challenge like it's not the temperature of different items it's our body temperatures that daniel can read i mean you know who can read okay zamfam since we're team blue we are getting the cold foods and maddie and robbie rob are getting the hot food matt where's the slushie it's in the fridge in the fridge yeah nope it's not why is it slushy in the fridge if it's already frozen it should stay cold in the fridge okay fine hot cheetos that's a hot food yeah that is hot i like hot things hot situation where are you going with this okay i'll take these okay rub him up i got you back okay uh what is going on it really does have my bag you saw that right so what it's back oh yeah rebecca did you put that sign on that stuff i did you saw it it's so good right awesome okay zam fam we cannot let matt know that that sign is on the back but you need to keep encouraging robbie rob to say things like you're my best friend and stuff fine but he keeps calling me hard i mean maddie thinks that she's hot i'm going to turn up the heat right now okay we got lemon hot cheetos this is already hot but what i have is my special secret sauce cayenne pepper normally you do this side here just for like a little bit no we're opening up the floodgates get it perfect okay sam fan for the cold food we have a blue slushie and for the hot food where are your hot cheetos matt took them oh sorry guys i was just in the back hey thank you for doing that yeah i like your background bro obviously this is an extreme challenge you guys we really need to get this domino's pizza done we need to finish it you know what i don't think that we're doing this extreme enough rebecca i think you need to drink that as fast as you can matty you need to eat that plate of flamin hot cheetos as fast as you can but if i drink a slurpee it's gonna give me brain freeze and i hate hot food that's why you have to do it best friends think alike nuts we do have time for that okay fam so obviously clipping it to the item is not enough we're gonna clip it on to ourselves so it can measure our body temperature this is extreme hot versus cold cheerleader style are you ready okay on your mark get set come on maddie we got this go oh you got it oh these like extra hot cheetos yeah my head frozen girl versus girl fighter girl on fire on fire damn damn it's so cold it's giving me brain freeze have you ever done this with a slurpee these are so hot i don't think i can do it i'm done flaming hot cheetos with cayenne pepper prank did it boom all right my mouth is on fire it's gotta be so hot because of you now that didn't work now we have to move on to something else the point of this is to deactivate it so daniel cannot get access to our mother pizza yeah yes the girls did round one i guess it's time for the boys to do round two okay so we are moving on to the boys hot versus cold challenge and this is getting even more extreme maddie do you want to go to the bathroom on this round since it's your always okay same thing i don't know if we can trust zoe i'm gonna call her right now because she said that these extreme temperatures would deactivate the device and i don't know what to do do you trust zoe why isn't this working okay so the items that you guys have is even more extreme than we did in round one and matt you are doing a giant raising called milkshake robbie rob i'm really sorry but you have to do a hot ghost pepper oh i hate that damn you guys know that is the hottest pepper ever it's gonna get even more extreme i have a hot towel that maddie took out of the dryer and then i have ice cubes because well uh it's gonna get cold so are you guys ready to go two best friends facing the extremes here you go all right best friend here dear clip it oh it's hot on your mark get set go please leave your message sent straight to voicemail okay um let me try texting her well hopefully she responds soon i don't know something's kind of weird do you think we can trust zoey come on so go okay sam fam i hope this works this is freezing cold oh i don't hear anything yet you guys keep going keep going body temperature's getting so cold anyways i'm not elsa is it working wrong make the milkshake if that didn't work and that was extreme i don't know what will i just tried calling zoey and she didn't pick up what are we supposed to do none of this is working we need to go more extreme what did you have in mind matt are you sure this is a good idea i can't hold a handstand that long no you're super hot fired you got it just eat the popsicle rebecca and maddie eat the hot sauce you hear anything oh i don't hear anything no but it burns more i can't see anything and my head is freezing right now i don't think it works all right guys you thought that was an extreme idea but i have a better one meet me upstairs let's go maddie it's still not working and we need to deactivate that button before we can trick the rhs spy so they'll show up here comment below what you think will work to deactivate that device okay so matt pranked me so now it's time to get him back he put cayenne in my hot cheetos well i'm putting blue paint in his hairbrush after he showers he always brushes his hair so have fun having some blue hair he's gonna be so angry how do you think he's gonna react rebecca what are we doing this is a bad idea no this is a hot shower versus a cold shower zambian i think this might be the most extreme thing that we can do so we can deactivate the domino's pizza magic hook it on them oh my gosh all right now remember robbie rob is getting a burning hot shower and matt is getting a freezing cold shower no you have to do this this is the only thing that's going to work comment down below if you'd rather have a freezing cold shower or a burning hot shower i'd rather have somebody else than burning hats take it easy would you now bro's fly never bother me anyway let's just get going with this as soon as possible robbie rob go ahead and go first make yours burning hot okay wait wait let's go buddy oh this is freezing cold you don't see me complaining though like a man robby rob looks really hot and that looks freezing cold zamfam i hope this works zoe said that it would work if we use extreme temperature i don't know can we trust zoe i don't know is this gonna even work rebecca it's not working maybe zoe's lying no it's damp and we can trust zoe she said it has to be extreme temperature so that just needs to get more freezing cold and robbie rob needs to get more extremely hot it works it worked did you see that flash man check it it's definitely deactivated that means that step one is complete we deactivated the device that daniel is using to hack into the motherboard now we need to do whatever it takes to get an rhs spy here you guys meet us downstairs with your cheerleading outfits on your buddy we really need to figure out how to deactivate that device i can't spend all day in this outfit it's a women's outfit this is supposed to be a girl okay zam fam this is perfect i am so excited that we can move on with the plan and get to cheering so we can get the rhs spy and finally figure out where that button is for mr x i think i have all the pom poms for this cheer it's gonna be awesome oh no you have all the pom-poms this is great yeah no i'm just ready for this cheer okay so let's go to the bathroom so we can figure out the plan uh but don't look in the mirror come on i'm staying facing the door so that way we know someone comes in you know anyways damn fam this is it this is our chance to finally get the rhs spy here so we can trap them and get information okay so there are three things we need to set off the alarm for the rhs spy to come we already activated extreme temperature now we just need sound and motion well damn damn this is perfect because look we are cheerleaders and noise and movement is what cheerleaders do best to get the alarms set off we should do something that really gets them mad let's do a cheer let's hear about the rhs damn fam oh we'll tell them that they're weak that they're slow that they can't beat us because obviously we are girls and we're stronger well we have some boys too but you know what i mean we're better than the rhs okay let's get out of the bathroom oh take the camera oh sam name i pranked rebecca instead of that she's going to be so mad at me when she finds out her hair is blue oh no matt robbie robert you guys ready cheerleaders make some noise and some motions oh yes i missed something what do you mean what happened what happened what happened to your hair my hair i'm wearing pigtails i'm a cheerleader kind of with the theme rebecca you have blue hair matte i don't have blue hair i think it's pretty blue it's pretty blue you look like smurfs in real life right now matt i don't have time for pranks just get the pom pom and let's get going on the routine okay cheer squad we've practiced our routine and now it is time to do it rebecca i think we need to go inside the kitchen the kitchen inside the kitchen why we need to go over there right maddie yeah let's go to the kitchen no we need to do the routine so we can set off the sound kitchen happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear rebecca hey guys happy birthday to you [Applause] thank you to all of you guys that have wished me happy birthday i appreciate it but we need to get back into the routine want to come back to celebrate come on hot versus cool cheerleaders are you ready okay all right you're pretty whack you don't even know how to act you're so you're weak you say you're spies but you can't speak we'll take you down [Applause] you're the worst all right [Music] it worked our motion and our sound activated the alarm just like zoe said i told you she's telling the truth so here is the plan we need to split up matt and robbie rob you need to take that side maddie and i are going to go to the back we need to trap the red hood spy in so they cannot escape at all maddie let's get to the back i'll meet you over there yeah bring these bring it on okay i have a huge idea it's right down here let me just grab this real quick you guys don't have my nunchucks of course but this is even better robbie rob is my best friend who did this and that is taking forever i know what you did go oh man we're back here on your own okay zamfam so there is one red hood spy and there's four of us there is no way we are not trapping this red hood spot just in case i'm dumped in we might not need it but just in case but maddie i don't see robbie rob and matt yet they're probably still getting ready but in the meantime matt you need to do something i mean we're cheerleaders right now yeah selfie wait a second my hair is blue why is my hair blue i have eyes my hair blue how long has it been is this permanent did matt do this zamfam if matt did this maddie this doesn't look like hair color this looks like paint matte put paint in my hair brush that would put paint in a hairbrush okay so we need to figure out a way to get him back zamfam comment below i need some ideas for pranks hold on wait a second two red hat spy where did the other one come from i don't know he came from that way do you think the red hood spy took out matt and robbie rob what if they're in trouble well what are we supposed to do obviously there were four of us but now it's down to two there's two of us what we need to do is use this duct tape and i'm gonna need your help you're gonna sneak behind them and i need you to hit their heads together so they fall down so i can duct tape them up okay okay zamfam do you think this is going to work it's two girls against two red hood spies but i think we got this i mean you're switching on flooring home alone exactly this is gonna be easy okay wish us luck you guys and i need to figure out what to do with this blue hair let's go hey rhs have you ever been duct taped by a girl no how are you gonna do that there's two of us and one of you like this okay zam fam make sure you are subscribed to the matt and rebecca channel shout out to you guys that did our last week's challenge and shout out to you guys that got our merch and tagged us on instagram we are duct taping up these rhs spies and we are gonna figure out where the button is for mr x's mask but first i think we need to do a face reveal all right damn fam three two one
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 5,729,396
Rating: 4.8911586 out of 5
Keywords: hot, vs, cold, challenge, cheerleader, girl on fire, icy girl, trick, daniel, among us, tik tok, device, best friend, challenges, funny, cheerleading, cheer, dance, rebecca, zamolo, maddie, matt, robbie rob, troom troom, superhero, sssniperwolf, tik toks, mrbeast, gaming, among, us, brent rivera, ben azelart, faze rug, movie, lucas and marcus, twin, woohoo, bad, good, mr x, game master, first time, last to leave, food, matt and rebecca, spy gadget, azzyland, the labrant family, rebecca zamolo, zamfam
Id: 7LIk5epg1eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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