Hosts Go Quiet When Trump Reveals Decision On Hillary Clinton

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Legacy Media functions primarily to convey to you the message of the powerful and when they find themselves in a position of obvious contradiction and hypocrisy whether that's with Joe Biden changing his perspective on border security Joe Biden changing his perspective on War the Legacy Media obfuscate that fact rather than highligh in that fact that is why the categories of misinformation malformation and disinformation have had to be created because of the miracle of this type of streaming technology because of your Awakening it's impossible to tell a lie on Monday and not have it exposed on Tuesday you have the ridiculous spectacle of a sitting president simultaneously criminalizing and plagiarizing a political opponent you can't say that Donald Trump's is the worst person in the world and then steal his ideas it doesn't make sense unless the whole system is crooked and on that note here's Hillary Clinton speaking at a DC Awards Ser it what do they keep f how are they continually awarding this human and for droning that wedding and for supporting a weird Pi Piper strategy where you supported political opponents with campaign funds in order to make the Republican Party look worse what is it that Hillary Clinton is being awarded for and I want you to watch this carefully in this clip remember that the trial and now conviction of Donald Trump is meant to be simply a Judicial matter the exposure of criminal wrongdoing a felony the miss appropriation of campaign funds the paying of hush money well look at Hillary Clinton's evident joy and delight and tell me that it doesn't seem at least while watching her as a human being that she is excited to have scored a victory this took place the day that the conviction was announced look how excited she is anything happening today baby as if she's kind of I don't know you're not Lenny Bruce Hillary thank you thank you so much anything going on today anything going on baby yeah anyone being convicted of felonies when the law was changed to create those felonies a couple of years ago by us through amalgamating a set of different crimes that are plainly not as bad as your husband's payoff of was it Paula Jones or your husband's sex with an intern in the Oval Office the the level of hypocrisy is extraordinary that's why we're confronted with peculiar decisions how can it have been so Dreadful and awful that Trump imposed that travel ban on Muslim nations while in office if a comparable piece of legislation is being evoked or executive order is being evoked now when it comes to border security Donald Trump if he is evil as they claim then you can't steal his policies it's one or the other tough crowd Hillary tough crowd that you've gone out in front over there smash that glass ceiling Smash It here's Donald Trump uh talking on I think Fox news about the criminalization of Hillary Clinton and the potential of the commander-in-chief to use the Judiciary and legal system as a weapon against political opponents of course the uh Port Man 2 that has emerged is lawfare and who Among Us Now believes that the conviction of Donald Trump was anything other than the utilization of existing systems to shut down a political opponent who Among Us believes that soberly choices have been made of like what the misappropriation of campaign funds that sickens me let cast the steel dossier from our minds where the Clinton campaign did exactly the same thing there are no principles now there is just a set of Institutions being deployed to maintain power all the while calling it democracy and inviting us to forget that what electoral democracy is supposed to be is the will of the people enacted by servants can you even locate that idea in the fog of hypocrisy and Corruption now hypocrisy and Corruption they so like the name Hillary Clinton it's kind of satisfying that let's have a look at Donald Trump on Fox talking about why he didn't as he points out his uh fans or his the elector or his supporters used to say lock her up I want to follow up on what Rachel asked you though because I hear you struggling with it I hear you say it's a tough question a bit unsure you famous ly said regarding Hillary Clinton lock her up you declined to do that as president I beat her it's easier when you win I beat her and they all said lock her up and I felt and I could have done it I could have locked her up I could have I should have but I felt it would have been a terrible thing and then this happened to me and so I may feel differently about I can't tell you I can I'm not sure I can answer the question Hillary Clint I didn't say lock her up but the people would all say lock her up lock her up okay then we won and I say and I said pretty openly I say all right come on just relax let's go we got to make our country great relax let's just relax and run America what an extraordinary time we are living in where is the moral Center where is the moral compass and is it possible that the moral compass of those that lead us now is directed to him and it would have been think of it you lock up the wife of a president of the United they want to lock you up over $130,000 of an accounting thing and she perfectly and a perfectly stated accounting thing but you know people also say can you bring the country together and the answer is yes success will bring the country together because I had it together I pray that the United States of America can become just that once more united but with the extraordinary deployment of simultaneous criminalization and plagiarism of of Donald Trump it seems unlikely that this Unity will be achieved we can't continue to bring you this beautiful content without the support of our partners hey this is exciting we've got a great partner today it's Rumble but beyond Rumble it's rumble's latest Venture let me ask you first are you a sleepy Joe type character with zero cognitive performance struggling to must focus and brain power for basic things like running the United 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Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 200,542
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Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand
Id: hgA7WQlAA68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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