Hosea chapter 10 Bible Study

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to united body of christ church an online ministry where it is our mission to minister and feed the word of god to the body of christ visit our website at ubcchurch.org where we offer free full-length video and audio bible study lessons taught verse by verse select a speaker topic or series and click filter to view the bible lesson of your choice if you don't have a bible you can follow along with each verse by scrolling to the bottom of each bible study video if you are in need of prayer you can visit our website and fill out the prayer request form please be sure to indicate if you would like your name added to our online prayer list page and most importantly please indicate if you have accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior we also ask that you visit the prayer list and pray for our brothers and sisters in the body of christ last but not least the united body of christ app is available in the google play store and your iphone app store let us now join pastor clarence for today's bible study lesson well god bless you saints citizens and soldiers of the most high god my name is clarence and i'm pastor of united body of christ church which is an online ministry and on behalf of my family and myself we'd like to take this opportunity to welcome your families yourselves back to another broadcast back to another bible study uh today we should be coming at you with hosea chapter 10 and hosea chapter 11 uh we'll see how much time we have to get into 12. we do have a lot of material to cover so i'm even hoping to get into chapter 11. we'll have to wait and see how the spirit leads us but as always before we get started we we come before the lord in prayer amen our father thou art in heaven and halloweth be thy name thine kingdom comes thine will be done upon this earth as your will is done in heaven give us this day our daily bread your majesty we ask that you would forgive us of our sins we ask that you would forgive us of our transgressions we ask that you would forgive us of our trespasses we ask that you would forgive us of our depths as we forgive those who are our adapters father lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the hands of the evil one lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory now and forevermore it's in jesus name that we pray your majesty sovereign king of the universe eternal holy and wise counsel fashioner and creator of men and all that is there in this world father we thank you for being our savior we thank you for the pathway to salvation we thank you for the lord jesus christ your only begotten son and jesus we thank you for making us to become the children of the most high god lord jesus christ the shepherd and the bishop of our souls we thank you for your sacrifice that made it possible for us to access that throne of god where our petitions are heard jesus we thank you that you would have our names written in the lamb's book of life we call you yeshua we call you jesus that lamb of god thank you for even giving us your father's spirit and abiding with us thank you lord jesus christ for giving us victory and the keys to the kingdom of heaven father here we are this day bow down heads and humbled hearts seeking your ways looking to edify ourselves looking to have instruction to have a wisdom bestowed upon us and seeking that your ways may be established in our lives that the path is made clearer that strength is given that our faith is strengthened that our hopes are renewed that our joy is overwhelming here we are acknowledging your presence acknowledging our relationship between christ yourself and all and us here we are god hoping that we may receive a word of instruction just from this lesson oh god i thank you lord we are like knives that are looking to be sharpened father we are like seeds that are looking to be planted or the or the the the farmer that's waiting for the harvest oh god here we are coming out daily to tend to to tend and till our fields oh god with the word of the lord working day and night oh god in the manner in which you will have us to labor that we may reap the harvest and that harvest of eternal life thank you for where we are the relationship that we have with you the desires that you've given us to please you the direction that you've placed us on that that we may enter into that straight to the narrow gate understanding that broad is the way to destruction father thank you for allowing us to be in this world but not of this world oh god knowing that we are citizens and soldiers of the kingdom of god even children of the sovereign king of the universe it's an identity that we take not lightly father for unto you we do what we can to give you the most reasonable service which is our holiness god thank you for such a desire to be holy to walk and hold to walk in holiness to abide in truth as this world is dark and as man's ways have become dark and arrogant yet the light of christ is all around us it allows our hopes to be renewed it keeps our eyes on the mark so father to these things we say thank you thank you for the holy spirit abiding within us even your angels gathering around us oh god thank you for this time that we have that we indulge in your word that we set at this table that we may sup and commune with you that we may fellowship one with another lord even through this broadcast and thank you for your many many messengers oh god that are in place father to minister the word and the counsel of god unto those who are desperate to hear what god has to say thank you for simplifying this word giving us an understanding of it my father making your truths known to those who seek the counsel of the lord god i thank you thank you so much god thank you father we pray even for this broadcast this day that god is glorified that this lesson would fall upon the ears of those who are deemed to be not only hearers but doers of the word o god those that are looking to transition from a dark place into the light of jesus who is christ that we may dwell and abide in the house of god this is our desire father that even the house of god the spirit of god the place of god abides inside of us oh god this is our desire father to hear your voice to come to know you that you may know us that you may know us by name this is our desire that at the end we would hear you say well done thou good and faithful servant so father help us help us to be established help us father to have the word established in us to have your ways brought forth within us o god as we come through these storms as we come through our challenges within our nation and within this life o god as men begin to come against our livelihoods oh god as men become separate from god and try to become his own god help us to not be distracted or to be dismayed help us father to not be so saddened in heart or to be fearful but help us to be the children of faith always in joy of the lord knowing that our salvation draws near father help us in the name of jesus not to be distracted with the darkness of men but to be enlightened by the brightness of jesus he is our lord and our savior father help us to have our peace and to maintain it help us to walk and abide in the counsel of the lord help us to be obedient unto your every command oh god that you may be pleased with us through our faith this is our desire god not for riches that will perish but for the enduring treasure which is laid up in heaven for us that eternal life oh god that when this life has failed when this life has come to its end we may be forevermore in that eternal life that you've laid up for us individually and collectively god i say thank you to this given us a desire to want to know you to want to serve you giving us courage to speak boldly in the time where so many is trying to silence our faith god i say thank you thank you for keeping us safe and even though there are plagues and viruses and diseases lord here we are still able to pray and to thank you because you've kept us safe when sickness came at our doors you've healed us when danger came before us you showed yourself strong on our behalf and you reminded us that greater is he that is within us than he that is within this world you helped us lord when we saw our loved ones drawing away from you and and being contaminated by the ways of this world instead of having us to fret you moved us to our knees that we can speak with you when you counseled us on the matter of salvation concerning our loved ones and gave us hope for them god you reminded us of how we once were and how we are now because of your spirit which abides in us god thank you for moving on our behalf thank you for moving on our prayers thank you for not turning away from us and helping us to remain in your presence we give thanks to you o lord for you are always mighty on our behalf you are always loving you are a generous god full of grace full of mercy you are eternally good and abundant in goodness lord i thank you i thank you father i thank you lord you always look towards our comings ends and our goings out i say thank you lord now father have your way in this broadcast and be glorified have your way father in this broadcast help us to speak according to the oracles of the most high god help us to translate into the ears of the listeners that they receive the word of god in its simplicity that they would have full understanding help us to not take the word of god out of the context but just to help those to understand it to receive it in the way it was meant to be received i thank you for this word god i thank you for giving us a mind to reason eyes to see a mouth to declare your truth and a desire and a passion to serve you you've kept us you've given us strength and you've provided for us you continue to be god all by yourself thank you for such truth thank you that we're not lost in darkness but that we abide in the light of truth in the counsel of goodness thank you father thank you for the righteousness of jesus christ in which we abide and it is in jesus name that we pray amen very good lesson today folks it's really uh eye-opening lesson um what the the things that god is trying to reveal to israel uh before destruction falls upon israel and i always say that as we read the word of god god allows us to have his word for a reason he allowed all of these things to be written so that we will know what to do and what not to do how to be blessed and how how to petition for curses right you know this is how it is when you blatantly turn away from god you're pleading with him in my opinion you're pleading with him to that you would receive curses you know when you turn your back on them and you move into the world the world is full of darkness and curses and death and that's what you're pining for amen so it's really a good lesson that we have today and i'm really looking forward to bringing forth this word of god uh as always god is the chef the bread that god has prepared for us to break and to receive is this bread of life it's this word of god who is the lord jesus christ the holy spirit of the most high god which abides in all of us this holy spirit has invited your family it's moved your family is moved my family and myself that we can come together through this broadcast that we can sit at the table that god has prepared for us uh the and and sup and com and fellowship and commune one with another so that's our way of of honoring the father the son and the holy spirit i also acknowledge i want to acknowledge my wife who was also my way of honoring her her being here and and helping us to get through the lessons she she does things behind closed doors um she does things off camera you know to help us uh to help us within this broadcast whether it comes to editing whether it comes to helping me prepare this lesson she's always there doing her part god-fearing woman my wife and my friend my partner amen so my way of honoring my wife as well anyway again most powerful one of the powerful lessons we have today man shall not live by bread alone but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of the lord without any further ado uh uh in jesus name let's eat again this is hosea chapter 10 beginning at verse 1. israel is an empty vine he bringeth forth fruit unto himself according to the multitude of his fruit he's increased the altars according to the goodness of his land he has made godly uh god not godly but goodly images it's pretty interesting what he's saying here when it says israel is an empty vine what it says is israel empties his vine in vain is what he's saying there look at the context of the scripture or the translation of this of the scripture kind of you know the the the translation i think translating it from uh from hebrew to our text it's kind of missing the point in its translation but we gathered enough of it to understand what the word of god was trying to say and again it's saying it's it's not saying that israel lists nothing but it's saying that it brings forth uh uh things in vain it says it empties out it's it's it's vine israel empties its vine and and then it says the more that israel is fruitful the worse that it gets look at what he's saying here he bringeth forth fruit unto himself according to the multitude of his fruit he increase in the altars okay so the more that israel come into blessings the worse israel seems to get look at also what it says he increases the altars according to the goodness of his land they have made goodly images so the more that israel increases in goods the more alters the more idols it begins to set up the the more that it increases the worse israel gets that's what the scripture is saying here pretty interesting here and we have to remember the lord god well oftentimes god blesses us and it's when you when if you never notice things that when you really need a blessing from the lord when you really need his help in his hand you're there in his face you're there right there you're always praying you're giving as you as you can um when especially when things are when you're in need of god because things are threatening your livelihood or your way of life or sometimes some of the things that you have to deal with just seems to be overwhelming that's when you really empty yourself out to the lord so that he can fill you up with himself and help you get through whatever it is you need to get through but man the time comes when you get a handle of things all of a sudden you're not as there you're not there as much as you were in the counsel of the lord you're not in his word as much anymore those things that you've given him you don't i'm sorry those things that god has given you rather uh instead of you you you've been in his face and thanking him for it all of a sudden you're out there spending it within the world and it don't necessarily mean currency it could just mean those gifts that god has given you now you're out there in the world being partakers of the craziness that goes on in the world it's because you've got what you needed from god and once you got what you needed from them all of a sudden you exit stage left somebody got to know what i'm talking about in that example i'm not the only one that has fallen in that in that area to where you know god when you got when especially as you're coming into this faith and you got training wheels on and all of a sudden you you start to understand that these things work that's been taught and preached and teach to you they they you start to see the fruit of it and they work but then all of a sudden once you get what you need from the lord there you are back into the world amen and and eventually that running in and out of the world that stuff is going to get old it's going that running in and now it's going to get old and eventually once you come back to the you are going to stay put because the world will use up what god has given you amen and that's how it is that's how god keeps you there that's how god keeps you planted amen he allows you to go out into this world and he and what i mean by he allows you one thing god does is he'll persuade you he'll plead with you he'll give you all the love and kindness he'll chastise you all that in an effort to bring you back but one thing god doesn't do it get in your way and stop you from leaving it don't work like that he'll do whatever he can to persuade you otherwise but if you're just determined to get out of there god is determined to get out of your way and let you go to where you want to go and when you fall on your face the one good thing about the lord he is there if you want him back and if you want to stay with him after you come he is right there to receive you that's his goodness amen so i bless him for that he's just a good god so that's what that scripture is saying there that israel begins to prosper but then once israel prospers it empties itself out into the world and so the the more that israel reached the world the bigger or the more that israel increases uh the more israel turns to idolatry okay verse two their heart is divided now shall they be found faulty or that word faulty is guilty he shall break down their altars and he shall spoil their images so now the contents of israel heart is revealed to the lord and now god sees what's going on with israel and he goes forth when and when god comes look look one of the things that god does those very things that you have because god is such a jealous god those things that you have constantly put before him when he begins to when he begins to come after you he come after those things that you placed before him he come after those things that you gave your time your energy and your purposes to right he come after those things to destroy those things because he is a jealous god and and you're going to see that in this in in in this chapter here that we read that god comes after those things that israel begin to place before the lord okay so their heart is divided now should they be found guilty or faulty he shall break down their altars and he shall spoil their images okay so he's talking about their idols in verse three for now they shall say we have no king because we fear not the lord what them shall a king do to us and israel begins to understand this has happened because we've turned away from god because god is speaking the prophet is is the mouthpiece of the lord and the prophet is letting them know according to the word of the lord that god is coming after them and he is going to bring swiftness he is bringing swift destruction on israel through the assyrians and when that happens israel is going to be saying that look what has happened to us it's happened because we turned away from the lord it's happened because uh you know we we chose to we we wanted a king instead of god and and now we don't have a king because we turned away from god but what could a king what would a king do for us right now in this circumstance anyway it's like the very thing that you want once god comes after it all that all the value that you placed in it during the time that you was putting it before god once god comes after that it has no more it no longer has the same value that's how that works those things that you place before the lord are god when god begins to come after those things he devalues it and you look crazy when it's all said and done because it's like look we wanted in this case they're saying we wanted a king instead of the lord we wanted the king now we don't have we neither have god nor king and when and even if we had a king what can he do for us right now everything is destroyed you know god devalued uh their desires the the how they wanted the king god comes after the king just light these jokers up and that's what this is why we have to place god first even when it comes to this nation my wife and i was talking about this yesterday we think that we're often saying i've been guilty of saying this oh this is the greatest nation in the world but i've had to catch myself because this nation and the leaders of this nation is full of idolatry in the way that they do things you know the the things that they the platform that they stand on you know the way that they're trying to change uh uh what what we the what we once were used to to where things are being headed in now it's far from from uh the worship of the lord our god and so we got to be careful that we don't make a nate that we don't turn this nation into idolatry or we're going i'm willing to die for this nation or i'm willing to um and i'm not badmouthing this nation i actually love it but but i don't i no longer think it's one of the greatest nations in the world i'm looking forward to the kingdom of heaven that's what i look forward to and once you begin to set your desires in the kingdom once you realize that you're just an ambassador here but your true citizenship is in the kingdom of god then you start to the value that you place so high begins to be devalued because god set your perspective straight do you understand what i'm saying so when i see what they're doing when i see the things that is happening to this nation sometime i think it's because we place such high regards upon this nation you know that we forgot to to we ask god lord lord bless the united states but we never asked the people to walk according to the according to the worship of god so that we could be worthy of his blessings do you understand we just we looked towards this nation and we lifted the nation up meanwhile what the what the thing that the powers that be the things that have been going on for decades you know it's just it's not been a good thing so once god begins to show you um how he loves you and he begins to show you those things that you place before him once that happens it's done to devalue those things that you no longer place it before him so again i i used to be guilty oh this is the greatest nation on earth now at that being said i don't know any other place in this world yet that i would choose to to live be beyond this country but if i needed to go i'm not anchored down before i would have been anchored and if god would have said hey i need you to get up out of that country i'd be like lord are you really talking to me or is that a trick you know you trying to find an excuse to stay you know because you love it but now god will get you to the point that when it's time to go it's time to go amen because he begins to devalue those things that that you've placed before him because he's just that kind of god i look at this in the manner that we read the scripture here concerning israel as as israel began to increase as its land began to increase as its nation began to increase instead of dedicating their land and their nation to the lord as the land increased they build up they built altars to dedicate it to idolatry to other false gods i look at that towards our own nation as our nation increased so did the idolatry increase within our nation amen and when you're turning a blind eye you look at that as it's the greatest nation in the world but when god begins to open your eyes because he began to judge those he began to judge you by coming against those things that you love so much all of a sudden he began when when that happens he shows you you know how you you misrepresented the value of things meaning that you place those things before him and you can see that when they talk about we wanted a king so bad but what could a king do for us right now in the first place it couldn't do nothing for us now if we wanted them to god begins to show you amen and that's the point that i know i'm i'm being redundant as i say these things but i try to give you the example of how i looked at this nation but then again as god begins to come after you for the way you just hard pressed at this greatest nation in the world begins to show you those things that that you chose not to see not that they were hidden from you but you chose not to see amen and then once you get a chance to see what the powers who have been been allowed to do those things that they've been allowed to do it's just not good and i'm not speaking about racism you know i'm i don't get caught up on things like that that's a personal problem between god and that person i look at the deeds of this nation how they would set up idolatry you know uh killing killing the killing of babies and and the the the human trafficking and you know the the greed and the golden calves which is kind of somewhat of our stock market you know if you look at it and there's so much idolatry that we've set up in this nation amen and you can get distracted because you know it's all about how much money you can get it's all about that money that we forget we forget about the stories in the new testament about how the lady had given all that she had and then she didn't have a lot to give but the lord said she gave more than than everybody because she gave she gave of what she had she gave everybody else give of their increase she gave according to the little that she had and it was the most that she that she had gave based on everybody else's giving so this wasn't a woman that was measured by the the material things that she had she was actually measured by by her dependence on the lord and this nation don't depend on god this nation depends on its currency this nation depends on mighty mighty men of and weaponry you know it's just not good so i'm not you know i'm just saying god begins to come after those things to devalue them and you can see their true worth when god comes after amen going on with our bible study here uh so verse 4 they've spoken words god is still speaking about israel they've spoken words swearing falsely and making a covenant thus judgment springing springers up as hemlock in the foils of the field so they made a covenant with god and then they'll turn around and they break it you know they're they're saying you know remember when moses came down off the mountain and then moses brings the covenant to the people and the people said that what you said we will do so they were basically saying i do to the lord and they they they certify the covenant that they made with god and and in doing that the problem is that they turned away from them they didn't uphold their their part of the covenant amen well that's that's our politicians today in this country to where they'll campaign and they'll say okay we're going to do this this is the move we're going to make and then all of a sudden they break their word because that that those blessings that they've come into they run so wild with it that they get lost they get power hungry and it don't matter if you republican it don't matter if you democrat it don't matter if you're liberal that power is there for the taking and once you get a taste of that power and you don't want to lose it that's why you end up selling yourself out right you end up becoming a different person than what you've campaigned on because in order to maintain that power you know you act like you were really for god and you act like you were really for the people but once you get into that office and you get a taste of their power in order to maintain what you've campaigned on meaning you campaign to get into that office in order to maintain that you got to turn your back on god you're turning your back on the people so that you can maintain those things that you got yeah basically the example that i'm putting forth is it don't matter if you republican or democrat people will break their promises and why because they are men that's what the scripture says don't put your trust in men god says i'm not a man that i should lie that's the that's what the lord says we put our confidence and our trust in man and then they they let you down but they're not meant to not they were not man was not created to not let you down i'm sorry that's the bottom line i'll give you an example hold your place there and go with me to uh psalm i believe is psalm 51. i didn't i wasn't this wasn't anything that i had prepared to go into but since we're here since we're talking about it look at what this says this is david this is when he messed up when the prophet nathan had to talk to him about uh having beth sheba's beth beersheba's husband killed and this that sheba's husband's killed uh her husband i think his name was uriah and and we know the story david happened to be watching uh bathsheba bathing he watched her and when he watched her he he was aroused by her so much so that he had his people to go get her and to bring bring her to his quarters and he ended up forging a relationship with her he he ended up uh having intercourse with her uh eventually she got pregnant right she ended up getting pregnant and when david found out that she was pregnant he tried to hide it um by having her husband uh he he tried to he first tried to hide it by bringing her husband out of the battlefield and having her husband to to sleep with her so that he can put the baby off as it was her husband's but the husband uriah was so dedicated as a soldier he was so dedicated to the king that instead of going home he slept outside the king's quarter to protect the king because he felt guilty not being on a battlefield the least he could do was be there at the king's post you know to to to guard the king and so david's plan was to have the her husband uh sleep with him but you know when he chose not to sleep with her david knew that he was gonna have to have him killed and so david put him on the front line in the battle to be killed and he was killed well god spoke to nathan the prophet to go back and tell david that he he he had a he had an issue with what david did he had a real bad problem with what david did because it was it was sinister so david had that conviction and so david speaks he began to write down how he felt about what was happening to him because of that conviction so i wanna i'm giving you that backdrop let's start at psalm 51 verse three for i acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is forever before me against thee the only have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mayest be justified when thou speaketh and be clear when thou judges behold i was shaping in iniquity and in and in sin then my mother conceived me that's the verse that i wanted to read when i said that we can't put our trust in man um man was not created to to uh be trustworthy you know and and this verse kind of tells you that that we're we're we're conceived in sin when we're born we're born in sin and david even acknowledged that that when we're born we're born in sin so we're already uh have a death penalty without you ever having committed anything you already have a death penalty a death a death penalty conviction on you without you ever having done anything right that means that alone that means until the time of your death comes you have a chance to have the death sentence taken off of you by accepting jesus as lord and savior and he is the one that's going to plead uh uh for your conviction to be overturned amen and and and so those that have not accepted jesus as lord and savior how are you putting your trust in them if there are if they themselves are born under a death penalty and they're already convicted if they're already born in sin how do we put our trust in and man so man and you can't do that you know so that's that's the purpose i wanted to go back and read that it just came up and i figured it would be nice to touch on it that you can't put your trust in man and and when we look at our nation as a whole and when we look at those who we elect when when israel was looking for a king and how they were choosing kings that had nothing to do with people walking with god we it shows the pulse of the people turning away from god you know and and we we have to look at ourselves and be like i can't be concerned with what they doing i need to make sure that i'm in the lord's face whether things are prosperous for prosperous for me or not i need to make sure that i'm there in the lord's face and that i'm in the midst of his presence and that his face is not turned away from me amen so that's pretty interesting here he so he said they have spoken words uh swaying falsely and making the covenant and then again i compare that to politicians how they will campaign and and claim to be one person and then when they get in that office they turn into someone else thus judgment springs up as a hemlock in the foils of the field so because of the way that they are when judgment comes all that that harvest uh the food and everything that they would come up with what begins to come up is poisonous weed that stuff starts to come up and it comes up in the areas of of life that that they deem valuable okay and they called it judgment thus judgment sprinketh up poisonous uh poisonous weed in the furrows of the field okay the inhabitants of samaria uh show fear because of the calves and then again remember i said when you see this word calves add golden calves and we gave you the story of the golden calves i think within our last broadcast so the inhabitants of samaria which is the capital of israel at this time show fear because of the golden calves of beth bethavin now this beth aven means house of wickedness this house of wickedness and that's that's what it's saying here the inhabitants of samaria shall fear because of the calves of beth haven you know because of the idolatry that was found in a house of wickedness and then it says for the people thereof shall mourn over it and the priest thereof that rejoiced on it for the glory thereof because it is departed from it it is departed from it now the it's remember why i say it's devalued look at what it's look at what it says here it says for the for the glory thereof because it is departed from it it's devalued and what are the people mourning why are there mourning because they stay they worshipped this golden calf and even the priests themselves who were supposed to be priest of the lord but they were satanic priests demonic priests priest pagan priest is what better way to call him pagan priest everybody from the priest to the to the people worshiping going into the going to the capital of israel and worshipping the image of this golden calf that's been set up well god comes after that and when the assyrians come in and and and uh destroy everything they actually take that golden calf with them to assyria and so because of that the the golden calf being removed and taken to to assyria the people are mourning over it that's what the scripture is saying they're mourning over it the priests that worshipped it the priest that that that were overjoyed for the for the calf being present in the first place even they're they're just as guilty as the people in mourning over this calf that's leaving them and i think for us what we're going to see remember what i said kind of in my in my own interpretation the our golden calf is set up within our our stock market and i think that what you're going to start to see is is as as our money begins to devalue because remember this whole thing you're saying god comes against those things that people has placed before him i believe that god is constantly devaluing our currency and the time is going to come where it's totally gone and people will be mourning over it and our priest when you look at the catholic church and when you look at uh places of worship in this country they hold such a high esteem towards the giving of the people because they you know you needed the money so how often my wife she had me cracking up we were talking uh i think we were talking a couple days ago and uh my my uh my son-in-law was at the house and and and the uh the daughter was at the house and and the the oldest daughter there and and uh we were talking about you know the way that some of these places of worship had been with the money and my wife was mentioning how they will have a hundred dollar line a hundred dollar line this is the fifty dollar line this is you do you see do you get the point in what i'm saying here the currency this golden calf our stock market not just catholicism to where all the money comes into to the catholic church but not just catholicism but places of worship all around the nation in our nation was more concerned about the giving of the people that the people you need to get money give your money and we made that more of an issue when we place that before the lord how much we can pull in our membership we went when people looked at the membership of the places of worship we looked at the membership as far as how much money that's going to represent that's no good it's no good that's not how it works and god comes after those things he comes after that he begin to judge that look at what it says here in verse 4 they've spoken words swearing falsely and making covenants thus judgment springeth up as hemlock which is a poisonous weed in the florals of the field judgment causes poison to come forth and to choke out anything that you so guess what places of worship couldn't come together why because you had the covet and you had these governors uh and these mayors signing orders that you can't come together so a lot of the places of worship were hurt because people didn't you didn't have the hundred dollar line you didn't so you were hoping that online people gave but your focus was on that was how can we come together and i'm not saying everybody i'm not saying all the places of worship was guilty but you can't tell me that there wasn't places of worship that were more concerned about how much money they were going to take in during this pandemic because they can't bring the people back together so that they can have the hundred dollar line and have the fifty dollar line god judges those and allow that poison to come our focus have to be god first do you understand that's how that works god first and god god will begin to make a way for you and we have to the very thing that we preach as preachers and as teachers as pastors we preach trusting and believing god we all have to do that ourselves we have to be hooked on our on our own prescriptions if you will the very our own products that we're selling to you we have to be willing to purchase for we have to be willing to buy and live by ourselves and everybody is a work in progress everybody everybody is a work in progress but god is trying to show you what's broken about you because as times get harder you have to get closer to god closer and closer and closer to god and your god cannot be that golden calf your god cannot be that money it just don't work man cannot serve god and mammon but that seemed to have been what was happening you know we use god as a tool and then the our what what man has looked at has been the money as the god and then in ministry man has used god as a tool to get his actual real god at the time which was the mammon and that's just not good and that's the flaws that i've been seeing within these places of worship and i'm not saying all of them are like that i'm not saying all are like that i'm saying that you've had some that are like that and it's no different from the way that the world has functioned in our own nation people you know putting in to the stock market and you know because they're they're looking to get rich there's various things that that are rising up and people are are investing in bitcoin and and various things because they want to maintain the power that they have they want to maintain their currency because they see that something is wrong with the old currency and if something happens that this golden calf right here if if the golden calf collapses which i'm talking about our economic system now and i'm speaking metaphorically as a golden calf the new golden calf is a digital golden calf which is the bitcoin so people are starting to transition from one calf to the next calf and they're they're all trying to get in on it because they don't want to be left behind but nobody is turning towards the lord nobody is turning towards him and that's that's when we say we need to get with the times we need to get with the time but god is coming against the economic systems because that's how it is that's what's been going on so the those things that you place before the lord he begins to devalue them so that's just an example there amen put your faith in god don't trust in man that's what this lesson has been talking about don't put your trust in man he's been born in sin he's already been convicted he's got a death sentence on his head the only one that can overturn his conviction is the lord jesus christ but he wants to get through life all he can because being on god's death row don't seem to be as bad yet because he gets the chance to to do what he wants to do live as he want to live but the day that true judgment comes he's going to wish that that he spent his days reconciling his differences between god and himself through jesus christ amen don't be that person amen now going on with this i'm getting distracted here and i don't look that i'm going to be able to get in i'm hoping to get into 11. so let me shut up so we can get into 11 here so verse 5 the inhabitants of samaria show fear why are they fearing why why is there fear in samaria because their golden calf is going to be taken by the by the assyrians and brought back into was and brought in not brought back to assyria but taken into syria and that's their idol that's their that's their engine of their society that's the god whom they've placed over their society and now it's being moved so the people are in fear and one of the things that they know is they're being judged by god himself okay verse six it shall also be carried is still talking about that catholic shall also be carried unto assyria for a present to the king jared ephraim shall receive shame israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel why would israel be ashamed of his counsel because a condition to the people to believe that put your trust in this system this idolatry and you'll be just fine you know believe in in this pagan worship and this idolatry and these idols put your trust in that that was the council that spread throughout the land of israel put your put your trust uh in these idols and and be a pagan practice you know practice and pagan idolatry you know be a worshiper in the arts of of the occult and in pagan practices do these things and and you'll be just fine you'll never have to worry about things and what happened god came in and the very thing that they put their trust in was destroyed and that's what god is saying there that israel should be ashamed of his own counsel because it fortified itself through through pagan worship and and these i through these idolat uh idols that it set up it it it set up shock that's what we're that's what we as a nation has been telling people put your trust put your trust in in the in the stock market in the economy in your 401ks you know put your trust in that in your pension plans put your trust in those things you know but no one has told you to put your trust in god and that's the thing about it no one has told you that and and and because as a nation that's not a popular thing to do put your trust in cryptocurrency you know because that's where you want to be because the bottom is dropping off now let me say that scripture tells us to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves so we understand that but if you have been making money your god and you're seeing that that's being devalued right before your eyes unless you repent and turn towards god and make him god again everything that you do is just going to have a poisonous weed attached to it so you can go from you can go from the dollar to crypto but if god is not your god but he is just a tool to allow you to to get riches then everything that you set your heart to is going to have a poisonous weed to it amen so verse seven as as for samaria her king is cut off uh as a foam upon the water and this is one of those questionable translations because when i've looked this translation up to make sure i've had its meaning it's saying that it's like a twig floating away it says as for samaria her king is cut off as a foam upon the water so the the king of samaria will be destroyed carried away like a twig floating away off of the of the uh the bed of the water itself amen now verse eight this is real interesting here verse eight look at what this says here the high places of aven this word avin here means idolatry okay in this context aven means idolatry so look at this passage of scripture here the high places also of aven or these places that were these high places that were set up for idolatry and idol worship okay the sin of israel shall be destroyed the thorn and the thristle shall come up on their altars and they shall say to the mountains cover us and to the hills following us it says mountains and hills why do it say mountains and hills look at how the scripture starts out the high places so in the mountains and in the hills they were setting up places of worship these idol pagan worships that they were setting up okay and remember i told you god is going to come after those things that you placed before him so he comes towards these these places to tear these things down and they in their counsel and in their belief because they were so embedded in these pagan practices when they would go to these mountains and these hills to worship pagan pagan false gods when destruction came and they happened to be there they were dependent on these places or on these false gods to save them where they were that's what it's saying that's what the scripture says so again the places that they've invested in these idolat idolatry worship pagan places most of them were made on top of hills these temples and these altars and all these things they were set up on mountains and hills and and if israel is there worshiping at the time that destruction comes then they're crying out to their false gods and asking them to save them right right where they are but it's going to be to no avail now that's pretty interesting we see a similar passage of scripture go with me to the book of revelation go with me to the book of revelation now here in this context this verse is specifically speaking about uh pagan places that were set up and how destruction comes to that and they're looking for those places or those false gods to save them during god's judgment against them okay so but however we see a similar passage of scripture written in the book of revelation and we want to go to revelation chapter 6. so hold your place here in hosea and let's go to revelation chapter six and let's focus on verses 12 through 17 verses 12 through 17. look at what the word of the lord says and out for for context we'll start out at verse 12. i be held and i'll be held when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake the sun became black as south southcloth of hair and the moon became as blood the stars of heaven fell to onto the earth even as a fig tree casted her untimely figs when she is shaken of the mighty wind the scro the the heavens departed as they scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island were moved out of their places judgment has come okay this is the wrath this is the wrath of the lord uh that that is starting to settle or starting to hit the earth now here's what we want to focus on look at verse 15. the kings of the earth and the great men the rich men and the chief captains the mighty men and every bond man or every slave and every free man they hid themselves in dens and in the and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and to the rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come who shall be able to stand now i don't believe that the scripture is in the context of them uh been in these pagan places practicing worship practicing and worshiping idols however the context still has some similarities to it because they're looking they knew the day was coming that they that that the wrath of god was going to come and they got these places set up that when it happens say say for instance like a bomb shelter you know some kind of underground uh of some something some caves some caverns uh um some some some places that were set up in case the bottom should fall out of society they go in these places hoping that that they can be spared that these places are are fortified enough to save them uh from the wrath of the lamb okay and and that's what they were hoping for they got these things uh set up here and they hid themselves in these dens and in the rocks and they were pleading fall on us you know or save us cover us uh from the remember they're trying to hide themselves so they're saying cover us save us from this wrath of the lamb who sitteth upon the throne so they're not ignorant as to what's going on some of them are going to look for death because they're afraid of of what's coming while they are yet alive so we see a similar passage of scripture although the context is a little different one is pertaining to these high places in the form of idolatry and pagan worship the other one is more or less a shelters that were created to hide them but the the where they are similar at is they're both looking for refuge in the place at the time of judgment they both of these passages of scriptures have the people looking for refuge in the in the time of judgment amen and that's that's the similar passage of scripture and was uh coincidentally one being in the old testament and the one being in the new testament so that's real interesting there so we wanted to take time to to share that with you amen so uh so that's verse eight so let's reread verse eight the high place is also even and remember even here in this context is idolatry the high priest the high places also of idolatry the sin of israel shall be destroyed god comes against those things that you place before him the thorn and the thristle shall come up on their altars the things that were so sacred for you know to them god allowed god devalues those things you got you got all the the the thristles and the thorns uh they're not sacred any longer you know he devalued them they're not sacred okay and they shall say to the mountains cover us until the hills fall on us now this gets real interesting here look at this this is real interesting oh israel thou has sinned from the days of gabia there they stood or nothing has changed and then he says the battle when gabia against the children of iniquity did not overtake them a better way to look at this translation is did not the did not the battle of go did not the battle of gabia against the children of israel did not that battle overtake those men of iniquity it's it's really asking a question here do you he says your sins have been prevalent since the days of gabia and you remember what was happening then the same thing is happening now do you not remember what happened to the men of iniquity then do you not remember what happened to them that's the translation of the scripture now in our last broadcast we talked about what happened uh with the levite that went to get his concubine and what what the men of gabia did uh uh to the concubine how they abused her so much so she only had strength to make it back to her master and once she made it back to him she died and man because they abused her all that night well the master or or in her case her husband somewhat the the the levite he was so distraught and so disturbed by what they did to her and what they had planned on doing to him that he's cut her up in pieces you remember the last broadcast we read the scriptures he cut her up into 12 pieces and sent each piece to one of the 12 tribes of israel amen now last in our last broadcast we didn't read about the battle that ensued after that we were saving that for this because god speaks about the battle let's reread verse 9 and then go and visit the battle oh israel thou has sinned from the days of gabia there they stood the battle in gabia against the children of iniquity did not did it not overtake them those men of of evil did not the battle of gabia overtake them so now let's go look at the battle because it's real interesting hold your place there hold your place here and let's go look at this battle that that god is speaking about because he was like have you not learned anything about what happened then so let's look at that go with me to judges chapter 20 judges chapter 20 and we'll find this battle of gabia let's see judges chapter 20 and here we are let's look at verse one then all the children of israel they went out and the congregation from dan oh and the congregation was gathered together as one man from dan even to beersheba with the land of gilead unto the lord in mitzvah and the chief of all the people and this is this this event occurs after the levites sent cut up his concubine into 12 pieces and sent each to the 12 tribes of israel this is what happens afterwards so verse 2 all the chief of all the people even all the tribes of israel they presented themselves in the assembly of the people of god four hundred thousand foot men that drew swords now the children of benjamin heard that the children of israel were going up to mitzvah then said the children of israel tell us how was this wickedness or how did this wickedness happen and the levite the husband of the woman that was slain answered and said i came into gabia that that belongeth to benjamin and i and my concubine to lodge and the men of gabia rose against me and they surrounded the house or they beset the house round about upon me by night and and uh and thought to have slain me or they wanted to kill me and my concubine have they forced that she is dead and i took my concubine and cut her in pieces and centered throughout all the country of the inheritance of israel for they have committed lewdness and folly in israel behold ye are all children of israel give here your advice and counsel and all the people arose asked one man they were all on one accord and they said we will not any of us go to his tent neither will we any of us turn into his house so they said this matter is of such a dire strait this matter is so serious that we will not retire to our quarters none of us are going home none of us are going to our tents we are here to assemble to to bring war to those to get justice uh for those that have done this atrocity okay but now this shall be verse 9 but now this shall be the things which we will do to gabia we will go up by lot against it and we will take 10 men of a hundred throughout all the tribes of israel and a hundred of a thousand and a thousand out of ten thousand to fetch victuals for the people that they may do that they may do when they come to gabia of benjamin according to all the folly that they have wrought in israel so they set soldiers up you had people that was going to bring all the supplies that were needed for the soldiers that were going to war but they wanted they said that that's not just the only folly that had happened that had happened and benj there had benjamin had a reputation which preceded himself and now the children of israel said we need to put a stop to the to the to this craziness that has been going on there for all this time we need to reclaim our nation what's going on here right this is pretty heavy so all the men of israel were together against the city knit together as one man and the tribes verse 12 of israel sent men throughout all the tribes of benjamin saying what wickedness is that is done among you now therefore deliver us the men the children of below which are in gabia that we may put them to death and put away evil from israel but the children of benjamin would not hearken to the voice of the brother and of the children of israel now what's happening here is a civil wars brewing brothering against brethren okay it's not nation against nation it's brother and against brother and a civil war is ensuing and what is happening is there are people that were lawless people that were godless that were getting away with crimes against humanity they were getting away with all kind of craziness they were getting away with wickedness and evil running lawless and the and what happened to the priest and his concubine was like the straw that finally breaks the camel's back and the levite you know when he when when it happened to him and he sent the pieces of his concubine they knew that what had been going on in the region of benjamin has been spreading abroad and it has to be put to an end so they always on one accord to go and confront the benjamites about what has been going on in their region and how they need to deliver the evil doors uh so that justice so that they can finally face justice well benjamin was like we ain't delivering nobody and and truth be told we got an issue that y'all even bringing a problem to the doorstep because it don't concern you so you know benjamin had something to say you know you know in in offense uh or in this case benjamin has something to say in defense of what they were being accused of as a matter of fact they try to say that they themselves were victims because israel was bringing the matter to their doorstep you know no we're the true victims here and we're going to defend our people and that's just the bottom line we're not giving you we're not giving you the people you're looking for but what we will give you is a butt whooping if you don't turn away from here that's what that's what the benjamin's benjaminites was saying to the to to israel so israel demanded that they would deliver those people to justice and the benjaminites wouldn't do it verse 14. but the benjamites gathered themselves together out of the cities unto gabia to go out to battle against the children of israel they prefer instead of them delivering the people to justice it they decided to go to war which means they condoned if if the benjamites didn't deliver justice themselves to those that were held accountable then they condoned the the acts of violence and the folly that had that that their that their region was known for they condoned it and so for that way of life they were willing to go to battle for to uphold their way of life and that's the problem so a civil war ensued because they wanted to uphold that lawlessness you had have you had the part of the nation which is the 12 tribes of israel you had these other tribes that was like we we need to put a stop to the stuff that's that's happening in your area and they like you ain't stopping nothing we'll stop you before you stop our way of life and so you end up having a civil war brothering against brethren okay now uh yeah it's it let's read 15 to 16 because that's going to tell you how how why benjamin was able to do so well in this battle verse 15. the children of benjamin were numbered at that time out of the city uh uh out of the cities rather twenty and six thousand men that drew the sword besides the inhabitants of gabia which were numbered 700 those were number 700 chosen men so you had 26 000 soldiers that were able to draw the sword uh i'm sorry yeah that were able to to do you got when to say that they were able to draw the sword or they drew the sword that let you know that you had you had 26 000 soldiers and then you also had these 700 these 700 were known for being um archers but they were so accurate they were like snipers they were like our modern day snipers but they were able to do it with arrows so you had 26 000 soldiers that were able to sling the blade but you had another 700 that were accurate with the bow and arrow who was as accurate as our snipers are that are in our militaries today so among all these people there were 700 chosen men that were left-handed everyone could sling stones so i'm sorry i didn't mean to say i take that back uh the 700 weren't archers i'm sorry they were uh rock slingers uh slingshots they were able and they were as accurate as they were as accurate as our snipers so i didn't mean i'm sorry i i didn't mean to mislead you to say archers i don't actually i don't know what i was thinking there but uh they were they were able to sling this the slingshots there and they were able to you know be very accurate and look how accurate it says they were everyone can sling stones at a hair breath the width of the hair that's how accurate they were one width of a strain of hair they were able to hit that mark with the stones when they were slinging it so that's how accurate they were so that we read that part there to give you context of why in this battle that benjamin was able to do so well now we're still on course to read about this battle we're setting up how the battle started because we we read about in hosea that god spoke about the battle that had ensued in gobi and gabia god says that your iniquity goes back to gabia and we know what happened in the battle of gabia so we're reading judges 20 about how the battle started now let's read about the battle itself beginning at verse 17 in chapter 20 of judges and the men of israel besides benjamin were numbered four hundred thousand men that drew swords so you had twenty six thousand compared to four hundred thousand okay and the children of israel arose and they went up to the house of god and they asked counsel of god and said which of us shall go up first to the battle against the children of benjamin the lord said judah shall go up first and the men of israel they went out to battle against benjamin and the men of israel put themselves in a raid to fight a a against them at gabia so they they they said they set themselves up in in in a battle format you know you know they set the soldiers up in a in a battle format okay and the children of benjamin came forth out of kabir and destroyed down to the ground of the israelites that day twenty and two thousand men okay so the people so and the people the men of israel they encouraged themselves and they set their battles again in a ray in the place where they put themselves in a ray the first day so at that time uh it was judah that went out to battle and when judah goes out to battle they get it handed to him they got lit up okay they died they lost 22 000 of them okay verse 22 so the people the men of israel they encouraged themselves and they set their battle again in a random place where they put themselves in a raid the first day so they went back to the same place and they set up their command post and they set up their their their their stance against uh the there's they took the same positions that they took during the first battle you know during the first day of defeat they took that same position again children of israel went up and they went before the lord until the evening and they asked counsel of the lord saying shall i go up again to battle the children of benjamin my brother and the lord said go up against him verse 24 the children of israel came near again to the children of benjamin the second day and benjamin went forth against against them out of gabia the second day and destroyed down to the ground of the children of israel eighteen thousand men all drew the sword okay then all the children of israel and all the people they went up and they came into the house of the lord or they came to bethel bethel means the house of the lord so they came to bethel and they wept and they sat there before the lord and they fasted that day until the evening and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the lord and the children of israel they inquired of the lord for the ark of the covenant of god was there in those days and phineas the son of eliezer the son of aaron stood before it in those days saying shall i yet again go out to to go go out to battle against my uh the children of benjamin my brother or shall i cease so they're inquiring of the lord the lord said go up for tomorrow i will deliver them into thine hands so israel set liars in weight round about gabia so they set up an ambush so they had a plan this time they didn't go out like they went out before now that they know that god was going to be with them see all the other times god said yeah go out you know the first time god they asked god should we go out to battle or which tribe should we send first yes sin judah and then the next time god should we go out yeah go out if that's what you want go out so now they're they're really seeking god and they're asking god do you want us to fight before they're like we gonna handle this which tribe should go first god says okay if if your mind is made up send judah then they get lit up then they says you know lord should we go out and fight again you know yeah go out and fight this time there really seeking lord and really willing to do it his way father we ain't got to go out and fight if you don't want us to you know we'll go back home you know and and you know it's it's all about your will and not our own god says okay no problem now i want you to go out and this is what i want you to do i'm going to deliver them into your hands and i want you to do it my way not your way but i want you to do it my way and in doing so israel received that council and they began to set up an ambush and god even told him that they would win i'm going i want you to set up an ambush and that's what they did they said liars and weight meaning that they had they set up an ambush that they had people that were hiding out okay so the children of israel went up against the children of benjamin on the third day and they put themselves in a ray kabir as at other times but they did it a little different they did it they they to not give benjamin any clues they took the same stance at the same post in the same place and and was ready to fight as as at the other two times but what but that was so that they didn't give away what was really going on they set up people to actually ambush they had people hiding out okay so verse 31 and the children of benjamin they went out against the people and were drawn away from the city and they began to smite the people and they killed as at other times in the highways of which one goeth up to the house of god and the other to gabiya in the fields about 30 men of israel is who they killed the children of pentamen said they are smitten down before us as at the first but the children of israel said let us flee draw them from the city unto the highways so they made it after benjamin killed 35 men of israel they was like oh we light them up just like we've done the other two times israel began to run and the and the benjaminites was like let's go after them let's not leave none let's let's go let's go take care of them let's light these jokers up so they chased them out of as israel ran out of the city the benjamites ran out of the city after israel because they thought we got them on a run let's continue to pursue them but little did they know that as all the men were running out of the city the the israelites had people that were still hiding out that would enter into the city to destroy it okay and all the men in verse 33 all the men of israel rose up out of their place and they put themselves in a raid at bayel tomorrow and the liars await or those who those who were waiting to ambush israel came the the the liars and weight that of israel came forth out of their places out of their hiding spots even out of the medals of gabia and their and they came out against kabila ten thousand chosen men out of israel and the battle was sore but they knew not that evil was there and the lord smoked benjamin before israel and the children of israel destroyed of the benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and a hundred men and all these drew the sword now drop down to verse 45 and they turned and they flared toward the wilderness unto the rock of remnant and they gleaned or they killed of them in the highways five thousand men and they pursued hard after them to get them and slew two thousand men of them so that all which failed that day of benjamin were twenty and five thousand men that drew the sword all of these were men of valor men of war but six hundred men turned and fled to the wilderness unto remnant and abode in the rock of mint remnant for four months and the men of israel turned again upon the children of benjamin and smote them with the edge of the sword as well as the men of every city as the beast and all that came to hand also they set on fire all the cities that they came to so they they god's wrath god see before they sent themselves and when they inquired of god they when they inquired of god their minds were already made up they would just god give me the blessing because we're going to we're going to go do this and god just you know remember god is a respectable god go they was like god should we go but when they got whooped the first time when they asked god who should we send out to the battle they didn't ask god should we even go battle they were like who we sent out to the battle and god said okay y'all gather it all together send judah out you know so judah goes out and get lit up the next day they're like god should we go to battle god said yeah go on you know and but they were willing to it's not that they were seeking god's counsel that was just a formality it was just something that they were you know that they were doing but when they got lit up they really saw they really saw god they really went to where the altar was they really spoke through the man of god to ask him lord is this your will or is it our own and when they found out that god was with them this time because they were willing to do it his way he gave them battle plans and as they followed through the battle plan they went and they brought god's judgment upon them amen and that's there it is right there that's what's going on there now god brings this battle up that we just read about because not only did they wipe it out as they drew the man of gabia out of the city and in the outskirts of the city chasing the men of israel 10 000 of israel soldiers went in there and lit the city up and they killed everything they was slaughtering beasts and set things on fire and when and when the smoke came up from the city itself burning the other soldiers that that that were hidden they rose up and then israel stopped running and they turned and they went to battle with benjamin and benjamin was surrounded and they got lit up and so then god was glorified see god does things for his glory not your own you see it's for his glory and and god wants to be the one to to send you into battle not you do it on your own volition but you seek really the counsel rather than telling god what you're going to do and how you going to get it done i need your blessings because this is what i'm going to do god is waiting for you to say lord what shall we do concerning this matter and that's how we have to address things now going back to our lesson in hosea so verse nine is telling us about the battle that took place so now having that context let's reread verse nine o israel thou has sinned from the days of gabia and we know what's been going on and we know what went on there they stood god said look at how they was then and look at how you are now the battle of gabia against the children of iniquity did it not overtake them that's what that scripture is saying did they not succeed uh did they succeed or did they not fail they died what is to become of you because your iniquity is the same as those who were destroyed in that battle okay it is in my desire that i should chastise them and the people shall be gathered against them when they shall bind them when they shall bind themselves in their two furrows so god is saying that i have a desire to to to judge you for those things that you've done to to chastise you and in my desire or in my wrath against you i want to sing in my judgment against you i want to send a nation that's going to come in there and that's going to place you that's going to uh place you in bonds again the way you once were in egypt okay and he says uh they shall bind themselves in their two furrows meaning that they're going to be bound because of their iniquities and in this case it seemed like he's saying two main iniquities one you know replacing god as your king and then your your idolatrous worship you know your worship of pagan idols and things you know those things uh he says they're going to be bound because of their two sins okay and egypt as as is as a heifer that is taught and love it to tread out the corn but i passed over upon her fair neck and will make ephraim to ride judah shall plow and jacob shall break his clots and what the scripture is saying here is that eve that uh ephraim is like a a heifer or like a cow or and god is going to hook he's going to place a yoke upon their neck and he's going to man because of the the yoke on the neck he is going to use them to plow the ground of their heart until it softens when when you look at the animals plowing a field one of the things before you can plant seed they have to till that ground to break the hardness of that ground so that you can get some seed down in there so god is saying your beautiful neck your tender neck i'm going to put a yoke upon and as i beg as i put a yoke on you i'm going to use you and your you you all your brethren they're going to be you i'm going to put this yoke on you that i can soften the ground of your heart you know that's what god i'm going to move you towards repentance to save your life because you tried to destroy your own and that's really what that verse is saying there i will make ephraim to ride judah shall plow and jacob shall break his clocks so god is saying again they're going to god is going to use them uh because they're hard-hearted and stiff-necked so he is he is going to humble them by putting a yoke upon them and in this case the yoke is the assyrians that's what's that's what's going to plow the soil of their heart he's he's going to do it through the assyrians okay so he says sow to yourselves in righteousness reap in mercy break up your follow ground for it's time to seek the lord till he come and reign righteousness upon you and and and that's going to be our scripture of salvation here but it it it's it's good that we read it again real quick so to yourselves righteousness and reap and mercy break up your follow ground for it is time to seek the lord till he come and reign righteousness upon you you have plowed wickedness and have reaped iniquity you have eaten the fruit of lies because thou didst trust in thy ways and in the multitude of thy mighty men you had soldiers you had you had all kind of people set up because you thought that you wouldn't just like the benjamins heard the benjamites uh they heard that israel was coming to do battle against them uh israel in this case knows that the assyrians are coming against them so they kind of not only did they try to become allies with assyria to keep you know to to kind of come up with a treaty with them but they also had their serve their uh soldiers on alert putting putting instead of them humbling themselves they put trust in their soldiers and they put trust uh and they're in their uh diplomats thinking that they can come up with a pace treaty instead of humbling themselves and turning away from their wicked ways they put stock again in their military might and in their diplomacy that's the problem in our country we see the same thing instead of man humbling himself and looking and seeing what's wrong what can we do to to turn away from from our sins you know what can we do to write this wrong if we see the economy collapsing if we see that darkness abounds what can we do that well the answer is not to put judges there that's not going to judge matters right that's going to allow people to constantly get out and you know that's not the answer the answer is not to elect politicians that are that are not god-fearing you know that's never the answer the answer is not to invest or we're going to look at cryptocurrency because this currency how long do you think that's going to last before that collapses as well at some point in time you have to understand when god's hand is upon you and against your nation and and he's trying to get you to to become merciful and to start sowing seeds of righteousness that's the answer right there is to turn from your ways quit turning toward turning towards your military and turning towards your diplomacy thinking that that's going to save you from the hand of god okay therefore shall a tumult arise among the people all thy fortresses shall be spoiled those very things that you took stock into those things that you built up to protect yourself they're going to be destroyed as sheldon as shaomin spoiled beth arbo in the day of battle hold your place there this uh shaman is shamaniser and this the the scripture you're not going to really find any place in in our bible that really goes into detail concerning this battle of the assyrian king against uh uh against the against uh beth beth arville you're not gonna find any literature this is the only thing that we find that's written but what we do know is the shaman happens to be shamaniser which is the king of assyria so hold your place there and go with me to second kings chapter 17. second kings chapter 17 verse 3 and at least we'll get a chance to see the king that that the scripture is talking about second kings chapter 17 verse 3 against him came up charmaneeser king of assyria and jose and hoshea became his servant and gave him presence so this is this shamaniser is who is what the scripture is saying here in verse 14 that shamanism came up against beth erbil and it destroyed it okay and this shamaniser is king of assyria this is who it's talked about therefore shall a tomorrow rise among thy people and all thy fortresses shall be spoiled or shall be destroyed you're putting all your stock behind these things behind the fortification of all this you got a plan a plan b plan c plan d and everything that you've invested into or that you fortified is going to be destroyed as sean menezer destroyed beth arbol in the day of battle and it was so bad the mother was dashed into pieces upon her children that's how bad that battle was so shall bethel do unto you because of your great wickedness now this translation in verse 15 when i do the research on there that's translated this translation is kind of taking the context out of what the scripture was actually saying and what i when i did my research on the scripture here what it's saying is so it so would be done to you o bethel uh remember the the the house of god they've turned the children of god supposed to be there with the house of god and they turned away and so it's saying oh bethel so shall it be done unto you or so children of god what was done in beth arbel is going to be done to you that's that's what it's saying and you're not going to be able to all of a sudden go towards the the temple of god to try to find refuge all that god is just he's going to wipe it all out because you you their their wickedness so having that understanding remember the scriptures seems to be saying so it be done to you o bethel uh because of your great of your great wickedness in a morning shall the king of israel utterly be cut off so uh we're running we're running way past so we're not going to be able to go into chapter 11 or chapter 12 lord willing we'll say that for the next broadcast eternal god we greatly thank you for this message and given me some of the paths to to take and referencing some of our acts and deeds today of how it relates to those things in the past and father i pray that as this lesson was taught and as your truths were declared that i've taken nothing out of context but that the people would have understood even as those things that were happening then how those very things could be happening unto us today father i pray that we all have understanding that we are to return to the lord and that we are to sow seeds of righteousness according to the righteousness of jesus christ that we may obtain your mercies father thank you for allowing there to be repentance thank you lord god for allowing there to be mercies thank you even for the word of god which illuminate our past our present and our future the word of god shows us our path in which our feet travels father thank you for such direction and thank you for such instruction father i pray that our nation that not only our nation but all the people of the world that we would all humble ourselves that we would all turn from our wicked ways that we would repent and seek and seek the counsel of the lord that our prayers may be heard from you and that you would heal our land and that you would prosper us as a people again father that we would not put our faith our hope and our trust in vaccines or in cryptocurrencies but that we would put our faith our hope and our trust in the lord who is our god the god of abraham of isaac and of jacob and that we would trust that we would trust in jesus who was our savior because god you are our savior that we would look towards jesus who was the prince of all the kings upon the earth and here's our path to you god father i say thank you for your word your word of truth i say thank you for the platform to declare and i thank you for the courage to proclaim to god be the glory forever and ever in jesus name we pray amen uh looking at verse 12 sow to yourselves in righteousness reap in mercy break your follow ground break that hard soil of your heart that hard ground humble yourself is what is saying for it is time to seek the lord till he come and bring righteousness upon you that has to mean something it's time to turn for from your ways because as the prophet was speaking there it was telling the children of israel he was telling the children of israel that judgment is at your doorstep turn from your wicked ways you we one of the things you may have heard me say on camera we a lot we expect our we have two remaining children in the house uh my son would be uh 16. i'm sorry my son would be 17 rather next month our youngest son to be 17 and our youngest daughter uh will be uh 15 on this month so they both have birthdays here uh one this month and one next month and one of the things we always tell them is conduct yourself as to keep me out of your business meaning that don't do things that inadvertently bring me into your business you know because i'm always watching i'm always looking i'm always observing i may not say a whole lot you know because my wife hears me saying my wife has begun to say it too we keep our cards close to our chest when it comes to our really out of order and out of bounds and that they couldn't hear my wife she's the one that's constantly reminding our children you know the kind of parents that we are right you know you don't want your dad to catch win at this you don't want your dad to catch one of that he's you know you know how he'll get if you if you if he hear this or you better make sure you clean it up but when they begin to disregard those things that she say they and they become so blatant in their actions then they bring me into it you know and and that's the problem you always want to keep your parent out of it you know but you keep them out by doing those things that please them and that's how you keep them out well that example is set forth that we see here in scripture as well when men begin to constantly do those things against god and they become so blatant and blazing and and turning away from the instruction that they had been receiving of god they just turn away from that then what begins to happen is they bring god into it and when they bring him into it all of a sudden he blows everything up that's that's how that is so that the thing about it is you want to turn towards god and walk with him so that all of your actions and all of your efforts they begin to prosper in god amen now when things have been blown up and and there's still hope for you because because you were able to survive the explosion maybe things around you crumbled but because you're still left standing in the midst of that you can come back to the lord and that's what it's meant to do now i want to talk to you before your things blow up i want to talk to you before the explosion takes place so seeds of righteousness and as your righteousness is not present but the righteousness of jesus is so start doing those things that he has taught us to do to you know we find that in matthew chapter 5 you know about how to be you know let's let's just glance at that real quick i'm not going to spend much time in there but we give some instruction we this is somewhat called the the the beatitudes this is the sermon on them on the mount and jesus seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and he was set and when he was said his disciples came unto him and jesus opened his mouth and he taught them this is his teachings that's what's important he taught them this is jesus teachings and look at what he said he said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of god so it said just because you don't have a lot blessed are the poor in spirit you may be a little it's okay if you're a little sad it's okay if you don't have a whole lot you're rich in god you have to remind remember that it's you can't look at what you don't have versus what somebody else does happen then you want to go take to them because you think that's where your happiness comes from it doesn't blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted god knows he cares so much about you that he knows what goes on with you and when he sees that you're hurting he is going to comfort you okay blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth those that don't take matters into their own hand they're not looking they're not they're they're not trouble makers you know they're they're they keep to themselves and and they they are humble people so it's it's teaching you how to be humble it's it's telling you that there is a reward in humility there's you're not cursed if you don't have a lot if you don't have a lot of material things it don't mean that you're cursed to the opposite it says that those that don't have a whole lot here on earth have such great things in heaven blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness that hunger and thirst that you've got to walk after god is he's the one that's filled you and edified you to have that desire and it's said that if you want to be blessed then set your hearts and your desire on the lord this is the teachings of jesus christ this is how you keep things from blowing up in your life look at this sermon look at this instruction and see where you fall blessed are the merciful so that for they shall obtain mercy how many people have you turned away or you didn't give anything to because you were just mad at them you were enraged you haven't forgiven them for something that they did 15 years ago you know and you can't seem to get ahead today according to jesus teaching he says look at this maybe maybe this is what's happening if it says blessed are the merciful then cursed are those that are merciless you know you have to look at the opposite of that and find yourself there blessed are they pure and heartful they shall see god those that are wicked in heart they don't have god you see you see where you're saying why you might why it said cursed are those that that don't have the lord blessed are those who heart is pure because they have the lord so you look at your life and you see how things are blown up and if you want to get it right you come into the teachings of jesus christ because he is the way the truth and the life he is the one that gets us to the lord our god we look at his teaching we just wanted to read a few of these things but continue to follow his teaching because he is going to restore you to where you need to be when things are about to blow up in your life and you're scared you're looking the you don't trust the the the vaccines and and and you don't trust the the new you can see that the economic system that we're currently on is is collapsing you know you can see that there's turmoil all throughout and so the very things that you go to the fortify those things are not going to protect you because you don't know if the land is under judgment what does protect you more than a vaccine i'll be honest with you i'll put that on out there what protects you more than a vaccine will protect you more than the economic system because what's the point in in you getting a vaccine so that you can still stay away from the lord do you understand many people are trying to be vaccinated so that they can continue in this lifestyle of of of greed and sin but what will protect you more from all of those things is you repenting and turning away from your wickedness and seeking the face of the lord humbling yourselves remember he's talking about humbling he's talking about softening the soil of your heart so that you can understand what you've been doing wrong and most people are getting the the the shots or they call them the jabs because they're walking in fear you know and they're in fear of of having to die because they're not ready to die yet because they haven't made their peace with god because they live according to a lot of people live according to unrighteousness they walk in fear and not in faith because they know that they haven't been right towards him now is the time to get right because all these things that you're doing to fortify yourself and to put trust in the trust that you put in man man told you that that that if you get a shot you will be fine now he's telling you if you had a couple shots you'd be fine now he's saying that you may need a third and a fourth there now there's some talk you may need to keep going and keep going and keep going but he has not told you yet to turn towards the lord our god when abortion has come up and and texas is making an effort to to stop uh aborting kids to stop killing our kids which is one of many sins i'm not saying that's the only sin but that's a form of pagan practices you know destroying the kids when when texas is trying to stop that and you have our government trying to stop texas from stopping that the nation has turned away from god because the nation rather to one of his acts of sin is to abort children to constantly give the kids you know the to to continue to fornicate to continue to be an adultery to continue to live your life as you want but the answer is not a lot and i'm not against the law of abortion i'm i'm all for it but the answer is a person turning towards the lord that's the answer when a person turns towards the lord then they begin to honor the ways of god through jesus christ and you don't need an abortion law you don't need an abortion clinic set up you don't need something that's going to help you find abortion or something that's going to stop abortions once you're once you set your heart on the lord you don't need those things god begins to take care of everything and that's what we have to come to as a nation the path that we're heading that we're heading on the path that we're traveling on is a path that leads to our destruction and that's the bottom line and we can say god bless america all we want we can say god bless our troops but we use our troops to further our ambitions which are godless do you see the point we hide behind our troops and call things to diplomacy but we need to start going towards the lord instead of moving away from him i'm not one of these ones that tear down this nation and and say this is the worst place on the earth i'm not like that what i am saying is my citizenship is there in heaven and the anchor that i once had in this nation you know that this is the greatest nation i'm not like that now because the lord is the one that that he's going to call things as they are and i want to stand with him rather than stand against him i want to make sure that i'm not looking at even as a nation in idolatry but that i'm looking at god in in the righteousness of jesus and so whatever god chooses to do i want to be there with him i don't want to be the one that he chooses to do it against i want to be there with him and i want you to be there with him as well so jesus says in matthew chapter 11 verse 28 he says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy late and i will give you rest so he he's inviting us to become the children of god look at what he says come unto me and when he says come unto me i'm going to change you i'm going to i see what's been wearing you out and bringing you down i'm going to remove that from you but in order for you to come on to me you have to be willing to let some things go you have to repent of your sins because in order to come to jesus we have to see things in the manner that they see it that that the father the son and the holy ghost sees it we have to see it in that manner amen um he says take my yoke upon you and learn of me we were just reading matthew chapter 5 about some of the things there about christ's teachings he says learn of me because he wants us to be free is the ignorance that keeps us in chains is the ignorance that blinds us it's the ignorance that make us place a higher price tag on something that needs not be be placed that way it's that ignorance and god wants to remove the scales off the eyes and in order to do that we have to educate ourselves uh through the counsel of the lord and through the teachings of the lord jesus christ we have to educate ourselves once that happens we get enough we get an understanding to see how he can change us how he liberates us how he frees us up so that we're not living according to fear but according to the righteousness of jesus and the faith that's been established in us amen he says for my yoke is easy and my burden is light you have to make your mind up while you're in the world and you're not ready to let go of the world you look at us you you look at it being too hard it's too hard i can't do what's required it's too hard but when that system blows up what you once deemed too hard you got lord i'm right here help me get through it there is more of a reward now than to make that transition than waiting until everything blows up and when i i when i say blow up i'm speaking metaphorically i'm saying when the destruction of a system that you've been used to fortifying you can no longer fortify you because the system has gone down once and for all what you thought was once hard is you're gonna be doing whatever you can to become part of the kingdom why wait until it's too late now is the time to do it you got but in order to do it in order to come to the lord jesus christ you've got to be willing to let go of what you've been holding on to and that means you have to repent so that god can loosen up that soil of the ground that that ground that's in your heart how hard and pacted that soil is amen so jesus wants to make you a child of god and in order to do so he invites you to come because he sees what's broken about you and he and he tells you what he wants to do he says take my yoke upon you and learn of me and then he says when you're gonna when you do that you're gonna find i'm different from the world i don't demand as much as the world demands i'm not as hard as they are ah he says to the contrary i'm meek i'm mild i'm meek you know and i i look towards to help you more to the hinder you amen now remember you have to repent turn away from your sins once and for all and then learn of him learn who he is so that you can get the most out of what he has to offer now go with me quickly i'm pressed for time here we have the actual we have a baptism to perform here today that's out of town so trying to get through our lesson here i wanted to make sure that we had a broadcast recorded before our baptism here this is coming from romans chapter 10 beginning at verse 9. this is when jesus invites us to come this is the process to come to jesus we've already talked about the first process which is repentance turning away from your sins now here is this here's the another part of the process romans chapter 10 verse 9 if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so you have to confess with your mouth that jesus is lord do you understand that see it's we understand that jesus is the only begotten son of god but with our mouth we have to make him lord of our lives meaning that we have to obey him that means when we obey him we obey his teachings which we read about in matthew chapter 5 that we've we've already gone there when we obey him part of our obedience is following his instructions which are scattered throughout the new testament testament but we especially see it in matthew chapter 5 we obey we obey he is our lord so we obey him he is our head so we obey and we believe that he's the messiah and and so because with our mouth we confess that he is lord and the messiah and with our mouth we believe we with our heart i'm sorry with our heart we believe with our mouth we confess and what are we believing we believe that he is the only begotten of the father and that he gave his life and he died and he was resurrected amen god brought him back to life that if any man says that if any shall confess with a mouth or that thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be set thou shall be saved what are you being saved from hold your place there and go with me to the gospel of john go with me to the gospel of john chapter 3 and look at this verse here the gospel of john chapter 3 verse 36 he that believeth on the son has everlasting life he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him the wrath of god is appointed to a person remember when i said that when you're born in this world you have a death penalty on you well if you jesus is the one that overturns that conviction you've already been convicted without ever having gone to trial and you've been sentenced to death and amen you've been sentenced to death but jesus will overturn that death penalty if you believe and confess that he is lord and lord of your life and if you repent of your sins and call upon jesus christ and you accept him as lord then he saves you he becomes your savior because he saves you what is he saving you from the wrath of god which is to come because of the rejection of jesus christ as lord amen so that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus making him lord of your life and you shall believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead meaning that he died and he was brought back to life and you believe that then you are saved what are you being saved from the wrath of god okay for what the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed he won't disappoint you remember we read in the scripture where it says that israel shall be ashamed of her counsel god will not make you ashamed okay he's not you just got to be willing to hang in there with him you got to be willing to tough it out you got to be willing to see you through and if you hang in there with him he will not make you ashamed but if you give up too soon then you're going to be disappointed because you didn't see the process through you saw sin through but you didn't see the process of the righteousness of jesus through you didn't see what god can fully do for you if you fully avail yourself to him okay for there is no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord over all is rich upon the same lord over is rich unto all that call upon him going up to this last verse many people think that instantly things are going to be better for you instantly you're going to if anything instantly things are going to get worse before they get better because there's the process of breaking things off of you there's things have habits have to be broken and and and people have to be let go of things have to be given up and when those things have become a part of your demise and they become a routine so much so that they're ritualistic in a way because it's such a routine and you got to let that stuff go there's there's there's heartache in that and there's there's heartbreak and there's turmoil things are going to hurt before it it begins to ease up amen so people are looking for an instant honeymoon stage and that's not always the case when you come to the lord god because there's a lot that has to be broken off amen but if you hang in there with the process it will get better and you will have your peace and you will have your rest and you will have your contentment amen verse 13 whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved so god is going to do his part to save you you have to do your part to put yourself in a position to receive the salvation being offered by god through jesus christ if you would quickly go with me to first john uh chapter one verses eight through ten first john chapter one verses eight through ten we're going to quickly uh read through this if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us we want to be forgiven for all that we have that we've done and we want to repent of of all that all the sins that we've committed we want to turn away from the sins and we want to be honest about what it is that we've done wrong amen if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness if you repent and confess god will forgive and cleanse you do your part by repentance and confession god will god will forgive and cleanse that's so important so you got to turn away from the sins call upon the lord call upon the name of the lord so that you can be saved let god know what it is that you've done wrong let them know what it is that you've done wrong you're going to confess your faults before them you know and and i'm the kind of person yes i believe that you can ask god for total exhaustion to be exalt of all of your sins but i also like to specify what it is that i've done wrong to make sure that i get credit for it if you think about a kid in high school the teacher says if you write me uh an essay you can get extra credit write me an essay uh on a particular book but how much extra credit will you get if if you just do a general overlay of the book or you break down each chapter you're probably going to get more extra credit for breaking down the chapters of that book as a matter of fact you're probably you because you could just get an a for the book or i'ma break the book up into sections and get more credit for it that's the way i look at it you following bankruptcy you want to write down who all of your creditors are so that you can be absolved of the debt so that they don't come back up that's what god wants he wants you to specify which sins that you've done he knows everything but a lot of it has to do with you being honest about what you've done wrong so that you can be absolved of it so that you can be released from the bondage of it those things that that you're too ashamed of so say you haven't committed it in a while and you ashamed to tell god but you haven't done it in a while it still has a grip on you because it's going to control you through the fear that means it still has a place in your life even though you haven't practiced in it but once you told god what it is that you've done god is going to help the shackles of that even though it makes you ashamed he is going to break it off of you once and for all so that it don't even have a place in your life just because you're not doing it right now don't mean you've been delivered from it you want to expose it by letting god know what it is that you have repented of so that he can remove the stain of it and that it no longer has power over your life amen verse 10 if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us go with me to acts chapter 2 verses 36 through 47. uh just to give you the backdrop the disciples came together on a day of pentecost on a particular pentecost and on this particular pentecost the spirit of the lord fell down upon the disciples and not only did it fall upon the disciples but the spirit of god came inside of them this is the reigning down of the holy spirit remember god said i will rain down righteousness upon you here we see him raining down the holy spirit upon the disciples and not only did it fall upon them but it goes inside of them and then the the spirit of god began to minister through the disciples to all the worshipers that were there that day now we come into verse 36 which specifies peter's sermon to the to his audience that were there after this event of the holy spirit coming down upon the disciples peter begins to speak to his to the worshipers that were there so here's peter's sermon therefore let all the house of israel know assurely that god had made that same jesus whom you crucified both lord and christ so peter tells them look into your life and look at what's been going wrong and maybe you've had a bad a maybe you have bad things happen because jesus whom you've crucified was the is the messiah and you saw to it that that he was crucified you may have you may not have put the nails in his hands but you rejected him you rejected him and that's probably why things are no good for you in your life now is the time to repent from that rejection of jesus and that's where our nation and yea the world has to come to they have to return to the lord jesus christ so that we can return to god and in order to do that we have to accept that jesus is both lord and christ and if we reject jesus then it's like we're crucifying jesus on the cross and and we we make ourselves a sign we assign ourselves i should say to the wrath of god for our rejection of jesus christ amen remember jesus is the only one that can overturn our death conviction okay verse 37 now when peter's audience now when they heard this they were convicted in their heart that word prick is convicted in their heart and they said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brother what shall we do now what i love about this is that when they heard the truth being preached in peter's sermon they didn't just say that boy preached today boy they didn't they just didn't say amen and went on about their business they wanted to take action because god convicted them in their heart and they knew that they did reject jesus and they and they didn't want that to be the end of their story they wanted their story rewritten and so they said to peter and to the rest of the apostles how can we rewrite this wrong how can we redo it so that we're not chargeable for the offense of the crucifixion of jesus and i'll tell you that when you commit sin when you do wrong like that when you live according to sin you're living in an open state of rebellion against god that's the same as you crucifying jesus afresh daily that's the same as you're rejecting jesus daily god will convict you in your heart because he don't want to see you perish he will convict you in your heart so that you can move towards repentance now those of the audience of peter wanted to know how can we receive mercies what do we have to do that we can be forgiven for what we've done peter tells him repent we talked about repentance turning away from your sins once and for all then peter tells them be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins now i told you just a few minutes ago my family and i are preparing to go out of town to perform a baptism and i bless god for the sister she's flying in uh to actually have the baptism done so uh bless god for her and her faith in god amen that he would allow this to come to come to pass now the the baptism is is is an interesting ceremony we know that jesus was on the cross and he died on the cross he gave up the ghost on the cross after he died he was taken down off the cross and he was laid to rest in a tomb and he was laid to rest meaning that he was dead he was in a state of death for three days and three nights and after three days and three nights he was brought back to life so he was bare and so we say he was buried in a tomb even though he was laid to talk he was laid on the top of a rock and that tomb was sealed he was he was buried which is being laid to rest for three days and three nights and then he was brought back to life he was resurrected from the grave when we perform baptism when we perform the ceremony of baptism when we put you down and totally submerge you in the water when you're being totally submerged in the water you're being buried in christ jesus when you come up out of the water you're being resurrected in christ jesus your old man goes down in the water your new man comes up out of the water and remember we read in in in the gospel of john not the gospel of john but remember we read in 1st john chapter 1 uh verse 9 it says that god is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness when you come up out of the water you're cleansed of the unrighteousness god forgave you and then when you go down in the water and you come back up you're cleansed of all the unrighteousness amen so you want to have the ceremony of baptism done so again your old man goes down into the water you're being buried in jesus christ your new man comes up out of the water you're being resurrected in jesus we know that jesus was laid to rest for three days and three nights and he was brought back to life when he was brought back to life he he came back to life and and somewhat he still had the same scars of the old body but he was still invincible meaning that he conquered death so in that essence he was kind of like a new man if you will your old man goes down and your new man comes up your sins are are nailed to the cross of jesus christ when he was on that cross so when he died he took your sins with him when you come up out of that water your your your sins are washed away amen so that's how your your conviction is overturned because you've accepted jesus as your parole officer your probation officer you're he's the one that has defended you um he's the one that that that that that that care takes for you amen and he's the one that that goes to bat for you you know he'll remove you from from uh those that are deemed uh for judgment he removes you from that and he says father this he he vouched for us he's okay or she's okay this is i vouch for them because they they accepted me as lord and savior so he removes you from death row amen uh uh you know uh fictitious not fictitiously but uh metaphorically speaking i should say uh going on with our bible study so then in verse 38 peter said unto them repent be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost and so you can expect to receive god's spirit abiding inside of you once you fully commit to jesus as being lord and you repent of your sins for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are far off even as many as the lord god shall call so god doesn't have grandchildren he doesn't have great grandchildren once we accept jesus as lord then we also accept god as our father and he becomes our father we become his children amen with many other words did he testify and exhort he encouraged him by saying save yourselves from this godless generation then they that that re that gladly received the word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3 000 souls speaking on baptism we live in the day of the covet and we hear about the delta varian and other variants that are arising and and and then they talk about social distancing and and and that's gotten people leery of of of being baptized because they don't want to catch uh you know you don't want to put yourself in a position to catch you know to catch the covet if you will um we can't forsake our obligations and our commitments to the lord especially let fear rob us of that ask god those of you that are in need of baptism ask god to send someone to you or to send you to someone that can facilitate the ceremony that can do the ceremony as as servants of the most high god we cannot forsake that responsibility and that duty because man says so god commanded us that we we will do it and if he sends someone to us to have it done we have to help them we have to abide by that to to get that thing help them to to get it done so i'm saying those of you that are in need ask god there may be people in your communities people in your cities or your towns they can come over to your home and do it in your bathtub it doesn't matter where you are having the service performed just as long as you are be or you are able to be fully submerged in a tub or a body of water and to be able to come back up that's what matters a person can do it in in the bathtub they can do it in in a swimming pool it don't matter what matters is that you're having it performed and and that you're being fully submerged so i implore you to to to go forth do not let this this covet um not to take it lightly but i look at the most high god and what we're obligated under him what we have to do according we sometimes we just have to do what we're told to do and let god worry about the rest and that's just the way that goes so i encourage you to please get it done servants of the most high god please get it done get it done for them amen make your places available that that people can get it done amen then they that gladly received the word they were baptized in the same day they were added unto them about 3 000 souls and they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine in the fellowship and in breaking the bread and then prayers that's what's important that no matter how hard the road gets that you continue moving forward it's going to get hard just because you've been saved just because your name has been placed on the church rose just because your name has been found in the book of life just because god knows you by name don't mean that the road is going to get easy that's far from it often time god uses the hard roads to strengthen our faith that's the bottom line hang in there and endure what strengthens you what builds you up is that you keep moving forward look at this they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine they stayed in the word of god they fellowshipped they broke bread together they prayed those are the things that got them to where they where they were we those things that got you to where you are praying and fasting and and uh reading the word studying the word of god continue no matter how things get hard for you continue to move forward in these things amen that's the bottom line amen fear came upon every soul many wonders and signs were done by the apostles all that believed were together and had all things common they sold their possessions and good and parted them to all men as every man had need now i don't have a problem earlier you heard me talk about how you got a 100 line and a 50 line i don't think that those things are biblical what is biblical people do give to a place of worship but what you're doing is you're giving to help facilitate um the the kingdom of god it's by the giving that people has given in this ministry that we can help facilitate uh this the the not only this bible study but the baptism that's being done today amen there is a purpose amen but people give of themselves because as you see here they sold their goods and they parted them to all men as every man had need they wanted to address the needs of others that's why they gave of that of themselves and what they've had because they wanted to address the needs of others that's what we look at that when people do give your giving for the kingdom of god and so that that his message can be given to can help facilitate the the needs of others to to give them the word to help empower them now in the method in which we ask people to give how many times you pass the tray around and how many various lines of of money denominations you create that's not i'm sorry that's that's in more than that that's anti-scripture you want people to know which line i'm giving a hundred and you want people to know what you're giving and that's that's not we don't do things like that we do things in secret that the lord would reward us openly amen so they sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men as every man had need they continued daily with one accord in the temple they were breaking bread from house to house and they ate their foods they ate their foods with gladness and singleness of heart they were praising god having favor with all people and the lord added to the church daily such as should be saved eternal god i take this opportunity to thank you for such a lesson thank you for such an opportunity to serve you to minister the word of god to those who you will cause to hear us to receive your truth even that jesus is lord father thank you thank you for giving us the courage to speak in such a dark world oh god i pray for those who had heard and who had taken action to receive your truth those who had called upon jesus those who have repented those who have confessed jesus as lord i pray for them right now god that not only that they would be cleansed of all unrighteousness but that they would also receive the holy ghost i pray that you would place them in places of worship that they can grow that they can be inspired that they can be edified and through their gifts and callings that they can edify others i pray that they would draw near god and i pray that you would use them that others can be saved even through the callings that you've placed on our lives individually and collectively that they would receive jesus as lord so our god i pray and i thank you for calling us out of darkness for long suffering for not abandoning us as we have abandoned you but calling us and making it loud and making it known for us to surrender that we would call you god that we would call you father and that we would call jesus lord thank you your majesty thank you for the gift of salvation thank you for the gift of faith and thank you for the word of god have your way father in their lives those whom you've called out of darkness and they've accepted your call and they've run to your throne that they may place their head on your chest thank you for god use them strengthen them continue to tend to them according to their needs and according to your glory in jesus name we pray amen folks i thank you for allowing our our ministry for allowing our church to be a part of your bible study again i bless god that we get an opportunity to go out and to to baptize today someone is actually flying out and we're going to meet them uh and perform the ceremony and it's because of of the way that you've supported this ministry that allows us to do our part amen to help set up a facility uh so that the ceremony could be done i just i say thank you amen i really say thank you um and there are other places that are out there and they're out there and i know that i've you know talked about how some places of ministry operate you know the money lines that they would have that's not scriptural that don't mean that their message as far as whatever message they give that don't mean that that message isn't god's sent is this somehow some some misdirection got caught up in the details of the functioning of that ministry but i don't mean that the message of the ministry is is not well just be mindful amen so i'm saying this is not the only ministry uh for you to give to those that are given there are other ministries that god is using uh and be mindful of those places of worship because i'm sure as these days and times you know um they're you know people are having to put their faith in their trust in god and just be mindful of that amen uh coming to numbers chapter 6 verses 24 through 26 as we always say please if you have any unrepented sin please repent of any and all of your sins because i want you to receive these blessings we've been reading about what brings curses and what happens when you don't repent of your sins but look at what happens when you do repent what you can expect amen so i want you to receive this this is numbers chapter 6 beginning at verse 24 the lord bless thee and keep thee the lord make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee the lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace that's when he hasn't turned his face from you but he's put his face towards you and he smiled because he's pleased with you and he thinks highly of you amen he has good thoughts towards you i want you to receive it i want you to know that it was god that blessed you and it was you that god has moved to be blessed by him because you were obedient to him and so he's blessed you i want you to receive that in jesus name and i thank you we love you god bless you again thank you for your support of this ministry and thank you for your support of the kingdom of god god bless you you
Channel: Clarence Hardin
Views: 119
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, CREATOR, LORD JESUS CHRIST, bible study
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 10sec (9370 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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