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[Music] hello everybody so it is boiling hot here in France absolutely boiling um I've dressed in my summer dress my April from the kitchen because I'm in a process of doing Sunday roast and some very attractive Wellies so this is the mama Moon look most of the time um Charlie's about to ride we've got so much has happened in the last few days I have videoed it for you so I'm going to try and put it all together to make some sort of sense um yeah so I'm just going to check up magic for Charlie to ride go back in and cook dinner and yeah you'll see you'll see in the videos we've got lots going on lots have happened um some of the horses have been bit poorly so we've had epiland blessings got a um a poultice on his foot because he's got a bad foot um max he's Cushing's disease is playing up so he's got to be clipped and he's probably gonna be seeing the vet at the end of the week so yeah lots has been going on but yeah I'm gonna put it all in a video for you probably a few videos for the amount of footage I've got so this evening I'll sit and try and put it all together for you to say but anyway it's very hot and um yeah I'm gonna go attack up so see you very soon okay so now what I'm gonna do is stab at the end of this carrot with a pair of scissors we're going to hide the tablet in the carrot nice and deep like that so he doesn't know he's been on the earth 31 years and this animal knows so we have to con him right so that's his painkiller in the carrot let's go and give it to him okay so here we are we've Mr de fuke hello so he hates flies so hence the reason he looks like this he's covered up there's his poorly foot down the back there with his poultice on so let's give him his carrot and see no one you can do it let me down see 31 and definitely not that wise I'll always get the better of you Mr dafook yes I will well done there's no more right so that's gone so hopefully the anti-inflammatory will start working and the pain relief will start kicking in you can see that it hurts him because he keeps lifting it up oh dear here's magic already with his magnetic stuff on he's going to be ridden now Charlie's about to take him out here he is if you're wondering why he's got a face paint on he went to a pony party this morning so he's currently wearing mascara and yes black makeup so right it's magic he's done a good job look at the state of his legs he got some grooming to do before you start riding Charlie [Music] okay so dear old magic suffers with Summer culses so poor flies so he um has to have like a anti-acid to settle his tummy before we do anything with him before he eats so he has it twice a day morning and evening when he has his main meals and he has it in the middle of the day just before he's ridden so just like um Pepto-Bismol or uh what's the other stuff called Gaviscon it's a bit like that so just helps settle his tummy in the acid so we're just gonna roll up now ready for him which you've seen quite a lot of now in the side of the mouth and as much as you you know he hasn't got an eye on this side so it's helpful because he doesn't know when he's coming so we just pop it in squirt it down his throat and hold up literally swallows he's very good though he knows that this helps him so he swallows good boy so that's done now let's onto attacking up so this is a jelly pad that um he has to have on because he's got skin like paper so I have to make sure he's always got gel or fluff on him to protect him when he's being ridden a bit if it cools down if you don't make it quickly let's put it on there you go bring it down [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so we're going to try and make him a bit more comfortable and shave all this fluffy stuff off and hopefully he's gonna be set for the summer so um he's good to go [Music] [Applause] no no no no no no no no no no no no okay [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Moons
Views: 3,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #horses #akhalteke #golden #clipping #farm #France #Moons
Id: jnOcosA818w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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