Cinderella’s Story

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another video from the magical moons I'm here with a very good friend of mine Tony who we call Mr T the family love him the kids love him but more importantly he changed the Legend's lives forever by being an instrumental part of the rescue of the horse called Cinderella which you can see in previous videos but just goes to show like you guys by just being there and having that one mind that one vision of what is possible what can happen and he's here to hopefully shed a little bit of light on her story so thank you for agreeing to be on camera but you're very welcome I'm glad to be here yeah know it's been it's been a pleasure to um have known you and a real honor to be your friend or to call myself your friend but what happened was when Cinderella pops up and she was on the Belgian border going for the meat trade um an Elite Sport horse a registered horse all the stuff that we want to do at Legends to protect them she was on that front line she was hours away from being um passed over to the other side literally um I rang Tony and a few other guys that I was working with and um they all clubbed together and made it possible for me and the boys as you'll see in the previous video to go and to go and do that but um it really meant the world because at the time we had no support we were um hand to mouth Yes we'd have had they say no support that's probably not true in so far as we had some very kind people run a show in Scotland for us we had individual uh a couple of individual donations but we also had a charity event which supported us and that sore us through the winter but we didn't when I say real support we didn't have that monthly bit of money that little bit of security we were working I was working with t um I mean do you have well we we' really only known each other three or four month yeah and we kind of would made a bond and a friendship a come out that um and when you rang me and asked for help it was just like my extent of Charity and helping Charities he's going to the charity shop and buying some clothes but when you rang me the desperation the passion everything was just this in this phone call and you touch me just touched me and you asked and I just went straight out to the bank draw what a qu on my card combat by time I come back you was at the house and you're not a horsey person I'm not a horsey person but you are an animal lover and he loves butterflies and fairies so well he was always going to be good but yeah you know you were there by the time I got back you were there yeah and you were literally collecting some donations whatever you could get I'm going straight out to cut this house and save it it was it was like literally like that um but that's what made it happen and that little bit of reassurance that there's someone else in the world and and subsequently through um after your help and the other guys help to get to where we are now we just realized that there are other people who are likeminded that do care that do have that Compass do have that little bit of yeah we we think there's more to what we're doing in and that's what made a difference that it wasn't just the fact of yeah we were working and as I say not being a horsey person but just being an animal lover and loving all you know the nature and everything there is all the stuff we bounced off each other when you're working you know we talk about stuff and a lot of the stuff we say were about the environment and you know where all the stuff we appreciate but then to be called upon to to kind of action was um a real it really reassuring and I thank you for that no you're very welcome I mean I'm I'm glad I'm part of it I mean I mean you opened my eyes up to the fact that these famous horses that make people millions of pounds are just thrown to the side taken to the meet the meat man at the end of their career which is wrong I think we touched on it before when we said about um we actually did um a little shoot with a friend of ours um and and Simon one of the other guys that was involved and he said oh yeah but you know if it was a famous car like one of the Formula 1 driver's cars it would be revealed it would be paraded it would be taken to events and it would be held in a steam or something but these horses just seem to well they just forgotten about serve the purpose and and then that's [Music] it [Music] [Music] the advert reads for this is a superb 21-year-old former Sports horse may who was once turned out to the highest of levels she's kind she's super soft but unfortunately this beauty needs to regain her weight she has also lost an eye she's a well educated May who will be able to make her future family very happy she's suitable for company or light work she needs to settle down she is a mayor who has a lot to give to people unfortunately this mayor finds herself in the wrong place and we do not know how she got here the adoption fee for this may is €800 this is her meat value she's currently with the merchant and will be departing Monday morning for Belgium if you can adopt this may please contact us directly as an emergency thank you this is where Cinderella's path crossed the moons and with the help of some kindhearted people we managed to get together the money to be able to release Cinderella from this situation this is where time was really pressured we knew that we had to pick up Cinderella early Monday morning before the meet man arrived red but we also knew that we had to get a trailer and the money together to be able to go and pick up this beautiful M Nick spent the next I don't know how many hours driving around the countryside picking up money from good-hearted people that wanted to help Cinderella and also the beautiful V who lent us her trailer so we could actually drive to the Belgian border and pick up this m Nick along with our two eldest boys Toby and Charlie drove through the night to get to Cinderella for first thing Monday morning he made it with 30 minutes to spare having spent his life working with these horses Le said he could tell immediately that she felt relief she walked onto that trailer and she was now safe she now had a 9-hour journey home to join the other [Music] Legends Cinderella has gone on to become a much loved member of The Legend family celebrating three birthdays with us hello everybody um today's a very exciting day because it's Cinderella's birthday and if you've been following her story then you'll know what happened but if you haven't well she was um found or she found herself um at the Belgium border waiting uh to go to meet but today she's down in the field and we're going to take her birthday cake down and thank you to everyone who helped us rescue her thank you [Music] she has the softest of characters and she's the most noble of creatures we are honored to say that she's part of legacy of Legends this is Princess Cinderella Cinderella I can't call her from a fairy she's had a fairy tale from what she's been for BL heart so Cinderella was the one that Nick rode out yeah Cinderella Nick WR her today yeah so yeah she's um she's she's still in work um not a lot the kids ride every now and again and we take her take her around the block she quite enjoys going to get the old the get yeah from The Bakers and um yeah Cinderella again her story was pretty pretty um sad she end we we we've got told about her and um drove through the night to pick her up from a Belgium slaughter house pass oh my God and uh yeah it it happen we just happen to have been lucky enough to been alerted and uh yeah Nick went through the night with the boys and we picked her up and brought her home s contacted her original breeder and owner who's obviously absolutely of the Moon that she's with us and um it's really follow of the story and yeah he um he fully on board but yeah again it's you know yeah but she's she's really happy she's she's a bit of a beast she's only got one eye that works and she's got a nice big um lump on her side but it doesn't affect her the vet's checked her all over and she's quite happy most loving horse yeah honestly I swear she knows spends her whole time like she nickers whenever you come in she wants to be your friend and oh she's just all she's happy food and sleep and she's absolutely Divine a lover abely lover some of them really steal your heart and she really stole mine when she arrived I was just but it's such a sad like from what could have happened and how you sa I can't bear it I just can't the thought of it the thought of what that animal was about to go through just it just ruined it just I honestly I I have nights where I wake up and like in a bit of a sweat cuz I think oh we did it just in time we've got just in time you know and as I say it's not every horse most of them are it's just unfortunate you know at that point once you once they've been sold and you know professional would sell the horse to someone they think is good enough the horse gets a bit older their circumstances change they sell quick sale sell them to a dealer as soon as they're at that point in their life you know it's an unrecognized Horse no one knows who they they just want to get some money and unfortunately you know her money she was still at you know she was we had to pay with help of some very good friends €800 to take her away from the meat man you know and it's not something I'm going to make the habit of doing I can't afford to we can't but she was you know she she's a you know like she's walking proof of what does happen yeah you know she's still here yeah and much adored she having a lovely life now yeah went for a little hack this morning so she's very happy yeah you would never think that [Music] [Music] Dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody we have some sad news today one of our beautiful Legends has left us for that other place wherever that may be lovely Cinderella this morning collapsed in the field um and we couldn't get her back up so we waited for the vet and yeah she was put down so it was as smooth and as calm as it could be it was um horrible for me and for Nick sorry I'm might cry going try really hard to help it go for this um but what I did do was I was filming for um for you guys actually I was filming because this week we've been away well I've been away I went and spent a couple of days with sad and uh Cinderella had been ill last week which is why there have been no videos we've been nursing her 24 hours for the last week and a bit um and the vet had been and we were unsure what it was we sort of stabilized her and we we got about we we were all pretty sure it was age related end of her life but we weren't sure there was talk that it could be a tick related disease so she had limes disease so we were going to have her blood tested on Thursday to have that checked and lots of different things she'd been checked over she was showing signs of being old her heart was struggling and bits and pieces but there wasn't really any reason for her to be like she was um she's always had problems with her breathing she sort of was the same the only thing that we think could possibly have triggered it was the heat we had extreme heat here we had it was at 3839 a couple of days last week and it just got too much I think for her and unfortunately it just from that point on you know it just went downhill so yeah I I've been to sades for a couple of days Nick looked after her whilst I was there and then we've come home um I got home late last night to to be with her and uh yeah this morning she wanted to go out in the field so I let her out and um I went down to check her to do a little film for you and you see her in her final moments cuz within moments of that she had collapsed and we had called the vet and the vet came out and we put her to sleep but it's really it's a lovely thing so I'm going to show you on this video this um and I'm going to show you Nick with her in her moments towards the end and she laid on the floor she she didn't want to get up obviously she laid on the floor and we gave her a feed on the floor and Nick and I spent a good couple of hours whil we waited for the V vet in the sun we covered her up in a fly rug and we talked to her about her you know her old days and things and uh yeah we had to say goodbye but it's been a really hard day we love him so much but she's happy now and she's up with her with her mat so I'm not going to carry on cuz I'm going to keep crying and I've still got to make this video so yeah so I'm going to give staz a kiss remind myself there are lots more and there'll be more in the future and know that we gave her the best possible end and we were with her for right to that very last moment so it is a tear jerker but it's a good one and she had a lovely lovely life and thank you all for supporting us and thank you to our patreons who have known that she's been poorly for about a week and they've all been giving us words of encouragement and without you it would have been a lot harder so yeah it's been a it's been a really really hard week but it's been exceptionally hard afternoon I'm going to make the video now and um yeah let's celebrate her life and and remember her for how beautiful she [Music] was hello all what an unexpected week it's been it's been a difficult week to say the least or two weeks nearly now um last week just after our last video Dear Old Cinderella here who you can just pick up in the background um started to collapse for no reason so we've been off air for a while because we've been nursing her 24 hours and then I went away to stay with sad for a couple of days CU we had some things to organized um and Nick's been looking after her the vet's been here um yeah it's been really really hard it was very very touch and go we weren't sure if she was going to make it and to be completely honest we're still not sure if she's going to be okay the vet is coming again on Thursday um to take more Bloods from her and see if we can work out what the situation is we think it might be Lim's disease so that's got a specific blood test which we're going to have done now um to see if we can see if that's what's doing it because she has lots of health issues age related health issues anyway that we deal with on a daily basis um she's okay in herself now she's not suffering in any way so that's why we're hanging on we're not you know we're not going to say goodbye just yet but we are we are at that point in her life it's fragile it hangs in the balance and this is what we deal with you know this is what we do we take them on at this age and we know that they're going to have these health issues and we know that you know sometimes you know without any warning this happens so she's in the back there she's with her little friend and as you can see she's not eating she's just sort of standing there um she's the most shocking part of this is the amount of weight she's lost I've never seen a horse lose so much weight in a week um she is eating up at the stables and she's sleeping this is her first day out in two weeks so um yes so I think she's probably just enjoying some sun on her back but she has been eating and she has been drinking but we don't know whether it's an age related illness um whether it's just her getting old and it's her time or whether it's um yeah to do with the life Li disease but hopefully once we have the results from the limes disease we'll know and then um then we can treat her accordingly but as I say it's very uh it's really really hard don't like it cuz we love them all so much but yeah so we're just going to just keep keep looking after her and you know do our best to to give her a comfortable end if that's what it is or keep her comfortable and hopefully she'll be trying around the fields in in a week's time and we'll see but either way we're we're here and we love her dearly so we'll go over and say um I'm not going to do too much with her because you know as I say she's she's had a really rough couple of weeks and yeah it's just not been nice for anyone but we'll go and say hello and uh yeah I'll come back and see you all in a [Music] bit Hey Little Live hey tiers are you relaxing darling are you having a bit of time in the Sun good [Music] girl [Music] [Music] okay so we're here um I've come back from work early cuz Cinderella has collapsed in the field um and we're waiting for the vet to come so um she's got very very wobbly and she's very very poorly um but she's just sat up she's been laying down flat and she's tried to get up a few times and now as you can see she's just having a little Munch at the grass so she's obviously feeling a little bit better but she's very very weak so we're just trying to keep her calm and keep her um as comfortable as possible um it is quite hot here and there's lots of fers as you can see so we're just trying to say keep it as calm as possible and wait until the vet um arise but yeah it's like it's it's that um kind of what the what to do for the best so hopefully when the vet comes we'll be able to um update you and um yeah we'll see what's [Music] on [Music] um so I'll bring you some sad news that Cinderella in the last um few few minutes the vet came to see her and um she's being put to rest she was uh he said that her heart was really struggling and we've had some very very hot weather here in the last um couple of weeks and she always had a problem with her breathing so given the fact that the weather was it was uh almost off the Record hot that kind of triggered a chain of events which has ultimately led to her um yeah being put to sleep which is it's sad and it's um it's always hard and no one ever wants to get to that point but um it's uh it's part of what we do and um we're we're here for them and I was with her and Jenny was with her right till the very end um and uh yeah we owe that to them and um so it's it's been a it's always hard and yeah making that decision but the vet he was um uh lovely young vet and uh very uh very conscientious and went very quietly and checked her all out but as I say he said that her heart was really struggling and had been and that's what kind of kickstarted all those complications so um yeah we're here for him um right till the very end and uh like I said it's not easy um but they deserve it and they they uh they definitely um they definitely know you're with them and Jenny spent a lot of time I came back from work a bit early today uh got the call from Jenny to say that she would been out in the field which you you'll probably have seen earlier and she was happy and um you know so she's uh yeah out to pasture as it were so it's one of those um one of those things but um yeah she was she was uh loved until the very end and she was she wasn't left on her own so um yeah an important decision and uh and it's glad in another way is kind of uh it's always a relief when um you know the suffering ends and they're not in say suffering she wasn't uh she wasn't bad it was just a case of those underlying issues and obviously that all caught up with her in the end so um yeah sad day at the the moon household or at the ranch as it were but um yeah she's with her with her other friends um wherever that place may be [Music] the the [Music] d [Music] the [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so there in lies the bit of when I I first met her um and it was really strange cuz I went there with Toby and Charlie we drove uh that long drive with a trailer we borrowed it for some friends of ours with the car family car and we got there and we were waiting to find out where the place was and we eventually arrived at what they call the depot and it's a place where all the horses congregate and they're ready to go to their various places but it was a really eerie situation and I was unsure and it didn't feel particularly good but I just remember walking up to her in the middle of all these horses in the field and without words as soon as I got the head collar out and put it on her and clipped it up you could instantly tell her relief she was just I'm going to be okay and that to me that moment of just to be able to you you know you we everyone involved gave her that because without that she wouldn't have had she was waiting as as with any just unknown what the future was UN Uncharted and she was at a loss why am I here what's going on and then all of a sudden just that moment literally clip on the head collar and she just it's going to be okay and then from there just the most beautiful personality straight on the trailer up there on the way back she was win and talking to us when we stopped off and gave us some water brought her home and then as Jenny said Mommy Moon whenever you brought food near or when anyone came out on the yard she was always talking winning talk you know just muttering away she was just really really animated and um and that just brought out that bit it just gave her a chance another life she had another chance and you created new memories new dreams for her I think that's what yeah and ultimately when that time came um in her final days um like Tony said and when I rang him and said I'm sorry to tell you you know she's no longer with us he said yeah but that doesn't matter because what she had being surrounded by love and Jenny and I were sat down there with her um on her final day and and being with her that's that's it so the whole bit from that whole uncertainty from where she was to where she ended up is what it's all about and uh and that is what I've always said to you you our Dream to create that legislation put that law in place that those horses obviously um matter and they've changed people they've touched people's lives and and we were you were we're all very happy and grateful just to have been a part of that story but it's only the beginning and right but that's the that's what uh you know good friends do and and and nor and say say normal people but as we' said before Tony's not a horsey person yes he's an animal lover he's a he's a great guy he's a good guy he's a kind person but he saw that need and he stepped up and uh and as many of you have just realizing that something needs to be done and that's the the the the Snowball Effect yeah yeah that's the right thing to do at that time and you did it yeah it was all good yeah thank you [Music] n [Music]
Channel: The Moons
Views: 15,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8rlVeDXmYco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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