Horrifying Scary NoSleep Stories to mess with your head - NoSleep 36

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[Music] our /no sleep EP 36 our stories for today are posted by user Sinha copy the twisted lady I was tucking my little sister into bed when she spoke up can you sit with me until I fall asleep why I asked I thought you weren't afraid of the dark it's not the dark Charlotte said it's the twisted lady a chilled shot down my spine who the twist and lady my sister repeated she comes into my room and watches me as I sleep wordlessly I lay down beside Charlotte and held her close she fell asleep within minutes but I stared up at the dark ceiling and tried to make sense of what I just heard the twisted lady I knew that name when I was three I used to talk about a gnarled looking woman who lived in the basement and only came out at night I described her as having white eyes and a face like a skeleton my parents assumed it was just a recurring nightmare and got a nightlight for my room that seemed to help and I grew up believing the twisted lady had been nothing more than a construct of my imagination but now 15 years later my 7 year old sister had seen her too I stayed with Charlotte all night my sleep restless and uneasy the next morning I asked my mother if she told my sister about the twisted lady no of course not I wouldn't want to scare her well she was talking about her last night she must have overhead was discussing it moms lips thinned with worry oh dear I hope she doesn't start having nightmares like you did that day I could barely concentrate in school I kept sifting through my memories trying to find an image of the twisted lady I was unsuccessful when I got home I searched the internet for clues but nothing solid came up all too soon night rolled around again and I stood outside Charlotte's door listening to her speak to mom the twisted lady will come honey there's no twisted lady trust me you're completely safe she's real mama Charlotte insisted the desperation in her voice brought stinging tears to my eyes she's really as honey go to sleep it's going to be okay I promise she kissed my sister and walked out of the room when she saw me waiting in the hall she gave me a reassuring smile and said everything's okay but it wasn't Charlotte woke up that night screaming she was in here she wailed when I burst into her room my parents shadowing me the twisted lady was in here I picked her up and rocked her it's okay you're safe she sobbed as our parents came over and wrapped their arms around us both we sat there hugging until Charlotte dozed off again after tucking her back in we went back to bed but I didn't sleep for the rest of the night that was just the beginning a pattern emerged over the next two months at least one night a week Charlotte would scream out at night and insist that the twisted lady had been in her room we would come her and she would go back to sleep only for it to happen again a night or two later soon the physical effects of the nightmares became apparent plum colored circles formed around Charlotte's pretty blue eyes her face was perpetually as pale as on baked bread dough and she moved as if her legs were too heavy for the rest of her body she could barely stay awake and we were all worried that she'd only get worse I still wasn't sure if I believed whether or not the twisted lady was real I'm not exactly a skeptic but I'd rather rule out all rational explanations before believing there are paranormal forces at work also I was afraid I couldn't remember the twisted lady herself but I did remember the terror she planted in me a terror that seemed never to have left after all one night on a weekend my parents were out of town I came up with a plan what if I could get physical proof that the twisted lady wasn't real if Charlotte saw it for herself maybe the nightmares would stop if she knew the twisted lady wasn't real she wouldn't have to be afraid I set up my father's camcorder in Charlotte's room explaining to her that if the twisted lady came by the device would pick up on her I then took my baby sister into my own room and we crawled into my bed and fell asleep I woke up extremely early just as the Sun began to bleed through the hazy lavender sky rubbing my eyes I stumbled into the hall and my heart flew into my throat when I saw that Charlotte's door was open I was pretty sure I'd closed it the night before moving as quietly as I could in my slightly panicked State I grabbed the camcorder and went downstairs to the living room where I uploaded the video onto my laptop and sat on the couch to watch the first few hours of footage showed nothing which only added to my mounting dread at around midnight something could be heard shuffling awkwardly up the stairs scuff scuff thud scuff scuff thud by the time it reached the hall I was shaking and had nearly bitten through my bottom lip very very very slowly Charlotte's door squealed open and the most horrifying thing I have ever seen entered my sister's room it was a naked woman a naked woman who looked like nearly every bone in her body had been broken and then reset by the most incompetent of doctors she-crab walked on limbs bent sharply at bizarre angles and her just caved in as if she were missing whole sections of her ribs her spine and shoulders curved inward forming a camel like bump on her back and pushing her head down between her breasts and the sound she was making oh god it was a deep raspy guttural noise caught somewhere between a moan and gasp and it made me wanna claw my own ears off she shuffled right up to Charlotte's bed and just sat there for a while as if not sure what to do next then slowly she began to turn her head neck cracking loudly with the movement her long stringy hair fell back as she looked right at the camera her face to put it mildly was grotesque the skin was so taut I could see every contour of her skull and facial bones and her eyes were rolled all the way back in her head she had no visible lips and her nose seemed to be caving in I slammed the laptop shut and ran back upstairs after searching Charlotte's room and finding no sign of the monstrosity I'd just seen I grabbed my still sleeping sister and fled to my best friend's house I was in shock and couldn't quite process what had happened that was three years ago Charlotte hasn't seen the twisted lady in a long time and I never showed my parents the footage in fact I deleted it I didn't want what id seem to be real but now I'm not so sure I made the right choice you see a month ago my father was doing some work in the when he discovered that some bricks in the wall had come loose further investigation revealed a makeshift grave were a broken human skeleton lay the police haven't been able to identify the victim but I know she's connected to the twisted lady since the discovery past owners of the house have come forward and admitted to seeing her - none of them imagined she was a possible murder victim then again neither did my family looking back I believe the twisted lady only wanted help she wanted to tell someone who she was and what had happened to her but was unable to convey any of this if I hadn't been such a coward and gotten rid of the footage maybe her bones could have been discovered sooner I hope they catch her killer so the sick bastard can be brought to justice I hope once he's brought to justice the twisted lady can finally be at peace our next story is called the red door by cynic happy never open the red door I wish I could tell you the exact number of times I heard those words throughout my childhood but math has never been my strong point and I don't think I can count that high it was usually my grandfather who spoke them sometimes my mother or father but usually grandpa he was a stern Greek Canadian man tall and heavyset with shiny black hair and Stern features he had many rules to keep the household in check but the one concerning the red door was by far the most important never open the red door don't ever open the red door you will regret it the intensity in his eyes as he laid down the law never failed to frighten my sisters and I we never dreamed of disobeying him my family was wealthy and lived in a towering brick manor with too many rooms most of the doors leading into these rooms were white the red door was the only one of its kind it was on the second floor located right between the bedrooms occupied by me and my sister Callie respectively it remained locked at all times grandpa kept the key and twice a day he would enter the room and after 30 minutes or so emerge looking pale and shaken and brushing off anyone's inquiries about his health every now and then my sisters and I gathered up the nerve to stand outside the red door and listen while grandpa was in there all we ever heard were his heavy footsteps and muttering in greek whenever he caught us lurking he would pin us with a look that made our blood run cold stay away from the red door he would bark before stalking down the hall he would disappear into his study shutting the door behind him this behavior frightened me of course but as I grew up the my curiosity intensified I simply couldn't stop fantasizing about what might be hidden behind the red door silver and gold rare gemstones a unicorn more candy than one girl could ever eat maybe the door even led to another world like in the Narnia books since I couldn't question grandpa about it without risking his wrath however I turned to my parents for answers they couldn't tell me anything either mom grandpa's only daughter told me the Red Door had been off limits since she was my age and that her father never offered her an explanation either dad told me I should just let it drop I could have screamed I wanted to know what was behind the red door it was an intense thirst a desperation that felt like a raging storm in my head there were times when I couldn't sleep at night my mind was whirling so violently with possibilities I knew my sisters Kali Gabriela and Marguerite were curious as well but they did a better job containing it grandpa probably has a good reason for keeping the door locked said Kali maybe it's best we just stay away no way I shrieked one day I am going to see what's behind the red door I don't care what grandpa says I was a child not even stupid I never considered the danger never took into account how drained grandpa looked whenever he walked out of that room never cared about anything but my own curiosity I had made a vow that one day I would see behind the red door and I didn't intend to break it it wasn't until I was about eight or nine that I got a little taste of the fear grandpa felt late at night around 11 p.m. if I remember correctly I woke up to sounds that made my breath catch in my chest loud banging that shook the walls and made me worry that the roof would cave in shrill wailing that felt like shards of glass piercing my eardrums crying for mum I stumbled into the hollande found my family gathered around the red door father mom yelled clutching a crying Gabrielle and Marguerite to her sides what the hell is going on in there that was the first time I ever heard her swear grandpa standing tall admits the chaos looked like he was going to keel over his face was wider than bleached bedsheets his hands clenched into fists so tight it would have taken a crowbar to pry them apart he didn't answer mom just slid a hand into his pocket and retrieve the key he unlocked the red door and stepped inside as I had so many times before I tried to peer around him and get a glimpse inside but dad grabbed me and pulled me back I want to see I want to see i wailed more out of habit than anything else to tell the truth I was terrified especially as the sounds grew louder mixed with grandpa's angry shouts silence Rebecca dad whispered clamping a rough calloused hand over my mouth we stood there in the darkened hall listening for what felt like hours until the terrible noises suddenly stopped as if sucked into a vacuum cleaner my ears were ringing and I was trembling like a tuning fork grandpa stepped out minutes later slamming the red door behind him and locking it I don't ever want to hear you girls speak about this he hissed of me and my sisters do you understand we nodded he stalked off his head and shoulders bowed as if pulled down by a string mum and dad sent us girls back to bed but nobody got much sleep that night for a while after that my curiosity was quelled replaced by fear I gave the Red Door a wide berth whenever I walked down that hall and would hide in my room whenever grandpa went in instead of standing outside and listening my sisters were terrified as well but while my fear eventually subsided theirs didn't what the hell are you doing Kalle snapped at me when she caught me outside the red door again it had been four months since that terrifying night and I was still scared but my intense curiosity had returned I want to know what's behind the red door I protested Callie's anger frightened me she was one of the comest people I'd ever known and rarely raised her voice you were insane she hissed whatever's behind that [ __ ] door it's going to kill somebody if you ever go in there you'll never come out but grandpa goes in there he's the only one of us who can survive in there I stared up at my sixteen-year-old sister in shock wondering how she knew all this looking back I realized that being older she simply had a better perspective on the situation Kalle was nothing if not intelligent just like that the anger seemed to drain out of her and she wrapped me up in a hug Rebecca I'm sorry I just I don't want you to get hurt I nodded against her chest but deep down I knew I wanted to see what was inside the room with a red door many years later I finally got my wish grandpa died when I was 18 he simply went to sleep one night and never woke up he had kept us away from the Red Door and maintained his habit of going in there twice a day until the very end even as his health took a slow trajectory downward he left behind the key which I snuck out of his bedroom on the day my parents went to pick out a coffin by then my sisters had all moved out margarita and Gabriella were away at college and Kalle was married with a baby on the way none of them had expressed a desire to see what was behind the red door in a long time but I had never forgotten my vow the rusted silver key felt cold and heavy in my hand as I stood before the red door eyeing the peeling paint and worn brass knob in the back of my mind I could hear grandpa chanting don't open the red door don't open the red door over and over again I felt sick with guilt knowing I was disobeying him but I couldn't turn back not when I finally had the key holding my breath I slipped it into the lock and turned there was a harsh click and the red door creaked open after years of anticipation I stepped inside I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't what I found memories of all the wonderful things I'd imagined ran through my brain as I stared ahead in disbelief I was standing at the mouth of a cave a [ __ ] cave jagged with rock dark and gaping like a giant mouth what the [ __ ] i sputtered and was answered by the red door swinging shut I didn't even look back I was too stunned slipping the key into the pocket of my jeans I took a step forward the air inside the cave was hot and muggy and I immediately began to sweat I was still in shock as I moved deeper inside you the flashlight on my phone as a guide the cave floor was caked with dirt the walls etched with deep scratches all I could hear were my footsteps in my own heavy breathing I was dreaming I had to be this couldn't be happening no way so I kept going my logic was that if this was a dream then no real harm could come to me sweat trickled down my back and tiny rivers it really was hot and I kept reaching up to wipe the moisture off my forehead I had been walking for a long time and my legs were sore I spotted a flat rock and sat down to rest my head was still spinning with confusion I still believed I was dreaming but this was by far the weirdest dream I'd ever had it made no sense to me how the Red Door could lead to a freaking cave of all things was I underground that made no sense considering the room was on the second floor nothing about this made sense I contemplated turning back to lock the red drawer behind me and forget about all this but my curiosity still wasn't satisfied I wanted to at least make it to the end of this tunnel to understand the truth about this place and what my grandpa had seen in here I wanted to unlock the mystery of my childhood I wanted to know why grandpa had been so adamant no one ever come in here as I stood ready to continue I cast my light across the cave floor and spotted something that made me do a double-take footprints not those of a human however cloven hooves like those of a goat or a sheep or a demon you would think that I would have gotten the hell out of there after seeing that but I still believe this was a dream and couldn't comprehend that I was in any danger so instead I followed the footprints it had been slowly growing hotter the deeper I went and by now I was soaked with sweat my clothes clung damply to my skin uncomfortable I peeled off my t-shirt and continued on in nothing but my bra the footprints eventually faded away but I kept going in their general direction convinced this was the right way wherever I was going so dazed was I that I didn't notice the object in my path until I tripped over it I landed on my knees hard and cursed before turning around so I could see what had been in my path something smooth and round something that may have once been why but had grown yellowed with age I reached out to pick it up and let out a thin shriek a skull a human skull with a big crack in the front most of the teeth missing the empty eye sockets stared up at me hollow and lifeless oh my god I muttered letting the skull slip from my shaking fingers holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that snapped me back to reality I had to get out of here I didn't care about what might be awaiting me at the end of the tunnel in fact I didn't want to see it I scrambled to my feet and whipped around only to freeze when I saw I wasn't alone there was another person crouched just a few feet away I used the term person loosely because it hardly looked human it was so wizened and bony it's pale skin hanging off the sharp bones like an oversized suit ragged stringy strands of brown hair hit its face it crouched on all fours glaring up at me with beady dark eyes I don't remember screaming but I must have because the creature lurched back and let out a startled hiss showing off jagged yellow teeth I began to run in the opposite direction as fast as I could thankfully the creature didn't give chase but I began to hear sounds piercing shrieks angry growls and the crackling of flames I considered turning back and taking my chances with the emaciated horror behind me but before that could happen I saw that I was heading for the edge of a cliff and skidded to a stop falling to my knees once more I let out a harsh dry sob releasing the tension that had been building inside me since I first hope in the Red Door the terrible noises filled my ears louder than ever before and I forced myself to peer over the edge the drop wasn't too far only about 20 feet below me was a scene I can only describe as a glimpse into hell perhaps it really was hell at the center of it all sat a giant goat skull about the size of a city bus sharp curving horns the size of trees protruded from the top there was no skin or hair attached nothing but bare bone the only thing alive about it was the eyeball in the right eye socket a giant yellow eyeball with a square pupil this horrible I kept rolling round steering in all directions and every minute or so the colossal jaws would creak open with an ear-splitting screech and release a cloud of black smoke dancing around the skull war what I can only describe as demons some were vaguely human in shape but with skin rotting off their bones and mouths full of needle-like teeth there were bipedal goats with gnarled horns monstrosity 's with scaly skin and spiky tails skeletons with flames in their eyes shrieking with laughter I began to cry I was just so terrified I wanted to run but I couldn't move I was quite literally frozen in fear then I felt a presence a shadow fell over me and an angry voice boomed out I told you never to open the red door I looked up and saw grandpa standing over me or what had once been grandpa his skin had gone a horrible blotchy shade of purplish red his eyes were fogged over with cataracts his hair was torn out in chunks revealing his scalp covered in crusty sores and pus-filled blisters grandpa I gasped get out get out now he screamed I saw the goat skulls giant high focus on me and the pupil contracted to the size of a pinpoint it let out a screech that rattled my bones that sent me stumbling back crying hysterically get out grandpa bellowed waving his hands wildly get out now somehow I got my legs to cooperate I stood back up and ran faster than I ever had in my life the howls and shrieks of demons followed me down the tunnel ringing in my ears even as the Red Door finally came back into view I slammed the red door behind me as hard as I could locking it with the key that thankfully hadn't fallen out of my pocket then I slumped to the floor vomited up the contents of my stomach and curled into the fetal position crying and trembling something slammed against the door with such impact that I went skidding forward a few feet i sat up and watched hard in my throat as whatever it was through its bulk against the red door two more times before giving up something retreated back down the tunnel moving on all fours I sniffled wiping my nose on my arm I could still smell smoke however faint as it wafted through the large crack that had formed in the red door my parents and sisters never learned of my expedition past the red door but I knew they suspected it anyway how could they not given jumpy demeanor for the next several weeks and the heavy-duty padlock I bought after finishing college I moved out of that house married and started a family of my own my parents still live there and it is now dad who keeps the key it is him who enters the terrible place two times a day I don't know what he does in there but it keeps the demons at bay what haunts me most about that day is seeing Grand pine there seeing how he looked surrounded by those monsters I know he's still there and it terrifies me my greatest fear is that Dad will end up there - it seems whoever guards the Red Door is destined to be trapped behind it after death I often visit my childhood home with the kids my parents adore their grandchildren being curious as children often are they have asked me many times about the Red Door I tell them what grandpa always told me never opened the Red Door I only hope that they will be more sensible than I was I hope that they will listen [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 89,718
Rating: 4.890317 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, r/askreddit cops, askreddit cops scary, r/askreddit scary, r/askreddit creepy, creepy stories, scary stories, scary, creepy, creepypasta, radiotts, sirreddit, updoot reddit, creepymcpasta, horror, horrorstories, horror stories
Id: 964o6WZEgBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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