Horrifying Home Design 2 (w/ Chad Chad)

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hello and welcome back to Jarvis Johnson gold the premium channel that is free um it is it is free but if you're watching this your premium and today is a special day because what you're about to watch is the outtakes the deleted scenes the bonus content of the last video that I put out on my main Channel with Chad Chad talking about funny uh house design stuff the reason that the gold Channel even exists to begin with is back in the day I would record like extra long for my videos and I would end up cutting out so much stuff that I thought was really fun and so I wanted a place to put it because I know that people would be interested in that so today we're hearkening back to that original Mission of the channel by showing you um some stuff that didn't quite make the cut so I hope you enjoy if you haven't watched the original video you can watch this one first that's not a problem but thanks again to Chad Chad for for joining me on a funny Goofy evening what's up everybody I'm Jarvis dogs mouths are cleaner than people's Hogs lick their [ __ ] and I don't really know any humans and I do that oh today I'm joined by a very special guest you're allowed to speak now oh I'm Chad Chad I told her she couldn't speak it's not supposed to talk we're gonna if you can believe it look at a weird Tick Tock account what's tick tock oh look at look at them growing Tick Tock it doesn't exist yet it's but a winking but a wee babe Facebook one point yeah Facebook has had billions of users have you been on Facebook Marketplace in a while not that recently but I do go to it from time to time what do you like for what no see Pokemon cards oh of course yeah [ __ ] nerd what you go on it for like furniture and like cool antiques yeah for like yeah like what's a cool thing you bought on Facebook Marketplace um I've never bought anything wow fake fan so how about instead of real Furniture we look at a tick tock account that's based on hypothetical furniture and hypothetical interior design I like hypotheticals today we're talking about house design 77 what is 77 is that like an angel number I thought you were gonna like see what is Tick Tock what are you doing hey Jarvis they put one screw in for the whole bed frame yeah so it's like a magic screw yeah oh it's a super mega screw I don't know why so the order that things are being built doesn't like make I don't know if it's how you would actually do it in the real world I don't have very much experience with like building furniture from scratch I'm a pretty I'm a a savant of furniture in that you like do window shopping on Facebook yeah that I and that I see a lot of furniture so your insights here are yeah so I'm gonna I'm gonna let you know what they're doing wrong this is all wrong it reminds me of my college dorm it also looks like that what is there what are those children oh is it supposed to be legs and it's like yeah they're all like they all like their legs into the room they dropped from the yeah they came out of the dimension yeah into this bedroom what is going on here why is the fan not in the center of the room that's what I it's I guess so with it it's like cooler where you're trying also why are the ceilings so low it's like the really close to the bed yeah so if you like you have a nightmare yeah have you ever I should say have you ever done that have I ever accidentally chopped your head off yeah um have you ever been on a like um lofted bed and been really close to the ceiling no but I because I was always on the bottom bunk and so I would like hit my head on it was a metal one oh [ __ ] so it's like a metal bunk bed and it's like you sit up and it hits that sounds worse yeah because I was on the top bunk in college and it was up really high and I if I did wake up in the middle of the night or I did wake up too quickly I would hit my head on the ceiling ah and so I had to kind of like roll I kind of had to like phase into the sheets and go under the floor right in order to like get out of bed or sometimes I would like slide out through the wall and those were like the ways that I okay yeah you know you know what I mean right yeah yeah maybe let me just show it yeah yeah it's kind of like that that's kind of what I did foreign yeah like probably more yeah they were like caged with a tiger we have to be really compact on this side we have to make the kids beds really small so the tiger can have it it's enough I mean it is the tiger needs 50 of the room obviously so if this is a eight kids one tiger bedroom design right or maybe this all of their designs imply that there's also going to be a tiger there's just always a tiger yeah and this is kind of like um uh Hunger Games or squid games kind of situation where you can make you make the the room for the kids and then you just unleash Terror I do like that this is very compact I'm a big fan of storage four children one room which I feel like I need to address it this is the like two girls one cup yeah the title yeah so everyone oh who's that that's Mom okay also just there's no doors in this universe no everybody just comes through comes through the wall [Music] where did they go sorry I'm sorry stupid question yeah tiger Dimension yeah my bad this screw looks like one of those massive vibrator so I just thought I should say that by your chair yeah no thank you all we've talked about the four children four children four children one room for four seconds and we talked about two girls one cup in giant vibrators they've committed so many animation resources to how this big powerful screw comes together but like more than they did the tiger or the kid fighting the tiger the screw is very detailed and then there's only one yeah like we don't we don't need we don't need to know how much we need to know how the one screw Works hopefully there's more than one screw there but there it goes it's just the one right into the tiger hold on see more screws yeah basically one screw again what four children one room one elephant is it like testing the strength of the boards like it's so strong a tiny elephant could like an elephant this this is that's like a that's a baby elephant yeah so they're they're very strong we know yeah very strong which is why they can hold all these shirts these are very adult clothes for four children yeah can you have like those are suits child going to work also his bed is blocking the doors why are his knees inverted like yeah they're like bending up yeah he's also got his shoes on on the bed which I'm not the biggest fan of Oh no you're right the pillows you'd have to move the pillow you have to move the pillows yeah because it's like oh yeah they can still open just kidding we've got pillows right here or the elephants what is that oh it's demons and it's demonstrating he's not gonna roll off into the wall oh [ __ ] okay tiger Dimension barriers got it oh and then there's like there's clearance under the bed more drawers so more drawers you've always got I mean look I love this part I'm a big fan of more drawers my old apartment had drawers everywhere like a closet would have like drawers on the top and drawers on the bottom and I was just stuck [ __ ] everywhere and now I don't have any of that and I'm like a like a bird without feathers you kind of need feathers a little more than you need drawers also I there are also birds don't use drawers I think you can see Brazil use feathers there aren't gotta be Birds without feathers right there's hairless cats oh my God so much stuff are those all socks you need a lot of socks they have more socks than clothes what does a kid need five shirts a tiger ten thousand songs ten thousand socks that's the list of things that you need for your one pair of shoes that you wear on the bed a little desk a little desk and maybe an elephant just for fun not a bit not a full-size one just a baby one just a baby one okay now here we come in for round two this is the second layer oh [ __ ] that's so many one two three four five six seven eight nine ten screws that could hold the 80 children that's like in the previous room that could house 80 children I guess this is like a all right is this supposed to be like a playground no I think this is like a safety net so that the kids can't fall forward out of the bed but what about on the sides we wait you know that was the closest to a natural way for a kid to get into a bed it wasn't great why do they have to make everything spin they have to make it so flashy are those books I think they are well I thought they were putting like bar iron bars of the windows they were like you will not Escape for children oh oh they have toys and they stay behind login yeah behind the the doors yeah and they're too high up for the kids to be able to reach them they really are they've got MacBooks they've got computers this is okay this one's pretty nice you know it is much better because everyone gets a desk and a nicer chair and a little Minnie Mouse cloth also you don't have to really fight a baby elephant to get it out of the room so now that we've set the stage with some of the videos from houses on 77 that have gone viral I think it would be fun to just pop on over to their Tick Tock their Tick Tock page the the place where the magic happens okay and uh see some of their content this video has 1 million likes and it's called Popular toilet design that's a really popular toilet it is very pop it's almost like that's what they prophesies they said hey this is going to be a popular toilet design very popular toilet did you say Harry Potter very popular hairy popular I got it toilet because it's the chosen one it's the toilet who lived call me Voldemort for what I did in that toilet she's like this guy never figures out how to shower you know what's Wild is the like a sheer amount of like a marble it involves or at least that design yeah especially when you're just like building things after you've already put the marble in I think it's time to read the comments okay what do we think we're gonna find it's really weird that there's only 1600 comments for one million one million likes I wonder if they're buying I I that's normally the like with the wisdom right but this is so interesting it is a weird ratio very weird ratio too many walls two enclosed window dead dead what what's in the window oh just because there is a window and you're like oh they're like 40 000 feet in the air this man looks like he was having a constant headache does the designer thought about the window hold on people are upset about the window wait it's it's like uh frosted though also you don't wait yeah is the issue that you can see through the window the man's weren't close yeah they're all fully closed so what does it matter and they're 40 000 feet in the sky so unless a plane goes they're in a skyscraper on an island curtain wait until you hear about outdoor shower is that what people take issue with also there were no animals in this one yeah too many walls two enclosed I like an open Airy bathroom I think that's reasonable because there's going to be so much condensation around well they took a nice bathroom and turned it into like a communal like a small dorm bathroom yeah or like a hostel or something it's like it's but it's it's nice like it's using nice materials but yeah for practicality of it I'm sorry having the toilet paper stored that far oh true they put the toilet paper in the a different room why there's a random window now it's just oh my God shut up about the window yeah shut up about the window even if I have a toilet I go and live in the toilet I said you had to do that I don't know how to tell you this you don't have to even if I have a toilet I go in and live in the toilet check so like some of these seem like Bots this says I think that the guy doesn't like the shower all right the video's over [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jarvis Johnson! GOLD
Views: 838,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KzEomR879jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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