Hornady Lock-N-Load Iron Press Kit: Mounting and Setup

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hey there Gavin you hear from ultimate realtor.com in this video we're going to pick up where we left off last time in the Hornady Lock and Load iron unboxing video by getting this press completely set up by the end of the video we're going to be pretty much ready to start loading rifle ammunition my plan is to load 6.5 Creedmoor for the Ruger precision rifle project that we're going through cannot wait to try out this press so let's get it set up so the first thing we need to talk about is mounting the press and what I'm going to use here is the inline fabrication ultra mount this is a riser in a mount all-in-one it typically mounts to your bench with quarter-inch lag screws or bolts whatever you're going to use now in this case in order to adapt this to the ultimate reloader bench system all i had to do is do a three-eighths inch hole I had used the same holes on the front edge and I created eight-inch separated holes so that I could basically mount this ultra mount right down to the bench I did 1/32 of an inch over drill so I had a little bit of slop but wow this thing is super solid I'm expecting great performance here Dan at inline fabrication he makes great stuff so we're going to take the bolts that are included with the ultra mount and mount the press that's going to be our first step so what we need here is a half-inch socket and a half-inch wrench and we're going to just drop the press on here it's going to line up right perfectly with the holes nice and snug there we go now let's mount the press Enter so you'll notice here we've got an ambidextrous mounting option there's two holes since I'm right-handed I'm going to get the press handle started in the right hole of course snug that down all right okay so next I'm going to make some adjustments to the priming system and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to put the RAM all the way up and then I'm going to attach the priming system return spring the goal is to make sure that when the RAM is in the top position and the primer slider is all the way back that we have perfect concentricity between the priming cup and the base of the primer drop tube body so this is going to make sure that our column of primers is perfectly concentric with that punch that it can just drop down now there are four adjustment screws here for the base and what I'm going to do is just loosen these so that I can move this body for the priming system just ever so slightly make sure that this is snug down nicely double check to make sure that we're concentric there okay alright let's install a shell holder we're going to pop that in and put the keeper down here and then press down on this plate okay there we go now I've got some modifications to do here because the handle is hitting the bench here but you'll notice here that I've got plenty of reach with the RAM so I think it's going to be a non-issue here let's finish putting the priming system together so the primer drop tube is going to have a little bit of a cut on the end that you want to insert down into the priming drop tube body and then the shield goes down threads down this is very much like the Lock and Load AP and then the plastic cap is going to go on the top okay the next thing is to mount the bin bracket and die rack up here on the top there's a bunch of different things that we can do with this area up here on the top we can install accessories like this large primer pocket cleaner I'm going to be loading 6.5 Creedmoor so I might want to use that we can throw a case neck brush up here and then we're going to use the supplied tray over here with the bracket for bullets or whatever brass use it really for either okay have some dyes back here let's check that out very cool awesome so let's put some bins in place get the front bin here got the primer catcher which snaps kind of on the back and then there's a peg that rests you're the primary return spring and then we've got our bin on the side so we're almost there with the press all we need to do is put some stuff together for the powder measure and we'll be there all right so to put the powder measure together we're going to start with the handle we're going to use the supplied allen wrench got two of those this is going to help us to manually actuate the powder measure to throw the powder charges the body for this powder measure is actually the same as the case activated powder measure that you'd get with the quantity Lock and Load AP press so it's nice to have that interchangeability okay so we're going to finish snugging down that handle okay quick note with these drop funnels what I found with the Lock and Load AP is that the 22 Cal is a little too small diameter for H 4350 powder which I'm using with 6.5 Creedmoor but the 308 drop funnel is just a little bit big the the case neck can press up inside so what I've done is I've drilled this up to a quarter inch which is just perfect I had an extra one from another powder measure so we're going to install that install that drop funnel in there use our supplied lock ring to secure the powder measure to the mounting bracket now I've done something special with this mounting bracket I've actually I've actually drilled an extra hole in it so that I could use it with my ultimate reloader bench system okay so I will probably snug that down with our ranch although that looks pretty good okay so we're going to take a 3/8 inch bolt run that over and then drop our bracket down and then this nice knob here works great with the ultimate reloader bench system okay we're ready to roll well set up of the horny Lock and Load iron press went very straightforward we've got the inline fabrication ultra mount it's the Hornady Lock and Load AP altra mount it works great with the Hornady Lock and Load iron everything's integrated with the ultimate reloader bench system I can't wait to start loading some ammo and that's what's up next so if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you don't want to miss out into the action on this channel please subscribe and as always there's a more detailed write-up on ultimate realtor comm so we'll catch you all later you
Channel: gavintoobe
Views: 67,731
Rating: 4.9542656 out of 5
Keywords: Hornady Lock-N-Load Iron Press Kit, Rifle Reloading, Ultimate Reloader, Reloading Press, Reloading Data, LNL Iron, AR-10, AR10, AR-15, ar15, Ruger Precision Rifle, RPR, Remington 700, Bolt Action Rifle, 308 Winchester, .223 Remington, 5.56 NATO, Glock
Id: PmwsjboYzPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2016
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