Hornady LNL-AP 9mm part I (HD)

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in this video we're going to take a look at a very popular cartridge the nine millimetre parabellum we're going to see what it takes to load nine millimeter on the Hornady Lock and Load progressive reloading press in this video we'll start with the press basically bear with the proper shell holder in place we'll then insert the dies stock our consumables are primer and our powder and then validate powder charge build a case call later and start loading to load 9-millimeter ammunition on the Hornady Lock and Load AP progressive press you're going to need a number eight shell plate and we've already installed that shell plate on the press and you can see here that we don't have an ejector wire so we're using the newer easyJet system on the Lock and Load AP progressive press so we're going to take that as our starting point and next we'll install the dies so on the Hornady AP it has five stations and the state stations are numbered as such station number one it comes immediately the following case insertion station number two - number three station number four and station number five we're going to take our sizing and do priming die and drop that into station number one and with an eighth of a turn which secured that particular die after sizing d priming comes our expander we're going to leave this station open for our powder measure so we can take our powder measure drop that in this particular station and then we're going to leave station number four open for our powder check die we're going to put our bullets eating die in station number five so in this particular video we're going to use all five stations so we've installed all the dyes except the powderpuff dye connects what we're going to going to do is going to be to fill the powder major and for this particular load we're going to use winchester 231 which is a great all-purpose flattened ball powder which Meters particularly well with progressive real odors and so I'm just going to pour that in tilt half maybe three-quarters of the way full tap that down a little bit and next what we'll do is we will confirm and work up our charge so that we get the proper number of grains of powder dispensed in each particular load so to confirm our powder charge we're going to take a piece of spent nine millimeter brass we're going to put it on our scale we're using a Hornady GF 350 in this particular case we're going to turn the scale on and that will zero out the scale to this particular piece of brass with no powder in it next we're going to repeatedly take our our brass put it in the station just ahead of the powder major run a load through there and we want to we want to do that a few times to make sure that it's the powder in the powder major it gets adjusted and settled down to a density and the configuration that it will be operating under while we're loading after after the powders had a chance to get settled down so after you've done this a number of times take a load and then we're going to take this back to the scale now so we're going to take the brass with powder charge put it on our scale and it looks like we're right on the charge that we want for this particular load that we've worked out so we're ready to go with our powder the next thing we're going to do is going to be to fill the case feeder bowl with brass and this is brass that we've already cleaned in a tumbler with the appropriate media we've also lubricated this with Hornady one shot and even if you have carbide dies the lubrication makes the loading process a lot smoother so I highly recommend it so we're going to take this pin of brass we're going to put it into me into the case feed bowl and so next we can turn the case feed system on start to fill the drop next we'll fill the priming system with the Winchester small pistol WSP primers I've already taken a flip tray and oriented these in the proper orientation for using the Hornady pickup tube to pick these primers out and we just stack them one by one this priming system has a capacity of 100 primers so we'll just continue to work our way through this box of primers and last few primers alright we're ready to fill up our tube so we're going to invert the tube and then drop the primers into the priming tube so what we'll do is just hold the primer tube remove the hitch pin and then gently shake to make sure that all of the primers have worked themselves free then I'm going to place my weighted rod to aid in feeding and give us a visual indicator when we're done with that load of primers in the confirm that the priming system is working properly now that we've filled the priming tube we're just going to cycle the press 1 and then confirm that we have our primer and it looks like that slide is working perfectly priming system is ready a little tip here with the Hornady Lock and Load press what we want to do is run one piece of brass through the press check to make sure that everything's working before we start full progressive loading so what we're going to do is we're going to use this small wooden dowel and I'm going to raise our in to the top which is going to feed one piece of brass we're going to then insert this dowel back here so that when we pick up this piece of brass we can now cycle the press without feeding new pieces of brass each time and then selectively remove the dowel to feed individual pieces of grass so in this way we can shut off the flow of brass to the press selectively by using this dowel
Channel: gavintoobe
Views: 172,055
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Hornady, Reloading, Lock-N-Load, LNL, 9mm, Glock
Id: 9avClfv7DKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2009
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