HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST All Cutscenes (Game Movie) PS5 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] through a lifetime spent in the pursuit of knowledge one question consumed me how did our world come to be the old ones perished a thousand years ago triggering the extinction of all life she showed me how it was reborn a little outcast girl ignorant of her own importance through her i learned that life was only saved through a technological miracle zero dawn a terraforming system composed of nine subordinate functions each playing its part to reshape earth from a barren rock to a lush landscape tended and protected by the machines and with her i learned the deepest secret of them all the secret of her birth that she is a clone of elizabeth subic zero dawn's creator born to prevent a new extinction driven by hades a malevolent ai given sentence by a mysterious signal of unknown origin and with a little help from me she prevailed in a great battle at the city of meridian becoming a champion for all humankind but as useful as she has been now i must leave her behind for as she strives but right what haiti sundered i have made a new discovery one that heralds both destruction and opportunity [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm running out of time elizabeth the land is dying people are suffering soon i'll starve all because of a terraforming system that's spiraling out of control and only i can fix it only i have your genetic code it won't be long before we hit the point of no return and then extinction i've been searching for months for what i need [Music] a backup of gaia the aiu designed to control the system but every time i think i have a lead that comes to nothing and every night i have the same dream i'm walking under a brilliant night sky through a field of flowers and when i arrive at the center i see you elizabeth [Music] waiting for me even though you've been dead for a thousand years [Music] you're the closest person i've ever had to a mother [Music] [Music] and for a moment i feel whole [Music] but it never lasts i'm always left alone this world is your legacy elizabeth i won't let it slip away the valley below is my only remaining lead my last hope to find the backup i'll do whatever it takes to get it i promise pharaoh if it isn't a loy the savior of meridian anointed of the nora you know i hate being called that stuff well consider it a punishment for running out on us the very same night we beat hades i grew up an outcast remember i'm not much for parties yeah that one was in your honor just saying so what are we doing must be urgent since you left so fast delving into ancient ruins or maybe it has something to do with the blight both actually but um i shouldn't oh no i've been tracking you a long way it's okay after everything you've done to help the nora and my family i swore an oath to help you no matter what you're stuck with me now like bark on wood [Music] okay but if you're going to come with me you'll need to be able to see what i see a focus never thought i'd get your second sight i'll give you another one later and show you how to back up your data data information on the device we've got a lot to cover um i'll have to explain everything as we go [Music] you see like this all the time since i was a little girl come on [Music] [Music] shall we [Music] all right i got a couple of scrapes on the way here we should find some medicinal plants stock up so it's time for your first lesson with the focus sounds good let's get started these plants don't look like the ones in the sacred lands ugh bitter yeah well at least they make you feel better all right we should keep going might want to grab more of these planets along the way yeah good idea it's changing my mind if it keeps spreading nothing will grow that's why we have to fix it those ruins that's where we need to go i see a few ways down what are we after exactly the backup well um it's an ai it's um it's hard to explain think of it like a set of instructions that can fix the world noticed your uh traveling light these days yeah i um ran into some trouble on the way here looks like they left a carcass [Music] behind lot of arrows in that machine better take a closer look someone took down this machine recently who else would come here i don't know we better craft some murals of our own there might be trouble of bad there's some ridgewood by the stream by the goddess what was this place i don't know the transmission we need to find a way in so um what happened after i left meridian well there was a fuss when people realized you were gone but then some of us figured you only would have left if it were for something important you're right about that down this way get to the grass [Music] okay see how parts of it are glowing those are its weak spots got it i'm ready okay concentrate uh another one's coming find anything good a few supplies so after the fuss over me leaving what did everyone else do well as soon as the celebration was over my mother led the rest of the nora home son king put his people to work rebuilding the city and i set out to find you you said you've had a focus since you were a child right yeah i found my first one when i found to a ruin got the others from an old cache not long ago it's good to have extras going into a ruin of the old ones goddess protect us we'll be okay welcome to the far zenith launch facility i know they made some tech trades with zero dawn but why would they have a backup of gaia please register with reception for the tour i guess they want us to check in with them i should be able to pry this open [Music] there's climbing gear i guess someone dropped in from above whoever left us here might have also shot those machines we found earlier so where are they now ugh what's that stench the entire camp wiped doubt they must have come here to delve for scrap acid that explains the smell and it looks like something big came in from above crashed right through the camp run through the wall i should take a look at the rubble in that gap whatever came through here brought this down as it went out if i can dislodge some of the debris we might be able to squeeze through maybe i can find something to help in the camp hey over here i think i got something it's some kind of awesome prototype i think this hook looks like it can latch onto things and the scare pulls it back hmm it looks broken but maybe we can repair it hook it to the debris and pull it out that could work the focus can help us search the camp and identify anything we can use to fix the tool my focus picked up a couple of things to check out part of a machine could help fix the gears machine cable stronger than rope all right i think i have what i need to repair the tool or maybe even make something better you could use this workbench there uh pull caster now to test it on the debris [Music] i worked better than i thought well it doesn't look like there's an easy way out of here i should scan the area we have to find a way to keep going huh what's this thing for whoa good morning what's this i'm osvald and it is my pleasure to introduce you to far zenith forget what you think you know about us our truth is simple we say reach for the stars even if you have to cross 8.6 light years of space to get there please proceed into the auditorium where we'll unveil our plans wonder what's in this auditorium oh i guess we'll find out i don't think i can reach that ladder from here well that door looks promising but how do i get up there [Music] okay i gotta drop the ladder for varl there you go thanks [Music] humans homo sapiens us we have always pushed the boundary as explorers pioneers trailblazers and now far zenith is taking the next leap into the future that's why we're proud to have resurrected the odyssey when our government's abandoned in orbit far zenith will actualize in less than a decade but that's only the beginning when the ship is complete we will send the odyssey and her crew where no one's gone [Music] before serious system there will create humanity's first off-world colony the odyssey may take 300 years to reach it but when we look up at the night sky we'll know they're on their way and in the words of our founder the late peter chimboombe the truest form of immortality is data corrupt the playback stopped the old ones could fly through the sky between the stars uh well yes sort of that ship the odyssey it never made it to the other star something went wrong and it blew up is error public presentation file corrupted member recruitment file available do you wish to reactivate yeah reactivate let's see what else they had to say [Music] we all know the projections economic instability new bio contagions rampant ais how long before another catastrophe creates unacceptable risk for the world's elite we here at far zenith believe escape the inevitable and so we reach for the stars now you've seen what we're building here infrastructure to support the odyssey's construction a state-of-the-art data center to facilitate rapid technological advancements and you've seen how we're managing public perception so invest and join us claim your birth on the odyssey preserve your way of life beyond the concerns of earth well they were right about the world ending i just didn't know how yet so everything they said back there about the next step for humanity it was all a lie these people only cared about saving their own skin yeah well didn't work out for them in the end that oswald guy mentioned a data center [Music] [Music] there the backup it should be stored in there won't be able to swim across i guess we'll have to find our way around come on i still can't believe the old ones can fly they were capable of a lot of things for good and bad sure seems like it i wonder what it's like up there among the stars what is that up here careful don't want those things to call in some friends from underground you take the left one i'll deal with the one on the right okay [Music] moving off i need to sneak up on it to take it out with my spear can't let it see me i should scan it first check its patrol path okay there's its patrol path gotta get closer and stay [Music] just have to wait for the right moment ready whenever you want to strike oh got them all i've been meaning to mention i noticed you have a new look these days yeah i know didn't have a lot of time to shave when i was trying to catch up to you don't worry it's not permanent good sorry my whiskers offend you anointed the offering must have used explosives against the machines they managed to get a couple looks like there was a barricade here machines must have broken through careful crap's ahead huh might be able to disarm them there managed to salvage some supplies and not blow yourself up that's a big storm picking up out there yeah you're getting stronger and more frequent so the storms the blighted lands the rivers and lakes choked with algae you were born to fix all that yeah i can only do it if i find that backup i think we're winding our way around to the data center we'll need to cut through that big building on the right out there hey there's data here you scan it with your focus [Music] this data mentions the tech that farzine has traded with zero dawn but it doesn't explain how they got it back up i'll keep an eye out for more data let's see huh a lot of glyphs i'll tuck this away to study later looks like we've got to climb up well it is a thousand years old looks like some kind of meeting room that door on the other side's locked there's another one of those glowing things by the table bonzo the zero dawn terraforming system the brainchild of dr elizabeth sobek empowered by nine subordinate functions gaia the core of the system is capable of advanced planetary engineering an obvious advantage to our space colonization efforts operation phase one establish an asset within project zero dawn status complete phase two the asset will secretly be cast a complete copy of gaia and her subordinate functions to this facility's data center if all goes well zero dawn staff will remain completely unaware of the transmission risks discovery of this operation could result in zero dawn withholding the already negotiated apollo database special care must be taken not to alert travis state the expert hacker in charge of haiti's protocol in addition extreme caution must be exercised in regards to dr sobek herself as one of the world's pre-eminent technologists she may have instituted unforeseen security measures a complete assessment is attached this concludes the executive summary i thought elizabeth sent the back up here but she didn't far zenith stole gaia eloy why does that woman look like you um it's okay bro we look alike because we're the exact same genetically identical but she was one of the old ones how can you be her because i wasn't born i was made by a machine it's why i'm motherless why i was cast out as an infant i don't understand what kind of machine can make a person remember when i said the backup is like a set of instructions it's more than that it's called gaia and for a long time she cared for the world until she had to destroy herself so she made me to bring her back i'm the only one who can and this place is my last home you once said the goddess spoke to you when you went into all mother mountain was that this gaia yes but she's not the goddess laurel [Music] there isn't one how can you be sure it sounds like she anointed you with a sacred task i've had a lot of time to figure this out and you will too with the focus but for now the reports said they were going to store the stolen copy of gaia in the data center so that's where we have to go okay all right so you said this backup is the last hope yeah all those places i've been these last few months there were supposed to be more backups [Music] about a thousand years ago a guy named ted pharaoh purged them all was he part of far zenith too no he was worse wow that big metal thing looks like the ship we saw back in the auditorium imagine going up to the stars in that shoes so tell me something sona was really okay with you not going back to the sacred lands as the nora warchief she understood why i was obligated to follow you but as my mother she wasn't pleased is she ever pleased i don't think i've seen her smile me neither three of those things and if they slaughtered all those awesome we'll never get through to the data center there's no way to slip past them they're too tough to fight head-on we could find a settlement and convince some hunters to help us that would take weeks and we don't have that kind of time maybe all we need is that shuttle to fall that thing how we'll figure it out just wait here hey loy trust me and there she goes just need to get up [Applause] if i can make it to that tower i should be able to find a way across to the shuttle oh that was close one rickety tower down on to the next i won't be able to make that jump there is a cable here maybe i can ride it to the other side well where to go but up this is barely holding together looks like there are massive clamps holding the shuttle in place i'll bet there's a control console nearby if i can release the clamps the shuttle should fall right into the basin ah great machine's in my way got this place to myself now okay time to crush those machines down below [Music] [Music] now the shuttle's caught up in those cables i'm gonna have to climb the tower to find a way to disconnect them [Laughter] [Music] one down higher and touch the second set of cables scaling an ancient rickety tower with killer machines waiting time was right now [Music] almost there there's the other connector [Music] um [Music] yes finishing this the hard way i need to take this try spinning at me now i should aim for them damn it we grow free i've got to take the thing down fast ammo or my focus might find something i can use around here instead finally the data center should be straight ahead i guess farl's gonna have to find another way there once i get the backup i can reboot gaia fix the system heal the blight restore elizabeth's dream is it still there okay i should find the server room i'm close i have to be please be here [Music] so [Music] it's here gaia version 6.9 initializing hello hi elizabeth travis tate now what's this we got here a far zen's conspiracy to steal a copy of gaia and your subordinate functions naughty naughty you want me to handle this liz troubles upon you this ain't no copying a guy you stole your losers but it's the mother of all logic bombs so good luck repairing your data and next time you start thinking you can outsmart a tape remember my salute hey the goddess there is no goddess i told you that already that's not gaia that's not what i'm looking for it's nothing but a fake [Music] ugh i got it floral i'm sorry you have a sharp bite sometimes you know but it was pretty amazing to see you fly off that tower and blow up the entire basin the thing is um there's going to be more of that i'm out of leads for all but i i have to keep searching and fast and whatever risks i have to take i will and it doesn't make sense to have someone with me someone who might get hurt this is on me nobody else hold on before in meridian you said there was a man who helped you silence you said you used to talk to him a lot about things you discovered from the old world things no one else understands and he gave you the lance you used to defeat hades he's gone varl i haven't heard from him since the battle against hades sure but spymaster murad back in meridian he's good at finding people isn't he varl i come on it might work plus you'll get to see some friendly faces again okay i i guess it's worth a shot we've got a long walk ahead actually [Music] i've got a better idea [Music] bless us the savior of meridian has returned you earned this welcome you saved them not yet in the name of the sun king of odd a royal welcome for the champion has an urgent matter to discuss darshan that makes two of us i've sent forth hunters for weeks the sun fall all the way to the sacred land searching for you something happened at the spire come i'll show you what's your step you saved us all to be sure but uh we're still cleaning up the mess it happened right after the solstice we were able to explain it away thank the sun otherwise it might have caused a panic [Music] yeah one night for less than half a minute glowed in angry red from meridian that looked like a trick of the light but those who were closer atop the allight said it could not have been a reflection much to my dismay they said the light rose up from the tower's base from that we left everything just as it was what do you think happened i don't know the spire supposed to send out signals messages for the terraforming system but hades tried to use it to wake up ancient war machines i was sure i cut the connection to that thing wait here while i check it out let us know what you find i've got a bad feeling about this i don't know looks the same as before what [Music] transmission no he wouldn't he couldn't something was transmitted from the top of the spire i guess i have to find a way up there there we go now how to cross over to the spire should be able to get up there now i thought silence was helping me when he gave me slants it looks like he tricked me transmitted something through the spire did he save hades why would he do that well if i can figure out where he sent it i can track him down hopefully the transmission note at the top will tell me oh it doesn't look like i can keep climbing this way huh an elevator let's see maintenance configuration [Music] the whole thing is opening up i wonder what the charger will make of this there's the node i see you finally figured it out be honest i'm surprised it took you so long to discover my rules you wrecked the lance to steal hades how could you be so reckless reckless you're the one who tried to purge hades before its precious knowledge could be extracted the mysterious signal that walked for example avoid obtaining one of those gaia backups you've been having such a hard time finding if you knew why didn't you just tell me i've been having problems of my own these past six months the difference is i've made progress so once you're angered my entirely necessary deception has faded now why don't you come out here and find me in the forbidden west and learn all that i've discovered oh i'll confirm it yes well according to make it simple enough even for you god [Music] it's another choice better let varl and murad know what i found always has a way of doing the incredible he went inside and it transformed almost like the day of the battle i can only be grateful that it's a stormy day if you will have seen the tower change from meridian what did you discover hades the danger didn't end here it went into the forbidden west and i have to follow i see that can be difficult the west is called forbidden for a reason the tribe of ferocious warriors controls much of it the tanakh and they allow no trespassers past its border that's it under the sun king of art a fragile piece has been negotiated and indeed the next embassy will take place in a day or two on the edge of the frontier where you two attend the gathering under his auspices the tanakh might grant right of passage instead of hunting you and attacking on sight great just what i need more killers the sun came hey it's good to see you you left in such haste we never had a chance to properly thank you can we show the champion the spear now please eat them in quiet it's true we bear gifts decorum usually calls for a ceremony of offering at the palace but i thought you would prefer a less formal occasion bring them please avad this is all very kind but i lose it vanasha quick better hand them over before she runs off again really must you try it on that's beautiful on behalf of all the citizens of the sundance may these tokens remind you of our eternal gratitude perhaps you'd like to spend more time with your friends come speak to me when you're ready to depart i need to attach the master override to my new spear should be a workbench around here i can use that's part of the deathbringer we defeated [Music] this machine was the last line of defense for hades it dragged the orb up here and then nearly killed me but it's just a piece of scrap now is that a statue of me that's new oh hi i guess i should be flattered by the statue it feels wrong especially when my job's only half done looks like a memorial honoring those who fell in the battle of the alight lots of brave people defended this place from hades machine carcasses remnants from the battle of the alight we were almost overrun by the machines hades controlled but we pushed through luther fenesha thanks for being here wouldn't miss it even if you did leave us hanging after the big battle vanessa stop she's here now isn't she for the moment but i see that look on her face she's got business to attend to and it isn't in meridian you know i didn't vanish before because i wanted to i have no huntress please you don't have to justify yourself to us you saved our butts if you've got to go go with our blessing always [Music] you both look like you're doing well mr shiny pants here is now the sun king senior military advisor that means people actually have to listen to him talk may the sun bless their sorry souls at least i say something of substance every once in a while what was that i just fell asleep while you were talking and how about you vanessa i've been looking after nasari and edeman two parts bodyguard one part bad influence huh i was gonna say nanny but i like your version better i never pictured you as a nanny adam and must be special hold on now i'm not entirely domesticated nasari was the mad sun king's wife she has enemies i've had to foil a plot or two right you can try to hide it but inside you're as soft as a silk pillow oh you have no idea huh oh dear uh we were talking about edeman yeah okay i admit it edema is cute he's fun and he looks up to me i like him except when he forgets to wash his hands after hooking worms in that muddy garden behind a solarium it's been months since i was in sun fall what's become of the shadow karja after you wiped out the eclipse there were hardly any priests or officers left to terrorize the little people avad offered amnesty to all who were forced to serve the shadow so the commoners cleaned out the citadel and handed it back to him the sundom was unified avad wanted uther to take command of the garrison there but captain cuddly here refused rumor has it that he wanted to stay close to me here in meridian that's nonsense of course well i i know i know you're out go away with you always an honor champion always a pleasure but please little huntress come back someday and tell us about your adventures if i can't get in trouble at least i can hear about yours [Music] the sculptor wanted something even bigger twice the size covered in gold and jewels but i was quite certain you wouldn't appreciate that you were right i'm sorry avad it's good to see you but i can't stay long i see i'd hoped you'd remain in the city for a time perhaps at the palace meridian's still in danger but it's bigger than that to put things right i have to go west to knox territory by the sun that's a knock well perhaps murad already told you but after years of hostility we've negotiated a truce in hopes of a lasting peace another embassy will be held in just a day or two [Music] what makes this coming embassy so special well just like today it is special because of the guest our delegation will meet with the tanakh just outside baron light we'll give them treasure and they'll return a prisoner for schoff one of our finest soldiers soldier don't you mean raider no not in this case vashav is my cousin nothing like helis and his elk he joined the western expedition with the hopes of reigning in certain excesses but he was captured during a heroic defense of our forward base at cinebar sands and has been held ever since your cousin feshav how long has he been a tanakh captive five years to knock themselves swear he as well but i wonder that tribe is renowned for its brutality how did he survive well i'll know soon enough if you see him before i do tell him that i await him in meridian where he belongs if i see him i will when you say years of hostility i assume you mean the red rates ah yes my favorite subject i wouldn't ask if i didn't need to know as you know my father raided all the border tribes asaram banuk and nora suffered greatly resisting as best they could but none fought back like the tanakh they rose up and assaulted our western front at barren light sweeping us from their lands getting them to talk to us again after that was tricky how did you get the tanox to talk again after the war the same way i got you to talk by giving gifts but to knock like tiaras more like metals spices and relics looted during the fighting we've met with them on several occasions and the gifts seem to have eased the tension but this coming embassy is the most important yet the best sign we've had so far that the tanakh want lasting peace edelman looks happy you got him out of sunflow any happiness he has he owes to you he's turning into a fine young man which he'll need to be if he's to inherit the crown wouldn't the crown go to a son of yours first yes well i'd have to get married for that to happen murad keeps throwing noble matches at me but i find i'm always trying to make them into someone they're not at any rate i never aspired to the throne and i don't wish to sit there forever when edaman comes of age i hope to step aside free of the crown i might finally be able to travel the world who knows perhaps even accompany you on one of your adventures you make it sound easy i i need to get going one moment eloy there's something i must ask you since you left i've thought of little else this isn't really the time but it has to be the way you left before there's no way to know when i'll see you again i'm not trying to stop you or hold you back but i need to know when your mission is over will you return to meridian and stay long enough for us to spend time to get to know each other properly perhaps [Music] i do hope to see meridian again i thought and you but this mission it's my life it's all i can think about i have to stay focused what happens after i can't imagine that i i wouldn't know where to begin well if that place were to end up being meridian know that you will always receive a boundless welcome here tend to your mission eloy i will hope for your success and look forward to your return eaterman careful dowager queen masadi blessed champion itamin what do you say [Music] my humblest thanks to you great champion for delivering my mother and me from sunfo and for defending our holy city against the forces of shadow did you see right you said it fine and you're welcome champion will you teach me to shoot like a real machine hunter it's a men i uh i have to go on an important mission prince to save the world something like that but when i come back i could give you a few tips it would be an honor we owe you our lives champion and we will not forget may the sun light your way watch out for thunder jaws champion savior welcome back to the alights well that's everyone hey are you finished with your friends or do you need more time i better get going and if i'm headed west it sounds like i'll need right of passage from the tanakh as you said where exactly is this embassy going to be held past the dance the canyon that marks the western border of the sundom you'll find the fortress of barren light at its farthest edge the embassy will take place just beyond its gates it's a long march fortnight on foot a couple of days hard riding should get us there actually it might be better to rest here tonight head out in the morning of course i'll arrange it [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] am i the one to hold [Music] [Music] these words don't seem like mine but the iron won't subside no matter no matter what i try [Music] emptiness in the storm [Music] if i falter if i fall the wave inside my soul carries all i know who can take my hand in the flood [Music] a voice calls me forth through darkness [Music] [Music] reach the other to find to find the path we lost [Music] is [Music] who can take my hand in [Music] sparks to steal never seen anyone use one of those to get around is that how i get to baron light uh yes i mean usually but not today not yet and why is that well the daunt the whole valley it's infested with machines [Music] i can handle machines oh i'm sure you can but i'm under strict orders not to operate until the whistle down at chain scrape sounds the all clear look i didn't come all this way just to stand around and wait i'll crank that car down myself if i have to well but then who would crank it back up fine fine though should anyone ask it might be best to say you forced me i see smoke but not a lot of activity smoke's probably coming from something the machines wrecked as for the quiet well there's a work stoppage in effect because of all the fuss what sort of machines are causing the trouble nasty ones and lots of them bristlebacks they're called strangeness is they're not native to the dot just showed up all of a sudden no hunters to kill them oh we've got hunters just none that want to cross alvin boss of chain screen he is self-appointed work stoppage was his idea yeah well i'm just passing through got an embassy to attend you should have said that ain't gonna happen no time soon what are you talking about [Music] hear that that's your answer who is that karja's son priest cranked him down yesterday about an hour before the machine trouble started he's a very important man he says that embassy at baron light he is the one supposed to run it great [Music] if you don't do as i say immediately the sun king himself shall hear of your insolence thanks to you i was forced to spend the night shivering in the tent exposed to attack i might have died oh me you refused to transport but not this this what this nora girl this savage besides scallywag what is that's a-loi studious juarez aloy you know savior of meridian really well that lessens the insult i suppose i came here for the embassy at baronite way i hear it so did you well not with the valley infested and so did aramon proclaim the sun priests most precious and worthy of safekeeping see scripture i shall hedge a bear in light when the captain of the vanguard tells me the way is clear and not a moment sooner fine captain's a friend of mine you know where is errand i wouldn't mind speaking to someone a little more action a little less scroll juarez studious wadis studious wadi sent aaron and another vanguard out of daybreak to clear the way and so at david hey down the valley then yeah said they checked the ruins on the left bank for tracks take it from there okay i here there's a work stoppage any way to upgrade my gear i'll bet the smith and chainscrape would let you use his workbench as for the bristlebacks you might want to craft some acid arrows hitting their canisters with those will take him down quick thanks i'll find erin and i'll bring him back hey where do you think you're going what to the top of the ridge to wait in safety sorry operator's under strict orders no passengers for the whistle blows right that's right best start cranking why why dwarf would you kindly escort studious to chain scrape and wait for me there you got it i will find aaron and i will help clear a path but after that no more excuses baron light embassy if such be the will of the sun it will be trust me outlander approaching that the savior want to come in savior welcome to chainscrape savior open up guys jorah's orders good enough for me [Music] by the forge petra hey loy what are you doing here uh oh time there was something worth looking at in this dump it's nice to see you too and not a moment too soon come on i [Music] damn brewery's the only thing i can count on in this place yeah i heard machines work stoppage oh those are just the latest malfunctions chainscrape's always been a few tools short of a kit and right there is the biggest tool of all our land not our problem the bristlebacks are everybody roland you've heard of him yeah but he's a story best told over a cold beer uh petra petra i'm just passing through i'm headed west oh there's an embassy at baron light i need to make happen and then i keep moving ah of course bigger gears to grind well flame hair good to see you you've got to move on petra but if you want a cold beer and a few laughs with an old friend come find me at the brewery your choice well this old one guy sounds like trouble maybe petra could use some support but first things first i need to find that workbench and upgrade my bow workbench is free if you need to take your interviews thank the forge you showed up tripwire's handy but machine hunts a youngins game come on over let me give thanks proper like i see you're a practiced hunter took you less time to kill those scroungers and vanguards to kill one bristleback so the vanguards came through here yeah just a bit ago down that bristle back headed south then those scroungers showed up to carve the carcass as they do south after more bristlebacks probably this whole valley is swarming with them the vanguard seemed dead set on getting rid of them i see hold on there red you're gonna go chase and cross the dot you're gonna want a trip caster not just any trip caster one of my make free of charge workmanship looks solid enough yep been tweaking the design since i left chain scrape more room to tinker out here and less chance of well accidents [Music] did something happen in chain scrape went like someone i don't follow there's this sack of wet dirt alvind thinks he's the elder man of chain scrape got half the town treating him as such back when i had a place in town he took a real interest in my wares kept pressing for the alvin discount i said no he didn't like that so much i can't prove it but that chef bucket set my workshop on fire felt it best to put some distance between us after that cable car operator told me the bristlebacks just appeared yesterday do you know anything about them how is old carn back in the day me and him got into all sorts of trouble it was this one time anything about the bristlebacks no kahn said true just showed up and ran amuck lucky for me i've got you and the vanguard swooping in time to time to save my backside i should get going thanks for the trip caster while you're blasting bristlebacks i think i'll head down to the hunting grounds did you know they have a trip caster trial come by later if you want to try it out maybe after i get things under control so aaron headed south should be able to pick up his tracks with my focus sounds like someone's putting up a fight [Music] another one down now this this is what i was forced for no ledges to fill no boring mid-afternoon just a hammer just the fight [Music] aloy erin's stay where you are i'll handle the rest those whistleblocks have acid canisters on their backs it should trigger a chain reaction if i hit them with acid arrows thank you oh hey boy uh you know you might you might have to oh meet me halfway here go ah caught me at my best as usual well you did the hard part i just took care of the stragglers how bad is it uh this ah who needs ribs oh i'm good i'm good okay well i i know you didn't come all the way to the daunt just to watch me get wrecked what's the story i need the embassy to happen so i can head west aaron what i did at this fire what we did it didn't end the threat it just slowed it down there's still more to do really well that's great i mean not the threat's not over par that's not so great but hey whatever you're up against your spear my hammer just like old times aaron i need the embassy now i can't wait for you to heal a couple of days rest it's that actually even if you weren't hurt what i have to do it's it's better if i do it alone alone now that figures erin i hate to interrupt the romance but i'm pretty banged up here i don't blow your blaze i'm coming ah this just keeps getting better listen i'll go to barren light get patched up if you want this embassy to happen we're going to need this sun priest studious wadis oh i know him i'll clear the valley of bristlebacks then send whities to baron light i'll catch up with you there well i guess that's sort of like a goodbye i'm sorry you sorry that'd be a first where is this coming from hey just you know forget it yeah oh there's nothing it sounds like something all right fine now after the battle of the spire you took off you left without so much as a handshake i mean people like me we fought and bled at your side elon you just or you just disappear what kind of person does that errand look i'm sorry it wasn't easy for you when i left and i know it's not easy now but what i've been doing life on earth is in danger and only i can save it life on earth yeah everything dies unless i succeed well then let me help oh you can't there's no machine to fight no bad guy to kill what i've got to do i i can't even explain it not even to people i care about oh so much for being useful okay errand by the forge i guess that's my cue maybe i should go with you to baron light no no hey you're needed elsewhere obviously we'll make it without you that doesn't sound good you'll have to handle that one on your own we'll only slow you down come here kid i want to talk to you i don't know what a nora is doing out here but consider yourself oh we tried to hold off and wait for the vanguard but one of them bristlebacks charged us next thing you know was a full-fledged fracas is everyone okay we lost some good people but we would have lost the whole quarry without you well at least it's quiet now your ears ought to be ringing with a quarry at work but chain scrapes whistle ain't blowing so we're stuck picking up the pieces you need the whistle to get back to work me and my crew were just little cogs out here can't lift a ham until oven blows that thing because if we work without his say so he'll ban us and my people have been through enough elvin holds that much power he's got the money and connections to snuff our fires for good almost feels like we stood a better chance with the bristlebacks [Music] what are you and your crew working on we're supposed to be working alvin's claim digging out stone to shore barren light but the work stoppage and the bristlebacks cut us short never seen those blasted things in a dawn before where in forged fire did they come from i'm not sure at least not yet i need to get going stay safe thanks to you that might actually be possible today think i've cleared out most of the bristlebacks valleys should be safe enough to travel i'll go give what east the good news then maybe this embassy can finally happen the way to baron light is clear get moving you're not aaron vanguardsman i will move only when the captain said cleared out all the bristlebacks which i have captain's orders so they're okay banged up but breathing and waiting up ahead for you well i shall not be moving anywhere until the whistle has sounded if it is not safe for them then it is not safe for me fine i'll make sure the whistle gets blown and then i'll be back hear that we're not leaving yet unpack the cart no i'll be right back don't get comfortable as if that were possible here petra mentioned alvin is supposed to be in charge around here i guess i should talk to him to get the whistle blown on another note what do you want alvin some kind of payment my dear magistrate you think i can be bought if you want that whistle blown all you have to do is have your soldiers remove the bristlebacks and sign the concession decree face it what other choice do you have hi savior what auspicious timing might we discuss a matter of importance to the sundom we might later very well i shall be waiting [Music] so the savior herself walloper of durval gutter of use maybe i've heard many tales of your beauty and heroics my fierce lady warrior orphaned freeholder at your service so what could have dragged you away from the fine silks and wine of meridian to this smudge of a settlement your saviorly attention must be needed elsewhere i'm here for the embassy and the embassy by the forge ah greater gears for greater matters yes that means you'll be moving on once i've dealt with any problems around here that need my saviorly attention ah the bristlebacks of course got to get rid of them if you want that embassy to take place well best get to it hey enough you go not so fast [Music] you don't seem to have a high opinion of the magistrate well i refuse to play nice to some fancy rogued parchment pusher when my fellow laborers are being bullied intimidated and taken advantage of how noble of you noble born with a hammer in hand i was nobody handed me anything or dropped opportunity into my lap everything i've achieved i've done on my own and where is this hammer now the uh burden of leadership forced me to set it aside the cards are risked nothing while demanding that good osram gamble with their lives out there someone had to step up and say no more you ordered the work stoppage indeed i did we're laborers not soldiers until the carja clean up their mess and give us the fair deal we deserve i'm not risking awesome lives fair deal you mean your concession decree it's not my decree it's on behalf of all the good osurum laborers of this land who do all the backbreaking work while only the carja reaped the rewards all we're asking for is the ability to share in this prosperity for a land worked by the people for the people right and just how much would be your share only an amount appropriate to my contributions to this community of course if chain scrape is on karjaland shouldn't ikarja be in charge who appointed you the sensibilities of good osram folk of course you think akarja can head this whole venture ah the magistrate can barely make the trek from barren light without losing a few screws so you have no real authority then people only follow you because you say so loudly anyone who has followers has authority i've been with chain scrape from the beginning i mean i'm practically its founder and it's honest folk know i'm indispensable to its success you said you founded chain scrape somehow i doubt that practically found it i said i alone saw its potential when it was just a smattering of tense and bare and light shadow i invested in the mine convinced some friends back home to do the same and here we are you could say chain scrape is what it is thanks to me oh so you're not just standing around and profiting off everyone else not at all sure i make a little return on my investment here and there but my main priority as it was from the beginning is to look after the well-being of these honest working awesome i cleared out all the bristlebacks oh you did now that you've recovered from your shock time to blow the whistle go there not so fast i'll have to send someone out to confirm the kills make sure the valley is safe again shouldn't take more than a day or two no you blow the whistle now these are innocent osram lives we're talking about here surely the delay either you do it now or i will [Music] ah i knew you could do it friends gather round the savior of meridian has done it again the bristlebacks are defeated you what sound the whistle chain scrape is open for business yay and alvin has agreed to personally pay every worker their lost wages yeah that's where i like it yeah yeah don't you have an embassy to get to yeah i guess i do anyone make my day you heard the whistle time to go but but i i was supposed to have three escorts i'm off to baron light lightbody's like eloy said captain's orders you can stay here abandoned to the riffraff i think not guess you're coming with me then see you there aloy [Music] well now that that's done the embassy can finally get underway if i can get through it i'll be able to track down silence hades maybe even a guy at backup guess i could head straight for baron lights or poke around the daunt some more first and maybe take petra up on that drink over here savior thank you for taking the time and my condolences that you had to endure alvin's bloviating i've dealt with worse that sounds like he's really trying to put you over the barrel the idea that the karja purposely led bristlebacks into the daunt it's it's completely absurd but the louder and longer he says it the more support he'll get for his damned concession decree how did the bristlebacks get into the daunt no one knows for sure the first report of them came from west of the quarry but unless they have wings i don't know about i don't see how they could have come over the mountains no other way in the only way i know about is baron light look if you can get to the bottom of this i can offer a considerable bounty in return help me shut alvin up what is this concession decree that alvin wants he wants the sundom to designate portions of the daunt as osiram holdings only the portions mind you that produce any value let me guess because he stands to profit somehow exactly with the daunt under asaram law he could secure more investment for their numerous ventures he can't get those investments without the concession no not while there's a chance the sundom could revoke their access hence why the concession is so important to him and why blaming the karja for the bristlebacks no matter how absurd works in his favor how does blaming the karja for the bristlebacks help alvin get his concession look around this may be the sundom but chain scrape is all gears and rust and bad ale claiming that the karja loosed the bristlebacks in order to intimidate awesome laborers into obedience well let's just say no one here has forgotten the atrocities of the mad sun king even with the valley working again alvin hopes he can stir up enough resentment against the carja to call for a strike and if the osirim refused to work unless the concession is signed you won't have a choice correct the reconstruction of baron light must continue how did you get stuck out here i asked for the posting believe it or not overseeing the entire valley on behalf of the sun king it was an honor is an honor i mean but your job would be a lot easier without someone like alvin blasting hot air all the time elven's not going anywhere he's been around longer than i have even fancies himself the founder of chain scrape now i'll find a way to live with him i have to you said the bristlebacks were first spotted west of the quarry yes according to one terrified laborer said the ground trembled before they came charging down the hillside he took off and ran all the way here good place to start looking then if you learn the truth maybe ovunt will stop blaming the karja for every problem under the sun and maybe then he'll actually focus on rebuilding barren light instead i could get around faster and find a charger to override i can override one of these chargers i have to go on quiet so i don't spook the herd said the bristlebacks were first spotted west of the quarry i should see if there's anything in the back of the valley looks like it died on impact maybe it charged off the cliff up there i better keep following the trail up an old mine a lot of broken trees it's like a stampede went through is this where the bristlebacks came from how unless this cave leads out of the daunt so they did come through here they must have gotten trapped i'm gonna have to take them out before i can look around [Music] okay better take a look at where the smoke's coming from there's a lot of smoke it looks like nine runs pretty far back where's the dead end bristlebacks must have collapsed these tracks too there's nothing here to blast a mountain open and there's a load on one of the barrels looks like this mine was supposed to be shut down everyone must have gotten greedy kept blasting deeper into the mountains i should let javad know what i found so all windows secretly blasting in the line i'm going to squeeze it for all it's worth until bristleback sniped through maybe the explosions blew away open but from where savior what news do you bring picked up the bristleback trail by the quarry looks like they stampeded out of a mine at the back of the valley the mine how could a herd of bristlebacks come from there i'm not sure but alvin's workers were using explosives to tap the tunnels inside for the love of dawn i told him it wasn't worth the risk those tunnels they run for miles underground even beyond the daunt no you don't think that alvin's blasting opened up a passage from the other side perhaps yes perhaps if this is true we need confirmation an inquiry so thorough so irrefutable endorsed by the savior all right i'll keep looking i need to go of course if i'm gonna find out where the bristlebacks came from i need to head further west we have a reason to get the embassy going there's aaron that looks like he's had a few you're in a sour mood gentlemen that's our cue [Music] are you taking the edge off oh i mean i'd ask you to join but he'll be left to save the world [Music] right all right now let me guess you're in a rush right so uh whatever you need ask away how have things been since then your silent departure they're not bad vanguard's going strong help devout pick up the pieces after the battle with the eclipse and i took a month to bury ursa in the claim but when i got back i got the assignment to babysit voidis on his way to the embassy i thought that'd be a cakewalk so of course things went sideways you got blindsided it wasn't your fault a couple more of these maybe i'll believe you [Music] i was um wondering if you were able to lay ursa to rest like you wanted yeah yeah we did she assume the crowd that showed up to pay their respects half of the motor of favor and the other half got a half vote of their lives [Music] in the end everybody drank you know rowed his funeral since since ever feels like she would have liked that yeah damn straight damn straight she would have put him all on the table [Music] what do you know about the embassy well you know not much only that avad really wants it to happen he said i'm making peace with these tanakh but from what i hear they're not too big on the whole diplomacy thing they do most are talking with blades and arrows so if you're heading their way be prepared things might get ugly real fast i'll keep that in mind what do you know about this place well nothing good it's where the carja dragged all the captives they took from the forbidden west during the red raids lucky ones became slave labor rests were hauled after the summering in meridian your sacrifice you got it tanakh made sure to wreck the place before they chase the cargo out of the west i can't say i blame them and now avadz paying the ozram to rebuild it no matter how much new stone they put up they'll still be standing blood [Music] i am i better get going oh yeah don't let me stop you just are you sure about this um saving the world that's that sounds like a lot for just one errand yeah all right can't blame me for trying i i guess what i'm really trying to say is if you ever do need me i know where to find you hopefully sober next time yeah don't count him be careful out there aloy lighten up paint you've got a thick wall of stone between you and the tanaka up there yes sir why the long face mavas wish you were heading out there are you in charge around here ah apologies no that would be commander nozar i'm luwan the second in command so what brings aloy of the nora to baron light i'm here for the embassy i need it to happen so i can head west and maybe now that studious juarez is here we can finally get things underway ah yes the sun priest walked in practically kicking and screaming behind his escort really seems to like his scrolls but the embassy remains delayed commander nozar has signaled our readiness but the tanakh marshals have yet to sound their horn all right fine let me through the gates then i have my own business with them i'm sure you do but i'm afraid i can't commander's orders normally the gates are open for any who dare to venture out asaram salvagers a few especially brazen karja but no one's allowed in or out before an embassy now we're open once the tanakh left so what happens at these embassies exactly mostly trade and negotiation the karja offered tribute of food spices and gear in exchange the tanath return personal effects taken from cars or soldiers that fell during the red raids this particular embassy however is a special case because the tanakh they're handing over some sort of prisoner right a soldier named feshav ah so you've heard the exchange has got everyone on edge you never know if an embassy's going to go well until it's practically over you said something about to knock the marshals who are they they're the tribe's elite warriors before every embassy they arrive with the contingent of soldiers from each of their three clans then during the proceedings they negotiate on behalf of their leader and by negotiate i mean stare down our sun priest until they concede my eve over here came face to face with him for the first time at the last embassy came back drenched in his own sweat it was hot that day sir it was indeed where is this commander nozar then if he's the one keeping the gates shut i'll convince him to open them for me i'll take you to him but i have to warn you the commander isn't one to break protocol especially when he's already high strung we'll see about that this way there's a lot of activity going on around here the tanakh tore down this place during the red raids two years of labor and we still have a long way to go the work stoppage and chain scrape nearly halted our rebuilding efforts but i hear a certain nora got them back to work i was just helping out yes well i'm sure alvin was thrilled stand aside soldier sir there's the commander better brace yourself and good luck how are we to hold an embassy with a tribe that can't even govern their own people much more can you expect from barbarians um ah a lawyer was it yes the one who cleared the valley for you that eloy we appreciate your service at least we are ready for the embassy to begin didn't you just give the signal both sides must signal readiness until the tanakh sound their horn we wait yay for as the first shall be shut up why the delay the tanakh are tribe composed of three clans how many banners do you see you're just gonna wait go find out what's wrong oh this isn't some forgotten corner of the east where you come from it's a forbidden west if you don't like it run back to meridian file a complaint the meridian i saved you mean that's right nobody walks to the gate until the third clan arrives and the tanakh horn has sounded not even the savior of meridian well thanks but i've waited long enough it's time to go absolutely not this embassy depends on diligent adherence to you shall not keep telling yourself [Music] open the gates [Music] through that please that is a direct order sorry can't do it sir [Music] trying to stand in a way it's not gonna work that's it arrest her i'd like to see you try supporting fire yeah i'm locked and loaded hey nose off you stupid bastard you think you got the authority to keep that door shut in the savior of meridian's face what do you think son king of odd is gonna do when he hears what you did promote you huh edit through boys saving the world forgot something back in meridian look bro it doesn't matter i made it just in time so this tribe that murad told us about the tanakh we need their permission to go west yeah well i figured it'd be nice if they weren't trying to kill me the whole time but this embassy hasn't started yet we're just gonna barge in no more politics no more delays oh well now at least you have some backup i guess i do we'll see how it goes that is the line between east and west cross it and die hold on now let's take it easy none may walk this valley until our signal sounds that was our accord with the karja i'm not carja i came here on my own to ask for right of passage but they opened the gate for you did they not what is the meaning of this violation why send a child do they want to parlay or not the cards are can't be trusted this is known i forget the karja this has nothing to do with them i need to go west to save lives maybe even yours the only lives you can save are your own by turning back now hold she's telling the truth about one thing she's not karja she's a nora from the savage east and if she seeks to save lives should we not listen let me speak to her one last favor for a fellow marshal before he's taken away a fearless red-headed nora you must be the so-called savior of meridian just hey lawyer i am unyielding for shove once of the karja high command last of the army of the setting sun you're faschav ivad gave me a message for you that he waits for you in meridian where you belong hmm alvar always was polite now i'm even more curious about you knowing that you have the confidence of the sun king but such an association with the carjack could work against you as it often has with me as you can see tensions are high this embassy is a delicate affair they're about to return me to the sundom a gesture that might help soothe painful grievances and now you arrive unheralded i'm not here to cause trouble i just need to go west so you say i might be able to help but i need to know why along with some assurance that i won't regret it i've never seen markings like those on a carja before the car just see ink is decoration for the tanakh it is much more a litany of deeds a record of vanquished enemies looks like you vanquished quite a few i've fought my share of battles but i feel that my life like my markings is only half complete this side shows my marshall deeds before i die i'd like to see the other half marked with the laurels of peace how did you come to be among the tanks it's quite a story but not a quick one though i suppose neither of us is going anywhere before the embassy begins are you sure you want to hear it i guess we have time very well i marched with sun king jiran's raiders when they came west hoping to moderate their worst impulses i failed of course they committed unspeakable atrocities stirring the tanakh into action when the clans overran our forward encampment at cinema sands i stayed behind to help the last stragglers evacuate and was taken prisoner i didn't make it easy for my captors mind you and they paid me back and kang on the journey to their capital i lost so much blood on the way that i was white as a course when they threw me before chief akaro i thought i was dead for sure so i resorted to desperate measures so when you met the tanakh chief you did something desperate i'd kept my ears open as the tanakh dragged me along and i heard mutterings about a kind of trial by combat that they revere so when they flung me at hikaru's feet i demanded this right called the kurut thinking that by winning i could request a boom my life or even my freedom the other two knocked howled but hacaro stared them down and then his gaze fell upon me evidently he appreciated my ingenuity he allowed me to participate in the cool route little did i know what i was in for [Music] you said the cool route is at knox trial by combat yes but it is no ordinary trial it doesn't pit men against each other at least not directly instead the combatants fight machines in a great arena and only the strongest survive believe me it is no easy thing to stare down a charging machine while hundreds around you scream for blood i know more about that than you might think do you well then you have my respect like you i lived through it to claim my prize i had hopes for freedom but well that wasn't on offer only service to the chief you wound up serving this knox chief the winners of the cool route must serve the chief as his marshals you mentioned that word before what does it mean the word itself refers to a kind of protective spirit from the ancient past in practice marshalls are hikaru's roving lawgivers part magistrate part judge part executioner i won my place among their ranks and served as honor demanded but many to not still spat on the ground when i walked by but they did until i started forcing them to the ground to grind their faces in i guess that's one way to deal with it as you may have noticed violence is the native tongue of the survive one must master it the truth is though the cars just speak it too more than they should i can't blame the tanakh for hating them so then are you still karja part of me yes always yet there is much to admire about the tanakh especially their chief i've heard stories about what it was like before his reign three clans always at war constantly slitting each other's throats acaro and the marshals have crafted a delicate piece and now he looks to the future who knows maybe that future will include cooperation with the car joe the courage to talk about hikaru as if he's a monster the karja feel compelled to demonize him if only because he swept them from the field it is true that he is fearsome when i was first taken before him i thought he would flame me alive but he is no bloodthirsty tyrant like the mad sun king was i think that if you were fortunate enough to meet him as i was you would find that he only wants the best for his people i hope you do speak to him i'm sure you'd interest him so that's my story you're the first easterner to hear it but not the last the cards you need to know what i have learned yeah the way you talk about this knock there's a lot different than how they do are you glad to be going back to meridian oh i'll admit that i wouldn't mind sleeping in a feather bed or sipping wine from the southern vineyards but i have another gold in mind as someone who knows the tanakh then the karja i'm in a unique position to advocate for both if sun king of odd is amenable my hope is to establish a lasting peace the tanakhs don't seem that peaceful they're not as a rule but these are difficult times chief akaro knows that survival often requires change even if that change means putting aside centuries of war you asked why i need rite of passage i'll tell you but you won't like my answer six months ago the world almost ended in meridian that threat still exists it's getting worse every day much worse calling down storms poisoning the water enraging the machines the source of it all has gone west and i'm the only one who can stop it i've seen the signs and i've heard tales of incredible occurrences in meridian an army of demons vanquished by a red-haired champion so i'm inclined to believe you the burden of your task is written across your face clearer than any mark of mine i'll grant you this to serve as proof of your right to travel into tanakh lands a task so important and it's just the two of you take it from one who aspires to be a diplomat allies are essential chief akaro knows the west better than anyone he may be able to help you he can be intimidating to others but don't let that deceive you he is a man of his word maybe if i need him your choice you can find him at his palace pass the mountains to the southwest tell him i sent you and he'll listen look the sky clan's banner marshalls it wasn't easy but i brought the skyclan with me and the commander uh no i could only convince a few he isn't yet aware we left we have banners from all three clans if there are fewer from the sky clan it can't be helped he's right sound the horn what's going on not all tanakhs can stomach the idea of parlay with the kaja but enough have come for us to begin then i'll be on my way no the other marshals will not permit it you wanted safe passage you have it after the embassy the carja have opened the gates [Music] as the sun rises over a land at war so too can it set over a land at peace today is such hear me marshalls you who claim to be tanakh regala chief akara's biggest mistake a rival whom he should have killed you have forgotten that our people were born in blood the blood of the karja instead you pledge your fears to achieve who conspires with the enemy picaro has betrayed us the embassy is proof and all of you marshals are his accomplices for this i condemn you to death you'll need more than toothless threats to intimidate us exile lancers [Music] they're writing machines where'd they learn to do that silence vishav come with us now or not at all archers light them up get to cover archers keep them back run them down they're not gonna make it will i don't have a shot uh what happened can you see it's just us now hey calm down and fight fair lancers take the center get ready stick to cover arches on the ridge here they come okay okay uh no i need help [Music] enough you outlanders i'll skin you both [Music] chief grant me the honor of this challenge granted [Music] [Applause] uh you're next girl i've never seen a shield like that better scan it [Music] i can break through a shield if i damage it enough that shield's not gonna save you there he's exposed your turn come down here and face me no it was an honorable challenge you've earned your life comrades mark this day today you have decimated the marshalls slaughtered the karja so begins our war honeycomb move out [Music] you gonna make it you're going on without me aren't you i guess i'm stuck with aaron for now come on i'll take you back to the fort i got you it's salvage time boys [Music] i don't think it can take a hit i should be able to use it to collide hey lloyd we're still trying to sort out this mess seems like the tanakh have a civil war in their hands that sounds about right the marshals weren't expecting regala to attack and the entire karja delegation was slain nozar vladis pashav a massacre what will you do now i have to head west hopefully this rite of passage is still good for what i'm after i'll cross all of tanox territory if i have to then you have a long road ahead of you this is only the threshold of the forbidden west the tanakh's true domain lies over the mountains that border plain song home of the utaru tribe this isn't tanakh's territory all that out there that's no man's land it was supposed to be neutral ground though obviously this regala ignored that her rebels approached from the north with all those machines they were riding they must have made camp up that way the rebels were riding bristlebacks and there were bristlebacks in the daunt are you saying the rebels let them into the daunt how would that even be possible i don't know but it's worth looking into while you're at it there were a number of karja and asaram who went out there before the gates were shut for the embassy maybe you could check in on them see if they're all right they can keep an eye out is there a tall neck somewhere nearby a tall neck there's that one over there near the uttara border but why it's uh it's hard to explain it'll help me get the lay of the land if you say so is there anything else i can tell you before you go fashov called ragala a rival someone that's knocked chief should have killed yeah i reckon he should have she's obviously a huge threat her attack was coordinated and precise until you got in her way that is they knew the lay of the land and they knew feshav was going to be handed over at the embassy if the tanakh weren't expecting her she must have spent months gathering an army in secret they had to have made camp nearby somewhere they could lie low until the perfect moment to strike about feschav the man was taken captive by the tanakh survived for years out in the west only to die just short of the sundom it's a cruel end for a good soldier there was more he wanted to do he spoke of advocating for lasting peace between the karja and tanox too late for that now what will happen to him his body will be carried back to meridian as the cousin of the sun king you will be accorded official rights and buried with honor no soldier could ask for more [Music] it's too bad about nazar and 40s at least nazar went down fighting as for the sun priest well no one deserves to go out that way i'll make sure they're given proper funeral rights it's the least i can do do you think the carjo will take action against regala seems like you'd have common ground with its knox an expedition of the karja army into the west could be taken at the start of another invasion sun king of odd won't risk it that said we can't allow ourselves to be caught unaware by an attack like that again you said that knocks lands are far to the west what can i expect to find between here and there well as i mentioned you've got a stretch of wilderness known as no man's land and then new taru farmlands past that are the tanakh their territory is split into three clans desert low land and sky right i saw their banners at the embassy the desert clan is closest oh vicious lot where everyone else sees an inhospitable wasteland they see a challenge to dominate somewhere beyond the desert is the tribe's capital and the territories of the other two clans you don't sound certain i've only heard the stories during the red raids the karja army tried to push into tanakh territory but the united clans rose up against them forced them all the way back to the dart so no one except that to knocks really know what's beyond the desert maybe the scholars do back in meridian all those scrolls have to be filled with something right you mentioned the utara tribe their lands are between here and the tanakh further west that's right plain song is their home they're a peaceful bunch at least compared to the tanakh more taken to farming than fighting it's hard to imagine a bunch of farmers surviving in the forbidden west make no mistake they have a fierceness all their own when the karja were pushed back during the red raids their warriors chased ours through the burning fields of plain song the sun king has made several overtures of peace to them as well but so far they've declined if they're so peaceful why decline don't know i heard they have their own troubles to deal with something about a food shortage you'd think that make them open to trade but no they just want to be left alone area is no man's land that it is the tanakh used to attack anyone past baron light on site but after avod overthrew the mad sun king he reached out to the other tribes to offer reconciliation that's an act agreed to a neutral border zone as part of the peace talks karja and asaram have been striking out into the area ever since but now it seems like regala and her rebel army have moved in well i'd never call no man's land safe even in the best of times the ancient ruins of the southwest are a testament to that remnants of some forgotten war you said there were others who went out when the gates were open before like who well in addition to the salvagers it just went through there were a couple of other parties of osirim delvers even saw two karjar scholars trekking southwest with an awesome crew not sure if they're exceptionally brave or just foolhardy i need to be on my way then i wish you luck the gates will always be open to you should you wish to return and don't worry about your friends we'll get them patched up i appreciate it son watch over you haloi i hope you find what you're looking for gotta be prepared so this is the forbidden west whole new frontier to explore the coordinates from the spires should lead to silence in hades and just maybe a backup of gaia it won't be easy out there the blight the storms regal as machine writers but i'll have to push through it all find a way to fix the world like elizabeth wood the woman who left the ambush for gala had a lot of machines under her command there's only one other person who has that kind of knowledge silence but what's his angle why help to knock the rebels there bridge is down [Music] it looks like it fell into a tunnel so the rebels were keeping bristlebacks here the machines fell into the tunnel which must have collapsed as they ran further in what if alvin's explosives created the sinkhole i should head back to chain scrape to let javad now if you need shards there's a salvage operation so you've returned from the west any luck the bristlebacks were being penned by tanakh rebels on the other side of the mountains alvin's explosives opened up a sinkhole dropping them into the tunnels which they followed to the mine and out into the daunt right aside from the rebels if anyone is to blame for the bristlebacks it's elephant radiant beams of the sun and all this time he was pointing the finger at us bring ovent here petra too um summoned like a blasted a witch you best be meaning to put pen apart what why is she here i live here too lugnut so what's this about hmm thanks to the savior the sun has shown the truth on the bristle bristle-back incursion tanakh rebels were keeping pens of machines on the other side of the mountains a sinkhole swallowed them releasing them into the underground tunnels that led east and out into the daunt so it was an accident but let us not forget that it was the carjacking i'm not done the sinkhole only formed due to your unauthorized blasting in the southern mine you are responsible for the machine rampage the workers we lost the destruction the bristlebacks caused all of it my dear magistrate has your precious son baked your senses i would never give such an order without first consulting you evidence says otherwise eloy found the shipping manifest in the mine you skirted the laws of the sundom oven all for a few extra shards that stampede crushed nearly a dozen workers my husband was trampled i demand an official investigation i won't be the victim of some gorgeous scheme certainly we'll conduct a thorough inquest into everything every business deal you ever put your name to well that that's not necessary is it what if i just return to the claim oh well that would save the crown the cost of course i'll be on my way as soon as i wrap up some previous commitments tie up some loose ends after all the welfare of chain scrapes people in a transition like this you're leaving right now chain scrape will be just fine you think she can run this scorched out forged dump knock yourself out get out don't want you don't need as the sun burns away shadow thank you for that eloy we are coming here please accept this token of gratitude you've done the sundom and my sanity a great service and i believe we have some matters to discuss guess we do not the most pleasant boots to fill but i'll wear them all thanks to you flame hair okay chain scrape will be better off of petron charge it looks like the coordinates silence gave me this is it location of the coordinates i scanned from this fire this workshop underneath a dead forest titan just the kind of place silence would slink away to but what was he doing here i'll stash this away for later but once i load you on that you'll be so much more comfortable until interrogations begin anyway [Music] either way consider this message a beacon to help guide you out of the fog of ignorance using explosives i've detached the processing world from the titan overhead a perfect cage for our mutual friend the haters in order to render it cooperative tell her what we discussed about the mysterious signal that gave life [Music] will still perhaps you need a reminder that you failed so you see it gaia can be safely rebooted as for a way to find a backup well you'll need to trot along after me to find out he thinks he's got it all figured out bastard i guess there's only one way to find out where he moved the orb might be worth looking around more first some kind of log most of it's redacted it looks like silence put a lot of work into forcing hades to talk rigging his lands to steal hades a crazy ai that wants to kill everything you can just let me do the same thing and destroy it i'd have to put up more of a self-righteous ball ruin okay let's see what i think of silence use that machine to haul his prize that must be the orb silence stuck hades in that door looks like a pharaoh facility or a zero dawn come on hades you still in there [Music] [Music] you don't look so good yes permanently this time even like this you're a threat to gaia once i resurrect her so you have not yet secured dire back up then gaia is dead earth and hammered despite malfunctions i have fun silence asked you where to find a backup of gaia right because that would have been easy what did silence do to you hades it's like you've been hollowed out silence and what did you tell him you don't remember any of it what like me beating you at the spire okay that's not going anywhere do you know where silence went no he departed 12.8 days [Music] [Music] so you don't know anything more than i do great when the mysterious signal transformed you it made gaia's other subordinate functions conscious too you escaped when gaia destroyed herself but so did they where did they go each function migrated coordinates based on data error structures disintegrate a bunch of crazed ais scattered who knows where doing who knows what hephaestus kills thousands every year with the combat machines it keeps making and you nearly ended the world seven more functions out there cooking up trouble it's not a happy thought anyone ever tell you you've got a great personality hades sarcasm yeah didn't think so do you know why silence dragged you to these ruins obviously but why what was this place but you i guess i'll find out when i go inside silence questioned you about the mysterious signal the one that woke you gave you consciousness who sent it transplanted earthly life who would want that data enough it's time to finish this does save life on earth yeah aloy does what would you know hades twice you tried to destroy life on earth and twice you failed the only extinction you ever brought about is your own and there's no tricked out lance to save you this time are incorrect three times 80s what you remember this yes [Music] centuries ago it's what you were designed to do there won't need to be i'm saving this one [Music] activated bridging extinction protocol [Music] [Music] aloy i see you've dealt with hades yeah think maybe you can stay dead this time it will you can trust trust yes trust as in since i did what you could never do and extracted all of haiti's priceless knowledge you can trust that i was willing to actually let you destroy it this time so back to holograms instead of face to face what afraid i'd stab you or something there's a reason i'm using the same spyware i see so all those times i called you could have just answered but i guess you just prefer to go on spying all this time my world stopped revolving around you months ago i've had work to do countless hours of research as demanding and time intensive as it has been critical to the fate of this planet right of course you're just trying to save the world too that's right the difference of course is that unlike you i've produced results did you find a backup of gaia or not well yes i believe i did where voila why do you think i summoned you here behind that gene locked hatched like the ruins of the ancient facility where the hades extinction protocol was perfected a testing process that ran hundreds of trials each of them using a backup of gaia hades told you this it took some convincing but yes so are you ready to go get what you've been searching for for the last six months or are you just going to stand there with your mouth open just to confirm haiti said that there are backups of gaia in there yes or were anyway thousand years ago backups that didn't get purged when ted farah wiped every copy of apollo correct according to hades this facility could not be accessed by a remote signal not even ted pharaoh could touch the debtor here backups data complete guy and her subordinate functions everything needed to reboot the system restore control over the terraforming system save life on earth and there so haiti said so what are you waiting for you mentioned you've been busy exceptionally busy but not so busy you couldn't teach to knock the rebels to override machines write them as mounts hey the only issue you should be concerned about is obtaining a guy backup perhaps if you focused more you might actually see results that's not exactly a denial silence take it any way you want did hades reveal the source of the mysterious signal the one that woke it tried to destroy life on earth yes it did care to share in due time first things first eloy last i checked you still had a super intelligent ai named gaia to reboot yeah the same gaia who had to destroy herself 20 years ago because of the signal it stopped being transmitted years ago it's no longer a threat what if it repeats it won't even if it did well the details are complicated but the signal required hades to take effect delete hades from any backup you reboot and guy is safe now stop wasting time go get a backup all right i'll search the facility for a gaia backup but just to be clear silence if this ends up being another one of your tricks you're literally the only person who can open it how could i sit a trap inside trick me again silence and our next conversation will be face to face though you won't have much to say on account of my spear being buried in your throat thanks to me everything you desired everything you've been fumbling about unable to achieve for six months is now within your grasp now i know you didn't learn much about manners growing up on your outcast but in a situation like this you say thank you and i say you're welcome [Music] please slip inside and look the door is completely messed up obviously but despite the malfunction you can still get through if you'll be patient for a while longer see those crystals there the azram call them fire gleam they're combustible not nearly powerful enough to blast through a door like that but maybe just enough to jolt it open a bit more exactly it will only work with an igniter i'm sending you the schematics now to build it you'll need some machine parts and the oil from a kindle weed plant that only grows under water but you should be able to find some of the nearby lake the parts are more complicated you'll need a spark coil from within a loop lashes power cell remove the power cell before you kill the machine or else it'll break got it well i already have some deep water kindle weed just need to get the parts [Applause] display i'll have to detach it before the machine goes down oh goes down we'll go near the for your time entrance with hades there should be able to use this to blow up that fire glam now indeed a useful combination it's how i detached the processing wall from the horse in the first place great but i could use this igniter i find more places with fire gleam focus on the task at handy lloyd this whole place is flooded and there's another gene lock door on the other side but that's where any guy at backups would have been stored i have to find a way to get over there uh might be a good idea to drop that ladder door's locked there's some kind of device next to it it looks like this connects to the door but it needs power [Music] that did it oh harbinger of the end of times what can i do for you your modifications to recluse spider the separate repositories for gaia and haiti samples well the costs are off the charts i'm going to move testing of the hades protocol to zero dawn headquarters next week slow down haas let me put it to your nursery school simple baby hades is a vile little thing and it's got to stay in his crib one slip and it'll cut off every data stream and power line and lakes that's why this dark and scary hole you made is perfect very hard to get an unauthorized signal out so all the cyber nukes you were working on here didn't fly the coop you know like drax dot net dash four i think your boys nicknamed that one the moldova brain hack that was a clearance level nine project ah thought you goose scrub this place quickly clean but your pal tribe went over it with a white glove and found the grime no he will be just fine for hades later teddy bear if this place was isolated from the outside then any guy a backup store here wouldn't have been purged safe from ted pharaoh's machinations to obliterate gaia's apollo database elizabeth and travis tate oh boy i tell you liz what i just done gonna make you love me i just imagine them far zenith rap scallions opening this fake guy that we made for him and i thought what this really needs is a signature this isn't a prank travis i know i know all i did was just script a couple of avatars a little you little me to deliver our message of doom real personal lag would you just send it as soon as it's done compiling then you and me should celebrate i brought party fixins pizza rolls absinthes a couple of hacky sacks i'm heading back to bryce as soon as this is done color me confounded liz how is it that someone like you paragon damn near saint love this world so damn much but no one in it i mean have you ever even had a friend compile complete data file baron promise ready for transmission if you would please logic bombs off here it comes far z nuts just keeping the best of what you do travis always admire you from afar liz it's wearing my mama's grave and she was religious travis was wrong elizabeth was trying to make sure life had a future she cared about everyone i'm not so sure the exceptional walk a path of solitude eloy as you and i are well aware of this console shut down what's in here balls dude how loud is it out there outside the noise dampening field 150 decibels well i guess we got privacy what's the hap trap you me go back a ways but i never saw you cheat no one why start with far zenith i was going to tell you about it they get a copy of gaia i get a spot on the odyssey but but i told them i said make it two spots because i'm bringing my friend traff gosh hank sounds like the dampening field done slipped you all right cool okay got a personal field right here see now i know your ears ain't working so well just now but see that text transcribing every word i say good while i dial the music out there up to 170 decibels how about you type in that transmit code [Music] thank you hank we're done security hank shaw is ready for collection no he's still breathing might want to bring a spatula though state of here from travis this place turned out a lot of malware before zero dawn took over the deal's off tilde xerodon got its ectogenic chambers far zenith needs the apollo database there's no reason this incident you tried to steal gaia i had nothing to do with it and you punished those responsible your logic bomb has them scrambling to restore vital systems i'm really supposed to believe that you knew nothing about this please liz humanity's chances are slim as is you may not approve of our plan but what if we're the only ones to survive don't you want us to have apollo to remember our common past our mistakes i'm begging you fine you'll get your copy of apollo thank you let's speak again before by tilda elizabeth sounded sad at the end i think this was personal indeed [Music] okay so much for the flooded maze [Music] that thing is huge it looks like the power's off except for that console it's damp in here too i hope the water hasn't genetic profile confirmed greetings dr sophie do you wish to activate recluse spider i do activating okay powering it up that doesn't sound good it appears to be unstable and very heavy be careful at least i've got power and there's data here looks like this reckless spider thing is a testing apparatus for gaia and hades i'd better take a look at that access panel yes get to it okay i think those circular pods are repositories one loaded with hades backups the other with gaia what are you waiting for hades is down but the guy repository stuck so unstick it i need to detach the cable from the arms coupling maybe i can shoot the coupling yeah well now that it's down i should be able to access that pod two in fact he barely expected us [Music] no support that functions so it's useless for what nothing maybe saving the world is too big a task for any one person wait wait it's useless without sub functions but there are some functions out there the original ones scanning to the winds one guy blew herself up they could be anywhere you can't find them in time even if you did the mysterious signal mutated them just like hades you'll have no idea a good one it works [Music] but it won't connect it's close mountains west have planes on close enough for me to go get it i was hoping to find all the sub-functions but that's enough to get started right it is recover maneuver one could use it to launch gaia's heuristic matrix when she's conscious she helps me find the other sub-functions i go gather them and rebuild her piece by piece very clever still think i can't save the world on my own yes about that alert intruders of it hey i need you to listen closely these intruders want the same thing you do die and reborn it's why they're here friends of yours no they don't know me the data pulse i transmitted indicated that a guy a backup could be recovered here was anonymous now they're very powerful but they won't harm you not when they see who you are what you are a clone of elizabeth sobek a genetic key with which they can reboot guy and rebuild the system they need it i warn you silence for once a lawyer submit to the inevitable open the hatch first i rebuild gaia save life on earth then i track you down and end yours i'm trying to help you here try spying on me with that there new focus spyware free okay think i think i think i don't care how powerful they are the only thing that can open that hatch is me the question is can i find another way out there's a current in the water not much but maybe it's a way out genetic profile confirmed entry authorized greetings dr sobak please step inside looks um beta do we have it fantastic did the pulse originate here has someone something wrong [ __ ] inspectors beta wow any idea what the hell a clone of elizabeth sobek is doing here maybe gaia made one when it destroyed itself a hail mary to repair the system don't like the sound of that nah don't like it don't want it but the effect nope one's enough trouble eric yeah care to do a little downsizing hmm sure what if she sent the pulse then that was foolish of her but we got what we came for so let's put it to use [Music] i snap a lot of necks in vr but that certain tremor as life fades from the eyes oh no hollow quite gets it keep flapping your mouth it makes a nice target you actually think that primitive crap you got there can hurt me this is gonna be fun come on now admit it you may run but you may hide but your heaven is i'm not hurting him i need a way out of here maybe if i can bring the whole processor down here we go yes reckon that thing ain't gonna help girl come on come at me gotta cut the main steps gonna enjoy watching the life train out here [Music] me if that thing comes down it's only going to kill you because i'm letting you have all the fun [Music] god dammit [Music] what was that me killing what you wanted dead what the hell did you think the platform collapsed body went with it right and since when don't you get what you want huh inspectors i gotta find a way out of here there here's a crate under this might be a way under this perfect huh [Music] it's okay i'm here i've i've got it [Music] easy easy there hey hey hey hey hey it's right here and the way you were clutching it when i found you in knew it was important where are we an outpost of the utaru tribe not far from where you fell how long two days there's no time i found something [Music] in the mountains yeah i kept watering it while i carried you okay like whatever it is that you found you're in no shape i will crawl if i have to okay fine but before you do that there's someone you should talk to an utaru named zou she told me there's been trouble in those mountains a cave spitting out deadly machines can't be a coincidence right why do we need her let's head for the cave it's in uttaru territory her territory she can help us we'll see [Music] still the seed rises so she should be in bed a lloyd doesn't really do [ __ ] you're so right [Music] we're all said i should talk to you about the machines in the mountains west of plain song i am a grave singer my place is here we can talk once you've healed what's wrong with it her the name is ray not it she's one of our land gods and she's dying but not just dying she's suffering her condition is not your concern so if anyone can help it's avoid may i uh [Music] so what i'm about to do might look bad but it will help spear [Music] hmm i still need to talk of course but this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] the mountains west of plain song their trouble out there the otaru have trouble everywhere our fields blighted our settlements abandoned but the cave in the mountains is the worst of it it is a sacred place far another of our land gods went inside weeks ago but she hasn't emerged killer machines pour out instead threatening to overwhelm us it's never happened before wouldn't be your first sacred cave [Music] you said the tribe has trouble with its fields and settlements yes whereas once the land gods harvested endless bounty from the fields now they sow a poisonous blight war brews among the tanakh so their rebels prowl our outskirts and the machines grow ever more aggressive hemming us in forcing us to desert distant villages now they're even coming out of our sacred cave many in the tribe fear our days are dwindling i wish i could tell you it was better everywhere else not that we're gonna lose hope ray and other machines like her you call them gods land gods yes for generations they provided for us seeding and harvesting the fields of plain song food for all a miracle of endless bounty a fur run by machines more than a farm a blessed land providing sustenance for my people until that arrangement [Music] so what happened to the land gods after the derangement they've altered year by year once they were peaceful now they turn on us when we approach even attack us they'd always enrich the soil but for several seasons they've glutted it endlessly with mulch the fields have turned fetid a blight that keeps spreading even beyond our lands we used to have food for all now we we barely have enough to feed our children must be over fertilization spread by spores maybe i don't know that's not even the end of it each land god used to visit the sacred cave once a year but no longer without the rituals of renewal they've fallen apart like ray [Music] they're dying and my tribe with them so the cave is sacred because machines like ray and the one you call far go inside yes before the derangement each land god left the fields and made a pilgrimage to the cave always in the same order doe first then rey then me and so on spattered with soil from their labors each reappeared two days later shining a new without so much as a scratch all soil and ornaments of worship washed away the tribe celebrated each return as one of the eight hollowed festivals of our calendar but the derangement changed the cycle yes or so we thought over time the land gods stopped the ritual becoming crazed and brittle [Music] but three weeks ago trudged inside the entire tribe lifted their voices in song praying that the cycle had begun again though has not emerged what has our machines built to kill are machines being made inside like in a cauldron sounds like it but the way these land gods come and go it's not like anything i've seen before you called yourself a grave singer what does that mean to all living things and and must come it is my task to ease the passage i try to bring comfort and sing of the renewal that death sews the way for but i'm never thought i would have to sing for one of our land gods [Music] i don't even know if ray hurt me what you did soothed her more than i ever could it's not your fault so without the second sight there's nothing more you could have done [Music] thanks for taking us in varl's the one that carried you across the wilds i doubt anyone else here would have let us in or stayed by my side to make sure ailoy was comfortable we were lucky to find you i could say the same thing sounds like you two have been spending a lot of time together i wish you'd hadn't taken an injury to make that happen i hope you feel better and soon i need to get into their cave what no one does that well it's time to make an exception it belongs to the land gods look so there is something inside there something that could solve problems all over the world storms the derangement [Music] maybe even your broken land gods what could possibly do all that a spirit yeah something like that [Music] i could journey back to plain song assemble the chorus tell how you soothed rey ask their permission to go inside great i'll get my thanks who needs rest you don't have to tell me i'm fine [Music] assembling the chorus will take time heal first then join me [Music] bed rest i got it she does not need you to help her heal you could come with me to plain song lend your voice to mine as i try to persuade the chorus it might help her cause i'd like to but i'm afraid she might run off really very well later then so wait it's not uh that i don't want to go with you it's just that [Music] is that what you were trying to say um yes then i look forward to more conversation uh yeah me too you're supposed to be resting oh you should go with her i'll get better on my own you're trying to get rid of me so you can no no this time i'll meet up with you and playing song when i'm ready you sure about this yes go get out of here okay [Music] so wait [Music] who are they [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all healed up for the atari's land gods i'm here as promised that's singing does it mean the chorus is ready it is assembled i couldn't have done it without varrell but i don't know what good it will do the chorus is in disharmony the subject of the cave is bad enough land godfaw still hasn't emerged and every day more deadly machines try to force their way out throwing themselves against the defensive cordon we set up around the entrance that is only the first of many false notes your request has exposed deep divisions within the chorus itself and the tribe you said you couldn't have assembled the chorus without him what did you do some in the chorus refuse to meet to consider your request they believe that the cave belongs to the land gods alone but varl saw that what you did with ray could be used to our advantage sometimes it isn't enough to ask the people in charge you need others to ask for you as many as possible we spread the word about how you soothe dre there may even have been a little exaggeration growing interest to put pressure on the chorus until they finally agreed to meet i saw it work a few times with the matriarchs and even with my mother once or twice nice job you can handle the politics from now on oh no i'm sure we'll still need you to cut through them from time to time i get that the cave is sacred but how did asking to go inside caused such a fuss the fuss was already there many in the tribe and most in the chorus want to keep doing what we have for generations which often is nothing but there are others who call for change or extreme measures your request has given fresh life to the debate right tradition i have run into that before but each tribe has to be dealt with in their own way if you say so so the chorus is assembled what now they're considering your request then shouldn't we go talk to them when you're ready but don't worry their debate won't end anytime soon meetings like these can go on for days all right then maybe i should resupply first who knows how many machines are in that cave assuming the chorus agreed to allow you inside aloy can be pretty convincing in these situations we'll see do what you need to prepare we'll wait for you above where the chorus has gathered [Music] yes [Music] there's something you should know [Music] [Music] any guests [Music] singing just keeps going i guess that means the chorus is still in session the people sing to soothe the chorus to help them break their impasse it wouldn't be necessary if they were in harmony i'm not gonna have to sing back am i of course not the singing will stop when we present ourselves are you ready all right let's go talk to them [Music] [Music] [Music] hello speak your sacred cave there's something inside i need if i can get it joe and the nora have spread word of your story and what you want we know of no spirit in the cave only far our land god who entered the cave and did not return the power of the land gods is broken we are diminished tales of spirits will not help us nothing will we weaken we die and become fertile ground for new life this is the natural order wait you're all just going to sit around until you become food for worms literally so says the outlander ignorant of our beliefs please remember how she brought peace to rey listen to her we've heard such temerity from you before zoe let us not forget that you agitated for reckless war against the karja at least she's trying to help how by inviting you to break our traditions should we change our ways to suit every impudent outsider who wanders into plain song no you should change your ways because your own lands are killing you we have stood by and watched as our land gods waste away [Music] you would have us do the same with our neighbors our children and this lone outlander can save us [Music] nonsense a single seed matters little in the infinite cycle of growth and decay an alarm it's coming from the mountains machines must have broken through the cordon i thought we need to get down there what about the chorus if the cordon has fallen there's nothing left to prevent us from going in the cave the time for permission is over then off we go [Music] this way out the gate and around oh [Music] do you really think we can do something about all of this comes tomorrow we're almost there so many machines broke through what happened to the gordon's defenders we'd better be ready for anything keep coming [Music] recording or what's left of it so many here they will be mirrored when the time is right for now we must keep going into the cave what is that a kind of wall made of lights we'll follow your lead up here let's forgive our trespass [Music] that ahead like a cauldron door to understand what's going on in there you're gonna need one of these [Music] on the temple just like this there's blue light on the door yeah it takes some getting used to don't worry i hope now listen the machines we've been fighting they're different more dangerous that means there's something very powerful somewhere beyond that door and it wants us dead follow my and be ready for anything [Music] let's go we have to find the core of this place there's so much metal who built this place machines not like any you've seen before issues to the fight we cleared out the machines [Music] i have a feeling that's not those cables are glowing i've seen them before they're like an infection that thing i said wants us dead it takes over places like these and makes killer machines it's called hephaestus looks like those cables are blocking the way up you two wait here i'll find another pass okay so can you stand on that panel how are you doing this place was meant for the lane another floor you did the right and thing pillars might be a way across if i can get them into the right position device yeah it reveals things lights images glyphs weaknesses on a machine now you so so huh okay getting there the ears on the pillars should be exposed now looks like there are only two pillars this time nice [Music] i think i'm getting close one more set of pillars there should be a floor panel nearby to activate them going down ouch are you all right now uh so close up okay now i can cross cables are all over that note maybe i can override it the cables are moving they're drawing back we can climb up that vent how do we cross cables are twisted around that node on the other side i'll see if i can get to it who is that looks like there's another node on the other side near that doorbot one of those matrix fits taken over facilities before to build deadly machines but it wasn't always hostile they used to be part of something good something called gaia more of those cables covering that door i think we're almost at the core be ready we've got your back oh no which sooner or later will be unleashed and then plain song if my people see what it has become if one of our gods attacks you know what we have to do are you ready we have to get down there dome of light is it protecting the machine yeah there should be a node i can override nearby to shut it down here we go but i'll get the big guys if i can detach them huh morning a machine that nearly killed us it's still her god i do not grieve for a god or a machine because i no longer know what to believe look so if you want you can go back home do i still have one and if so for how long can you really heal our lands save my people one step at a time but it starts now um [Music] not bad up we go there's more like eloy said this is only the beginning [Music] hey lloyd the core my focus is showing holograms on they look like machines there must be overrides knowledge on how to tame the sheets and you can learn this let's find out looks like festus has been upgrading the security grid on the cauldrons not sure i can do much about that right now and my focus doesn't recognize some of these must be machines i haven't seen yet got what you need yes let's press on then greetings graduates uh that doesn't sound good was that the spirit minerva i don't think so at least not directly attention oh must vacate the facility immediately something what exactly was this place seen anything like it before no there that's our way out [Music] year your unauthorized locked down staying out what's going on at least the emergency lights work what just happened minerva's definitely here and i think it's trying to keep us out i'll scout ahead see if there's a way to get us in you sure we shouldn't come with you oh yeah minerva could be dangerous let me make sure it's safe okay we'll be right here if you need us are you doing okay though all this minerva hephaestus gaia this is what will help heal it's hard to explain i mean okay i barely understand it you need to find where minerva's hiding it's what halo's been listening should look for a way to access the facility systems alert restricted access you are not wanted here nope sorry you're not getting rid of me that easily minerva i can feel a draft above might be a way out of this shaft door is locked don't think i'm getting through that door right now i should turn back see what else i can find and i'm outside i need to find a way back into the facility maybe i could look for a way in higher up the mountain if i can get minerva to cooperate i can merge it with gaia finally bring her back and we can start fixing the blight the storms or maybe she can help me figure out who those strangers in the proving lab were why did they have a clone of elizabeth why do they want to back up pipes up there might lead me to a way back in how to reach them i think i can clear them another shaft okay now i've got to find a way to plug into this place alert system core energy minerva i need the console please access denied it didn't used to be like this do you remember it anything [Music] you were part of something bigger once something good gaia that's right she can live again but only if you give her the chance i can't reboot her without you [Music] will i cease i think you'll disappear into her become part of her like he used to be [Music] yes thank you thank you minerva [Music] elizabeth sobek alpha prime master override activated restoring minerva function to original code do you wish to initiate heuristic matrix [Music] [Music] [Music] greetings dr sobek [Music] [Music] so it is not elizabeth we have much to discuss but initialization of my heuristic matrix will not be complete for several minutes more in the meantime i suggest you familiarize yourself with this facility it is our best option for a base of operations and you can make use of its equipment to improve your ability to override machines um yeah yeah that that sounds good shall i grant access to your companions they will be here shortly um okay but don't overwhelm them okay they don't have a lot of experience with things like well you uh so no fake this time no this time she's real laurel so this is skya hello hi hi guy is still uh waking up let's look around i will highlight the location of the lab on your focus i have established a network between your focuses allowing you to communicate when apart good so what was this place a regional control center where zero dawn progeny would have overseen terraforming operations in the area i suggest you explore this facility until my initialization is complete what's all this this was intended as the main gathering space for control center operatives you could fit a good number of people in here or maybe just a few to start with you two go ahead i'm going to poke around a bit so this was supposed to be the lab that was its intended purpose some of the machine data you recovered from the repair bay below us appears to be corrupted accessing the terminal in this room will show you how to repair and complete the override we'll take a look looks like i need data from machine parts to fix the corrupted override my initialization is complete you may continue to explore the facility when you are ready return to the control room we have much to discuss looks like an office correct the facility was designed with a number of private offices i guess it's nice to have a space to call your own this would have been an access point for advanced training modules on terraforming operations unfortunately those modules were deleted when the apollo database was destroyed that's too bad what's this space for this would have been the sleeping quarters for control center operatives reminds me of the bed house aspirants had to sleep in the night before the proven hey gaia why doesn't this door have power at my current operating level i am only able to restore functionality to part of this facility in time that may change got it so this place was here all this time built for people who would never show up why didn't they remember that guy i told you about ted pharaoh he sabotaged things okay maybe it's time to talk to gaia i'll leave you to it hello eloy hi so you're ready yes initialization is complete all tests show that my heuristic matrix launched correctly and is stable you must have many questions yeah but two big ones first we're not gonna be able to fix the biosphere without making you whole i read a search for your sub-functions at the hades proving lab but whatever was the only one i found thankfully the sensory capabilities of this facility are far more advanced i will search for the others now transmitting query pattern receiving of apollo artemis and olivia i can find no trace they are simply gone what about the others ether demeter and poseidon are revealed they lie within reach procurable and hephaestus it too stands revealed but it is not like the others that's for sure in the years since the extinction signal aphestus has evolved moreover it is not confined to a single location it haunts the global network that connects cauldrons to each other across the planet making it exceptionally difficult to subdue let me guess we need it bad correct its capabilities are essential without it i can only delay the extinction of life on earth hephaestus is our only hope of a permanent solution so we start there unfortunately we cannot procuring hephaestus can only be attempted after my own capabilities have been significantly enhanced grab the other supported functions first then hephaestus precisely so so ether demeter and poseidon how do i capture them to recover a subordinate function you will have to travel to its location and find the physical processor to which it escaped then exactly as you did with minerva you must use the master override to revert the subordinate function to its original code state and then how do i get it back here the subordinate function must be loaded onto a data storage device and physically carried back to this facility the cartridge your root kernel was stored on yes its capacity is limited so it can only carry one subordinate function at a time but in all other respects it will suffice maybe you can help me make sense of something a while ago i had a run-in with a group of strangers who tried to kill me they had machine servitors and a um uh a clone of elizabeth sobek with them yes this was recorded by your focus do you know who they are the answer to that question is related to the extinction signal that woke hades prompting my predecessor self-destruction the extinction signal okay that sounds ominous the signal did not come from earth aloy the calculations are complicated but it appears to have originated 81 trillion kilometers away [Music] a distance so vast that light itself requires 8.611 years to cross it okay so what's so far away and and why does it want us dead the serious star system serious but that's where far zenith their ship the odyssey yes that's where it was headed but it blew up unless i don't why make it seem like they failed they didn't want anyone to know they didn't want future humans to think that they were out there wait the strangers who tried to kill me at the hades proving lab the ones with the clone are you saying that they're from that their descendants of farsineth yes that is my conclusion the three subordinate functions that you detected what do we know about them all three are relevant to problems currently plaguing the biosphere ether is responsible for detoxifying the atmosphere and moderating the weather poseidon controls the organic and chemical composition of water resources demeter sows fertilizes and tends to plant life if all three were restored to me they would constitute a massive increase to my heuristic processing density but beware their responses to my query pattern were irregular in human terms they are frightened lost and paranoid like minerva they need to be whole again exactly the missing subordinate functions what can you tell me about them artemis rewilded the earth with a variety of animal species elutio was responsible for gestating nurturing and culturing a new generation of human beings apollo was tasked with preserving organizing and disseminating vast archives of human knowledge and cultural achievements unfortunately all archived apollo data was purged on the 2nd of february 2066 by order of ted pharaoh pharaoh huh i really hate that guy understandable he appears to have been pathologically narcissistic impulsive and unstable all three of the missing functions have already served their purpose or were prevented from doing so do you still need them if attainable yes restoring their remaining elements would increase my heuristic processing density unfortunately i have no way to track them they have disappeared without a trace you said you need hephaestus to save life from extinction why every subordinate function has value but hephaestus is by far the most important only by recovering and merging it can i regain my ability to design and mass produce new machines at cauldrons across the planet only through it can i program new machines and alter the tasking of existing machines to completely reverse environmental damage recovering other subordinate functions may buy us time but without hephaestus i cannot permanently stave off mass extinction the sole purpose of the signal was to destroy life on earth right why would descendants of far zenith want to do that at this point we can only speculate i mean earth posed no threat to them we don't have the technology to get in their way we didn't even know about them true unless well could it be that they want the planet for themselves the strangers i ran into they were after a guy a backup of their own i mean if they did that if they booted their own gaia and boosted her power until she could take control of hephaestus and then the whole terraforming system then yes the system could be used to do what the extinction signal failed to accomplish stuff out life and then potentially to build an entirely new biosphere to their specifications so they could be trying to do the same thing we are but with opposite results extinction instead of salvation well this is not good you said sirius is really far from earth 81 trillion kilometers or 8.611 light years right so how would the descendants have gotten here on a spacecraft much like the odyssey though significantly more advanced the journey from earth to sirius would have taken the odyssey almost 300 years this appears to have been much faster if their ship departed serious at the same moment the extinction signal first began transmitting the journey was made in just 29 years at an average of 0.297 the speed of light if they did not set out for earth until they learned of the extinction signal's failure the journey was even faster a mere 13 years or 0.662 the speed of light okay enough you're making my head spin the descendants i ran into at the hades proving lab they they had a clone of elizabeth sobek so that's consistent with the idea that they came here to salvage zero dawn technologies right yes as your own experience demonstrates the clone of elizabeth sobeck functions in effect as a key to the terraforming system but how could they have made a clone the odyssey carried approximately 200 000 human zygotes millions of animal zygotes and billions of plant seeds it is conceivable that elizabeth sobek's genetic material was sampled with or without her knowledge and carried aboard the ship in storage that's okay but i mean this this clone how could she participate in this destroying elizabeth's dream it's it's evil it is difficult to know perhaps she is loyal to the group and shares their objectives or perhaps she is a subordinate and has no choice but to comply with their orders elizabeth sobek a subordinate i don't think so the extinction signal didn't just wake hades it made every subordinate function self-aware why i have wondered this myself so far as i can tell hades was the sole target and the partial sentience imparted to other subordinate functions was incidental so the signal could only have been sent by someone who had thorough knowledge of the system huh yes the signal's design was exceptionally precise and highly advanced were its intentions less malevolent i would admire the intellect or intellects that produced it so if the descendants came to earth on a spaceship i guess we can assume that their technology is powerful in all sorts of ways right yes as your encounter with them at the proving lab amply demonstrates they appear to make extensive use of robotic servitors further they seem to be equipped with some kind of protective energy field that shields them from harm yeah no kidding the one i fought seemed indestructible throughout history every defensive technology has eventually been defeated by an offensive counterpart perhaps a way can be found to defeat their shielding yeah i hope so or i'm not going to be winning fights against them anytime soon how did you figure out that the extinction signal came from sirius the key came with data on your focus from silence interrogation of hades the duration of the signal itself 17.22 years that doesn't make sense you said that the signal took 8.6 years to arrive from sirius why would the signal keep transmitting after it was received and you blew yourself up because the sender didn't know that had happened until it received notice from hades which would take another 8.6 years to get back correct only then would the sender stop broadcasting after a total of 17.22 years so the duration halved gave me the distance the signal traveled with that in mind i simply scanned my astronomical database for any relevant location 8.6 light years away because it was farzine its intended destination sirius was the only logical source what is the state of the biosphere is the terraforming system functioning at all in a sense the terraforming system never stopped functioning the difference since my predecessor's destruction is that there has been no central governing intelligence to monitor its robotic agents and assign new tasks as a result errors have accrued and day by day the biosphere has gradually veered ever more sharply towards destruction in recent months disturbances in the biosphere have become obvious but these bellwether phenomena offer just the merest glimpse of the complex and accelerating cycles of environmental dysfunction now driving earth's biosphere towards collapse and you can't do anything to stop it if you can return ether poseidon and demeter to me i can improvise modest corrections to parts of the system weather will improve water will be purified and rampant plant growth curtailed but such corrections will not stave off collapse they will only buy us time only with the festus can i design and produce new robotic agents designed to permanently reverse the damage that has accumulated all efforts must be directed toward that end how long do we have then at present rates without additional factors the biosphere will cross a point of no return in approximately four months and if i gather ether demeter poseidon merge you with them we will only gain a few months more well every bit counts i guess i should get going and start bringing back subordinate functions yes once we have them we can focus on the re-acquisition of hephaestus when that is achieved i will have complete control of the zero dawn system and the ability to produce as many machines as needed to defeat the far zenith threat an army of machines sounds like a plan so the three procurable what can you tell me about their locations when my predecessor destroyed herself the subordinate function sought physical processors capable of holding them so in each case you will be looking for a powerful computer of some kind ether is the closest and therefore might be the easiest to acquire however it appears to be in the middle of tanakh territory my knowledge of that tribe is limited to data i read on your focus but they seem to have a significant inclination towards violence well that's a nice way to put it what about poseidon and demeter poseidon has taken shelter in the desert south of this location my substratal geography data indicates that a major old world settlement called las vegas was located there a ruin in the middle of the desert huh strange place for an ai devoted to water agreed as for demeter it appears to be located on the coast to the far west unfortunately i am unable to provide any relevant data about the region as such it may be the most difficult to retrieve okay so three subordinate functions to go after ether somewhere into knox territory poseidon in the desert and demeter on the coast where will you begin i think i'll head for ether then i will assign ether as the objective on your focus if you obtain it i may be able to use it to quell the most severe storms in the region though i will require hephaestus and the control over machines that it offers to permanently stabilize the biosphere should you change your mind you can update your objective via your focus interface at any time i will also transmit a summary of available data on all of the subordinate functions to you for reference is there anything else i can help you with i know you have a great deal to accomplish i do don't i is something wrong um i don't know it's just that elizabeth set the bar pretty high she had a dream for you for life on earth and a lot has gone wrong and it's all on my shoulders to fix it do you think i can do it all repair the system defeat varzenath live up to her example absolutely in her last message my predecessor declared her unwavering conviction in your success in you all things are possible you prevailed in purging hades and rebooting my system core you will prevail in this thank you well i uh i guess i should get going i have unlocked the facilities exits one leads onward to the west the other leads back down the mountain to plain song should you wish to return east barrel whoa i'm gonna have to get used to that that's you ailoy uh yeah guys open the exits to this place can you and zoe meet me by the west door be right there okay i need to bring ether back for gaia varl and so are waiting for me by the west exit but i could head back east first check on how plain songs doing after the attack or i could also look around here some more are you sure yes i think it'll be better this way after you alloy i need to head further west to um get more of gaia's components make her stronger you two can stay here in the meantime gaia can help get you up to speed i'm not trying to shut you out this it's like training actually i'm gonna go back east to get aaron bring him here look allies friends can help we have a place to stay now and like you said gaia can teach us catch us up it'll be okay okay take these then one to wear one for backup are you going with him no after what happened in the cave below i want to stay here a while there is much i need to understand maybe by the time you get back i'll have a thing or two i can teach you looking forward to it when will you be back i'm uh i'm not sure but hopefully i'll have one of gaia's missing components with me be careful out there even in plain song we heard how the tanakh clan lands are suffering from storms machines and now regala don't worry about me i'll be fine good hunting [Music] not sure where to get the parts i need i'll have to explore more machine sites you let me take a look at you stranger you're the outlander who stood against regala and her rebels only if it means we're good here don't worry i'm not here to drink your blood or whatever you easterners think they do the slaughter at the embassy wasn't your fight yet you stood by the marshals as far as i'm concerned you're no enemy of the tanakh but you are going to need help if you plan on surviving the clan lads i hear and see many things as a scout i could share them with you aid you on your journey i'd be grateful well then be careful if you're traveling southwest champion rebels have set up camp in the hills i'm sure they'd be more than happy to dig your grave thanks for the warning sounds like it's not could use a hand dealing with these rebels sounds like someone's in trouble them one by one push back do not will not let them [Applause] [Laughter] save those smiles for your families the tanakh understand only strength and ours was a poor display at best they will be back you the one who actually won this fight for us a word i want everyone fortifying the past ah you're a warrior scene green is early spring there are children playing with sticks it's all i can do to keep them alive it'll only get harder so far the rebels have sent mere scalps but it won't be long until they return for an all-out assault and if they bring machines with them we'll need a lot more than eager hearts to win you seem to know a lot about tanaka's tactics back when the tanakh clans pushed back the carjarders i joined the fight the tanakh taught you how to fight more than that they taught me how to work with metal i'm probably the only utoro who can never thought i'd be using what i learned then to fight against them now we may speak freely here so what's the plan the plan was making new weapons for my so-called fighters i send my best climber vos up the drum route to get the materials we need wide moths leave metal pods we use for crafting at summit but the derangement has made them as dangerous as the climb to reach them boss is yet to return we have defenses to set up and we are running out of time if the savior of meridian is willing to lend us her strength a little longer i believe you can get us what we need you know who i am red hair bow fights better than 10 warriors put together you're well known and so is your little disagreement with the chorus can't plain song help playing song has abandoned all settlements this far out then why not just leave they're clearly outnumbered and under-equipped you could leave head to safety have you ever seen a flower so small and white when it falls it looks like snow and spring my daughter called them wintersong she carried their seeds to the day she drew her last breath now those seats grow in the grove at the heart of river hymn planted by my own hands as do the ones of every brother and sister taken from us during the red raids we i will not abandon them i'm sorry about your daughter the raids took her from me i found my peace in every corner that fell beneath my spear now all i have left of her is planted in the grove here no tanakh will force me out do all utaru carry seeds with them we are given our pouches soon after we're born when we die the seeds are buried a reminder that our deaths bring new life it is how we remain one with the rhythm of the world what makes the path up to the drum route so dangerous it's a cave of sunken passages and gaping caverns that only the very skilled can navigate it serves as a safe haven for my people but machines have patrolled its deepest passageways ever since the derangement even so river hem and the grove live off its waters we are connected to it as much as we are to the seeds growing behind you i don't think i caught your name q i am the metal weaver of river hem but all you really need to know about me is that i plan to keep my people alive thanks to you we might actually have a chance at that tell me more about these metal pods they are tricky to collect the wide mars sow them one must be quick enough to gather them before the soil and water take them but their metal is among the sturdiest i've ever weaved without them our chances of survival are slim oh there's no convincing you to leave i guess we're making some weapons you have my thanks there's no time to waste follow me this way with those paws and a whole lot of luck we just might get out of this alive let's hope these sprouts can hold their ground against a squad of machines i can only cover so much ground in my joints on what they used to be look to me like they chose to stay here as much as you did it'll be the fight of their lives that's for sure almost there this is the best we can do to hide those who cannot fight but if we fall the tanakh will find them sooner than later we're here this is it do you have any questions i'm ready good luck come see me at the forge when you're done i don't think i'm getting anywhere through here doesn't seem to be an easy way to climb in this cave but if there's tunnels up here there might be some underwater maybe they can lead me someplace with a path through these caves enough i should take a seat patch huh [Music] made it time to find those white moths there they are those pods they're rejecting they must be the ones killing us looks like i can just pick them up once they fall to build quiet enough i can get them without the machines every morning here ugh [Music] that's all the pods time to get out of here i got what you needed not a moment too soon did you find vos i brought his seed pouch back i pray it'll be the last i bury but now i need to get the weapons ready let's hope it'll be enough it'll have to be everyone stay behind cover until i give the signal oh huh [Music] first president guess these young ones knew how to aim after all even so we owe you this victory huntress it wasn't my strategy or craft that got us here q i just brought in some parts even so i want you to have this it did good by my people it'll do good by you i'll take good care of it be safe out there an ancient ruin turned into a tanakh stronghold could ether be inside poking around is not gonna be easy with tanox warriors everywhere many more soldiers killed since the regala's army only regales forces may seem strong now but her machines took out my entire squad remember the visions the old ones didn't choose their fight but still they stood firm they didn't fault her and neither will we of the ten you've come to us you know who i am oh the warrior with hair like wildfire who defeated regala's champion at barren life yes you are known to us i am deca chaplain of the lowland clan you've come to speak with chief acaro not quite there's something i need here anything you need the chief will provide come is that one of the visions you were talking about yes the records of the ten i can show you them if you like on the way to the chief these visions you said they're the records of the ten who are they old ones who fought a heroic battle against machines on this very soil long ago their deeds are honored in the visions at least what remains of them to be remembered and exalted there used to be more of these visions many more once this place was filled with light and sound but over the years they've fallen into darkness one by one that is why chaplains are so important to the tribe we remember all we can of the visions etched in our flesh passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation one day the whole grove may go dark but chaplains who come after me will keep the memories alive [Music] why does hikara want to see me we are at war with regana you've already shown that you can stand against her i'm not here to fight a war for you not for us with us but i won't try to persuade you that is for the chief he can be very convincing what does it mean to be a chaplain here we who outlast our youth study the visions and share their wisdom with our young what kind of wisdom how to be a true warrior to fight with bravery and unflinching honor and to know when to call for peace you can see for yourself when we go inside all right let's go see chiffocaro he's in his throne room at the far end of the grove come be welcome among the records of the ten led by the ten were dedicated soldiers working together as a squad and sharing in their duty and when the time came for battle they took to the skies and leaped to glory all to knock seek to follow their example before the chief it was one of the few things the clans had in common [Music] during their war the ten climbed sheer rock braving blinding snow and wind they stopped at nothing to protect their own we make them sound invincible they weren't but the visions tell us of their courage and strength something our soldiers aspire to the sky clan admires this one above all the rest they make their home in the mountains northwest of here what's this one about the ten waged war against their enemy in the desert heat a land too harsh for any to survive but against all odds they prevailed so the desert clan does the same you must have passed through their territory on the way here i did they sound a little extreme they take that as a the compliment soldiers in a jungle those were the ten yes they knew how to use the jungle's depths to distract the enemy until the perfect moment to strike generations ago my clan the lowland looked to this one for inspiration as they claimed the jungle to the southwest hey outlander it said that relic you were can hear the voices of the old ones is this true you have an old world recording this box was speaking with voices of the old ones but now there's noise over them let me take a look where did you find this we took it from an asaram delver she was trying to steal it and other artifacts from tinax territory the others were going to bury it in the sand with her but then i heard the voices well the data here is badly corrupted but down to juliet 9 you are weapons free and clear to engage the swarm good hunting copy that we'll buy zero dawn the time you need down to juliet nine out the voices of warriors from the past and that asaram wanted to sell them for shards the bravery of the ten should be remembered i'm not sure what you mean by the ten these voices came from the final battle of the old ones another battle i could learn more about it if i could find the other boxes that delver did say there might be more recordings to be found in the wreckage of ancient flying machines she claimed she had a way to locate them yeah the box with the voice data on it is emitting a locator signal i could use it to find the others if you do then bring them back here i will see to it that they're treated with proper respect whatever sacrifices were made by these ancient soldiers we will honor them let me know when you have one that you'll part with if i find more of those recordings i'll bring them back to you [Music] my focus can detect beacons from those recording devices should help me to find any others that are still out there the chief is inside are you ready to see him i'm ready good come it's underneath the throne i will see you soon outlander the savior of meridian i am told you held back regales forces outside baron light and defeated her champion gruda in single combat impressive i met feshav there too he said you were a great warrior and a man of honor his death is a painful loss among many we will not soon recover from the massacre of our marshals but if you are here to pledge your service that could help considerably i am not here to fight for you i need something in that basement something that will save many lives yours included it's not something you can see but it is there i have seen it you have named your price now i name mine with my marshals dead i need your spear help me defeat my enemies and i will grant you access to the chamber below i don't have a price i am not a hired killer i'm here to save lives more than you can count i count the corpses of marshall's slain i count hundreds more to knock them whose lives hang in the balance i will fight for them i will kill anyone who threatens the peace and you will too if you want me to open the door to the chamber below okay so by that logic what's stopping me from killing you right now and taking what i need to save everyone you could try you might even succeed way you must fight my way might hold off regala and the slaughter she craves fine what do you need i need more marshals to keep the tribe together such warriors can only be promoted at a trial by combat called the cool route i've sent out a call for the competition but since regala seeks to undermine me she is certain to attack it she'll want to kill me in front of the assembled clans so what you want me to be your bodyguard no to defend the cool route but there is more knowing regala will attack one of the clans have walked at sending their contestants you must go north and force dakota the commander of the sky clan to submit and send his best force him to submit do whatever is necessary i can't hold a cool route with two of the three clans in attendance marshall cathalla will assist you he was maimed at barren light but he can still be of use i sent him ahead to the northern village of stone crest meet him there and he will guide you to the sky clan stronghold if you have any questions about your mission now is the time your greatest mistake why that is not your concern really i fought against her forces at baron light and i don't even know what her problem is she was the deadliest of my marshals the point of my spear so what happened above all regala despises the karja who burned her younger brothers alive after we turn back the red raids and tore down the battlements of barren light she hoped to chase them all the way to meridian she could not see the cost of such a war nor the benefits of peace after the mad sun king fell when i accepted of odds and treaties she went mad called me traitor challenged me before the marshals what did you do when regala challenged you if you were to not you would know that such a challenge cannot be refused it was not easy to subdue her i bear seven scars from that fight the other marshals wanted me to execute her on the spot but i found i could not settle the bond between us her loyalty had been as boundless as her rage so i spared her rather than mercy she took it as a humiliation one she will never be free from so regala wants you dead she does but that will not be enough she won't rest until all three clans fall in behind her as she marches on meridian who knows with machines under her control perhaps she can raise it to the ground it's been tried before so i hear what exactly is the quote where once the clans fought each other now we fight as one against the machines that is my law made manifest in the cool route each clan must send contestants whenever i call for the ritual these contestants face trial by combat against machines in an arena just beyond these walls those who distinguish themselves become marshals who bind the tribe together as peacekeepers you called them peacekeepers but the marshals i met at the embassy were warriors warriors yes but more they renounce the clan that birthed them and pledged themselves to order in peace they enforce my law they settle disputes and stand for tanakh in parlay with other tribes without them i cannot rule which is why you must ensure the next cool route takes place why won't the sky clan send contestants to the cool route of the three clans they have the most defensible base protected by a mighty wall called the bulwark their commander believes he can wait out the war between regala's forces and my own safe behind his barrier staying strong while you and regala weaken each other you think like a seasoned marshal good why send me to deal with the sky clown all to noth respect strength and you drove regala back at barren light that and most of your marshals are dead correct what about katalo can't he do it by himself he is maimed they will no longer respect him that hardly seems fair what is fair about losing an arm whether they respect him or not katalo still has worth he knows the sky clan he was raised in their base he will guide you well you said you saw what's in the basement i did on the day of my greatest victory what do you mean for a dozen generations the three clans battled for control of this hallowed ground only i achieved it i fought for years killed whoever stood in my way when i had finally slain all rivals i stood alone in the grove victory was mine to save her or so i thought thunder roared from the east and a boat of blue struck this place that chamber guy it dies and ether arrives all around me the visions of the grove grew louder and brighter and suddenly a new one appeared before me the old one spoke and what they said changed everything i'm sorry about faschav he seemed like a good man more than a man a bridge between tanakh and karja no outlander ever earned our respect as he did i had hoped he would be my voice in meridian that peace with the karja might become something more an alliance an exchange the karja have much we lack our deeds are written in ink upon our bodies our memories die with our flesh but the carja never forget their deeds are written in book and scroll you wanted to learn from them as i learned from fashoff he will be missed what did the old ones say to you in this new vision the one called faraday foretold the growing danger of the machines and said we must unify to stop them she called for marshals to enforce the peace then the vision faded never to be seen again i marked the spot where it shone with my spear and i took faraday's words to heart renounced war between the clans trained warriors to fight machines ordained marshals through the cool route since then the tribe has been at peace until regala attacked at barren light and the chamber beneath the throne you went in after the vision i did inside is an ancient device it hums with power you will see it for yourself after the cool route this i swear i'll do what you want and go north to deal with dakota but you'd better not forget about our deal you will have what was promised if you succeed speak to deca on your way out she will arm you for the road ahead come let us speak hikaru said you have something for me a weapon to aid your mission you'll need it for the long road to stonecrest many machines prowl along the way and our scouts have cited regala's rebels in the area machines and rebels nothing i haven't faced before indeed head north towards the foothills ascended slopes until your legs burn and the chill air catches in your chest then you'll know you're in the sky clan's domain strike true as the ten a lawyer not one more step the tanakh don't suffer outlanders in the clan lands i was given rite of passage by marshall feshav i'm not here to fight hair like blood this is the warrior who defeated gruda champion of the traitor regala her life is not ours to take you may enter but mind our ways you will be watched i'll keep that in mind this must be stone crest kato should be waiting for me but maybe i should look around first is this valley is infested with regardless rebels the scars from the village tell us that they've been moving machines through here for days suddenly ride others they heard along and some they even strip for parts especially cannons the path ahead will not be easy we should get going my orders are to guide you to the ball work so that you can speak to decote for all the good it'll do not so fast i'm gonna need a little more than that what is this place stone crust was built as an outpost back when the clans were still at war its purpose was to guard the entrance to the valley as well as keep watching what happens below and for now that means keeping watch on regales forces i wish we had enough soldiers to do more than just look on for all the good it'll do what's that supposed to mean the bulwark has stood unyielding since the birth of our clan behind it tecote believes himself to be invulnerable if he insists on defining carl's orders an outlander and unnamed marshall aren't gonna change his mind your chief seems to think differently and that is the only reason i am still standing here talking to you what makes you so sure dakota won't listen to us a snake safe in its lair he has nothing but its own rattle come on is that all you've got for me hikaru said you were from the sky clan before becoming a marshal i need to know what you know dakota is a petty vindictive schemer if he had any guts he would have gone after her carl long ago but instead he covets the chieftain from behind the bulwark fighting his time hoping that his foes will weaken one another is that enough for you for now [Music] why do you think regales forces are driving machines through the valley we've heard similar reports from across the clan lands the rebels are gathering machines from the wilds but whatever control they have over them doesn't seem to last so they heard them into camps something else happens there something something that makes their control permanent i've been to their camps you're right they have equipment that can establish a lasting override may the ten help us all but it gets worse we've heard rumors that the rebels are scouting larger machines i don't know what kind let's hope they don't learn how to override them too you were at the embassy i was i'm sorry about the other marshals and their deaths will not go unpunished you're still healing i will never heal but that won't stop me from cracking any skulls that need it good thing you're on my side then hmm what makes the bulwark so impenetrable it's made of massive boulders impervious to any frontal assault no armor machine has ever penetrated it i am the only thing that can get you inside if we're done talking that is so what's the plan the ball work is to the southwest so undoubtedly we'll have to cross paths with regardless troops along the way we'll either have to fight our way through or find a way to sneak past unnoticed neither will be easy never is let's get this over with how would you convince dakota to send his challengers i wouldn't come on to knock the respective blade and the strength of the fighter who wields it but is anyone who lacks that well lucky for us we're both good fighters but let's hope it won't come to that hmm so this whole valley is the sky client's territory yes the clone has defended it for generations against who the other to knock the clans even the carja long ago if you want a history lesson talk to the chaplains when you left the grove how did you know i'd agree to help recaro when the chief wants to persuade someone he succeeds rebels ahead hacking away at that machine gut them or sneak around i will follow hurry it up you can't hurry it up those rebels were gathering machine parts maybe to make more overrides and dakota won't do anything why would he when he has the bulwark i grew up behind the wall it's easy to have a full sense of safety there back at stonecrest you said the rebels have been moving through here for days by the time dakota realizes he's outmatched this entire valley might be overrun if not for the sake of the rest of the plan i would welcome that day to see his pride ruined here it is the bull work let me know when you are ready and now we'll announce us [Music] you there a marshal requests an audience with your clan commander i didn't know there were any marshals left we defend the path to the mountain where the wings of the ten shall find us all right marshall i'll send the lift for you when we meet with dakota i'll do the talking we'll see how it goes back again so this was home a long time ago come on do that soldiers not even close what's he doing with the knob man well this is a warm welcome an outlander and a maimed marshall a spectacle reminds me of where i grew up i never decided which was worse when they shunned me or when they stopped and stared right now i prefer shunned it's a cult is inside shall we we're here for takote let us in the sky clan's mighty sun returns bless the ten your chief has demanded an immediate dispatch of all challengers to the cool route we're here to make sure yours haven't gotten lost on their way to the grove i see regala must have dealt our chief a mighty blow if he's sending you to his messengers this one defeated regales champion grudar at the embassy she fought honorably i had the sense to bar our soldiers from that embassy just as i have the sense now keep our challengers here if they must fight then they will fight here defending our walls our clan that wall won't protect you not from the machines regala controls they're already at your doorstep and what do you know of the battles that the bulwark has withstood the blood shed upon stone i know it wasn't meant to be used as a coward's shield you were a great warrior once but that was then with all due respect that we will keep our challengers here for as long as we are safe behind the bulwark i told you words are useless with his kind we're gonna have to kill him it won't be easy with all his men above are you even listening for as long as we are safe behind the bulwark he said wait here i need to get a closer look at that wall what why the well might not be as strong as dakota thinks it is i need to get down to the base of it check it out beaten already outlander oh just you wait i need to get a little distance from the wall in order to scan it properly okay time to scan the wall [Music] just what i thought there's something metal in there oh that rock is interfering with the scan i need to get closer but how i might be able to climb up on the left side of the wall near that waterfall water's flowing into the wall towards a hollow maybe rocks here might give way i cry at them now better scan that tank again powerful i'll bet if i blew it up but how oh can't do anything else here better go find katalo could look around with my focus the guard said you've been scurrying around the wall like a rat what in the name of the tongue have you been up to dakota said he wouldn't send his challengers as long as they're safe behind the bulwark right don't remind me so we take it down did you hit your head on the way down here i'm serious there's something from the old world stuck in there and it has a power cell i could blow it up if i just penetrate the first layer of rock even if what you're saying is true it would take a cannon to do that you're right and you said the rebels were stripping them off machines back in the valley come on no i'm not getting dragged further into this madness hecaro ordered you to help me you gonna defy him like that arrogant [ __ ] up there that was an unkind comparison the rebels might have made camp northeast of here and then what the two of us go up against all of them pretty much yeah oh you may lack sense but you don't lack courage so um back there with dakota it seemed like there's bad blood between you two there is if we make it through this planet perhaps i'll tell you i'll hold you to that we're getting close to where we saw the rebels before well it looks like the rebels just got a lot more firepower ready move out [Applause] you wanted your cannon and that thing has them this won't be easy to take down especially with this i'll handle the big guy you focus on the others i'll follow you in maybe i should see if there's anything i can use to take that thing down my focus can help [Music] what if i do oh back oh oh uh i'm not looking forward to hauling this all the way to the bulwark here i may be maimed but i've still got a strong back after you hey you fought well back there i did not think we'd survive but killing the rebels and the machine it was good to take the fight to them for once you really think this thing will do the job i don't know soon enough here it is but you don't just need a cannon you need a miracle coming right up well go on okay gotta blast away some rocks so i can expose the power cell it's working this isn't gonna work well isn't this impressive two children playing siege i hope they haven't hurt the bulwark's feelings come now stop embarrassing yourselves and leave this poor mountain alone this is your last chance to cote you can still answer hikaru's call this is your last chance you have it backwards leave this place savage now and take this [ __ ] with you [Music] [Music] oh what have you done can't hide behind the wall anymore it's dakota now you have to join hikaro never never we will we will rebuild it immediately you are not safe the bulwark couldn't protect you from a single cannon let alone an army of machines the only pathway to safety is to unite against regala with your chief you decreed that no challenges would be sent while the clan remains safe behind the bulwark [Music] so send them now unless your word means nothing send them i didn't hear you send the challengers i look forward to seeing the sky clans colors in the arena nicely done marshall what's gonna happen to this place they'll have to live without their wall but that's better than living apart from the tribe as pawns and takotes foolish schemes if you want to check up on them talk to jarrah the chaplain of the clan if anyone needs help up there she'll know yeah maybe i will i'll take my leave then i need to report here karo i'll see you at the culvert good [Music] we may need another miracle there as well falling well only a matter of time maybe i should go up there see if everyone's all right and find this chaplain guerra might also be a good idea to resupply before i head back out she's with us let her pass outlander chief acaro and marshall qatar await you within it's another part of the ruins turned into a fighting ring look at them all they know a battle is coming hey lloyd it seems you've had to move mountains to bring the sky clan to heal literally katalo helped yes dakota reprimanded for all the klan to see you both served well but now the cool route is at hand some have come to compete others to bear witness they know regala will come for me i'll do whatever it takes to hold up my end as long as you remember yours so what's the plan catalog there are only two viable ways to attack the arena through the throne room you just passed and by the trail on the north end we've set up barricades at both but if regala means to assault the cool route with machines she will have to attack by the trail you will join our defenders there hold the line and i'll have my marshalls you will be free of my service and receive your reward make whatever preparations you must once the cool route begins you must see it through the grove the arena it's all part of the same ancient structure yes here the land remembers the sacrifice of the ten their deeds commemorated for eternity sacrifice the visions tell us that on the ground below they gave their lives in a fight against machines we honored them by holding the cool route where they fell i know where i'll be what about you two i will be here with the chief where i belong should the fight reach us we will take the blood owed for our fallen if it comes to that the defenses will hold let's get this over with good you'll find deca at the north barricade with the rest of our defenders strike true as the ten i'll see you when this is done there's armor in that chest take it it might prove useful the challengers will soon enter the arena join deca at the north parity we are not alone in this fight [Music] focus on the machines take them down and regala's forces become no different from our own yes chaplain watch each other's backs dismissed our soldiers are ready they will defend the cool route from below but from above not bad where did you get it one of our squads ripped it off a fallen machine the honor is yours regala may have her tricks but you will show her our teeth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't know the cool route is upon us our struggle demands new blood new leaders release the quarry [Applause] challenger approach [Applause] all who take down a machine shall be named marshall remember the ten strike from the air as they did and seize your glory [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] here they come hold them back defend the cool route five [Music] [Applause] [Music] that can't be all of them there what is that i don't know hold the defenses go ugh uh [Applause] uh get to the weapon if i can draw that thing close open fire shots from that ballista i'm in position let's bring this thing down i can't get a good shot get the machine away from the ballista [ __ ] ah i hate those things we're gonna went after hikaro and catolo i gotta get to them [Music] uh wow oh hmm this isn't finished i'll be back with everything i have and all who stand with her carl will be run red attention you fought well proved yourself against enemies both metal and flesh i name you all marshall your first order is to secure the arena from any remaining rebels go ah i failed i should have finished regala but now she'll be back with more machines stronger than ever i'll do what i can to help no you've done enough far more than our bargain called for when we first met you spoke of your true mission on which all depends i wasn't certain if i believed you then but i believe in you now so leave me and get to your task what will you do tend to the wounds what you need is there take it your deeds today will be remembered like those of the ten so this is it either is below what was this place there that console come on aether time to go home elizabeth it now to get this back to gaia the visions in the globe have changed all of the visions are changed and this one just arrived here please [Music] come here here let's talk the visions throughout the grove are different now and this one it just appeared is this your doing visions have changed [Music] that's the one that inspired chief acaro more testimony of the old ones hear now the words that reunited a people following the tragic events of the war and faraday the chief architect of the reconciliation effort addressed a nation in need of hope if we look into the future the lens of the recent past our fears loom wars waged against machines scarcity of food and water [Music] storms that drive us from our homes [Music] but true courage means facing those fears with conviction instead of cynicism leading the peacekeeping effort with these brave men and women these marshals of the new south west has strengthened my conviction that when we are united we can overcome any threat join me join us in that conviction as we strive for a nation and a world without want or war [Music] [Music] reporting for duty commander i'm coming with you but akaru needs you because of you he has new marshals and a rallying cry the clans cannot ignore so i will stand with you on your mission give whatever is left of my life it is what i choose how can i say no to that so there's someone who wants to join us i need you to meet him in the foothills and guide him the rest of the way we'll do anyway go to the mountains west of plain song a friend of mine will meet you on the ascent i'll join you when i can a friend of yours should be interesting good day all right i need to get ether back to gaia seems like capturing it did something to the other holograms too might be worth checking out perhaps for every word jtf10 protected assets critical to the insurrection deep in the jungle concealed by mud and darkness they laid their traps for their enemies could you imagine one of those trained to outlast conditioned for any climate jtf10 were elite defenders in even the most remote mountain landscapes key assets all across the desert where others feared the mojave's raging sandstorms jtf soldiers used them for cover crippling enemy supply lines blood of the ten eloy regala denied the truth of the visions revealed i doubt you have enough skin to mark all your deeds we'll just have to remember them then well thanks to you the chief still lives and hope remains but that's not why i wanted to speak with you i need a favor a personal one my grandson cavo he was not counted among the dead which means he must still be with regala's remaining forces he was taken prisoner no he joined them willingly like many young soldiers who seek to mark their skin with distinguished deeds i must search for him convince him to come home chief hikaru cannot spare any soldiers for this task so my blade is alone in this unless you'd be willing to join me i know it is much to ask after all you've done for us the cabo is the last of my blood what made kaavo join regala's rebellion for some regala represents a chance of vengeance against the karja during the red raids it wasn't easy to turn the clans back at baron light many wanted to pursue the karja all the way to meridian so when ragala attacked the embassy they took it as a call to arms yes but others the young especially care only about the glory they think they'll earn by hunting an age-old enemy as for cavo it was probably a bit of both and a youthful desire for a cause to get the blood burning nothing i said could stop him so if cabo didn't listen to you when he joined the rebels what makes you think he will know kava was too young to fight during the red raids moore was a stranger to him but he must have experienced the suffering it brings by now he will listen he must i just have to find him before it's too late you said cabo is your last living relative yes before chief hiccaro the clans war constantly with each other every skirmish claimed another comrade one by one i buried my children and then their children i'm sorry i tried to vent my grief on the battlefield but i never found comfort there only in the wisdom of the visions and even so i still couldn't prevent cavo from following the trail of blood if cavu joined regala's rebellion of his own accord will hecaro let him back into the tribe the chief knows the value of mercy and the toll of unending bloodshed it's the rest of the tribe i'm more concerned about they won't quickly accept someone who betrayed them even with my support it won't be easy but you have to try i'll help you find your grandson if i can where do we start a while back our scouts reported cavo's squad left one of regala's outposts in the hills to the south his squad never returned but the scouts also spotted one of our own being held captive there so we'll start at the outpost if we free the prisoner maybe they'll know where kevo's squad went shall we head out let's go good this way the outpost isn't far trade maybe free pass it over the borders you know the rebels aren't going to give up without a fight then we'll have to give them one the bloodshed won't end until regala is defeated what matters is a soldier they took captive nakala she's been their prisoner for some time now she's my only lead to finding cabo we'll get her back and then cavo too the outpost should be just ahead you take point i'll follow oh that's all of them our scouts said they saw nakala tied up at a wood post let's look around there that's the post oh no nakala obviously but maybe the rebels moved her i can look for tracks there tracks leading away from the post where do they go there's rope just enough to find someone blood and the rebels are nicola well it's tried someone was wounded here a while ago but not fatally dead end no i think there's something under that wood take my hand the color steady now where am i chaplin is that you and with an outlander whoa how'd you end up down there rebels had me strung up they thought i'd give up intel about lowland squad movements by letting me bake in the sun managed to slip my bones and make a run for it they made me pay for that last thing i remember was a crack on the head and the taste of dirt how'd you end up here we're looking for cavo his squad was last spotted leaving this outpost yeah he was here it was his squad that attacked us on the road my comrades got away but i was taken cabo tied me to the post himself if you're looking for him chaplain i'm afraid you'll only find a dead end his loyalties are clear do you know where his squad went i overheard them mention falls edge then we'll we'll pick the search up from there i'll go ahead and meet you at fall's edge southwest of here deca if cabo attacked her squad no he's not lost to us yet we have to find him and turn him from this path okay we'll see you there what about you that wound needs to be looked at it'll scar i just need to rest a bit then i'll report into the grove i'm telling you blood hair the chaplain might not want to hear it but her grandson is a traitor i guess we'll see about that i'm telling the truth listen to him not a chance he's a traitor decca what's going on eloy i'm glad you're here this is a roki leader of falls edge so you've enlisted the chief's champion in your dull-bladed efforts you must be cavo then my grandson and a soldier trying to write his mistakes or trying to lure us into a trap my scouts caught him sneaking around on the outskirts of the village i wasn't sneaking around i was coming to warn you the rebels are planning an attack they're going to send a machine straight through this village i left my post when i realized what they were planning you have to believe me where are the rebels now they were hunting for the machine north of here i i can show you the way the only thing you'll do is face trial by combat you betrayed your clan your chief blood and blades will decide your fate i'll fight whoever you want after we stop the attack why destroy this village i thought regala's fight was with akaro hikara was a lowlander before he was chief unlike the desert and sky clans we stand behind him without question falls edge is a strategic midpoint between the grove and our capital on the coast it's true our orders were to cut off accaro's support from the lowland clan but i thought that meant disrupting supply routes not slaughtering an entire village destroy this village i thought regala's fight was with akaro hikara was alone like the desert and sky clans we stand behind him without question falls edge is a strategic midpoint between the grove and our capital on the coast it's true our orders were to cut off acaro's support from the lowland clan but i thought that meant disrupting supply routes not slaughtering an entire village you said you defected after you found out about the attack why'd you change your mind when i joined the rebels i thought ragala was going to lead us into battle against our old enemy the karja but all we've done is kill each other and for what pride vengeance so when my squad leader told us about the mission to destroy this village i left my post don't believe his lies anyone who deserted the tribe to join regala knew exactly what they were getting themselves into not everyone [Music] if cavo is telling the truth this whole village is in danger we have to find and stop these rebels the rebels built a campfire north of the river near the cliffs i can show you the way from there okay opening it up or okay no i won't give him the chance to escape the traitor stays here until his trial by combat then i invoke blood for blood i will take calvo's place until he returns you're making a mistake chaplin the clan needs your guidance not the lies of this bear armed boy the right has been called cava will go with eloy then i'm going to if the boy speaks truth you'll need my blade if he lies i'll run him through i must make arrangements here first then i'll bring the boy to the meeting place fine i'll see you there found a few of your friends when i got here cavo you're not off to a great start they must have been out on patrol i swear on the 10 i didn't know they'd be here what did i tell you his lies are an open sore better we cauterize it now than let it fester no i'm telling the truth untie him as you say but this is a mistake and my weapon if you think just give it to him or okay we need to get moving lead the way up this way where are you leading us the rebels are stationed at the nearby cliff falls i took this path when i left my post the others won't be expecting anyone to come this way or they are and will be skewered the moment we arrive there's the cliff falls and there's no one there as i suspected let's just keep going i don't like this where is everyone no rebels no machine what did ice over there nothing will stand in our way now grab your gear we march on the ball's edge huh oh oh we did it you're bleeding i'll be fine what matters is the attack was stopped because of your warning you saved many lives today come on let's get you back to false edge i guess i cracked some ribs too go on ahead i'll see him back to the village okay i'll let deca know what happened three leave only you return what happened cabo was telling the truth the rebels had a behemoth cava was injured in the battle but we stopped the attack a rocket regrets that he doubted the boy your grandson proved himself to be honest and brave chaplin he's loyal to the lowland so you'll release him he's earned his freedom but it'll take many more deeds to earn back the rest of the clan's trust i'll do whatever it takes thank you eloy indeed falzed joe's you a great dad may this begin to repay it thank you as soon as you're healed i have so much to show you welcome back [Music] like this oh you're not waving a hammer around aaron try a gentler touch and my big sasha's fingers normally do gentle okay bring it back trace the line to your right other right i just saw it it's the one aloy found up north gotcha they call it a concussion beat party or something anna that's music aloy aaron you're all better and you're here well the world only goes on if you can do your thing we learn fast enough we help make that happen you want all the backup you can get right we still have much training to do of course one does not become hunter in a day each seed grows at a pace of its own doesn't mean it won't bloom you should know your tanakh friend arrived catolo i heard their worries drink people's blood i want to sleep with one eye open i think he's seen enough blood for a lifetime i showed him to one of the rooms he seems to appreciate the privacy looks like you've got things under control i should get this to gaian right we'll keep on training catch up as fast as we can i've seen glyphs in my dreams already well while you've been off gallivanting around i've been working with gaia to find out more about the land gods so from where i'm standing you're in need of some training come along uh oh uh okay looks like the old ones used their focuses to send all kinds of messages i don't know if i'd like that i don't want my aunt alga knowing she could just talk to me every second of the day hey hey a nice place well it's not like i built it or anything right well i can see why you uh oh you had your doubts about bringing us along there's a lot to take in but don't worry that's nothing i can't handle right i was hoping you could help me with something it's about the tanakh rebels and it also has to do with the awesome really that doesn't sound good let me know what i can do to help [Music] i see varl gave you a focus well it doesn't look as fashionable on me but by the forge the things i've been able to see granted a lot of them are bad you know the old world ending and such i still try to wrap my head around most of it but i never really understood how you're ever able to find my sister back in the sunday and now i do sort of it makes me feel like i could be useful you know it takes some time but yeah i guess you know what we're up against by now yeah i'm not gonna lie when varl first told me those bastards come from the stars i thought he'd eaten too many of those medicinal berries yeah but i've gotten used to seeing impossible things thanks to you i just wish they weren't always trying to kill us yeah you and me both i discovered an osram militant group they call themselves the sons of prometheus it looks like they're the ones overriding machines for the tanakh rebels i thought that was something only you could do they're familiar with ancient tech and there is anti-karja as it gets so last year we stopped durval and his cronies from blowing up meridian and retribution for the red raids and now you're telling me we have another group of assaram trying to wipe out the karja with with an army of machines and bloodthirsty tanakh pretty much oh that's just great is there any way you can help me find out who they are anything to track them down and stop them yeah i can send out some messages from chainscrape get in touch with my contacts in the claim see what i can find out i'd appreciate that how are you settling in varl's been helping me get the lay of the land when he's not getting all tongue-tied i don't know who makes him more nervous that guile lady or our new utaru friend what about the vanguard aren't you supposed to be back east ordering them around i sent some of them back to meridian with a message i doubt avadle mind me sticking around to help the savior of meridian so you've met our new tanakh friend he's uh quiet i thought his people were supposed to be bloodthirsty maniacs you shouldn't believe everything you hear yeah well i guess if you trust him so do i oh and i'll let you know if i find out anything more about the sons of prometheus same here the old ones created so many wonderful inventions to help others to help the wow this place is starting to come alive yeah and gaia placed all the data she got from your focus into that archive room with the focuses you gave us we'll be able to access it at our own pace you know learn and train and if you need us we'll be there to fight at your side got it thanks paul looks like i was wrong about the zeniths their ship didn't explode on its way to sirius like everyone thought we saw how they lied about creating a better future at their launch facility guess they lied about what happened to their ship too but still the tribes settling amongst the stars i couldn't put a single dent in their shields for that one zenith almost killed me that didn't stop you from resurrecting gaia won't stop us from using hephaestus against them let's hope that's enough how's uh training with zel you know we really are training mostly look she reads glyphs faster than i can already i'd be a fool to refuse her help of course i'm guessing you've spoken with catello i wanted to pay my respects for those who fell when we were ambushed at the embassy told him i'd never seen anyone throw himself at a machine like he did he said a warrior shouldn't be praised for fulfilling their duty for a second i thought i was talking to my mother never thought of tanakh than a nora warchief could have so much in common you think you can hold the fort while i'm gone if aaron stops listening to the same music over and over again maybe we'll be fine baro looks happy about his training partner learning is best done together have you gone back to plain song at all i thought about it but i wouldn't know what to tell them the chorus already thinks me a thorn in the thicket if they knew what we did to far even if they understood there'd be little they could grasp about all this no for now i must leave the tribe behind did gaia tell you anything about the zenith she did though it wasn't exactly easy to believe to think that there are places among the stars where life can bloom as it does here it is humbling to say the least and heartbreaking that such life should be bent on destroying ours what are you up to gaia was kind enough to put together a list of glyphs used by the old ones she helped me decipher some of the data you've collected and showed me how to use the focus to help the process it's not easy but it's been working so far that's good to hear you've spoken with kotalo a few words tanakh don't have much use for us outsiders you must have made quite the impression for him to offer he's fealty right i should probably go i shall return to our training then eloy we've gathered some supplies in that chest take what you need welcome back when you're ready please merge ether with me afterwards i must discuss an important matter with you so what did you want to discuss while you were away i received an unusual transmission on my dedicated aluthia frequency lucia that's one of the sub-functions you couldn't detect before yes the transmission occurred so slowly that at first it seemed like an accidental blip of data amongst background static once i noticed this irregularity it took some time to collate the complete message [Music] coordinates where does it lead to a mountain to the northwest of this facility a word of caution it is possible this transmission is genuine it is also possible it is being broadcast by someone or something else you don't think it's actually a luthier i am uncertain what's sos it is an old world code a distress signal a desperate plea for help why would a luthier send a coded transmission on a frequency only the two of you can communicate on i believe it was done as a precaution to avoid detection or at least to create the appearance of the desire to do so i am also uncertain why elutia would expect that i would be able to detect and respond to its distress signal at all as far as it is aware i no longer function okay so either aluthia is in trouble and sent the message hoping you were out there or someone else is trying to get us to go to these coordinates pretending to be a luthier that is my conclusion as well could the zenith be sending the transmission according to the data i reviewed on your focus the zeniths recovered the other gaia root kernel in the hades proving lab it is feasible they used it to gain access to my internal frequencies so maybe they scented thinking you'd respond and reveal your location possibly however the transmission is highly irregular if they intended to provoke me into revealing myself i would expect the communication to be more routine right so maybe it's not them then you said the coordinates lead to a mountain to the northwest what's there i have no record of anything of note in that vicinity okay and what about the other number in the message 237 any idea what that means i have queried my available databases but it does not appear to have any significance perhaps its meaning can only be understood at the indicated coordinates all right i'll go to the coordinates and check out the source of the transmission all by yourself no way i included aaron and varl in this briefing via their focuses i concur that you should not investigate this alone what if it's a trap of course it could be a trap but if it really is elutia then it's in trouble and i need to bring it back don't worry i'll be careful and we're coming with you fine go grab your things we'll wait for you at the west exit in case you need to upgrade your gear there she is you ready to head out let's go look at us three battle-hardened badasses forging into the unknown this ought to be good uh this distress call had to be up a really steep mountain huh [Music] hmm what is that what the hell [Music] well that takes the keg girl see if there's anything over there on it we'll check out the battlefield let's start with that zenith well they're obviously more zeniths than we know about can't believe you fought one of them almost didn't make it whatever the rebels did it took down her shield but why was she here i can access her last communication file but i'll use my focus to scan the battlefield too what about that crazy weapon disease frost down to it looks like she can make it come and go it will but it's gone now yeah well go do your thing i'll wait here the spectre had instructions to assist recovery of the asset i wonder what this asset is looks like the rebels camped here for a while are they watching this area one of the sons of prometheus it looks like his focus was sending data on the weapons somewhere else ah our weapon's still hot i need to know how it worked but i'll have to check on it once it's cooled off all right i think i have an idea what happened here i better get back to errand all right she who sees the unseen what did you find out this was a carefully planned attack i found camping gear up there the rebels must have been staking out this place for at least a few days they were waiting for the zeniths to show up all so that they could test that weapon the zeniths have a personal shield that makes them invulnerable but somehow the weapon got rid of it the awesome room that was operating it was sending data on it somewhere else i was probably just a prototype i've known tinkers to do that i'll do a little trial run before breaking out the real thing i guess it's still a work in progress if it blew up she was searching for something she lost her drone had instructions to recover something called the asset the asset is that the uh subfunction thing that you said could be here the luthia i'm not sure come on let's go talk to varro that's a long way down something tunneled straight down into the mountain looks recent whatever it was it must have been powerful that zenith the rebels killed was looking for something called the asset i don't know what it is but my guess says it's somewhere down there all right so we head down aaron stay here and stand watch that zenith isn't the only one of its kind i don't want to be caught by surprise if the others show up contact us by focus if you see anything okay any trouble shows up i'll call you let's go there's some kind of old world ruin down here you said the zeniths have their own backup of gaia right yeah from the proving lab so maybe they were after a luthier found its hiding spot so it sent the distress signal maybe looks like some kind of data center i might be able to access the facility systems from that console i've never seen a transmitter like this before looks like it's self-destructed this was a farciness research lab that looks like a lot of data was being cast from here recently from that device nearby so aluthi is gone if it was ever here then probably but then why were the zeniths still searching for it the asset so exploring another far zenith ruin at least this one doesn't seem to have giant killer machines or anything you can blow up ectogenic chambers like the ones i saw inside a zero dawn cradle facility what were they for remember when i told you i was made not born this is how a machine that makes a person that's incredible [Music] this place keeps on going we better check in that room this place is huge some kind of storage room maybe maybe the asset is in here somewhere if it is somehow the zenith couldn't find it let's look around [Music] so um how is aaron taking all of this really [Music] well he's loyal that's for sure the control console to access the storage units can it tell us if the asset is in one of them well let's find out 236 containers in storage please enter the container number you'd like to retrieve 236 wasn't there a number in the distress signal you're right i should check the log nothing 236 containers in storage please enter the container number [Music] [Music] [Music] aloy it's you [Music] skins like ice must have cut this from her head but why [Music] apologies i don't know what else to call you um my name is veda i'm afraid i must be brief i only have a few minutes before my keepers discover i'm missing and i still need to remove this implant i had hoped to find shelter with you but if you're viewing this i i may be dead be careful when you take on but at least i don't have the gaia colonel to merge them with you must succeed oh this is all for nothing good luck and goodbye so she's she's still alive we need to get her back oh [ __ ] they can fly hey hey can you hear me through this thing what's going on aaron we're coming up stay in cover until i get there you got it get her to cover in that room whatever happens she stays with us [Music] i'll protect her [Music] i should prepare before the spectre gets here i can't let it get through to varrell on the clone [Music] here it comes if it has any weak spots there are you okay yeah i'm heading up top stay down here with the clone for now got it i'll follow once the coast is clear gotta get back up top and deal with that other spectre i just hope aaron stays in cover hey lloyd ah errand and the spectra's sucking seals in it's got it pinned down hang tight i'm almost there i'm here a tough fight if i take that thing a heavy weapon that could help [Music] shut down huh oh look at that thing [Music] she's i swear i'm not drunk but right now i'm seeing double long story but it'll have to wait she needs a healer but we need to get her back to the base immediately right yeah well what are we waiting for then you two go on ahead i need to take another look at that weapon if i can figure out how that thing works maybe the zenith won't be so invincible after all i'm catching snowflakes on my lashes no damn it well it's better than nothing i need to get the weapon fragment to gaia to analyze if we can replicate it maybe we'll have a way to defeat the zenith i should check on the clone too well where's our guest we're in the maintenance card or below the control room okay aaron you okay huh oh yeah yeah i mean why wouldn't i be because there's two of me now there's two of you now at least you seem to be handling it okay i wouldn't say that exactly but i'm trying did you speak with beta at all i just didn't really wake up till we brought her here and when she did i i thought it'd be better if zoe and varl took care of her no use crowding someone when they're in a state what you're reading next i saw gaia added something to the archives about metal rods being used to harness lightning during storms guy reminded me of a cousin of mine thought he could trap lightning if he covered himself in storm bird plates went up the tallest mountain in the claim to prove it it ended like a lot of asaram things do with a spark and a boom what are you working on with your focus i'm still figuring out how to read stuff on this thing those two lovebirds over there have been giving me a hand but to be honest all the little symbols give me a headache but i'll get up to speed i promise i have to get going don't go causing too much trouble she panicked after waking up and stumbled down here i thought it best to wait for you i'll talk to her hello it's uh it's beta right my name's eloy what's wrong is it your injury simulacrum withdrawal syndrome i don't understand sudden removal of a neurologically integrated data device the brain especially the cerebellum goes into a kind of sensory freefall everything real feels unreal distant is there anything that can help do you have a focus to spare it's it's primitive but i can make it work [Music] booting up so hey boy i suppose you want information about you and the zeniths yeah why are they here what do they want how do they get you but let's start the beginning i'm guessing they faked the destruction of their ship a thousand years ago that seems consistent with their behavior they wouldn't want to be followed so far zenith established a colony world after all yes for a few hundred years but it didn't last some sort of natural disaster rendered it uninhabitable okay so the descendants of farzenith escaped a dying planet and now they want to claim earth for themselves not their descendants what not their descendants it's them the same ones who left earth a thousand years ago you didn't know how can they still be alive they don't even look what did they do to themselves i believe it's a combination of pharmaceutical cellular treatments and technological implants and and you does that mean that you're i'm not like them i was made on the way to earth on the ship i spent years studying in my training interface so that i could serve my function access and control of the terraforming system but why what does the zenith want with it when i discovered the zero dawn system had disseminated into its sub-components i thought my purpose was to fix it but i don't think the zeniths want that at all i think they want to wipe earth clean and start over so the zeniths want to exterminate life on earth that's what guy and i concluded too but why why kill everyone just to take over when they took me on missions with them i saw how they butchered the tribal people we encountered they didn't seem to care about a rejuvenated earth so i concluded that they must want a hard reboot of the system then they can redesign it to be exactly what they want mass extinction for their own comfort who thinks like that well without their gaia kernel they'll have a hard time doing that the zenith needed elizabeth's gene print to access zero down facilities so they made you trained you and you went along with it they told me i was born to interface with the zero dawn system when we reached earth i pieced together what must have happened to gaia and her subordinate functions that's when i started to realize i wasn't meant to fix gaia that they must have made me so i could do what their remote extinction signal failed to do reboot earth for their own benefit so you know about the extinction signal it was speculation but the only logical conclusion why gaia suddenly self-destructed after operating efficiently for centuries gaia would have only undertaken such a desperate course of action if it had detected a threat to life on earth that was more dangerous than ceasing function altogether i should have realized that she would also order the recreation of elizabeth sobek to rebuild her yeah well surprise so we're dealing with the same farzineth people who once lived on earth what else do you know about them they were some of the most affluent and powerful people on earth they controlled almost every major resource every industry gerard commands them he's the one who decided to set up a base the others eric tilda forbana they resent his authority over them but in the end they always do what he says eric he's the one i fought back in the hades proving lab he enjoys hurting people yeah i know [Music] you mentioned the zenith set up a base here on earth where is it off the coast i think whenever i had to go on missions i was transported inside of a specter drone i couldn't see anything outside and i did over here the zeniths talking about it once they were discussing setting up a perimeter energy shield to repel the local fauna i'm certain they have other security measures spectre patrol's machine worse it must be impregnable what's inside the base launch facilities so they can shuttle back and forth to their ship in orbit plus infrastructure to gather materials and fabricate anything they need are there more zeniths than the ones you met i'm not sure i suppose there must be more of them in the base or back on the ship for all i know there could be more of them out in space other survivors of the colony you said the zen's colony in the serious system was destroyed what happened all i was ever told was that a natural disaster forced them to leave sirius i've speculated that it was an extra solar object or cataclysmic seismic event or maybe even an abnormally violent coronal mass ejection from serious a the zetas never told you any details they said the only thing that mattered was that they survived first earth a thousand years ago and then serious guess they survived old age too how did you escape the zenith before the hades proving lab i never thought i'd get away from them even if i were to run i'd never survive on my own in the wilds but then i saw you and i thought that maybe you could help me so when the zenith pinpointed a luthier's location in the biomedical research facility i saw an opportunity you said you saw an opportunity to escape when you went to capture luthia what did you do exactly whenever i was taken out on a mission to recover a subordinate function only one of the zeniths would go with me the one the rebels killed outside the facility for venus dead how did they bypass her shield i'm looking into it but you were talking about your escape well when it was time to use the zenith transmitter to send a luthier back to base i also sent the encrypted transmission then i distracted verba long enough to seal myself in the ectogenic chamber altering the facility's log so it appeared that there were only 236 containers and the gaia root colonel i told them i could capture luthier faster if i had it with me and they believed me well done [Music] you've said you were born on the way to earth in an artificial womb i'm guessing the easiness had an ectogenic chamber aboard the ship an updated version of the one you found me in they must have used a stored sample of elizabeth's dna i doubt elizabeth would have let them take her dna do you know how they got it that wasn't part of the archive i was allowed to access said you spent years studying in a training interface was this archive you mentioned part of that but only the parts i was permitted to access aristotle and aspasia the avatars of the archive would assign me learning modules and evaluate my progress wait those names they were designed to be the virtual guides for the apollo database before ted pharaoh perched it the zeniths have a copy so it still exists and you got to learn from it only what was deemed pertinent to the mission if i requested information outside of my parameters my tutors would deny it to have all that knowledge just out of reach must have been frustrating all right i think that's enough for now do you want to come upstairs or so how long you know your your plan how long before guy has fabricated a machine army to defeat the zenith how did you know optimal strategy so well i still have to get two more subordinate functions before guy is powerful enough to absorb hephaestus what you don't have festus already guy is still figuring out how to capture it it's not confined to a single to a single location of course not you didn't even know who the zeniths really are you're supposed to be further along by now coming here was a mistake they're gonna find me they're gonna find this place and take me back this was all for nothing they're not going to find us guys using minerva to mask our location what difference does it make you're too far behind we're never going to beat them everything everyone i'm gonna die hey calm down you're here now right so is there anything you can do to i have help knowledge sets and given your state of progress expertise you probably lack geoengineering of course computer science physics biology chemistry okay well see if you can do something with that talk to gaia i'll check on you later how'd it go her injury's not that bad but i think she regrets coming here feeling might be mutual hmm i'll come back later and talk to her see if i can learn anything i should get the weapon fragmented i'm telling welcome back aloy i see we have a new guest so now we know the origin of the transmission yeah i also recovered this the weapon it was part of somehow stripped a zenith of its shield but it malfunctioned and blew up if we can recreate the weapon and improve it maybe we'll gain the upper hand on the zenith a moment i will scan it complete by combining the results with data from your focus i can infer that the weapon was highly advanced comparable to zenith technology but not how it worked after the explosion corrupt the data it was only a catalyst the moment the weapon malfunctioned it appears a command executed to purge all data within its core ostensibly this was to prevent the weapons secrets from falling into enemy hands whoever designed this weapon knew how to cover their tracks silence based on your data on him that is my conclusion as well he's not gonna cooperate with us well it was worth a shot but that's not all the zenith got a luthier along with artemis and apollo that is unfortunate however our original plan remains unchanged the two remaining subordinate functions should increase my heuristic processing density enough to absorb hephaestus right one problem at a time well i guess i better get back out there i wish you luck on your search right thanks guy so i guess we won't be making use of silen's weapon and now there is another clone of elizabeth here with us but i can't let it distract me i still have two more sub functions to get las vegas guys said this is where i'd find poseidon but the ruins out here are exposed to the elements a lot of them are buried in the sand so maybe each side is underground that's true i might be able to find a way down through one of these structures water's pouring out of that building i better check it out i can get it from my stash later looks like i was so close to drowning maybe not not to the embers moreland it's over well not for me it's not then you're going to die alone because we're not sticking around to fish out the corpse we're through so the visionary's fate hung in the balance would he choose life or succumb to deadly delusion hello so there's an ancient city under the sand but it's flooded suddenly a norris spearmaiden appeared yeah okay um well you're not typical delvers that's for sure what's this i i call it a diving bubble this is the mark one the mark ii was better but uh it got stuck halfway down air tube snags you went down in that yeah i hardly expect a lay person to understand because that's pretty smart uh i'm sorry may i remind you you got stuck inside and nearly drowned it'd have to be portable though machine kneecap maybe well you'd need a filter synthetic membrane would do it with a hose to a compressed air capsule hammer and tongue what is this what is happening here what get over here she's a stranger you got a name hey boy moreland not a stranger anymore you're damn fold come on i got the original schematics over here oh um hold on just a couple of questions first fair enough partner partner [Music] don't mind him [Music] what's so important down there that you'd risk your life uh well um moreland i'm not interested in salvage okay whatever you find below is yours all right then what if i told you we were delving for the most spectacular treasures ever scribed by man or maid i'd say get to the point no nonsense i like it behold an ember looks like a piece of junk well now yes but but but with a proper spark these magnificent creations of the old ones paint mesmerizing pictures in the air and the ruins below us are full of them the feast for the eyes beyond description this is my whole gramps promised me how did your grandfather discover these emperors he was here 40 odd years ago he he was one of the first to lead a delving party into the west he discovered the ancient city around us plumbed the depths of this very structure he found the hollow underneath and the glowing embers all about took as many as he could and brought them home he always wanted to come back and get more but well never scraped up the shards what he really wanted to do was use the embers to put on a show one unlike the world has ever seen sounds like quite a guy he was a true delver and a true showman and i miss him but i will do him proud i will gather the embers and put on a spectacle that would have amazed even him with your help of course so what exactly happened down there it was a delve like no other a chance to follow my old gram's footsteps beneath this structure here is an enormous hollow a dome protected from the sands we built this elevator here to ensure easy egress and exit it's quite a contraption actually and not so easy right again what happened at the bottom we beheld the treasure my gramps first discovered painted images in the air of every description dancing women games and coins and promises of jackpots i don't know what that is but it's got to be good but then something went wrong the images turned nautical waves went through them even fish like a strange underwater dream poseidon's dream yes well suddenly there was this terrible rushing sound and then an explosion of water erupted from the floor so water just shot up from the floor and filled the place up it was a raging flood unlike anything i've seen we ran like forge fire and barely made it up the elevator as a wave just crashed beneath us shaken but not stirred i i i built the diving bubbles mark one and mark two i tried the descent in each but i nearly drowned both times now but done's beside himself thinks i'm insane but i can't give up now i i've come too far and the embers are just barely within my reach well maybe i can help yeah maybe you can how deep is it can't i just swim down only if you have gills you can stack 50 kegs in that shaft leave it to the assaram to measure something in kegs talking liquid depths i'd say it's apt after knot sounds too deep to hold my breath hence our new invention so these embers project images paintings of light it's amazing stuff this one showed the most beautiful woman you've ever seen beckoning all to a buffet of lobster and succulent beefs must have watched it about a hundred times as a child in my old gramps workshop what happened to it over time they die out i cried the day that this one's light faltered but there are many more below as you'll see if you get down there like i did in my old gramps before me i'd better get after those parts there's a fully intact compressed air capsule in the mark too but like i said it's stuck in the shaft if you made it back up alive i should be able to swim down that far all right as for the other parts stemmer scout at a herd due south of here that should have what we need i'm on it great i'll come back when you get the gear good hunting we were finally going to get away from this place well good thing that eloy showed up we'll see the longer uh got the compressed air capsule now look at all the machine parts we'll find a way to get the embers you should be safe another drone could grab its data if i can find a way to get to it ooh couch is full but my pack has room well this is where marlon said the hood would be they must have moved on i need to pick up their trail better look for tracks there's the hurt i should have the parts i need i could fry that machine with shotgun off the talks great oh okay better what okay got them all uh where did the heart go [Music] the kneecap good one synthetic membrane i should have other parts to build this thing now what can i do for you partner i've got everything i need to build the uh the incredible diving mask i think diving mask is enough i won't quibble the workbench is all yours [Music] whoa there's a marvel if it works you'll let me try it i want to get down there and get those embers assuming i don't drown so what are you really looking for down there it's hard to explain something that caused a malfunction in the apparatus that controls the old city i think it started the flood well i thought we started the flood like we sprung a trap i don't know how we were detected like i said the dancing lights around us changed turned to sea life there was this flash of red and the roar of water surging in wait a flash of red a red light from a spot near the grate on the floor where the water burst through it's like a beacon or a warning thanks that might help i hope it does and good luck down there okay time to see if this thing works so far so good [Music] whoa machine there's no way i can fight that thing underwater i'll have to be careful this place is massive the doors good morning alert critical flooding detected automatic drainage controls offline to execute an emergency purge manual reset of primary and secondary pump nodes is required the urge can then be triggered at the pump maintenance station if i do this purge and drain all the water i can fight that big machine on dry ground looks like i have to reset a couple of pump modes first according to the map there should be an access point for the first mode south of here [Music] any machines down here swim around them stick to cover here's the access point should lead there must be a whole network of these tunnels down here water lines for an entire city i can't reach the lodge from here something i can climb to get out foreign one note down better swim back up and find the access point for the second node let's see if that helped it's okay i've taken care of both nodes now i just need to activate the emergency purge at the maintenance station okay let's see where this leads i think i'm in the maintenance station now i just gotta find a console to activate the emergency purge this looks promising there should be a console in here there time to dry this place out [Music] that did it okay i can deal with that machine guarding the door on the other end of the dome and once i get past it i can get to what's waiting on the other side of the door poseidon get rid of all of the water system shutdown is almost done only thing left is to power everything down at the control center so i guess this is he one final walk down the strip and then it slides out forever at least i won't be around to see it destroyed the odyssey will be well on his way to sirius by the time the swarm gets here still the last name of this place will be empty a city that's already dead sounds like this place really meant something to him [Music] it's a miracle was this you did you lower the waters yeah but there's a new problem that thing's in our way yeah it's gonna be difficult to get the embers with that around there's the scrappy band of adventurers beheld the beast they knew what they had to do what are you crazy she saved our death okay then stay up here and start firing when i engage [Music] uh get to that overhang so down [Music] you did it hair is sick with the seat come on gentlemen get a move on okay poseidon should be hiding in some kind of processor i need to find a console to gain access to it there i should be able to use that console elizabeth alpha prime master all right okay gotta bring this back to gaia i can't do it i can't give up on this place i'm leaving everything on standby the system's equipped for runs for decades if not hundreds of years it's a long shot but i'm taking positions against all odds someone will find his place again marvel at his lights and wonders who must have headed back up discover fortune boundless opportunity make it their own dream he was right oh show my old gramps always wanted there's another his dream realized as old gramps legacy ensured our hero beheld the sea of desert lights and wept at his good fortune when i saw the embers as a child i never dreamed they could be like this thank you ayloy did you find what you were looking for i did and now i have to move on oh oh come back when you can i got big plans for this place i thought you wanted to put on shows with the embers back in the claim oh no this is the show oh can you imagine folks from all over the land coming to take it all in plus some food and a nice place to stay not to mention a variety of entertainment venues don't forget games of chance plenty of shards to be had there for certain a new dream huh i am i hope you make it happen goodbye gentlemen this delve is a story for the ages all thanks to you if moreland and cruz gonna stay maybe i should come back and check on them later for now i need to get poseidon back to gaia but i might want to pay a visit to that other ostrom camp i found first and with my new diving mask i should be able to swim as deep as i want to once i find a place with more water well they didn't have two left feet like i do i could teach you a loi you're back how are things going around here i'm still trying to get beta to talk to me it's a slow process are you okay this clone thing it's a lot even for you i'm just trying to take it one step at a time fair enough if you need anything just let me know you guys reading something over there we just finished going through all the logs you collected back in nora territory and all mother mountain it's hard to imagine that my ancestors were trapped inside without the knowledge from apollo to guide them thanks to ted pharaoh yeah i wonder how it must have felt when they were finally free the world must have seemed so beautiful not to mention terrifying they weren't much more than kids and they became an entire tribe it's good to see you and zoe enjoying yourselves we're learning a lot i've actually been looking through the data to find ideas for a gift and to thank her for helping me study the glyphs something from the old world that she's never seen before instead i found out they gave each other stuffed animals if you ask me stuffing a dead animal with anything really doesn't sound like a good time for anybody maybe gaia can help you find something else [Music] everyone dealing with beta i tried explaining what a clone is to aaron he was totally lost then zoe said something about two trees coming from one seed that seemed to help a bit how's everyone handling their focus and we all have our difficult moments errant definitely curses the most but i'm hoping ossaram's stubbornness prevails how's everyone doing just taking it all in no one snapped their bowstrings yet i see everyone's settling in zoe's planning on bringing all kinds of plants in here says the home should always spring with life anew i asked aaron to help find some i think he'd rather stick his head into a snap mall so it's not a bad idea should liven up the place i should get back to the wilds i'll keep an eye on beta make sure she's comfortable okay [Music] welcome back eloy i see you have recovered poseidon [Music] hey can you come downstairs beta has something you need to hear okay i'll be right down i have managed to unlock additional rooms within the facility got it hi gaia hello so this facility the regional control center it was meant to oversee the terraforming system for the local region yes had humans receive their education from the apollo database they would have then been guided here to assume operation as that never happened this place remained vacant until minerva decided to settle here so the haiti's proving lab where i found the gaia kernel it used to be a ferro research facility yes prior to appropriation by zero dawn the facility was used to engineer and test advanced computer viruses it appears to have been one of many research initiatives by faro automated solutions i guess it wasn't enough to build automated killing machines he wanted viruses to infect them with too so a while back before the battle at meridian i went into banuk territory i discovered another ai there one not related to zero dawn cyan it was created to oversee operations for a volcanic stabilization project and it spent the last thousand years in isolation i'm guessing you didn't know about it no from the data on your focus it seems that cyan was cut off from the outside world an effort by its creators to protect it from the pharaoh plague any chance it could help us now i have already attempted contact with no success given its previous experience with accepting an outside network request i imagine it is unwilling to do so again right because last time hephaestus enslaved it well that's too bad i think the two of you would have had a lot to talk about there was an ancient tank embedded in the bulwark buried under a bunch of boulders any idea how it got there during the feral plague the u.s military resumed the use of human combatants as automated machinery was unreliable it is possible the vehicle was part of a pre-automated war fleet so they fought against the pharaoh machines in the valley until the mountain was blasted apart and buried them when i dove down into vegas i found data about the man who built the dome over the city stanley chen it turns out he was a member of flora zenith but if he loved vegas so much why did he abandon it why not try to save it the zeniths at their core have proven to be exceptional survivalists faced with overwhelming odds of extinction they chose to flee even still what he achieved water to the wasteland an entire city brought back to life a thousand years later the whole place was still on standby just waiting for someone to come along and wake it up how's kotalo doing i have detected that the loss of his arm still deeply pains him in an effort to remedy this i have discussed a potential solution with him i believe he will want to fill you in on the details a solution i'll check in with him when i can then so i guess beta's here to stay i gave her a focus told her to talk to you to see if she can help she's not what i expected what were you expecting i don't know someone more helpful i guess and less pessimistic it is true she overestimated our progress however it is also worth noting that her confidence in your abilities emboldened her to escape the zeniths i guess so give her time she may yet come around i guess i should get going as you say be well eloy hi [Music] happy birthday isaac daddy sure does love his little big man she found that recording from the data on your focus she's been watching it a lot i think it helps calm her you know i used to watch this a lot too whenever i wanted to take my mind off things daddy sure does but there's something you need to tell me you were gone i came down here to check on her then we started talking right beta she's been thinking about how to capture hephaestus studying the data gaia gave her but we started talking about some other stuff you know just getting to know each other right and then she told me that one of the zeniths might be different from the others tilda you saw her at the hades proving lab go on on the way to earth the zeniths never showed their faces my servant or caretaker referred to them as my benefactors and promised i'd meet them someday when i had learned enough and then one day a data channel opened in my training interface in it tilda was waiting for me in a virtual replica of a house on a cliff overlooking the ocean that was beautiful she showed me paintings books media files we met there in secret many times but a few months later it stopped can you tell us why beta i found some data about tilda at the hades proving lab i think she was a liaison between far zenith and zero dawn she knew elizabeth sobak that's for sure maybe that's why she reached out to you what else can you tell us about tilda she liked to talk about her paintings what about herself did she ever talk about her life on earth how she joined the zeniths something like that she never said much about herself and she hated it when i asked too many questions but i think back on earth she was an expert programmer given that she built a data channel the other venus couldn't detect is there anything else about her that we might be able to use to our advantage she was the first real person who ever bothered to speak to me i wasn't really assessing her for strengths and weaknesses you said that tilde reached out to you using a data channel it appeared in my training interface as another assignment when i opened it there were a series of intermittent glitches i realized they formed a transpositional cipher instructions on how to open up a new virtual space when i entered it my training interface disappeared instead of the usual holographic teachers and files i was in a perfect recreation of her home and you're sure the other zianis never knew about it to them it looked like i was still in training toiling away alone so this secret virtual space looked like a house with an ocean view i could see white caps and hear waves crashing on rocks below and there were galls crying outside inside tilde had frames that showed off her favorite paintings changing at intervals to match the light there was an armchair she liked she'd sit there and gaze outside while i looked through her things we spend hours in that house i never wanted to leave you said tilda showed you paintings and let you access media files every time we met she showed me a new painting i i think she was dutch all of her favorite pieces were from their golden age in the 1600s portraits allegories ships at sea she had so many didn't interest you i liked her media portal it had so much more than my training interface clips shows hollows my favorite was this one called second time around about a family whose kid comes back after disappearing during the hot zone crisis right but did this portal have anything about the zeniths themselves anything we could use no any information about them was redacted so tilda set up a secret virtual space where she could talk to you a house on a cliff then later she cut you off but other than the fact that tilden knew elizabeth you don't know why she did those things i don't okay i thought of every possible reason that would make her leave but whatever i did wrong i don't know what it is when i finally met the others she ignored me acted like the data channel never existed none of this even matters tilt is the same as the others it won't help us defeat them okay let's leave it at that then what's wrong i'm trying varl but she is tough to take i'm out there in the wilds risking my life every day and all she can do is hide in there and tell us how hopeless it all is i'm sorry she's had a rough time but she is really not helping right now you always seem to be on top of everything so i sometimes forget about what you've been through i mean it wasn't that long ago you were so banged up you couldn't even walk about that when i pulled you out of the water back near the proving lab you were muttering ross's name you never talk about him but he raised you trained you you must miss him a lot of course i do but i don't have time to think about that now need to get back out there okay i'll keep working with beta gaia says she knows a lot about zero dawn and maybe she just needs some time to adjust and then she can help us with hephaestus sure but i won't hold my i breath what it's like to be in space it sounds very lonely if you ask me a loi hey how's everything going i am well but varl told me beta's having a hard time adjusting to life here with us i wish there was something i could do to help i'm not sure any of us can a tree won't bear fruit in a day we'll do our best to make her feel welcome there is something i'd like to discuss it's about the land gods if you have time that is [Music] you said you wanted to talk about the lamb gods i think there's a way to heal them so that they'll once again provide plain song with grain gaia gave me a set of instructions she called it uh reboot code if we deliver it to the land gods their derangement will end that's great it may be there are thorns on the path unless the code is given by hephaestus the land gods will reject it gaia showed me a way around this we need components called control cores from machines made by hephaestus machines similar to the land gods you mean grimhorns like the one we fought in the repair bay yes gaia helped me locate two of them out west so kill the machines get the control cores then use them to adapt the reboot code into something the land gods will obey if all goes well but taking down two grim horns won't be easy we'll do it together bless you eloy i'll send you the location of the machines i should get going good luck on your search i could try to line up the vista point image again i should be within range hey zoe i'm near the grimhorn site can you join me i'll be there soon hey i'm glad we can do this together the grim horns we're looking for should be just to the north let's go get those control cores thank you again for helping me if this works if we can heal the land gods it will end a generation of suffering for my people how do you think fame and the chorus will take it they seem to think the tribe's extinction is inevitable i've had my disagreements with them but i'd like to see they'll be happy to be wrong on this they're the grim horns and they're not alone you'll just have to be smart about this i'll follow your lead time to follow up huh a bit winded but i'll be all right you've got the control cores i can take them from here two control cores as requested thank you gaia showed me a way to scan them and take what we need to update the reboot code i'll head back to base and get started when i was a child there was always enough to eat the land gods provided for us and every season we celebrated them my happiest memories come from those times do you really think we can bring them back we'll make it happen thank you eloy so we'll probably need some time to sort through those cores i should do something else in the meantime back again [Music] now that you have those control cores are you ready to reboot the land gods in plain soul not yet gaia told me the reboot code has to be altered using data from the cores she updated my focus with software to accomplish this task but apparently it's very complicated it'll take time well let me know if you need any help i will i need to get going may your search bear fruit coordinates that guy gave me for demeter are close [Music] someone managed to take out an entire squad oh damn hold your fire i'm not here to fight the barbarians pinned down move in okay whoever these people are it looks like we're not gonna be friends i need to get past these hostels and into the room take her out now you're in trouble now for the ancestors and why are they out for blood i better get to demeter fast in case there's more of them according to gaia it should be somewhere in these no ruins demeter should be right beyond that door but those vines are blocking the way unless i can cut through them i'm gonna need to find another way in [Music] huh a room with no way out great at least there's a console a log [Music] just got off the line with u.s robot command time's running out i didn't have the heart to tell harris that our cure might be worse than the disease [Music] even if adamantine wreath works we still have to prove we can curtail the trailing plants efficiently but kabul's team is working on it over at test station ivy he'll come through he has to without inventing wreath another secret project well they made the metal flowers here and the vines so maybe i can find a way to destroy them if i can find test station ivy [Music] how do i get out of here [Music] great these guys again whoever they are they want me dead i better be careful [Music] that door looks promising i submit do as you will i didn't want to fight your friends out there they attacked me if by death alone i can atone our trespass i'm not gonna kill you okay i just want to figure out what's going on where did you get that focus uh i moved the chosen people the queen the ancestors left the power of the focus to us alone the eye that reveals the legacy the legacy huh the legacy uh the truth now it is in the darkness and the lost places among the ancient ashes and the bones of the before that it lies waiting you know as a diviner it is my task to seek it out for the good of my people you're looking for data maybe we can help each other what's your name alva second diviner of the eastern expedition i'm aloy why don't we start again i've never heard of the queen our lands lie across the great ocean we haven't been here before so why come now our homeland has been ravaged by freakish weather terrible storms and blistering droughts the crops are failing the people are starving when we looked for answers it was proposed that if we had the courage to cross the ocean to legacy's landfall then we might earn the knowledge we need to save our people but so far that knowledge has eluded us so your people call this place legacy's landfill no uh landfall is where we arrived to the west in the shadows of the sunken city by the broken bridge you mean san francisco yes you're well versed in the legacy it was a place of great importance to our ancestors we had hoped to learn their secrets there but so far that door remains closed even so the data we discovered there has led us to this place it might be our last chance to find something that can save your crops and your people yes if the ancestors will be generous to us once more so you said your ancestors left your tribe that focus yes 13 diviners have possessed this one since it was discovered among the ruins in our homeland i have their honored names committed to memory so you have won but none of the soldiers out there did we each have a role to play no it is the diviners purpose to seek out the legacy interpret the wisdom of our ancestors for the good of all and to keep it safe so that no one but the diviners know how to use a focus not even the imperial family and certainly not soldiers so how many diviners are there at landfall a small group back at home a few dozen more that's a guess only the overseers know for sure and i am not of their rank so you call data from the ancient past the legacy yes all that is not lost or forbidden what does that mean all that we are capable of reading and that which is permitted okay i'm not sure i get it that's fine um so what do you use the data for the greatest secrets are the ones that improve the lives of many how to tend our crops how to hold flood waters back or even cross the ocean technology that is what i seek here technology that can help my people back home [Music] those soldiers they opened fire on me without warning why uh it is the duty of the queen to seek out the legacy and defend it from the ignorant and envious not that you seem ignorant but back home other tribes only mean us harm and we were told the same was true here does that come from your legacy the legacy is truth but we have been known to misinterpret it i hope time and the wisdom of our ancestors will guide us down the correct path yeah i hope so too i'm looking for a place in this facility called test station ivy have you found any data that mentions it no but i did find something that looks like a map but it was unreadable lost maybe i can make some sense of it uh bear there's a lot of files here i've been through all of them look in the gh facility section like i said a lost file you can't see the map it's okay it looks like your focus is an early model the operating system won't be able to read any files created after the mid-2050s but i could share them with you share them you can see what is lost and forbidden not lost not forbidden just a newer format there that's where i need to go but you can't get there we've been here for a week trying to get deeper into the complex the way he's been blocked by rubble what about this tunnel it looks like it unlocks from here no i thought these might be some kind of access controls but i couldn't read enough data to make them work let's try with my focus okay i believe these consoles were meant to be operated in unison but i'm not sure okay here we go following your lead the ancestors have shown us the way come on let's go you want me to come with you it took both of us to open up that tunnel didn't it this place is a maze according to the map there should be another exit further in just stay close lead the way i can't believe you actually gotta say i was dreading having to stay here any longer with those soldiers way they slaughtered the barbarians that approached the site most of my people aren't like that i promise better stand back well that was loud i'll be glad to get back above ground yeah it feels like a tomb down here a hatch at the top of the ladder that can't be good they fly to and from the complex several times a day only the ancestors know why well the ancestors are dead elva of course how else could they be ancestors looks like we have more pressing concerns follow my lead event i think i can pull it open i'm right behind you maybe we can get through that hatch on the ground it looks like the one we used at the first station there's consoles up here too but no way to get to them you stay put i'll see what i can find um hey would would you mind warning me next time you decide to uh uh blow up a wall i'll uh try [Music] ready when you are okay you ready on two one two [Music] okay that's where we need to go [Music] [Music] no no no no no i will shut this thing off [Music] what is this [Music] it's how the world ended test complete adamantine restructure integrity uncompromised what did we just see alva let's meet below [Music] i'm gonna share a file with you okay test i think it's tuesday the second who cares i'll say this for the end of the world it's jam packed with irony we developed biomass conversion here infinite food for infinite machines and now we're racing against time to find something to give them indigestion well it works war machines won't be able to eat the wreath but can we deploy them in time god i hope so i don't understand your ancestors they were wiped out your legacy didn't tell you that the time of ashes most of the data about that is lost or forbidden well they created machines that consumed all life you just saw how [Music] it's a miracle anything survived i don't want to know this this is not why i'm here i need the wisdom of my ancestors to help save my people not forbidden knowledge of their sins i need to find something that helps something to bring back the overseers will punish me or even worse people will die do you understand my family my sister i left her when she was 14 already you could see her bones they will starve alva alva i get it i do it's hard to explain but you and i are working toward the same goal and if i succeed your people won't need any data things will just they will get better but even if i believe you my people won't i need to bring something back okay then we'll go to test station ivy and if i can find a way to kill those vines then i will have access to the data core what i need is in there i'm pretty sure that if i take it it will unblock access to all the data that this place has and that will give you something to bring home i'm not sure i understand but every secret makes its own maze a diviner must persevere go on i'll follow [Music] another maze but the road to truth is never a straight line what the nato referred to as adamantium reeds they were supposed to stop the destruction that caused the time of ashes i think we're under the proving grounds maybe it connects the rig to the tower best not to linger year long then so i never asked are you [Music] okay let's find a way to get into the proving ground that complex should be testation ivy well let's hope it holds the answers we seek ah [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] you saw it sweet spot that was amazing but amazing well you helped we should be able to get into testation ivy now [Music] there has to be some data here on the adamantine wreath we can use another log we're done in every way the wreaths work and kaval came through on a way to destroy them downloading a coded key into the deployment shell triggers an enzyme that causes the reeds to eat themselves from within but [Music] it's too late the latest projections from us robot command have sworn reproduction outpacing our ability to drop the shells by 375 not even close i guess we deserve this [Music] i deserve it for what i made here this will be my last log before evacuation at least we have the software module they created it should get rid of the vines produced by the metal flowers i need a workbench to load the module into my spear let's hope this new module works blooming let's see if the software works door's clear now time to bring demeter home demeter it's time to go home dagaya yes elizabeth but we'd better make haste after we encountered barbarians our lieutenant called for reinforcements they could be here what did you do i've never seen my focus glitch like that uh i could be here and i found a special type of data that's something you can't read but they kept a tight grip on the data core but now you should have access to the central server all of it should give you something to bring home right you were right hundreds of archives almost all of it relating to agriculture it would take us years to get through all of this but we don't have that kind of time what you said before alba hold your fire by the word of the ancestors you must stop come look at who you fired on that barbarian killed our soldiers uh only those who fired blindly she is no barbarian she gave me the data we need come look at her can't you see elizabeth sobek stands before you an ancestor reborn diviner we should bring the ancestor back it is we who follow their word commander not the other way around uh my apologies dr sobek our people's faith is strong but there are those who are not as familiar with the legacy as they should be you heard the diviner the data has been found you two with me the rest of you meet us back at the beach for return to landfall [Music] i can't talk long they will have many questions so do i your people know a lot about the past and about sobek i guess but there please i must know what you said before about working towards the same goal how long will it take i don't know a few months then you are my family's best hope let nothing get in your way you have opened my eyes to many things and for that i thank you but now you must go will i see you again soon we return to legacy's landfall it might be dangerous for you to go there tell me how to reach it just in case we made landfall on the northeast edge of the sunken city the currents around the archipelago are vicious and the only approach is from the south and it is guarded only attempt to go there if you must divider what's the delay please go if you attempt to stay here any longer they may want to take you with us and that won't go well for anyone [Music] i better do as all of a says i need to get demeter back to gaia anyway but i might want to explore the area before i make the trek back to base and now i can use the vine cutter on those other metal flowers i found earlier are you sure how is it soft it says here it had bubbles in it eloy you've returned and you come bearing gifts does this mean we'll soon be able to uproot the zeniths from our lands that's what i'm hoping good i should get going if you need me you know where to find me it is good to see you again eloy i see you have recovered to meet her with the acquisition of ether poseidon and demeter my heuristic processing density has expanded greatly i should now be able to absorb hephaestus unfortunately we have made progress on a plan to capture it with varl's encouragement beta analyzed all available information on hephaestus its expansion has been rampant it is too large to be beam cast and the kernel you've been using could never hold it therefore it must be contained in a location with a direct physical connection to me a place with two data cores two cores where would we find a place like that gemini an abandoned cauldron in the desert west of here seismic activity disrupted the original construction two data cores were built as a result i've been there but tanakh marked the entrance as some kind of ritual ground i'll have to bring you there by hand i have devised a blueprint for a suitable albeit unwieldy transport ring it will require two people to carry it to gemini i can help once i am installed on the first core i will call down hephaestus on the other trapping it i will then initiate the merge however in order to construct the rig i will need considerable help can you build it i suppose i could but it's not gonna work the zenith will find you minerva won't be able to conceal your location that is correct absorbing hephaestus will create a significant power surge easily detected by anyone capable of noticing but what if there were multiple power surges to fake out the zeniths if aaron zoe and catalo spread out to the other cauldrons and create their own surges those conceal the one at gemini analyzing such a tactic might be effective with beta's help we should be able to build a set of handheld pulse generators i told you it's not gonna work i did a test hephaestus has written alpha clearance out of its access module you'll never be able to capture it then we need a higher level of clearance there is no higher ted fairhouse mega clearance the one he used to purge the apollo database and kill the alphas but to get it you would have to find thieves the private bunker he retreated to when the world ended and nobody knows where that is not even the zenith their only intel was that it was somewhere in san francisco that might be all i need alva the queen diviner i met said her people had set up a base at landfall they were searching for data in san francisco from there she might be able to help so i guess i'm headed all the way west while i'm gone will you be able to build the rig and the pulse generators i'll try i'll make sure she has what she needs jova said the quinn have a ferry on the coast that they use to get to the ruins of san francisco that's where i need to to unlock an go room near the servers understood gaia what is this it is a control console for a drone-based imaging system connected to this dome i will transmit the relevant data to your focus huh so this cyclops is a network of drones to monitor the deteriorating biosphere conditions i guess it was meant to display on the dome but the drones aren't connected anymore i think i can reconnect some of them already and it seems like there are more out there i like this one [Music] hi gaia hello so now that you have ether demeter and poseidon how's the biosphere looking in the local region conditions have improved super storms have subsided water sources have been purified and soil conditions remediated these improvements will stave off environmental collapse for a few additional months well with luck soon you'll have a festus then you'll be able to fix the biosphere for good right correct i will be able to design and produce robotic agents to permanently reverse the environmental damage that has accumulated beta's convinced we won't be able to capture festus with that attitude do you really think she'll be able to build the rig in pulse generators it may take some coaxing but with some assistance i am confident she will i don't get her gaia she's so quick to assume will fail she's nothing like like what i thought she'd be i guess it'll be best if she stays here when we go to gemini how are things around here zoe has been studying the morphology of her land gods in an effort to understand their sickness without the abilities of hephaestus i am unfortunately unable to correct their programming however due to zoe's perseverance we may have a workaround yeah she filled me in sounds promising marl and zoe seem to like spending time together indeed while studying old world data zoe discovered references to a dietary lifestyle known as vegetarianism she appreciated the similarities with uttaru practices and encouraged varl to try out this lifestyle and how did that go i believe they have agreed to disagree how's aaron handling things he is becoming increasingly accustomed to use of the focus after an initial incident what did he do he unfortunately crushed his first focus as he attempted to affix it to his temple amongst a number of asaram curses i believe he also blamed the focus for being dainty he has given repeated assurances that it will not happen again well good thing we have a lot of extras i guess so there's a few people here now and they're learning all about you the ancient world almost like what was supposed to happen before apollo was purged yes while the loss of the apollo database was catastrophic there is still much that can be gleaned from the data you have uncovered for instance varl has been reviewing the last recorded entries from those who perished during the pharaoh plague hearing their hopes and fears made him quite somber anything i should be worried about i do not believe so i have elected not to intervene to allow him to process this on his own terms all this data i've picked up in ancient bunkers and ruins i guess i never really thought that other people would be looking at it based on my observations your companions engage quite frequently with this material errand has asked on numerous occasions about birthday parties he appears perplexed by the tradition of serving a sweet confection as it conflicts with the asaram tradition of serving sparkling stout ale he also suggested we host a party for you as a surprise uh yeah no thanks that is what i predicted is catalog getting along with everyone yes though he prefers to spend most of the time alone he appears to be collating data on war machine progression and significant battles during the pharaoh plague to aid in the creation of a war map of operation enduring victory i believe he aims to study the tactics of old world warfare i'd be interested in seeing that it appears to be a private pastime for him he has repeatedly declined my offers to assist his research so our plan to capture festus let's go over it again as you wish thanks to vader's test we now know that hephaestus will not respond to your alpha clearance which is why you will need to procure ted pharaoh's omega clearance right from his personal bunker thieves while you are gone i will assist beta in building the transport rig and pulse generators when we get to gemini i will need to be installed on one of the facilities cores the second core is for hephaestus using omega clearance will allow you to trap it and then you'll be able to absorb it not quite you will need to manually remove hephaestus's malicious code before the merge how long will that take there are calculations i still must run but i estimate a few hours and during that time the others will create a distraction for us using the pulse generators right correct they will each take position at a cauldron door and fire off their device the energy surge should mask our activities until the emerge is complete and then we'll have everything we need to defeat the zenith sounds like a plan there's something i've been wondering how could ted farrow create a clearance level higher than alpha elizabeth made sure he wouldn't interfere with the project it is plausible he tasked his own engineers with creating a back door to the zero dawn system without elizabeth's knowledge my predecessor did not even know of its existence until he activated it to purge the apollo database it is in effect a blind spot one that will allow us to subdue hephaestus and fortunately thanks to beta's information we know where omega clearance may be procured right somewhere in san francisco so i guess this room was meant to keep an eye on conditions outside yes from here the facilities operators would have been able to observe weather and machine activity in real time it may be possible to restore more of this room's functionality should you find and reconnect additional camera feeds i'll keep a lookout so the facility where i recovered demeter used to be a feral agricultural research facility it's where they created the biomass conversion system but also adamantine wreath did elizabeth know they were working on that it is likely she was briefed on other efforts to combat the machine swarm though her focus was devoted only to zero dawn that makes sense but they actually got the wreaths to work if they've been able to deploy it against the pharaoh plague in time using the data you recovered on the project i ran several simulations and have concluded that it would never have worked in all scenarios the pharaoh war machines would eventually hack and deactivate the wreath before they could contain the swarm so zerodon really was the only solution there was a lot of data in the greenhouse facility about agriculture do you think it'll help the queen fix their homeland i will run a query complete the data contains information about novel crop production methods which may be beneficial to the tribe in the long term but new crops aren't going to save the world so i guess it's on us it is [Music] so gemini has two data cores i've never seen a cauldron like that but you mentioned something about seismic activity when my predecessor attempted to build the cauldron construction was disrupted by a series of earthquakes the data core had already been built but the rest of the facility sustained damage so she began again a second core was built however when more tremblers occurred she abandoned the site lucky for us are the quakes still happening no though they did also create instabilities in other facilities in the region so project zero dawn the greatest minds in the world all working to build the terraforming system while the feral plague devoured the planet what was it like personnel worked in rotations at all hours of the day resources and technology were secured from across the world within a month of the project's conception i was launched and began my education elizabeth encouraged me to spend time with the rest of the zero dawn staff she said it was important to experience many personalities and perspectives to aid in my emotional development what were they like scared hopeful determined they were hurtling toward technological achievements on a scale never before attempted i owe everything to their dedication gaia what was elizabeth like her presence is interwoven with my memories the moment i came online she was there we exchanged greetings names then set to our task it was the first of many conversations i enjoyed being in her company listening to her stories she was my creator my guide your friend yes when i reviewed the data on your focus i was saddened to learn of her fate though i am glad she made it home i deeply wish she did not have to be alone she was okay with that she gave all of herself the only one who could thanks kaya i'll be on my way i wish you safe travels i just think she talks a lot you would too if you knew everything there is to know about everything hey i hear you're going further west past the tanakh clan lands do you know anything about the area only hearsay the uttaru tells stories of an island that lies beyond the western coast they call it the isle of spires it is said the old ones built towers there that touched the sky so they could live far away from the earth that bore them as if they didn't want to be reminded that they'd one day return to it sounds like something ted pharaoh would do because he has stood a number on beta but she seems to trust farl i still can't believe she told him the zenith's are immortals old ones who cut themselves off from the cycle of life and decay i've never heard of anything so selfish to deny our dying bodies to the earth to doom the life that would bloom in their place it's despicable any progress with your plan for the land gods is the reboot code ready it is but there is difficult work ahead gaia warned me that because the land gods are linked together in a network the code must be delivered to all of them most are in plain song but in recent years three of them wandered off so tea and dough we have to find them no we know where they are but they're hard to reach so wandered into a lake and sank dough ventured into a dangerous canyon and tea broke down amidst a herd of machines okay tell you what you go to plain song handle all the land gods there i'll take care of so tiando i'll need the locations plus the reboot code i'm sending the data to you now my people made shrines near where each land god faltered when you see them you'll know you're close and once again thanks for your help we're not gonna let your people starve so i promise oh i should get going hopefully i can bring back what we need to capture festus after that i'm gonna need everyone's help we'll be ready [Music] hey loy you're here did you meet with the quinn already not yet after all the trouble you went through getting those sub-functions seems unfair you have to deal with these quen on your own too it's safer this way i think i'm sobek or something like that they won't hurt me but i doubt they'll be so kind to anyone else if you say so let me know if you need anything before you go you brought up frost before i do think about him you know he was all i had and he brought me up the best he could not only that when hades discovered who i was and sent the eclipse after me he sacrificed himself so i could survive but that seems like ages ago so much has happened since what i'm doing now i don't think he could even begin to understand it the sacred lands were all he really knew so i can't let myself dwell on him not with everything i have to do i understand sometimes when i think about my sister about what she would have become if she had survived the proving it hurts and i just need to bury it for a while but only for a while aloy you can't ignore it forever memories always come back the ones that matter anyway i know but for now the mission has to come first fair enough [Music] if i get omega clearance and then we grab hephaestus we might finally have the advantage over the zeniths can't wait to see their faces as they stare down a bunch of charging thunderjaws better them than us for once you feeling okay i was just thinking about beta and all that time spent with the zeniths to think someone would make a person just to lock them in a room to use when needed like some sort of tool elizabeth sobeck sacrificed herself for the world and yet they have no trouble treating beta like a slave another reason we have to stop them [Music] you better not be slacking off on your studies while i'm gone and risk zoe coming after me i value my life in fact i've been reading about ted farrow how he destroyed the world and crawled into a hole after killing those who saved it he definitely was a piece of work i'll be in touch if i need anything we'll be ready everyone's been briefed on the pulse generators as well good that's just i hear about you going west turns out we need one last thing before we can grab hephaestus because it would have been too easy otherwise he's still sifting through loads of data yeah it's interesting there's lots of words i i thought maybe i could try finding things with more you know pictures in it not much luck there but i i did find out about these uh holo films like images put together to tell a story are they made to look like they were the real thing the astaram like shows i bet they pay a lot of shards for those hollows how are things going around here how you tell me varl's new girlfriend tried to kill me earlier what did you do i made one joke about how they you know eat grass a lot how does anyone fight with nothing but tree leaves in their stomach anyway from the looks of it the utaru yeah well i wasn't expecting her to be that fast just try not to get hurt that seems like you're getting a hang of this data thing yeah it's been helpful when i could make sense of anything i did find the old ones enjoyed a good brew like the rest of us only they let machines serve the stuff in bars they even let the damn things cut you off before you saw the underside of a table that's half the fun now you won't see me letting a robot serve me a picture any time soon do i smell ale i brought some over from chain scrape and with everything that's been going on i thought we could all use a drink besides there is nothing that brings people together like a good brew that's what my sister always said anyways you're more than welcome to have some maybe another time i need to get going i think i know the answer but are you sure you don't need any help gaia mentioned this other tribe you found the queen they sound like a nasty bunch i can handle them in the meantime vara will help you get ready for what comes next take care of yourself did you want something uh hi i'm back what do you want to know so do you have everything you need to build the rig and pulse generators gaia sent me the schematics the designs are modest without the capabilities of hephaestus but they should work not that it matters without a mega clearance i'll find it just try to have the transport ready by the time i get back so have you been upstairs at all not really laurel sometimes comes down here to talk he keeps asking if i'm okay i thought he only wanted to know about my productivity but it's almost like he actually wants to talk to me yeah i think he does [Music] have you talked with anyone else in the base i speak with gaia she asked me how i'm feeling and my opinion on various topics i didn't expect that from an ai that's all thanks to elizabeth she believed gaia had to care not just follow her programming orders i know independent emotional processing enabled the previous version of gaia to create you after all yeah i guess so so aside from var and gaia who else have you been talking to zoe told me how you met after your escape from the hades proving lab i had no idea you were severely injured if the zenith had killed you life on earth would be doomed my escape would have been for nothing but they didn't kill me and thanks to varl and zou i was able to recover [Music] what else can you tell me about tilda she liked to talk about her paintings what about herself did she ever talk about her life on earth how she joined the zeniths something like that she never said much about herself and she hated it when i asked too many questions but i think back on earth she was an expert programmer given that she built a data channel the other zenith couldn't detect is there anything else about her that we might be able to use to our advantage she was the first real person who ever bothered to speak to me i wasn't really assessing her for strengths and weaknesses you said you and varial talk sometimes what about he told me about your tribe the nora and the proving ritual you did i told him if i was born into the tribe i'd never be able to do the proving it does require a lot of physical training but there are plenty of other roles besides being a hunter i don't think i'd be suited for any of them oh i guess it's a good thing you're not a nora then it's time for me to go i'll check on you later yeah sure [Music] let's take a look no i just need to get these must have dropped the flowers and then crashed this will help you get better one down two to go so either i'm here just planted the reboot code on dough he was a bit tangled up but he's better good to hear doe always returned to the sacred cave at the end of winter so his festival foretold the coming of spring during those times i remember clinging to my mother by the hearth snuggling for warmth listening to her sing of new beginnings which is exactly what you're going to give to your people i hope so shrine so said this one broke down amidst a herd of machines i better be careful i guess they were leaving offerings to the land god that looks like something fried them whatever it did it might still be around there's the land god but i'll have to deal with those machines before i install the reboot code machine's resistant to shock [Music] huh i think that's all the machines time to install this code on that land guard uh-oh stormwater must have been oh okay get this from my stash when i need it should install this code on that land god let's try this again nice and easy another line god dealt with hey zoe hey how goes it i found tea and installed the reboot code fitting then that i feel thankful teas festival came in winter when all the grain from the harvest was stored away it was a season of gratitude and all the children would receive gifts the best was my first bow made of you strung by my father well he definitely taught you how to shoot well i thought he did there's one more thing i found two of your people uh stormbert got them but i took it down oh i'll make sure someone retrieves their seed pouches so they may return to the land how are things on your end getting there a few land gods to visit still okay i'll call you when i'm done with the last one there one of the land god shrines so said this one sank in a nearby lake blind god must be down there somewhere time for a swim that should do it uh it's the last land god zoe can you hear me i can hear you had to swim a bit but i gave the reboot code to sew ah good we used to celebrate so in the fall at the beginning of the harvest with wine made from elder flowers when i was 12 i got tipsy on it and kissed a boy in the sage garden how'd that go he was so surprised he nearly fell into the mulch it would be good to see so again plowing the fields in the afternoon son when you can meet me at plain song and we'll send out the reboot signal i've delivered the code to all the land gods save one only law is left i'm here with her just east of the main village okay i'll get there as soon as i can territory but for some reason the water around the capitol thornmarsh remains polluted perhaps this is something you could help with yeah hey you made it i'll look into it all of the land gods have been updated now to send out the reading signal [Music] [Applause] what does this mean a new beginning gaia told me this would happen to all of them dough t so and the rest she called it a reboot sequence but i didn't think it would be so beautiful soon the land gods will return to tilling the soil as they once did so the chorus wants a word of course they do do you want me to come no need i'll just tell them that our lands will soon bloom again who are they to argue find me later and i'll tell you how it went good luck [Music] [Applause] the next fight okay across the water look for landfall and over no one here that's strange well nothing's stopping me from taking the boat foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh it's pushing myself there's no choice but to head for that peach [Music] [Music] no one's guarding this side of the ferry either where are the queen they're a landfall i guess i'm going to go find it it should be to the northeast right he has claws ensuring the jaw is running [Applause] huh [Applause] steady so these are the ruins of san francisco an entire city of crumbling towers and some are buried out here as thieves is that her the living ancestor this is landfall right i'm looking for alva overseer bohai ordered us to invite you before him should you approach please come with me go let him know we're coming it's her the diviner was right overseer bohi a stranger just walked through the gate i knew alva would not dare lie you do look like sobek is over here i need to talk to her i will consider your request once it is determined what you are a living ancestor as alva believes or a threat lurking in such a guise i am no threat okay back on the mainland your soldiers fired on me without warning so you say infidel none of those you engaged survived to bear witness i held off on your squad when may i present our honored ceo so here she is our great mystery well beau hi what have you divined what is she a mystery indeed my how can she appear as sobek and yet know nothing of our ways are we to believe that a living ancestor was born to this wretched land an ocean apart from the realm of the chosen and if so to what end i cannot answer only she can but i warn you no falsehood will satisfy us now speak why are you here what is your purpose i'm looking for a place called thebes and what do you seek there alva told me a little bit about what you're after i guess you could say i want what you want a way to heal the world as i suspected [Music] tell her we found thieves the final resting place of ted pharaoh's secrets it isn't far but the way is closed to us machine attacks have cut us off from the site diviner oliver is there along with a compliment of diggers and soldiers is she all right our scouts tell us that the machine has our people pinned behind their defenses but they're holding out machines huh i can help with that alva told us that you are indeed formidable but i have a few questions first we will answer what we can so you found thieves how the ancestors revealed it to us not long after we made landfall almost a year ago through a scrap of ancient data discovered by alva and verified by myself it contained details about the construction of a great underground palace where exactly close beneath the great pyramid in the ruins beyond figures ted loves his pyramids have you been inside no that has been a problem one of many and we will solve them all in time getting back to the site is the one at hand i hope you're as effective against machines as diviner alva suggested what exactly are you looking for inside thieves i thought alva brought back the data you needed we risked much to cross the ocean therefore we must unearth every possible link to the legacy while we are here especially one as important as thieves we will not sail back until i have plundered its secrets so all the reports to you i was chosen by my colleagues on the board of overseers to supervise data retrieval on this expedition yes and you're in charge of the expedition he is far more than that you are addressing the cousin of the emperor of the quinn heir to the vast holdings of the great delta the first co in five generations all she needs to understand is that i am the authority here and my will is to attain the secrets of thebes mine too we're in luck you crossed the ocean on these ships couldn't have been easy greatness is never easy indeed it took seven years just to build the flotilla this expedition is the most important undertaking of our generation a quest for knowledge across the gaping sea with nothing less than the fate of our tribe at stake and none of it would have been possible without the will of the co the voyage was difficult the wild's here even more so our sailors and soldiers have suffered much i know that but all for the glory of the queen good to know what kind of machine has your people pinned down near thebes a thunderjaw we've dealt with them before but this one is tougher stronger and it has black armor yes how did you know it doesn't matter won't be easy but i can take it down then destiny shines upon us as i knew it would a living ancestor now walks among us and she will help me attain the secrets of thebes resupply here if you must then on the thieves at the base of the pyramid in the ruins we will follow when our scouts confirm you've cleared the way easy there a barbarian run stranger there's a killer machine about there you are i guess we're doing this [Applause] vulva i'm glad you're okay oh you got rid of that machine but what are you doing here there's something inside thieves that i need i went to landfall i met your co we came to an agreement kind of and you're going to help us get in i guess so the whole thing was a little tense there's something off about that guy and i don't understand what he wants from thieves i thought we found the data that your people needed back on the mainland that data will take us years to sift through the ceo wants faster results aloy you have to be careful there they are the legacy tells us that elizabeth sobeck helped the ancestors cast aside all obstacles and so it has been today you have been true to your word i'm pleased thieves awaits us below shall we quite an excavation much of this was flooded we had to pump a great deal of water out behold the door to thieves a door like no other well you're right about that it's designed to open for only one man ted pharaoh but the legacy tells us that he worked closely with sobek he trusted her surely she can open the door and so surely can you not gonna happen at least not from this side you said she was a living ancestor with sobek's eternal essence uh if i may pharaoh great as he was did not build his palace alone we know this from scraps of data we found the ones that pointed to this location and we found evidence of passages below maybe they were built to aid construction or for servants we can't reach them the way is flooded and they're too far underwater but yeah i can reach them there might be another way in down there you see with sobek there is always a way then do what you must to get us inside that door is all that stands between me and destiny indeed my seal this water's warm look at that it's there's a huge out there maybe your way in yeah let's go get me inside here i am again hiding in the gym writing to stay sane in this crazy place i can't believe gregory's dead our so-called spiritual leader was fine yesterday and then suddenly passed away in his sleep and no one will talk to me about it they treat me like a child whispering behind my back as if i can't cope with death even after the end of the world so ted had other people in here with him including a teenage girl a living area it's pretty big too there's nothing normal about a scientist his daughter a guru and well let's face it a harem living through the end times in the trillionaires underground survival bunker but now that gregory's gone i'm worried things will get weirder he helped keep ted stable for a couple of years sort of without him who knows and we don't even understand what happened to him girl's right nothing normal about ted look at this place it's pretty fancy for a survival bunker that looks like some kind of access control ah good an emergency exit function the door is open destiny is upon us i knew you could do it what's going on the co is preparing to enter thieves [Music] oh why are you dressed like ted farrow i am pharaoh renewed my essence is the same as his across the years across the generations his soul is my soul his will is my will we are sundered in only one way i need his final testament his deepest secrets and now that the door is open those secrets are within my grasp when i have them i will be complete as he was i will have everything i need to save our homeland and as pharaoh did the world [Music] okay i think there's some confusion here about who pharaoh really was no one knows better than i who he was who he is me the renewer greatest of the ancestors the man who saved the world and you you understand sobek you are her pharaoh's harbinger his assistant come we will descend into thieves together as it should be bring her the raymond raymond as he is pharaoh you are sobek for an occasion this momentous shouldn't you wear proper business attire no no no no i am not wearing that no way you will wear the proper attire to mark this moment or what it is said sobek valued life above all else is this true fine i'll wear your arraignment [Music] [Music] excellent shall we proceed [Music] look at this place the grandeur pharaoh's domain simply breathtaking excellent somewhere in here pharaoh left his secrets let's go find them you're magnificent perhaps we should leave guards behind most details women repulse me okay most of ted's women repulse me okay they're like contestants on a housewife simply for the hubby's attention but brianna [Music] and i love her voice which has been conspicuously silent since gregory died she doesn't speculate or gossip like the others she knows something i can tell and i'm gonna find out what it is pharaoh's visage a monument to greatness it's a monument to something i'll give you that wonder if pharaoh had a footbath in here so hey this is weird yeah i tried to warn you yeah sort of i'll explain everything if we survive long enough those certainly look threatening ah statues the guardians of pharaoh's domain those aren't statues look out get the co out of here yes it's just us then we have to fight cut thanks where's overseer he has decided to return to the surface a wise choice we can't afford to lose any more diviners than necessary so no more delays we must proceed briana didn't wake up this morning she's gone just like gregory and looking up at the giant hideous statue of ted in the great hall his eyes and i know now that he's watching me watching us all he's always had power over us i just never knew how much did you discover some data fragments a testament to ted's power what is that a reclining throne attached to some kind of apparatus i wonder what it does an impressive setup what is it for i'm sorry co i don't know my focus can't read the data here what about the living ancestor is the data lost to her made a minor adjustment to the gene therapy regimen and added a new cocktail to treat the symptoms caused by the mutations hopefully there will be some stabilization after the next treatment god knows what ted'll do to us if there isn't the early results were so promising no signs of aging no cellular degeneration but now oh if only i had access to my old lab in bangkok or my old colleagues or my old liquor cabinet stop it got to stay positive for kenya you saw something i could tell did the data explain what pharaoh used this device for i think he was undergoing treatments to live longer a lot longer really could he still be alive don't be foolish if he were alive he would have kept his essence it would not have been passed down to me remember he was the renewer of course he would have stopped at nothing to grasp the secrets of life and death but not for himself everything he did was for a new beginning for us for the queen and for his true heir [Music] me you know i'm starting to think you're right you do have a lot in common with ted pharaoh i knew you would see in time let us continue his secrets await hmm is that a small office for a minor functionality you did this for him you put like off switches in everyone's heads can you you mustn't judge me i had no choice if i said no what would he do to us what would he do to you you're my little girl i was trying to keep you alive for what dad seriously why so we can be trapped in this underground nightmare you know what we have to do please did you find a recording eloy yeah i'll share with you later an automated geothermal energy plant right under the city of san francisco a marvel even i can run it and let's face it i was always more of a visionary than an engineer which is why i had the foresight to insist on the inclusion of a very unique feature just in case anyone ever tries to steal my cheese so to speak a console maybe i can access ted's files from here there i'll make a clearance how do you have to sing for yourself ted sometimes dead along with his kid found him on the floor of his office this morning holding hands must have poisoned themselves i never would have put them to sleep she was just a girl for christ's sake i offered him life and this is how they repaid me by leaving me all alone but i guess i've been alone since this whole thing began alone in bearing the burden for the past for the future same old ted no matter who dies he's the one feeling sorry for himself bless his future bless his children someday they'll come and i'll be here to greet them sometimes that my aging has stopped all together if anything my cells are replenishing faster than normal i just need some time for the mutations to calm down time and energy some tests of their reaction give me what i need to grow strong again to get my [ __ ] back together so i can greet the kids they're gonna need me my advice my guidance [Music] are they here uh not the ones you're looking for then they must be in there trust me you don't want to go in there are you mad i haven't come all this way to stop now [Music] [Music] at last pharaoh's legacy is mine [Music] is that it's him burn it to ash wait no pharaoh has it rigged to melt down [Music] kill them too no witnesses is huh what i just need some time and mutations to calm down pharaoh rigged the reactor to overflow if he dies we have to run my guidance more soldiers [Music] oh come on out of my way [Music] ah okay we uh we found something that will help not just your homeland but everywhere but where's the co he's gone i guess you could say he gave his life to help us attain the secrets of thieves i see you must think i'm eminently stupid what no no the seal was an entitled egotist who twisted our beliefs into a sickening self-serving fantasy and you expect me to believe he sacrificed himself for scraps of data it's time for the truth and it better be convincing otherwise i'll simply order these soldiers to open fire hold on you're right to be honest the co screwed everything up he brought thieves down around our ears and died like a gutless coward but we really did find something down there that will help your homeland if i can take it and use it now if i have to i will fight my way out of here but it doesn't have to be that way you can just let me go and then take credit then things start to improve success certainly does sound that have been it seems then that our destinies are intertwined landfall is open to you if it will help your cause you may come and go as you please but alva must join you and report back on your efforts fair enough thieves is of no further value to us obviously we're going back to the flotilla although i expect your reports to be thorough well i thought he was going to have us killed oh and instead i get to join you glad to have you but you're going to need a little help to reach our base varl i made a new friend i need you to meet her at the quinn fairy and escort her back on it can't wait to meet her trust me you'll love it there var will give you a better focus and all the data you could ever want head to the ferry i'll join you back east as soon as i can a diviner must follow the truth wherever it leads i'll see you there hey you're back now that i have a mega clearance we should have what we need to capture asbestos before i head to the ferry maybe i should stop by landfill with the co gone maybe more quinn will be willing to talk might be worth looking around the island too i gotta change out of these clothes i can't believe the seo main fleet dress up welcome back [Music] aloy i know your experience in thebes was unsettling but we have a new problem did something go wrong with beta and the rig will we be able to transport you to gemini the rig is complete the problem is itself it has accelerated its proliferation throughout the cauldron network increasing its power but with your sub-functions restored we can still succeed right correct but the net effect is that absorbing hephaestus will take longer than previously calculated how long even with omega clearance my current estimate is that the merge will take 35 hours and each hour increases the risk of detection by the zeniths two cores two overrides what if the merge were carried out by two clones of elizabeth sobek both armed with omega clearance how long then half the time hephaestus would be unprepared for the simultaneous labor of two operators in addition to obvious synergetic efficiencies calculating it would reduce the merge time to approximately 4.5 hours okay farl it looks like we're gonna need beta gemini do you think you can convince her uh i don't know but i'll try what about our diversion are the pulse generators ready only a final test remains i am confident that if fired in proximity to other cauldrons the pulses will mask our activities at gemini from the zenith good as long as aaron can operate one without shooting himself in the face hey you better get down here beta's in bad shape okay aloy i tried but it's impossible i don't think anything will convince her to go we don't have a choice good luck beta you have to come with us it's the only way it's one mission the most important one we need you tell me why you won't go what if they what if they take me back alone in a cell again they're slaves forever [Music] laurel and i will be at gemini too i'll protect you as soon as we get hephaestus we'll come straight back here the zeniths aren't going to find us you don't have to be afraid no you can't protect me nothing can protect me from them i told you from the beginning we'll never beat them it's hopeless [Music] leave me alone you don't understand [Music] you're right i don't understand we have the same genes the same mind the same heart so why can't you find the strength to do what has to be done like elizabeth would don't you think i thought about that i don't know what piece of elizabeth i'm missing i don't know what you have that i don't i look through all the data from your focus you were raised as an outcast shunned and isolated just like me so what's the difference what's my defect [Music] [Music] peter [Music] you don't have a defect [Music] beta look it's not a piece of elizabeth the difference is i had him [Music] rost he raised you trained you but he was never warm or loving the day he died the day he gave you that charm he was going to abandon you he wanted me to embrace the tribe but then he gave his life for mine he loved me in his own way and that was enough what if you feel like [Music] it was like having the strength that was always there it's still there even now i hear him in my head when things get bad but it looks impossible look deeper and then fight like you can win [Music] [Music] you don't have to go on a mission we'll find another way [Music] i'll go you said you'd try to protect me [Music] i believe you you have to promise me one thing yes of course if it goes bad [Music] if the zeniths find us i don't want to be their slave again do you understand [Music] okay promise i promise [Music] i could use as much time as you can give me to study up on the merge to make it as efficient as possible [Music] i'll be ready when you are i swear [Music] whenever you are ready come speak to me and i'll ask the others to make final preparations for the mission hello again eli hello eli hey gaia so uh me and beta i guess you heard what happened yes i am continuously impressed by the complexity of human relationships despite the unpleasant circumstances that led to your quarrel i am pleased to see you have both found an agreeable resolution well two heads are better than one right yes i believe so are you ready to depart for cauldron gemini or we can continue our conversation if you like [Music] so i uh found thieves what do you think ted would have done if his life extension treatments had worked it seems he convinced himself it was his duty to guide future humans given the tribal nature of new humans and his ability to use omega clearance on the terraforming system i imagine he would have convinced one or more tribes to worship him as their patriarchal deity okay yep glad that didn't happen [Music] okay people it's time to head out i'll get everyone together come on [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] flying [Music] all right connections in place booting up beta aloy i am fully installed on this core and ready to connect to the cauldron network it's good to hear your voice errand everyone fire your pulses and sound off i'm at my call this thingy it's blinking did i do it right in position at my cauldron my pulse generator is blinking also that means they're working i'm in position and mine is too mine as well okay radio silence until i give the all clear signing off gaia let's cage the beast connecting to the cauldron network now elizabeth sobek alpha prime activating omega clearance elizabeth sobeck alpha prime activating omega clearance clearance confirmed initiating containment sequence lock it down terminating external connections it's working it's got nowhere to go that means machines are on their way get ready here they come before i'll stay here protect beta got it be careful [Music] stay back get back over here i was really angry over here come on over here get back you two okay still breathing hey hephaestus can't escape but it must have fled okay i gotta chase after hephaestus force it out of wherever it's hiding make it retreat to the core you don't have festus you should know there is a huge power draw coming from the next chamber thanks for the heads up i'm almost there it's some kind of production chamber first is up to something all right is hiding too well that doesn't sound good hey i've managed to rewire most of the components there's no way i can fix it okay um let me think what if you bypass the processor connect it to the power load i think that could work i think it could i should be able to catch a ride on one of those i should take these machines first reach the other side on the way vader hephaestus has locked me out of the node any ideas i'll see what i can do i got them all i tapped into the core's network hub i managed to disrupt control of the node you should be able to override it now nice thanks sounds like it fled to another chamber well it better not get comfortable energy entertainment fails great i fest discover the floor with lightning i got to find a way over it hey war machines keep coming please tell me you're getting close i'm working on it i've been smashing through a lot of machines on my side too i guess aaron's missing out anyway i'm making progress on the bypass but i need something to hold the cycling module together maybe a ligament from one of the machine carcasses right or some luminous braiding and you could reinforce it with a conversion cylinder for increased connectivity i think i think we can do this evenly i might be able to catch a ride on the rail and go over the shields and there node access restored now you can't break it can't work okay this is running out of places to hide uh i just registered a huge energy search back in the production chamber something big is happening here too everything's glowing should we come to you maybe i could disrupt the machine no just stay where you are okay handling the machine is my job okay be safe is i think it's charging up charging it's covered maybe purge water can dampen its attacks [Music] [Music] [Music] good stand by i'm sending her festus back to you more hiding hephaestus got it make sure it stays there i'm heading back and then we can start the merch because of you i'm glad you came along and you laurel we couldn't have done any of this without you right back at you alloy hey boy the the bypass is done the core is stable festus is 100 contained now we better get started with the merge it's all set up gaia establish the link please done okay to complete the merge we need to excise hephaestus's malicious code carefully [Music] ah [Music] eli look [Music] well hello redundant coffee you cost us quite a lot of time get beta and squash that bad volume [Music] get behind me come on quit screwing around now we're having fun right [Music] [Music] finally zelda get gaia and hephaestus ready for transport tell them i failed hush all is not lost what the hell are you doing [Music] beta farley hmm where am i ah you're awake you took quite a hit when your heart attacked you i imagine you must still be in a great deal of pain i can assure you that we are safe the others can't detect us here you mean the other zenith you must be tilda i wasn't sure if beta would have told you about where is she alive and while she isn't where she wants to be not in urgent danger we must discuss how to get her back of course after you've shaken off the cobwebs when you're ready take the stairs down the hall and come see me in the meantime i'll make breakfast breakfast okay [Music] what is this just a few favorites from my collection rescued and stored here just before i went off world take a look if you like i'm curious to hear your impressions my friend is dead and gaia are gone and you want me to look at old paintings don't be so quick to dismiss the comfort we can find in art done so soon i've got more important things to worry about we both do there is much we are trying to save [Music] [Music] there you are feeling better how did you find us at the cauldron and what did you do to everyone right before i passed out all business i see well suffice it to say we were keeping a very close eye on hephaestus knowing we would need it at some point uruz didn't fool us and as for my little trick it was an overload of the senses accompanied by an energy discharge gerard and eric were only momentarily disoriented due to their shields but it it rendered you unconscious while i got you out perhaps some breakfast might study you a bit this was your house the one you recreated for beta and the data channel you shared how perceptive of you please this way after everything your people have done you think i'm just gonna sit down and have a chat with you they're not my people they never were and especially not now you shot off into space with them and live with them for a thousand years before coming back so what made you suddenly turn on them quite simply this i held focus you repaired it but that means you've seen incredible things what you've accomplished in two decades of life a thousand years at my back and i haven't even come close i'm sorry if i invaded your privacy but i had to in order to understand to be enlightened you truly are elizabeth's blood with her drive her sense of mission her integrity [Music] watching all this shame to me for the company that i've kept having seen it all i want is to help you even if it means stopping your friends especially so please sit down [Music] there that's better now we must recover beta and gaia at all costs by now you must know that gerard intends to use gaia to reboot the earth's biosphere remaking this world to specifications that would only suit us immortals this process will kill every living thing on the planet he calls it a clean install not if i stop him first not if we do and once he and the others are gone we can work together to fulfill elizabeth's dream i'm sure beta told you that there's a build of the apollo database on board our ship a complete collection of human knowledge with that and gaia we could do everything elizabeth wanted heal the biosphere educate the people of this world uplift them create the world she imagined let's not get ahead of ourselves from what i've seen your friends are invincible i do wish you would stop calling them my friends and they're not invincible in fact a friend of yours has found a way to defeat them silence wow he's been a busy bee building an army powerful enough to crash through gerard's precious base regala and her rebels even now she's preparing a final march on the tanakh capital [Music] when she wins she'll have the entire tribe under her control hundreds of warriors and machines to throw at the base she's been duped they'll all perish of course but it should be enough to break gerard's defenses and allow silence to kill him along with all the others using the new weapon he's developed yes he's found a way to circumvent our shields truly an exceptional man he's planned for everything except you and me you see while his army is battering down gerard's doors you and i will sneak in through a back way one that only i know about while silence and my friends are busy battling each other we'll take back beta and i told you i want to help you i mean [Music] you said beta is not in urgent danger so what are the zenith doing to her putting her to work merging hephaestus with gaia a difficult time-consuming task as i'm sure you know they will compel her if need be but her life is not in danger she's the only one who can do it because you people made her to be nothing but a tool gerard's idea not mine they always viewed me with suspicion when i attempted any form of kindness towards her that's why i created the data channel a virtual place where we could speak in peace so this channel you shared with beta none of the other zeniths ever found out about it gerard believes he's the most cunning of all of us even after a thousand years he still can't imagine that i would outwit him the channel allowed me to interact with beta away from their misstrustful eyes it offered us a chance to be ourselves until you cut off the contact yes though it be i was worried that our meetings would do her more harm than good she felt like you tossed her aside i was afraid the others would find out and punish her she may not have had the comforts of friendship anymore but at least i ensured she was safe i know it seems harsh but you must believe that her well-being has always been paramount to me why did you make the data channel look like this place i built this house as a shelter to weather any storm a safe place not just for me but for the art store below cultural artifacts of incarcerated value truly some of the greatest achievements of human civilization and you wanted beta to see them yes her upbringing was so cold and technical i thought if she could experience familiar rembrandt it would bring something else into her life a heritage every bit as valuable as the scientific and technical data being drummed into her i'm sorry i had to cut off contact but i'll never regret sharing this house with her she needed its shelter even more than i did beta told me your colony was destroyed and you came back to earth because you had nowhere else to go it's true after we reached our destination a planet in the serious star system we spent decades building a new home the physical constraints of earth the boundaries of mortality gone to think of what we could have done with it it might have been a utopia instead we stagnated absorbed in effortless comforts and virtual realities it took a cataclysm to finally yank us out of our stupor what happened a massive geological event we knew of instabilities in the planet core but we underestimated them by the time the collapse was upon us it was too late to stop it only a few of us made it to the ship in time we set course for earth the only safe harbor left to us which you decided to make unsafe for anyone else not me gerard he believes it's better to wipe the canvas clean than work around the smudges no more primitive tribes no more combat machines only a blank slate to do with as he pleases but we will stop him all we have to do is get into that base what exactly is your plan to sneak into the zenith base we will make use of a lesson i learned from an early age always know your exits in this case a place where gerard's new construction meets the ancient foundation a passage that only i can access when silence flings his army at the base we will enter through this back door bypassing most of the fighting the distraction will provide us with a window in which to rescue beta and gaia once we're inside the base where will we find beta and gaia here in the command center by then gaia will have been reunited with all of its subordinate functions including hephaestus what about the alpha build of apollo on your ship a simple matter of recovery once the others have been dealt with with that in hand we'll have everything we need to make this world as it should be how do you know about silence's plan he isn't the only one adept at spyware you hacked his focus no he's too careful for that but his subordinates not so much he gave additional focuses to the tribals he branded the sons of prometheus the ones working with regala by tapping their focuses i learned about most of his dealings the distribution of override technology the arming of tanak rebels and the secret pact with regala to attack gerard's base but how did he come up with a weapon that can take down your shields that's the one thing i haven't been able to figure out but however he did it i'm quite certain it will work with it in the tanakh army victory seems to be within his grasp such a shame he'll be disappointed regala is only interested in killing hakaro and waging war on the karja what does she have to gain by attacking zenith it's the price she must pay for her war without the ability to override machines her little rebellion would have languished in the desert so she trades with the sons of prometheus machines to help her overthrow hiccaro in exchange for an assault on the base pride has deluded her into thinking she can actually survive such a battle and all without ever knowing who the sons of prometheus really answer to yet for all of silence's brilliance still he underestimates you that blind spot is what will allow us to take beta and gaia right out from under him while hundreds of tanakh are cut down outside my old focus how did you find it let alone repair it when we encountered you at the hades proving lab gerard saw you as a redundancy i knew better you were a revelation after your dramatic escape bravo by the way gerard and eric assumed you were dead and gave up the hunt i wasn't so sure when the others were busy i returned to the lab and searched for any trace of you that's when i found this little treasure not easy to repair but certainly worth the effort as i watched your life unfold you were like a splash of color on a worn canvas what liz was and more did you show it to the others of course not it was your actions that inspired me to defy them it's worth noting that if i hadn't found it and watched its contents i wouldn't have known to save you at the cauldron you'd be dead so i should be grateful if you like [Music] so you know all about me what about you what would you like to know well start with your life on earth when i was eight terrorists flooded my home city thousands drowned my parents included i was one of the few who survived my guardian sent me to boarding school among my peers i was the strange girl the orphan to be avoided all because of circumstances beyond my control oh so we're a lot alike huh aren't we [Music] you're an outcast but you didn't let that stop you from getting what you needed neither did i i climbed my way out of desolation and used my wits to build a fortune first from the technical analysis of art and the detection of forgeries profitable expertise in those days but as it turned out the software i developed was even more useful for counter intelligence from there it was only a short step to gathering extremely valuable intelligence on my own you were a spy more like a service one could turn to for information i had to remain anonymous of course to protect my privacy but despite that anonymity far zenith inevitably sought me out what happened when far zenith approached you they painted an irresistible vision of humanity's future one where we need not fear illness or death where we explored the furthest reaches of the stars and thrived it was only later that i realized that they only intended to bequeath this future to the rich and powerful by the time i finally figured it out the walls were closing in pharaoh's machines were devouring the earth so i accepted farzina's invitation to a birth on the odyssey i wanted liz to come but she had noble plans issue well now so you didn't know the other zeniths were monsters until it was too late i i knew some of them were certainly it it wasn't until we were off planet that i understood the true scope of their greed i was grateful to simply be alive but the others became obsessed with a kind of effortless immortality they built a colony where machines serviced their every need were any memory or fantasy could be endlessly savored in virtual reality it wasn't life it was stiltifying a pampered dream state as the decades passed i withdrew more and more alone yet again but this time with eons to consider my mistakes now finally having met you i feel like i have a second chance to do what help you of course to fulfill liz's dream which isn't so different from farzine's original vision a better future for humanity so you knew elizabeth what was she like this was everything she was i see in you and more your ingenuity your determination your moral compass you've managed to distill her greatest qualities and make them your own i'm not asking about me tell me about elizabeth what was she really like the honest answer is that i don't actually know for all the time that i spent with her she always kept a part of herself locked away it was like that from the moment we met so when you met elizabeth she was what distant aloof not aloof not exactly it was a summit in paris about machine learning a touchy subject in those days because regulatory authorities were just starting to clamp down on ais liz gave the keynote address she had already achieved great renown for her work in automated environmental reclamation but in her address she was just starting to imagine the next step an ai driven system that wouldn't just act on its programming but actually take responsibility for its sphere of influence to care about life not just follow orders revolutionary stuff i was fascinated and i wanted to meet her for a long time i watched her after her talk she had spoken with such moral authority such empathy but after that she retreated i could tell she felt uncomfortable with all of her admirers it was as if giving the talk had cost her something i didn't want to be a pest so i planned my approach carefully so how did you finally approach elizabeth after her talk i picked the right moment the morning of the next day right as she came back to the conference she had just had her coffee she was fresh rested it was like she had braced herself for the onslaught of colleagues i asked if i could walk with her then put forth a question about her talk that i thought was intelligent her answer made me realize it wasn't but she was very welcoming almost as if we were previously acquainted it was only halfway through the conversation that i realized she knew exactly who i was it was quite a shock to me my business was trafficking in secrets and i took great pains to protect my anonymity so that was lis perpetually one step ahead i came to view our meeting as a metaphor for our friendship she always seemed to know me far better than i knew her i guess i know the feeling first your plan would wipe out an entire tribe there has to be another way we are in an admittedly desperate situation but i assure you there isn't remember zero dawn elizabeth's sacrifice sometimes many have to die for a new world to grow if it looks impossible look deeper [Music] wait the data channel it still exists doesn't it i need you to open it let me talk to beta impossible we might be detected it's worth the risk there is another way one where the tanakh survive but we won't if the others if you want to help open it [Music] so [Music] what are they doing to her virtual reality dissociation the manual merge of hephaestus will take hours upon hours of tedious micromanagement if she resists the work they run simulations to induce feelings of isolation and despair can you hear me you're alive they're watching me i i i'm coming for you i promise okay i just need you to hold out a little while longer and work on the merch then i think it can be done i'll contact again when it's time can you hold on as long as i know you're coming for me i can endure anything [Music] all right i did as you asked now i think you need to tell me what you're planning i'm going to take silen's army away i don't need it only the weapon he made to penetrate your shields and how do you propose to get it ask him nicely without regala and her rebels he won't have a choice will be his only option only option for what what did you tell her that is between me and my sister [Music] will be silen's only option for crashing that base i'll tell you the rest later but first there are a couple of things i have to do oh and what are those lay my friend to rest and then i'm going to use the override that beta gave me a gemini to put an end to recall's rebellion from the air wait since you insist on doing things your way i know of something that will truly help you make a grand entrance with the tanakh the ancient horus titans still possess electromagnetic energy cells as part of their arsenal drop one of those on regala's army and they'll receive quite a surprise so go do what you must i'll come to your base if you manage to bring silence to the table not if when aaron are you there hey eli is that really you yeah it's it's me where's everyone else we're all we're back at base what happened it it might be easier to explain in person i'll try to join you there when i can okay i will wait here for you it's good to hear your voice just to let you know i'm now patched into your focus network great i take it the other zeniths can't hear us of course not and they don't know about your base either in case you were wondering i've sent you data on the horse energy cells you can use against regardless forces reach out to me when you're ready to acquire one understood oh don't worry about running out when you're wounded you have to strike back draw blood hey can i get one damn minute to mourn my friend regala is going to slaughter my tribe to overthrow hikaro the zeniths have beta and gaia we can't sit around wallowing in our losses kotalo is right we must fight all right so what are we gonna do huh take on all of regala's rebels not to mention the zeniths what can we even do throw ourselves at their base something like that so [Music] after we lost contact with you we regrouped and went to gemini what happened the recording we found on varro's focus cut off when that zenith eric the zetas were tracking hephaestus when gaia trapped it in gemini they they knew where we were after varl tried to stop them they took beta and gaia i only survived because one of the zeniths turned against the others to save me one of them well at least we didn't lose you too so what do we do now we're going to defeat the zeniths and get beta and gaia back but first we're going to stop ragala how back in gemini beta gave me a gift there's something i need to do first to make it work but it could put an end to the bloodshed word is regardless readying her army for an all-out assault on the grove i need to be there i know go stand with akaro and keep an eye on the sky strike true as the tongue the rest of you whatever preparations you need to make upgrades resupplies get on it it won't be long before we take the fight to the zenith we'll be ready and when you're ready meet me outside the east exit i'd like to have a word in private even when things are darkest you're the flame that lights the way forward just tell me one thing am i gonna get to smash up a bunch of zenith bastards we all are good before i do anything else i should check on zoe that sounded important over here we would come out here to tend to the garden sometimes i needed fresh air other times we would simply sit and watch the sunrise so when we returned from gemini it seemed fitting that he'd be laid to rest here now he can always look out at plain zone [Music] further east to the nora sacred lands he would have liked that he often spoke of his sister bala he said she used to gather her favorite golden blooms and tie them to her spear their mother called it useless but marlo was stubborn yeah she seemed like that it wasn't but i tracked down the flower [Music] gathered at seeds [Music] roots rot in the snow still the sea rises as certain [Music] from death follows new life so it is with the land and so it is with us [Music] i'm with child hey i was going to tell him when he got back from gemini instead one day i'll bring our child here we'll sit among the blooms and watch the sunrise i never got to tell him to thank him for saving my life sure but also for not giving up on me he always knew [Music] goodbye farl i promise to look after them [Music] i'll try to visit again when i can but for now i need to go to the fabrication terminal to install the new override on my spear and i'll use it on a sun wing and get ready for an entrance regal i will never forget its wings look like they can catch the sunlight a fast flyer too i'm in here whoa head rush tilda i'm in the air then you'll want to pick up an energy so on one of the ancient horse titans but first you must send out a pulse to activate them i've sent you the necessary software to deploy it you'll have to override one of the communication machines referred to as tallnecks there's one in the middle of the desert that should do nicely on it there's atomic i need to get on top of its head made it just got over okay tilde i've overridden the talmuc good and the energy cells are now primed simply pick one up on the horus the nearest one should be northwest of your position dropping it on regala's machine should produce quite a spectacle thanks for the assist i told you i want to help [Music] look all those rebels maybe heading for the grove i where's the energy cell the helitain's back [Music] we've got the cell now onto the ground should have reactivated all the energy cells in the region i should be able to pick up more from any horse i fly to the loose one even after i did all right here we go it's all over chaplin i gotta drop it now here it goes [Applause] uh is that it's a lloyd she flies in the wings of the tent the tide has turned push through [Music] [Music] [Music] now on your knees and i'll give you the death you didn't have the spine to give me they're down the machines all of them they're down what how's that possum regala [Music] enough bloodshed let's settle this you and me easy to say when you're atop a machine well that was just to get your attention i don't need any help to take you down fine i accept your challenge and once i'm done with you i'll get to finish the slaughter we'll see about that the duel is set let none the interfere is just beginning all right so that's how it's gonna be i'm not giving up oh [Music] this is where it ends yeah it is soon your blood will be mine come here i am again on my knees before bullets and cowards go ahead run me through shut your mouth traitor [Music] it was you who flew in on the wings of the ten you who challenged her by our rights you must decide her fate i spared her once it only made things worse she was the best of my marshals what a waste she's dangerous all right but maybe that's exactly what i need cowards what more do you have to conspire about whether you live or die i'm not here to forgive you for your crimes but there's another battle ahead against an enemy more powerful than anything you can imagine and i need people a squad that's willing to do whatever it takes i don't want your mercy it's not mercy the battle i'm talking about we'll be charging into a nightmare a better death than this yes my blood is yours your enemies are mine meena said our stronghold and the mountain's new plane song you mean to send her alone without even an armed guard she does not need it i will be there you have my word i'll hold you to it chief there is something you both need to see in the throne room he surrendered to our guards outside the grove claims he has an urgent message for the outlander who defeated ragala so stated it's for her alone [Music] from an interested party i'm gonna need some privacy clear the room put him with the rest of regala soldiers i'll see you back at base you saved the tribe let me help you with your mission no with regaligon you have a chance to build the future you dreamed of so get to your task then at least allow me to give you this armor for the battle ahead may it keep you safe thank you do you have any idea what you've just done oh it's a pleasure to see you too silence congratulations on your victory you saved the tanakh for a few weeks unfortunately you do the entire planet as well wrong i don't need it to knock the army to defeat the zenith oh more than you hiding whatever hole you found my idea is just better than anything you ever came up with [Music] not here we're doing this my way face to face and with the weapon you've developed and why would i even do that because i'm your only way of beating the zenith and getting the copy of apollo that's on their ship so meet me at my base mountains west of plain song time to submit to the inevitable silence and follow the person who actually knows what she's doing don't be late [Music] tilda you there i did it silence is on board so head to my base i'll be there as soon as i can i wish i'd earned so many now that i can fly i might want to see what else i can do before i head back stand up straight cup so aloy you've added yet another deed to your name and i'm guessing by the look in your eyes that you're not done yet not quite is there anything we can do we owe you that much after everything you've been through you're one of the best people to support hacaro's bid for peace not just between the clans but with the carja too then i will you have my word and until my last breath i'll make sure the tribe remembers all that you've done for us hey uh mr know-it-all is here you know you're focused buddy who never smiles i didn't know what to do with him so i had him wait in your room got it thanks [Music] well silence looks like you finally found a door you could open without me i'm glad it's there actually it kept me from having to mingle with the company keep but enough prattle i believe you owe me an explanation your plans for the zenith base you're right i do owe you my spear in your throat for deceiving me again at the hades proving lab i doubt you asked me here for that kind of reckoning no right now i need your help so i'm giving you one final chance but if you ever betray me again i will kill you no matter what the circumstance understood very well though we'll both face a decidedly short future if you can't get us inside that base hey your other guest is here she's um coming to you thanks good timing the truth is i can't actually get us into the base but she can [Music] the company you keep is even worse than i thought not a fan of surprises are you oh look that must be your little invention does the weapon work without self-destructing of course it does i've eliminated the imperfections and greatly improved its design and output how can we be sure care for a demonstration enough both of you we're in this together at least for now go talk to aaron tell him i said to give you rooms of your own i'll come see you when i get a chance oh no you first better get everyone in the control room so tilde can tell us what she knows about the zenith base it appears that we have some interesting new guests i'm glad to see you're okay though i heard you gave the tanakh something to talk about i was half expecting you to burst in through the ceiling riding a sun wing sorry to disappoint oh i also wanted to give you this for helping with the land gods plain song is in your debt thank you so you deserve much more for all you've done may the land always bloom in your steps and yours how to go with the chorus after we fix the land gods they were shocked when i told them that our lands would soon be on the mend i thought fain's eyes would pop out of his head but of course they had no choice but to take it as good news even if it meant all their preaching about meekly accepting our doom was exposed as rot to be honest i found the conversation to be highly enjoyable i'm glad you deserve it they're lucky that you never gave up on saving them have you talked to any of our new friends aaron and i tried speaking to silence but apparently our tribal prattle is unnecessary charming isn't he i have to go i trust you to keep things civil around here i'll make sure aaron doesn't punch silence in the face if that's what you mean thanks oh that door's unlocked now i think i uh unlocked this room a while back what are those holograms gaia turned them into a means of tracking rebel activity in the region i haven't seen you since the battle at the grove how are you holding up i saw you fly on the wings of the ten and paralyze regala's army with lightning i would say that i am inspired thank you i guess it is i who should be thanking you there is something i've been meaning to discuss with you it's personal if you have a moment to spare you said there was something you wanted to talk about gaia mentioned that the zeniths bind metal with flesh to make themselves stronger i was wondering if you'd help me do the same you want to make yourself a new arm yes gaia insisted i could build such a thing if i can get the necessary data and materials she believed these things lie in the place where beta hid from the zeniths their ancient research lab i am not as familiar with old world machinery as you are i could use your assistance it might be dangerous the zenith probably still keep an eye on that place we were lucky to get out of there alive the first time i see it sounds like this is worth the risk by the 10 we shall see it through i have to go but i'll be briefing everyone on the plan soon understood i'll call you when i'm near the zenith lab we'll get what you need for that new arm of yours thank you ayloy i should probably let cotalo know i'm back at the zenith lab we still have to recover what he needs to build that new arm of his hey catalo i'm at the zenith lab ready to come over i'm on my way hey lloyd i appreciate you meeting me here i'm happy to help did gaia mention where exactly in the zenith lab we'd find what you need she mentioned the chamber where you found beta and the database that lies within she said it'll help us find the knowledge and components i require to build a new arm at least we know where to look we will have to be quick about it in case the zeniths are watching understood the lab's up this way you okay i got this machines we're scrapping the specters from hearts should we dispose of that or we can sneak past them your choice the battle it is huh finish it pensions to the lab is by that tunnel come on the anime did this hard to believe but yeah is that it down there yep we better make our way down there we're here now we just need to find a way to access the database guy was talking about did you see something varro mentioned you found beta in one of those pods i think i find what we're looking for let's hope it holds the answers we seek i'll download the database to your focus so you can search through it later what about the components they should be somewhere on the spectres let's teach them respect [Music] we need to finish up and get out of here the components should be somewhere on the second floor i'm right behind you we need to search the entire floor i'll keep a lookout don't want any more surprises good idea gotcha i should go back and give these to kotalo you found the components see for yourself you have my thanks a lot something wrong i was just thinking about what it will be like after i build the arm will i feel different hold again idle thoughts they can wait until we're back at base you go on ahead i might want to take one more look around in case there's anything useful very well i look forward to putting what we found to good use walk with the ten i was hoping we could talk i'm not going anywhere you wanted to talk about your arm indeed it's time to test it and i want you to be there okay how are we doing this not how where will you meet me where we felt regala's tremor tusk right where the river burns sure if you want but i'm not sure i understand you'll see when we get there i promise then i'll let you know when i get close you have my thanks eloy like i said i'll call you when i'm close to regala's old outpost near the bulwark may the ten guide your way this is what cotalo wanted us to test out his new arm hey kotalo i'm by the tremor tusk site where we agreed to meet want to test that new arm of yours i'll be there shortly thank you for waiting maybe now you can tell me what we're doing here not just yet follow me please someone's being awfully mysterious you took your sweet time telling me what you wanted to do to the ball work consider this my revenge fair enough i can feel this frost what am i looking at oh you'll see come all right talk to me catalo i wish to test the arm on that it has missed the valley for some time killed more than a few of the sky clan but no longer i'm honored to help after you let's see how this thing likes the taste of metal oh much [Music] huh well i think it's safe to say the new arm works fine agreed then why are you taking it off this is what i am now when i overcame anything else feels wrong like a disguise i'll use the new arm when i need it but the rest of the time i will simply be myself i wouldn't have it any other way you have my thanks for doing this with me here something to mark our victory thank you we'll see you later then the ton be with you aloy you came back with some interesting friends i wish i could say we don't need them but silence and tilda are here for a reason even regala yeah animated my enemy and all that right right i guess silence is keeping to himself as usual i was hoping he'd give me an excuse to hammer his sorry ass to the ground please don't you telling me you wouldn't want to get just one good hit on that smug face of his after everything he's done sure later right now he's got something we need i better get going oh you know where to find me okay maybe it's time to get everyone together so tilde can brief us but is there anything i should handle before that all right people i need you up in the control room right away okay everyone we all know what's at stake beta gaia not to mention life on earth now it might seem like the zeniths are invincible but they're not we've got what it takes to break into their base and defeat them we even have one of them on our side tilda show us the base it is constructed atop the ruins of an ancient military facility on an island to the southwest i can get us inside to this location undetected how exactly you'll know when you need to once inside our goal will be this structure the launch tower gaia and beta are being held at the top but along the way we will face overwhelming resistance most importantly from gerard eric and the others but also once i take away their shields we should be able to deal with them but it will be easier to deploy the device if someone else is carrying it i'll need a strong back carry stuff yeah i can do that even if your device works there will still be specter drone scores of them if only we had an army to fight them i've got that under control you'll know when you need to all right we'll meet up again just before we go in where's the best place to rendezvous on the coast just across from the island once there i'll show you the way okay i'll let you know when i arrive at the rendezvous point and then you can join me in the meantime do whatever you need to prepare understood you two a minute [Music] tilda help me get in touch with beta and she told me something important there's an installation inside the base it's called a regulator here once we're inside i need you two to split off from everyone else and destroy it so you'll have to bring explosives this will help stop the drones everything depends on it be with me [Music] after that i want you to find a way to infiltrate the zenith network how go over all the data that beta left behind she knew how to do it i'm sure of that all right but why what am i trying to do find information about zenith anything tilda's not telling us silence is right about one thing there's no way we can take her on her word i'll do my best keep her safe okay on my life uh before i forget i watered those plants for you i just know they meant a lot we're finally doing this never thought i'd be off on a mission to take down a bunch of immortals from the stars i can hear the drinking songs already oh earlier you mentioned something about to knock the rebels and the asaram but we never really talked about it i'm just saying if you want to discuss it you let me know farrow made the right call you know bringing you here thanks yeah varl [Music] you know i never knew he had a sister i found out a few days before you guys went to the gemini i was well to be honest i was terrified i'd screw up the mission somehow so he sat me down for a drink just one mind you and we talked about family vala ursa loss and revenge how you helped us you know we never did get that drink you promised back in the embrace and you never told me exactly how your sister escaped the mad sun king i guess we never got around to it world ending and all no time like the present though if you're up for it you think it's time for us to finally have that drink yeah i mean yeah yeah of course oh [Music] so how did ursa escape mad sun king drones palace well uh first she had to survive the sun ring see during the war the karja threw a prisoner a day in there and you know for what to die as sacrifices fighting machines in a pit thinking somehow that was going to appease all the other deranged machines in the world [Music] and when it was ursa's turn the cards you thought she'd go down if they threw a big machine at her oh but she didn't as she defeated all of them he even got some of jaron's kestrels for good measure and the mad sun king was impressed i guess thought it'd be funny to have her run around his palace as a servant he enjoyed humiliating her that way i remember you telling me something about that that's how she met avad he helped her escape yeah but what no carja scroll will ever tell you is how the young prince snuck urster out of the palace he knew their best chance was to get ursa to blend in so he got her everything she needed to disguise herself as a cardinal woman and you have perfumes veils and all i get the feeling she wasn't too happy with that oh man ursa would have rather fought her way out of that palace with her bare hands and put on all of that karja eye paint but avod insisted it was the only way so she agreed under one condition avad had to dress up as well she made a vod dress up like a noble woman as perfumed and powdered as a babe ursus said he looked better like that than he ever did in a crown that would uh definitely make for an interesting sight oh it worked like a charm too not only did they make it out of the palace they paid a traveling merchant to get ursa to the border and none were the wiser ah you were right that was a story bus hold over a drink all good stories are i guess i should get going i'll see you at the rendezvous point with my hammer ready i wouldn't have it any other way i hope everybody's ready for this fighting the zenith isn't going to be easy hey nothing you do ever is at least now you don't have to do it alone thanks how's erin doing for a moment there he thought he'd lost both you and varell but he never truly succumbed to despair guess that asaram stubbornness comes in handy sometimes have you met our new quen guest yet i could barely keep up if she gave herself a tour of the base varl gave her a new focus though when he told her she was free to access all the data we have here she turned so pale i thought she'd faint on the spot we showed her to the archive room so she could see for herself she hasn't left the place since that sounds like oliva i should go i'll let you know when i'm ready to head to the base before you do there is one favor i would ask of you what is it you placed this focus in my care and gave me the highest calling anutaru has ever known if i should fall in battle i'd like you to be the one to bury my seat pouch for the both of us so make sure you stay alive to do so let's just try to all come back home okay [Music] did you need something bravo you managed to sway a zenith to your side care to explain not a chance i thought you said the weapon was ready there's always room to optimize but that's not why you're here i assume you want to comprehend my undertakings so ask away since when were you so forthcoming since you turned this into a waiting game and as it seems you have found modest success perhaps i'm willing to be generous okay so your big plan everything you've been manipulating for the last few months let me see if i got this straight you learned about the zenith from hades when you interrogated it then you came up with a plan to defeat them by using to knock the army and that weapon and to get the tanakh to fight for you you or rather the sons of prometheus armed regala's rebels with override tech did you have an actual question or are you still playing ketchup so all this time even before i found the coordinates at the spire you were out here scheming why couldn't you just tell me when i learned of the zenith's return to earth i laid out my plans i knew i would one day require an army of overzealous to knock to assault the zenith base the casualties would be extreme and i knew you would never allow such a sacrifice no matter how necessary thus i devised a means to remove your interference from the equation at the hades proving lab you wanted me to surrender to the zenith at the hades proving lab they almost killed me based on everything i knew about them i concluded they would find you a useful asset thereby keeping you out of harm's way and more importantly out of my way so you really didn't know they had their own clone of elizabeth no unfortunately there was no way i could have known that particular detail detail well i guess if it wasn't for that we wouldn't be here today tell me about the weapon how does it work i've upgraded the delivery system it now emits a wave-like effect covering a significant distance that doesn't fully answer my question no but i'd be a fool to reveal its inner workings after all why did you withhold your plan for dealing with the zenith drones yes even you can appreciate the value of secrecy when warranted suffice it to say that the weapon will work the intricacies of how is knowledge that is mine alone why create the sons of prometheus you didn't need a bunch of osirim tinkerers to make override tech they were a necessary safeguard my time serving hades in the eclipse demonstrated the risks of getting directly involved through the sons of prometheus i could execute my plans all while remaining anonymous why help regala take over if you wanted an army you could have just gone to hecaro before regala's rebellion akaro was only concerned with battling machines and fostering friendships with the carja even if i gained his ear he would never agree to send his forces to battle a threat he couldn't understand so helping a bloodthirsty exile was easier yes exceedingly so all regala craved was war against the college and anyone who threatens the tanakh she would have led the tribe into battle without question which was precisely what i needed while i was out there i had a couple run-ins with the quinn the tribe from across the ocean and their entire tribe was shaped around the discovery of focuses one of them alva even joined me here don't you want to know more about them no they stumbled upon the greatest technological artifact from the ancient world and what did they do with it they shrouded the knowledge they unearthed in mysticism and taboo creating a pantheon out of corporate shields yes well it also led them to thieves did it now so those run-ins with the quinn i mentioned on one of them i teamed up with their expedition to search thieves we found pharaoh at the end you must have needed omega clearance so what was it like worse than you can imagine he single-handedly wiped out collective human knowledge i'm sure it was still less than he deserved let me guess you would have scraped him into a jar so you could prod his brain like what you did with hades for a start all right silence i think i've talked to you long enough i'll let you know when it's time to go and try not to mess with tilda while you're in here okay i don't need the two of you budding heads ah yes about your zenith ally i wonder if you understand what kind of person you're dealing with for someone to live as long as she has outlast as many calamities well your goals may be aligned now but i'd watch for the moment they diverge yeah i'm aware reminds me of someone else i know survival is only a necessity to my greater purpose i'd hoped you'd recognize that by now do you know something or not oh i know a great deal of things but on this just call it a feeling oh a feeling you mean you finally had one huh guess even you can change silence looks like i was able to unlock that door there's a lot of equipment in here i wonder what it was all for there you are well done despite my reservations you managed to secure silence and his weapon you're truly a shining example of liz's fortitude i've been thinking about what you said at your house how you were friends with elizabeth it was more than that wasn't it perceptive as ever you're right we were together for a time okay so what happened i was an orphan i had always been alone by my 30s i was starting to wonder if that was simply my fate in life and then i met liz and kept running into each other at conferences we'd have coffee at some point it became drinks i thought it was just shop talk an exchange of ideas but then i was surprised at how much i looked forward to seeing her soon we were flying halfway across the world every other week just to meet up for the first time i didn't feel lonely could imagine a future where i wasn't i think liz felt the same way first she had lost her mother a few years back i filled a void for her i know i did but as time passed it seemed as though she wanted less when i wanted more and so he ended things so helping me restoring elizabeth's dream it's what a a second chance yes i made a mistake leaving earth while this stayed behind i should have done more so when i saw you a woman who has carved her own remarkable path beyond even what made liz a phenomenon i knew i had to help you to do right by her so okay i'll let you know when it's time i'll be here until then and thank you eloy for giving me this chance my past has always been a struggle more than once i've lost everything but when i look to the future i see liz's dream fulfilled a universe of new possibilities maybe we can make it happen we will i won't let anything get in the way i promise you that i see you've got your new arm ready to go yes it still feels strange i've gotten used to the absence but no matter i'm sure i will need it before the attack on the zenith base is through so how are we feeling about the mission i do not know everything that you have planned but it doesn't matter all that remains is to follow you to the end whatever that will be thank you kotolo i'm glad all this brought us together you brought us together and i am grateful too look i know you're probably not happy about keeping regala around but i want her on our side when we fight the zenith it is more than she deserves even so i will not question your judgment thank you catalo i'll see you soon then it will be my honor this place smells wrong no sand or wind only cold steel and the others up there your squad they can hold their own as for this base it may not be what you're used to but it is a shelter call it what it is a cage you came here on your own for the battle you promised so for now i wait in my cage for your word tell me when to strike the whole time i've been in the west i've been fighting you and your rebels i'd at least like to know why you were among the enemy what more is there to know why did you do it jeroka makalo and the karja pushed into the desert to raid our people my brother's squad was among the first to intercept them but the karja captured them strung them up and burned them alive as an example it was too late i found them by the sound of their screams so you wanted vengeance vengeance no i wanted devastation to tear down the karjas cities and drown the land in blood hunt down every last survivor and grind their bones until the sky chokes on the dust but my chief betrayed me betrayed the tanakh the deal you made override tech in exchange for an assault on the zenith base how did silence approach you that name means nothing to me my agreement was with asaram mercenaries the sons of prometheus so all this time you didn't even know who you were really dealing with and you trusted a group of outlanders if it was a trick i would have crushed them but they offered me the chance to run the karja down with the machines the terror in your enemy's eyes when they see you charge you know what i'm talking about i bet you felt it i don't think so what about your end of the deal would you have honored it had i killed a carl and become chief these zeniths would have been the first of the tribe's victories but because of you my people will continue to consort with the enemy a tribe of weaklings because of me hundreds of tanakh won't throw away their lives in a battle they can't win are you really going to fight alongside me i have no reason to betray you really i failed to kill hakaro fail to eliminate you no tanakh would follow me now the karja remain out of my reach cowering behind their walls all i have left are the screams of those long dead and unending rage so show me where to bury it all right i guess we'll both face the end soon enough ever since you got in my way i've wanted to see your bones burned white beneath the sun but if i'm to die in battle then it might as well be with the one who flew with the wings of the ten i'll let you know when it's time to move out which means i must be dead wow that sounds familiar doesn't it but what's happened since you found me in that ectogenic chamber thank you emily you've been my shelter and i would risk it all again to be by your side i know you'll find a way forward that's what you do i'm sorry but i'm getting you back no matter what it takes [Applause] their rendezvous point i should take care of everything i can before calling in the others to attack the zenith face okay everyone i'm at the rendezvous point it's time to rescue beta and gaia we're on our way eloy where are the others not far behind [Music] egghead here couldn't stand traveling with the pack [Music] are we all here then let's begin a tunnel an ancient escape route from the ruins on the island when i realized it ran all the way across the water i i thought it might prove useful to come and go undetected so i concealed it from the others [Music] shall we i wish there was a less pungent way to get way inside the base agreed [Music] [Music] there's the launch tower that plane offers a little cover so the only viable path is through there there will be specters guarding it and many more can be deployed from those hangers all right alva cataloo get to it where are they going somewhere important aaron you're with me you guys take the high ground in case we need covering fire technically sound i suppose what will she do there's a sensor node nearby if i hack into it i should be able to scramble the network and keep you undetected but not for long then we should proceed one more thing open up the channel to beta audio only we're here and we're coming for you you know what to do right as long as you hold up your end we will see you soon be careful let's go to the launch tower as quickly as possible i'll do my best to conceal our intrusion there's a lot of dead machines on the side we killed a great many but we landed hey better than any awesome we're gonna have to climb around this corner i'm trying not to complain i can see the way forward keep moving as fast as we can you all right sort off [Music] how many spectres do the zenith we have something other than well then we want to fight it once that's for sure looks like the others have things under control hey you shoot like a notaro it's a weak spot did their job now it's beta's turn uh alloy i think we're in trouble whatever you she just needs a little time time that we don't have come on what is that army i think you got their attention very clever you had beta inject asbestos into the base's printer matrix which is faster and more powerful than any cauldron now we can crank our machines to its heart's content come on let's get to the launch tower before this whole place becomes a war zone your maneuver as clever as it flip back to the is network we grabbed it once we'll get it again i'll find a way to replicate its functionality perhaps but a big rock might give us a bridge to get up and through gotcha and now to the left you can get to the launch tower through the hangar up ahead i'm heading over to join you now the hangers in bad shape but i can see the way in hurry another one by the blood of the 10. good work everyone let's go uh come on let's go this way demon this is the death i was promised go [Music] at least she died on her own terms hey lloyd it's been intense but kotalo got me to a network node i'm trying to get in keep at it we're almost to the tower [Music] ah now we know who's been causing all the fuss tilda's little pet silence zenith inbound can we drop their shields please i'm powering it up stay still this is pointless you can't hurt us face it your worms that ooze to the cracks into our basement silence one moment more but i might just spare you if you give up tilda i think it's safe to say she's forfeited her share of our operation permanently uh there no nothing fine all right people light them up [Music] are we supposed to be scared [Music] we can't let gerard escape it won't take long before he preps the shuttle for launch then he'll be able to take beta and gaia into orbit and onto the odyssey beyond our reach we gotta go through there i feel to see another option then we'll carve a path ready uh get to the top and secure gaia i'll stop gerard ugh [Music] i gotta get to the top of the tower and free beta time apologies for it do the best you can okay an elevator promising [Music] we got some unfinished business [Music] i don't need a shield to take you out trust me you're gonna wish you had one you give me all those feelings you're not safe over there yes [Laughter] [Music] i almost forgot what it was like to hurt [Music] now we're having fun right [Music] [Music] you okay i will be in time go rescue your sister only group with the others and make sure they're all right looks like the machine's inspectors have almost wiped each other out what was that aloy gerard just activated the self-destruct failsafe on the printing matrix he's taking control of a number of systems including the lift i'm afraid so he's restricted its axis to the top he'll have to climb from there i have to go i almost happened i guess i want to tilt on gerard hey you there listen i got into the network but only for a minute before i was shut out i found a bunch of flight plans and trajectories as if the zeniths were planning to leave earth doesn't make any sense i know but there's more the files i found have a lot of references to something called nemesis whatever it is the zeniths are afraid of it also all the what's going on here maybe i can help you figure it out [Music] [Music] [Music] are you okay look i i know you've been through a lot but you have to help me access the zenith network i need to see their files anything referring to the word nemesis okay oh over there the systems are down all over the base i should be able to take advantage of yes nemesis healing there's something in deep space it's following the scenes to earth look escape vectors all that tried to warn me about this the zeniths aren't planning to stay here it's a machine of some kind or a swarm of them the energy readings are astronomical hey i don't think a natural disaster destroyed the zenith colony on sirius this thing did earth isn't a new home for them it's a weigh station [Music] i see you've been busy and you've been lying nemesis what is it it is us the minds of far zenith or failed copies of them anyway on sirius some of my peers weren't satisfied with physical immortality they wanted digital transcendence a way to upload their minds into any form organic or mechanical nemesis was a failed experiment to that effect abandoned but never erased an immense database of our memories emotions and prejudices left to fester and it destroyed your colony we didn't realize it gained sentience until it broke containment it had everything it needed from our memories security protocols system specs override codes it hacked everything before we knew what hit us then it took over our printing facilities allowing it to gain any machine form it needed to wipe us out but why imagine being trapped alone for decades with only the twisted echoes of megalomaniacs for company it hates us for abandoning it to that prison and now that it's free it will do anything to destroy us including denying us a safe harbor on earth the extinction signal that will catey's you didn't send it and when that failed it launched from sirius to finish the job itself which is why we must flee to a random planet circling a random star somewhere it can never find us with gaia so you can build yourself a new world that's the plan even now earth is finished nemesis will scour it of life to deny its creators a viable home but elizabeth's dream won't die you'll come with me to the stars and with gaia we'll create a new world together where that monstrosity could never find us what no loved elizabeth more than you could ever know and i let her stay behind to die with the rest of humanity a mistake i have regretted for a thousand years now she stands before me again not some inferior copy but her best possible self so i'm not asking you're coming with me it may seem harsh now but you'll forgive me in a few centuries you can't force me tilda your shield is gone i have something better spectre prime to me take cover get to the doors i can endure you i better cannot that thing first i do not wish to warn you hmm it's over why couldn't you just let me choose [Music] [Music] she tried to take you and she told you about nemesis so you've known all along from hades yes along with data on how to circumvent the zenith shields everything i did to create the rebel army was based on that knowledge to reach this place this moment and you couldn't just tell me come now eloy you're the last person to act sensibly in the face of impossible odds when i learned of nemesis from hades i saw the pieces on the board and how to play them and in that same moment i knew it was a game you would never play the deal would interfere and attempt to save the tanakh i was correct to a point you ruined my plans but brought your own to fruition the end result is the same we're here and now it's time for me to leave this dude planet behind to seize the odyssey in the apollo database and begin a new chapter in my pursuit of knowledge one with infinite possibilities you can join me if you so desire you've more than earned your place unlike tilde i'm extending a polite invitation you're going to just take off and abandon everything [Music] stay help me fight that thing perhaps tilde didn't adequately define the threat nemesis can't be stopped it destroyed a highly advanced zenith colony in a matter of hours what hope does this primitive tribal earth have [Music] if you brought gaia you wouldn't be abandoning life you'd be saving a seed for a new world just as elizabeth did it's the choice she made the sacrifice of all that is for the hope of what might be if she were here in your place she would board that shuttling found her is she hurt still at her feet thank the ten goodbye silence [Music] she looks okay she looks victorious as always hey you did it [Music] hey where's he going as far away as anyone can go oh are you sure you're staying for a time you people are going to need all the help you can get guys anyone else need a drink not if it's that ale of yours i'd be fine with a nap excellent idea uh i hope it's really over this time hmm [Music] there's another battle ahead elizabeth [Music] very different than the one you fought [Music] it's not about the distant hope of creating a new world it's about preserving the one we have my friends have a new mission to spread the word and ask for help taken it in stride i think it's because they've always known what i've only just started to understand the people of this world have the strength to fight any battle the ingenuity to solve any problem courage to overcome any obstacle and the resilience to rise after any setback as for me i can't say i'm not afraid [Music] what lies ahead will be harder than anything we've faced before i know i can put the fear aside because for the first time in my life i feel like i'm not alone [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 740,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST All Cutscenes (Game Movie) PS5 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, horizon forbidden west game movie, horizon forbidden west all cutscenes, horizon forbidden west walkthrough, horizon forbidden west gameplay, horizon forbidden west ending, horizon forbidden west cutscenes, all cutscenes, game movie, 4k, 60fps, ultra hd, horizon forbidden west movie, horizon forbidden west full game, no commentary
Id: DBTvenN-q0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 761min 13sec (45673 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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