Hope Sabbath School: Lesson 5 - The Baptism and Filling of the Holy Spirit (1st Qtr. 2017)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of God our topic today is on the Holy Spirit and being baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit I know it's a topic that perhaps you've wondered about how can I know that I'm filled with the Spirit of God and all that he wants me to be that's our topic today on hope Sabbath school and I'm glad you joined us and welcome to the team what a great series of studies Holy Spirit and spirituality and and by the way if you missed any in this series so far you can go to our website Hope TV org slash hope SS you can watch the entire series on the Holy Spirit and spirituality while you're there there's all kinds of other series of studies and resources that are available to you and we're always happy to hear from you our hope service cool members we get emails from around the world and we share it with the whole team not just our participants but our media team because it's encouraging to see what God is doing so you can write to us at SS Hope at hope TV org first a note of thanks to Christine from Australia thanks for writing to us what a blessing you are to everyone who tuned in to your program she writes my husband died last year since that time your programs have given my life more meaning and hope so powerful I feel you're part of my family now all my friends tune in and watch hope Sabbath school and learn from the Bible study god bless you all in your ministry Christine from the Sunshine Coast or Christine we were sorry to hear about the death of your husband but we have hope in Jesus don't we're going to talk about the wonderful hope we have of the Spirit being with us and in us as we prepare for the soon coming of Jesus here's a note from brings that's an unusual first name from Kenya I don't think we have anyone from Kenya on our team today but spring says hope Sabbath school is indeed a blessing in my life I am a Sabbath school teacher at my church and I usually down you download your outline to teach my class plus i watch the in active study I've been following hope status school since 2011 and I worship at here this kaha WA garrison Adventist Church the first Adventist Church established on a military camp in Kenya may God bless you as you continue to prepare for the coming of Jesus well Springs we're glad you're part of Hope service school but more than that your hopes add a schoolteacher there in Kahala garrison and we're just glad that you download the outline by the way if you're watching and you'd like to become an in-depth interactive teacher of the Word of God you can go to our website hope TV org slash hope SS you can download the outline that we use in our class tens of thousands of people download that not to bypass study but as a map to help them win their teaching so we're glad Springs that you're doing that there in Kenya John writes from California in the United States of America anyone from California on our team you've lived there before Andra and so's Kyle John writes from Cathedral City I've been listening to hope channel and I use hope Sabbath school summary as a perfect preparation recently I traveled to Indonesia to help build some classrooms for schools during these trips from Java Hope Sabbath school was my best choice to follow me wherever I went thank you for putting it together and god bless you well John thanks for being a missionary back there it sounds like there may be your homeland with a last name of Seneca from Indonesia you're sharing the love of Jesus back home god bless you one last note from Mona Lisa now Mona Lisa lives in the UK but she's actually from Zimbabwe we have a multinational hopes at a school family don't wait Mona Lisa says I'm living in Manchester England but originally from Zimbabwe my son Caleb and I love Hope Sabbath school mostly on Friday and we can't wait for you to come back the next Abbot we like to sing the scripture songs with you Monalisa says I was not born into the Adventist Church but God had a better plan for me my son preaches to me Caleb 7 by the way my son preaches to me and sings the scripture songs and he's learning a lot we're so blessed may the Almighty God bless you and this precious ministry until Jesus comes well Monalisa that's a famous name we're glad you're a follower of Jesus and you tell your son Caleb you know Caleb was a mighty man of faith in the Old Testament Scriptures you tell him we're glad he's learning more about the Bible about Jesus and hiding God's Word in his heart that's what we're going to do right now we have a scripture song for this series the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace longsuffering oh I have to sing the song in order to get the list right I hope you've learned it you can download it from our website hope TV org slash Hope SS the sheet music is there as well as the mp3 file but I think many of you have already learned it so let's sing it together [Music] good man get yourself [Music] kind of joinery - table [Music] Georgie's loves augury I miss goodness [Music] you know as we as we hide those scriptures in our heart it's amazing but it helps you to remember each one of those love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness it's easy when you sing it gentleness and self-control and all of those are gifts that the Spirit brings but you know the greatest gift of all is the gift of his presence the love of the Spirit who loves us so much and today as we study about the baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit we're praying that people will be supernaturally blessed so let's pray together our Father in Heaven thank you for your word to us and the spirit spoke to the prophets and that testimony was written down and preserved for our learning even as we read the Holy Spirit wants to be our teacher to lead us into all truth and I thank you for the gift of your presence by the Holy Spirit even in our hope service school study today may the truth be revealed to us that would bring us freedom and joy as we walk with you in the name of Jesus we pray amen well many especially those who are Christians have heard of the expression the baptism of the Holy Spirit or being filled with the Holy Spirit are they the same what do they mean how do you experience the baptism or the filling of the Spirit and what happens to you after that is it just kind of an acquisition in the Christian life or is it given for a special purpose these are all important topics that we'll look at in our study today but as we begin let's go to John to Matthew chapter 3 verse 16 John the Baptist is about to baptize Jesus and he's been told a prophecy which we'll come to in just a moment but let's see what happens and Stephanie would you begin our study Matthew 3:16 when Jesus comes to the River Jordan and is baptized and the New King James puts it this way when he had been baptized Jesus came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were open to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon him so here is the first reference certainly in the ministry of Jesus was the Holy Spirit with Jesus before he was baptized Carl yes absolutely he's filled with the spirit wasn't it so so what is the significance of this visible manifestation the the anointing or baptism of the Spirit as at his baptism do you think if the spirit was with him before Daisy I guess it was a confirmation of who he was and what his purpose his mission as the Messiah was okay let's go watch that's very important in fact John the Baptist will testify the spirit told him the one on whom you see the spirit descent so it's a confirmation this is not just another repentant sinner but it is actually the Holy One of God the Messiah who's come why else might this event have taken place with the baptism at the River Jordan even though the spirit was with him prior to that time what do you think I think it was the beginning of something new I mean his ministry was just in a sense starting his public ministry was going to be starting so maybe it was the the indication that a special outpouring of the Spirit was going to be taking place at the opening of his mean kind of a marker at the beginning of hizmet messianic work yes ELISA I think also as an example we know he was baptized as an example and we learned later that you're not only to be baptized with water but also with the spirit and so his baptism had to have both of those elements to be a true example and was visible it wasn't like all the baptized by the spirit but there was his supernatural shine wasn't there baptized with water and the spirit Nancy and also I wanted to point out that the whole Godhead was there Jesus baptisms Israel is the father then said behold my son in whom I am well pleased yeah that's a beautiful reminder is that father speaks the spirit descends and the Son of God who has come into the human family in the person of Jesus of Nazareth they're all together and I just imagine angel sing don't you in a hallelujah you know praising God holy holy holy Lord God Almighty okay so there's the first indication now this was a fulfillment of a prophecy mark chapter 1 and verse 8 mark 1 for you would you read mark 1 and verse 8 for us turn I'll be reading from the New King James Version I indeed baptize you with water but he who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit so this baptism of the spirit wasn't just for Jesus right what was the prophecy hmm what was the prophecy that we just heard who's what's going to happen when when Messiah comes we will be baptized with the holy earth right not just not just Jesus acts 1 verse 5 jesus confirms the prophecy that John the Baptist gave Acts chapter 1 week old you have verse 5 of acts 1 a confirmation of what Jesus had prophesied excuse me a confirmation by Jesus of what John the Baptist is prophecy I'm reading for the New International Version and it says for John baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit and when does that happen okay why you say in a few days right because it was on the day of on the day of Pentecost that's right Acts chapter 2 but it doesn't it doesn't stop on the day of Pentecost so let's go to Acts chapter 11 and look at verses 14 through 18 Acts chapter 11 Jason verses 14 through 18 I'll be reading from the New King James Version Acts chapter 11 verses 14 through 18 who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved and as I began to speak the Holy Spirit fell upon them as upon us at the beginning then I remembered the word of the Lord how he said John indeed baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit if therefore God gave them the same gift as he gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ who was I that I could withstand God and when they heard these things they became silent and they glorified God saying then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life I love that response they Jew it's not like well those boots would just be for us what do they do when they hear that the baptism of the Holy Spirit come upon the Gentiles to praise and glorify God praise God this this blessing is not confined to us John had also given an indication that this was not just something for Jesus or just something for the 12 disciples or even the seventy with a hundred and twenty in the upper room John chapter one this is not about John the Apostle who wrote the book but about John the Baptist John chapter one verses 32 and 33 Juliana would you read that for us yes I'm reading from the New King James Version and John bore witness saying I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and he remained upon him I did not know him but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me upon whom you see the spirit descending and remaining on him this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit what you notice is that that's a present tense baptizes it's not baptized no like finished it's ongoing and the baptism comes from Jesus by the Holy Spirit and right he's going to baptize with the Holy Spirit of God so here's my question for you what is the relationship between water baptism and the baptism of the Spirit Alyssa said it was important even with the baptism of Jesus he's setting an example for us remember John the Baptist said you don't need to be baptized baptism of repentance no no you I need to be baptized by you right you said allow it to be so to fulfill all righteousness but what's the relationship between water baptism and the baptism of the holy spirit anybody Jason what do you think well I think for me water baptism is more a public representation a public example of what has already happened with the baptism of the holy spirit so there are things that go on behind the scenes but then you make it public and you show everyone through water baptism what has taken place inside of you okay I was tracking you part of the way but then I got a little confused because I thought the baptism of the Spirit came after the water baptism the moving of the spirit may lead me to baptism but maybe we should ask is it possible to be baptized by the spirit and not yet baptized with water oh is that possible I believe I think so we say yes the verse is open maybe they don't know about water baptism yet right how do I know though that at least a God's intention would be that those two events would be linked together how exit well Jesus is example exactly when Jesus is baptized it's not like several months later he was baptized with the spirit right right there's a connection between the two yeah there's a connection and for Jesus it was the beginning you know like like we said earlier of his ministry of his public ministry so there's a connection between you know the water baptism is a symbol of your giving your life to the Lord totally being renewed and then the spirit baptizing you as a symbol of God equipping you for service yeah yeah and that's why I was most logically think of them in that order but I think Jason you challenged us to think that a person who doesn't yet know about water baptism but fully open to be filled with the Spirit of God that's possible well let's look in Luke chapter 19 excuse me Acts chapter 19 verses 1 to 4 here's the story of some people who received water baptism but didn't know about the Holy Spirit though that's possible too Shawn now let's let's see how that reads in Acts chapter 19 verses one through four okay and I'm reading from the New King James Version and it happened while Apollo's was at corn's that Paul having passed through the upper regions came to Ephesus and finding some disciples he said to them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed they said to him we have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit and he said unto them into what then were were you baptized so they said into John's baptism then Paul said John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance saying to the people that they should believe on him who would come after him that is on Jesus Christ now if you go on and read verses five and six and maybe we should do that in just a moment he's going to say was there anything wrong with the baptism of repentance that John taught no no absolutely not Jesus said an example didn't he repent Peter says and be baptized but but Paul saying but there's another blessing they can come not only water baptism so I'm going to ask you to go on Shawn and read verses five and six we're still in Acts chapter 19 everybody's still there acts 19 verses five and six let's see what happens after they hear this news so continuing in the New King James Version when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and when Paul had laid hands upon them the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophecy so it's like there's another blessing for you and I suppose Jason if it was the other way around a person fully open to God filled with the Spirit of God baptized by the spirit that that some of might have to say there's another blessing for you and that's the water baptism which is an outward sign as you said Kyle of a of an inward change yeah it's so there's always more to learn now how can we be sure that we have received the baptism of the holy spirit or can we well how would you respond Andre how can we be certain apparently it's important water it being baptized of water and the spirit how can I be certain though that I have been baptized by the Holy Well the the fruit of the Spirit the food the Spirit will be manifested in my life amen and all and we know what that is for my son right okay a supernatural occur naturally accompanies again the manifestation of the Spirit in one's life okay so you would look for the fruit or maybe the gift switch with the abilities that are given special gifts are given anybody else how can I be certain yes ELISA I guess I was thinking a little bit about Romans eight where it says in verse fifteen you want to read that for oh yeah it was a moment we have to find it first alright yellow - romans eight and i'm going to read verse 15 and 16 and what what translation do you in the New King James first right Romans chapter eight verses 15 and 16 and the question we're asking how can I know for sure that I've received the baptism of the Holy Spirit how does that read in your Bible right so it says for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba Father the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God so answer the question then from that powerful text how do I know if I've been baptized by the spirit I love how it says it witnesses with our spirit that we are God's show you today sir I will just know deep in my heart I've approved the fruit the gifts to know deep in my heart anybody else that's this yeah that's really what do you think and I believe my interest will change you know the things that I like to do before would change now that I'm being baptized by the Holy okay so you'd say the tree is known by its fruit by their fruits you will know them right there'll be changes that will happen because I'm baptized and then filled with the Holy Spirit I think you'd also be more interested in spiritual things you become more okay and aware of the spiritual things that are around you all right so there would be a maybe an intensification of spiritual sensitivity we kind of ties him with who you were saying Kyle yeah and I would add to that we talked about fruit of the Spirit but I always think about versus can't remember the reference but you know where it says in the Bible that if we say we love God but we don't love our brother yes then do we really have love for God John chapter 4 yeah thank you professor so if we don't if we don't love other people if we don't have a true love for them if we don't have a burden for souls are we really baptized by the Holy Spirit and we read in this series about the love of the Holy Spirit right right so you that comes back to they're going to be some changes right and I guess to add to that you know I believe one of the benefits of the Spirit is to be a blessing to others we look at Jesus example right after his baptism he went to be tempted and then to serve to speak in his ministry and so I believe that it's also for us to be a blessing to others too you know for the rest of humanity so the question we started with was how how can a person know for sure that she or he is filled you've given me a lot of things service change of attitude through the spirit it is also as simple as the faithfulness of God the Holy Spirit is given to those who ask if you love me Jesus said I'm sure going to keep my Commandments you're going to pray we're going to talk about that later but the faithfulness of God is really all we need to know regardless of how I feel in the moment right if I ask for the Holy Spirit to fill me to baptize me and and and we're going to learn that's a daily a daily journey of being filled with the Holy Spirit regardless of how I feel on whether any service or change of attitude is evident in the middle of seconds the faithfulness of God assures that right yes cuz this is a little can of worms but I mean to also say that you don't have to speak in tongues to know that you're baptized by the Holy Spirit because some people do believe that that is how you know well on the book of Acts they do speak in other time right but in other places we're going to hold you prepare i'm packing that election to come to that later in the study how the the evidence is because other people speak the Word of God boldly that's that's preaching but if I've got to communicate with people who don't understand my language God may give me another gift so let's hold up on the evidences if we can and I want to move from the baptism of the holy spirit to being filled because there are texts about is that the same thing as the baptism and being filled the same thing let's let's take a look in Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 18 Ephesians 5:18 Andre do you have that for us yes I do and I'm reading from the New International Version it says do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery instead be filled with the spirit be filled with the spirit one of the text in Acts chapter 13 and verse 52 Kyle do you have X chapter 13 you're on your way there I am alright they call you have it under the cap - serious - you can have it after 13 and verse 52 so I mean from the New International Version it says and the disciples are filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit amen I want you to notice something really important here the baptism of the Spirit happened at Pentecost time is passed but it says here they're full of joy and full of the Holy Spirit and and Paul says to the believers don't quench the spirit right be filled with the spirit so what's the relationship between baptism and being filled with the spirit someone explained that to me yes for you I believe the baptism happens at one time but being filled with the Holy Spirit it's a continuous event where we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit on a daily paper and then okay I'm going to challenge that do we not need a daily baptism of the Holy Spirit or is it just a one-time event I understand what you're saying being filled with the Spirit is the consequence of the Baptist the spirit but is the baptism a one-time event or is it a daily experience what do you think on well at first I thought you met the original water baptism but not understand that yet definitely every single day we need the baptism of the Holy See okay the necessary battery and then we live with our lives we don't know whether we're right because we have received that baptism that in filling of the Holy Spirit let's just do a little computer search here you know I appreciated Alyssa sharing a Bible text earlier and you go hard she knows that text that was a great text in Romans chapter 8 and the answer is she's been reading her Bible right man and I just want to encourage you and I hope Sabbath school members around the world so I encourage a systematic reading of the Bible if you're not reading the Bible but just for a specific study but we through the Bible the great stories of the Bible the great teachings of the Bible then the Holy Spirit Jesus said we'll bring that word to your remembrance so do you think now while I talked to the group what time who comes to mind as an example of a person who was filled with the spirit in I'm thinking particularly here in the New Testament you could go to the Old Testament to some of you she was filled with the spirit he was filled with the spirit anybody yes please well the first person that comes to my mind is Elijah from the Old Testament remember when he when he followed Elijah and before Elijah was taken up to heaven he was off what he wanted he said he was double portion the spirit that Elijah had and God did answer his prayer request so you know after that his ministry was filled with miracles and God was with him so I believe that we we have a lot of lessons to learn from the life of Elijah and you would say from that we is not inappropriate to ask to be filled with miracles right we'll talk about some conditions because the spirit might respond I would love to fill you but this thing some things that have to happen in order for that supernatural event to occur Elijah thanks for sharing Andre another there's a new Testament Paul okay we held out that in his life when you look at all the infants incident incidents in his life even when he was before King Agrippa where he could have just simply said I'm a Roman citizen and been released instead he was so filled with the spirit and so passionate about the Gospel message that he preached it to Agrippa and Agrippa said you won't you almost persuaded me to become a Christian so so many examples with the Apostle Paul he was zealous before Salah Tarsus but not filled with the Holy Spirit how do I know he wasn't filled with the Holy Spirit well you need to watch the whole series tonight because jesus said the Holy Spirit will always point to me so he this man Saul of Tarsus was forcing people to blaspheme the name of Jesus and putting them to death and they believed that Jesus was the Messiah that is not the work of the Holy Spirit right but he was changed hello alright well we've had several suggestions I'm ready for a woman who's filled with the Holy Spirit in the New Testament anyone have one Stephanie Elizabeth Elizabeth yeah there's actually a text that I'd like you to read in Luke chapter 1 and verse 41 Luke chapter 1 you have that Jack's verse 41 it we're not just guessing here of course these were all great examples but there are a few verses that speak specifically and says the person was filled with the Holy Spirit and I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it happened when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary that the babe meat in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit wasn't that beautiful in the same chapter while we're there ray maybe you could go to verse 67 of Luke chapter 1 Luke chapter 1 and verse 67 just so that the men in our Bible study don't feel left out so here's a woman filled with the Holy Spirit but now in the same chapter Luke 1 in verse 67 and I'm reading from the New King James Version Luke 167 says now his father back Aya's was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied sane and then it goes into this amazing prophecy which by the way in our study we've shown that the Holy Spirit can bring revelation in a variety of ways right he can impress the mind God can put words on my tongue we can actually hear the word and write it down or he can guide us like with dr. Luke in putting a perfect account of the life and the teachings of Jesus so being filled with the spirit I want to go to Acts chapter 4 now because I think when we're done with our study today we'll say while the baptism and the daily experience of being filled with the spirit is really important the Acts chapter 4 and verse 8 Nancy do you have x4 you're on your way there someone have it ELISA I did read x4 in verse 8 huh from the New King James Version it says then Peter filled with the Holy Spirit said to them rulers of the people and elders of Israel and then he goes into this amazing speech and what's remarkable about that speech which which includes there's no other name under heaven given among when men whereby we must be saved and you remember it says they took note of the boldness he's speaking filled with the spirit what contrast know anything about his story before what happened before when he's in front of a hostile group of people no he denied right 9 James's that's right he says I don't know him right and I was going to use him as only the examples of people fill the Holy Spirit like in acts 3 because before we see him denying Jesus then we see him you know with the crippled man in the temple in the name of Jesus I mean the faith you know the Holy Spirit we see him progressing just the Holy Spirit using Peter in a mighty powerful way with that's clearly evidence of the Holy Spirit working inside and that ties ties in with walk puia and giuliana said earlier about this amazing changes that occur in a person's life when she or he is filled with the Holy Spirit but it gets better in Acts chapter 4 and verse 31 X 4 and verse 31 Kyle if you could read that for us because it was a just Peter who is filled with the Holy Spirit I love this verse x4 31 okay and I'll be reading from the New International Version after they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly now they convicted something call you said earlier because in some places they spoke in other languages right in other times right this is multi do from all different countries in it day of Pentecost right but here they're not speaking in other languages but they're speaking the Word of God holy boldly right what was the key word in that verse Jason oh-oh-oh everyone present and everyone present and all they were all filled with the Holy Spirit so this wonderful what it's an assurance for all of us isn't it we don't say well maybe that would happen to Andre but I don't know if it would happen to me so that brings another question I'd like you to think about with me how important is it to receive the baptism and to live filled with the Spirit of God is that is that optional for like the the more dedicated of our number or is it is it essential what do you think from what we studied so far Andre I would say is vital because God knows we have a formidable foe in Satan he's a and so he not he not only sent his son but he left us with his spirit and knows that without his spirit on a daily basis the enemy will have an opportunity to confuse us tempt us and otherwise and and I want to add you know batted back in acts 19 not just speaking both shrieking boldly is not the only sign that the Spirit is with us because the seven sons of sceva they spoke they adjourned that spirit that was in the demon-possessed man but in in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches but they didn't have this the Holy Spirit about they spoke boldly but they didn't speak the Word of God following this right both something boldly but you're absolutely right and and of course the Holy Spirit brings us to the word and always points to Jesus but you're saying vital yeah why to receive the baptism and to live a life filled with the Holy Spirit you'd say vital illicit and I don't know about anyone else but without the spirit I know myself and I'm so weak and I'm so sinful and I don't even desire to do God's work or change unless I have that so even the desire for God is a very good indicator that the Spirit is already working in you and so necessary I don't think we would want it otherwise so you would say why would I want to decline from a gift ring yes that is vitally important I want you to go to a text with me which actually it's it startled me a little I don't this has happened to you where you read the Bible and you've read it many times but you read a text and it startles you there's something there in Romans chapter 8 and verse 9 and I'm going to ask definite you read that it just it's not that I didn't believe it but it just kind of arrested me there as I heard these words Romans 8 and verse 9 and from the New King James Version but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he is not his hmm that's that wrong Jason very strong what is that saying put that in other language can you put that in your own words you don't have the Holy Spirit you're not with Christ Wow vital jesus said if you love me you know that means you've accepted him you're in a relationship we've heard that word a lot haven't we in the series God wants a relationship with us I'm going to send the precious gift of another comforter another helper to be with you and you says even in you write it Wow don't reject a gift that's not that's not peripheral mmm optional Shawn or just that that's the only Avenue you have to receive the mind of Christ so if you don't have the mind of Christ if you don't have that spirit that dwells within you you know later on it says how can he raise you up you know how can we get to heaven without having the indwelling of the Spirit that's what makes it so vital so the Holy Spirit who led you to sent you need of a savior and to accept Jesus as the Christ the Son of God Savior of the world is the same Holy Spirit who wants to lead you in your new life right why would you want to say well thanks for believing me this far because he who began the good work he's going to complete it well we need to move on to another aspect and and and we kind of got toward it a little earlier in the study about the conditions who are receiving the gift and the evidences for receiving it I think these are important especially I have to Andre your word vital but vital then let's talk about what the conditions are for receiving the baptism and living a life filled with the spirit and then what the evidences are so what are the conditions well let's start in that day of Pentecost Julianna in Acts chapter 2 because you said that's that's that's when the baptism comes to the disciples fulfilled as Jesus had promised what what do you read in acts 2 verses 37 and 38 okay I'm reading from the New King James Version now when they heard this they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do then Peter said to them repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit so there's actually this to two things that conditions in that text aren't they what was first dependent of repair what does that mean repent turn in the word before you turn a person to that two I recognize that you're a sinner and we know the wages of sin is that separates us from God from the life of God so we recognize our sin and you use the word turn right I turn away but I don't just turn away I turn to something I turn to Jesus that's right because Jesus is the solution for my problem right you now Savior so repent and turn to Jesus is a condition is that right so maybe a person who's not turned to Jesus may have the Holy Spirit leading her or leading him but not the baptism of the Spirit we'll get some emails about that right certainly the Holy Spirit's leading everyone but leading them to Jesus right but repenting of our sin and turning not only away from sin but to Jesus just just want to make a quick point that repentance itself is a gift that only God can give us and so you know we need to come to him the Holy Spirit leads us you know when we're away from him he guides us to even give our life stance so we've got to come to God just as we are and allow God to give us to repentance and that will be that will enable us to then receive the Holy Spirit yes so we've asked we recognize our need excuse me we have turned to Jesus as Savior but Luke chapter 11 here's the teaching of Jesus Luke 11 verses 8 through 10 and verse 13 and I'm going to ask Jason if you'd read that for us you say Derek this sounds so simple but it's important because it's vital to receive the baptism and to live being filled with the spirit what does Jesus say I'll be reading from the New King James Version Luke chapter 11 verses 8 through 10 and also verse 13 I say to you though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs so I say to you ask and it will be given you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be opened and verse 13 says if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask every man what's the key word I was interesting in Matthews account of the teaching of Jesus there Matthew says your father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask but it's almost like Luke's saying well there may be Jesus restated that and said by the way let me tell you what the greatest gift is the greatest gift of all but we need to so if it's vital to receive the baptism and to live filled with the spirit why would God make it necessary for us to ask I mean we've repented for years turn from my sin and turn to Jesus why does he make it necessary for us to ask to be received the baptism and to be filled with the spirit I believe by asking we we realize more of our condition and we open our hearts more you know it is something that we just got it you know right away maybe we'll take it for granted okay I mean we're saved right if we turn to Jesus and accepted him as our Savior what do you think Daisy yeah I know it's like two phases of it because the Spirit is still there working on us sinful make on all sinful nature to get us to turn away from our evil ways and then the point where we ask that means we're actually willing to work together with the spirit to accomplish the purpose that God wants to accomplish so this birth still worked before but he still needs our permission to work together to accomplish you know some people are uncomfortable with what Daisy just said they're like he's when God why would he need your permission Nicole what do you think well he doesn't want us to be forced he wants a scent choice because once again we talked earlier and in a prior lesson about enabling us to be a part of the process and when you asked you're actually actively seeking something you want you don't just get anything you don't so it's your tongue god I really want this and you being available to accepting it and using it as a part of your life yeah it is it does it startle you that the OL nificent God Father Son and Holy Spirit they're all involved in the work of salvation and recreation right would pause to ask our permission does that startle you know it doesn't startle you know cuz He loves us okay he wants us to choose him he doesn't learn to force himself upon us and so his love is I'm willing to let you choose me because I love you that much you know that's a powerful illustration because anyone who knows in relationships you can't force a person to love you so you know you can't you can't force love upon a person in fact something this forced isn't love is it so you're saying it's for the very essence of God that he respects our freedom to choose Nancy I wanted to talk a little bit about Zechariah because we read a verse about you know how he was filled with the Holy Spirit and he prophesized but when he was initially approached by the angel Gabriel he didn't really believe that you know his wife would have a baby and so I think and then he became mute and so I think God gives us an opportunity sometimes when we're not ready to receive the Holy Spirit we're not really trusting him he gives us an opportunity kind of had his face of time to just kind of think about what it is that God can do and then he then he was ready then when they were at the circumcision he was ready to prophesy and he was yeah that's an amazing story yeah he couldn't speak or hear you might use right his mute come here because they had to make signs to him they could talking but some people go that was kind of mean to just you know do that to him but actually came a supernatural sign that something CIA and I love what he said the circumcision as you mentioned what would you call him and instead of them well I think we should go he says his name is John to say all argue with you but but the Spirit of God was with him when he prophesized hang on he tongue was loosed then I'm so glad that God gives us other opportunities right he wants to fill us all with the Holy Spirit of God but there's one other condition or it's an identifying mark of those who receive the genuine baptism and are filled with the spirit they not only repent turn from evil and turn to Jesus they not only ask him and as Christians we ask in Jesus name no even we don't demand anything of God but in Jesus name he said things you ask in my name I will do it but I want you to notice John 14 verses 15 through 17 and acts 5 verse 32 and then I have a puzzling question for us John 14 and I'm going to ask puya if you could read verses 15 through 17 of John 14 and then someone if you would find acts 5:32 will read that also sure I'll be reading from the New King James Version John chapter 14 verses 15 to 17 if you love me keep my Commandments and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be with you will be in you so Jesus says I I want to give the gift a special gift another one like remember I think Jason you taught about it's a numerically different but in essence the same right one in purpose and mission another helper one just like me Jesus says I want to give in to you and the condition well love me Oh Thank You Alyssa I think that's even before isn't it because you could have obedience out of honor doors right so I can get the president Rihanna no it's a loving obedience no let's look in Acts chapter 5 and verse 32 which ties in but but but I think it's good to read both because you could misunderstand and think it just a like forced obedience rather than the loving obedience how do you have acts 5 verse 32 sure can I'll be reading from the New International Version we are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him now I just want to go a little deeper here if I may what is the most important act of obedience to God hmm love the Lord your God call the Lord your God with all your heart slowly you say love the Lord your God with all your heart and what what is it that he most wants from us our heart light surrendered heart relationship is it not to turn to Jesus oh yeah yes and be saved that we can be forever in a relationship with Father Son and Holy Spirit others you know it is not just don't eat this food right which by the way could hurt your body oh don't drink this beverage that could ruin your brain or you know remember to return a portion of your income to show you one of God it's not just that the greatest act of responding to God obeying God he says come yeah yeah come yeah call upon my name be saved your loving obedience the condition you say well I'm still imperfect right but God knows my heart a fruit is both maybe isn't it in a heart that sing Lord just show me what you want me to do I mean relationship with you just show me and I want to follow you I think this will say that a big God offering his holy spirit to us is the most intimate form of relationship a man and so it just that alone makes me comfort to me yeah I've got to go to Galatians chapter 5 because earlier in our study we talked about evidences of a spirit-filled life and certainly an evidence in acts 2 is speaking in other tongues an evidence in x4 is speaking the Word of God boldly and both of those are important but they're not the only evidence is Stephanie are they so let's look at chapter 5 of Galatians verse 16 and then verses 22 through 26 and in the middle of the passage that Stephanie reads will here our scriptures our will all start singing brood of the Spirit but but that's even not all of it it's part of it so I want you to listen to verse 16 and 22 is it through 26 and then I want to ask you what what impacts you the most here is you think about evidence of a spirit-filled life amen and I'll be reading from the New King James Version verse 16 I say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh verse 22 but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law and those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires if we live in a spirit let us also walk in the spirit let us not become conceited provoking one another and being one another what would impact you Jason the most about that I don't there's a right or wrong answer but you're saying it's vital Andre I can I repent I turn to Jesus I ask to receive the baptism and to live a life filled with the spirit daily experience and I want to walk in loving obedience things are going to change what impacts you the most in what Paul read shared here so when I see those verses I see the the list of the fruits of the spirit and sometimes that can become like a checklist for me but then I see verse 25 living in the spirit let us walk in the spirit I say okay so it's not just this checklist thing it's this constant daily walk moment by moment which then I look at myself and I'm like wow by God by God's grace this is this is quite a list and I can't do this on my own I definitely need to spear him get me to gain point and that's why it's a daily a daily walk Daisy I think the part that stood out to me the most was verse 24 where it says I think your version says have crucified but it says New Living Translation says those who belong to Jesus Christ have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to the cross and crucified them there well is like you know how we're struggling Paul says the things I want to do I can't do is like Oh major is against God we desire the things he hates and so to actually crucify those things that you really like that that's a bold step you know to put away those things that you're drawn to it takes like he said the Holy Spirit the power of the Holy Spirit to let you do that and that stood out to me and what if I'm not strong enough to do that what if I lost relative by the way Jews followers of Jesus struggle with some of the stuff all the time you know what do I do if I'm not strong enough to do that you have to ask the power of the Holy Spirit to take over your life yeah and I'm thinking verse 26 years let us not become conceited provoking one another envying one another we just possibly need the Holy Spirit to remain helpful in the Lord in many turns I hope you've been blessed by our study today we've been talking about the baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit and and you know it's not about saying oh look how filled I am you know I'm very fruit-laden this is whatever it's about wanting that intimate relationship with God that changes everything in our lives and will be a blessing not only to us but but like Ray said service to others and again not trying to earn their love or favor but because we can't help let the love of God flow through us what an amazing invitation would you like to pray today God give me the baptism of your spirit today if you need to repent and turn to Jesus if you haven't done that do that today ask him to fill you let your life be change let's pray together father in heaven if there is someone here who's never repented and turned to Jesus I pray that person would do it today but I pray for each of us a daily baptism of the Spirit we would walk in loving obedience and that you would be honored in all we do and always say we pray in Jesus name Amen I hope you'll stay with us for this series on the Holy Spirit and spirituality we have more in store that can not only bless your life but bless others but just remember God wants you to receive the baptism and to live filled with his spirit [Music] you [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 25,264
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Keywords: seventh-day adventist, hope sabbath school, hopesabbathschool, Bible study, gospel, religion, christianity, God's word
Id: dO6BKetCW8M
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Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2017
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