"Dealing With Difficult Passages (Scripture)" - Lesson 12 - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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[Music] [Music] o lord my god [Music] i see the stars i hear the rolling hunter my power throughout the universe [Music] then sings my song my savior [Music] them god my soul my save your god and when i think that god his son not sparing send him to die i scarce can take that on the cross my burden gladly bearing he bled and died to take away my sin when christ shall come we shall sow that clammy sun and take me home but i'll fill my heart [Music] my god [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] a great how great [Music] we're going to talk about how to approach difficult bible passages in our study today but uh before we get into our study it's always a good idea to pray and so we'd like to invite you to join us loving lord thank you so much for your blessings thank you so much for the word of god and we just pray that the holy spirit will take charge of this study today that as a result uh when the dust settles our faith will be stronger in the infallibility of your word and so we just pray that you will be glorified and you'll speak in jesus name amen so our lesson today is dealing with difficult passages and we have a memory verse and the memory verse excuse me memory verse comes from second peter chapter 3 verse 15 and 16. and this is a very important passage for a number of reasons and consider that the long-suffering of our lord is salvation as also our beloved brother paul according to the wisdom given him has written to you also in as all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to understand which those who are untaught and unstable they twist to their own destruction as they do the rest of the scriptures and this is from the new king james version in the things that paul says there are some things that people who are untrained twist to their own destruction as they do other scripture very important verse for one thing he's calling the writings of paul scripture why paul is still alive and so they understood that the writings of the apostles were to be added to the sacred canon even in their own lifetime and something else i just think it's worthy of notice that so often when people get mixed up in false doctrines rely relating to law and grace they almost universally turn to paul's writings because they twist these scriptures and they and they misunderstand them so what do you do when you come into difficult passages or apparent contradictions in the bible if you got questions about that friends we want you to go ahead and send those in to the doug batchelor facebook page or the amazing facts facebook page and they're going to just hold up their hand and i'll it'll be like you're raising your hand and we're going to get to be we'll be selective with the questions because we want to make sure they're on topic we'll try to make this study time as interactive as possible and something i'd like to begin with before we delve into some of the dealing with difficult passages what is the official position of the seventh-day adventist church regarding the scriptures and this is from our final fundamental uh belief number one the holy scriptures the old and new testament are the written word of god given by divine inspiration through holy men of god who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the holy spirit in this word god is committed to man the knowledge necessary for salvation the holy scriptures are the infallible revelation of his will now notice that wording there it's not saying that there might not be some scribal or clerical error in the translations it's saying that in the scriptures you find the infallible revelation of the will of god they are the standard of character the test of experience the authoritative revealer of doctrines the trustworthy record of god's acts in history so some people say well seventh-day adventists yeah don't you base your your writings on a magazine or on a committee or on a particular person no we base our teachings on the bible the word of god folks sometimes confuse us for others and we are a bible-based church the bible is the final arbiter final word of god in determining what is truth now having said that are there any well certainly there are apparent misunderstandings in the bible and there are some apparent contradictions in the bible we'll get to those in just a minute that should not shake our faith in the word of god now what are some of the possible reasons for apparent contradictions in the word of god you look in second timothy chapter 2 and i'm going to read verse 10 to 16 therefore i endure all things for the sake of the elect that they may also obtain the salvation which is in christ jesus with eternal glory this is a faithful saying for if we died with him we'll also live with him if we endure we will also reign with him if we deny him he will deny us if we are faithless he remains faithful he cannot deny himself remind them paul is telling timothy remind them of these things charging them before the lord not to strive about words or that do not profit to the ruin of hearers but be diligent to present yourselves approve to god a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and idle babblings for they will increase to more ungodliness you know it was even someone like mark twain who said it's not the mysteries in the bible that caused me sleepless nights it's the good i understand i know i should do that troubles me and so there are people who will quibble over small apparent discrepancies in the word of god and then they neglect the very clear unmistakable consistent truths the vast preponderance of evidence they neglect that and they focus on a fly on the wall and they miss everything else and so um don't make that mistake paul is telling us look shun the vi the vain and idol babblings study to show yourself approved unto god all right question is if god is a creator of all things how can god be good and create evil the bible says god is good look in the garden of eden everything was good good very good and bible tells us that only god is good in fact the word for good in english is connected with the word god but why is there evil because god is good he makes his creatures free and that means they're free to choose and his intelligent creatures they can choose between good and evil and in order to love him they have to be absolutely free and so if god only makes creatures that will love him and worship him then it's not true love in order to have true love there must be true freedom that means you take a risk that some will choose not to love and i think it was c.s lewis who said the lake of fire is the greatest evidence that god is a loving god that he really makes his creatures free all right now i want to give you something to think about we're going to take a look at some of the the inconsistencies in the bible we're going to invite you to maybe ask about some of them and you just remember look at psalm 139 verse 6 such knowledge is too wonderful for me it is high i cannot contain it as we are talking about god and the word of god and the things of god there's some things that it takes a while for us to understand there were simple truths in the bible that i did not understand because i was unlearned and it's like peter said there are some people who are unlearned and unstable and they twist the word of god to their own destruction i remember when i first started reading the bible i smoked and i drank and i got convicted by the spirit that i should stop but i did not want to stop and then i read that verse that said it's not what goes in a man's mouth that defiles him but what comes out and i took that scripture and i twisted it to my own destruction i said well there you have it it's not what goes in my mouth whether it's smoke or alcohol it's what comes out and i just felt that was not a good interpretation i was still convicted and finally god said doug what goes in your mouth affects what comes out your mouth and whether it's tobacco breath or alcohol that makes you say things you're ashamed of and so i was not rightly dividing the word of god and or i read that verse in the bible that said if your right hand offends you cut it off better to enter heaven missing a hand and go to hell with two healthy hands that's a paraphrase and then i realized no god is not saying that anybody should pluck out their eye or cut off their foot or their hand if they offend because if you steal with your right hand and you get it cut off you just deal with your left hand it happens in the heart jesus was using that to illustrate that even if it means separating yourself from something or someone so close to you they're like a right hand or an eye or a foot it's better to do that make that sacrifice go through that struggle then lose eternal life and so when you read the word of god you need to rightly divide it and know what what are the parables what are the metaphors and even the disciples sometimes understood jesus is crossing the sea i'm saying even the disciples sometimes misunderstood going across the sea of galilee jesus said beware of the leaven of the pharisees and all the disciples in the boat looked around and said oh we forgot the lunch again and jesus said no that's not what i meant i meant beware of the doctrine of the pharisees so sometimes even the disciples misunderstood and misapplied the word of god so don't be surprised if church members do if the apostles sometimes did it so um i remember reading a verse in the bible in proverbs 24 or 26 4 and 5 and i thought this is a contradiction proverbs 26 4 and 5 solomon said do not answer a fool according to his folly lest you be like him if you start trying to argue with the fool you sound foolish but the very next verse says answer a fool according to his folly lest he is wise in his own eyes and i'm thinking solomon make up your mind do we answer fools or do we not answer fools why does he say two opposite things which is it answer the fool or don't answer the fool and finally it occurred to me what solomon is saying tongue-in-cheek is if you argue with the fool you lose if you don't answer him he'll think he's right and if you do answer him you sound like him any communication with a fool is a lose-lose situation it's like someone said don't wrestle with a pig because you'll get dirty and the pig will enjoy it it just it's not it's not helping anybody out what if it's someone who's even part of your own family oh well not if you're married to them the bible tells us what the criteria for marriage is if you have somebody that is uh taking you away from the lord sometimes a person will convert and their family are unbelievers and their family are making it very difficult for them to live out their convictions they might want to separate from those family members so they can live out their convictions jesus said you need to love me more than father mother sister brother husband wife houses or lands anything loving the lord first all right let me give you a common misconception that is uh often comes in people say pastor doug why does the bible say thou shalt not kill in exodus 20 13. and then you read in first samuel 15 god says to king saul go and attack amalek the amalekites utterly destroy all that they have do not spare them kill man and woman infant nursing child ox sheep donkey kimmel god said don't kill then he says kill well the answer for that firstly is the word is not really kill i know king james says that if you look in the new king james version it says thou shall not murder and even in the king james version when jesus in the new testament quotes the ten commandments he says thou shalt not murder murder is different from killing murder is the unlawful taking of innocent life when soldiers come home from defending their country in battle they are not convicted of murder now of course there are certain wartime rules of law as well there are war crimes but you know if they're lawfully attacking the enemy when god told saul and other times joshua when they entered the promised land they were told to attack and sometimes annihilate the enemy when god sent the flood in noah's day what's god doing he annihilated everybody in the world except noah and his family god has the right to judge and by the way if god doesn't send annihilation we're all under a death sentence everybody is dying if god speeds up that process of judgment if he uses flood waters if he uses another nation what's the difference people are all dying without the gospel god can send his judgment any time question is not why does god kill but the question is why does god spare if the penalty for sin is death why is he so merciful with us everybody spends that the wrong way so it's really do not murder by the way it's in luke 18 20 where jesus said do not murder murder is different from killing if you pull a weed you are killing the weed that would be considered a sin if you take it by that clinical definition and but we need sometimes people to help us understand and this is part of the job of christian teachers that's one of the gifts of the spirit pastors evangelists is to expound to explain to exhort what the word of god is saying this very bright he's an ethiopian treasure for the queen he's obviously a smart man he's riding along in his chariot he's reading the book of isaiah philip asks him do you know what you're reading and he said how can i understand unless someone guides me god has a place for teachers and all of us are really ignorant just in different areas we need sometimes someone to explain and to teach us and help us understand things don't ever be afraid now there there are times where you're going to run into not just misunderstandings in the bible or apparent contradictions there are some very real uh areas that are hard to resolve they're not many but there's a few let me read a statement to you from the spirit of prophecy this is in your lesson under the first section selected messages book 1 page 16. some discrepancies in scripture might be due to minor heirs of copyists translators ellen white stated some look to us gravely and say don't you think there might have been some mistakes in the copies to the translators this is all probable and the mind that is so narrow that it will hesitate and stumble over the possibility or probability would just be as ready to stumble over the mysteries of the inspired word because their feeble minds cannot see through the purposes of god that should not shake the faith of anybody i got a question coming in so since jesus said there will be plagues before the second coming uh do we need to do what the israelites did maybe put blood on our door before the seven last plagues to protect our family know in the hebrew plagues that lamb's blood was a symbol for christ's blood we must have the blood of christ applied to our lives just like only those who are in the house of rehab with a red rope in the window we're saved only those that are in christ with the red blood of christ we've accepted his sacrifice are going to be spared so in that sense it's similar but it's a symbol now talking about some of the discrepancies in the bible if you're walking through colorado mountains and you're dying of thirst and you suddenly see a creek where there is crystal clear water coming down from melted snow no factories above this mountain it's as pure as you can find on earth you probably would not hesitate to get down and to drink some of that water and it would save your life and you would very likely be just fine and much better for it but if you take that water to a laboratory and you look at it under an electron microscope in that water you're going to probably find uh microscopic particles of clay sodium algae some bacteria and even microscopic particles of gold even the bottled purified water that we drink is not 100 pure it is 99.999 pure depending on the water in the company that you buy i get it from but we don't have any problem drinking that water because we know that it is really pure water uh the bible just keep perspective friends the bible has seven hundred and eighty three thousand one hundred and thirty seven words in the king james authorized version that's three million one hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and eighty letters when you take all of the apparent contradictions in the bible sometimes they are one digit of a number that is different from another place that's one character out of three million sometimes it is one letter a word is said letter that a name may have been pronounced differently in one book than another one letter in the name is different and people say ah there's discrepancies in the bible it can't be trusted folks that look at stuff like that will die in the mountains because they won't drink spring water the bible is a pure book so i wanted to establish that because now as we go through the inconsistencies i want to make sure you understand they are microscopic when you can look at the size of the bible how big it is and how much is in there okay let's keep moving here let's deal honestly and carefully when we run into discrepancies in the bible are parent discrepancies because not all of them are discrepancies some just look that way at first glance first chronicles 29 17 i know also my god that you test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness as for me in the uprightness of my heart i have willingly offered these things and now with joy i've seen your people who are present here who offer willingly to you something that god really values is honesty and an uprightness and a willingness of heart and so as we encounter uh different um challenges in reading the bible don't just you know put in your prejudice right away what your opinion is don't defend something if you really don't know what the answer is say you know that's a good question i'm going to have to study that and find out more we do a bible answer program every week and sometimes people ask me a question and frankly i don't know the answer i said you know can you call back next week i'm going to look that up and see if i can find a better answer for you only god knows all things and so have a humble teachable spirit god respects that why do the four gospels seem different when it describes the women that went to the tomb actually that's one of the examples where there really is perfect harmony what you have that's different is the timing now i researched this in depth because i wrote a book called at jesus feet the gospel according to mary magdalene and i had to sort this out but mary is the first one who comes to the tomb she comes alone while it's still dark as she sees the stone is rolled away she leaves she encounters the other women and that she then goes back with them to say look see it was as i said they then go and they tell the others peter and john come mary is there peter and john leave mary stays jesus then appears to marry and so it's the sequence of how it happened that looks like different groups are coming at different times and of course each gospel writer they're reporting the absolute truth they're reporting different parts of the chronological time of the resurrection morning okay back to the lesson here in proverbs 2 verse 7 it says he stores up sound wisdom for the upright you want to understand be upright and heart be honest he is a shield to those who walk uprightly first timothy 4 16 take heed to yourself in the doctrine continue in this for in doing this you will both save yourself and those who hear you in the process for searching out the truth and jesus said thy word is truth the bible is true god is miraculously preserved his word and and kept it pure and something else i thought you would find interesting i was doing some research on the average book when it's printed oh yeah errors in a typical novel there are millions of books that are printed in the world and in north america and a top publishing editor said a book that's been hastily proofread by just one proof reader may display one typo per 1000 words this is not an unusual thing among published books i have been say i've been sent to read and review i'm more comfortable with three typos single letter errors or two letters transposed per ten thousand words based on the very best publishing editors the bible is above all of that when you consider there are three million words and very few of these uh typographical errors that you're going to find in the bible all right let's move on here in matthew chapter 3 19 jesus said those who are unstable if you're not grounded in the word you can be easily confused when anyone hears the words of the kingdom if he doesn't understand it then the wicked one comes and snatches away that which was sown in his heart this is he who receives the seed by the wayside and so when we first read you really need to pray for the holy spirit if there's part of the bible you do not understand or it seems there's a discrepancy or some contradiction hold fast that which is good and keep reading the answers will come as you continue to study remember isaiah 55 9 for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts romans 11 33 oh the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of god how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out so um here's an example of some of the discrepancies that you might run into and believe it or not in in our lesson today i'm trying to cover most of the major ones here that we run into by the way i should mention that amazing facts has a couple of books out that deal with answers to difficult bible questions and on the radio program we've compiled the most common questions we get who did cain marry and some of these you know why did god say kill and it's often just that people are are not they don't continue reading or they're not reading it in context comparing scripture with scripture now here for instance is an example you commonly run into second samuel 24 1 and again the anger of the lord was aroused against israel and he moved david against them saying go number israel anger the lord lord moved him but you read that in first chronicles 21 1 it says now satan stood up against israel and moved david to number them oh wait a second you're thinking how can it be one verse says the lord moved david to number israel and the other one says the devil i mean how could you be more confused than that sometimes when i'm preaching uh i've gotten tongue-tied when you're in a hurry and you know sometimes i've been preaching i've gotten moses and noah mixed up and karen's often there in the audience as she is today and she'll say wait you meant to say noah i said oh yeah yeah people usually let you off the hook or i've got my peter and my palm mixed up while i was speaking quickly but one of the things you don't want to do is get your jesus and satan mixed up but i've done that too when i was talking about the temptation of christ and karen said no no you mean jesus not satan i said oh yeah let's get that straight well how can you have here it says the lord moved david and satan moved david well here's a verse in acts chapter 2 verse 22 and 23 that helps explain what's going on behind the scenes men of israel acts 2 22 men of israel hear these words jesus of nazareth a man attested by god to you by miracles wonders and signs which god did through him in your midst as you yourselves know him being delivered delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of god you have taken by lawless hands and crucified and put to death god's purpose allowed this in advance but it was something that the devil did even the devil had to ask god for permission to go into temp job so are you going to blame god are you going to blame job you notice that job said shall we not receive good from the hand of the lord and evil it was the devil who did it but job said ultimately god is almighty he's enthroned and so you know god sometimes loosens the devil's leash and so people will say well it was god in other places will say it was the lord and it's just the sovereignty of god that sometimes creates confusion in that so yeah the lord allowed the devil because of david's pride to test david and he failed the test with pride another question why does the bible say jacob i have loved in romans that was it 9 13 jacob i loved esau i have hated and actually when paul says that in romans he's quoting from the old testament when it says i've loved jacob i hated esau it's not talking about the brothers he's talking about the nations that came from the brothers and the became carnal jacob ended up wanting the spiritual birthright and so god is saying look i love the people that want the spiritual blessing i curse or i don't want those who are carnal they just want the physical immediate beings in the pot and so god is not saying that he predetermined i'm going to hate esau and i'm going to love jacob god was now loving and hating how they responded to his grace and somewhat of the spiritual blessing somewhat of the earthly carnal blessings all right let's get back into some of those that are in the lesson some of them apparent contradictions or contradictions look for instance in ecclesiastes 7 verse 29 god made man upright okay i like that but then you read in psalm 51 verse 5 behold i was brought forth in iniquity well which is it were we made upright or brought forth in iniquity well the answer is that god originally made man perfect everything in the garden was pure but after the fall of sin david is talking here about his fall with bathsheba and killing of uriah here he's saying you know after the fall all of us are brought forth with fallen natures and so they're describing two different things in this verse so when you come to some discrepancy in the bible who does god give knowledge to the bible says god will teach the humble and this is under the section dealing with difficulties with humility psalm 25 9 the humble he guides injustice the humble he teaches his way don't jump to conclusions if you don't know admit you don't know humbly wait and pray that as you continue to study you will understand read james 4 6 he gives more grace therefore he says god resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble therefore submit to god resist the devil he'll flee from you draw near to god and he'll draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded lament and mourn and weep let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy into gloom humble yourselves in the sight of god and he will lift you up so when we humbly con can confess we're confused on a topic or an apparent contradiction and we seek for wisdom god delights them to give us the wisdom you know as you study the history of the adventist church there were a number of times when our founders were confounded by a certain passage things they didn't understand and they'd come together and they'd humbly kneel they'd pray they'd study they'd debate and and god would guide them sometimes as a final enlightenment uh ellen white would be brought into vision and she would point to the scriptures that gave the answer and all of a sudden the light would come on and so sometimes we need that that spiritual guidance in that way as long as it's all based on the bible that needs to be the key um and in zephaniah 3 12 i will leave your leave in your midst a meek and a humble people they will trust in the name of the lord okay i want to start talking about some of the apparent discrepancies in numbers in the bible there's quite a few of these for example and i wrote a book on this the demoniac if you read in matthew and if you read i'm sorry if you read in mark and luke it says there's one demoniac mark chapter 5 verse 2 when they came out of the boat there met him a man out of the tombs with an unclean spirit one man singular but matthew chapter 8 verse 28 when he was come to the other side into the country of the gatherings there met him two possessed with devils coming out of the tombs exceedingly fierce so no man might tame them and said oh well one says it was one one said it was two it's the same story why does one say there was one man and one says there was two men well because evidently there were two men but one was probably at the forefront one was the one who did the speaking one was exceedingly fierce more so uh than the other and when they reported the story they reported it based on this this one outspoken individual but there might have been someone else that was in the background there in that story you also find the same principle when they have the healing of of bartimaeus notice here mark chapter 10 verse 46 they came to jericho and as he went out of jericho with his disciples a great multitude blind bartimaeus the son of tamiya sat by the road begging and this talks about this one man who said son of jesus jesus son of david have mercy on me you read in matthew and matthew two times now he's got double matthew says as he went out of jericho a great multitude followed him behold two blind men were sitting there saying son of david have mercy on us same event it's the same miracle there probably were two bartimaeus is one of them he was the outspoken one he's the one that ran forward the other one may have come secondly and so and this is actually this strengthens my faith in the bible because if the gospel writers are just copying each other why would they make a mistake like that but matthew who was a first-hand witness of both those events he knew there was actually two and he wrote that and um the other gospel writer he said i'm going to talk about the one who did the speaking he mentioned the one and maybe he thought this is such an amazing miracle if you say there were two they won't even believe it you know i'll tell you a little story is that um a recent movie was made by mel gibson about a seventh-day adventist named desmond doss called hacksaw ridge and they tried to follow the book as well as they could but there's one story that was so miraculous they left it out of the script and when asked why mel gibson said this is just so incredible people will think we're making it up but it was true and so so you know sometimes the truth is even harder to believe than fiction let me give you a couple more examples of some of these numerical discrepancies in second samuel 24 13 nathan prophet says you've got to choose your judgment there'll be seven years of famine but when you read it in the first chronicles 21 verse 12 it says three years of famine uh which is it well it was probably three because he talks about three days three months and it stands a reason he would have said three years maybe the scribe who was doing this with a copyist who was copying this manuscript he was thinking about the seven years of famine and the story of joseph it was late in the day and he wrote down seven that's one possible explanation this is a place where there's a definite discrepancy another pla possibility is in hebrew the character number for three and seven are very similar have you ever read somebody give you a phone number and they put down the number two but they wrote it so quickly you say is that a two or is that a seven um and i've seen people that kind of halfway do a five and it looks like a two and so same thing in hebrew some of these are very old manuscripts and the actual number one the number seven and the number three are very similar and it's easy to misunderstand you can let something like that shake your faith the whole story is true god gave him these options of judgment and when you look also you do corresponding documents when you look at the arabic version of the old testament josephus writings on this account when you look at the syriac version they all say three and so you just you go to some outside manuscripts you say oh okay there's consistency there here's one manuscript where he mixed up a two or a three for a seven don't let that shake your faith here's another example of that when it talks about king solomon stalls for horses you read in first kings four verse 26 he had forty thousand stalls that's quite a few stalls you read in second chronicles 9 25 it says he had four thousand well someone said see look at that exaggeration you can't trust the bible it's it's just uh a scribal air in the numbers that were written down you know you know what a big difference it can make when you're writing out a check if you put the comma in the wrong place you can end up giving somebody ten thousand dollars instead of ten dollars you got to be very careful one little comma can make a big difference don't let that shake your faith probably was four thousand stalls how do we know that because it talks about how many chariots he had talks about how many soldiers he had he really didn't need 40 000 stalls for horses but then you go to another example when it talks about how much water was held by the laver in the temple of solomon you read in first kings 726 there were two thousand baths baths was a hebrew measurement you read in second chronicles 4 verse 5 3 000 baths which is it now this one i think has an easier explanation next door you know right now we are taping and pretty soon we're we're going to start meeting in person friends this is really exciting maybe even as soon as next week we'll have a small group meeting in a church and and we're praying about that but right now we're meeting in our amazing facts worship room uh next door we're finishing the worship center convention center sanctuary for the granite bay church and we've got a baptistry in the front and it is a big baptist you can just about dive in there when we're asking how much does it hold we have two answers we have how much will it hold when you do a baptism because you do not fill it all the way when you use it or all the water splashes out so we would say all right it holds 2 000 gallons but how much would it hold if you filled it to the brim three thousand gallons because of the steps that go out you see what i'm saying and so when they give two different measurements for how much water was held in the labor don't let that rattle your faith the priest might have been saying all right for regular use we don't fill it to the top it would all splash out we fill it with 2 000. someone said yeah if you actually fill it up though it's 3 000. so yes there is a little discrepancy there that should not shake your faith in the word of god so another example of a numerical discrepancy how old was king jehoiachin when he became king of jerusalem second kings 24 says he was 18 years of age second chronicles 36 says he was eight years of age there's an error here he was probably 18 years of age because why would the bible say that he did those things that displeased the lord so he was judged eight years old um god's gonna judge him and overthrow him because of his evil well i've known some bad boys at eight years old but and the other thing he talks about his wives eight years old no it's easy just like english and hebrew to miss one digit and instead of it being 18 they left something off and it came out eight the other manuscripts say he was 18 years of age and the other reason we know this it says in the 37th year of evil maridoc he had mercy on king jehoiachin last verse in jeremiah and he lifted his head from prison so he's probably in his 50s when that happened it all works out so yes there is a minor discrepancy there and some people think that well then can you say the bible is infallible it is an infallible revelation of god's will the originals i believe are infallible but as translators and copyists go through history you'll sometimes encounter discrepancies or apparent discrepancies 90 percent of the people who say i found a discrepancy in the bible it is an apparent discrepancy that can be explained it is not real it's just because of their perception any last questions if the bible says the sabbath will endure forever because it's holy what about the jewish feasts no the jewish feasts were not part of god's uh law before creation it was added because of sin the sabbath was part of god's perfect plan in the garden of eden you've been a great class i don't know if i'm gonna have time to get through much more i think i've shown you um a lot of the apparent discrepancies and i want to remind you that i have more notes if you go to the amazing facts website when you look under sabbath school you can actually download our notes whoever the teacher is from week to week we post our notes just in a word document so you can say oh if you didn't get through it all and you're teaching a class you want to use our notes we invite you to download the notes i also want to remind you that we do have a free book that is available to anybody that you simply ask for it it's called 12 steps to revival written by yours truly and if you want to call in call 866 this is for north america 866 788 3966 that's actually eight six six study more or you can text and you text uh four zero five four four and text the letter s h then zero zero one and you can download 12 steps to revival we trust that you'll enjoy that i've enjoyed talking about some of these uh discrepancies because i want people to have more faith in the bible and you know what i i just will tell you in closing friends over uh my years as a christian so many times i've opened the word of god and when i ran into a problem god then when i prayed about it humbly he gave light and showed the answer you can trust the bible don't forget to request today's life-changing free resource not only can you receive this free gift in the mail you can download a digital copy straight to your computer or mobile device to get your digital copy of today's free gift simply text the keyword on your screen to 40544 or visit the web address shown on your screen and be sure to select the digital download option on the request page it's now easier than ever for you to study god's word with amazing facts wherever and whenever you want and most important to share it with others
Channel: Daily Hymns
Views: 27,621
Rating: 4.7883596 out of 5
Id: GiF9uEqD6EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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