Honey Mustard Chicken Breast, with Pearl Onions and Broccoli

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this recipe for sauteed chicken breast and honey mustard sauce with pearl onions and broccoli is sponsored by Skillshare more on them later this is a crowd-pleasing and pretty healthy weeknight meal I think it's also a great little project on which to practice some basic and very useful home cooking techniques first the onions like half a pound if you boil pearl onions for a minute they become very easy to peel you just shock them in ice water to stop the cooking and to make the skins contract and split then I just take one out cut off its root end and then you can pretty easily peel them as long as you don't get hung up on saving the outer edible layer rather than peel you can just kind of squeeze the onion out of itself but then it goes ballistic in the literal sense of the word I love pearl onions they are super old-fashioned but I'm going out on a limb and hoping that at this point they've become retro and cool you can buy them frozen and peeled by the way all righty those are all done I'll just throw them in a bowl now to prep the broccoli broccoli is my first choice green vegetable to accompany saucy dishes because you can use the florets to mop up sauce the same way that you could with some bread or some mash I like to just hold it upside down and cut off the florets the small ones I'll leave alone the mid-sized ones I'll cut in half the big ones I'll cut into thirds and in those go into a bowl now the chicken breast technically that is one breast though we often refer to each half of it as one breast you could call the whole thing a full breast control yourself in the comments gentlemen modern factory farm chicken breasts are just way too thick for sauteing they take too long to cook they had insufficient surface area you don't have to accept that cut it in half along its horizontal axis make it half its original thickness not only will that cook a lot better it's also a more reasonable single portion of meat if you're worried about getting the pieces to equal thickness I'd suggest getting your eye right down level with the chicken whoops my knife is gonna be in your way other side there we go anyway get your eye right down level with the chicken and you can see pretty clearly if you're getting it right don't freak out that's the chickens blood not mine okay now for the sake of demonstration I'm going to do something that I do not recommend I do not think that you should season the chicken the internet freaks out whenever I don't season something so fine I'll season these with salt and pepper at least side for now same amount of salt as I would use if I was going to eat these plain I'll do it because the orthodoxy says so but not because I think it's a good idea I don't think it's a good idea and I'll show you why alrighty here's a pan with a little bit of water to steam the broccoli and here's one of those foldable steamer basket thingies I love these and it goes lid on top heat on high already big fry pan goes on medium-high heat I like the tall sides of this one for any number of reasons but also because they help to contain at least some of the splatter splatter is a big issue when sauteing chicken breasts when your steamer rig is steaming you can put in your broccoli if you're not a terribly confident cook I say do it right now before you start the chicken if you are a confident cook you probably don't need this video but I'll say nonetheless that I'd recommend starting the broccoli when the chicken is almost cooked the timing's will work out better that way but it can be a lot to juggle at once little olive oil in the pan and I'm gonna slosh it around the edges because I have a little trick for doing chicken breasts that thin tail at the bottom of each piece always over cooks so I say lay it up against the side of the pan where it will get much less heat this also has the advantage of helping you fit all four pieces into a 10-inch pan at once there's their little tails dangling up in the air I'll go ahead and season the other sides now because the internet says that I have to even though I think it's a bad idea and I will show you what all right after they've been in for three or four minutes site 1 should be browned and they should easily release off the pan I'm now letting the tails cook down in the pan where they should now fit because the meat has shrunk a bit with cooking I know people say that oiling the meat and not the pan will help mitigate splatter if that's true at all it's a very minor effect the main reason chicken breast splatters a ton is that it takes forever to cook through but these are gonna go faster because we have half of them the broccoli is probably done by now you can tell by poking it with a fork which you can now use to lift the steamer basket out of the pan and I would just let those sit in the basket uncovered for now turn off the heat and dump out the water and then into the pan I'll put a little bit of butter and just let it melt in the residual heat any time you're gonna make a pan sauce like we are I think that you want to prioritize the Fond on the bottom of the pan over the crust on the meat that means that if the Fond is looking like it might burn as this is turn the heat down even if you wish you had a better crust on the meat maybe geniuses can we marry these two competing interests but I shall never be perfect so I prefer to manage my imperfections rather than deny them I'll flip these one more time just to make sure the surface of those tails gets cooked and out they come they don't have to be fully cooked at this stage these are maybe a hair undercooked inside which is good real quick before the pan burns in the onions go and try to let those get as much color as possible before your font is an imminent danger of burning as this is and in goes one of these handy mini cartons of chicken block eight ounces or there abouts is fine and start scraping the bottom with a wooden spoon summon forth the upside down bear and I'll start with just a tablespoon or two of honey you can always add more later same deal with the mustard this is Dijon but anything is fine tablespoon or two then real quick grab at most a teaspoon of starch this is potato starch you can use corn starch and make a slurry with it in an equal quantity of water you probably don't want to do this really far in advance because it can dry out in that goes mix this around and cook it a couple of minutes until it's starting to look thick and saucy then give it a taste I'm gonna want more honey and I'm gonna want some vinegar the reason I didn't put in any vinegar before is that mustard generally has vinegar and depending on what kind you used the sauce might already be acidic enough for you it tastes like it needs some salt so and it goes right I'm definitely not foreshadowing any problems here I'm gonna do a little shake of cayenne for chef John I think the spice balances the sweetness and makes this taste a little bit less like kid food though you may indeed be making kid food so you do you that tastes perfect to me now perfectly seasoned definitely not foreshadowing doom fish out an onion and eat it and decide if they need some additional cooking which you could absolutely provide right now you could also make this sauce thicker or thinner at this stage by adding water or slurry I want it pretty thick I want it to coat my chicken and back in the chicken goes just toss everything around to get the meat coated in the sauce and getting everything heated up again you could just leave it in the pan now until the internal temp of the chicken reads 165 Fahrenheit 74 Celsius toasted sesame seeds are a classic pairing with honey these are black sesame seeds which look kind of cool or they look like bugs we report you decide here's our melted butter I'll throw some salt in there and then the broccoli cover it up and shake it all about to get everything coated I might also reheat this a little bit in there but if we'd left it in there the entire time by now it'd be really overcooked down the chicken goes next to the broccoli on the plate I'll definitely want some more onions and some extra sauce check out how luscious that looks cut right into that get a bite and it's real good but it is over seasoned it is too salty how can this be we tasted that sauce in the pan it was perfect before except we seasoned the chicken too in keeping with orthodoxy and when we return the chicken to the pan the salt on the outside dissolved right into the sauce and now the sauce is too salty there's no point in seasoning the meat with a dish like this where every bite is gonna be coated in sauce if you just season the sauce it's easier to control the seasoning in the finished dish that's just the advice of one reasonably practiced person to another who is trying to learn a new skill which is exactly what Skillshare is all about an online community where people can teach you all kinds of creative and entrepreneurial skills thousands of classes like a bee law sings animation for illustration creating layered gifts with Photoshop and After Effects Photoshop allows you to keep the hand-drawn quality of your illustrations but by using After Effects you can create a lot more movement in your final and I want to try that and she's got a whole logical sequence of lessons and assignments for me plus a community where I can get feedback on my homework a lifetime of accumulating often unrelated creative skills has opened a lot of doors for me and it could for you to sign up with my link in the description and you'll get a free two-month trial membership after that annual membership is less than $10 a month a steal for unlimited access especially compared to conventional schools and seminars thanks to skill share for sponsoring this video and remember season your sauce not your chicken
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 1,044,744
Rating: 4.9025269 out of 5
Keywords: honey mustard chicken, chicken recipe, chicken recipes, honey mustard chicken recipe, dinner ideas, chicken recipes for dinner, chicken recipes easy, chicken recipes for dinner easy, how to make, grilled honey mustard chicken recipe, dinner ideas for family, dinner ideas for kids, dinner ideas for two, dinner ideas with chicken, dinner ideas for toddlers, dinner ideas healthy, how to, pearl onions, pearl onions how to peel, pearl onions recipe, steamed broccoli
Id: 7HXqkjWS2po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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